    def test_should_work_with_correct_data(self):
        """Podajemy prawdziwą godzinę i sprawdzamy, czy działa"""
        correct_hour = faker.Faker().time(pattern="%H:%M")
        hour = Hour(correct_hour)
        actual_hour = hour.get_hour()

        self.assertEqual(correct_hour, actual_hour)
    def test_should_work_with_correct_data(self):
        """Podajemy prawdziwą godzinę i sprawdzamy, czy działa"""
        correct_hour = '23:15'
        hour = Hour(correct_hour)
        actual_hour = hour.get_hour()

        self.assertEqual(correct_hour, actual_hour)
 def random_time_generator(subjects, state):
     days_of_the_week = {
         'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday'
     for number, subject in enumerate(subjects, start=1):
         for j in range(NUMBER_OF_CLASSES):
             hour_1 = Hour(7, 0) + Hour(j * 2, 0)
             hour_2 = hour_1 + Hour(2, 0)
             state.add_schedule(subject, j, hour_1, hour_2,
                                sample(days_of_the_week, 1)[0])
     return state
 def time_generator(subjects, state):
     days_of_the_week = [
         'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday'
     for number, subject in enumerate(subjects, start=1):
         for j in range(NUMBER_OF_CLASSES):
             hour_1 = Hour(7, 0) + Hour(j * 2, 0)
             hour_2 = hour_1 + Hour(2, 0)
                 subject, j, hour_1, hour_2,
                 days_of_the_week[j % (len(days_of_the_week) - 1)])
     return state
def hour():
        post = int(input('Quantidade de post : '))
        hours = Hour(post).post_hour()

    return hours
class Song:
    def __init__(self, title, artist, album, length_):
        self.title = title
        self.artist = artist
        self.album = album
        self.length_ = Hour(length_)

    def __str__(self):
        return "{} - {} from {} - {}".format(self.artist, self.title,
                                             self.album, self.length_)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.title == other.title\
            and self.artist == other.artist\
            and self.album == other.album\
            and self.length_ == other.length_

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.title) * hash(self.artist) * hash(self.album) * hash(

    def length(self, hours=False, minutes=False, seconds=False):
        if hours:
            return self.length_.get_hours()
        if minutes:
            return self.length_.get_minutes()
        if seconds:
            return self.length_.get_seconds()
        return str(self.length_)

    def get_title(self):
        return self.title

    def get_artist(self):
        return self.artist

    def get_album(self):
        return self.album

    def get_length(self):
        return self.length_
class TestHour(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.h_1 = Hour("12:53:29")
        self.h_2 = Hour("5:55")

    def test_str(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(self.h_1), "12:53:29")
        self.assertEqual(str(self.h_2), "05:55")

    def test_eq(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.h_1, Hour("12:53:29"))
        self.assertEqual(self.h_2, Hour("5:55"))
        self.assertNotEqual(self.h_1, self.h_2)

    def test_hash(self):
        self.assertEqual(hash(self.h_1), hash(Hour("12:53:29")))
        self.assertEqual(hash(self.h_2), hash(Hour("05:55")))

    def test_add(self):
        h_3 = self.h_1 + self.h_2
        self.assertEqual(h_3, Hour("12:59:24"))

    def test_get_seconds(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.h_1.get_seconds(), 46409)
        self.assertEqual(self.h_2.get_seconds(), 355)

    def test_get_minutes(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.h_1.get_minutes(), 773)
        self.assertEqual(self.h_2.get_minutes(), 5)

    def test_get_hours(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.h_1.get_hours(), 12)
        self.assertEqual(self.h_2.get_hours(), 0)
    def get_state_1():
        state = State()

        # Generate schedule
        list_of_subjects = ['MPE', 'SSASC', 'ARSI']
        class_numbers = [1, 2, 3]

        hour_1 = Hour(14, 30)
        hour_2 = Hour(16, 30)

        hour_3 = Hour(15, 30)
        hour_4 = Hour(17, 30)

        hour_5 = Hour(11, 30)
        hour_6 = Hour(13, 30)

        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[0], 1, hour_1, hour_2, 'Monday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[1], 1, hour_3, hour_4, 'Monday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[2], 1, hour_5, hour_6, 'Monday')

        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[0], 2, hour_1, hour_2, 'Wednesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[1], 2, hour_3, hour_4, 'Wednesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[2], 2, hour_5, hour_6, 'Wednesday')

