def plot_AGonia_boxes(data_path, Score, box_idx): '''Function used as input for the dynamic map in function boxes_exploration(): holoviews based plot to see Agonia boxes on top of median projection and mean trace for selected boxes. Parameters ---------- data_path : string path to folder containing the data Score : float threshold for detection confidence for each box box_idx : int index of box to plot trace Returns ------- Holoviews image to feed to dynamic map, selected cell is indicated with green square''' data_name, median_projection, boxes_path = get_files_names(data_path) #Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) #images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') images = io.imread(os.path.join(data_path, data_name[0])) with open(boxes_path, 'rb') as f: boxes = pickle.load(f) f.close() boxes = boxes[boxes[:, 4] > Score].astype('int') roi_bounds = hv.Path([ hv.Bounds( tuple([ roi[0], median_projection.shape[0] - roi[1], roi[2], median_projection.shape[0] - roi[3] ])) for roi in boxes[:, :4] ]).options(color='red') img = hv.Image(median_projection, bounds=(0, 0, median_projection.shape[1], median_projection.shape[0])).options(cmap='gray') #box_trace = images[:,boxes[box_idx,1]:boxes[box_idx,3],boxes[box_idx,0]:boxes[box_idx,2]].mean(axis=(1,2)) ola = Extractor() for frame in images: ola.extract(frame, [boxes[box_idx]]) box_trace = ola.get_traces().squeeze() box_square = hv.Path([ hv.Bounds( tuple([ boxes[box_idx, 0], median_projection.shape[0] - boxes[box_idx, 1], boxes[box_idx, 2], median_projection.shape[0] - boxes[box_idx, 3] ])) ]).options(color='lime') return ((img * roi_bounds * box_square).opts(width=600, height=600) + hv.Curve( (np.linspace(0, len(box_trace) - 1, len(box_trace)), box_trace), 'Frame', 'Mean box Fluorescence').opts(width=600, framewise=True)).cols(1)
def plotMap(self, show=True): ''' Plot the map''' #print(self.mapUrl) option = '?list_dir=no' vsiCurl = f'/vsicurl/{option}&url={self.mapUrl}' # da = rioxarray.open_rasterio(vsiCurl, overview_level=3, parse_coordinates=True, chunks=dict(band=1, y=512, x=512), masked=False).squeeze('band') img = da.hvplot.image(rasterize=True, cmap='gray', x='x', y='y', aspect='equal', frame_width=400, title=os.path.basename(self.mapUrl)).opts( active_tools=['box_select']) = img bounds = hv.DynamicMap(lambda bounds: hv.Bounds(bounds), streams=[]).opts(color='red') if show: mapview = pn.Column(img * bounds) else: mapview = None return mapview
def plot_AGonia_boxes_interactive(data_path, Score, x, y): '''Function used as input for the dynamic map in function boxes_exploration_interactive(): Same as plot_AGonia_boxes but now instead of having as input the index of the box the user can click on a box and it will use the (x,y) coordinates of the click to find the related box. The output now is only the boxes (all in red, selected in green)''' data_name, median_projection, fnames, fname_new, results_caiman_path, boxes_path = get_files_names( data_path) Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(fname_new) images = np.reshape(Yr.T, [T] + list(dims), order='F') with open(boxes_path, 'rb') as f: boxes = pickle.load(f) f.close() boxes = boxes[boxes[:, 4] > Score].astype('int') roi_bounds = hv.Path([ hv.Bounds( tuple([ roi[0], median_projection.shape[0] - roi[3], roi[2], median_projection.shape[0] - roi[1] ])) for roi in boxes[:, :4] ]).options(color='red') if None not in [x, y]: try: box_idx = [ i for i, box in enumerate(boxes) if x < box[2] and x > box[0] and y < (median_projection.shape[0] - box[1]) and y > (median_projection.shape[0] - box[3]) ][0] except: pass else: box_idx = 0 #box_trace = images[:,boxes[box_idx,1]:boxes[box_idx,3],boxes[box_idx,0]:boxes[box_idx,2]].mean(axis=(1,2)) box_square = hv.Path([ hv.Bounds( tuple([ boxes[box_idx, 0], median_projection.shape[0] - boxes[box_idx, 3], boxes[box_idx, 2], median_projection.shape[0] - boxes[box_idx, 1] ])) ]).options(color='lime') return (roi_bounds * box_square).opts(width=600, height=600)
