	def init_widget(self):
		super(LumberjackOverviewTab, self).init_widget()
		container = AutoResizeContainer(position=(20, 210))
		icon = Icon(name='build_all_bg')
		button = ImageButton(name='build_all_button')
	def init_widget(self):
		super(LumberjackOverviewTab, self).init_widget()
		container = AutoResizeContainer(position=(20, 210))
		icon = Icon(name='build_all_bg')
		button = ImageButton(name='build_all_button')
class _Tooltip(object):
	"""Base class for pychan widgets overloaded with tooltip functionality"""

	# Character count after which we start new line.
	# Find and replace horribly complicated elements that allow simple icons.
	icon_regexp = re.compile(r'\[\[Buildmenu((?: \d+\:\d+)+)\]\]')

	def init_tooltip(self):
		# the widget's parent's parent's ..... until the topmost
		self.topmost_widget = None
		self.gui = None
		self.bg = None
		self.label = None
			self.name + '/mouseEntered/tooltip' : self.position_tooltip,
			self.name + '/mouseExited/tooltip' : self.hide_tooltip,
			self.name + '/mouseMoved/tooltip' : self.position_tooltip,

			# TIP: the mousePressed event is especially useful when such as click
			# will trigger this tooltip's parent widget to be hidden (or destroyed), 
			# which hides this tooltip first before hides the parent widget. 
			# Otherwise the tooltip will show forever.
			self.name + '/mousePressed/tooltip' : self.hide_tooltip,

			# TODO: not sure if below are useful or not
			# self.name + '/mouseReleased/tooltip' : self.position_tooltip,
			# self.name + '/mouseDragged/tooltip' : self.hide_tooltip
		self.tooltip_shown = False

	def __init_gui(self):
		self.gui = AutoResizeContainer()
		self.label = Label(position=(10, 5))
		self.bg = TooltipBG()
		self.gui.addChildren(self.bg, self.label)

	def position_tooltip(self, event):
		if not self.helptext:
		"""Calculates a nice position for the tooltip.
		@param event: mouse event from fife or tuple screenpoint
		# TODO: think about nicer way of handling the polymorphism here,
		# e.g. a position_tooltip_event and a position_tooltip_tuple
		where = event # fife forces this to be called event, but here it can also be a tuple
		if isinstance(where, tuple):
			x, y = where
			if where.getButton() == fife.MouseEvent.MIDDLE:

			x, y = where.getX(), where.getY()

		if self.gui is None:

		widget_position = self.getAbsolutePos()

		# Sometimes, we get invalid events from pychan, it is probably related to changing the
		# gui when the mouse hovers on gui elements.
		# Random tests have given evidence to believe that pychan indicates invalid events
		# by setting the top container's position to 0, 0.
		# Since this position is currently unused, it can serve as invalid flag,
		# and dropping these events seems to lead to the desired placements
		def get_top(w):
			return get_top(w.parent) if w.parent else w
		top_pos = get_top(self).position
		if top_pos == (0, 0):

		screen_width = horizons.globals.fife.engine_settings.getScreenWidth()
		self.gui.y = widget_position[1] + y + 5
		offset = x + 10
		if (widget_position[0] + self.gui.size[0] + offset) > screen_width:
			# right screen edge, position to the left of cursor instead
			offset = x - self.gui.size[0] - 5
		self.gui.x = widget_position[0] + offset
		if not self.tooltip_shown:
			#ExtScheduler().add_new_object(self.show_tooltip, self, run_in=0.3, loops=0)
			self.tooltip_shown = True

	def show_tooltip(self):
		if not self.helptext:
		if self.gui is None:

		#HACK: support icons in build menu
		# Code below exists for the sole purpose of build menu tooltips showing
		# resource icons. Even supporting that is a pain (as you will see),
		# so if you think you need icons in other tooltips, maybe reconsider.
		# [These unicode() calls brought to you by status icon tooltip code.]
		buildmenu_icons = self.icon_regexp.findall(unicode(self.helptext))
		# Remove the weird stuff before displaying text.
		replaced = self.icon_regexp.sub('', unicode(self.helptext))
		# Specification looks like [[Buildmenu 1:250 4:2 6:2]]
		if buildmenu_icons:
			hbox = HBox(position=(7, 5), padding=0)
			for spec in buildmenu_icons[0].split():
				(res_id, amount) = spec.split(':')
				label = Label(text=amount+'  ')
				icon = Icon(image=get_res_icon_path(int(res_id)), size=(16, 16))
				# For compatibility with FIFE 0.3.5 and older, also set min/max.
				icon.max_size = icon.min_size = (16, 16)
				hbox.addChildren(icon, label)
			# Now display the 16x16px "required resources" icons in the last line.

