def multiVaRMinimum(portfolios, weightsVector, varTechniqueVector, confidenceintervalVector, TVector, repVector): """This function calculates the minimum portfolio of a set of portfolios, each with their own VaR calculation technique. The lookback period is determined by the data itself. The index of each input corresponds to each portfolio. Historical Simulations do not require T (period of validity), therefore a 0 is put for their index in TVector. If the portfolio is not to be analysed using Monte Carlo repVector[portfolio] = 0 """ vaRList = [] for index in range(len(portfolios)): if varTechniqueVector[index] == "Parametric": VaR = parametricVaR.paraPortfolioVaR( portfolios[index], weightsVector[index], confidenceintervalVector[index], TVector[index]) elif varTechniqueVector[index] == "Historical": VaR = historicalVaR.historicalPortfolioVaR( portfolios[index], confidenceintervalVector[index], weightsVector[index]) else: # varTechniqueVector[index] == "Monte Carlo" returnsList = monteCarloVaR.portfolioMonteCarlo2( portfolios[index], [0, TVector[index]], weightsVector[index], repVector[index]) VaR = historicalVaR.historicalSingleVaR( returnsList, confidenceintervalVector[index]) vaRList.append(VaR) minIndex = vaRList.index(min(vaRList)) print("Min portfolio is Portfolio: ") print(minIndex + 1) print("Min VaR value is: ") print(vaRList[minIndex])
def optimizeSimilarAssets(portfolio, assetCodes, weightsVector, selectedAsset, alternativeAssets, varTechnique, T, reps, confidence): """ Out of a list of alternative assets for a selected asset, this function is able to suggest an alternative asset for which the overall portfolio VaR is minimized. For maximum realism, the portfolio must be at a single exchange, as all VaR is calculated used the same method, lookback, and confidence.""" # Calculate the current VaR if varTechnique == "Parametric": currentVaR = parametricVaR.paraPortfolioVaR(portfolio, weightsVector, confidence, T) elif varTechnique == "Historical": currentVaR = historicalVaR.historicalPortfolioVaR( portfolio, confidence, weightsVector) else: # varTechniqueVector[index] == "Monte Carlo" returnsList = monteCarloVaR.portfolioMonteCarlo2( portfolio, [0, T], weightsVector, reps) currentVaR = historicalVaR.historicalSingleVaR(returnsList, confidence) # Identify index of selected asset in weightsVector selectedAssetIndex = 0 for index in range(len(assetCodes)): if assetCodes[index] == selectedAsset: selectedAssetIndex = index # Pop the selected asset and weight. Append selected weight to the end of the weight vector selectedWeight = weightsVector.pop(selectedAssetIndex) weightsVector.append(selectedWeight) portfolio.drop(portfolio.columns[selectedAssetIndex], axis=1, inplace=True) # For each alternativeAsset, read the asset data and append selected asset portfolio and weight to the end. # Find the length of the original dataset lengthOriginal = len(portfolio) minVaR = currentVaR print("Original VaR is " + str(minVaR)) minAsset = selectedAsset for alternativeAsset in alternativeAssets: singlePortfoliodirty = readData.readQuandl([alternativeAsset], lengthOriginal * 2, True) singlePortfolio2 = readData.cleanData(singlePortfoliodirty) singlePortfolio = (singlePortfolio2.tail(lengthOriginal)).copy( deep=True) subPortfolioDirtyCopy = (portfolio.join(singlePortfolio)).copy( deep=True) subPortfolioCopy = readData.cleanData(subPortfolioDirtyCopy).copy( deep=True) print(subPortfolioCopy) print(weightsVector) # Recalculate the VaR, if lower then replace the min VaR with new VaR and new asset if varTechnique == "Parametric": newVaR = parametricVaR.paraPortfolioVaR(subPortfolioCopy, weightsVector, confidence, T) elif varTechnique == "Historical": newVaR = historicalVaR.historicalPortfolioVaR( subPortfolioCopy, confidence, weightsVector) else: # varTechniqueVector[index] == "Monte Carlo" returnsList = monteCarloVaR.portfolioMonteCarlo2( subPortfolioCopy, [0, T], weightsVector, reps) newVaR = historicalVaR.historicalSingleVaR(returnsList, confidence) if newVaR < minVaR: minVaR = newVaR minAsset = alternativeAsset # Print out results if minAsset == selectedAsset: print("VaR cannot be minimized by switching to an alternative asset.") else: print("VaR can be minimized by switching with asset " + minAsset + ". New VaR is " + str(minVaR) + ".")
