def epipolar_lines(x1, F12):
    Compute epipolar lines on second image corresponding to a list of
    points on first image
    As in cv.ComputecorrespondEpilines, line coefficient are normalized
    so that a^2 + b^2 = 1
    def norm_line(l):
      nu = l[0]*l[0] + l[1]*l[1]
      return l * (1./np.sqrt(nu) if nu > 0 else 1.)
    return np.array([norm_line(F12.dot(homg.to_homg(x))) for x in x1.T],
文件: epipolar.py 项目: kknet/code
def epipolar_lines(x1, F12):
    Compute epipolar lines on second image corresponding to a list of
    points on first image
    As in cv.ComputecorrespondEpilines, line coefficient are normalized
    so that a^2 + b^2 = 1
    def norm_line(l):
        nu = l[0] * l[0] + l[1] * l[1]
        return l * (1. / np.sqrt(nu) if nu > 0 else 1.)

    return np.array([norm_line(F12.dot(homg.to_homg(x))) for x in x1.T],
文件: epipolar.py 项目: kknet/code
def rectify_uncalibrated(x1, x2, F, imsize, threshold=5):
    Compute rectification homography for two images. This is based on
    algo 11.12.3 of HZ2
    This is also heavily inspired by cv::stereoRectifyUncalibrated

        - imsize is (width, height)
    U, W, V = la.svd(F)
    # Enforce rank 2 on fundamental matrix
    W[2] = 0
    W = np.diag(W)
    F = U.dot(W).dot(V)

    # Filter points based on their distance to epipolar lines
    if threshold > 0:
        lines1 = epipolar_lines(x1, F)
        lines2 = epipolar_lines(x2, F.T)

        def epi_threshold(i):
            return (abs(x1[0,i]*lines2[0,i] +
                        x1[1,i]*lines2[1,i] +
                        lines2[2,i]) <= threshold) and \
                    (abs(x2[0,i]*lines1[0,i] +
                         x2[1,i]*lines1[1,i] +
                         lines1[2,i]) <= threshold)

        inliers = filter(epi_threshold, range(x1.shape[1]))
        inliers = range(x1.shape[1])

    assert len(inliers) > 0

    x1 = x1[:, inliers]
    x2 = x2[:, inliers]

    # HZ2 11.12.1 : Compute H = GRT where :
    # - T is a translation taking point x0 to the origin
    # - R is a rotation about the origin taking the epipole e' to (f,0,1)
    # - G is a mapping taking (f,0,1) to infinity

    # e2 is the left null vector of F (the one corresponding to the singular
    # value that is 0 => the third column of U)
    e2 = U[:, 2]

    # TODO: They do this in OpenCV, not sure why
    if e2[2] < 0:
        e2 *= -1

    # Translation bringing the image center to the origin
    # FIXME: This is kind of stupid, but to get the same results as OpenCV,
    # use cv.Round function, which has a strange behaviour :
    # cv.Round(99.5) => 100
    # cv.Round(132.5) => 132
    cx = cv.Round((imsize[0] - 1) * 0.5)
    cy = cv.Round((imsize[1] - 1) * 0.5)

    T = np.array([[1, 0, -cx], [0, 1, -cy], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    e2 = T.dot(e2)
    mirror = e2[0] < 0

    # Compute rotation matrix R that should bring e2 to (f,0,1)
    # 2D norm of the epipole, avoid division by zero
    d = max(np.sqrt(e2[0] * e2[0] + e2[1] * e2[1]), 1e-7)
    alpha = e2[0] / d
    beta = e2[1] / d
    R = np.array([[alpha, beta, 0], [-beta, alpha, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    e2 = R.dot(e2)

    # Compute G : mapping taking (f,0,1) to infinity
    invf = 0 if abs(e2[2]) < 1e-6 * abs(e2[0]) else -e2[2] / e2[0]
    G = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [invf, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    # Map the origin back to the center of the image
    iT = np.array([[1, 0, cx], [0, 1, cy], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    H2 = iT.dot(G.dot(R.dot(T)))

    # HZ2 11.12.2 : Find matching projective transform H1 that minimize
    # leaste-square distance between reprojected points
    e2 = U[:, 2]

    # TODO: They do this in OpenCV, not sure why
    if e2[2] < 0:
        e2 *= -1

    e2_x = np.array(
        [[0, -e2[2], e2[1]], [e2[2], 0, -e2[0]], [-e2[1], e2[0], 0]],

    e2_111 = np.array(
        [[e2[0], e2[0], e2[0]], [e2[1], e2[1], e2[1]], [e2[2], e2[2], e2[2]]],

    H0 = H2.dot(e2_x.dot(F) + e2_111)

    # Minimize \sum{(a*x_i + b*y_i + c - x'_i)^2} (HZ2 p.307)
    # Compute H1*x1 and H2*x2
    x1h = homg.to_homg(x1)
    x2h = homg.to_homg(x2)
    A = H0.dot(x1h).T
    # We want last (homogeneous) coordinate to be 1 (coefficient of c
    # in the equation)
    A = (A.T / A[:, 2]).T  # for some reason, A / A[:,2] doesn't work
    B = H2.dot(x2h)
    B = B / B[2, :]  # from homogeneous
    B = B[0, :]  # only interested in x coordinate