		#HACK: wrap tooltip text
		# This looks better than splitting into several lines and joining them.
		# It works because replace_whitespace in `fill` defaults to True.
		replaced = replaced.replace(r'\n', self.CHARS_PER_LINE * ' ')
		replaced = replaced.replace('[br]', self.CHARS_PER_LINE * ' ')
		tooltip = textwrap.fill(replaced, self.CHARS_PER_LINE)

		# Finish up the actual tooltip (text, background panel amount, layout).
		# To display build menu icons, we need another empty (first) line.
		self.bg.amount = len(tooltip.splitlines()) - 1 + bool(buildmenu_icons)
		self.label.text = bool(buildmenu_icons) * '\n' + tooltip

		# NOTE: the below code in this method is a hack to resolve #2227
		# cannot find a better way to fix it, cause in fife.pychan, it seems
		# if a widget gets hidden or removed, the children of that widget are not
		# hidden or removed properly (at least in Python code)

		# update topmost_widget every time the tooltip is shown
		# this is to dismiss the tooltip later, see _check_hover_alive
		target_widget = self
		while target_widget:
			self.topmost_widget = target_widget
			target_widget = target_widget.parent

		# add an event to constantly check whether the hovered widget is still there
		# if this is no longer there, dismiss the tooltip widget
		ExtScheduler().add_new_object(self._check_hover_alive, self, run_in=0.5, loops=-1)

	def _check_hover_alive(self):
		target_widget = self
		# traverse the widget chain again
		while target_widget:
			# none of ancestors of this widget gets removed, 
			# just do nothing and let the tooltip shown
			if target_widget == self.topmost_widget:
			# one ancestor of this widget is hidden
			if not target_widget.isVisible():
			target_widget = target_widget.parent

		# if it comes to here, meaning one ancestor of this widget is removed

	def hide_tooltip(self, event=None):
		if self.gui is not None:
		# tooltip is hidden, no need to check any more
		ExtScheduler().rem_call(self, self._check_hover_alive)
		self.topmost_widget = None
		self.tooltip_shown = False
class _Tooltip(object):
    """Base class for pychan widgets overloaded with tooltip functionality"""

    # Character count after which we start new line.
    # Find and replace horribly complicated elements that allow simple icons.
    icon_regexp = re.compile(r'\[\[Buildmenu((?: \d+\:\d+)+)\]\]')

    def init_tooltip(self):
        # the widget's parent's parent's ..... until the topmost
        self.topmost_widget = None
        self.gui = None
        self.bg = None
        self.label = None
            self.name + '/mouseEntered/tooltip':
            self.name + '/mouseExited/tooltip':
            self.name + '/mouseMoved/tooltip':

            # TIP: the mousePressed event is especially useful when such as click
            # will trigger this tooltip's parent widget to be hidden (or destroyed),
            # which hides this tooltip first before hides the parent widget.
            # Otherwise the tooltip will show forever.
            self.name + '/mousePressed/tooltip':

            # TODO: not sure if below are useful or not
            # self.name + '/mouseReleased/tooltip' : self.position_tooltip,
            # self.name + '/mouseDragged/tooltip' : self.hide_tooltip
        self.tooltip_shown = False

    def __init_gui(self):
        self.gui = AutoResizeContainer()
        self.label = Label(position=(10, 5))
        self.bg = TooltipBG()
        self.gui.addChildren(self.bg, self.label)

    def position_tooltip(self, event):
        if not self.helptext:
        """Calculates a nice position for the tooltip.
		@param event: mouse event from fife or tuple screenpoint
        # TODO: think about nicer way of handling the polymorphism here,
        # e.g. a position_tooltip_event and a position_tooltip_tuple
        where = event  # fife forces this to be called event, but here it can also be a tuple
        if isinstance(where, tuple):
            x, y = where
            if where.getButton() == fife.MouseEvent.MIDDLE:

            x, y = where.getX(), where.getY()

        if self.gui is None:

        widget_position = self.getAbsolutePos()

