def test_rve_2_part(): geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MshFileVersion", 4.1) a = 1 b, k = a, a / 3 r = a / 1e2 panto_rve = mg.pantograph.pantograph_RVE(a, b, k, r, name="couple_panto") lc_ratio = 1 / 2 lc_min_max = (lc_ratio * r, lc_ratio * a) d_min_max = (5 * r, a) panto_rve.main_mesh_refinement(d_min_max, lc_min_max, False) panto_rve.mesh_generate() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberNodes() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberElements() gmsh.write(str(panto_rve.mesh_abs_path)) panto_part = mg.Gmsh2DPartFromRVE(panto_rve, (2, 3)) msh_conversion(panto_rve.mesh_abs_path, ".xdmf") msh_conversion(panto_part.mesh_abs_path, ".xdmf")
def test_pantograph_offset(): geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MshFileVersion", 4.1) a = 1 b, k = a, a / 3 t = 0.02 panto_test = mg.pantograph.pantograph_offset_RVE(a, b, k, t, nb_cells=(1, 1), soft_mat=False, name="panto_rve_1x1") lc_ratio = 1 / 6 lc_min_max = (lc_ratio * t * a, lc_ratio * a) panto_test.main_mesh_refinement((2 * t * a, a), lc_min_max, False) panto_test.mesh_generate() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberNodes() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberElements() gmsh.write("panto_rve_offset.msh")
def _mesh_homogeneous_cell(cell_vect, mesh_path): """Generate a simple mesh for a homogeneous cell. cell_vect: np.array 2x2 colonnes = vecteurs periodicité """ name = mesh_path.stem geometry.init_geo_tools() geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MshFileVersion", 4.1) # Mesh.Algorithm = 6; Frontal - Delaunay for 2D meshes geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.Algorithm", 6) geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MeshSizeMin", 0.05) geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MeshSizeMax", 0.05) rve = Gmsh2DRVE([], cell_vect, (1, 1), np.zeros(2), [], False, name) rve.mesh_generate() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberNodes() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberElements() gmsh.write(str(mesh_path)) mesh_path = msh_conversion(mesh_path, ".xdmf") geometry.reset() return mesh_path"Start defining a periodicity constraint for the mesh") macro_bndry = macro_ll.sides rve_s.get_boundary(recursive=True) micro_bndry = [ geo.macro_line_fragments(rve_s.boundary, M_ln) for M_ln in macro_bndry ] dirct = [(M_ln.def_pts[-1].coord - M_ln.def_pts[0].coord) for M_ln in macro_bndry] logger.debug("value and type of dirct items : " + repr([(i, type(i)) for i in dirct])) for i, crvs in enumerate(micro_bndry): msh.order_curves(crvs, dirct[i % 2], orientation=True) logger.debug("length of micro_bndry list : " + str(len(micro_bndry))) msh.set_periodicity_pairs(micro_bndry[0], micro_bndry[2]) msh.set_periodicity_pairs(micro_bndry[1], micro_bndry[3])"Periodicity constraint : Done")"Cleaning model") factory.remove([(1, s.tag) for s in macro_ll.sides]) factory.synchronize() factory.removeAllDuplicates() factory.synchronize() geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthExtendFromBoundary", 0) geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.SaveAll", 0) geo.PhysicalGroup.set_group_mesh(1) gmsh.model.mesh.generate(2) gmsh.write(str(mesh_file)) run(f"gmsh {str(mesh_file)} &", shell=True, check=True)