def box_chooser(self, **kwargs): ''' Visual tool for choosing rectangle shaped blocks in mask. :param kwargs: array, if you want to pre select pixels, initialize_mask, True if you want to initialize mask. True also Overrides array. False does nothing and overrides nothing initialize_value, what value you want to use in initialisation. Used if initialize_mask is True. Fallback value is 0. :return: hv.Object ''' # cube.test_for_not_none() wid = len(self._obj.coords[self._obj.M.dims[1]]) hei = len(self._obj.coords[self._obj.M.dims[0]]) # dep = len( self.__do_mask_changes(**kwargs) all_pixels = np.array(list(itertools.product(range(wid), range(hei)))) mask_dims = self._obj.M.dims.copy() mask_dims.reverse() points = hv.Points(all_pixels, kdims=mask_dims) # print(points) ds_attrs = self._make_dataset_opts() dataset3d = hv.Dataset(**ds_attrs) box = hv.streams.BoundsXY(source=points, bounds=(0, 0, 0, 0)) bounds = hv.DynamicMap(lambda bounds: hv.Bounds(bounds), streams=[box]) third_dim_list = list(self._obj.dims) third_dim_list.remove(mask_dims[0]) third_dim_list.remove(mask_dims[1]) layout = decimate(points) * \, mask_dims, 'Value', third_dim_list) * \ bounds + \ decimate( hv.DynamicMap( lambda bounds: hv.Points( self._record_selections(bounds, points), kdims=mask_dims ), streams=[box] ) ) return layout
def spectre_chooser(self, **kwargs): ''' Visual tool for visualizing selected spectra and narrowing down mask based on spectra. It is easy to make a mistake with this, so you should keep a backup of your mask. You shouldn't use this on very large sets. TODO: This algorithm seems quite unefficient, maybe adding threading TODO: could help. :param kwargs: array, if you want to pre select pixels, initialize_mask, True if you want to initialize mask. True also Overrides array. False does nothing and overrides nothing initialize_value, what value you want to use in initialisation. Used if initialize_mask is True. Fallback value is 0. :return: hv.Object ''' if not len(self._obj.shape) == 3: raise ValueError('The spectre_chooser only works for 3 ' + 'dimensional objects.') self.__do_mask_changes(**kwargs) third_dimension = self._obj.M.no_mask_dims[0] third_dim_list = self._obj.coords[third_dimension].data points = hv.Points( np.array([(np.min(third_dim_list), np.min(])) box = hv.streams.BoundsXY( source=points, # bounds is defined as (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) bounds=(np.min(third_dim_list) - 0.001, np.min( - 0.001, np.max(third_dim_list) + 0.001, np.max( + 0.01)) bounds = hv.DynamicMap(lambda bounds: hv.Bounds(bounds), streams=[box]) layout = points *\ hv.DynamicMap( lambda bounds: hv.Overlay( [hv.Curve((third_dim_list,zs), kdims=self._obj.M.no_mask_dims, vdims=['Value']) for zs in self._new_choosing_spectre(bounds)] ), streams=[box]) * \ bounds return layout
def test_bounds(bounds): global selection, vizual, gvplot, hvplot, heatmap, feats, points, world_map, range_slider, controls3, max_cur_feature, min_cur_feature, temp_feats if bounds != None: min_long = min(bounds[0], bounds[2]) max_long = max(bounds[0], bounds[2]) min_lat = min(bounds[1], bounds[3]) max_lat = max(bounds[1], bounds[3]) downscale_feats = loc_feats.loc[(loc_feats['Longitude'] >= min_long) & (loc_feats['Longitude'] <= max_long) & (loc_feats['Latitude'] >= min_lat) & (loc_feats['Latitude'] <= max_lat)] temp_feats = downscale_feats max_cur_feature = temp_feats[choice.value].max() min_cur_feature = temp_feats[choice.value].min() range_slider = RangeSlider(start=min_cur_feature, end=max_cur_feature, value=(min_cur_feature, max_cur_feature), step=(max_cur_feature - min_cur_feature) / 20, title="Feature_range") range_slider.on_change('value', update_map_val) controls3 = widgetbox([range_slider], width=250) new_loc_feats = temp_feats.loc[ (temp_feats[choice.value] <= range_slider.value[1]) & (temp_feats[choice.value] >= range_slider.value[0])] feats = gv.Dataset(new_loc_feats, kdims=['Longitude', 'Latitude', choice.value]) points =, ['Longitude', 'Latitude'], [choice.value]) if len(new_loc_feats <= 20000): world_map = gv.Points(points).options( 'Points', size=5, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) else: world_map = decimate(gv.Points(points), max_samples=20000).options( 'Points', size=5, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) selection = hv.streams.Selection1D(source=world_map) heatmap = hv.DynamicMap(selected_points, streams=[selection]) box = hv.streams.BoundsXY(source=world_map) zoom = hv.DynamicMap(test_bounds, streams=[box]) hvplot = renderer.get_plot(heatmap, curdoc()) gvplot = renderer.get_plot(world_map, curdoc()) bvplot = renderer.get_plot(zoom, curdoc()) vizual.children[1].children = [ gvplot.state, hvplot.state, bvplot.state ] vizual.children[0].children[2] = controls3 else: bounds = (0, 0, 0, 0) return hv.Bounds(bounds).options(show_grid=False, height=0, width=0, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, default_tools=[], show_frame=False, toolbar=None)
from holoviews import streams, opts from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade from holoviews.plotting.plotly.dash import to_dash points = hv.Points( np.random.multivariate_normal((0, 0), [[1, 0.1], [0.1, 1]], (1000, ))) sel = streams.Selection1D(source=points) mean_sel = hv.DynamicMap(lambda index: hv.HLine(points['y'][index].mean() if index else -10), kdims=[], streams=[sel]) # Declare a Bounds stream and DynamicMap to get box_select geometry and draw it box = streams.BoundsXY(source=points, bounds=(0, 0, 0, 0)) bounds = hv.DynamicMap(lambda bounds: hv.Bounds(bounds), streams=[box]) # Declare DynamicMap to apply bounds selection dmap = hv.DynamicMap(lambda bounds:[0], bounds[2]), y=(bounds[1], bounds[3])), streams=[box]) # Compute histograms of selection along x-axis and y-axis yhist = hv.operation.histogram(dmap, bin_range=points.range('y'), dimension='y', dynamic=True, normed=False) xhist = hv.operation.histogram(dmap, bin_range=points.range('x'), dimension='x',
########################### ### using the csv files ### ########################### anotations_all = pd.read_csv('/media/pedro/DATAPART1/AGOnIA/datasets_figure/notazione finale/NEU LARGE/test.csv') anotations_all.columns=['experiment','xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax','id'] anotations_all.loc[anotations_all['experiment']=='neurofinder.01.01.bmp'] boxes_csv = [] for index, row in anotations_all.loc[anotations_all['experiment']=='neurofinder.01.01.bmp'].iterrows(): boxes_csv.append([row['xmin'],row['ymin'],row['xmax'],row['ymax']]) np.shape(boxes_csv) np.shape(boxes) ################################## ### load agonia boxes and plot ### ################################## data_path = '/media/pedro/DATAPART1/AGOnIA/datasets_figure/neurofinder/neurofinder.01.01' data_name,median_projection,fnames,fname_new,results_caiman_path,boxes_path = ut.get_files_names(data_path) boxes_agonia = pickle.load(open(boxes_path,'rb')) boxes_agonia=boxes_agonia[boxes_agonia[:,4]>.15].astype(int)[:,:4] boxes_agonia.shape roi_bounds = hv.Path([hv.Bounds(tuple([roi[0],median_projection.shape[0]-roi[1],roi[2],median_projection.shape[0]-roi[3]])) for roi in boxes_agonia[:,:4]]).options(color='red') roi_bounds_true = hv.Path([hv.Bounds(tuple([roi[0],median_projection.shape[0]-roi[1],roi[2],median_projection.shape[0]-roi[3]])) for roi in boxes_csv]).options(color='green') img = hv.Image(median_projection,bounds=(0,0,median_projection.shape[1],median_projection.shape[0])).options(cmap='gray') (img*roi_bounds*roi_bounds_true).opts(fig_size=300)