def test_dimension_values_datetime_xcoords(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') xs = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((xs, self.ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.dimension_values(0, expanded=False), date_range(start, end, 10))
def update_sheet_activity(sheet_name, force=False): """ Update the '_activity_buffer' ViewMap for a given sheet by name. If force is False and the existing Activity Image isn't stale, the existing view is returned. """ name = 'ActivityBuffer' sheet = topo.sim.objects(Sheet)[sheet_name] view = sheet.views.Maps.get(name, False) time = topo.sim.time() metadata = AttrDict(precedence=sheet.precedence, row_precedence=sheet.row_precedence,, shape=sheet.activity.shape, timestamp=time) if not view: im = Image(np.array(sheet.activity), sheet.bounds) im.metadata=metadata view = HoloMap((time, im), key_dimensions=[Time]) view.metadata = metadata sheet.views.Maps[name] = view else: if force or view.range('Time')[1] < time: im = Image(np.array(sheet.activity), sheet.bounds) im.metadata=metadata view[time] = im return view
def test_custom_magic_to_default_inheritance(self): """ Checks customs inheritance backs off to default tree correctly simulating the %%opts cell magic. """ if 'matplotlib' not in Store.renderers: raise SkipTest("Custom magic inheritance test requires matplotlib") options = self.initialize_option_tree() options.Image.A.B = Options('style', alpha=0.2) obj = Image(np.random.rand(10, 10), group='A', label='B') # Before customizing... expected_obj = {'alpha': 0.2, 'cmap': 'hot', 'interpolation': 'nearest'} obj_lookup = Store.lookup_options('matplotlib', obj, 'style') self.assertEqual(obj_lookup.kwargs, expected_obj) custom_tree = {0: OptionTree(groups=['plot', 'style', 'norm'], style={'Image' : dict(clims=(0, 0.5))})} Store._custom_options['matplotlib'] = custom_tree = 0 # Manually set the id to point to the tree above # Customize this particular object expected_custom_obj = dict(clims=(0,0.5), **expected_obj) custom_obj_lookup = Store.lookup_options('matplotlib', obj, 'style') self.assertEqual(custom_obj_lookup.kwargs, expected_custom_obj)
def test_plot_options_one_object(self): im = Image(np.random.rand(10,10)) imopts = opts.Image(interpolation='nearest', cmap='jet') styled_im = im.options(imopts) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(im, 'plot').options, {}) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(styled_im, 'style').options, dict(cmap='jet', interpolation='nearest'))
def view_depth_map(self, mode='both'): """ Visualize the depth map using holoviews, including distribution histograms. Mode may be one of 'discrete', 'raw' or 'both': * The 'discrete' mode presents the depth map used by TemporalScatter, showing the latency at which TemporalScatter will propagate the input i.e. discrete, positive latencies in milliseconds. * The 'raw' mode shows the continuous distribution before discretization. This is typically a zero-mean, zero-centered distribution i.e a continuous, zero-centered latency distribution. * Both presents both of the above types together (default). """ views = [] if mode in ['raw', 'both']: views.append(Image(self.raw_depth_map, group='Pattern', label='Raw Depth map').hist()) if mode in ['discrete', 'both']: scaled_map = (self.depth_map * self.timestep) discrete_sv = Image(scaled_map, group='Pattern', label='Depth map') views.append(discrete_sv.hist(num_bins=self.depth, bin_range=(0, self.span))) return views[0] if len(views)==1 else views[0]+views[1]
def test_regrid_mean_xarray_transposed(self): img = Image((range(10), range(5), np.arange(10) * np.arange(5)[np.newaxis].T), datatype=['xarray']) = regridded = regrid(img, width=2, height=2, dynamic=False) expected = Image(([2., 7.], [0.75, 3.25], [[1, 5], [6, 22]])) self.assertEqual(regridded, expected)
def test_opts_method_with_utility(self): im = Image(np.random.rand(10,10)) imopts = opts.Image(cmap='Blues') styled_im = im.opts(imopts) assert styled_im is im self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(im, 'style').options, {'cmap': 'Blues', 'interpolation': 'nearest'})
def test_plot_options_object_list(self): im = Image(np.random.rand(10,10)) imopts1 = opts.Image(interpolation='nearest') imopts2 = opts.Image(cmap='summer') styled_im = im.options([imopts1,imopts2]) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(im, 'plot').options, {}) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(styled_im, 'style').options, dict(cmap='summer', interpolation='nearest'))
def __getitem__(self, coords): metadata = AttrDict(precedence=self.precedence, row_precedence=self.row_precedence, timestamp=self.simulation.time()) image = Image(self.activity.copy(), self.bounds,, group='Activity')[coords] image.metadata=metadata return image
def test_simple_clone_disabled(self): im = Image(np.random.rand(10,10)) styled_im = im.opts(interpolation='nearest', cmap='jet', clone=False) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(im, 'plot').options, {}) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(styled_im, 'plot').options, {}) assert styled_im is im self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(im, 'style').options, {'cmap': 'jet', 'interpolation': 'nearest'})
def _collate_results(self, p): results = Layout() timestamp = self.metadata.timestamp axis_name = p.x_axis.capitalize() axis_feature = [f for f in self.features if == p.x_axis][0] if axis_feature.cyclic: axis_feature.values.append(axis_feature.range[1]) curve_label = ''.join([p.measurement_prefix, axis_name, 'Tuning']) dimensions = [features.Time, features.Duration] + [f for f in self.outer] + [axis_feature] pattern_dimensions = self.outer + self.inner pattern_dim_label = '_'.join( for f in pattern_dimensions) for label in self.measurement_product: # Deconstruct label into source name and feature_values name = label[0] f_vals = label[1:] # Get data and metadata from the DistributionMatrix objects dist_matrix = self._featureresponses[name][f_vals][p.x_axis] curve_responses = dist_matrix.distribution_matrix output_metadata = self.metadata.outputs[name] rows, cols = output_metadata['shape'] # Create top level NdMapping indexing over time, duration, the outer # feature dimensions and the x_axis dimension if (curve_label, name) not in results: vmap = HoloMap(kdims=dimensions, group=curve_label, label=name) vmap.metadata = AttrDict(**output_metadata) results.set_path((curve_label, name), vmap) metadata = AttrDict(timestamp=timestamp, **output_metadata) # Populate the ViewMap with measurements for each x value for x in curve_responses[0, 0]._data.iterkeys(): y_axis_values = np.zeros(output_metadata['shape'], activity_dtype) for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): y_axis_values[i, j] = curve_responses[i, j].get_value(x) key = (timestamp,)+f_vals+(x,) im = Image(y_axis_values, bounds=output_metadata['bounds'], label=name, group=' '.join([curve_label, 'Response']), vdims=['Response']) im.metadata = metadata.copy() results[(curve_label, name)][key] = im if axis_feature.cyclic and x == axis_feature.range[0]: symmetric_key = (timestamp,)+f_vals+(axis_feature.range[1],) results[(curve_label, name)][symmetric_key] = im if p.store_responses: info = (p.pattern_generator.