def exchangeOptimize(portfolio, assetCodes, weightsVector, selectedAsset, varTechnique, T, reps): """For a specified derivative, this function searches the WikiFutures list to see if it is listed on another exchange which is already being traded on in the portfolio. If it is, then the CVaR of the original portfolio is calculated and added, and the CVaR of the new portfolio (where the asset is switched) is calculated and added. If the new CVaR is lower, the function returns the exchange with which the new asset is allocated to.""" df = readData.readWikiFutures("wikifutures.csv") # Get a list of exchanges in portfolio. Construct a dictionary of assets and weights for each exchange exchangeList = [] exchangeAssetDict = {} exchangeWeightDict = {} exchangeIndex = {} for index in range(len(assetCodes)): exchange = df.loc[df['Quandl Code'] == assetCodes[index], 'Exchange'].item() if exchange not in exchangeList: exchangeList.append(exchange) exchangeAssetDict[exchange] = [assetCodes[index]] exchangeWeightDict[exchange] = [weightsVector[index]] exchangeIndex[exchange] = [index] else: exchangeAssetDict[exchange].append(assetCodes[index]) exchangeWeightDict[exchange].append(weightsVector[index]) exchangeIndex[exchange].append(index) #Calculate the CVaR by summing the CVaR of each exchanges' portfolio cVaRList = [] exchangesPortfoliosDict = {} for exchange in exchangeList: exchangePortfolio1 = portfolio.drop( portfolio.columns[exchangeIndex[exchange]], axis=1) exchangePortfolio2 = exchangePortfolio1.tail( df.loc[df['Quandl Code'] == exchangeAssetDict[exchange][0], 'Lookback'].item()) # Cut down to lookback exchangesPortfoliosDict[exchange] = exchangePortfolio2.copy(deep=True) exchangeWeights = exchangeWeightDict[exchange] exchangeConfidence = df.loc[df['Quandl Code'] == exchangeAssetDict[exchange][0], 'Confidence'].item() if varTechnique == "Parametric": CVaR = parametricVaR.paraPortfolioCVaR(exchangePortfolio2, exchangeWeights, exchangeConfidence, T) elif varTechnique == "Historical": CVaR = historicalVaR.historicalPortfolioVaR( exchangePortfolio2, exchangeConfidence, exchangeWeights) else: # varTechnique == "Monte Carlo" returnsList = monteCarloVaR.portfolioMonteCarlo2( exchangePortfolio2, reps, [0, T], exchangeWeights) CVaR = historicalVaR.historicalSingleVaR(returnsList, exchangeConfidence) cVaRList.append(CVaR) cVaRTotal = 0 for CVaR in cVaRList: cVaRTotal += CVaR print("Current CVaR with asset " + selectedAsset + " is " + str(cVaRTotal) + ".") newCVaRTotal = cVaRTotal newCode = 0 #Get name of asset and calculate the CVaR selectedName = df.loc[df['Quandl Code'] == selectedAsset, 'Name'].item() for index, row in df.iterrows(): exchange = row["Exchange"] selectedAssetsExchange = df.loc[df['Quandl Code'] == selectedAsset, 'Exchange'].item() if row["Name"] == selectedName and row[ "Exchange"] in exchangeList and row[ "Exchange"] is not selectedAssetsExchange: subPortfolioCopy1 = (exchangesPortfoliosDict[exchange]).copy( deep=True) subWeightVectorCopy = list(exchangeWeightDict[exchange]) rowCode = row["Quandl Code"] if rowCode not in assetCodes: singlePortfoliodirty = readData.readQuandl( [str(rowCode) + ".1"], 1000, True) singlePortfolio2 = readData.cleanData(singlePortfoliodirty) singlePortfolio = singlePortfolio2.tail( df.loc[df['Quandl Code'] == exchangeAssetDict[exchange][0], 'Lookback'].item()) # MAKE TEMP OF selectAsset's portfolio tempSelectedAssetPortfolio = exchangesPortfoliosDict[ selectedAssetsExchange].copy(deep=True) tempSelectedAssetsWeightsList = list( exchangeWeightDict[selectedAssetsExchange]) selectedAssetsIndex = 0 newAssetsIndex = 0 # Get the index of