def bg_correct(raw, bg, df=None):
    """Correct for noisy images by dividing by a background. The calculation used is (raw-df)/(bg-df). 

    raw : xarray.DataArray
        Image to be background divided.
    bg : xarray.DataArray
        background image recorded with the same optical setup.
    df : xarray.DataArray
        dark field image recorded without illumination.

    corrected_image : xarray.DataArray
       A copy of the background divided input image with None values of noise_sd updated to match bg.

    if df is None:
        df = raw.copy()
        df[:] = 0

    if not (raw.shape == bg.shape == df.shape and list(get_spacing(raw)) ==
            list(get_spacing(bg)) == list(get_spacing(df))):
        raise BadImage(
            "raw and background images must have the same shape and spacing")

    holo = (raw - df) / zero_filter(bg - df)
    holo = copy_metadata(raw, holo)

    if hasattr(holo, 'noise_sd') and hasattr(
            bg, 'noise_sd') and holo.noise_sd is None:
        holo = update_metadata(holo, noise_sd=bg.noise_sd)

    return holo
def make_center_priors(im, z_range_extents=5, xy_uncertainty_pixels=1, z_range_units=None):
    Make sensible default priors for the center of a sphere in a hologram

    im : xarray
         The image you wish to make priors for
    z_range_extents : float (optional)
         What range to extend a uniform prior for z over, measured in multiples
         of the total extent of the image. The default is 5 times the extent of
         the image, a large range, but since tempering is quite good at refining
         this, it is safer to just choose a large range to be sure to include
         the correct value.
    xy_uncertainty_pixels: float (optional)
         The number of pixels of uncertainty to assume for the centerfinder.
         The default is 1 pixel, and this is probably correct for most images.
    z_range_units : float
         Specify the range of the z prior in your data units. If this is provided,
         z_range_extents is ignored.
    if z_range_units is not None:
        z_range = z_range_units
        extents = get_extents(im)
        extent = max(extents['x'], extents['y'])
        z_range = 0, extent * z_range_extents

    spacing = get_spacing(im)
    center = center_find(im) * spacing + [im.x[0], im.y[0]]

    xy_sd = xy_uncertainty_pixels * spacing
    return [Gaussian(c, s) for c, s in zip(center, xy_sd)] + [Uniform(*z_range)]
    def test_on_same_spacing(self):
        true_spacing = 0.1
        detector = detector_grid((10, 10), spacing=true_spacing)

        spacing = get_spacing(detector)
        self.assertEqual(spacing[0], true_spacing)
        self.assertEqual(spacing[1], true_spacing)
文件: fit.py 项目: barkls/holopy
def make_subset_data(data, random_subset=None, pixels=None, return_selection=False):
    if random_subset is None and pixels is None:
        return data
    if random_subset is not None and pixels is not None:
        raise ValueError("You can only specify one of pixels or random_subset")

    tot_pix = len(data.x)*len(data.y)
    if pixels is not None:
        n_sel = pixels
        n_sel = int(np.ceil(tot_pix*random_subset))
    selection = np.random.choice(tot_pix, n_sel, replace=False)
    subset = flat(data).isel(flat=selection)
    subset = copy_metadata(data, subset, do_coords=False)

    shape = (len(data.x), len(data.y))
    spacing = (get_spacing(data))
    start = (np.asscalar(data.x[0]), np.asscalar(data.y[0]))
    coords = {key:val.values for key, val in dict_without(dict(data.coords), ['x','y','z']).items()}
    subset.attrs['original_dims'] = yaml.dump((shape, spacing, start, coords))

    if return_selection:
        return subset, selection
        return subset
    def _make_center_priors(self, params):
        image_x_values = self.data.x.values
        image_min_x = image_x_values.min()
        image_max_x = image_x_values.max()

        image_y_values = self.data.y.values
        image_min_y = image_y_values.min()
        image_max_y = image_y_values.max()

        if ('x' not in params) or ('y' not in params):
            pixel_spacing = get_spacing(self.data)
            image_lower_left = np.array([image_min_x, image_min_y])
            center = center_find(self.data) * pixel_spacing + image_lower_left
            center = [params['x'], params['y']]

        xpar = prior.Uniform(image_min_x, image_max_x, guess=center[0])
        ypar = prior.Uniform(image_min_y, image_max_y, guess=center[1])

        extents = get_extents(self.data)
        extent = max(extents['x'], extents['y'])
        zextent = 5
        zpar = prior.Uniform(
            -extent * zextent, extent * zextent, guess=params['z'])
        return xpar, ypar, zpar
    def test_on_different_spacings(self):
        xspacing = 0.1
        yspacing = 0.2
        detector = detector_grid((10, 10), spacing=(xspacing, yspacing))

