def getvar(db, key): X = db[key] dims = [] for x in X.dims: if len(x): dimcls = dimrep[cast_unicode(x[0].attrs.get("dimtype", "DimSweep"))] dim = dimcls(x[0].name.strip("/"), x[0][...], unit=x[0].attrs.get("unit", None)) dims.append(dim) unit = X.attrs.get("unit", None) outputformat = X.attrs.get("outputformat", None) dtype = X.attrs.get("dtype", None) if len(dims) == len(X.dims): return hfarray(X.value, dims=dims, unit=unit, dtype=dtype, outputformat=outputformat) else: dimcls = dimrep[X.attrs.get("dimtype", "DimSweep")] dim = dimcls("/"), X[...], unit=unit) return hfarray(X.value, dims=(dim, ), unit=unit, dtype=dtype, outputformat=outputformat)
def read_hdf5(h5file, name="datablock", **kw): with hdf5context(h5file) as fil: version = cast_unicode(fil.attrs.get("hftools file version", "")) if version == "0.2": return v_02.read_hdf5(fil, name=name, **kw) else: return v_01.read_hdf5(fil, name=name, **kw)
def read_hdf5(h5file, name="datablock", **kw): if isinstance(h5file, string_types): fil = h5py.File(h5file, "r") else: fil = h5file db = DataBlock() grp = fil[name] blockname = grp.attrs["Blockname"] if blockname.lower() == "none": blockname = None db.blockname = blockname comments = grp["Comments"] if "fullcomments" in comments and len(comments["fullcomments"]): db.comments = Comments([ cast_unicode(x).strip() for x in np.array(comments["fullcomments"]) ]) else: db.comments = Comments() ivardata = grp["ivardata"] vardata = grp["vardata"] for k in ivardata: v = ivardata[k] datadtype = v.attrs[r"info\dtype"] or None dimcls = dims_dict.get(v.attrs[r"info\class"], DimRep) unit = str(v.attrs.get(r"info\unit", "none")) if unit.lower() == "none": unit = None vdata = np.array(np.array(v), dtype=datadtype) dim = dimcls(k, vdata, unit=unit) db[k] = dim for k in vardata: v = vardata[k] datadtype = v.attrs[r"data\dtype"] or None dims = tuple(db.ivardata[cast_unicode(dimname)] for dimname in v.attrs[r"info\name"]) unit = cast_unicode(v.attrs.get(r"data\unit", "none")) if unit.lower() == "none": unit = None db[k] = hfarray(np.array(v), dtype=datadtype, dims=dims, unit=unit) if isinstance(h5file, string_types): fil.close() if kw.get("property_to_vars", False): db.values_from_property() return db
def read_file(cls, filename, make_complex=True, property_to_vars=True, guess_unit=True, normalize=True, make_matrix=False, merge=True, verbose=False, multiple_files=True, hyper=False, encoding="cp1252", **kw): obj = cls(make_complex=make_complex, property_to_vars=property_to_vars, guess_unit=guess_unit, normalize=normalize, make_matrix=make_matrix, merge=merge, verbose=verbose, hyper=hyper, **kw) obj.filename = filename if multiple_files: if isinstance(filename, (list, tuple)): filenames = [] for f in filename: filenames.extend(glob(f)) else: filenames = glob(filename) else: filenames = [filename] filenames = [path(f) for f in filenames] objs = [] if not filenames: raise IOError("Pattern %r did not match any files" % filename) for idx, fname in enumerate(filenames): if verbose: print("\r%-80s\r" % fname.basename(), end="") with, encoding=encoding) as fil: res = obj.do_file(fil) if multiple_files: #res["FILEINDEX"] = DimPartial("FILEINDEX", [idx]) fname = py3.cast_unicode(fname) if "FILENAME" not in res: res["FILENAME"] = hfarray(fname) objs.append(res) if multiple_files: res = obj._merge(objs) else: res = objs if verbose: print("\r%80s\r" % "") return res
def blockname(self): if self._blockname is None: if "FILENAME" in self: return cast_unicode(self.FILENAME.flat[0]) return self._blockname