def make_mean_hist(hists, debug=False):
    """ return the hist with bin contents the mean over <hists> of each bin """
    binvals = {}
    all_data = None
    for hist in hists:
        if debug:
            print '    sub',
        for ib in range(0, hist.n_bins + 2):
            low_edge = hist.low_edges[ib]
            if low_edge not in binvals:
                binvals[low_edge] = 0.
            binvals[low_edge] += hist.bin_contents[ib]
            if debug:
                print '   ', low_edge, hist.bin_contents[ib],
        if all_data is not None and hist.all_data is None:
            raise Exception('tried to average hists with and without all_data set')
        if hist.all_data is not None:
            if all_data is None:
                all_data = []
            all_data += hist.all_data
        if debug:
            print ''
    binlist = sorted(binvals.keys())
    meanhist = Hist(len(binlist) - 2, binlist[1], binlist[-1], binlist[1 : -1])
    meanhist.all_data = all_data
    if debug:
        print '   mean',
    for ib in range(len(binlist)):
        meanhist.set_ibin(ib, binvals[binlist[ib]])
        if debug:
            print '   ', meanhist.low_edges[ib], meanhist.bin_contents[ib],
    if debug:
        print ''

    return meanhist