        spacing = get_spacing(detector)
        self.assertEqual(spacing[0], xspacing)
        self.assertEqual(spacing[1], yspacing)
 def test_no_metadata(self):
     filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'image0007.tif')
     header = ifd2()
     header[270] = 'Dummy String'
     pilimage.fromarray(self.holo.values[0]).save(filename, tiffinfo=header)
     # load doesn't work
     self.assertRaises(NoMetadata, load, filename)
     # load_image does
     l = load_image(filename, spacing=get_spacing(self.holo))
     assert_obj_close(l, copy_metadata(l, self.holo))
 def load_image_with_metadata(self, filename):
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         loaded = load_image(
     return loaded
 def test_auto_scaling(self):
     filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'image0001.tif')
     save_image(filename, self.holo, depth='float')
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         l = load_image(filename,
     # skip checking full DataArray attrs because it is akward to keep
     # them through arithmetic. Ideally we would figure out a way to
     # preserve them and switch back to testing fully
     assert_allclose(l, (self.holo - self.holo.min()) /
                     (self.holo.max() - self.holo.min()))
def pack_attrs(a, do_spacing=False):
    new_attrs = {attr_coords: {}}
    if a.name is not None:
        new_attrs['name'] = a.name
    if do_spacing:
        new_attrs['spacing'] = list(get_spacing(a))

    for attr, val in a.attrs.items():
        if isinstance(val, xr.DataArray):
            new_attrs[attr_coords][attr] = OrderedDict()
            for dim in val.dims:
                new_attrs[attr_coords][attr][str(dim)] = val[dim].values
            new_attrs[attr] = list(ensure_array(val.values))
            new_attrs[attr_coords][attr] = False
            if val is not None:
                new_attrs[attr] = yaml.dump(val)
    new_attrs[attr_coords] = yaml.dump(new_attrs[attr_coords],
    return new_attrs
    def _make_center_priors(self, data, guess):
        image_x_values = data.x.values
        image_min_x = image_x_values.min()
        image_max_x = image_x_values.max()

        image_y_values = data.y.values
        image_min_y = image_y_values.min()
        image_max_y = image_y_values.max()

        if ('x' in guess) and ('y' in guess):
            x_guess = guess['x']
            y_guess = guess['y']
        elif ('center.0' in guess) and ('center.1' in guess):
            x_guess = guess['center.0']
            y_guess = guess['center.1']
            pixel_spacing = get_spacing(data)
            image_lower_left = np.array([image_min_x, image_min_y])
            x_guess, y_guess = (center_find(data) * pixel_spacing +

        extents = get_extents(data)
        # FIXME: 5 is a magic number.
        zextent = 5 * max(extents['x'], extents['y'])
        z_guess = guess['z'] if 'z' in guess else guess['center.2']

        x = Parameter(name='x',
        y = Parameter(name='y',
        z = Parameter(name='z', value=z_guess, min=-zextent, max=zextent)
        return x, y, z
def load_average(filepath,
    Average a set of images (usually as a background)

    filepath : string or list(string)
        Directory or list of filenames or filepaths. If filename is a directory,
        it will average all images matching image_glob.
    refimg : xarray.DataArray
        reference image to provide spacing and metadata for the new image.
    spacing : float
        Spacing between pixels in the images. Used preferentially over refimg value if both are provided.
    medium_index : float
        Refractive index of the medium in the images. Used preferentially over refimg value if both are provided.
    illum_wavelen : float
        Wavelength of illumination in the images. Used preferentially over refimg value if both are provided.
    illum_polarization : list-like
        Polarization of illumination in the images. Used preferentially over refimg value if both are provided.
    image_glob : string
        Glob used to select images (if images is a directory)

    averaged_image : xarray.DataArray
        Image which is an average of images
        noise_sd attribute contains average pixel stdev normalized by total image intensity
    if normals is not None:

    if isinstance(filepath, str):
        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
            filepath = glob.glob(os.path.join(filepath, image_glob))
            #only a single image
            filepath = [filepath]

    if len(filepath) < 1:
        raise LoadError(filepath, "No images found")

    # read spacing from refimg if none provided
    if spacing is None:
        spacing = get_spacing(refimg)

    # read colour channels from refimg
    channel_dict = {'0': 'red', '1': 'green', '2': 'blue'}
    if channel is None and refimg is not None and illumination in refimg.dims:
        channel = [
            i for i, col in enumerate(['red', 'green', 'blue'])
            if col in refimg[illumination].values

    if np.isscalar(spacing):
        spacing = np.repeat(spacing, 2)

