def setUp(self):
     self.holidays = holidays.England()
     self.holidays = holidays.Wales()
     self.holidays = holidays.Scotland()
     self.holidays = holidays.IsleOfMan()
     self.holidays = holidays.NorthernIreland()
     self.holidays = holidays.UK()
def _get_england_holidays(start_date, number_of_days: int):
    end_year = (
        start_date +
        relativedelta(years=math.ceil((number_of_days / 365) + 1))).year
    uk_holidays = holidays.England(
        years=range(start_date.year, end_year)).keys()
    uk_holidays = [
        datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month, for d in uk_holidays
    return uk_holidays
def get_business_days(start_date, end_date):
    """Get a daily time series between start_date and end_date
    excluding weekends and public holidays."""

    date_range = pd.date_range(start=start_date,

    # remove public holidays
    pub_hols = holidays.England()
    date_range = pd.to_datetime(
        [date for date in date_range if date not in pub_hols])

    return date_range
def uk_holiday(df,colm_dat,colm_reg):
  for x in range(len(df)):
    if df.loc[x,colm_reg]=='England':
      uk_holidays =holidays.England()
      holdy=int(df_pharma_sales_raw.loc[x,'DATE'] in uk_holidays)
    elif df.loc[x,colm_reg]=='Scotland':
      uk_holidays =holidays.Scotland()
      holdy=int(df_pharma_sales_raw.loc[x,'DATE'] in uk_holidays)
    elif df.loc[x,colm_reg]=='Wales':
      uk_holidays =holidays.Wales()
      holdy=int(df_pharma_sales_raw.loc[x,'DATE'] in uk_holidays)
    elif df.loc[x,colm_reg]=='Northern Ireland':
      uk_holidays =holidays.NorthernIreland()
      holdy=int(df_pharma_sales_raw.loc[x,'DATE'] in uk_holidays)
      uk_holidays =holidays.UnitedKingdom()
      holdy=int(df_pharma_sales_raw.loc[x,'DATE'] in uk_holidays)
  return holdiay_list
def add_holiday(df_weather):
    en_holidays = holidays.England()
    ir_holidays = holidays.Ireland()
    ca_holidays = holidays.Canada()
    us_holidays = holidays.UnitedStates()
    en_idx = df_weather.query('site_id == 1 or site_id == 5').index
    ir_idx = df_weather.query('site_id == 12').index
    ca_idx = df_weather.query('site_id == 7 or site_id == 11').index
    us_idx = df_weather.query('site_id == 0 or site_id == 2 or site_id == 3 or site_id == 4 or site_id == 6 or site_id == 8 or site_id == 9 or site_id == 10 or site_id == 13 or site_id == 14 or site_id == 15').index
    df_weather['IsHoliday'] = 0
    df_weather.loc[en_idx, 'IsHoliday'] = df_weather.loc[en_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(lambda x: en_holidays.get(x, default=0))
    df_weather.loc[ir_idx, 'IsHoliday'] = df_weather.loc[ir_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(lambda x: ir_holidays.get(x, default=0))
    df_weather.loc[ca_idx, 'IsHoliday'] = df_weather.loc[ca_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(lambda x: ca_holidays.get(x, default=0))
    df_weather.loc[us_idx, 'IsHoliday'] = df_weather.loc[us_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(lambda x: us_holidays.get(x, default=0))
    holiday_idx = df_weather['IsHoliday'] != 0
    df_weather.loc[holiday_idx, 'IsHoliday'] = 1
    df_weather['IsHoliday'] = df_weather['IsHoliday'].astype(np.uint8)
    return df_weather
    weather_df = weather_df.reset_index()
    weather_df = weather_df.drop(['datetime', 'day', 'week', 'month'], axis=1)

    return weather_df

weather['timestamp'] = weather['timestamp'].astype(str)
weather = fill_weather_dataset(weather)
weather['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(weather['timestamp'])

# holiday imformation

import holidays

en_holidays = holidays.England()
ir_holidays = holidays.Ireland()
ca_holidays = holidays.Canada()
us_holidays = holidays.UnitedStates()

en_idx = weather.query('site_id == 1 or site_id == 5').index
ir_idx = weather.query('site_id == 12').index
ca_idx = weather.query('site_id == 7 or site_id == 11').index
us_idx = weather.query(
    'site_id == 0 or site_id == 2 or site_id == 3 or site_id == 4 or site_id == 6 or site_id == 8 or site_id == 9 or site_id == 10 or site_id == 13 or site_id == 14 or site_id == 15'

weather['IsHoliday'] = 0
weather.loc[en_idx, 'IsHoliday'] = weather.loc[en_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(
    lambda x: en_holidays.get(x, default=0))
weather.loc[ir_idx, 'IsHoliday'] = weather.loc[ir_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(
def weather_feature_engineering(df):

    fs = us.get_feature_settings()

