def compCframe(plate, frame, apred='test', ratio=True, rows=range(300), yr=None, hdu=1): load = apload.ApLoad(apred=apred) mjd = 55562 + int(frame // 10000) new = load.apCframe('M67', plate, mjd, frame) old = {} fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 3, hspace=0.001) x = np.arange(2048) for ichip, chip in enumerate(chips): old[chip] =['APOGEE_REDUX'] + '/r8/apo25m/{:d}/{:d}/apCframe-{:s}-{:d}.fits'. format(plate, mjd, chip, frame)) for row in rows: if ratio: plots.plotl(ax[ichip], x, new[chip][hdu].data[row, :] / old[chip][hdu].data[row, :], yr=[0, 1.5]) else: plots.plotl(ax[ichip], x, new[chip][hdu].data[row, :], yr=yr) plots.plotl(ax[ichip], x, old[chip][hdu].data[row, :], yr=yr) plots.plotl(ax[ichip], x, new[chip][hdu].data[row, :] - old[chip][hdu].data[row, :], yr=yr)
def comp(plate=7267, mjd=56654, fiber=150, frame=10920059, field='M67'): r11 = apload.ApLoad(apred='r11') v = r11.apVisit(plate, mjd, fiber) a = r11.ap1D(frame) c = r11.apCframe(field, plate, mjd, frame) v14 =['APOGEE_REDUX'] + '/r8/apo25m/{:d}/{:d}/apVisit-r8-{:d}-{:d}-{:03d}.fits'. format(plate, mjd, plate, mjd, fiber)) a14 = {} c14 = {} for chip in chips: a14[chip] = os.environ['APOGEE_REDUX'] + '/r8/red/{:d}/ap1D-{:s}-{:d}.fits'.format(mjd, chip, frame)) c14[chip] =['APOGEE_REDUX'] + '/r8/apo25m/{:d}/{:d}/apCframe-{:s}-{:08d}.fits'. format(plate, mjd, chip, frame)) fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 3, hspace=0.01) x = np.arange(4096) pixmask = bitmask.PixelBitMask() for ichip, chip in enumerate(chips): y = v[1].data[ichip, :] plots.plotl(ax[ichip], x, v[1].data[ichip, :] / v14[1].data[ichip, :]) bd = np.where(((v[3].data[ichip, :] & pixmask.badval()) > 0) | ( (v[3].data[ichip, :] & pixmask.getval('SIG_SKYLINE')) > 0))[0] y[bd] = np.nan plots.plotl(ax[ichip], x, y / v14[1].data[ichip, :]) fig, ax = plots.multi(3, 3, hspace=0.01) x = np.arange(2048) for ichip, chip in enumerate(chips): plots.plotl(ax[ichip, 0], x, c[chip][1].data[300 - fiber, :]) plots.plotl(ax[ichip, 0], x, c14[chip][1].data[300 - fiber, :]) plots.plotl( ax[ichip, 1], x, c[chip][1].data[300 - fiber, :] / c14[chip][1].data[300 - fiber]) plots.plotl( ax[ichip, 2], x, a[chip][1].data[300 - fiber, :] / a14[chip][1].data[300 - fiber])
def comp1d(frame, apred='test', rows=range(300)): load = apload.ApLoad(apred=apred) new = load.ap1D(frame) old = {} mjd = 55562 + int(frame // 10000) fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 3, hspace=0.001) x = np.arange(2048) for ichip, chip in enumerate(chips): old[chip] = os.environ['APOGEE_REDUX'] + '/r8/red/{:d}/ap1D-{:s}-{:d}.fits'.format(mjd, chip, frame)) for row in rows: plots.plotl(ax[ichip], x, new[chip][1].data[row, :] / old[chip][1].data[row, :], yr=[0, 1.5])
def kurucz_marcs(): dr13load = apload.ApLoad(dr='dr13') dr13 = dr13load.allStar()[1].data gd = np.where(dr13['SNR'] > 150)[0] dr13 = dr13[gd] dr13load.aspcap = 'l30g' dr13_marcs = dr13load.allStar()[1].data gd = np.where(dr13_marcs['SNR'] > 150)[0] dr13_marcs = dr13_marcs[gd] fig, ax = plots.multi(2, 1, wspace=0.001) axim = plots.plotc(ax[0], dr13['FPARAM'][:, 0], dr13['FPARAM'][:, 1], dr13['FPARAM'][:, 3], xr=[4200, 3000], yr=[5, -1], zr=[-2, 0.5], xt=r'T$_{\rm eff}$', yt='log g', rasterized=True) plots.plotc(ax[1], dr13_marcs['FPARAM'][:, 0], dr13_marcs['FPARAM'][:, 1], dr13_marcs['FPARAM'][:, 3], xr=[4200, 3000], yr=[5, -1], zr=[-2, 0.5], xt=r'T$_{\rm eff}$', rasterized=True) for iax in range(2): for item in (ax[iax].get_xticklabels() + ax[iax].get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(10) ax[iax].xaxis.label.set_size(10) ax[iax].yaxis.label.set_size(10) cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.1, 0.01, 0.8]) cb = plt.colorbar(axim, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('[M/H]') cbaxes.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10) cbaxes.yaxis.label.set_size(10) fig.savefig('kurucz_marcs.pdf')
def clustmember(data,cluster,logg=[-1,3.8],te=[3800,5500],rv=True,pm=True,dist=True,raw=False,firstgen=False,firstpos=True, ratag='RA',dectag='DEC',rvtag='VHELIO',idtag='APOGEE_ID',btag='J',rtag='K', plot=False,hard=None) : clust=clustdata() ic = np.where( np.core.defchararray.strip( == cluster)[0] if len(ic) == 0 : print('no cluster found: ',cluster) return [] print('cluster: ', cluster) ic=ic[0] # adjust ra for wraparound if needed ra=copy.copy(data[ratag]) if clust[ic].ra > 300 : j=np.where(data[ratag] < 180)[0] ra[j]+=360 if clust[ic].ra < 60 : j=np.where(data[ratag] > 180)[0] ra[j]-=360 # select by location relative to cluster jc=np.where((np.abs(ra-clust[ic].ra)*np.cos(clust[ic].dec*np.pi/180.) < clust[ic].rad/60.) & (np.abs(data[dectag]-clust[ic].dec) < clust[ic].rad/60.))[0] if len(jc) > 0 : j=np.where( ((ra[jc]-clust[ic].ra)*np.cos(clust[ic].dec*np.pi/180.))**2+ (data[jc][dectag]-clust[ic].dec)**2 < (clust[ic].rad/60.)