__class__.__name__, pattern_dim_label, 'Response') results.set_path(('%s_%s_%s' % info, name), self._responses[name]) return results
def test_sample_coords(self): arr = np.arange(10)*np.arange(5)[np.newaxis].T xs = np.linspace(0.12, 0.81, 10) ys = np.linspace(0.12, 0.391, 5) img = Image((xs, ys, arr), kdims=['x', 'y'], vdims=['z'], datatype=[self.datatype]) sampled = img.sample([(0.15, 0.15), (0.15, 0.4), (0.8, 0.4), (0.8, 0.15)]) self.assertIsInstance(sampled, Table) yidx = [0, 4, 4, 0] xidx = [0, 0, 9, 9] table = Table((xs[xidx], ys[yidx], arr[yidx, xidx]), kdims=['x', 'y'], vdims=['z']) self.assertEqual(sampled, table)
def test_sheetview_release(self): s = Sheet() s.activity = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # Call s.sheet_view(..) with a parameter im2 = Image(s.activity, bounds=s.bounds) im2.metadata = dict( self.assertEqual(len(s.views.Maps.keys()), 0) s.views.Maps["Activity"] = im2 self.assertEqual(len(s.views.Maps.keys()), 1) s.release_sheet_view("Activity") self.assertEqual(len([v for v in s.views.Maps.values() if v is not None]), 0)
def test_simple_opts_clone_enabled(self): im = Image(np.random.rand(10,10)) styled_im = im.opts(interpolation='nearest', cmap='jet', clone=True) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(im, 'plot').options, {}) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(styled_im, 'plot').options, {}) assert styled_im is not im im_lookup = self.lookup_options(im, 'style').options self.assertEqual(im_lookup['cmap'] == 'jet', False) styled_im_lookup = self.lookup_options(styled_im, 'style').options self.assertEqual(styled_im_lookup['cmap'] == 'jet', True)
def test_mpl_bokeh_mpl_via_builders_opts_method(self): img = Image(np.random.rand(10,10)) mpl_opts = opts.Image(cmap='Blues', backend='matplotlib') bokeh_opts = opts.Image(cmap='Purple', backend='bokeh') self.assertEqual(mpl_opts.kwargs['backend'], 'matplotlib') self.assertEqual(bokeh_opts.kwargs['backend'], 'bokeh') img.opts(mpl_opts, bokeh_opts) mpl_lookup = Store.lookup_options('matplotlib', img, 'style').options self.assertEqual(mpl_lookup['cmap'], 'Blues') bokeh_lookup = Store.lookup_options('bokeh', img, 'style').options self.assertEqual(bokeh_lookup['cmap'], 'Purple') self.assert_output_options_group_empty(img)
def test_canonical_vdim(self): x = np.array([ 0. , 0.75, 1.5 ]) y = np.array([ 1.5 , 0.75, 0. ]) z = np.array([[ 0.06925999, 0.05800389, 0.05620127], [ 0.06240918, 0.05800931, 0.04969735], [ 0.05376789, 0.04669417, 0.03880118]]) dataset = Image((x, y, z), kdims=['x', 'y'], vdims=['z']) canonical = np.array([[ 0.05376789, 0.04669417, 0.03880118], [ 0.06240918, 0.05800931, 0.04969735], [ 0.06925999, 0.05800389, 0.05620127]]) self.assertEqual(dataset.dimension_values('z', flat=False), canonical)
def _collate_results(self, p): """ Collate responses into the results dictionary containing a ProjectionGrid for each measurement source. """ results = Layout() timestamp = self.metadata.timestamp dimensions = [features.Time, features.Duration] pattern_dimensions = self.outer + self.inner pattern_dim_label = '_'.join( for f in pattern_dimensions) grids, responses = {}, {} for labels in self.measurement_product: in_label, out_label, duration = labels input_metadata = self.metadata.inputs[in_label] output_metadata = self.metadata.outputs[out_label] rows, cols, scs = self._compute_roi(p, output_metadata) time_key = (timestamp, duration) grid_key = (in_label, out_label) if grid_key not in grids: if p.store_responses: responses[in_label] = self._responses[in_label] responses[out_label] = self._responses[out_label] grids[grid_key] = GridSpace(group='RFs', label=out_label) view = grids[grid_key] rc_response = self._featureresponses[in_label][out_label][duration] for i, ii in enumerate(rows): for j, jj in enumerate(cols): coord = scs.matrixidx2sheet(ii, jj) im = Image(rc_response[i, j], bounds=input_metadata['bounds'], label=out_label, group='Receptive Field', vdims=['Weight']) im.metadata = AttrDict(timestamp=timestamp) if coord in view: view[coord][time_key] = im else: view[coord] = HoloMap((time_key, im), kdims=dimensions, label=out_label, group='Receptive Field') view[coord].metadata = AttrDict(**input_metadata) for (in_label, out_label), view in grids.items(): results.set_path(('%s_Reverse_Correlation' % in_label, out_label), view) if p.store_responses: info = (p.pattern_generator.__class__.__name__, pattern_dim_label, 'Response') results.set_path(('%s_%s_%s' % info, in_label), responses[in_label]) results.set_path(('%s_%s_%s' % info, out_label), responses[out_label]) return results
def projection_view(self, timestamp=None): """Returns the activity in a single projection""" if timestamp is None: timestamp = self.src.simulation.time() im = Image(self.activity.copy(), self.dest.bounds,, group='Activity') im.metadata=AttrDict(, precedence=self.src.precedence,, row_precedence=self.src.row_precedence,, timestamp=timestamp) return im
def test_opts_clear(self): im = Image(np.random.rand(10,10)) styled_im = im.opts(style=dict(cmap='jet', interpolation='nearest', option1='A', option2='B'), clone=False) self.assertEqual(self.lookup_options(im, 'style').options, {'cmap': 'jet', 'interpolation': 'nearest', 'option1':'A', 'option2':'B'}) assert styled_im is im cleared = im.opts.clear() assert cleared is im cleared_options = self.lookup_options(cleared, 'style').options self.assertEqual(not any(k in ['option1', 'option2'] for k in cleared_options.keys()), True)