    # Humidity

    if fs['do_humidity']:

        saturated_vapor_pressure = 6.11 * (10.0
                                           **(7.5 * df['air_temperature'] /
                                              (237.3 + df['air_temperature'])))
        actual_vapor_pressure = 6.11 * (10.0
                                        **(7.5 * df['dew_temperature'] /
                                           (237.3 + df['dew_temperature'])))
        df['humidity'] = (actual_vapor_pressure /
                          saturated_vapor_pressure) * 100
        df['humidity'] = df['humidity'].astype(np.float)

    feature_cols = fs['weather_lag_vars']
    lag_values = fs['weather_lag_values']

    # lags

    for site_id in range(c.SITE_ID_RANGE):

        mask = df['site_id'] == site_id

        for feature in feature_cols:
            col_names_lags = [
                feature + '_lag_' + str(shift) for shift in lag_values

            for idx in range(0, len(lag_values)):
                df.loc[mask, col_names_lags[idx]] = df.loc[mask,

    # window_average

    feature_cols = fs['weather_average_vars']
    window = fs['weather_average_window']

    df_site = df.groupby('site_id')

    df_rolled = df_site[feature_cols].rolling(window=window, min_periods=0)
    df_mean = df_rolled.mean().reset_index().astype(np.float16)
    df_std = df_rolled.std().reset_index().astype(np.float16)

    for feature in feature_cols:
        df[f'{feature}_mean_window_{window}'] = df_mean[feature]
        df[f'{feature}_std_window_{window}'] = df_std[feature]

    # holidays

    if fs['do_holidays']:

        en_holidays = holidays.England()
        ir_holidays = holidays.Ireland()
        ca_holidays = holidays.Canada()
        us_holidays = holidays.UnitedStates()

        en_sites = c.SITE_COUNTRIES.get('England')
        ir_sites = c.SITE_COUNTRIES.get('Ireland')
        ca_sites = c.SITE_COUNTRIES.get('Canada')
        us_sites = c.SITE_COUNTRIES.get('United_States')

        en_idx = df.query('site_id in @en_sites').index
        ir_idx = df.query('site_id in @ir_sites').index
        ca_idx = df.query('site_id in @ca_sites').index
        us_idx = df.query('site_id in @us_sites').index

        df['is_holiday'] = 0
        df.loc[en_idx, 'is_holiday'] = df.loc[en_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(
            lambda x: en_holidays.get(x, default=0))
        df.loc[ir_idx, 'is_holiday'] = df.loc[ir_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(
            lambda x: ir_holidays.get(x, default=0))
        df.loc[ca_idx, 'is_holiday'] = df.loc[ca_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(
            lambda x: ca_holidays.get(x, default=0))
        df.loc[us_idx, 'is_holiday'] = df.loc[us_idx, 'timestamp'].apply(
            lambda x: us_holidays.get(x, default=0))

        holiday_idx = df['is_holiday'] != 0
        df.loc[holiday_idx, 'is_holiday'] = 1
        df['is_holiday'] = df['is_holiday'].astype(np.uint8)

    return df
    def TellMarkets(self):

        # Grabs the Current time in two different formats, adjust in future
        today =
        currentTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)

        # standard holidays for United States, Great Britian, Japan, and Australia
        us_holidays = holidays.US()
        britian_holidays = holidays.England()
        japan_holidays = holidays.Japan()
        australia_holidays = holidays.Australia()
        # Exchange Holiday is not included in the Standard Holiday's of Japan
        exchange_holiday = "{}-12-31".format(currentTime.year)
        japan_holidays.append({exchange_holiday: "Exchange Holiday"})
        # Translator needed because Japanese holiday's are returned in Japanese
        translator = Translator()