**2)[0] jc=jc[j] else : jc=[] print('{:d} stars after location criterion'.format(len(jc))) if len(jc) == 0 : return jc if plot : jf=np.where((np.abs(ra-clust[ic].ra)*np.cos(clust[ic].dec*np.pi/180.) < 1.5) & (np.abs(data[dectag]-clust[ic].dec) < 1.5))[0] fig,ax=plots.multi(1,1) fig.suptitle('{:s} Radius: {:4.2f} arcmin Ngood: {:d}'.format(cluster,clust[ic].rad,len(jc))) plots.plotp(ax,ra[jf],data[dectag][jf],color='k',size=20,draw=False,xt='RA',yt='DEC') plots.plotp(ax,ra[jc],data[dectag][jc],color='g',size=20,draw=False) circle = plt.Circle((clust[ic].ra,clust[ic].dec), clust[ic].rad/60., color='g', fill=False) ax.add_artist(circle) if hard is not None : print(hard+'/'+clust[ic].name+'_pos.png') fig.savefig(hard+'/'+clust[ic].name+'_pos.png') plt.close() else : pdb.set_trace() # RV criterion try : vhelio = data[rvtag] except : vhelio = data['VHELIO_AVG'] j=np.where(np.abs(vhelio[jc]-clust[ic].rv) < clust[ic].drv)[0] if len(j) > 0 : if rv: jc=jc[j] else : jc=[] print('{:d} stars after RV criterion'.format(len(jc))) if plot : ax.cla() try : if len(jf) > 0 : ax.hist(vhelio[jf],color='k',bins=np.arange(clust[ic].rv-100,clust[ic].rv+100,1.),histtype='step') if len(jc) > 0 : ax.hist(vhelio[jc],color='r',bins=np.arange(clust[ic].rv-100,clust[ic].rv+100,1.),histtype='step') if len(j) > 0 : ax.hist(vhelio[jc[j]],color='g',bins=np.arange(clust[ic].rv-100,clust[ic].rv+100,1.),histtype='step',linewidth=3) except : pass ymax=ax.get_ylim()[1] ax.plot([clust[ic].rv,clust[ic].rv],[0,ymax],color='g') ax.plot([clust[ic].rv+clust[ic].drv,clust[ic].rv+clust[ic].drv],[0,ymax],color='r',ls=':') ax.plot([clust[ic].rv-clust[ic].drv,clust[ic].rv-clust[ic].drv],[0,ymax],color='r',ls=':') fig.suptitle('{:s} RV: {:4.2f} +/- {:4.2f} Ngood: {:d}'.format(cluster,clust[ic].rv,clust[ic].drv,len(j))) ax.set_xlabel('RV') if hard is not None : fig.savefig(hard+'/'+clust[ic].name+'_rv.png') plt.close() else : plt.draw() pdb.set_trace() if len(jc) <= 1 : return jc # proper motion criterion if dist or pm : gaia = True else : gaia = False if gaia : job=Gaia.launch_job_async("SELECT xm.original_ext_source_id, gaia.ra, gaia.dec,"+ "gaia.pmra, gaia.pmra_error, gaia.pmdec, gaia.pmdec_error, gaia.parallax, gaia.parallax_error "+ "FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source AS gaia, gaiadr2.tmass_best_neighbour AS xm "+ "WHERE gaia.source_id = xm.source_id AND "+ "CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',gaia.ra,gaia.dec),CIRCLE('ICRS',{:12.6f},{:12.6f},{:12.6f}))=1;".format( clust[ic].ra,clust[ic].dec,clust[ic].rad/60.)) # convert to velocities (note mas and kpc cancel out factors of 1000) and get median gaia=job.get_results() h=htm.HTM() maxrad=3/3600. i1,i2,rad = h.match(data[ratag][jc],data[dectag][jc],gaia['ra'],gaia['dec'],maxrad,maxmatch=1) #i1, i2 = match.match(np.core.defchararray.replace(data[idtag][jc],'2M',''),gaia['original_ext_source_id']) vra=4.74*gaia['pmra']*clust[ic].dist vra_err=4.74*gaia['pmra_error']*clust[ic].dist vdec=4.74*gaia['pmdec']*clust[ic].dist vdec_err=4.74*gaia['pmdec_error']*clust[ic].dist med_vra=np.median(vra[i2]) med_vdec=np.median(vdec[i2]) j=np.where((vra[i2]-med_vra)**2+(vdec[i2]-med_vdec)**2 < 2*clust[ic].drv**2+vra_err[i2]**2+vdec_err[i2]**2)[0] if len(j) > 0 : if pm: #jc=jc[i1[j]] # allow for the possibility of multiple instances of a given star in input list jnew=[] for jjj in j : iii= np.where(data[idtag][jc] == data[idtag][jc[i1[jjj]]])[0] jnew.extend(iii) jc=jc[list(set(jnew))] else : jc=[] print('{:d} stars after PM criterion'.format(len(jc))) if plot : ax.cla() plots.plotp(ax,vra,vdec,color='k', xr=[med_vra-150,med_vra+150],xt='PMRA (km/sec at cluster dist)', yr=[med_vdec-150,med_vdec+150],yt='PMDEC (km/sec at cluster dist)') plots.plotp(ax,vra[i2],vdec[i2],color='r',size=30) plots.plotp(ax,vra[i2[j]],vdec[i2[j]],color='g',size=30) fig.suptitle('{:s} PM (km/s): {:4.2f} +/- {:4.2f} {:4.2f} +/ {:4.2f} Ngood: {:d}'.format( cluster,med_vra,clust[ic].drv, med_vdec,clust[ic].drv,len(jc))) if hard is not None : fig.savefig(hard+'/'+clust[ic].name+'_pm.png') plt.close() else : pdb.set_trace() if len(jc) <= 1 : return jc # parallaxes #gaia=job.get_results() #i1, i2 = match.match(np.core.defchararray.replace(data[idtag][jc],'2M',''),gaia['original_ext_source_id']) i1,i2,rad = h.match(data[ratag][jc],data[dectag][jc],gaia['ra'],gaia['dec'],maxrad,maxmatch=1) par=gaia['parallax'] par_error=gaia['parallax_error'] gd=np.where(np.isfinite(par[i2]))[0] med_par=np.median(par[i2[gd]]) med_par_error=np.median(par_error[i2[gd]]) j=np.where(np.isfinite(par[i2]) & (np.abs(par[i2]-med_par) < 3*med_par_error))[0] if len(j) > 0 : if dist: #jc=jc[i1[j]] # allow for the possibility of multiple instances of a given star in input list jnew=[] for jjj in j : iii= np.where(data['APOGEE_ID'][jc] == data['APOGEE_ID'][jc[i1[jjj]]])[0] jnew.extend(iii) jc=jc[jnew] else : jc=[] if plot : ax.cla() ax.hist(par,color='k',bins=np.arange(par.min(),par.max(),0.01),histtype='step',range=(0,2)) ax.hist(par[i2],color='r',bins=np.arange(par.min(),par.max(),0.01),histtype='step',range=(0,2)) ax.hist(par[i2[j]],color='g',bins=np.arange(par.min(),par.max(),0.01),histtype='step',range=(0,2)) ax.set_xlabel('Parallax') fig.suptitle('{:s} Parallax : {:4.2f} +/- {:4.2f} Ngood: {:d}'.format(cluster,med_par, 3*med_par_error,len(j))) if hard is not None : fig.savefig(hard+'/'+clust[ic].name+'_parallax.png') plt.close() else : plt.draw() pdb.set_trace() if len(j) > 0 : if dist: #jc=jc[i1[j]] # allow for the possibility of multiple instances of a given star in input list jnew=[] for jjj in j : iii= np.where(data[idtag][jc] == data[idtag][jc[i1[jjj]]])[0] jnew.extend(iii) jc=jc[list(set(jnew))] else : jc=[] print('{:d} stars after parallax criterion'.format(len(jc))) if len(jc) <= 1 : return jc # parameters criteria if raw : param='FPARAM' else : param='PARAM' try : j = np.where((data[param][jc,1] >= logg[0]) & (data[param][jc,1] <= logg[1]) & (data[param][jc,0] >= te[0]) & (data[param][jc,0] <= te[1]) )[0] if len(j) > 0 : jc=jc[j] else : jc=[] except: pass print('{:d} stars after parameters criterion'.format(len(jc))) if len(jc) <= 1 : return jc # Remove badstars if plot : ax.cla() plots.plotp(ax,data[btag][jf]-data[rtag][jf],data[rtag][jf],color='k',size=20,xr=[-0.5,1.5],yr=[17,6], facecolors='none',linewidth=1,draw=False,xt=btag+'-'+rtag,yt=rtag) plots.plotp(ax,data[btag][jc]-data[rtag][jc],data[rtag][jc],color='g',size=30,xr=[-0.5,1.5],draw=False,yr=[17,6]) badstars = open(os.environ['APOGEE_DIR']+'/data/calib/badcal.dat') bad = [] for line in badstars : bad.append(line.split()[0]) jc = [x for x in jc if data[x][idtag] not in bad] print('{:d} stars after badstars rejection'.format(len(jc))) if len(jc) <= 1 : return jc # remove non firstgen GC stars if requested if firstgen : gcstars =['APOGEE_DIR']+'/data/calib/gc_szabolcs.dat') if firstpos : gd=np.where(gcstars['pop'] == 1)[0] jc = [x for x in jc if data[x][idtag] in gcstars['id'][gd]] else : bd=np.where(gcstars['pop'] != 1)[0] jc = [x for x in jc if data[x][idtag] not in gcstars['id'][bd]] print('{:d} stars after firstgen rejection'.format(len(jc))) if plot : plots.plotp(ax,data[btag][jc]-data[rtag][jc],data[rtag][jc],color='b',size=30,draw=False) if hard is not None : fig.savefig(hard+'/'+clust[ic].name+'_cmd.png') plt.close() else : plt.draw() pdb.set_trace() ax.cla() plots.plotp(ax,data[param][jf,0],data[param][jf,1],size=30,draw=False,xt='Teff',yt='logg',xr=[7000,3000],yr=[6,-1]) plots.plotp(ax,data[param][jc,0],data[param][jc,1],color='b',size=30,draw=False) if hard is not None : fig.savefig(hard+'/'+clust[ic].name+'_kiel.png') plt.close() else : plt.draw() pdb.set_trace() return jc
import numpy as np from import fits from holtztools import plots import pdb import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plots.multi(3, 1, figsize=(12, 5), wspace=0.001) darks = [5560001, 12910009, 15640003, 23870002] colors = ['k', 'r', 'g', 'b'] label = ['07/10/2012', '07/15/2014', '04/14/2015', '07/17/2017'] for ichip, chip in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']): for idark, dark in enumerate(darks): a ='apDarkRate-{:s}-{:08d}.fits'.format(chip, dark))[0].data ax[ichip].hist(a.flatten(), bins=np.arange(-0.5, 10, 0.1), histtype='step', log=True, color=colors[idark]) ax[ichip].set_xlabel('DN per 10.6s readout') if ichip == 0: ax[ichip].set_ylabel('Number of pixels') ax[ichip].text(0.8, 0.8 - idark * 0.05, label[idark], ha='right', transform=ax[ichip].transAxes, color=colors[idark]) ax[ichip].text(0.5, 0.9, 'APOGEE-N chip ' + chip,
def dr_compare(): # load the DRs, select stars with SN>150 dr12load = apload.ApLoad(dr='dr12') dr12 = dr12load.allStar()[1].data gd = np.where(dr12['SNR'] > 150)[0] dr12 = dr12[gd] dr13load = apload.ApLoad(dr='dr13') dr13 = dr13load.allStar()[1].data gd = np.where(dr13['SNR'] > 150)[0] dr13 = dr13[gd] dr14load = apload.ApLoad(dr='dr14') dr14 = dr14load.allStar()[1].data gd = np.where(dr14['SNR'] > 150)[0] dr14 = dr14[gd] c = apload.allStar()[3].data # match them m1a, m2a = match.match(dr12['APOGEE_ID'], dr13['APOGEE_ID']) m1b, m2b = match.match(dr12['APOGEE_ID'], dr14['APOGEE_ID']) m1c, m2c = match.match(dr13['APOGEE_ID'], dr14['APOGEE_ID']) # parameter figures figu, axu = plots.multi(3, 7, hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001) figc, axc = plots.multi(3, 7, hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001) tit = [ r'T$_{\rm eff}$', 'log g', r'V$_{\rm micro}$', '[M/H]', '[C/M]', '[N/M]', r'[$\alpha$/M]' ] for iparam in range(7): print(iparam) for iy, param in enumerate(['FPARAM', 'PARAM']): if iy == 0: ax = axu else: ax = axc yt = r'$\Delta$' + tit[iparam] if iparam == 6: xt = r'T$_{\rm eff}$' else: xt = None if iparam == 0: ax[iparam, 0].text(0.5, 1.0, 'DR13-DR12', transform=ax[iparam, 0].transAxes, ha='center', va='bottom') ax[iparam, 1].text(0.5, 1.0, 'DR14-DR12', transform=ax[iparam, 1].transAxes, ha='center', va='bottom') ax[iparam, 2].text(0.5, 1.0, 'DR14-DR13', transform=ax[iparam, 2].transAxes, ha='center', va='bottom') if iparam == 0: yr = [-300, 300] elif iparam == 1: yr = [-0.5, 0.5] else: yr = [-0.3, 0.3] xr = [3500, 6000] axim = plots.plotc(ax[iparam, 0], dr12['TEFF'][m1a], dr13[param][m2a, iparam] - dr12[param][m1a, iparam], dr12[param][m1a, 3], size=1, xr=xr, yr=yr, zr=[-1, 0.5], yt=yt, xt=xt, rasterized=True) plots.plotl(ax[iparam, 0], xr, [0., 0.], ls=':') plots.plotc(ax[iparam, 1], dr12['TEFF'][m1b], dr14[param][m2b, iparam] - dr12[param][m1b, iparam], dr12[param][m1b, 3], size=1, xr=xr, yr=yr, zr=[-1, 0.5], xt=xt, rasterized=True) plots.plotl(ax[iparam, 1], xr, [0., 0.], ls=':') plots.plotc(ax[iparam, 2], dr13['TEFF'][m1c], dr14[param][m2c, iparam] - dr13[param][m1c, iparam], dr13[param][m1c, 3], size=1, xr=xr, yr=yr, zr=[-1, 0.5], xt=xt, rasterized=True) plots.plotl(ax[iparam, 2], xr, [0., 0.], ls=':') for iax in range(3): ax[iparam, iax].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) # add colorbar for fig in [figu, figc]: cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.1, 0.01, 0.8]) cb = plt.colorbar(axim, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('[M/H]') cbaxes.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) figu.savefig('drcomp_uncal.pdf') figc.savefig('drcomp_cal.pdf') plots.close() # abundance figure fig, ax = plots.multi(3, 14, hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001, figsize=(8, 32)) for ielem, elem in enumerate([ 'C', 'N', 'O', 'Na', 'Mg', 'Al', 'Si', 'S', 'K', 'Ca', 'Ti', 'V', 'Mn', 'Ni' ]): print(elem) yt = r'$\Delta$' + elem if ielem == 13: xt = r'T$_{\rm eff}$' else: xt = None if ielem == 0: ax[ielem, 0].text(0.5, 1.0, 'DR13-DR12', transform=ax[ielem, 0].transAxes, ha='center', va='bottom') ax[ielem, 1].text(0.5, 1.0, 'DR14-DR12', transform=ax[ielem, 1].transAxes, ha='center', va='bottom') ax[ielem, 2].text(0.5, 1.0, 'DR14-DR13', transform=ax[ielem, 2].transAxes, ha='center', va='bottom') yr = [-0.5, 0.5] dr12elem = dr12[elem.upper() + '_H'][m1a] - dr12['FE_H'][m1a] dr13elem = dr13[elem.upper() + '_FE'][m2a] gd = np.where((dr12elem > -99) & (dr13elem > -99))[0] plots.plotc(ax[ielem, 0], dr12['TEFF'][m1a[gd]], dr13elem[gd] - dr12elem[gd], dr12['PARAM'][m1a[gd], 3], size=1, xr=[3500, 6000], yr=yr, zr=[-1, 0.5], yt=yt, xt=xt, nytick=5, rasterized=True) plots.plotl(ax[ielem, 0], xr, [0., 0.], ls=':') ax[ielem, 0].