def run(args):
    #if l not specified, set default based on test statistic 
    if not args.sizes:
        args.sizes = [5,10,15,20] if args.test_statistic == MAX_CC_SIZE else [3]
    #disallow finding delta by # of CCs of size >= l for HotNet2, since this is not currently
    #implemented correctly (and is non-trivial to implement)
    if not args.classic and args.test_statistic != MAX_CC_SIZE:
        raise ValueError("For HotNet2, the largest CC size test statistic must be used.")
    infmat_index = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)
    heat, heat_params = hnio.load_heat_json(args.heat_file)

    if args.perm_type == "heat":
        infmat = hnio.load_infmat(args.infmat_file, args.infmat_name)
        addtl_genes = hnio.load_genes(args.permutation_genes_file) if args.permutation_genes_file else None
        deltas = get_deltas_for_heat(infmat, infmat_index, heat, addtl_genes, args.num_permutations,
                                     args.test_statistic, args.sizes, args.classic, args.num_cores)
    elif args.perm_type == "mutations":
        infmat = hnio.load_infmat(args.infmat_file, args.infmat_name)
        deltas = get_deltas_for_mutations(args, infmat, infmat_index, heat_params)
    elif args.perm_type == "network":
        deltas = get_deltas_for_network(args.permuted_networks_path, heat, args.infmat_name,
                                         infmat_index, args.test_statistic, args.sizes,
                                         args.classic, args.num_permutations, args.num_cores)
        raise ValueError("Invalid mutation permutation type: %s" % args.perm_type)
    output_file = open(args.output_file, 'w') if args.output_file else sys.stdout
    json.dump({"parameters": vars(args), "heat_parameters": heat_params,
               "deltas": deltas}, output_file, indent=4)
    if (args.output_file): output_file.close()
def run(args):
    # Load the input data
    if args.verbose: print('* Loading infmat and heat files...')
    infmat = hnio.load_infmat(args.infmat_file, args.infmat_name)
    full_index2gene = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)

    using_json_heat = os.path.splitext(args.heat_file.lower())[1] == '.json'
    if using_json_heat:
        heat = json.load(open(args.heat_file))['heat']
        heat = hnio.load_heat_tsv(args.heat_file)
    print("* Loaded heat scores for %s genes" % len(heat))

    # filter out genes not in the network
    heat = hnheat.filter_heat_to_network_genes(heat,

    # genes with score 0 cannot be in output components, but are eligible for heat in permutations
    heat, addtl_genes = hnheat.filter_heat(
        heat, None, False, 'There are ## genes with heat score 0')
    if args.verbose: print('* Creating similarity matrix...')
    sim, index2gene = hn.similarity_matrix(infmat, full_index2gene, heat, True)

    # Create and output the dendrogram
    createDendrogram(sim, list(index2gene.values()), args.output_directory,
                     vars(args), args.verbose)
def run(args):  
    infmat_index = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)
    heat, heat_params = hnio.load_heat_json(args.heat_file)
    deltas = get_deltas_for_network(args.permuted_networks_path, heat, args.infmat_name,
                                    infmat_index, args.sizes, args.num_permutations, args.parallel)
    output_file = open(args.output_file, 'w') if args.output_file else sys.stdout
    json.dump({"parameters": vars(args), "heat_parameters": heat_params,
               "deltas": deltas}, output_file, indent=4)
    if (args.output_file): output_file.close()
def run(args):
    # Load input graph
    print "* Loading input graph..."
    with open(args.edgelist_file) as infile:
        G = nx.Graph()
        G.add_edges_from([map(int, l.rstrip().split()[:2]) for l in infile])
        print "\t{} nodes with {} edges".format(len(G.nodes()), len(G.edges()))

    # Remove self-loops and zero degree nodes, and
    # restrict to the largest connected component
    print "* Removing self-loops, zero degree nodes, and ",
    print "restricting to the largest connected component"
    G.remove_edges_from([(u,v) for u, v in G.edges() if u == v])
    G.remove_nodes_from([n for n in G.nodes() if G.degree(n) == 0])
    G = G.subgraph(sorted(nx.connected_components( G ), key=lambda cc: len(cc), reverse=True)[0])

    print "\t{} nodes with {} edges remaining".format(len(G.nodes()), len(G.edges()))

    # Load gene index
    indexToGene = hnio.load_index(args.gene_index_file)

    # Compute and save Laplacian
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
    print "* Computing Laplacian..."
    L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G)

    # Exponentiate the Laplacian for the given time and save it
    print "* Computing diffusion matrix..."
    Li = expm_eig( -args.time * L.todense() )
    #Li = sp.sparse.linalg.expm( -args.time * L)
    output_prefix = "{}/{}_inf_{}".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix, args.time)
    if args.format == 'hdf5':
        hnio.save_hdf5(output_prefix + ".h5", dict(Li=Li))
    elif args.format == 'npy':
        np.save(output_prefix + ".npy", Li)