def test_get_domains_gmsh(plots=False): """ Get subdomains and partition of the boundary from a .msh file. """ name = "test_domains" local_dir = Path(__file__).parent mesh_file = local_dir.joinpath(name + ".msh") gmsh.model.add(name) L_x, L_y = 2.0, 2.0 H = 1.0 vertices = [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, L_y), (L_x, L_y), (L_x, 0.0)] contour = geo.LineLoop([geo.Point(np.array(c)) for c in vertices], False) surface = geo.PlaneSurface(contour) inclusion_vertices = list() for coord in [ (H / 2, -H / 2, 0.0), (H / 2, H / 2, 0.0), (-H / 2, H / 2, 0.0), (-H / 2, -H / 2, 0.0), ]: vertex = geo.translation(geo.Point((L_x / 2, L_y / 2)), coord) inclusion_vertices.append(vertex) inclusion = geo.PlaneSurface(geo.LineLoop(inclusion_vertices, False)) for s in [surface, inclusion]: s.add_gmsh() factory.synchronize() (stiff_s, ) = geo.surface_bool_cut(surface, inclusion) factory.synchronize() (soft_s, ) = geo.surface_bool_cut(surface, stiff_s) factory.synchronize() domains = { "stiff": geo.PhysicalGroup(stiff_s, 2), "soft": geo.PhysicalGroup(soft_s, 2), } boundaries = { "S": geo.PhysicalGroup(surface.ext_contour.sides[0], 1), "W": geo.PhysicalGroup(surface.ext_contour.sides[1], 1), "N": geo.PhysicalGroup(surface.ext_contour.sides[2], 1), "E": geo.PhysicalGroup(surface.ext_contour.sides[3], 1), } for group in domains.values(): group.add_gmsh() for group in boundaries.values(): group.add_gmsh() charact_field = mesh_tools.MathEvalField("0.05") mesh_tools.set_background_mesh(charact_field) geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.SaveAll", 0) model.mesh.generate(1) model.mesh.generate(2) gmsh.model.mesh.removeDuplicateNodes() gmsh.write(str(mesh_file)) E_1, E_2, nu = 1, 3, 0.3 materials = { domains["soft"].tag: mat.Material(E_1, nu, "cp"), domains["stiff"].tag: mat.Material(E_1, nu, "cp"), } test_part = part.FenicsPart.part_from_file(mesh_file, materials, subdomains_import=True) assert test_part.mat_area == approx(L_x * L_y) elem_type = "CG" degree = 2 V = fe.VectorFunctionSpace(test_part.mesh, elem_type, degree) W = fe.FunctionSpace( test_part.mesh, fe.VectorElement(elem_type, test_part.mesh.ufl_cell(), degree, dim=3), ) boundary_conditions = { boundaries["N"].tag: fe.Expression(("x[0]-1", "1"), degree=1), boundaries["S"].tag: fe.Expression(("x[0]-1", "-1"), degree=1), boundaries["E"].tag: fe.Expression(("1", "x[1]-1"), degree=1), boundaries["W"].tag: fe.Expression(("-1", "x[1]-1"), degree=1), } bcs = list() for tag, val in boundary_conditions.items(): bcs.append(fe.DirichletBC(V, val, test_part.facet_regions, tag)) ds = fe.Measure("ds", domain=test_part.mesh, subdomain_data=test_part.facet_regions) v = fe.TestFunctions(V) u = fe.TrialFunctions(V) F = (fe.inner(mat.sigma(test_part.elasticity_tensor, mat.epsilon(u)), mat.epsilon(v)) * fe.dx) a, L = fe.lhs(F), fe.rhs(F) u_sol = fe.Function(V) fe.solve(a == L, u_sol, bcs) strain = fe.project(mat.epsilon(u_sol), W) if plots: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plot = fe.plot(u_sol) plt.colorbar(plot) plt.figure() plot = fe.plot(strain[0]) plt.colorbar(plot) plt.figure() plot = fe.plot(strain[1]) plt.colorbar(plot) plt.figure() plot = fe.plot(strain[2]) plt.colorbar(plot) error = fe.errornorm( strain, fe.Expression(("1", "1", "0"), degree=0), degree_rise=3, mesh=test_part.mesh, ) assert error == approx(0, abs=1e-12) materials = { domains["soft"].tag: mat.Material(E_1, nu, "cp"), domains["stiff"].tag: mat.Material(E_2, nu, "cp"), } test_part = part.FenicsPart.part_from_file(mesh_file, materials, subdomains_import=True) V = fe.VectorFunctionSpace(test_part.mesh, elem_type, degree) W = fe.FunctionSpace( test_part.mesh, fe.VectorElement(elem_type, test_part.mesh.ufl_cell(), degree, dim=3), ) bcs = list() for tag, val in boundary_conditions.items(): bcs.append(fe.DirichletBC(V, val, test_part.facet_regions, tag)) v = fe.TestFunctions(V) u = fe.TrialFunctions(V) F = (fe.inner(mat.sigma(test_part.elasticity_tensor, mat.epsilon(u)), mat.epsilon(v)) * fe.dx) a, L = fe.lhs(F), fe.rhs(F) u_sol = fe.Function(V) fe.solve(a == L, u_sol, bcs) strain = mat.epsilon(u_sol) stress = mat.sigma(test_part.elasticity_tensor, strain) energy = 0.5 * fe.assemble( fe.inner(stress, strain) * fe.dx(test_part.mesh)) energy_abaqus = 12.8788939 assert energy == approx(energy_abaqus, rel=1e-3) geo.reset()