    X, _, _, _ = la.lstsq(A, B)

    # Build Ha (HZ2 eq. 11.20)
    Ha = np.array([[X[0], X[1], X[2]], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    H1 = Ha.dot(H0)

    if mirror:
        mm = np.array([[-1, 0, cx * 2], [0, -1, cy * 2], [0, 0, 1]],
        H1 = mm.dot(H1)
        H2 = mm.dot(H2)

    return H1, H2
def rectify_uncalibrated(x1, x2, F, imsize, threshold=5):
    Compute rectification homography for two images. This is based on
    algo 11.12.3 of HZ2
    This is also heavily inspired by cv::stereoRectifyUncalibrated

        - imsize is (width, height)
    U, W, V = la.svd(F)
    # Enforce rank 2 on fundamental matrix
    W[2] = 0
    W = np.diag(W)
    F = U.dot(W).dot(V)

    # Filter points based on their distance to epipolar lines
    if threshold > 0:
        lines1 = epipolar_lines(x1, F)
        lines2 = epipolar_lines(x2, F.T)

        def epi_threshold(i):
            return (abs(x1[0,i]*lines2[0,i] +
                        x1[1,i]*lines2[1,i] +
                        lines2[2,i]) <= threshold) and \
                    (abs(x2[0,i]*lines1[0,i] +
                         x2[1,i]*lines1[1,i] +
                         lines1[2,i]) <= threshold)

        inliers = filter(epi_threshold, range(x1.shape[1]))
        inliers = range(x1.shape[1])

    assert len(inliers) > 0

    x1 = x1[:,inliers]
    x2 = x2[:,inliers]

    # HZ2 11.12.1 : Compute H = GRT where :
    # - T is a translation taking point x0 to the origin
    # - R is a rotation about the origin taking the epipole e' to (f,0,1)
    # - G is a mapping taking (f,0,1) to infinity

    # e2 is the left null vector of F (the one corresponding to the singular
    # value that is 0 => the third column of U)
    e2 = U[:,2]

    # TODO: They do this in OpenCV, not sure why
    if e2[2] < 0:
        e2 *= -1

    # Translation bringing the image center to the origin
    # FIXME: This is kind of stupid, but to get the same results as OpenCV,
    # use cv.Round function, which has a strange behaviour :
    # cv.Round(99.5) => 100
    # cv.Round(132.5) => 132
    cx = cv.Round((imsize[0]-1)*0.5)
    cy = cv.Round((imsize[1]-1)*0.5)

    T = np.array([[1, 0, -cx],
                  [0, 1, -cy],
                  [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    e2 = T.dot(e2)
    mirror = e2[0] < 0

    # Compute rotation matrix R that should bring e2 to (f,0,1)
    # 2D norm of the epipole, avoid division by zero
    d = max(np.sqrt(e2[0]*e2[0] + e2[1]*e2[1]), 1e-7)
    alpha = e2[0]/d
    beta = e2[1]/d
    R = np.array([[alpha, beta, 0],
                  [-beta, alpha, 0],
                  [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    e2 = R.dot(e2)

    # Compute G : mapping taking (f,0,1) to infinity
    invf = 0 if abs(e2[2]) < 1e-6*abs(e2[0]) else -e2[2]/e2[0]
    G = np.array([[1, 0, 0],
                  [0, 1, 0],
                  [invf, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    # Map the origin back to the center of the image
    iT = np.array([[1, 0, cx],
                   [0, 1, cy],
                   [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    H2 = iT.dot(G.dot(R.dot(T)))

    # HZ2 11.12.2 : Find matching projective transform H1 that minimize
    # leaste-square distance between reprojected points
    e2 = U[:,2]

    # TODO: They do this in OpenCV, not sure why
    if e2[2] < 0:
        e2 *= -1

    e2_x = np.array([[0, -e2[2], e2[1]],
                     [e2[2], 0, -e2[0]],
                     [-e2[1], e2[0], 0]], dtype=float)

    e2_111 = np.array([[e2[0], e2[0], e2[0]],
                       [e2[1], e2[1], e2[1]],
                       [e2[2], e2[2], e2[2]]], dtype=float)

    H0 = H2.dot(e2_x.dot(F) + e2_111)

    # Minimize \sum{(a*x_i + b*y_i + c - x'_i)^2} (HZ2 p.307)
    # Compute H1*x1 and H2*x2
    x1h = homg.to_homg(x1)
    x2h = homg.to_homg(x2)
    A = H0.dot(x1h).T
    # We want last (homogeneous) coordinate to be 1 (coefficient of c
    # in the equation)
    A = (A.T / A[:,2]).T # for some reason, A / A[:,2] doesn't work
    B = H2.dot(x2h)
    B = B / B[2,:] # from homogeneous
    B = B[0,:] # only interested in x coordinate

    X, _, _, _ = la.lstsq(A, B)

    # Build Ha (HZ2 eq. 11.20)
    Ha = np.array([[X[0], X[1], X[2]],
                   [0, 1, 0],
                   [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)

    H1 = Ha.dot(H0)

    if mirror:
        mm = np.array([[-1, 0, cx*2],
                       [0, -1, cy*2],
                       [0, 0, 1]], dtype=float)
        H1 = mm.dot(H1)
        H2 = mm.dot(H2)

    return H1, H2