def scrape_shifts(game_id, players, date):
    Scrape the Shift charts (or TOI tables)
    :param game_id: json game id
    :param players: dict of players with numbers and id's
    :param date: date of game
    :return: DataFrame with info or None if it fails
    shifts_df = None

    # Control for fact that shift json is only available from 2010 onwards
    if shared.get_season(date) >= 2010:
        shifts_df = json_shifts.scrape_game(game_id)

    if shifts_df is None or shifts_df.empty:
        shifts_df = html_shifts.scrape_game(game_id, players)

        if shifts_df is None or shifts_df.empty:
            shared.print_error("Unable to scrape shifts for game " + game_id)
            broken_shifts_games.extend([[game_id, date]])
            return None

    shifts_df['Date'] = date

    return shifts_df
def test_scrape_shifts():
    """ Tests scraping the json shifts. 
        1. We either want a pandas df or None.
        2. Checks to see if the proper game scraped is the right amount of shifts
        3. Checks if right columns are included
    scraped_shifts = json_shifts.scrape_game("2016020001")

    assert isinstance(scraped_shifts, pd.DataFrame)

    assert scraped_shifts.shape[0] == 850

    shift_columns = ['Game_Id', 'Period', 'Team', 'Player', 'Player_Id', 'Start', 'End', 'Duration']
    assert list(scraped_shifts.columns) == shift_columns