def test_mat_area(): """FenicsPart method global_aera, for 2D parts created from a gmsh mesh and from a FEniCS mesh""" L_x, L_y = 4.0, 5.0 H = 1.0 size = 0.5 rectangle = mshr.Rectangle(fe.Point(0.0, 0), fe.Point(L_x, L_y)) hole = mshr.Rectangle( fe.Point(L_x / 2 - H / 2, L_y / 2 - H / 2), fe.Point(L_x / 2 + H / 2, L_y / 2 + H / 2), ) domain = rectangle - hole domain.set_subdomain(1, rectangle) mesh = mshr.generate_mesh(domain, size) dimensions = np.array(((L_x, 0.0), (0.0, L_y))) material = {"0": mat.Material(1.0, 0.3, "cp")} rect_part = part.FenicsPart( mesh, materials=material, subdomains=None, global_dimensions=dimensions, facet_regions=None, ) assert rect_part.mat_area == (L_x * L_y - H**2) name = "test_mat_area" local_dir = Path(__file__).parent mesh_file = local_dir.joinpath(name + ".msh") gmsh.model.add(name) vertices = [(0.0, 0.0), (0.0, L_y), (L_x, L_y), (L_x, 0.0)] contour = geo.LineLoop([geo.Point(np.array(c)) for c in vertices], False) surface = geo.PlaneSurface(contour) cut_vertices = list() for local_coord in [(H, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, H, 0.0), (-H, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, -H, 0.0)]: vertex = geo.translation(contour.vertices[2], np.array(local_coord)) cut_vertices.append(vertex) cut_surface = geo.PlaneSurface(geo.LineLoop(cut_vertices, False)) for s in [surface, cut_surface]: s.add_gmsh() factory.synchronize() (surface, ) = geo.surface_bool_cut(surface, cut_surface) factory.synchronize() for dim_tag in model.getEntities(2): if not dim_tag[1] == surface.tag: model.removeEntities([dim_tag], True) charact_field = mesh_tools.MathEvalField("0.1") mesh_tools.set_background_mesh(charact_field) geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.SaveAll", 1) model.mesh.generate(2) gmsh.write(str(mesh_file)) cmd = f"dolfin-convert {mesh_file} {mesh_file.with_suffix('.xml')}" run(cmd, shell=True, check=True) mesh = fe.Mesh(str(mesh_file.with_suffix(".xml"))) dimensions = np.array(((L_x, 0.0), (0.0, L_y))) material = {"0": mat.Material(1.0, 0.3, "cp")} rect_part = part.FenicsPart( mesh, materials=material, subdomains=None, global_dimensions=dimensions, facet_regions=None, ) assert rect_part.mat_area == approx(L_x * L_y - H * H / 2) geo.reset()
from ho_homog import part model = gmsh.model factory = model.occ logger = logging.getLogger( __name__) # logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if __name__ == "__main__": logger_root = logging.getLogger() logger_root.setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s :: %(levelname)s :: %(message)s", level=logging.INFO) geo.init_geo_tools() geo.set_gmsh_option("General.Verbosity", 3) # ? Test du constructeur gmsh_2_Fenics_2DRVE def test_rve_from_gmsh2drve(): a = 1 b, k = a, a / 3 panto_test = mg.pantograph.pantograph_RVE(a, b, k, 0.1, nb_cells=(2, 3), soft_mat=False, name="panto_test") panto_test.main_mesh_refinement((0.1, 0.5), (0.03, 0.3), False)