def __getitem__(self, coords): metadata = AttrDict(precedence=self.precedence, row_precedence=self.row_precedence, timestamp=self.simulation.time()) if self._channel_data: arr = np.dstack(self._channel_data) else: arr = self.activity.copy() im = Image(arr, self.bounds,' Activity', group='Activity')[coords] im.metadata=metadata return im
def update_rgb_activities(): """ Make available Red, Green, and Blue activity matrices for all appropriate sheets. """ for sheet in topo.sim.objects(Sheet).values(): metadata = AttrDict(, precedence=sheet.precedence, row_precedence=sheet.row_precedence, timestamp=topo.sim.time()) for c in ['Red','Green','Blue']: # should this ensure all of r,g,b are present? if hasattr(sheet,'activity_%s'%c.lower()): activity_copy = getattr(sheet,'activity_%s'%c.lower()).copy() new_view = Image(activity_copy, bounds=sheet.bounds) new_view.metadata=metadata sheet.views.Maps['%sActivity'%c]=new_view
def test_custom_opts_to_default_inheritance(self): """ Checks customs inheritance backs off to default tree correctly using .opts. """ options = self.initialize_option_tree() options.Image.A.B = Options('style', alpha=0.2) obj = Image(np.random.rand(10, 10), group='A', label='B') expected_obj = {'alpha': 0.2, 'cmap': 'hot', 'interpolation': 'nearest'} obj_lookup = Store.lookup_options('matplotlib', obj, 'style') self.assertEqual(obj_lookup.kwargs, expected_obj) # Customize this particular object custom_obj = obj.opts(style=dict(clims=(0, 0.5))) expected_custom_obj = dict(clims=(0,0.5), **expected_obj) custom_obj_lookup = Store.lookup_options('matplotlib', custom_obj, 'style') self.assertEqual(custom_obj_lookup.kwargs, expected_custom_obj)
def test_regrid_max(self): img = Image((range(10), range(5), np.arange(10) * np.arange(5)[np.newaxis].T)) regridded = regrid(img, aggregator='max', width=2, height=2, dynamic=False) expected = Image(([2., 7.], [0.75, 3.25], [[8, 18], [16, 36]])) self.assertEqual(regridded, expected)
def test_image_gradient(self): img = Image(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [3, 4, 5.], [6, 7, 8]])) op_img = gradient(img) self.assertEqual(op_img, img.clone(np.array([[3.162278, 3.162278], [3.162278, 3.162278]]), group='Gradient'))
def test_image_transform(self): img = Image(np.random.rand(10, 10)) op_img = transform(img, operator=lambda x: x*2) self.assertEqual(op_img, img.clone(*2, group='Transform'))
def test_regrid_disabled_expand(self): img = Image(([0.5, 1.5], [0.5, 1.5], [[0., 1.], [2., 3.]])) regridded = regrid(img, width=2, height=2, x_range=(-2, 4), y_range=(-2, 4), expand=False, dynamic=False) self.assertEqual(regridded, img)
def test_rasterize_image_string_aggregator(self): img = Image((range(10), range(5), np.arange(10) * np.arange(5)[np.newaxis].T)) regridded = regrid(img, width=2, height=2, dynamic=False, aggregator='mean') expected = Image(([2., 7.], [0.75, 3.25], [[1, 5], [6, 22]])) self.assertEqual(regridded, expected)
def init_data(self): self.image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=(-10, 0, 10, 10))
def test_image_threshold(self): img = Image(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [3, 4, 5.]])) op_img = threshold(img) self.assertEqual( op_img, img.clone(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]]), group='Threshold'))
def test_operation_holomap(self): hmap = HoloMap({1: Image(np.random.rand(10, 10))}) op_hmap = operation(hmap, op=lambda x, k: x.clone( * 2)) self.assertEqual( op_hmap.last, hmap.last.clone( * 2, group='Operation'))
def setUp(self): ### Simple case: we only pass a dictionary to Plot() ### that does not belong to a Sheet: views = {} time = 0 metadata = AttrDict(timestamp=time) ### SheetView1: ### Find a way to assign randomly the matrix. self.matrix1 = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.float) + np.random.random( (10, 10)) self.bounds1 = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5))) im = Image(self.matrix1, self.bounds1) im.metadata = metadata self.sheet_view1 = NdMapping((None, im)) self.sheet_view1.metadata = AttrDict(src_name='TestInputParam', precedence=0.1, row_precedence=0.1, cyclic_range=None, timestamp=time) self.key1 = 'IM1' views[self.key1] = self.sheet_view1 ### SheetView2: ### Find a way to assign randomly the matrix. self.matrix2 = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.float) + 0.3 self.bounds2 = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5))) im = Image(self.matrix2, self.bounds2) im.metadata = metadata self.sheet_view2 = NdMapping((None, im)) self.sheet_view2.metadata = AttrDict(src_name='TestInputParam', precedence=0.2, row_precedence=0.2, cyclic_range=None, timestamp=time) self.key2 = 'IM2' views[self.key2] = self.sheet_view2 ### SheetView3: ### Find a way to assign randomly the matrix. self.matrix3 = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.float) + np.random.random( (10, 10)) self.bounds3 = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, 0.5))) im = Image(self.matrix3, self.bounds3) im.metadata = metadata self.sheet_view3 = NdMapping((None, im)) self.sheet_view3.metadata = AttrDict(src_name='TestInputParam', precedence=0.3, row_precedence=0.3, cyclic_range=None, timestamp=time) self.key3 = 'IM3' views[self.key3] = self.sheet_view3 ### SheetView4: for testing clipping + different bounding box ### Find a way to assign randomly the matrix. self.matrix4 = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.float) + 1.6 self.bounds4 = BoundingBox(points=((-0.7, -0.7), (0.7, 0.7))) im = Image(self.matrix4, self.bounds4) im.metadata = metadata self.sheet_view4 = NdMapping((None, im)) self.sheet_view4.metadata = AttrDict(src_name='TestInputParam', precedence=0.4, row_precedence=0.4, cyclic_range=None, timestamp=time) self.key4 = 'IM4' views[self.key4] = self.sheet_view4 self.view_dict = {'Strength': views, 'Hue': views, 'Confidence': views} ### JCALERT! for the moment we can only pass a triple when creating plot ### adding more sheetView to test when plot will be fixed for accepting ### as much as you want. # plot0: empty plot + no sheetviewdict passed: error or empty plot? ### JCALERT! It has to be fixed what to do in this case in plot.. ### disabled test for the moment. #self.plot0 = Plot((None,None,None),None,name='plot0') ### CATCH EXCEPTION plot_channels1 = {'Strength': None, 'Hue': None, 'Confidence': None} # plot1: empty plot self.plot1 = make_template_plot(plot_channels1, self.view_dict, density=10.0, name='plot1') plot_channels2 = { 'Strength': self.key1, 'Hue': None, 'Confidence': None } # plot2: sheetView 1, no normalize, no clipping self.plot2 = make_template_plot(plot_channels2, self.view_dict, density=10.0, name='plot2') plot_channels3 = { 'Strength': self.key1, 'Hue': self.key2, 'Confidence': None } # plot3: sheetView 1+2, no normalize, no clipping self.plot3 = make_template_plot(plot_channels3, self.view_dict, density=10.0, name='plot3') plot_channels4 = { 'Strength': self.key1, 'Hue': self.key2, 'Confidence': self.key3 } # plot4: sheetView 1+2+3, no normalize , no clipping self.plot4 = make_template_plot(plot_channels4, self.view_dict, density=10.0, name='plot4') plot_channels5 = { 'Strength': self.key1, 'Hue': None, 'Confidence': self.key3 } # plot5: sheetView 1+3, no normalize, no clipping self.plot5 = make_template_plot(plot_channels5, self.view_dict, density=10.0, name='plot5') plot_channels6 = { 'Strength': None, 'Hue': self.key2, 'Confidence': self.key3 } # plot6: sheetView 2+3, no normalize , no clipping self.plot6 = make_template_plot(plot_channels6, self.view_dict, density=10.0, name='plot6') plot_channels7 = { 'Strength': self.key4, 'Hue': self.key2, 'Confidence': self.key3 } # plot7: sheetView 1+2+3, no normalize , clipping self.plot7 = make_template_plot(plot_channels7, self.view_dict, density=10.0, name='plot7') plot_channels8 = { 'Strength': self.key1, 'Hue': self.key2, 'Confidence': self.key3 } # plot8: sheetView 1+2+3, normalize , no clipping self.plot8 = make_template_plot(plot_channels8, self.view_dict, density=10.0, normalize=True, name='plot8') ### JCALERT! FOR THE MOMENT I TAKE THE DEFAULT FOR NORMALIZE. ### WE WILL SEE IF IT REMAINS IN PLOT FIRST. ### also makes a sheet to test realease_sheetviews self.sheet = Sheet() self.sheet.views.Maps[self.key1] = self.sheet_view1 self.sheet.views.Maps[self.key2] = self.sheet_view2 self.sheet.views.Maps[self.key3] = self.sheet_view3 self.sheet.views.Maps[self.key4] = self.sheet_view4 plot_channels9 = { 'Strength': self.key1, 'Hue': self.key2, 'Confidence': self.key3 } self.plot9 = make_template_plot(plot_channels9, self.sheet.views.Maps, density=10.0, name='plot9')
savefig_III.png test.mp4 # If the ffmpeg animation writer is enabled frame.png """ import numpy as np from holoviews import Image, Curve, HoloMap, Store # Note that outside of Jupyter notebooks, you need to activate the # appropriate renderer by importing it. Here we import the mpl backend. from holoviews.plotting import mpl # First lets create some example HoloViews objects to export x, y = np.mgrid[-50:51, -50:51] * 0.1 image = Image(np.sin(x**2 + y**2)) coords = [(0.1 * i, np.sin(0.1 * i)) for i in range(100)] curve = Curve(coords) curves = { phase: Curve([(0.1 * i, np.sin(phase + 0.1 * i)) for i in range(100)]) for phase in [0, np.pi / 2, np.pi, np.pi * 3 / 2] } waves = HoloMap(curves) # Static layout layout = image + curve #==============================# # Matplotlib renderer instance #
def test_bounds_mismatch(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Image((range(10), range(10), np.random.rand(10, 10)), bounds=0.5)
def test_init_data_tuple_error(self): xs = np.arange(5) ys = np.arange(10) array = xs * ys[:, np.newaxis] with self.assertRaises(DataError): Image((ys, xs, array))
def setUp(self): ### Simple case: we only pass a dictionary to Plot() ### that does not belong to a Sheet: views = {} time = 0 metadata = AttrDict(timestamp=time) ### SheetView1: ### Find a way to assign randomly the matrix. self.matrix1 = np.zeros((10,10),dtype=np.float) + np.random.random((10,10)) self.bounds1 = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5,-0.5),(0.5,0.5))) im = Image(self.matrix1, self.bounds1) im.metadata=metadata self.sheet_view1 = NdMapping((None, im)) self.sheet_view1.metadata = AttrDict(src_name='TestInputParam', precedence=0.1, row_precedence=0.1, cyclic_range=None, timestamp=time) self.key1 = 'IM1' views[self.key1] = self.sheet_view1 ### SheetView2: ### Find a way to assign randomly the matrix. self.matrix2 = np.zeros((10,10),dtype=np.float) + 0.3 self.bounds2 = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5,-0.5),(0.5,0.5))) im = Image(self.matrix2, self.bounds2) im.metadata=metadata self.sheet_view2 = NdMapping((None, im)) self.sheet_view2.metadata = AttrDict(src_name='TestInputParam', precedence=0.2, row_precedence=0.2, cyclic_range=None, timestamp=time) self.key2 = 'IM2' views[self.key2] = self.sheet_view2 ### SheetView3: ### Find a way to assign randomly the matrix. self.matrix3 = np.zeros((10,10),dtype=np.float) + np.random.random((10,10)) self.bounds3 = BoundingBox(points=((-0.5,-0.5),(0.5,0.5))) im = Image(self.matrix3, self.bounds3) im.metadata=metadata self.sheet_view3 = NdMapping((None, im)) self.sheet_view3.metadata = AttrDict(src_name='TestInputParam', precedence=0.3, row_precedence=0.3, cyclic_range=None, timestamp=time) self.key3 = 'IM3' views[self.key3] = self.sheet_view3 ### SheetView4: for testing clipping + different bounding box ### Find a way to assign randomly the matrix. self.matrix4 = np.zeros((10,10),dtype=np.float) + 1.6 self.bounds4 = BoundingBox(points=((-0.7,-0.7),(0.7,0.7))) im = Image(self.matrix4, self.bounds4) im.metadata=metadata self.sheet_view4 = NdMapping((None, im)) self.sheet_view4.metadata = AttrDict(src_name='TestInputParam', precedence=0.4, row_precedence=0.4, cyclic_range=None, timestamp=time) self.key4 = 'IM4' views[self.key4] = self.sheet_view4 self.view_dict = {'Strength': views, 'Hue': views, 'Confidence': views} ### JCALERT! for the moment we can only pass a triple when creating plot ### adding more sheetView to test when plot will be fixed for accepting ### as much as you want. # plot0: empty plot + no sheetviewdict passed: error or empty plot? ### JCALERT! It has to be fixed what to do in this case in plot.. ### disabled test for the moment. #self.plot0 = Plot((None,None,None),None,name='plot0') ### CATCH EXCEPTION plot_channels1 = {'Strength':None,'Hue':None,'Confidence':None} # plot1: empty plot self.plot1 = make_template_plot(plot_channels1,self.view_dict,density=10.0,name='plot1') plot_channels2 = {'Strength':self.key1,'Hue':None,'Confidence':None} # plot2: sheetView 1, no normalize, no clipping self.plot2 = make_template_plot(plot_channels2,self.view_dict,density=10.0,name='plot2') plot_channels3 = {'Strength':self.key1,'Hue':self.key2,'Confidence':None} # plot3: sheetView 1+2, no normalize, no clipping self.plot3 = make_template_plot(plot_channels3,self.view_dict,density=10.0,name='plot3') plot_channels4 = {'Strength':self.key1,'Hue':self.key2,'Confidence':self.key3} # plot4: sheetView 1+2+3, no normalize , no clipping self.plot4 = make_template_plot(plot_channels4,self.view_dict,density=10.0,name='plot4') plot_channels5 = {'Strength':self.key1,'Hue':None,'Confidence':self.key3} # plot5: sheetView 1+3, no normalize, no clipping self.plot5 = make_template_plot(plot_channels5,self.view_dict,density=10.0,name='plot5') plot_channels6 = {'Strength':None,'Hue':self.key2,'Confidence':self.key3} # plot6: sheetView 2+3, no normalize , no clipping self.plot6 = make_template_plot(plot_channels6,self.view_dict,density=10.0,name='plot6') plot_channels7 = {'Strength':self.key4,'Hue':self.key2,'Confidence':self.key3} # plot7: sheetView 1+2+3, no normalize , clipping self.plot7 = make_template_plot(plot_channels7,self.view_dict,density=10.0,name='plot7') plot_channels8 = {'Strength':self.key1,'Hue':self.key2,'Confidence':self.key3} # plot8: sheetView 1+2+3, normalize , no clipping self.plot8 = make_template_plot(plot_channels8,self.view_dict,density=10.0,normalize=True,name='plot8') ### JCALERT! FOR THE MOMENT I TAKE THE DEFAULT FOR NORMALIZE. ### WE WILL SEE IF IT REMAINS IN PLOT FIRST. ### also makes a sheet to test realease_sheetviews self.sheet = Sheet() self.sheet.views.Maps[self.key1]=self.sheet_view1 self.sheet.views.Maps[self.key2]=self.sheet_view2 self.sheet.views.Maps[self.key3]=self.sheet_view3 self.sheet.views.Maps[self.key4]=self.sheet_view4 plot_channels9 = {'Strength':self.key1,'Hue':self.key2,'Confidence':self.key3} self.plot9 = make_template_plot(plot_channels9,self.sheet.views.Maps,density=10.0,name='plot9')
def test_rasterize_quadmesh(self): qmesh = QuadMesh(([0, 1], [0, 1], np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]))) img = rasterize(qmesh, width=3, height=3, dynamic=False, aggregator=ds.mean('z')) image = Image(np.array([[2, 3, 3], [2, 3, 3], [0, 1, 1]]), bounds=(-.5, -.5, 1.5, 1.5)) self.assertEqual(img, image)
def test_operation_element(self): img = Image(np.random.rand(10, 10)) op_img = operation(img, op=lambda x, k: x.clone( * 2)) self.assertEqual(op_img, img.clone( * 2, group='Operation'))
def test_select_value_dimension_rgb(self): self.assertEqual( self.rgb[..., 'R'], Image(np.flipud(self.rgb_array[:, :, 0]), bounds=self.rgb.bounds, vdims=[Dimension('R', range=(0, 1))]))
def test_spikes_aggregate_spike_length(self): spikes = Spikes([1, 2, 3]) agg = rasterize(spikes, width=5, dynamic=False, expand=False, spike_length=7) expected = Image(np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]), vdims='count', xdensity=2.5, ydensity=1, bounds=(1, 0, 3, 7.0)) self.assertEqual(agg, expected)
class Image_ImageInterfaceTests(InterfaceTests): """ Tests for ImageInterface """ datatype = 'image' element = Image data_type = np.ndarray def init_grid_data(self): self.xs = np.linspace(-9, 9, 10) self.ys = np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10) self.array = np.arange(10) * np.arange(10)[:, np.newaxis] def init_data(self): self.image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=(-10, 0, 10, 10)) def test_init_data_tuple(self): xs = np.arange(5) ys = np.arange(10) array = xs * ys[:, np.newaxis] Image((xs, ys, array)) def test_init_data_tuple_error(self): xs = np.arange(5) ys = np.arange(10) array = xs * ys[:, np.newaxis] with self.assertRaises(DataError): Image((ys, xs, array)) def test_bounds_mismatch(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Image((range(10), range(10), np.random.rand(10, 10)), bounds=0.5) def test_init_data_datetime_xaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') xs = date_range(start, end, 10) Image((xs, self.ys, self.array)) def test_init_data_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') ys = date_range(start, end, 10) Image((self.xs, ys, self.array)) def test_init_bounds(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.bounds.lbrt(), (-10, 0, 10, 10)) def test_init_bounds_datetime_xaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') xs = date_range(start, end, 10) bounds = (start, 0, end, 10) image = Image((xs, self.ys, self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.bounds.lbrt(), bounds) def test_init_bounds_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') ys = date_range(start, end, 10) bounds = (-10, start, 10, end) image = Image((self.xs, ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.bounds.lbrt(), bounds) def test_init_densities(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(self.image.ydensity, 1) def test_init_densities_datetime_xaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') xs = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((xs, self.ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.xdensity, 1e-5) self.assertEqual(image.ydensity, 1) def test_init_densities_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') ys = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((self.xs, ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(image.ydensity, 1e-5) def test_dimension_values_xs(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(0, expanded=False), np.linspace(-9, 9, 10)) def test_dimension_values_ys(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(1, expanded=False), np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10)) def test_dimension_values_vdim(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array) def test_index_single_coordinate(self): self.assertEqual(self.image[0.3, 5.1], 25) def test_slice_xaxis(self): sliced = self.image[0.3:5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (0, 0, 6, 10)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[:, 5:8]) def test_slice_datetime_xaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (start, 0, end, 10) xs = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((xs, self.ys, self.array), bounds=bounds) sliced = image[start+np.timedelta64(530, 'ms'): start+np.timedelta64(770, 'ms')] self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[:, 5:8]) def test_slice_yaxis(self): sliced = self.image[:, 