        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[0], 3, hour_1, hour_2, 'Friday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[1], 3, hour_3, hour_4, 'Friday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[2], 3, hour_6, hour_6, 'Friday')

        # Gerar estudantes.
        subect_and_class_1 = {'MPE': 2, 'SSASC': 3, 'ARSI': 3}
        target_1 = {'MPE': [2, 3], 'SSASC': [1, 2]}
        give_ins_1 = {'ARSI': [2, 3]}

        subect_and_class_2 = {'MPE': 1, 'SSASC': 1, 'ARSI': 2}
        target_2 = {'MPE': [1, 3], 'ARSI': [1, 2]}
        give_ins_2 = {'SSASC': [2, 3]}

        subect_and_class_3 = {'MPE': 3, 'SSASC': 2, 'ARSI': 1}
        target_3 = {'SSASC': [1, 3], 'ARSI': [2, 3]}
        give_ins_3 = {'MPE': [1, 2]}

        student_1 = Student(1, subect_and_class_1, target_1, give_ins_1, {})
        student_2 = Student(2, subect_and_class_2, target_2, give_ins_2, {})
        student_3 = Student(3, subect_and_class_3, target_3, give_ins_3, {})

        list_of_students = [student_1, student_2, student_3]

        for student in list_of_students:

        return state
 def __init__(self, departure_times):
     self.departure_times = (Hour('10:15'), Hour('12:120'), Hour('23:22'))
 def end(self, hour):
     assert isinstance(hour, basestring)
     self._end = Hour(hour)
文件: main.py 项目: achilinski/TDD
from hour import Hour
from station.station import Station
from station.tests.time_table import TimeTable

directions = {
        'Gdańsk': TimeTable((Hour('11:15'), Hour('17:23'), Hour('23:10'))),
        'Reda': TimeTable((Hour('11:15'), Hour('17:23'), Hour('23:10')))

station = Station('Rumia', directions)
 def test_sub(self):
     # duration = end_time - start_time
     sub_1 = self.h_1 - self.h_2
     sub_2 = self.h_2 - self.h_1
     self.assertEqual(sub_1, Hour("13:40"))
     self.assertEqual(sub_2, Hour("10:20"))
 def start(self, hour):
     assert isinstance(hour, basestring)
     self._start = Hour(hour)
 def __init__(self, day, month, year, hour):
     Date.__init__(self, day, month, year)
     self.hour = Hour(hour)
    def get_states_with_different_number():
        state = State()

        # Gerar horário.
        list_of_subjects = ['MPE', 'SSASC', 'ARSI', 'DSG', "MRKT"]

        hour_1 = Hour(14, 30)
        hour_2 = Hour(16, 30)

        hour_3 = Hour(15, 30)
        hour_4 = Hour(17, 30)

        hour_5 = Hour(11, 30)
        hour_6 = Hour(13, 30)

        hour_7 = Hour(8, 0)
        hour_8 = Hour(10, 0)

        hour_9 = Hour(9, 0)
        hour_10 = Hour(11, 0)

        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[0], 1, hour_1, hour_2, 'Monday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[1], 1, hour_3, hour_4, 'Monday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[2], 1, hour_5, hour_6, 'Monday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[3], 1, hour_7, hour_8, 'Monday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[4], 1, hour_9, hour_10, 'Monday')

        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[0], 2, hour_1, hour_2, 'Tuesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[1], 2, hour_3, hour_4, 'Tuesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[2], 2, hour_6, hour_6, 'Tuesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[3], 2, hour_7, hour_8, 'Tuesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[4], 2, hour_9, hour_10, 'Tuesday')

        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[0], 3, hour_1, hour_2, 'Wednesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[1], 3, hour_3, hour_4, 'Wednesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[2], 3, hour_5, hour_6, 'Wednesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[3], 3, hour_7, hour_8, 'Wednesday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[4], 3, hour_9, hour_10,

        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[0], 4, hour_1, hour_2, 'Thursday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[1], 4, hour_3, hour_4, 'Thursday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[2], 4, hour_6, hour_6, 'Thursday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[3], 4, hour_7, hour_8, 'Thursday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[4], 4, hour_9, hour_10, 'Thursday')