    # Save the index to gene mapping
    indexOutputFile = "{}/{}_index_genes".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix)
    nodes = G.nodes()
    geneIndexOutput = ["{} {}".format(i+args.start_index, indexToGene[node])
                         for i, node in enumerate(nodes)]
    hnio.write_file(indexOutputFile, "\n".join(geneIndexOutput))

    # Create edge list with revised indices
    edgeIndices = []
    for u, v in G.edges():
        i = nodes.index(u) + args.start_index
        j = nodes.index(v) + args.start_index
        edgeIndices.append( sorted([i, j]) )
    edgeOutputFile = "{}/{}_edge_list".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix)
    edgeOutput = ["{} {} 1".format(u, v) for u, v in edgeIndices]
    hnio.write_file(edgeOutputFile, "\n".join(edgeOutput))
def get_deltas_for_mutations(args, infmat, index2gene, heat_params):
    print "* Performing permuted mutation data delta selection..."
    index2gene = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)
    heat_permutations = permutations.generate_mutation_permutation_heat(
                            heat_params["heat_fn"], heat_params["sample_file"],
                            heat_params["gene_file"], index2gene.values(), heat_params["snv_file"],
                            args.gene_length_file, args.bmr, args.bmr_file, heat_params["cna_file"],
                            args.gene_order_file, heat_params["cna_filter_threshold"],
                            heat_params["min_freq"], args.num_permutations, args.num_cores)
    return get_deltas_from_heat_permutations(infmat, index2gene, heat_permutations, args.test_statistic,
                                             args.sizes, args.classic, args.num_cores)
def run(args):
    # Load input graph
    print "* Loading input graph..."
    G = nx.Graph()
    G.add_edges_from([map(int, l.rstrip().split()[:2]) for l in open(args.edgelist_file)])
    print "\t{} nodes with {} edges".format(len(G.nodes()), len(G.edges()))

    # Remove self-loops and zero degree nodes, and
    # restrict to the largest connected component
    print "* Removing self-loops, zero degree nodes, and ",
    print "restricting to the largest connected component"
    G.remove_edges_from([(u,v) for u, v in G.edges() if u == v])
    G.remove_nodes_from([n for n in G.nodes() if G.degree(n) == 0])
    G = G.subgraph(sorted(nx.connected_components( G ), key=lambda cc: len(cc), reverse=True)[0])

    print "\t{} nodes with {} edges remaining".format(len(G.nodes()), len(G.edges()))

    # Load gene index
    index2gene = hnio.load_index(args.gene_index_file)

    # Compute and save Laplacian
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):
    print "* Computing Laplacian..."
    L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G)
    scipy.io.savemat("{}/{}_laplacian.mat".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix),

    # Exponentiate the Laplacian for the given time and save it
    from scipy.linalg import expm
    Li = expm( -args.time * L )
    scipy.io.savemat("{}/{}_inf_{}.mat".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix, args.time),
                     dict(Li=Li), oned_as='column')

    # Save the index to gene mapping
    index_output_file = "{}/{}_index_genes".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix)
    nodes = G.nodes()
    gene_index_output = ["{} {}".format(i+args.start_index, index2gene[node])
                         for i, node in enumerate(nodes)]
    hnio.write_file(index_output_file, "\n".join(gene_index_output))

    # Create edge list with revised indices
    edge_indices = []
    for u, v in G.edges():
        i = nodes.index(u) + args.start_index
        j = nodes.index(v) + args.start_index
        edge_indices.append( sorted([i, j]) )
    edge_output_file = "{}/{}_edge_list".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix)
    edge_output = ["{} {} 1".format(u, v) for u, v in edge_indices]
    hnio.write_file(edge_output_file, "\n".join(edge_output))
def run(args):
    # if l not specified, set default based on test statistic
    if not args.sizes:
        args.sizes = [5, 10, 15, 20] if args.test_statistic == MAX_CC_SIZE else [3]

    # disallow finding delta by # of CCs of size >= l for HotNet2, since this is not currently
    # implemented correctly (and is non-trivial to implement)
    if not args.classic and args.test_statistic != MAX_CC_SIZE:
        raise ValueError("For HotNet2, the largest CC size test statistic must be used.")