1.2:5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (-10, 1., 10, 5)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[1:5, :]) def test_slice_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') ys = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((self.xs, ys, self.array)) sliced = image[:, start+np.timedelta64(120, 'ms'): start+np.timedelta64(520, 'ms')] self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[1:5, :]) def test_slice_both_axes(self): sliced = self.image[0.3:5.2, 1.2:5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (0, 1., 6, 5)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[1:5, 5:8]) def test_slice_x_index_y(self): sliced = self.image[0.3:5.2, 5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.0)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[5:6, 5:8]) def test_index_x_slice_y(self): sliced = self.image[3.2, 1.2:5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (2.0, 1.0, 4.0, 5.0)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[1:5, 6:7]) def test_range_xdim(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.range(0), (-10, 10)) def test_range_datetime_xdim(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') xs = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((xs, self.ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.range(0), (start, end)) def test_range_ydim(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.range(1), (0, 10)) def test_range_datetime_ydim(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') ys = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((self.xs, ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.range(1), (start, end)) def test_range_vdim(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.range(2), (0, 81)) def test_dimension_values_xcoords(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(0, expanded=False), np.linspace(-9, 9, 10)) def test_dimension_values_datetime_xcoords(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') xs = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((xs, self.ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.dimension_values(0, expanded=False), date_range(start, end, 10)) def test_dimension_values_ycoords(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(1, expanded=False), np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10)) def test_sample_xcoord(self): ys = np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10) zs = [0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63] with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], self.image): self.assertEqual(self.image.sample(x=5), Curve((ys, zs), kdims=['y'], vdims=['z'])) def test_sample_ycoord(self): xs = np.linspace(-9, 9, 10) zs = [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36] with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], self.image): self.assertEqual(self.image.sample(y=5), Curve((xs, zs), kdims=['x'], vdims=['z'])) def test_sample_coords(self): arr = np.arange(10)*np.arange(5)[np.newaxis].T xs = np.linspace(0.12, 0.81, 10) ys = np.linspace(0.12, 0.391, 5) img = Image((xs, ys, arr), kdims=['x', 'y'], vdims=['z'], datatype=[self.datatype]) sampled = img.sample([(0.15, 0.15), (0.15, 0.4), (0.8, 0.4), (0.8, 0.15)]) self.assertIsInstance(sampled, Table) yidx = [0, 4, 4, 0] xidx = [0, 0, 9, 9] table = Table((xs[xidx], ys[yidx], arr[yidx, xidx]), kdims=['x', 'y'], vdims=['z']) self.assertEqual(sampled, table) def test_reduce_to_scalar(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.reduce(['x', 'y'], function=np.mean), 20.25) def test_reduce_x_dimension(self): ys = np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10) zs = [0., 4.5, 9., 13.5, 18., 22.5, 27., 31.5, 36., 40.5] with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], Image): self.assertEqual(self.image.reduce(x=np.mean), Curve((ys, zs), kdims=['y'], vdims=['z'])) def test_reduce_y_dimension(self): xs = np.linspace(-9, 9, 10) zs = [0., 4.5, 9., 13.5, 18., 22.5, 27., 31.5, 36., 40.5] with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], Image): self.assertEqual(self.image.reduce(y=np.mean), Curve((xs, zs), kdims=['x'], vdims=['z'])) def test_dataset_reindex_constant(self): with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary', 'dataframe', 'grid'], self.image): selected = Dataset( reindexed = selected.reindex(['y']) data = Dataset(selected.columns(['y', 'z']), kdims=['y'], vdims=['z']) self.assertEqual(reindexed, data) def test_dataset_reindex_non_constant(self): with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary', 'dataframe', 'grid'], self.image): ds = Dataset(self.image) reindexed = ds.reindex(['y']) data = Dataset(ds.columns(['y', 'z']), kdims=['y'], vdims=['z']) self.assertEqual(reindexed, data) def test_aggregate_with_spreadfn(self): with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], self.image): agg = self.image.aggregate('x', np.mean, np.std) xs = self.image.dimension_values('x', expanded=False) mean = self.array.mean(axis=0) std = self.array.std(axis=0) self.assertEqual(agg, Curve((xs, mean, std), kdims=['x'], vdims=['z', 'z_std']))
def init_data(self): self.xs = np.linspace(-9, 9, 10) self.ys = np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10) self.array = np.arange(10) * np.arange(10)[:, np.newaxis] self.image = Image((self.xs, self.ys, self.array)) self.image_inv = Image((self.xs[::-1], self.ys[::-1], self.array[::-1, ::-1]))
def test_rasterize_quadmesh_string_aggregator(self): qmesh = QuadMesh(([0, 1], [0, 1], np.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]))) img = rasterize(qmesh, width=3, height=3, dynamic=False, aggregator='mean') image = Image(np.array([[2., 3., np.NaN], [0, 1, np.NaN], [np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN]]), bounds=(-.5, -.5, 1.5, 1.5)) self.assertEqual(img, image)
def test_init_data_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') ys = date_range(start, end, 10) Image((self.xs, ys, self.array))
def test_operation_element(self): img = Image(np.random.rand(10, 10)) op_img = operation(img, op=lambda x, k: x.clone(*2)) self.assertEqual(op_img, img.clone(*2, group='Operation'))
def test_init_data_tuple(self): xs = np.arange(5) ys = np.arange(10) array = xs * ys[:, np.newaxis] Image((xs, ys, array))
