def setUp(self): self.test = Hoth()
class PresentationLITS(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.test = Hoth() def test_check_required(self): """! Test that checks all fields in Contact form are required.""" self.test.start_driver() self.test.maximize_window() self.test.visit_page("") self.test.should_be_text_on_page("Стати студентом")"icon-mail") contact_form = self.test.find(id="cntctfrm_contact_form") contact_form.should_has_text("Запитання") contact_form.should_has_text("Ім'я") contact_form.should_has_text("Email") contact_form.should_has_text("Captcha") name_input = contact_form.find(id="cntctfrm_contact_name") email_input = contact_form.find(id="cntctfrm_contact_email") q_input = contact_form.find(id="cntctfrm_contact_message") name_input.should_be_displayed() email_input.should_be_displayed() q_input.should_be_displayed() assert name_input.value == "" assert email_input.value == "" send_button = contact_form.find(type="submit") self.test.should_be_text_on_page("Please fill required fields!") self.test.close_driver() def test_check_captcha(self): """! Test that enter valid info in Contact form and submit it.""" self.test.start_driver(driver_type="Chrome") self.test.maximize_window() self.test.visit_page("")"icon-mail") self.test.should_be_text_on_page("Captcha *") element = self.test.find(class_="cptch_block") text_of_the_el = element.soup_hoth.get_text() equation = self.leave_only_equation(text_of_the_el) input_captcha = str(self.find_input_captcha(equation)) captcha_input = self.test.find(class_="cptch_input") captcha_input.set_input(txt_=input_captcha) contact_form = self.test.find(id="cntctfrm_contact_form") name_input = contact_form.find(id="cntctfrm_contact_name") email_input = contact_form.find(id="cntctfrm_contact_email") q_input = contact_form.find(id="cntctfrm_contact_message") name_input.set_input(txt_="Andriy Bondarev") email_input.set_input(txt_="*****@*****.**") q_input.set_input(txt_="Python the King!") self.test.screen() send_button = contact_form.find(type="submit") # #'icon-mail') # contact_form.should_has_text('Дякуємо Вам!') self.test.close_driver() def leave_only_equation(self, text): """! Take text and leave only numbers and signs as =, -, +, *. Args: text - string; Returns: string with only numbers and signs as =, -, +, *. """ captcha_text = text.replace("Captcha *\n\n", "") captcha_text = self.convert_opertation(captcha_text) number = " ".join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", captcha_text)) captcha_text = captcha_text.replace(number, self.convert_words_into_number(number)) return captcha_text.replace(" ", "") def convert_opertation(self, text): """! Take text and convert operation into +, - or * inside it. Args: text - string, with operation to be convert. Returns: string with converted operation. """ operations = {u"+": "+", u"\u2212": "-", u"\xd7": "*"} for each in operations.keys(): if each in text: text = text.replace(each, operations[each]) break return text def convert_words_into_number(self, word): """! Take number presented as word and convert it into number. Args: word - string, number as 'one', 'ten', etc.; Returns: string number as '1', '10', etc. """ numbers = { "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3", "four": "4", "five": "5", "six": "6", "seven": "7", "eight": "8", "nine": "9", "ten": "10", "eleven": "11", "twelve": "12", "thirteen": "13", "fourteen": "14", "fifteen": "15", "sixteen": "16", "seventeen": "17", "eighteen": "18", "nineteen": "19", "twenty": "20", "twenty one": "21", "twenty two": "22", "twenty three": "23", "twenty four": "24", "twenty five": "25", "twenty six": "26", "twenty seven": "27", "twenty eight": "28", "twenty nine": "29", "thirty": "30", "thirty one": "31", "thirty two": "32", "thirty three": "33", "thirty four": "34", "thirty five": "35", "thirty six": "36", "thirty seven": "37", "thirty eight": "38", "thirty nine": "39", "forty": "40", "forty one": "41", "forty two": "42", "forty three": "43", "forty four": "44", "forty five": "45", "forty six": "46", "forty seven": "47", "forty eight": "48", "forty nine": "49", "fifty": "50", "fifty one": "51", "fifty two": "52", "fifty three": "53", "fifty four": "54", "fifty five": "55", "fifty six": "56", "fifty seven": "57", "fifty eight": "58", "fifty nine": "59", "sixty": "60", "sixty one": "61", "sixty two": "62", "sixty three": "63", "sixty four": "64", "sixty five": "65", "sixty six": "66", "sixty seven": "67", "sixty eight": "68", "sixty nine": "69", "seventy": "70", "seventy one": "71", "seventy two": "72", "seventy three": "73", "seventy four": "74", "seventy five": "75", "seventy six": "76", "seventy seven": "77", "seventy eight": "78", "seventy nine": "79", "eighty": "80", "eighty one": "81", "eighty two": "82", "eighty three": "83", "eighty four": "84", "eighty five": "85", "eighty six": "86", "eighty seven": "87", "eighty eight": "88", "eighty nine": "89", "ninety": "90", "ninety one": "91", "ninety two": "92", "ninety three": "93", "ninety four": "94", "ninety five": "95", "ninety six": "96", "ninety seven": "97", "ninety eight": "98", "ninety nine": "99", "one hundred": "100", "zero": "0", } return numbers[word] def find_input_captcha(self, equation): """! Find result of equation string. Args: equation - string with only numbers and signs as =, -, +, *. Returns: int, result of equation. """ before_eq = equation.split("=")[0] after_eq = equation.split("=")[-1] if after_eq == "": return eval(before_eq) else: operations = {"+": "-", "-": "", "*": "/"} for each in operations.keys(): if each in before_eq: if each == "-": if before_eq[0] == "-": input_c = eval(after_eq + "+" + before_eq.replace(each, "")) elif before_eq[-1] == "-": input_c = eval(before_eq + after_eq) else: input_c = eval(after_eq + operations[each] + before_eq.replace(each, "")) break return input_c def tearDown(self): try: self.test.quit_driver() except: pass