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) dr12elem = dr12[elem.upper() + '_H'][m1b] - dr12['FE_H'][m1b] dr14elem = dr14[elem.upper() + '_FE'][m2b] gd = np.where((dr12elem > -99) & (dr14elem > -99))[0] plots.plotc(ax[ielem, 1], dr12['TEFF'][m1b[gd]], dr14elem[gd] - dr12elem[gd], dr12['PARAM'][m1b[gd], 3], size=1, xr=[3500, 6000], yr=yr, zr=[-1, 0.5], xt=xt, nytick=5, rasterized=True) plots.plotl(ax[ielem, 1], xr, [0., 0.], ls=':') ax[ielem, 1].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) dr13elem = dr13[elem.upper() + '_FE'][m1c] dr14elem = dr14[elem.upper() + '_FE'][m2c] gd = np.where((dr13elem > -99) & (dr14elem > -99))[0] plots.plotc(ax[ielem, 2], dr13['TEFF'][m1c[gd]], dr14elem[gd] - dr13elem[gd], dr13['PARAM'][m1c[gd], 3], size=1, xr=[3500, 6000], yr=yr, zr=[-1, 0.5], xt=xt, nytick=5, rasterized=True) plots.plotl(ax[ielem, 2], xr, [0., 0.], ls=':') ax[ielem, 2].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.1, 0.01, 0.8]) cb = plt.colorbar(axim, cax=cbaxes) cb.set_label('[M/H]') cbaxes.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=8) for item in (cbaxes.get_xticklabels() + cbaxes.get_yticklabels()): item.set_fontsize(8) fig.savefig('drcomp_elem.pdf')
from ..utils import apload #from pyvista import tv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from holtztools import plots import numpy as np import pdb def lsfsum(y): for col in range(500, 2500, 500): print(y[1].data[:, 150, col].sum(), y[1].data[:, 150, col].sum(), y[1].data[:, 150, col].sum()) load = apload.ApLoad(apred='r11') fig, ax = plots.multi(4, 3, hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001) pfig, pax = plots.multi(9, 3) for ichip, chip in enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']): #t=tv.TV() y1 = load.apLSF(3430016)[chip] print('y1: ') lsfsum(y1) y2 = load.apLSF(7510018)[chip] print('y2: ') lsfsum(y2) y3 = load.apLSF(11130063)[chip] print('y3: ') lsfsum(y3) y4 = load.apLSF(14600018)[chip] print('y4: ') lsfsum(y4)
def visitcomb(allvisit, starver, load=None, apred='r13', telescope='apo25m', nres=[5, 4.25, 3.5], bconly=False, plot=False, write=True, dorvfit=True, apstar_vers='stars', logger=None): """ Combine multiple visits with individual RVs to rest frame sum """ if logger is None: logger = dln.basiclogger() if load is None: load = apload.ApLoad(apred=apred, telescope=telescope) cspeed = 2.99792458e5 # speed of light in km/s'Doing visitcomb for {:s} '.format(allvisit['apogee_id'][0])) wnew = norm.apStarWave() nwave = len(wnew) nvisit = len(allvisit) # initialize array for stack of interpolated spectra zeros = np.zeros([nvisit, nwave]) izeros = np.zeros([nvisit, nwave], dtype=int) stack = apload.ApSpec(zeros, err=zeros.copy(), bitmask=izeros, cont=zeros.copy(), sky=zeros.copy(), skyerr=zeros.copy(), telluric=zeros.copy(), telerr=zeros.copy()) apogee_target1, apogee_target2, apogee_target3 = 0, 0, 0 apogee2_target1, apogee2_target2, apogee2_target3, apogee2_target4 = 0, 0, 0, 0 starflag, andflag = np.uint64(0), np.uint64(0) starmask = bitmask.StarBitMask() # Loop over each visit and interpolate to final wavelength grid if plot: fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 2, hspace=0.001) for i, visit in enumerate(allvisit): if bconly: vrel = -visit['bc'] else: vrel = visit['vrel'] # Skip if we don't have an RV if np.isfinite(vrel) is False: continue # Load the visit if load.telescope == 'apo1m': apvisit = load.apVisit1m(visit['plate'], visit['mjd'], visit['apogee_id'], load=True) else: apvisit = load.apVisit(int(visit['plate']), visit['mjd'], visit['fiberid'], load=True) pixelmask = bitmask.PixelBitMask() # Rest-frame wavelengths transformed to this visit spectra w = norm.apStarWave() * (1.0 + vrel / cspeed) # Loop over the chips for chip in range(3): # Get the pixel values to interpolate to pix = wave.wave2pix(w, apvisit.wave[chip, :]) gd, = np.where(np.isfinite(pix)) # Get a smoothed, filtered spectrum to use as replacement for bad values cont = gaussian_filter( median_filter(apvisit.flux[chip, :], [501], mode='reflect'), 100) errcont = gaussian_filter( median_filter(apvisit.flux[chip, :], [501], mode='reflect'), 100) bd, = np.where(apvisit.bitmask[chip, :] & pixelmask.badval()) if len(bd) > 0: apvisit.flux[chip, bd] = cont[bd] apvisit.err[chip, bd] = errcont[bd] # Load up quantity/error pairs for interpolation raw = [[apvisit.flux[chip, :], apvisit.err[chip, :]**2], [[chip, :], apvisit.skyerr[chip, :]**2], [apvisit.telluric[chip, :], apvisit.telerr[chip, :]**2]] # Load up individual mask bits for ibit, name in enumerate( if name is not '' and len( np.where(apvisit.bitmask[chip, :] & 2**ibit)[0]) > 0: raw.append([ np.clip(apvisit.bitmask[chip, :] & 2**ibit, None, 1), None ]) # Do the sinc interpolation out = sincint.sincint(pix[gd], nres[chip], raw) # From output flux, get continuum to remove, so that all spectra are # on same scale. We'll later multiply in the median continuum flux = out[0][0] stack.cont[i, gd] = gaussian_filter( median_filter(flux, [501], mode='reflect'), 100) # Load interpolated spectra into output stack stack.flux[i, gd] = out[0][0] / stack.cont[i, gd] stack.err[i, gd] = out[0][1] / stack.cont[i, gd][i, gd] = out[1][0] stack.skyerr[i, gd] = out[1][1] stack.telluric[i, gd] = out[2][0] stack.telerr[i, gd] = out[2][1] # For mask, set bits where interpolated value is above some threshold # defined for each mask bit iout = 3 for ibit, name in enumerate( if name is not '' and len( np.where(apvisit.bitmask[chip, :] & 2**ibit)[0]) > 0: j = np.where( np.abs(out[iout][0]) > pixelmask.maskcontrib[ibit])[0] stack.bitmask[i, gd[j]] |= 2**ibit iout += 1 # Increase uncertainties for persistence pixels bd, = np.where( (stack.bitmask[i, :] & pixelmask.getval('PERSIST_HIGH')) > 0) if len(bd) > 0: stack.err[i, bd] *= np.sqrt(5) bd, = np.where(( (stack.bitmask[i, :] & pixelmask.getval('PERSIST_HIGH')) == 0) & ( (stack.bitmask[i, :] & pixelmask.getval('PERSIST_MED')) > 0)) if len(bd) > 0: stack.err[i, bd] *= np.sqrt(4) bd, = np.where( ((stack.bitmask[i, :] & pixelmask.getval('PERSIST_HIGH')) == 0) & ((stack.bitmask[i, :] & pixelmask.getval('PERSIST_MED')) == 0) & ((stack.bitmask[i, :] & pixelmask.getval('PERSIST_LOW')) > 0)) if len(bd) > 0: stack.err[i, bd] *= np.sqrt(3) bd, = np.where( (stack.bitmask[i, :] & pixelmask.getval('SIG_SKYLINE')) > 0) if len(bd) > 0: stack.err[i, bd] *= np.sqrt(100) if plot: ax[0].plot(norm.apStarWave(), stack.flux[i, :]) ax[1].plot(norm.apStarWave(), stack.flux[i, :] / stack.err[i, :]) plt.draw() pdb.set_trace() # Accumulate for header of combined frame. Turn off visit specific RV flags first visitflag = visit['starflag'] & ~starmask.getval( 'RV_REJECT') & ~starmask.getval('RV_SUSPECT') starflag |= visitflag andflag &= visitflag if visit['survey'] == 'apogee': apogee_target1 |= visit['apogee_target1'] apogee_target2 |= visit['apogee_target2'] apogee_target3 |= visit['apogee_target3'] elif visit['survey'].find('apogee2') >= 0: apogee2_target1 |= visit['apogee_target1'] apogee2_target2 |= visit['apogee_target2'] apogee2_target3 |= visit['apogee_target3'] try: apogee2_target4 |= visit['apogee_target4'] except: pass # MWM target flags? # Create final spectrum zeros = np.zeros([nvisit + 2, nwave]) izeros = np.zeros([nvisit + 2, nwave], dtype=int) apstar = apload.ApSpec(zeros, err=zeros.copy(), bitmask=izeros, wave=norm.apStarWave(), sky=zeros.copy(), skyerr=zeros.copy(), telluric=zeros.copy(), telerr=zeros.copy(), cont=zeros.copy(), template=zeros.copy()) apstar.header['CRVAL1'] = norm.logw0 apstar.header['CDELT1'] = norm.dlogw apstar.header['CRPIX1'] = 1 apstar.header['CTYPE1'] = ( 'LOG-LINEAR', 'Logarithmic wavelength scale in subsequent HDU') apstar.header['DC-FLAG'] = 1 # Pixel-by-pixel weighted average cont = np.median(stack.cont, axis=0) apstar.flux[0, :] = np.sum(stack.flux / stack.err**2, axis=0) / np.sum( 1. / stack.err**2, axis=0) * cont apstar.err[0, :] = np.sqrt(1. / np.sum(1. / stack.err**2, axis=0)) * cont apstar.bitmask[0, :] = np.bitwise_and.reduce(stack.bitmask, 0) apstar.cont[0, :] = cont # Individual visits apstar.flux[2:, :] = stack.flux * stack.cont apstar.err[2:, :] = stack.err * stack.cont apstar.bitmask[2:, :] = stack.bitmask[2:, :] = apstar.skyerr[2:, :] = stack.skyerr apstar.telluric[2:, :] = stack.telluric apstar.telerr[2:, :] = stack.telerr # Populate header apstar.header['OBJID'] = (allvisit['apogee_id'][0], 'APOGEE object name') apstar.header['APRED'] = (apred, 'APOGEE reduction version') apstar.header['STARVER'] = (starver, 'apStar version') apstar.header['HEALPIX'] = (apload.obj2healpix(allvisit['apogee_id'][0]), 'HEALPix location') try: apstar.header['SNR'] = (np.nanmedian(apstar.flux / apstar.err), 'Median S/N per apStar pixel') except: apstar.header['SNR'] = (0., 'Median S/N per apStar pixel') apstar.header['RA'] = (allvisit['ra'].max(), 'right ascension, deg, J2000') apstar.header['DEC'] = (allvisit['dec'].max(), 'declination, deg, J2000') apstar.header['GLON'] = (allvisit['glon'].max(), 'Galactic longitude') apstar.header['GLAT'] = (allvisit['glat'].max(), 'Galactic latitude') apstar.header['J'] = (allvisit['j'].max(), '2MASS J magnitude') apstar.header['J_ERR'] = (allvisit['j_err'].max(), '2MASS J magnitude uncertainty') apstar.header['H'] = (allvisit['h'].max(), '2MASS H magnitude') apstar.header['H_ERR'] = (allvisit['h_err'].max(), '2MASS H magnitude uncertainty') apstar.header['K'] = (allvisit['k'].max(), '2MASS K magnitude') apstar.header['K_ERR'] = (allvisit['k_err'].max(), '2MASS K magnitude uncertainty') try: apstar.header['SRC_H'] = (allvisit['src_h'][0], 'source of H magnitude') except KeyError: pass keys = [ 'wash_m', 'wash_t2', 'ddo51', 'irac_3_6', 'irac_4_5', 'irac_5_8', 'wise_4_5', 'targ_4_5' ] for key in keys: try: apstar.header[key] = allvisit[key].max() except KeyError: pass apstar.header['AKTARG'] = (allvisit['ak_targ'].max(), 'Extinction used for targeting') apstar.header['AKMETHOD'] = (allvisit['ak_targ_method'][0], 'Extinction method using for targeting') apstar.header['AKWISE'] = (allvisit['ak_wise'].max(), 'WISE all-sky extinction') apstar.header['SFD_EBV'] = (allvisit['sfd_ebv'].max(), 'SFD E(B-V)') apstar.header['APTARG1'] = (apogee_target1, 'APOGEE_TARGET1 targeting flag') apstar.header['APTARG2'] = (apogee_target2, 'APOGEE_TARGET2 targeting flag') apstar.header['APTARG3'] = (apogee_target3, 'APOGEE_TARGET3 targeting flag') apstar.header['AP2TARG1'] = (apogee2_target1, 'APOGEE2_TARGET1 targeting flag') apstar.header['AP2TARG2'] = (apogee2_target2, 'APOGEE2_TARGET2 targeting flag') apstar.header['AP2TARG3'] = (apogee2_target3, 'APOGEE2_TARGET3 targeting flag') apstar.header['AP2TARG4'] = (apogee2_target4, 'APOGEE2_TARGET4 targeting flag') apstar.header['NVISITS'] = (len(allvisit), 'Number of visit spectra combined flag') apstar.header['STARFLAG'] = (starflag, 'bitwise OR of individual visit starflags') apstar.header['ANDFLAG'] = (andflag, 'bitwise AND of individual visit starflags') try: apstar.header['N_COMP'] = (allvisit['n_components'].max(), 'Maximum number of components in RV CCFs') except: pass apstar.header['VHBARY'] = ( (allvisit['vheliobary'] * allvisit['snr']).sum() / allvisit['snr'].sum(), 'S/N weighted mean barycentric RV') if len(allvisit) > 1: apstar.header['vscatter'] = (allvisit['vheliobary'].std(ddof=1), 'standard deviation of visit RVs') else: apstar.header['VSCATTER'] = (0., 'standard deviation of visit RVs') apstar.header['VERR'] = (0., 'unused') apstar.header['RV_TEFF'] = (allvisit['rv_teff'].max(), 'Effective temperature from RV fit') apstar.header['RV_LOGG'] = (allvisit['rv_logg'].max(), 'Surface gravity from RV fit') apstar.header['RV_FEH'] = (allvisit['rv_feh'].max(), 'Metallicity from RV fit') if len(allvisit) > 0: meanfib = (allvisit['fiberid'] * allvisit['snr']).sum() / allvisit['snr'].sum() else: meanfib = 999999. if len(allvisit) > 1: sigfib = allvisit['fiberid'].std(ddof=1) else: sigfib = 0. apstar.header['MEANFIB'] = (meanfib, 'S/N weighted mean fiber number') apstar.header['SIGFIB'] = ( sigfib, 'standard deviation (unweighted) of fiber number') apstar.header['NRES'] = ('{:5.2f}{:5.2f}{:5.2f}'.format(*nres), 'number of pixels/resolution used for sinc') # individual visit information in header for i0, visit in enumerate(allvisit): i = i0 + 1 apstar.header['SFILE{:d}'.format(i)] = ( visit['file'], ' Visit #{:d} spectrum file'.format(i)) apstar.header['DATE{:d}'.format(i)] = ( visit['dateobs'], 'DATE-OBS of visit {:d}'.format(i)) apstar.header['JD{:d}'.format(i)] = ( visit['jd'], 'Julian date of visit {:d}'.format(i)) # hjd = helio_jd(visitstr[i].jd-2400000.0,visitstr[i].ra,visitstr[i].dec) #apstar.header['HJD{:d}'.format(i)] = apstar.header['FIBER{:d}'.format(i)] = (visit['fiberid'], ' Fiber, visit {:d}'.format(i)) apstar.header['BC{:d}'.format(i)] = ( visit['bc'], ' Barycentric correction (km/s), visit {:d}'.format(i)) apstar.header['VRAD{:d}'.format(i)] = ( visit['vrel'], ' Doppler shift (km/s) of visit {:d}'.format(i)) #apstar.header['VERR%d'.format(i)] = apstar.header['VHBARY{:d}'.format(i)] = ( visit['vheliobary'], ' Barycentric velocity (km/s), visit {:d}'.format(i)) apstar.header['SNRVIS{:d}'.format(i)] = ( visit['snr'], ' Signal/Noise ratio, visit {:d}'.format(i)) apstar.header['FLAG{:d}'.format(i)] = ( visit['starflag'], ' STARFLAG for visit {:d}'.format(i)) apstar.header.insert('SFILE{:d}'.format(i), ('COMMENT', 'VISIT {:d} INFORMATION'.format(i))) # Do a RV fit just to get a template and normalized spectrum, for plotting if dorvfit: try: apstar.setmask(pixelmask.badval()) spec = doppler.Spec1D(apstar.flux[0, :], err=apstar.err[0, :], bitmask=apstar.bitmask[0, :], mask=apstar.mask[0, :], wave=apstar.wave, lsfpars=np.array([0]), lsfsigma=apstar.wave / 22500 / 2.354, instrument='APOGEE', filename=apstar.filename) out = doppler.rv.jointfit([spec], verbose=False, plot=False, tweak=False, maxvel=[-50, 50]) apstar.cont = out[3][0].flux apstar.template = out[2][0].flux except ValueError as err: logger.error('Exception raised in visitcomb RV for: ', apstar.header['FIELD'], apstar.header['OBJID']) logger.error("ValueError: {0}".format(err)) except RuntimeError as err: logger.error('Exception raised in visitcomb RV for: ', apstar.header['FIELD'], apstar.header['OBJID']) logger.error("Runtime error: {0}".format(err)) except: logger.error('Exception raised in visitcomb RV fit for: ', apstar.header['FIELD'], apstar.header['OBJID']) # Write the spectrum to file if write: outfilenover = load.filename('Star', obj=apstar.header['OBJID']) outdir = os.path.dirname(outfilenover) outbase = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(outfilenover))[0] outbase += '-' + starver # add star version outfile = outdir + '/' + outbase + '.fits' if apstar_vers != 'stars': outfile = outfile.replace('/stars/', '/' + apstar_vers + '/') outdir = os.path.dirname(outfile) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfile)) except: pass'Writing apStar file to ' + outfile) apstar.write(outfile) apstar.filename = outfile mwm_root = os.environ['MWM_ROOT'] apstar.uri = outfile[len(mwm_root) + 1:] # Create symlink no file with no version if os.path.exists(outfilenover) or os.path.islink(outfilenover): os.remove(outfilenover) os.symlink(os.path.basename(outfile), outfilenover) # relative path # Plot gd, = np.where( (apstar.bitmask[0, :] & (pixelmask.badval() | pixelmask.getval('SIG_SKYLINE'))) == 0) fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 3, hspace=0.001, figsize=(48, 6)) med = np.nanmedian(apstar.flux[0, :]) plots.plotl(ax[0], norm.apStarWave(), apstar.flux[0, :], color='k', yr=[0, 2 * med]) ax[0].plot(norm.apStarWave()[gd], apstar.flux[0, gd], color='g') ax[0].set_ylabel('Flux') try: ax[1].plot(norm.apStarWave()[gd], apstar.cont[gd], color='g') ax[1].set_ylabel('Normalized') ax[1].plot(norm.apStarWave(), apstar.template, color='r') except: pass plots.plotl(ax[2], norm.apStarWave(), apstar.flux[0, :] / apstar.err[0, :], yt='S/N') for i in range(3): ax[i].set_xlim(15100, 17000) ax[0].set_xlabel('Wavelength') fig.savefig(outdir + '/plots/' + outbase + '.png') # Plot if plot: ax[0].plot(norm.apStarWave(), apstar.flux, color='k') ax[1].plot(norm.apStarWave(), apstar.flux / apstar.err, color='k') plt.draw() pdb.set_trace() return apstar