        # Sometimes, we get invalid events from pychan, it is probably related to changing the
        # gui when the mouse hovers on gui elements.
        # Random tests have given evidence to believe that pychan indicates invalid events
        # by setting the top container's position to 0, 0.
        # Since this position is currently unused, it can serve as invalid flag,
        # and dropping these events seems to lead to the desired placements
        def get_top(w):
            return get_top(w.parent) if w.parent else w

        top_pos = get_top(self).position
        if top_pos == (0, 0):

        screen_width = horizons.globals.fife.engine_settings.getScreenWidth()
        self.gui.y = widget_position[1] + y + 5
        offset = x + 10
        if (widget_position[0] + self.gui.size[0] + offset) > screen_width:
            # right screen edge, position to the left of cursor instead
            offset = x - self.gui.size[0] - 5
        self.gui.x = widget_position[0] + offset
        if not self.tooltip_shown:
            #ExtScheduler().add_new_object(self.show_tooltip, self, run_in=0.3, loops=0)
            self.tooltip_shown = True

    def show_tooltip(self):
        if not self.helptext:
        if self.gui is None:

        #HACK: support icons in build menu
        # Code below exists for the sole purpose of build menu tooltips showing
        # resource icons. Even supporting that is a pain (as you will see),
        # so if you think you need icons in other tooltips, maybe reconsider.
        # [These unicode() calls brought to you by status icon tooltip code.]
        buildmenu_icons = self.icon_regexp.findall(unicode(self.helptext))
        # Remove the weird stuff before displaying text.
        replaced = self.icon_regexp.sub('', unicode(self.helptext))
        # Specification looks like [[Buildmenu 1:250 4:2 6:2]]
        if buildmenu_icons:
            hbox = HBox(position=(7, 5), padding=0)
            for spec in buildmenu_icons[0].split():
                (res_id, amount) = spec.split(':')
                label = Label(text=amount + '  ')
                icon = Icon(image=get_res_icon_path(int(res_id)),
                            size=(16, 16),
                # For compatibility with FIFE 0.3.5 and older, also set min/max.
                icon.max_size = icon.min_size = (16, 16)
                hbox.addChildren(icon, label)
            # Now display the 16x16px "required resources" icons in the last line.

        #HACK: wrap tooltip text
        # This looks better than splitting into several lines and joining them.
        # It works because replace_whitespace in `fill` defaults to True.
        replaced = replaced.replace(r'\n', self.CHARS_PER_LINE * ' ')
        replaced = replaced.replace('[br]', self.CHARS_PER_LINE * ' ')
        tooltip = textwrap.fill(replaced, self.CHARS_PER_LINE)

        # Finish up the actual tooltip (text, background panel amount, layout).
        # To display build menu icons, we need another empty (first) line.
        self.bg.amount = len(tooltip.splitlines()) - 1 + bool(buildmenu_icons)
        self.label.text = bool(buildmenu_icons) * '\n' + tooltip

        # NOTE: the below code in this method is a hack to resolve #2227
        # cannot find a better way to fix it, cause in fife.pychan, it seems
        # if a widget gets hidden or removed, the children of that widget are not
        # hidden or removed properly (at least in Python code)

        # update topmost_widget every time the tooltip is shown
        # this is to dismiss the tooltip later, see _check_hover_alive
        target_widget = self
        while target_widget:
            self.topmost_widget = target_widget
            target_widget = target_widget.parent

        # add an event to constantly check whether the hovered widget is still there
        # if this is no longer there, dismiss the tooltip widget

    def _check_hover_alive(self):
        target_widget = self
        # traverse the widget chain again
        while target_widget:
            # none of ancestors of this widget gets removed,
            # just do nothing and let the tooltip shown
            if target_widget == self.topmost_widget:
            # one ancestor of this widget is hidden
            if not target_widget.isVisible():
            target_widget = target_widget.parent

        # if it comes to here, meaning one ancestor of this widget is removed

    def hide_tooltip(self, event=None):
        if self.gui is not None:
        # tooltip is hidden, no need to check any more
        ExtScheduler().rem_call(self, self._check_hover_alive)
        self.topmost_widget = None
        self.tooltip_shown = False