"%(asctime)s :: %(levelname)s :: %(name)s :: %(message)s", "%H:%M:%S") stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger_root.addHandler(stream_handler) gmsh_logger = logging.getLogger("gmsh") gmsh_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger("UFL").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("FFC").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fe.set_log_level(20) # * Step 1 : Modeling the geometry of the RVE geometry.init_geo_tools() geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.Algorithm", 6) geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MshFileVersion", 4.1) gmsh.option.setNumber("Geometry.Tolerance", 1e-15) gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthExtendFromBoundary", 0) gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax", 0.1) gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.LcIntegrationPrecision", 1e-9) gmsh.option.setNumber("Geometry.MatchMeshTolerance", 1e-12) a = 1 b, k = a, a / 3 r = a / 1e3 gmsh.logger.start() rve_geo = mesh_generate_2D.Gmsh2DRVE.pantograph(a, b, k, r, name="panto_rve") process_gmsh_log(gmsh.logger.get()) gmsh.logger.stop()
def test_mesh_only_phy_groups(): """ Test of the set_group_mesh classmethod. A mesh must be generated only entities that belong to physical groups. """ name = "test_mesh_only_phy_groups" gmsh.model.add(name) geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.SaveAll", 1) coords = [ (0.0, 0.05), (0.05, 0.0), (1.8, 0.0), (2.0, 0.2), (2.0, 1.95), (1.95, 2.0), (0.2, 2.0), (0.0, 1.8), ] pts = [geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.03) for c in coords] lines = [ geo.Line(pts[2 * i - 1], pts[2 * i]) for i in range(len(pts) // 2) ] centers = [ geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.03) for c in [(0.05, 0.05), (1.8, 0.2), (1.95, 1.95), (0.2, 1.8)] ] arcs = [ geo.Arc(pts[2 * i], centers[i], pts[2 * i + 1]) for i in range(len(pts) // 2) ] elmts_1D = [item for pair in zip(lines, arcs) for item in pair] ll_1 = geo.LineLoop(elmts_1D, explicit=True) coords = [(1.0, 1.0), (3.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (1.0, 3.0)] vertc = [geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.01) for c in coords] ll_2 = geo.LineLoop(vertc, explicit=False) surf_1 = geo.PlaneSurface(ll_1) surf_2 = geo.PlaneSurface(ll_2) rect_vtcs = [ geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.05) for c in [(4, 2), (4, 4), (6, 4), (6, 2)] ] hole_vtcs = [ geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.02) for c in [(5 - 0.1, 3), (5, 3 - 0.5), (5 + 0.1, 3), (5, 3 + 0.5)] ] rect_ll = geo.LineLoop(rect_vtcs, explicit=False) hole_ll = geo.LineLoop(hole_vtcs, explicit=False) surf_with_hole = geo.PlaneSurface(rect_ll, [hole_ll]) all_surf = [surf_1, surf_2, surf_with_hole] for s in all_surf: s.add_gmsh() factory.synchronize() surf_group = geo.PhysicalGroup([surf_1, surf_with_hole], 2, "surf_group") line_group = geo.PhysicalGroup(ll_2.sides + ll_1.sides, 1, "line_group") surf_group.add_gmsh() line_group.add_gmsh() surf_group.set_color([22, 160, 133, 255]) line_group.set_color([234, 97, 83, 255]) geo.PhysicalGroup.set_group_mesh(True) factory.synchronize() # * Important before meshing data = model.getPhysicalGroups() f"All physical groups in '{name}' model : \n" f"{data} \n" f"Names : {[model.getPhysicalName(*dimtag) for dimtag in data]}") gmsh.model.mesh.generate(2) gmsh.write("%s.brep" % name) gmsh.write("%s.msh" % name) os.system("gmsh %s.brep &" % name) os.system("gmsh %s.msh &" % name)