    infmat_index = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)
    heat, heat_params = hnio.load_heat_json(args.heat_file)

    if args.perm_type == "heat":
        infmat = hnio.load_infmat(args.infmat_file, args.infmat_name)
        addtl_genes = hnio.load_genes(args.permutation_genes_file) if args.permutation_genes_file else None
        deltas = get_deltas_for_heat(
    elif args.perm_type == "mutations":
        infmat = hnio.load_infmat(args.infmat_file, args.infmat_name)
        deltas = get_deltas_for_mutations(args, infmat, infmat_index, heat_params)
    elif args.perm_type == "network":
        deltas = get_deltas_for_network(
        raise ValueError("Invalid mutation permutation type: %s" % args.perm_type)

    output_file = open(args.output_file, "w") if args.output_file else sys.stdout
    json.dump({"parameters": vars(args), "heat_parameters": heat_params, "deltas": deltas}, output_file, indent=4)
    if args.output_file:
def get_deltas_for_mutations(args, infmat, index2gene, heat_params):
    print "* Performing permuted mutation data delta selection..."
    index2gene = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)

    heat_permutations = permutations.generate_mutation_permutation_heat(
    return get_deltas_from_heat_permutations(
        infmat, index2gene, heat_permutations, args.test_statistic, args.sizes, args.classic, args.num_cores
def run(args):
	# Load the input data
	if args.verbose: print '* Loading infmat and heat files...'
	infmat = hnio.load_infmat(args.infmat_file, args.infmat_name)
	full_index2gene = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)

	using_json_heat = os.path.splitext(args.heat_file.lower())[1] == '.json'
	if using_json_heat:
	    heat = json.load(open(args.heat_file))['heat']
	    heat = hnio.load_heat_tsv(args.heat_file)
	print "* Loaded heat scores for %s genes" % len(heat)

	# filter out genes not in the network
	heat = hnheat.filter_heat_to_network_genes(heat, set(full_index2gene.values()))

	# genes with score 0 cannot be in output components, but are eligible for heat in permutations
	heat, addtl_genes = hnheat.filter_heat(heat, None, False, 'There are ## genes with heat score 0')
	if args.verbose: print '* Creating similarity matrix...'
	sim, index2gene = hn.similarity_matrix(infmat, full_index2gene, heat, True)

	# Create and output the dendrogram
	createDendrogram( sim, index2gene.values(), args.output_directory, vars(args), args.verbose )
def run(args):
    # create output directory if doesn't exist; warn if it exists and is not empty
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_directory):
    if len(os.listdir(args.output_directory)) > 0:
            "WARNING: Output directory is not empty. Any conflicting files will be overwritten. "
            "(Ctrl-c to cancel).")

    # load data
    infmat = hnio.load_infmat(args.infmat_file, args.infmat_name)
    full_index2gene = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)
    heat, heat_params = hnio.load_heat_json(args.heat_file)

    # compute similarity matrix
    sim, index2gene = hn.similarity_matrix(infmat, full_index2gene, heat,
                                           not args.classic)

    # only calculate permuted data sets for significance testing once
    if args.permutation_type != "none":
        if args.permutation_type == "heat":
            print "* Generating heat permutations for statistical significance testing"
            extra_genes = hnio.load_genes(args.permutation_genes_file) \
                            if args.permutation_genes_file else None
            heat_permutations = p.permute_heat(heat, full_index2gene.values(),
                                               extra_genes, args.num_cores)
        elif args.permutation_type == "mutations":
            if heat_params["heat_fn"] != "load_mutation_heat":
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Heat scores must be based on mutation data to perform\
                                        significance testing based on mutation data permutation."
            print "* Generating mutation permutations for statistical significance testing"
            heat_permutations = p.generate_mutation_permutation_heat(
                heat_params["sample_file"], heat_params["gene_file"],
                full_index2gene.values(), heat_params["snv_file"],
                args.gene_length_file, args.bmr, args.bmr_file,
                heat_params["cna_file"], args.gene_order_file,
                heat_params["cna_filter_threshold"], heat_params["min_freq"],
                args.num_permutations, args.num_cores)
        elif args.permutation_type == "network":
            pass  #nothing to do right now
        elif args.permutation_type == "precomputed":
            heat_file_paths = [
                args.datasets_path.replace(ITERATION_REPLACEMENT_TOKEN, str(i))
                for i in range(1, args.num_permutations + 1)
            heat_permutations = [
                hnio.load_heat_tsv(heat_file) for heat_file in heat_file_paths
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized permutation type %s" %

    for delta in args.deltas:
        delta_out_dir = args.output_directory + "/delta_" + str(delta)
        if not os.path.isdir(delta_out_dir):

        G = hn.weighted_graph(sim, index2gene, delta, not args.classic)
        ccs = hn.connected_components(G, args.min_cc_size)

        # calculate significance
        if args.permutation_type != "none":
            if args.permutation_type == "network":
                sizes2stats = calculate_significance_network(
                    args, args.permuted_networks_path, full_index2gene, G,
                    heat, delta, args.num_permutations)
                sizes2stats = calculate_significance(args, infmat,
                                                     full_index2gene, G, delta,

        #sort ccs list such that genes within components are sorted alphanumerically, and components
        #are sorted first by length, then alphanumerically by name of the first gene in the component
        ccs = [sorted(cc) for cc in ccs]
        ccs.sort(key=lambda comp: comp[0])
        ccs.sort(key=len, reverse=True)