        # The Holidays that close Markets In the Given Countries, Unsure if all of Japan's Holiday's Close the Currency Markets
        us_market_holidays = [
            "New Year's Day",
            "Martin Luther King, Jr. Day",
            "Presidents Day or Washington's Birthday",
            "Good Friday",
            "Memorial Day",
            "Independence Day",
            "Labor Day",
            "Thanksgiving Day",
            "Christmas Day",

        britian_market_holidays = [
            "New Year's Day",
            "Good Friday",
            "Easter Monday",
            "May Day",
            "Spring Bank Holiday",
            "Summer Bank Holiday",
            "Christmas Day",
            "Boxing Day",
            "Exchange Holiday",

        japan_market_holidays = [
            "New Year's Day",
            "Adult Day",
            "Foundation Day",
            "Vernal Equinox Day",
            "Showa Day",
            "Constitution Memorial Day",
            "Greenery Day",
            "Children's Day",
            "Sea Day",
            "Respect for the Aged Day",
            "Autumnal Equinox Day",
            "Health and Sports Day",
            "Culture Day",
            "Labor Thanksgiving Day",
            "The birth of the Emperor",
            "Exchange Holiday",

        australian_market_holidays = [
            "New Year's Day",
            "Australia Day",
            "Good Friday",
            "Easter Monday",
            "Anzac Day",
            "Queen's Birthday",
            "Christmas Day",
            "Boxing Day",

        us_has_holiday = False
        japan_has_holiday = False
        britian_has_holiday = False
        australia_has_holiday = False
        markets_closed = False

        if int(currentTime.weekday()) == 4 or 5 or 6:
            if currentTime.hour >= 21 and int(currentTime.weekday()) == 4:
                markets_closed = True
            if currentTime.hour < 21 and int(currentTime.weekday()) == 6:
                markets_closed = True
            if int(currentTime.weekday()) == 5:
                markets_closed = True

        if markets_closed == True:
            self.open_markets = 'None'
            return self

        if us_holidays.get(today) is not None:
            for i in us_market_holidays:
                if us_holidays.get(today) == i:
                    self.returned_items['US-Holiday'] = us_holidays.get(today)
                    us_has_holiday = True

        if britian_holidays.get(today) is not None:
            for i in britian_market_holidays:
                if britian_holidays.get(today) == i:
                        'British-Holiday'] = britian_holidays.get(today)
                    britian_has_holiday = True

        if japan_holidays.get(today) is not None:
            holiday_in_english = translator.translate(
            for i in japan_market_holidays:
                if holiday_in_english.text == i:
                        'Japanese-Holiday'] = holiday_in_english
                    japan_has_holiday = True

        if australia_holidays.get(today) is not None:
            for i in australian_market_holidays:
                if australia_holidays == i:
                        'Australian-Holiday'] = australia_holidays.get(today)
                    australia_has_holiday = True

        # checks to see if we are in daylight saving time
        #  need to make dynamic for what is being returned

        if bool("UTC")).dst()):
            if currentTime.hour >= 22 or currentTime.hour == 7:
                if not australia_has_holiday:

            if currentTime.hour >= 23 or currentTime.hour <= 8:
                if not japan_has_holiday:

            if currentTime.hour >= 7 and currentTime.hour <= 16:
                if not britian_has_holiday:

            if currentTime.hour >= 13 and currentTime.hour <= 21:
                if not us_has_holiday:

            if currentTime.hour >= 20 and currentTime.hour <= 5:
                if not australia_has_holiday:
            if currentTime.hour >= 22 or currentTime.hour == 7:
                if not japan_has_holiday:
            if currentTime.hour >= 7 and currentTime.hour <= 16:
                if not britian_has_holiday:
            if currentTime.hour >= 12 and currentTime.hour <= 21:
                if not us_has_holiday:

        return (self)
    elif Table2['Weather symbol'][k] == 'Partly cloudy (night)':
        Table2['cld_ttl_amt_id'][k] = 2

    elif Table2['Weather symbol'][k] == 'Sunny intervals':
        Table2['cld_ttl_amt_id'][k] = 2
        Table2['wmo_hr_sun_dur'][k] = 0.5

    elif Table2['Weather symbol'][k] == 'Cloudy':
        Table2['cld_ttl_amt_id'][k] = 6
        Table2['cld_ttl_amt_id'][k] = 8

import holidays
hols = []
for ptr in holidays.England(years=[2021]).items():
for hol in hols:
    for i in range(len(Table2.index)):
        if[i] == hol:
            Table2['holiday'][i] = 1
        if ((Table2.index.weekday[i] == 5) or (Table2.index.weekday[i] == 6)):
            Table2['weekend'][i] = 1
        if ((Table2['sunrise'][i] <= Table2.index.hour[i])
                and (Table2.index.hour[i] < Table2['sunset'][i])) == True:
            Table2['islight'][i] = 1

Table3 = df_.merge(Table2, on='ob_time', how='outer')
Table3.fillna(method='pad', inplace=True)

series = pd.Series(