def test_image_threshold(self): img = Image(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [3, 4, 5.]])) op_img = threshold(img) self.assertEqual(op_img, img.clone(np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]]), group='Threshold'))
def test_init_bounds_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') ys = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((self.xs, ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.bounds.lbrt(), (-10, start, 10, end))
def test_regrid_disabled_upsampling(self): img = Image(([0.5, 1.5], [0.5, 1.5], [[0, 1], [2, 3]])) regridded = regrid(img, width=3, height=3, dynamic=False, upsample=False) self.assertEqual(regridded, img)
def test_range_datetime_xdim(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') xs = date_range(start, end, 10) image = Image((xs, self.ys, self.array)) self.assertEqual(image.range(0), (start, end))
def test_image_casting(self): img = Image([], bounds=2) self.assertEqual(img, Image(img))
def test_aggregate_points_target(self): points = Points([(0.2, 0.3), (0.4, 0.7), (0, 0.99)]) expected = Image(([0.25, 0.75], [0.25, 0.75], [[1, 0], [2, 0]]), vdims=['Count']) img = aggregate(points, dynamic=False, target=expected) self.assertEqual(img, expected)
def test_image_string_signature(self): img = Image(np.array([[0, 1], [0, 1]]), ['a', 'b'], 'c') self.assertEqual(img.kdims, [Dimension('a'), Dimension('b')]) self.assertEqual(img.vdims, [Dimension('c')])
def test_regrid_mean(self): img = Image( (range(10), range(5), np.arange(10) * np.arange(5)[np.newaxis].T)) regridded = regrid(img, width=2, height=2, dynamic=False) expected = Image(([2., 7.], [0.75, 3.25], [[1, 5], [6, 22]])) self.assertEqual(regridded, expected)
class ImageInterfaceTest(ComparisonTestCase): datatype = 'image' def setUp(self): self.eltype = Image self.restore_datatype = self.eltype.datatype self.eltype.datatype = [self.datatype] self.init_data() def init_data(self): self.array = np.arange(10) * np.arange(10)[:, np.newaxis] self.image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=(-10, 0, 10, 10)) def tearDown(self): self.eltype.datatype = self.restore_datatype def test_init_data_tuple(self): xs = np.arange(5) ys = np.arange(10) array = xs * ys[:, np.newaxis] Image((xs, ys, array)) def test_init_data_tuple_error(self): xs = np.arange(5) ys = np.arange(10) array = xs * ys[:, np.newaxis] with self.assertRaises(DataError): Image((ys, xs, array)) def test_bounds_mismatch(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): Image((range(10), range(10), np.random.rand(10, 10)), bounds=0.5) def test_init_data_datetime_xaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=(start, 0, end, 10)) def test_init_data_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=(-10, start, 10, end)) def test_init_bounds(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.bounds.lbrt(), (-10, 0, 10, 10)) def test_init_bounds_datetime_xaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (start, 0, end, 10) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.bounds.lbrt(), bounds) def test_init_bounds_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (-10, start, 10, end) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.bounds.lbrt(), bounds) def test_init_densities(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(self.image.ydensity, 1) def test_init_densities_datetime_xaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (start, 0, end, 10) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.xdensity, 1e-5) self.assertEqual(image.ydensity, 1) def test_init_densities_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (-10, start, 10, end) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(image.ydensity, 1e-5) def test_dimension_values_xs(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(0, expanded=False), np.linspace(-9, 9, 10)) def test_dimension_values_ys(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(1, expanded=False), np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10)) def test_dimension_values_vdim(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array) def test_index_single_coordinate(self): self.assertEqual(self.image[0.3, 5.1], 25) def test_slice_xaxis(self): sliced = self.image[0.3:5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (0, 0, 6, 10)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[:, 5:8]) def test_slice_datetime_xaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (start, 0, end, 10) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) sliced = image[start+np.timedelta64(530, 'ms'): start+np.timedelta64(770, 'ms')] self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[:, 5:8]) def test_slice_yaxis(self): sliced = self.image[:, 1.2:5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (-10, 1., 10, 5)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[1:5, :]) def test_slice_datetime_yaxis(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (-10, start, 10, end) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) sliced = image[:, start+np.timedelta64(120, 'ms'): start+np.timedelta64(520, 'ms')] self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[1:5, :]) def test_slice_both_axes(self): sliced = self.image[0.3:5.2, 1.2:5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (0, 1., 6, 5)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[1:5, 5:8]) def test_slice_x_index_y(self): sliced = self.image[0.3:5.2, 5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.0)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[5:6, 5:8]) def test_index_x_slice_y(self): sliced = self.image[3.2, 1.2:5.2] self.assertEqual(sliced.bounds.lbrt(), (2.0, 1.0, 4.0, 5.0)) self.assertEqual(sliced.xdensity, 0.5) self.assertEqual(sliced.ydensity, 1) self.assertEqual(sliced.dimension_values(2, flat=False), self.array[1:5, 6:7]) def test_range_xdim(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.range(0), (-10, 10)) def test_range_datetime_xdim(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (start, 0, end, 10) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.range(0), (start, end)) def test_range_ydim(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.range(1), (0, 10)) def test_range_datetime_ydim(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (-10, start, 10, end) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.range(1), (start, end)) def test_range_vdim(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.range(2), (0, 