the selected assets exchange, to be used to remove the weight and portfolio values for index in range( len(exchangeAssetDict[selectedAssetsExchange])): if exchangeAssetDict[selectedAssetsExchange][ index] == selectedAsset: selectedAssetsIndex = index # Get the index of the new assets exchange for index in range(len(exchangeAssetDict[exchange])): if exchangeAssetDict[exchange][index] == rowCode: newAssetsIndex = index tempSelectedAssetPortfolio.drop( tempSelectedAssetPortfolio.columns[selectedAssetsIndex], axis=1, inplace=True) tempWeight = tempSelectedAssetsWeightsList.pop( selectedAssetsIndex) # Add the new asset to the corresponding exchanges dataframe and the weight vector subWeightVectorCopy.append(tempWeight) subPortfolioCopy = ( subPortfolioCopy1.join(singlePortfolio)).copy(deep=True) # recalculate the CVaR intermediateCVaRTotal cVaRRemainder = cVaRTotal - cVaRList[ selectedAssetsIndex] - cVaRList[newAssetsIndex] newExchangeConfidence = df.loc[df['Quandl Code'] == exchangeAssetDict[exchange][0], 'Confidence'].item() oldexchangeConfidence = df.loc[ df['Quandl Code'] == exchangeAssetDict[selectedAssetsExchange][0], 'Confidence'].item() # Get CVaR of selected Asset if varTechnique == "Parametric": CVaRSelectedAsset = parametricVaR.paraPortfolioCVaR( tempSelectedAssetPortfolio, tempSelectedAssetsWeightsList, oldexchangeConfidence, T) elif varTechnique == "Historical": CVaRSelectedAsset = historicalVaR.historicalPortfolioVaR( tempSelectedAssetPortfolio, oldexchangeConfidence, tempSelectedAssetsWeightsList) else: # varTechnique == "Monte Carlo" returnsList = monteCarloVaR.portfolioMonteCarlo2( tempSelectedAssetPortfolio, reps, [0, T], tempSelectedAssetsWeightsList) CVaRSelectedAsset = historicalVaR.historicalSingleVaR( returnsList, oldexchangeConfidence) # Get CVaR of new asset if varTechnique == "Parametric": CVaRNewAsset = parametricVaR.paraPortfolioCVaR( subPortfolioCopy, subWeightVectorCopy, newExchangeConfidence, T) elif varTechnique == "Historical": CVaRNewAsset = historicalVaR.historicalPortfolioVaR( subPortfolioCopy, newExchangeConfidence, subWeightVectorCopy) else: # varTechnique == "Monte Carlo" returnsList = monteCarloVaR.portfolioMonteCarlo2( subPortfolioCopy, reps, [0, T], subWeightVectorCopy) CVaRNewAsset = historicalVaR.historicalSingleVaR( returnsList, newExchangeConfidence) tempCVaRTotal = CVaRNewAsset + CVaRSelectedAsset + cVaRRemainder if tempCVaRTotal < cVaRTotal: newCVaRTotal = tempCVaRTotal newCode = row["Quandl Code"] if newCode == 0: print("No matching assets were found in other exchanges.") elif newCode == selectedAsset: print("CVaR cannot be minimized by switching this asset.") else: print("CVaR can be minimized by switching with asset " + newCode + ". New CVaR is " + str(newCVaRTotal) + ".")
"CHRIS/ASX_WM2.1" ], 2500, 5) cleanHistData = readData.cleanData(dirtydata) t2 = time.clock() # Perform a multi asset parametric VaR calculation paraVaR = parametricVaR.paraPortfolioVaR(cleandata, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.25, 0.15], 99, 5) t3 = time.clock() # Perform a multi asset historical VaR calculation histVaR = historicalVaR.historicalPortfolioVaR(cleandata, 99, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.25, 0.15]) t4 = time.clock() # Perform a multi asset Monte Carlo VaR calculation, with 250 simulations. timesteplist = list(range(6)) monteReturns = monteCarloVaR.portfolioMonteCarlo2(cleandata, timesteplist, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.25, 0.15], 2000) monteVaR = historicalVaR.historicalSingleVaR(monteReturns, 99) t5 = time.clock() print("Parametric Results are: ") print(paraVaR)