def test_physical_group(): """ Test of the PhysicalGroup class. Group membership in the gmsh model : OK Colors in the gmsh GUI opened with : OK Information about Physical group membership are exported in the msh file : OK """ name = "test_PhysicalGroup" gmsh.model.add(name) geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.SaveAll", 0) # gmsh.option.setNumber('Mesh.MeshOnlyVisible',1) coords = [ (0.0, 0.05), (0.05, 0.0), (1.8, 0.0), (2.0, 0.2), (2.0, 1.95), (1.95, 2.0), (0.2, 2.0), (0.0, 1.8), ] pts = [geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.03) for c in coords] lines = [ geo.Line(pts[2 * i - 1], pts[2 * i]) for i in range(len(pts) // 2) ] centers = [ geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.03) for c in [(0.05, 0.05), (1.8, 0.2), (1.95, 1.95), (0.2, 1.8)] ] arcs = [ geo.Arc(pts[2 * i], centers[i], pts[2 * i + 1]) for i in range(len(pts) // 2) ] elmts_1D = [item for pair in zip(lines, arcs) for item in pair] ll_1 = geo.LineLoop(elmts_1D, explicit=True) coords = [(1.0, 1.0), (3.0, 1.0), (3.0, 3.0), (1.0, 3.0)] vertc = [geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.01) for c in coords] ll_2 = geo.LineLoop(vertc, explicit=False) surf_1 = geo.PlaneSurface(ll_1) surf_2 = geo.PlaneSurface(ll_2) rect_vtcs = [ geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.05) for c in [(4, 2), (4, 4), (6, 4), (6, 2)] ] hole_vtcs = [ geo.Point(np.array(c), 0.02) for c in [(5 - 0.1, 3), (5, 3 - 0.5), (5 + 0.1, 3), (5, 3 + 0.5)] ] rect_ll = geo.LineLoop(rect_vtcs, explicit=False) hole_ll = geo.LineLoop(hole_vtcs, explicit=False) surf_with_hole = geo.PlaneSurface(rect_ll, [hole_ll]) all_surf = [surf_1, surf_2, surf_with_hole] f"In model {name}, PlaneSurface instances added to the gmsh model.") for s in all_surf: s.add_gmsh()"Python objects, surfaces tag : {[s.tag for s in all_surf]}") f"Entities in model {name} before synchronize() call : {model.getEntities()}" ) factory.synchronize() f"After synchronize() call : \n Points : {model.getEntities(0)} \n Curves : {model.getEntities(1)} \n Surfaces : {model.getEntities(2)}" ) surf_group = geo.PhysicalGroup([surf_1, surf_with_hole], 2, "surf_group") surf_group.add_gmsh() factory.synchronize() "Operations : synchronize() -> def surf_group -> adding surf_group to the model -> synchronize()" ) f"Physical groups in model after : {model.getPhysicalGroups()}") # * OK, Here is no need of a second sync or a second physical group added in the model. factory.synchronize() f"Physical groups in model after a second synchronize() : {model.getPhysicalGroups()}" ) # surf_group.add_to_group(surf_2) #* Raise an AttributeError, OK line_group = geo.PhysicalGroup(ll_2.sides, 1, "line_group") line_group.add_to_group(ll_1.sides) line_group.add_gmsh() factory.synchronize() "Ops : def line_group -> adding line_group to the model -> synchronize()" ) f"Physical groups in model after that : {model.getPhysicalGroups()}") pts_group = geo.PhysicalGroup( [pt for crv in ll_2.sides for pt in crv.def_pts], 0, "pts_group") pts_group.add_gmsh() factory.synchronize() "Ops : def pts_group -> adding pts_group to the model -> synchronize()" ) f"Physical groups in model after that : {model.getPhysicalGroups()}") surf_group.set_color([22, 160, 133, 255]) line_group.set_color([234, 97, 83, 255]) factory.synchronize() # * Important before meshing data = model.getPhysicalGroups() f"All physical groups in '{name}' model : {data} Names : {[model.getPhysicalName(*dimtag) for dimtag in data]}" ) prev_val = gmsh.option.getNumber("General.Verbosity") geo.set_gmsh_option("General.Verbosity", 3) gmsh.model.mesh.generate(2) geo.set_gmsh_option("General.Verbosity", prev_val) gmsh.write("%s.brep" % name) gmsh.write("%s.msh" % name) os.system("gmsh %s.brep &" % name) os.system("gmsh %s.msh &" % name)