def dop_plot(outdir, obj, dopout, decomp=None): """ RV diagnostic plots """ sumstr, finalstr, bmodel, specmlist = dopout matplotlib.use('Agg') n = len(bmodel) # Plot final spectra and final models # full spectrum fig, ax = plots.multi(1, n, hspace=0.001, figsize=(8, 2 + n)) ax = np.atleast_1d(ax) # continuum figc, axc = plots.multi(1, n, hspace=0.001, figsize=(8, 2 + n)) axc = np.atleast_1d(axc) # windows windows = [[15700, 15780], [15850, 16000], [16700, 16930]] fig2, ax2 = plots.multi(len(windows), n, hspace=0.001, wspace=0.001, figsize=(12, 2 + n)) ax2 = np.atleast_2d(ax2) # Loop over visits for i, (mod, spec) in enumerate(zip(bmodel, specmlist)): ax[i].plot(spec.wave, spec.flux, color='k') for iorder in range(3): gd, = np.where(~spec.mask[:, iorder]) ax[i].plot(spec.wave[gd, iorder], spec.flux[gd, iorder], color='g') ax[i].plot(mod.wave, mod.flux, color='r') ax[i].text(0.1, 0.1, '{:d}'.format(spec.head['MJD5']), transform=ax[i].transAxes) for iwind, wind in enumerate(windows): ax2[i, iwind].plot(spec.wave, spec.flux, color='k') for iorder in range(3): gd, = np.where(~spec.mask[:, iorder]) ax2[i, iwind].plot(spec.wave[gd, iorder], spec.flux[gd, iorder], color='g') ax2[i, iwind].plot(mod.wave, mod.flux, color='r') ax2[i, iwind].set_xlim(wind[0], wind[1]) ax2[i, iwind].set_ylim(0.5, 1.3) if iwind == 0: ax2[i, iwind].text(0.1, 0.1, '{:d}'.format(spec.head['MJD5']), transform=ax2[i, 0].transAxes) axc[i].plot(spec.wave, spec.flux * spec.cont, color='k') axc[i].plot(spec.wave, spec.cont, color='g') axc[i].text(0.1, 0.1, '{:d}'.format(spec.head['MJD5']), transform=axc[i].transAxes) fig.savefig(outdir + '/' + obj + '_spec.png') plt.close() fig2.savefig(outdir + '/' + obj + '_spec2.png') plt.close() figc.savefig(outdir + '/' + obj + '_cont.png') plt.close() # Plot cross correlation functions with final model fig, ax = plots.multi(1, n, hspace=0.001, figsize=(6, 2 + n)) ax = np.atleast_1d(ax) vmed = np.median(finalstr['vrel']) for i, (final, spec) in enumerate(zip(finalstr, specmlist)): ax[i].plot(final['x_ccf'], final['ccf'], color='k') ax[i].plot(final['x_ccf'], final['ccferr'], color='r') ax[i].plot([final['vrel'], final['vrel']], ax[i].get_ylim(), color='g', label='fit RV') ax[i].plot([final['xcorr_vrel'], final['xcorr_vrel']], ax[i].get_ylim(), color='r', label='xcorr RV') ax[i].text(0.1, 0.9, '{:d}'.format(spec.head['MJD5']), transform=ax[i].transAxes) ax[i].set_xlim(vmed - 200, vmed + 200) ax[i].legend() if decomp is not None: try: n = decomp[i]['N_components'] except: n = 0 if n > 0: n = len(decomp[i]['best_fit_parameters']) // 3 x = final['x_ccf'] for j in range(n): pars = decomp[i]['best_fit_parameters'][j::n] ax[i].plot(x, gaussian(*pars)(x)) if pars[0] > 0: color = 'k' else: color = 'r' ax[i].text(0.1, 0.8 - j * 0.1, '{:8.1f}{:8.1f}{:8.1f}'.format(*pars), transform=ax[i].transAxes, color=color) fig.savefig(outdir + '/' + obj + '_ccf.png') plt.close()
def gauss_decomp(out, phase='one', alpha1=0.5, alpha2=1.5, thresh=[4, 4], plot=None, filt=False): """ Do Gaussian decomposition of CCF using gausspy Parameters: out : list of dictionaries for each frame, giving x_ccf, ccf, and ccferr phase : gausspy paramater alpha1 : gausspy parameter alpha2 : gausspy parameter for second set of gaussians if phase=='two' thresh : gausspy parameter plot (str) : if not None, do plot and use as root file name for plot filt (bool) : if true, apply filtering to remove components judged to be insignificant """ g = gp.GaussianDecomposer() g.set('phase', phase) g.set('SNR_thresh', thresh) g.set('alpha1', alpha1) g.set('alpha2', alpha2) gout = [] if plot is not None: fig, ax = plots.multi(1, len(out), hspace=0.001, figsize=(6, 2 + n)) for i, final in enumerate(out): gd, = np.where(np.isfinite(final['x_ccf'])) x = final['x_ccf'][gd] y = final['ccf'][gd] # high pass filter for better performance if filt: final['ccf'][gd] -= gaussian_filter(final['ccf'][gd], 50, mode='nearest') try: decomp = g.decompose(x, final['ccf'][gd], final['ccferr'][gd]) n = decomp['N_components'] except: print( 'Exception in Gaussian decomposition, setting to 0 components') n = 0 decomp = None if filt and n > 0: # remove components if they are within width of brighter component, or <0.25 peak , # or more than twice as wide, or if primary component is wide for j in range(1, n): pars_j = decomp['best_fit_parameters'][j::n] for k in range(j): pars_k = decomp['best_fit_parameters'][k::n] if (pars_j[0] > pars_k[0] and pars_k[0] > 0 and (abs(pars_j[2] - pars_k[2]) < abs(pars_j[1]) or pars_k[0] < 0.25 * pars_j[0] or abs(pars_j[1]) > 100 or np.abs(pars_k[1]) > 2 * np.abs(pars_j[1]))): decomp['best_fit_parameters'][k] = 0 decomp['N_components'] -= 1 elif (pars_k[0] > pars_j[0] and pars_j[0] > 0 and (abs(pars_j[2] - pars_k[2]) < abs(pars_k[1]) or pars_j[0] < 0.25 * pars_k[0] or abs(pars_k[1]) > 100 or np.abs(pars_j[1]) > 2 * np.abs(pars_k[1]))): decomp['best_fit_parameters'][j] = 0 pars_j = decomp['best_fit_parameters'][j::n] decomp['N_components'] -= 1 gout.append(decomp) if plot is not None: plots.plotl(ax[i], final['x_ccf'], final['ccf']) ax[i].plot(final['x_ccf'], final['ccferr'], color='r') for j in range(n): pars = gout[i]['best_fit_parameters'][j::n] ax[i].plot(x, gaussian(*pars)(x)) if pars[0] > 0: color = 'k' else: color = 'r' ax[i].text(0.1, 0.8 - j * 0.1, '{:8.1f}{:8.1f}{:8.1f}'.format(*pars), transform=ax[i].transAxes, color=color) fig.savefig(plot + '_ccf.png') del g return gout
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from import fits from holtztools import plots from ..utils import apload, yanny import os import pdb chips = ['a', 'b', 'c'] colors = ['r', 'g', 'b'] # APOGEE-N fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 3, hspace=0.001, sharex=True, sharey=True) t11 = apload.ApLoad(apred='t11') b = t11.ap1D(3190056) plug = yanny.yanny(os.environ['MAPPER_DATA_N'] + '/55880/plPlugMapM-5585-55880-01.par') objType = np.array(plug['PLUGMAPOBJ']['objType']) fibers = np.array(plug['PLUGMAPOBJ']['fiberId']) tel = np.where(objType == 'SPECTROPHOTO_STD')[0] rows = 300 - fibers[tel] amed = np.median(b['a'][1].data[rows, :], axis=1) bmed = np.median(b['b'][1].data[rows, :], axis=1) cmed = np.median(b['c'][1].data[rows, :], axis=1) anorm = np.median(bmed / amed) cnorm = np.median(bmed / cmed) anorm = 1. cnorm = 1. npix = 190 design = np.zeros([3 * npix * len(rows), 5 + len(rows)]) y = np.zeros([3 * npix * len(rows)])