        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[0], 5, hour_1, hour_2, 'Friday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[1], 5, hour_3, hour_4, 'Friday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[2], 5, hour_6, hour_6, 'Friday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[3], 5, hour_7, hour_8, 'Friday')
        state.add_schedule(list_of_subjects[4], 5, hour_9, hour_10, 'Friday')

        # Gerar estudantes
        subect_and_class_1 = {
            'MPE': 1,
            'SSASC': 2,
            'ARSI': 3,
            'DSG': 4,
            'MRKT': 5
        target_1 = {'MPE': [1, 3], 'ARSI': [1, 2]}
        give_ins_1 = {'SSASC': [2, 3], 'DSG': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'MRKT': [2, 3, 5]}

        subect_and_class_2 = {
            'MPE': 2,
            'SSASC': 3,
            'ARSI': 4,
            'DSG': 5,
            'MRKT': 1
        target_2 = {'SSASC': [1, 3], 'DSG': [1, 2], 'MRKT': [1, 2, 3]}
        give_ins_2 = {'MPE': [2, 3], 'ARSI': [1, 2, 3, 4]}

        subect_and_class_3 = {
            'MPE': 3,
            'SSASC': 4,
            'ARSI': 5,
            'DSG': 1,
            'MRKT': 2
        target_3 = {'SSASC': [2, 4, 5], 'MRKT': [5, 1]}
        give_ins_3 = {'DSG': [1, 2, 4], 'ARSI': [3, 4, 5]}

        subect_and_class_4 = {
            'MPE': 4,
            'SSASC': 5,
            'ARSI': 1,
            'DSG': 2,
            'MRKT': 3
        target_4 = {'ARSI': [1, 3], 'SSASC': [5, 2]}
        give_ins_4 = {'MPE': [2, 3, 4, 5], 'MRKT': [5, 3, 4], 'DSG': [1, 2]}

        subect_and_class_5 = {
            'MPE': 5,
            'SSASC': 1,
            'ARSI': 2,
            'DSG': 3,
            'MRKT': 4
        target_5 = {}
        give_ins_5 = {
            'SSASC': [1, 2, 3],
            'DSG': [1, 2, 3, 4],
            'MRKT': [2, 4, 5]
        buddies_5 = {'MPE': [3], 'ARSI': [1, 4]}

        subect_and_class_6 = {
            'MPE': 1,
            'SSASC': 2,
            'ARSI': 3,
            'DSG': 4,
            'MRKT': 5
        target_6 = {'DSG': [2, 5], 'MRKT': [5, 1]}
        give_ins_6 = {'MPE': [1, 2, 3], 'SSASC': [1, 3, 2], 'ARSI': [3, 2]}

        subect_and_class_7 = {
            'MPE': 2,
            'SSASC': 3,
            'ARSI': 4,
            'DSG': 5,
            'MRKT': 1
        target_7 = {'MPE': [3, 2, 1], 'ARSI': [5, 1], 'SSASC': [5, 2]}
        give_ins_7 = {'DSG': [4, 5, 3], 'MRKT': [1, 3, 4]}

        subect_and_class_8 = {
            'MPE': 3,
            'SSASC': 4,
            'ARSI': 5,
            'DSG': 1,
            'MRKT': 2
        target_8 = {'DSG': [1, 2], 'SSASC': [3, 2, 4]}
        give_ins_8 = {'MPE': [4, 1, 3], 'MRKT': [5, 2], 'ARSI': [1, 5, 2]}

        subect_and_class_9 = {
            'MPE': 4,
            'SSASC': 5,
            'ARSI': 1,
            'DSG': 2,
            'MRKT': 3
        target_9 = {'ARSI': [3, 4], 'MRKT': [1, 2]}
        give_ins_9 = {'MPE': [1, 2, 4], 'SSASC': [3, 1, 5], 'DSG': [3, 2]}

        subect_and_class_10 = {
            'MPE': 5,
            'SSASC': 1,
            'ARSI': 2,
            'DSG': 3,
            'MRKT': 4
        target_10 = {}
        give_ins_10 = {'MRKT': [2, 3, 4], 'DSG': [5, 3, 2], 'ARSI': [3, 2, 1]}
        buddies_10 = {'MPE': [2, 9], 'SSASC': [5, 9]}