        #write output
            os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + COMPONENTS_TSV, ccs)
        args.delta = delta  # include delta in parameters section of output JSON
        output_dict = {
            "parameters": vars(args),
            "heat_parameters": heat_params,
            "sizes": hn.component_sizes(ccs),
            "components": ccs
        if args.permutation_type != "none":
            output_dict["statistics"] = sizes2stats
                os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + SIGNIFICANCE_TSV,

        json_out = open(
            os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + JSON_OUTPUT, 'w')
        json.dump(output_dict, json_out, indent=4)
def run(args):
    subnetworks_file = '%s/viz_files/%s' % (str(hotnet2.__file__).rsplit('/', 1)[0], VIZ_SUBNETWORKS)

    # create output directory if doesn't exist; warn if it exists and is not empty
    outdir = args.output_directory
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):
    if len(os.listdir(outdir)) > 0:
        print("WARNING: Output directory is not empty. Any conflicting files will be overwritten. "
              "(Ctrl-c to cancel).")

    ks = set()
    output = dict(deltas=[], subnetworks=dict(), mutation_matrices=dict(), stats=dict())
    subnetworks = dict()
    for results_file in args.results_files:
        results = json.load(open(results_file))
        ccs = results['components']

        heat_file = json.load(open(results['parameters']['heat_file']))
        gene2heat = heat_file['heat']
        heat_parameters = heat_file['parameters']
        d_score = hnio.load_display_score_tsv(args.display_score_file) if args.display_score_file else None
        d_name = hnio.load_display_name_tsv(args.display_name_file) if args.display_name_file else dict()
        edges = hnio.load_ppi_edges(args.edge_file, hnio.load_index(results['parameters']['infmat_index_file']))
        delta = format(results['parameters']['delta'], 'g')
        subnetworks[delta] = ccs

        output["subnetworks"][delta] = []
        for cc in ccs:
            output['subnetworks'][delta].append(viz.get_component_json(cc, gene2heat, edges,
                                                                args.network_name, d_score, d_name))
        # make oncoprints if heat file was generated from mutation data
        if 'heat_fn' in heat_parameters and heat_parameters['heat_fn'] == 'load_mutation_heat':
            output['mutation_matrices'][delta] = list()
            samples = hnio.load_samples(heat_parameters['sample_file']) if heat_parameters['sample_file'] else None
            genes = hnio.load_genes(heat_parameters['gene_file']) if heat_parameters['gene_file'] else None
            snvs = hnio.load_snvs(heat_parameters['snv_file'], genes, samples) if heat_parameters['snv_file'] else []
            cnas = hnio.load_cnas(heat_parameters['cna_file'], genes, samples) if heat_parameters['cna_file'] else []

            for cc in ccs:
                output['mutation_matrices'][delta].append(viz.get_oncoprint_json(cc, snvs, cnas, d_name))

            if heat_parameters.get('sample_type_file'):
                with open(heat_parameters['sample_type_file']) as f:
                    output['sampleToTypes'] = dict(l.rstrip().split() for l in f if not l.startswith("#") )
                    output['typeToSamples'] = dict((t, []) for t in set(output['sampleToTypes'].values()))
                    for s, ty in output['sampleToTypes'].iteritems():
                        output['typeToSamples'][ty].append( s )
                output['sampleToTypes'] = dict( (s, "Cancer") for s in samples )
                output['typeToSamples'] = dict(Cancer=list(samples))

        output['stats'][delta] = results['statistics']
        for k in sorted(map(int, results['statistics'].keys())):
            stats = results['statistics'][str(k)]
            output['stats'][delta].append( dict(k=k, expected=stats['expected'], observed=stats['observed'], pval=stats['pval']))

    output['ks'] = range(min(ks), max(ks)+1)
    with open('%s/subnetworks.json' % outdir, 'w') as out:
        json.dump(output, out, indent=4)

    shutil.copy(subnetworks_file, '%s/%s' % (outdir, VIZ_INDEX))
def run(args):
    # Load input graph
    print "* Loading input graph..."
    G = nx.Graph()
             l.rstrip().split()[:2]) for l in open(args.edgelist_file)])
    print "\t{} nodes with {} edges".format(len(G.nodes()), len(G.edges()))

    # Remove self-loops and zero degree nodes, and
    # restrict to the largest connected component
    print "* Removing self-loops, zero degree nodes, and ",
    print "restricting to the largest connected component"
    G.remove_edges_from([(u, v) for u, v in G.edges() if u == v])
    G.remove_nodes_from([n for n in G.nodes() if G.degree(n) == 0])
    G = G.subgraph(
               key=lambda cc: len(cc),

    print "\t{} nodes with {} edges remaining".format(len(G.nodes()),

    # Load gene index
    index2gene = hnio.load_index(args.gene_index_file)

    # Compute and save Laplacian
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):

    print "* Computing Laplacian..."
    L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G)