def throughplot(instrument='apogee-s', outfile=None, inter=False): ''' Routine to make zeropoint/throughput plots from apogeeSci summary files with information including FWHM, GDRMS, CART ''' # instrument specific if instrument == 'apogee-s': gain = 3. carts = [20, 25] fiber_rad = 0.65 telescope = 'lco25m' else: gain = 1.9 carts = [0, 10] fiber_rad = 1. telescope = 'apo25m' # read summary data made by mkmonitor a = + 'Sci.fits')[1].data gd = np.where(a['NREADS'] >= 47)[0] a = a[gd] # use weather information if we can clouds = np.zeros(len(a)).astype(int) nmiss = 0 nhave = 0 try: c =['APOGEEREDUCEPLAN_DIR'] + '/data/' + telescope + '/clouds.txt') try: for i, p in enumerate(a['PLATE']): j = np.where((c['plate'] == p) & (c['MJD'] == a['MJD'][i]))[0] if len(j) > 0: if len(j) > 1: print('double cloud match', p, a['MJD'][i]) pdb.set_trace() clouds[i] = c['clouds_level'][j[0]] nhave += 1 else: nmiss += 1 print('no clouds match found for', a['MJD'][i], p) except: print('error!', i, p, j) pdb.set_trace() gd = np.where(clouds <= 1)[0] a = a[gd] except: print('cant open clouds file') # seeing correction factor sigma = a['FWHM'] / 2.354 sigma = a['SEEING'] / 2.354 ee = 1. - np.exp(-(fiber_rad**2) / (2 * sigma**2)) corr = a['ZERONORM'] - 2.5 * np.log10(ee) gd = np.where(np.isfinite(corr))[0] a = a[gd] ee = ee[gd] corr = corr[gd] # run number for LCO run = ((a['MJD'] - 57850) / 29. + 0.5).astype(int) # rough throughput calculation h = 6.63e-27 c = 3.e10 lam = 1.6e-4 dlam = 0.3 dt = 10.6 area = math.pi * (125.**2 - 50.**2) fvega = 11.38e-11 through = 10**(0.4 * a['ZERONORM'] ) * h * c / lam / dlam / dt * gain / area / fvega / ee # straight DHA dha = a['HA'] - a['DESIGN_HA'][:, 0] #dha=np.abs(dha) # "normalized" DHA j = np.where(a['HA'] < a['DESIGN_HA'][:, 0])[0] dha[j] /= (a['DESIGN_HA'][j, 0] - a['DESIGN_HA'][j, 1]) j = np.where(a['HA'] >= a['DESIGN_HA'][:, 0])[0] dha[j] /= (a['DESIGN_HA'][j, 2] - a['DESIGN_HA'][j, 0]) #plots with MJD files = [] out = 'monitor/' + instrument + '/' + instrument # point size by FWHM psize = a['FWHM'] / 1. * 40 j = np.where(psize == 0.)[0] psize[j] = 10 # histograms by run fig, ax = plots.multi(2, 3, figsize=(8, 12)) file = out + 'zero_hist.png' runs = list(set(run)) runs.append(999) for r in runs: gd = np.where(run == r)[0] if r == 999: gd = np.where(run < 999)[0] if r >= 8: lw = 2 else: lw = 1 print(r, len(gd)) try: n, b, p = plt.hist(a['GDRMS'][gd], histtype='step', bins=np.arange(0, 1, 0.05), label='{:3d}'.format(r), linewidth=lw, normed=False) if r == 999: n /= 2 ax[0, 0].plot(b[0:-1] + (b[1] - b[0]) / 2., n, linewidth=lw, label='{:2d}'.format(r)) ax[0, 0].set_xlabel('GDRMS') except: pass try: n, b, p = plt.hist(a['ZERONORM'][gd], histtype='step', bins=np.arange(12, 15.5, 0.1), linewidth=lw, normed=False, label='{:2d}'.format(r)) if r == 999: n /= 2 ax[0, 1].plot(b[0:-1] + (b[1] - b[0]) / 2., n, linewidth=lw, label='{:2d}'.format(r)) ax[0, 1].set_xlabel('ZERONORM') n, b, p = plt.hist(corr[gd], histtype='step', bins=np.arange(12, 16, 0.1), linewidth=lw, normed=False, label='{:3d}'.format(r)) if r == 999: n /= 2 ax[1, 0].plot(b[0:-1] + (b[1] - b[0]) / 2., n, linewidth=lw, label='{:3d}'.format(r)) ax[1, 0].set_xlabel('ZERONORM (adjusted)') n, b, p = plt.hist(a['ZERORMS'][gd], histtype='step', bins=np.arange(0, 1, 0.05), linewidth=lw, normed=False, label='{:3d}'.format(r)) if r == 999: n /= 2 ax[1, 1].plot(b[0:-1] + (b[1] - b[0]) / 2., n, linewidth=lw, label='{:3d}'.format(r)) ax[1, 1].set_xlabel('ZERORMS') n, b, p = plt.hist(through[gd], histtype='step', bins=np.arange(0, 0.34, 0.02), linewidth=lw, normed=False, label='{:3d}'.format(r)) if r == 999: n /= 2 ax[2, 0].plot(b[0:-1] + (b[1] - b[0]) / 2., n, linewidth=lw, label='{:3d}'.format(r)) ax[2, 0].set_xlabel('THROUGHPUT (adjusted)') except: pass if instrument == 'apogee-s': ax[0, 0].legend(fontsize=6, loc=1, title='Run') ax[0, 1].legend(fontsize=6, loc=2, title='Run') ax[1, 0].legend(fontsize=6, loc=2, title='Run') ax[1, 1].legend(fontsize=6, loc=1, title='Run') ax[2, 1].remove() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(file) files.append([os.path.basename(file)]) ctype = [a['FWHM'], a['SEEING'], a['GDRMS'], dha, a['CART']] name = ['zero_fwhm', 'zero_seeing', 'zero_gdrms', 'zero_dha', 'zero_cart'] zr = [[0.5, 2.], [0.5, 2.], [0, 0.8], [-2, 2], carts] zt = ['FWHM', 'SEEING', 'GDRMS', 'DHA', 'CART'] for j, c in enumerate(ctype): fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 4, hspace=0.001, sharex=True, figsize=(24, 6)) file = out + name[j] + '.png' plots.plotc(ax[0], a['MJD'], a['ZERONORM'], c, yr=[12, 15.5], zr=zr[j], size=psize, colorbar=True, xt='MJD', yt='ZERONORM', zt=zt[j]) plots.plotc(ax[1], a['MJD'], corr, c, yr=[12, 15.5], zr=zr[j], size=psize, colorbar=True, xt='MJD', yt='ZERONORM (adjusted)', zt=zt[j]) plots.plotc(ax[2], a['MJD'], a['ZERORMS'], c, yr=[0, 1], zr=zr[j], size=psize, colorbar=True, xt='MJD', yt='ZERORMS', zt=zt[j]) plots.plotc(ax[3], a['MJD'], through, c, yr=[0, 0.3], zr=zr[j], size=psize, colorbar=True, xt='MJD', yt='throughput', zt=zt[j]) fig.savefig(file) files.append([os.path.basename(file)]) fig, ax = plots.multi(1, 1) plots.plotc(ax, a['SEEING'], a['ZERONORM'], a['GDRMS'], xr=[0., 3.0], yr=[13, 15.5], zr=[0.2, 1.2], xt='Seeing', yt='ZERONORM', zt='GDRMS', colorbar=True, size=1) #plots.plotc(ax[1],a['SEEING'],corr,a['GDRMS'],xr=[0.,3.0],yr=[13,15.5],zr=[0.2,1.2],xt='Seeing',yt='seeing-corrected ZERONORM',zt='GDRMS',colorbar=True,size=1) file = out + '_seeing.png' fig.savefig(file) files.append([os.path.basename(file)]) out = 'monitor/' + instrument + '/' + instrument html.htmltab(files, file=out + 'zero.html') if inter: pdb.set_trace()