    # calculate the average
    accumulator = Accumulator()
    for path in filepath:
        accumulator.push(load_image(path, spacing, channel=channel))
    mean_image = accumulator.mean()

    # calculate average noise from image
    if noise_sd is None and len(filepath) > 1:
        if channel:
            noise_sd = xr.DataArray(accumulator.cv(),
                                      for ch in channel]], ['illumination'])
            noise_sd = ensure_array(accumulator.cv())

    # crop according to refimg dimensions
    if refimg is not None:

        def extent(i):
            name = ['x', 'y'][i]
            return np.around(refimg[name].values / spacing[i]).astype('int')

        mean_image = mean_image.isel(x=extent(0), y=extent(1))
        mean_image['x'] = refimg.x
        mean_image['y'] = refimg.y

    # copy metadata from refimg
    if refimg is not None:
        mean_image = copy_metadata(refimg, mean_image, do_coords=False)

    # overwrite metadata from refimg with provided values
    return update_metadata(mean_image, medium_index, illum_wavelen,
                           illum_polarization, normals, noise_sd)
def ps_propagate_plane(data, d, L, beam_c, out_schema = None, old_Ip = False):
    Propagates light back through a hologram that was taken using a diverging reference beam.
    Propataion can be to one plane only.
    Only propagation through media with refractive index 1 is supported.
    Based on the algorithm described in Manfred H. Jericho and H. Jurgen Kreuzer, "Point Source 
    Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy," Chapter 1 of Coherent Light Microscopy, Springer, 2010.

    data is a holopy Xarray. It is the hologram to reconstruct. Must be square. The pixel spacing must also be square.
    d = distance from pinhole to reconstructed image, in meters (this is z in Jericho and Kreuzer). Must be a scalar.
    L = distance from screen to pinhole, in meters
    beam_c = [x,y] coodinates of beam center, in pixels
    out_schema = size of output image and pixel spacing, default is the schema of data.
    if Ip == True, returns Ip to be used on calculations in the stack
        if Ip == False compute reconstructed image as normal
        if Ip is an image, use this to speed up calculations
    returns an image(volume) corresponding to the reconstruction at plane(s) d.'''    

    npix0 = float(len(data.x)) # size of original image in pixels
    wavelen = float(data.illum_wavelen) #laser wavelength in meters
    n_medium = float(data.medium_index) #not used for now (assumes n_medium = 1)
    datavals = data.values.squeeze()
    Dx,Dy = get_spacing(data) #size of pixels on camera
    if out_schema is None:
        #mag = 1
        out_spacing = Dx
        #mag = Dx/get_spacing(out_schema)[0]
        out_spacing = get_spacing(out_schema)[0]
    #get number of pixels to reconstruct given the desired output spacing
    def X0_f(npix):
        result = -Dx * (beam_c[0] + (npix - npix0)*0.5)
        return result
    def to_solve(npix):
        result = (X0_f(npix)+(npix-1)*Dx) / np.sqrt(L**2 + (X0_f(npix)+(npix-1)*Dx)**2) - X0_f(npix)/np.sqrt(L**2-X0_f(npix)**2) - wavelen/out_spacing
        return result
    npix = int(fsolve(to_solve, npix0)[0])
    #npix = npix0*mag #number of pixels to reconstruct (this is an older way of doing the magnification)

    #center coordinates
    i_c = beam_c[0] + (npix - npix0)/2
    j_c = beam_c[1] + (npix - npix0)/2

    #set (X0,Y0) so beam center is at index (i_c,j_c)
    #Scaling constants (eqn 1.32)
    X0p = X0*L/np.sqrt(L*L+X0*X0)
    Y0p = Y0*L/np.sqrt(L*L+Y0*Y0)    
    con = X0+(npix-1)*Dx #useful constant
    Dxp = L*con/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+con*con) - L*X0/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+X0*X0) #Delta_x^prime
    con = Y0+(npix-1)*Dy #useful constant
    Dyp = L*con/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+con*con) - L*Y0/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+Y0*Y0) #Delta_y^prime

    #scale actually used in reconstructed image
    spacing = wavelen*L/npix/np.array([Dxp,Dyp]) #calculate 'magic' spacing (eqn 1.34). 