    # Exponentiate the Laplacian for the given time and save it
    from scipy.linalg import expm
    Li = expm(-args.time * L)
    scipy.io.savemat("{}/{}_inf_{}.mat".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix,

    # Save the index to gene mapping
    index_output_file = "{}/{}_index_genes".format(args.output_dir,
    nodes = G.nodes()
    gene_index_output = [
        "{} {}".format(i + args.start_index, index2gene[node])
        for i, node in enumerate(nodes)
    hnio.write_file(index_output_file, "\n".join(gene_index_output))

    # Create edge list with revised indices
    edge_indices = []
    for u, v in G.edges():
        i = nodes.index(u) + args.start_index
        j = nodes.index(v) + args.start_index
        edge_indices.append(sorted([i, j]))
    edge_output_file = "{}/{}_edge_list".format(args.output_dir, args.prefix)
    edge_output = ["{} {} 1".format(u, v) for u, v in edge_indices]
    hnio.write_file(edge_output_file, "\n".join(edge_output))
def run(args):
    # create output directory if doesn't exist; warn if it exists and is not empty
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_directory):
    if len(os.listdir(args.output_directory)) > 0:
        print("WARNING: Output directory is not empty. Any conflicting files will be overwritten. "
              "(Ctrl-c to cancel).")
    # load data
    infmat = np.array(scipy.io.loadmat(args.infmat_file)[args.infmat_name])
    full_index2gene = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)
    heat, heat_params = hnio.load_heat_json(args.heat_file)
    # compute similarity matrix
    sim, index2gene = hn.similarity_matrix(infmat, full_index2gene, heat, not args.classic)
    # only calculate permuted data sets for significance testing once
    if args.permutation_type != "none":
        if args.permutation_type == "heat":
            print "* Generating heat permutations for statistical significance testing" 
            extra_genes = hnio.load_genes(args.permutation_genes_file) \
                            if args.permutation_genes_file else None
            heat_permutations = p.permute_heat(heat, full_index2gene.values(),
                                               args.num_permutations, extra_genes, args.num_cores)
        elif args.permutation_type == "mutations":
            if heat_params["heat_fn"] != "load_mutation_heat":
                    raise RuntimeError("Heat scores must be based on mutation data to perform\
                                        significance testing based on mutation data permutation.")
            print "* Generating mutation permutations for statistical significance testing"
            heat_permutations = p.generate_mutation_permutation_heat(
                                    heat_params["heat_fn"], heat_params["sample_file"],
                                    heat_params["gene_file"], full_index2gene.values(),
                                    heat_params["snv_file"], args.gene_length_file, args.bmr,
                                    args.bmr_file, heat_params["cna_file"], args.gene_order_file,
                                    heat_params["cna_filter_threshold"], heat_params["min_freq"],
                                    args.num_permutations, args.num_cores)
        elif args.permutation_type == "network":
            pass    #nothing to do right now
        elif args.permutation_type == "precomputed":
            heat_file_paths = [args.datasets_path.replace(ITERATION_REPLACEMENT_TOKEN, str(i))
                               for i in range(1, args.num_permutations+1)]
            heat_permutations = [hnio.load_heat_tsv(heat_file) for heat_file in heat_file_paths]
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized permutation type %s" % (args.permutation_type))
    for delta in args.deltas:
        delta_out_dir = args.output_directory + "/delta_" + str(delta)
        if not os.path.isdir(delta_out_dir):
        G = hn.weighted_graph(sim, index2gene, delta, not args.classic)
        ccs = hn.connected_components(G, args.min_cc_size)
        # calculate significance
        if args.permutation_type != "none":
            if args.permutation_type == "network":
                sizes2stats = calculate_significance_network(args, args.permuted_networks_path,
                                                             full_index2gene, G, heat, delta,
                sizes2stats = calculate_significance(args, infmat, full_index2gene, G, delta,
        #sort ccs list such that genes within components are sorted alphanumerically, and components
        #are sorted first by length, then alphanumerically by name of the first gene in the component 
        ccs = [sorted(cc) for cc in ccs]
        ccs.sort(key=lambda comp: comp[0])
        ccs.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
        #write output
        hnio.write_components_as_tsv(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + COMPONENTS_TSV, ccs)
        args.delta = delta  # include delta in parameters section of output JSON
        output_dict = {"parameters": vars(args), "heat_parameters": heat_params,
                       "sizes": hn.component_sizes(ccs), "components": ccs}
        if args.permutation_type != "none":
            output_dict["statistics"] = sizes2stats
            hnio.write_significance_as_tsv(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + SIGNIFICANCE_TSV,
        json_out = open(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + JSON_OUTPUT, 'w')
        json.dump(output_dict, json_out, indent=4)
def run(args):
    # create output directory if doesn't exist; warn if it exists and is not empty
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_directory):
    if len(os.listdir(args.output_directory)) > 0:
        print("WARNING: Output directory is not empty. Any conflicting files will be overwritten. "
              "(Ctrl-c to cancel).")

