def index(request): if request.session.get('log'): return redirect(homeIndex) if request.method == "POST": mail = request.POST.get('email') userInfo = UsersData.objects.filter(mail=mail).first() if userInfo == None: return error(request, "Your mail is not registered to us", "Home", "/") otp = otpGenerate() try: send_mail( "OTP | E Note Book", f'Hey your OTP to reset password is {otp}', settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER, [mail], fail_silently=False, ) tempUser = ForgotTempData(otp=otp, mail=mail) userDict = {"mail": mail} except: return error(request, "There are some internal issue", "Home", "/") return render(request, "forgotOtpCheck.html", userDict) return render(request, "fIndex.html")
def giveAccess(request): if request.method == "POST": if not request.session.get('log'): return error(request, "Login first", "Home", "/") targetUser = request.POST.get("targetUser") slug = request.POST.get("slug") manageAccess(request, slug, targetUser, True) return redirect("/")
def makePrivate(request): if request.method == "POST": slug = request.POST.get("slug") notebook = NoteBook.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() notebook.isPublic = False return successMessage(request, "Note is Private now", "Home", "/") return error(request, "Not Allowed", "Home", "/")
def share(request, slug): if not request.session.get('log'): return error(request, "Login first", "Home", "/") notebook = NoteBook.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() if notebook.bookOwner != request.session.get('userName'): return error(request, "You are not allowed to edit this book", "Back to Home", "/") rawList = notebook.shareList userList = rawList.split('"') for item in userList: if item == '': userList.remove(item) noteDict = { "bookName": notebook.noteName, "isPublic": notebook.isPublic, "slug": slug, "userList": userList, } return render(request, "share.html", noteDict)
def otpcheck(request): if request.session.get('log'): return redirect(homeIndex) if request.method == "POST": mail = request.POST.get('mail') userOtp = request.POST.get('otp') tempUserData = ForgotTempData.objects.filter(mail=mail).first() if userOtp == tempUserData.otp: userDict = {"mail": tempUserData.mail} tempUserData.delete() return render(request, "resetPassword.html", userDict) tempUserData.delete() return error(request, "OTP not matched", "Try Again", "/forgot") return render(request, "forgotOtpCheck.html")
def resetPass(request): if request.session.get('log'): return redirect(homeIndex) if request.method == "POST": newPass = request.POST.get('newPass') newConPass = request.POST.get('newConPass') mail = request.POST.get('mail') if newConPass == newPass: userInfo = UsersData.objects.filter(mail=mail).first() userInfo.password = make_password(newPass) return successMessage(request, "Password reset done", "Home", "/") return error(request, "New password & confirm password not matched", "Try Again", "/forgot") return redirect(index)
def manageAccess(request, slug, targetUser, adding): if request.method == "POST": print("in fun") if not request.session.get('log'): return error(request, "Login first", "Home", "/") print("log check") getUser = UsersData.objects.filter(mail=targetUser).first() print(getUser) if getUser is None: return error(request, "User Not Found", "Back", "/") print("target check") getNote = NoteBook.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() if getNote is None: return error(request, "Note not found", "Back", "/") print("note check") print("all check passed") print(f"Note is {getNote.shareList}") if getNote.shareList is not None: getNote.shareList += json.dumps(targetUser) else: getNote.shareList = json.dumps(targetUser) print("last part") return redirect(f"/share/{slug}/")