    #useful constant
    ikz = 2j*np.pi*d/wavelen # this is (ikz)

    #Calculate I'(X,Y) (eqn 1.27)
    print('Calculating Ip')

    def Ip_calc(i,j):
        # (X',Y') coordinates corresponding to indecies (i,j)        
        #Useful constant (this is L/R')
        L_over_Rp = L**2-Xp**2-Yp**2
        L_over_Rp = np.where(L_over_Rp >= 0, L_over_Rp, 0.0)
        L_over_Rp = L/np.sqrt(L_over_Rp)
        L_over_Rp = np.where(L_over_Rp == np.inf, 0.000001, L_over_Rp)

        if isinstance(old_Ip,bool):
            # (X,Y) coordinate in original image
            X = Xp*L_over_Rp 
            Y = Yp*L_over_Rp         

            # (X,Y) indecies of original image, but (npix,npix) in size
            i_X = np.array( (X-X0)/Dx )
            i_Y = np.array( (Y-Y0)/Dy )
            i_X = i_X - (npix - npix0)/2
            i_Y = i_Y - (npix - npix0)/2
            i_X = i_X.astype(int)
            i_Y = i_Y.astype(int)
            if old_Ip:  # returns partially computed I'        
                result = interpolate2D(datavals,i_X,i_Y,0) * L_over_Rp**4
            else: #returns full I'
                result = interpolate2D(datavals,i_X,i_Y,0) * L_over_Rp**4 * np.exp(ikz/L_over_Rp)

            result = old_Ip * np.exp(ikz/L_over_Rp)      
        return result
    #get I'
    result = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: Ip_calc(i,j), (npix, npix), dtype=int) #result is I'
    if isinstance(old_Ip,bool) and old_Ip: # returns partially computed I' and uncropped size of reconstruction
        return result, npix
    #compute final result, K_nm (eqn 1.33)
    i2Pi_over_N = 2j*np.pi/npix # this is i*2pi/N
    phase_factor = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: np.exp( -i2Pi_over_N * (i*i_c + j*j_c) ), (npix, npix), dtype=int)
    print('Taking FFT')
    result = fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.fftshift(result*phase_factor, axes=[0,1]), axes=[0, 1], overwrite_x=True)
    #result = ifft(result*phase_factor, shift =1, overwrite = True)
    print('Multiplying prefactor')
    phase_factor = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: np.exp( i2Pi_over_N * ((i-i_c)*X0p/Dxp + (j-j_c)*Y0p/Dyp) ), (npix, npix), dtype=int)
    result = Dxp*Dyp*phase_factor*result
    #crop to correct size
    if npix > npix0:
        x_cen = npix/2
        y_cen = npix/2

        if out_schema is None:    
            offset = npix0/2
            offset = len(out_schema.x)/2
        result = result [x_cen - offset : x_cen + offset, y_cen - offset : y_cen + offset] 

    #return Image result    
    return copy_metadata(data, data_grid(result, spacing=spacing, z=d))
def ps_propagate_plane(data, d, L, beam_c, out_schema = None, old_Ip = False):
    Propagates light back through a hologram that was taken using a diverging reference beam.
    Propataion can be to one plane only.
    Only propagation through media with refractive index 1 is supported.
    Based on the algorithm described in Manfred H. Jericho and H. Jurgen Kreuzer, "Point Source 
    Digital In-Line Holographic Microscopy," Chapter 1 of Coherent Light Microscopy, Springer, 2010.

    data is a holopy Xarray. It is the hologram to reconstruct. Must be square. The pixel spacing must also be square.
    d = distance from pinhole to reconstructed image, in meters (this is z in Jericho and Kreuzer). Must be a scalar.
    L = distance from screen to pinhole, in meters
    beam_c = [x,y] coodinates of beam center, in pixels
    out_schema = size of output image and pixel spacing, default is the schema of data.
    if Ip == True, returns Ip to be used on calculations in the stack
    if Ip == False compute reconstructed image as normal
    if Ip is an image, use this to speed up calculations
    returns an image(volume) corresponding to the reconstruction at plane(s) d.