    infmat = scipy.io.loadmat(args.infmat_file)[INFMAT_NAME]
    infmat_index = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)
    heat = hnio.load_heat_tsv(args.heat_file)
    # filter out genes with heat score less than min_heat_score
    heat, addtl_genes, args.min_heat_score = hnheat.filter_heat(heat, args.min_heat_score)

    # find smallest delta 
    deltas = ft.get_deltas_for_network(args.permuted_networks_path, heat, INFMAT_NAME,
                                       infmat_index, MAX_CC_SIZES, 
				                       args.num_permutations, args.parallel)
    # and run HotNet with the median delta for each size
    run_deltas = [np.median(deltas[size]) for size in deltas]
    M, gene_index = hn.induce_infmat(infmat, infmat_index, sorted(heat.keys()))
    h = hn.heat_vec(heat, gene_index)
    sim = hn.similarity_matrix(M, h)

    # load interaction network edges and determine location of static HTML files for visualization
    edges = hnio.load_ppi_edges(args.edge_file) if args.edge_file else None
    index_file = '%s/viz_files/%s' % (hotnet2.__file__.rsplit('/', 1)[0], VIZ_INDEX)
    subnetworks_file = '%s/viz_files/%s' % (hotnet2.__file__.rsplit('/', 1)[0], VIZ_SUBNETWORKS)
    gene2index = dict([(gene, index) for index, gene in infmat_index.iteritems()])

    for delta in run_deltas: 
        # create output directory
        delta_out_dir = args.output_directory + "/delta_" + str(delta)
        if not os.path.isdir(delta_out_dir):
        # find connected components
        G = hn.weighted_graph(sim, gene_index, delta)
        ccs = hn.connected_components(G, args.min_cc_size)
        # calculate significance (using all genes with heat scores)
        print "* Performing permuted heat statistical significance..."
        heat_permutations = p.permute_heat(heat, args.num_permutations, addtl_genes, args.parallel)
        sizes = range(2, 11)
        print "\t- Using no. of components >= k (k \\in",
        print "[%s, %s]) as statistic" % (min(sizes), max(sizes))
        sizes2counts = stats.calculate_permuted_cc_counts(infmat, infmat_index, heat_permutations,
                                                          delta, sizes, args.parallel)
        real_counts = stats.num_components_min_size(G, sizes)
        size2real_counts = dict(zip(sizes, real_counts))
        sizes2stats = stats.compute_statistics(size2real_counts, sizes2counts, args.num_permutations)
        # sort ccs list such that genes within components are sorted alphanumerically, and components
        # are sorted first by length, then alphanumerically by name of the first gene in the component
        ccs = [sorted(cc) for cc in ccs]
        ccs.sort(key=lambda comp: comp[0])
        ccs.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
        # write output
        heat_dict = {"heat": heat, "parameters": {"heat_file": args.heat_file}}
        heat_out = open(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + HEAT_JSON, 'w')
        json.dump(heat_dict, heat_out, indent=4)
        args.heat_file = os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + HEAT_JSON
        args.delta = delta
        output_dict = {"parameters": vars(args), "sizes": hn.component_sizes(ccs),
                       "components": ccs, "statistics": sizes2stats}
        hnio.write_significance_as_tsv(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + SIGNIFICANCE_TSV,
        json_out = open(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + JSON_OUTPUT, 'w')
        json.dump(output_dict, json_out, indent=4)
        hnio.write_components_as_tsv(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + COMPONENTS_TSV, ccs)
        # write visualization output if edge file given
        if args.edge_file:
            viz_data = {"delta": delta, 'subnetworks': list()}
            for cc in ccs:
                viz_data['subnetworks'].append(viz.get_component_json(cc, heat, edges, gene2index,
            delta_viz_dir = '%s/viz/delta%s' % (args.output_directory, delta)
            if not os.path.isdir(delta_viz_dir):
            viz_out = open('%s/subnetworks.json' % delta_viz_dir, 'w')
            json.dump(viz_data, viz_out, indent=4)
            shutil.copy(subnetworks_file, delta_viz_dir)
    if args.edge_file:
        viz.write_index_file(index_file, '%s/viz/%s' % (args.output_directory, VIZ_INDEX), run_deltas)
def run(args):
    subnetworks_file = '%s/viz_files/%s' % (str(hotnet2.__file__).rsplit('/', 1)[0], VIZ_SUBNETWORKS)

    # create output directory if doesn't exist; warn if it exists and is not empty
    outdir = args.output_directory
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):
    if len(os.listdir(outdir)) > 0:
        print("WARNING: Output directory is not empty. Any conflicting files will be overwritten. "
              "(Ctrl-c to cancel).")