pckg_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) geometry.bndry_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s :: %(levelname)s :: %(name)s :: %(message)s", "%H:%M:%S") stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger_root.addHandler(stream_handler) logging.getLogger("UFL").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger("FFC").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fe.set_log_level(20) # * Step 1 : Modeling the geometry of the part and the RVE geometry.init_geo_tools() geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MaxNumThreads2D", 4) geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MaxNumThreads1D", 4) geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.Algorithm", 5) a = 1 b, k = a, a / 3 r = 0.01 gmsh.logger.start() part_geo = mesh_generate_2D.Gmsh2DRVE.pantograph(a, b, k, r, nb_cells=(20, 1), soft_mat=False, name="panto_part") # ! Utiliser autre chose que Gmsh2DRVE toolbox_gmsh.process_gmsh_log(gmsh.logger.get())
# coding: utf-8 import gmsh import ho_homog.geometry as geo import ho_homog.mesh_generate as mg geo.init_geo_tools() geo.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MshFileVersion", 4.1) def test_kagome(): """ Generate a mesh that corresponds to one unit cell of 'kagome' microstructure. Two cases : alpha = 0.5, fully open, alpha = 0.1 triangles almost close""" a = 1 junction_thinness = 1e-2 for alpha in [0.1, 0.5]: rve = mg.kagome.kagome_RVE(0.5, junction_thinness, a=a, name=f"kagome_{alpha:.2f}") lc_ratio = 1 / 2 lc_min_max = (lc_ratio * junction_thinness * a, lc_ratio * a) d_min_max = (2 * junction_thinness * a, a) rve.main_mesh_refinement(d_min_max, lc_min_max, False) rve.mesh_generate() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberNodes() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberElements() gmsh.write(str(rve.mesh_abs_path))
def test_homog_EGG_pantograph_1x1(generate_mesh=False): logger.debug("Start test_homog_EGG_pantograph_1x1") start = time.time() if generate_mesh: geometry.init_geo_tools() geometry.set_gmsh_option("Mesh.MshFileVersion", 4.1) a = 1 b, k = a, a / 3 r = 0.02 panto_test = mesh_generate.pantograph.pantograph_RVE( a, b, k, r, nb_cells=(1, 1), soft_mat=False, name="panto_rve_1x1") lc_ratio = 1 / 6 lc_min_max = (lc_ratio * r * a, lc_ratio * a) panto_test.main_mesh_refinement((2 * r * a, a), lc_min_max, False) panto_test.mesh_generate() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberNodes() gmsh.model.mesh.renumberElements() gmsh.write("panto_rve_1x1.msh") mesh_path = msh_conversion("panto_rve_1x1.msh", ".xdmf") E, nu = 1.0, 0.3 mesh_path = "panto_rve_1x1.xdmf" material = materials.Material(E, nu, "cp") gen_vect = np.array([[4.0, 0.0], [0.0, 8.0]]) rve = part.Fenics2DRVE.rve_from_file(mesh_path, gen_vect, material) hom_model = homog2d.Fenics2DHomogenization(rve) *localzt_dicts, constit_tensors = hom_model.homogenizationScheme("EGG") Chom_ref = np.array([ [2.58608139e-04, 3.45496903e-04, 5.16572422e-12], [3.45496903e-04, 3.81860676e-02, 6.48384646e-11], [5.16572422e-12, 6.48384646e-11, 3.27924466e-04], ]) D_ref = np.array([ [ 3.7266e-02, 2.2039e-02, 4.6218e-10, 1.5420e-10, 1.2646e-09, -1.3939e-03 ], [ 2.2039e-02, -4.3185e-03, -3.4719e-11, 2.7544e-10, 7.0720e-10, 1.2415e-02 ], [ 4.6218e-10, -3.4719e-11, 1.3071e-01, 1.5918e-02, -9.9492e-03, -2.9101e-10 ], [ 1.5420e-10, 2.7544e-10, 1.5918e-02, 1.5802e-01, 1.2891e-01, 1.5962e-09 ], [ 1.2646e-09, 7.0720e-10, -9.9492e-03, 1.2891e-01, 1.1628e-01, 1.3358e-09 ], [ -1.3939e-03, 1.2415e-02, -2.9101e-10, 1.5962e-09, 1.3358e-09, 6.3893e-05 ], ]) Chom = constit_tensors["E"]["E"] G = constit_tensors["E"]["EGGbis"] D = (constit_tensors["EG"]["EG"] - np.vstack( (G[:, :6], G[:, 6:])) - np.vstack((G[:, :6], G[:, 6:])).T) logger.debug(f"Chom : \n {Chom}") logger.debug(f"D : \n {D}") logger.debug(f"Duration : {time.time() - start}") assert Chom == approx(Chom_ref, rel=1e-3, abs=1e-10) assert D == approx(D_ref, rel=1e-3, abs=1e-8) logger.debug("End test_homog_EGG_pantograph_1x1") logger.debug(f"Duration : {time.time() - start}")