81)) def test_dimension_values_xcoords(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(0, expanded=False), np.linspace(-9, 9, 10)) def test_dimension_values_datetime_xcoords(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (start, 0, end, 10) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.dimension_values(0, expanded=False), date_range(start, end, 10)) def test_dimension_values_ycoords(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.dimension_values(1, expanded=False), np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10)) def test_sample_xcoord(self): ys = np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10) zs = [0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63] with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], self.image): self.assertEqual(self.image.sample(x=5), Curve((ys, zs), kdims=['y'], vdims=['z'])) def test_sample_ycoord(self): xs = np.linspace(-9, 9, 10) zs = [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36] with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], self.image): self.assertEqual(self.image.sample(y=5), Curve((xs, zs), kdims=['x'], vdims=['z'])) def test_sample_coords(self): arr = np.arange(10)*np.arange(5)[np.newaxis].T xs = np.linspace(0.12, 0.81, 10) ys = np.linspace(0.12, 0.391, 5) img = Image((xs, ys, arr), kdims=['x', 'y'], vdims=['z'], datatype=[self.datatype]) sampled = img.sample([(0.15, 0.15), (0.15, 0.4), (0.8, 0.4), (0.8, 0.15)]) self.assertIsInstance(sampled, Table) yidx = [0, 4, 4, 0] xidx = [0, 0, 9, 9] table = Table((xs[xidx], ys[yidx], arr[yidx, xidx]), kdims=['x', 'y'], vdims=['z']) self.assertEqual(sampled, table) def test_reduce_to_scalar(self): self.assertEqual(self.image.reduce(['x', 'y'], function=np.mean), 20.25) def test_reduce_x_dimension(self): ys = np.linspace(0.5, 9.5, 10) zs = [0., 4.5, 9., 13.5, 18., 22.5, 27., 31.5, 36., 40.5] with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], Image): self.assertEqual(self.image.reduce(x=np.mean), Curve((ys, zs), kdims=['y'], vdims=['z'])) def test_reduce_y_dimension(self): xs = np.linspace(-9, 9, 10) zs = [0., 4.5, 9., 13.5, 18., 22.5, 27., 31.5, 36., 40.5] with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], Image): self.assertEqual(self.image.reduce(y=np.mean), Curve((xs, zs), kdims=['x'], vdims=['z'])) def test_dataset_reindex_constant(self): with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary', 'dataframe', 'grid'], self.image): selected = Dataset( reindexed = selected.reindex(['y']) data = Dataset(selected.columns(['y', 'z']), kdims=['y'], vdims=['z']) self.assertEqual(reindexed, data) def test_dataset_reindex_non_constant(self): with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary', 'dataframe', 'grid'], self.image): ds = Dataset(self.image) reindexed = ds.reindex(['y']) data = Dataset(ds.columns(['y', 'z']), kdims=['y'], vdims=['z']) self.assertEqual(reindexed, data) def test_aggregate_with_spreadfn(self): with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], self.image): agg = self.image.aggregate('x', np.mean, np.std) xs = self.image.dimension_values('x', expanded=False) mean = self.array.mean(axis=0) std = self.array.std(axis=0) self.assertEqual(agg, Curve((xs, mean, std), kdims=['x'], vdims=['z', 'z_std']))
def test_image_transform(self): img = Image(np.random.rand(10, 10)) op_img = transform(img, operator=lambda x: x * 2) self.assertEqual(op_img, img.clone( * 2, group='Transform'))
def _collate_results(self, p): results = Layout() timestamp = self.metadata.timestamp # Generate dimension info dictionary from features dimensions = [features.Time, features.Duration] + self.outer pattern_dimensions = self.outer + self.inner pattern_dim_label = '_'.join( for f in pattern_dimensions) for label in self.measurement_product: name = label[0] # Measurement source f_vals = label[1:] # Duration and outer feature values #Metadata inner_features = dict([(, f) for f in self.inner]) output_metadata = dict(self.metadata.outputs[name], inner_features=inner_features) # Iterate over inner features fr = self._featureresponses[name][f_vals] for fname, fdist in fr.items(): feature = fname.capitalize() base_name = self.measurement_prefix + feature # Get information from the feature fp = [f for f in self.features if == fname][0] pref_fn = fp.preference_fn if has_preference_fn(fp)\ else self.preference_fn if p.selectivity_multiplier is not None: pref_fn.selectivity_scale = (pref_fn.selectivity_scale[0], p.selectivity_multiplier) # Get maps and iterate over them response = fdist.apply_DSF(pref_fn) for k, maps in response.items(): for map_name, map_view in maps.items(): # Set labels and metadata map_index = base_name + k + map_name.capitalize() map_label = ' '.join([base_name, map_name.capitalize()]) cyclic = (map_name != 'selectivity' and fp.cyclic) fprange = fp.range if cyclic else (None, None) value_dimension = Dimension(map_label, cyclic=cyclic, range=fprange) self._set_style(fp, map_name) # Create views and stacks im = Image(map_view, bounds=output_metadata['bounds'], label=name, group=map_label, vdims=[value_dimension]) im.metadata=AttrDict(timestamp=timestamp) key = (timestamp,)+f_vals if (map_label.replace(' ', ''), name) not in results: vmap = HoloMap((key, im), kdims=dimensions, label=name, group=map_label) vmap.metadata = AttrDict(**output_metadata) results.set_path((map_index, name), vmap) else: results.path_items[(map_index, name)][key] = im if p.store_responses: info = (p.pattern_generator.__class__.__name__, pattern_dim_label, 'Response') results.set_path(('%s_%s_%s' % info, name), self._responses[name]) return results
def test_range_datetime_ydim(self): start = np.datetime64( end = start+np.timedelta64(1, 's') bounds = (-10, start, 10, end) image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=bounds) self.assertEqual(image.range(1), (start, end))
def init_data(self): self.array = np.arange(10) * np.arange(10)[:, np.newaxis] self.image = Image(np.flipud(self.array), bounds=(-10, 0, 10, 10))
def test_spikes_aggregate_count_dask(self): spikes = Spikes([1, 2, 3], datatype=['dask']) agg = rasterize(spikes, width=5, dynamic=False, expand=False) expected = Image(np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0, 1]]), vdims='count', xdensity=2.5, ydensity=1, bounds=(1, 0, 3, 0.5)) self.assertEqual(agg, expected)