    ks = set()
    output = dict(deltas=[], subnetworks=dict(), mutation_matrices=dict(), stats=dict())
    predictions = set()
    multipleHeatFiles = False
    for results_file in args.results_files:
        with open(results_file, 'r') as IN:
            results = json.load(IN)
            ccs = results['components']

        heat_file = json.load(open(results['parameters']['heat_file']))
        gene2heat = heat_file['heat']
        heat_parameters = heat_file['parameters']
        d_score = hnio.load_display_score_tsv(args.display_score_file) if args.display_score_file else None
        d_name = hnio.load_display_name_tsv(args.display_name_file) if args.display_name_file else dict()
        edges = hnio.load_ppi_edges(args.edge_file, hnio.load_index(results['parameters']['infmat_index_file']))
        delta = format(results['parameters']['delta'], 'g')

        output["subnetworks"][delta] = []
        predictions |= set( g for cc in ccs for g in cc )
        for cc in ccs:
            output['subnetworks'][delta].append(viz.get_component_json(cc, gene2heat, edges,
                                                                args.network_name, d_score, d_name))
        # Record the heat scores
        if 'geneToHeat' in output:
            if any( output['geneToHeat'][g] != h for g, h in gene2heat.iteritems() ) or len(gene2heat.keys()) != len(output['geneToHeat'].keys()):
                multipleHeatFiles = True
        output['geneToHeat'] = gene2heat

        # make oncoprints if heat file was generated from mutation data
        if 'heat_fn' in heat_parameters and heat_parameters['heat_fn'] == 'load_mutation_heat':
            output['mutation_matrices'][delta] = list()
            samples = hnio.load_samples(heat_parameters['sample_file']) if heat_parameters['sample_file'] else None
            genes = hnio.load_genes(heat_parameters['gene_file']) if heat_parameters['gene_file'] else None
            snvs = hnio.load_snvs(heat_parameters['snv_file'], genes, samples) if heat_parameters['snv_file'] else []
            cnas = hnio.load_cnas(heat_parameters['cna_file'], genes, samples) if heat_parameters['cna_file'] else []

            # Get the samples and genes from the mutations directly if they weren't provided
            if not samples:
                samples = set( m.sample for m in snvs ) | set( m.sample for m in cnas )
            if not genes:
                genes = set( m.gene for m in snvs) | set( m.gene for m in cnas )

            for cc in ccs:
                output['mutation_matrices'][delta].append(viz.get_oncoprint_json(cc, snvs, cnas, d_name))

            if heat_parameters.get('sample_type_file'):
                with open(heat_parameters['sample_type_file']) as f:
                    output['sampleToTypes'] = dict(l.rstrip().split() for l in f if not l.startswith("#") )
                    output['typeToSamples'] = dict((t, []) for t in set(output['sampleToTypes'].values()))
                    for s, ty in output['sampleToTypes'].iteritems():
                        output['typeToSamples'][ty].append( s )
                if not samples:
                    samples = set( m.sample for m in snvs ) | set( m.sample for m in cnas )
                output['sampleToTypes'] = dict( (s, "Cancer") for s in samples )
                output['typeToSamples'] = dict(Cancer=list(samples))

        output['stats'][delta] = results['statistics']
        ks |= set(map(int, results['statistics'].keys()))

    # Print a warning if there were multiple heat files referenced by
    # the results files
    if multipleHeatFiles:
        sys.stderr.write('Warning: results files used multiple heat files. Only the last heat file will be used to tabulate scores.\n')

    # Output to file
    output['predictions'] = sorted(predictions) # list of nodes found in any run
    output['ks'] = range(min(ks), max(ks)+1)
    with open('%s/subnetworks.json' % outdir, 'w') as out:
        json.dump(output, out, indent=4)

    shutil.copy(subnetworks_file, '%s/%s' % (outdir, VIZ_INDEX))
def run(args):
    subnetworks_file = '%s/viz_files/%s' % (str(hotnet2.__file__).rsplit(
        '/', 1)[0], VIZ_SUBNETWORKS)

    # create output directory if doesn't exist; warn if it exists and is not empty
    outdir = args.output_directory
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):
    if len(os.listdir(outdir)) > 0:
            "WARNING: Output directory is not empty. Any conflicting files will be overwritten. "
            "(Ctrl-c to cancel).")

    ks = set()
    output = dict(deltas=[],
    subnetworks = dict()
    for results_file in args.results_files:
        results = json.load(open(results_file))
        ccs = results['components']

        heat_file = json.load(open(results['parameters']['heat_file']))
        gene2heat = heat_file['heat']
        heat_parameters = heat_file['parameters']
        d_score = hnio.load_display_score_tsv(
            args.display_score_file) if args.display_score_file else None
        d_name = hnio.load_display_name_tsv(
            args.display_name_file) if args.display_name_file else dict()
        edges = hnio.load_ppi_edges(
        delta = format(results['parameters']['delta'], 'g')
        subnetworks[delta] = ccs

        output["subnetworks"][delta] = []
        for cc in ccs:
                viz.get_component_json(cc, gene2heat, edges, args.network_name,
                                       d_score, d_name))