    npix0 = float(len(data.x)) # size of original image in pixels
    wavelen = float(data.illum_wavelen) #laser wavelength in meters
    n_medium = float(data.medium_index) #not used for now (assumes n_medium = 1)
    datavals = data.values.squeeze()
    Dx,Dy = get_spacing(data) #size of pixels on camera
    if out_schema is None:
        #mag = 1
        out_spacing = Dx
        #mag = Dx/get_spacing(out_schema)[0]
        out_spacing = get_spacing(out_schema)[0]
    #get number of pixels to reconstruct given the desired output spacing
    def X0_f(npix):
        result = -Dx * (beam_c[0] + (npix - npix0)*0.5)
        return result
    def to_solve(npix):
        result = (X0_f(npix)+(npix-1)*Dx) / np.sqrt(L**2 + (X0_f(npix)+(npix-1)*Dx)**2) - X0_f(npix)/np.sqrt(L**2-X0_f(npix)**2) - wavelen/out_spacing
        return result
    npix = int(fsolve(to_solve, npix0)[0])
    #npix = npix0*mag #number of pixels to reconstruct (this is an older way of doing the magnification)

    #center coordinates
    i_c = beam_c[0] + (npix - npix0)/2
    j_c = beam_c[1] + (npix - npix0)/2

    #set (X0,Y0) so beam center is at index (i_c,j_c)
    #Scaling constants (eqn 1.32)
    X0p = X0*L/np.sqrt(L*L+X0*X0)
    Y0p = Y0*L/np.sqrt(L*L+Y0*Y0)    
    con = X0+(npix-1)*Dx #useful constant
    Dxp = L*con/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+con*con) - L*X0/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+X0*X0) #Delta_x^prime
    con = Y0+(npix-1)*Dy #useful constant
    Dyp = L*con/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+con*con) - L*Y0/npix/np.sqrt(L*L+Y0*Y0) #Delta_y^prime

    #scale actually used in reconstructed image
    spacing = wavelen*L/npix/np.array([Dxp,Dyp]) #calculate 'magic' spacing (eqn 1.34). 

    #useful constant
    ikz = 2j*np.pi*d/wavelen # this is (ikz)

    #Calculate I'(X,Y) (eqn 1.27)
    print('Calculating Ip')

    def Ip_calc(i,j):
        # (X',Y') coordinates corresponding to indecies (i,j)        
        #Useful constant (this is L/R')
        L_over_Rp = L**2-Xp**2-Yp**2
        L_over_Rp = np.where(L_over_Rp >= 0, L_over_Rp, 0.0)
        L_over_Rp = L/np.sqrt(L_over_Rp)
        L_over_Rp = np.where(L_over_Rp == np.inf, 0.000001, L_over_Rp)

        if isinstance(old_Ip,bool):
            # (X,Y) coordinate in original image
            X = Xp*L_over_Rp 
            Y = Yp*L_over_Rp         

            # (X,Y) indecies of original image, but (npix,npix) in size
            i_X = np.array( (X-X0)/Dx )
            i_Y = np.array( (Y-Y0)/Dy )
            i_X = i_X - (npix - npix0)/2
            i_Y = i_Y - (npix - npix0)/2
            i_X = i_X.astype(int)
            i_Y = i_Y.astype(int)
            if old_Ip:  # returns partially computed I'        
                result = interpolate2D(datavals,i_X,i_Y,0) * L_over_Rp**4
            else: #returns full I'
                result = interpolate2D(datavals,i_X,i_Y,0) * L_over_Rp**4 * np.exp(ikz/L_over_Rp)

            result = old_Ip * np.exp(ikz/L_over_Rp)      
        return result
    #get I'
    result = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: Ip_calc(i,j), (npix, npix), dtype=int) #result is I'
    if isinstance(old_Ip,bool) and old_Ip: # returns partially computed I' and uncropped size of reconstruction
        return result, npix
    #compute final result, K_nm (eqn 1.33)
    i2Pi_over_N = 2j*np.pi/npix # this is i*2pi/N
    phase_factor = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: np.exp( -i2Pi_over_N * (i*i_c + j*j_c) ), (npix, npix), dtype=int)
    print('Taking FFT')
    result = fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.fftshift(result*phase_factor, axes=[0,1]), axes=[0, 1], overwrite_x=True)
    #result = ifft(result*phase_factor, shift =1, overwrite = True)
    print('Multiplying prefactor')
    phase_factor = np.fromfunction(lambda i,j: np.exp( i2Pi_over_N * ((i-i_c)*X0p/Dxp + (j-j_c)*Y0p/Dyp) ), (npix, npix), dtype=int)
    result = Dxp*Dyp*phase_factor*result
    #crop to correct size
    if npix > npix0:
        x_cen = int(npix/2)
        y_cen = int(npix/2)

        if out_schema is None:    
            offset = int(npix0/2)
            offset = int(len(out_schema.x)/2)
        result = result [x_cen - offset : x_cen + offset, y_cen - offset : y_cen + offset] 

    #return Image result    
    return copy_metadata(data, data_grid(result, spacing=spacing, z=d))