        # make oncoprints if heat file was generated from mutation data
        if 'heat_fn' in heat_parameters and heat_parameters[
                'heat_fn'] == 'load_mutation_heat':
            output['mutation_matrices'][delta] = list()
            samples = hnio.load_samples(
            ) if heat_parameters['sample_file'] else None
            genes = hnio.load_genes(heat_parameters['gene_file']
                                    ) if heat_parameters['gene_file'] else None
            snvs = hnio.load_snvs(
                heat_parameters['snv_file'], genes,
                samples) if heat_parameters['snv_file'] else []
            cnas = hnio.load_cnas(
                heat_parameters['cna_file'], genes,
                samples) if heat_parameters['cna_file'] else []

            # Get the samples and genes from the mutations directly if they weren't provided
            if not samples:
                samples = set(m.sample for m in snvs) | set(m.sample
                                                            for m in cnas)
            if not genes:
                genes = set(m.gene for m in snvs) | set(m.gene for m in cnas)

            for cc in ccs:
                    viz.get_oncoprint_json(cc, snvs, cnas, d_name))

            if heat_parameters.get('sample_type_file'):
                with open(heat_parameters['sample_type_file']) as f:
                    output['sampleToTypes'] = dict(l.rstrip().split()
                                                   for l in f
                                                   if not l.startswith("#"))
                    output['typeToSamples'] = dict(
                        (t, []) for t in set(output['sampleToTypes'].values()))
                    for s, ty in output['sampleToTypes'].iteritems():
                output['sampleToTypes'] = dict((s, "Cancer") for s in samples)
                output['typeToSamples'] = dict(Cancer=list(samples))

        output['stats'][delta] = results['statistics']
        ks |= set(map(int, results['statistics'].keys()))

    output['ks'] = range(min(ks), max(ks) + 1)
    with open('%s/subnetworks.json' % outdir, 'w') as out:
        json.dump(output, out, indent=4)

    shutil.copy(subnetworks_file, '%s/%s' % (outdir, VIZ_INDEX))
def run(args):
    # create output directory if doesn't exist; warn if it exists and is not empty
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_directory):
    if len(os.listdir(args.output_directory)) > 0:
        print("WARNING: Output directory is not empty. Any conflicting files will be overwritten. "
              "(Ctrl-c to cancel).")
    # load data
    infmat = scipy.io.loadmat(args.infmat_file)[args.infmat_name]  
    infmat_index = hnio.load_index(args.infmat_index_file)
    heat, heat_params = hnio.load_heat_json(args.heat_file)
    # compute similarity matrix and extract connected components
    M, gene_index = hn.induce_infmat(infmat, infmat_index, sorted(heat.keys()))
    h = hn.heat_vec(heat, gene_index)
    sim = hn.similarity_matrix(M, h)
    # only calculate permuted data sets for significance testing once
    if args.permutation_type != "none":
        if args.permutation_type == "heat":
            print "* Generating heat permutations for statistical significance testing" 
            extra_genes = hnio.load_genes(args.permutation_genes_file) if args.permutation_genes_file \
                            else None
            heat_permutations = permutations.permute_heat(heat, args.num_permutations, extra_genes,
        elif args.permutation_type == "precomputed":
            heat_file_paths = [args.datasets_path.replace(ITERATION_REPLACEMENT_TOKEN, str(i))
                               for i in range(1, args.num_permutations+1)]
            heat_permutations = [hnio.load_heat_tsv(heat_file) for heat_file in heat_file_paths]
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized permutation type %s" % (args.permutation_type))
    for delta in args.deltas:
        delta_out_dir = args.output_directory + "/delta_" + str(delta)
        if not os.path.isdir(delta_out_dir):
        G = hn.weighted_graph(sim, gene_index, delta)
        ccs = hn.connected_components(G, args.min_cc_size)
        # calculate significance
        if args.permutation_type != "none":
            sizes2stats = calculate_significance(args, infmat, infmat_index, G, delta, heat_permutations)
        #sort ccs list such that genes within components are sorted alphanumerically, and components
        #are sorted first by length, then alphanumerically by name of the first gene in the component 
        ccs = [sorted(cc) for cc in ccs]
        ccs.sort(key=lambda comp: comp[0])
        ccs.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
        #write output
        hnio.write_components_as_tsv(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + COMPONENTS_TSV, ccs)
        args.delta = delta
        output_dict = {"parameters": vars(args), "heat_parameters": heat_params,
                       "sizes": hn.component_sizes(ccs), "components": ccs}
        if args.permutation_type != "none":
            output_dict["statistics"] = sizes2stats
            hnio.write_significance_as_tsv(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + SIGNIFICANCE_TSV,
        json_out = open(os.path.abspath(delta_out_dir) + "/" + JSON_OUTPUT, 'w')
        json.dump(output_dict, json_out, indent=4)