        subect_and_class_11 = {
            'MPE': 1,
            'SSASC': 2,
            'ARSI': 3,
            'DSG': 4,
            'MRKT': 5
        target_11 = {'MPE': [5]}
        give_ins_11 = {
            'SSASC': [2, 1],
            'ARSI': [3, 1],
            'DSG': [4, 1],
            'MRKT': [5, 1]

        subect_and_class_12 = {
            'MPE': 2,
            'SSASC': 3,
            'ARSI': 4,
            'DSG': 5,
            'MRKT': 1
        target_12 = {'ARSI': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'MPE': [5, 1, 3]}
        give_ins_12 = {'MRKT': [1, 2, 3], 'SSASC': [1, 3, 2], 'DSG': [3, 5, 2]}

        subect_and_class_13 = {
            'MPE': 3,
            'SSASC': 4,
            'ARSI': 5,
            'DSG': 1,
            'MRKT': 2
        target_13 = {'MRKT': [2, 5, 3], 'DSG': [1, 4], 'SSASC': [1, 3, 2, 5]}
        give_ins_13 = {'ARSI': [1, 5, 3], 'MPE': [3, 2, 1]}

        subect_and_class_14 = {
            'MPE': 4,
            'SSASC': 5,
            'ARSI': 1,
            'DSG': 2,
            'MRKT': 3
        target_14 = {'DSG': [1, 2], 'MRKT': [4, 5], 'ARSI': [4, 3]}
        give_ins_14 = {'MPE': [1, 4, 3], 'SSASC': [5, 3, 2]}

        subect_and_class_15 = {
            'MPE': 5,
            'SSASC': 1,
            'ARSI': 2,
            'DSG': 3,
            'MRKT': 4
        target_15 = {}
        give_ins_15 = {'MPE': [2, 3, 5], 'SSASC': [1, 3, 2], 'DSG': [3, 5, 1]}
        buddies_15 = {'ARSI': [10, 11, 12], 'MRKT': [1, 3]}

        subect_and_class_16 = {
            'MPE': 1,
            'SSASC': 2,
            'ARSI': 3,
            'DSG': 4,
            'MRKT': 5
        target_16 = {'SSASC': [5, 1], 'MRKT': [1], 'MPE': [1, 5, 3]}
        give_ins_16 = {'DSG': [4, 3, 2], 'ARSI': [3, 2]}

        subect_and_class_17 = {
            'MPE': 2,
            'SSASC': 3,
            'ARSI': 4,
            'DSG': 5,
            'MRKT': 1
        target_17 = {'DSG': [1, 5], 'MRKT': [5, 1]}
        give_ins_17 = {'MPE': [5, 2, 3], 'SSASC': [5, 3, 1], 'ARSI': [1, 2, 4]}

        subect_and_class_18 = {
            'MPE': 3,
            'SSASC': 4,
            'ARSI': 5,
            'DSG': 1,
            'MRKT': 2
        target_18 = {'MPE': [2, 3], 'SSASC': [5, 3, 2]}
        give_ins_18 = {
            'DSG': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'MRKT': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'ARSI': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

        subect_and_class_19 = {
            'MPE': 4,
            'SSASC': 5,
            'ARSI': 1,
            'DSG': 2,
            'MRKT': 3
        target_19 = {'DSG': [4, 2, 5], 'SSASC': [5, 1, 4]}
        give_ins_19 = {
            'MPE': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'MRKT': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'ARSI': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

        subect_and_class_20 = {
            'MPE': 5,
            'SSASC': 1,
            'ARSI': 2,
            'DSG': 3,
            'MRKT': 4
        target_20 = {}
        give_ins_20 = {
            'DSG': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'SSASC': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
            'MRKT': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        buddies_20 = {'ARSI': [7, 13], 'MPE': [12, 19, 9]}

        student_1 = Student(1, subect_and_class_1, target_1, give_ins_1, {})
        student_2 = Student(2, subect_and_class_2, target_2, give_ins_2, {})
        student_3 = Student(3, subect_and_class_3, target_3, give_ins_3, {})
        student_4 = Student(4, subect_and_class_4, target_4, give_ins_4, {})
        student_5 = Student(5, subect_and_class_5, target_5, give_ins_5,
        student_6 = Student(6, subect_and_class_6, target_6, give_ins_6, {})
        student_7 = Student(7, subect_and_class_7, target_7, give_ins_7, {})
        student_8 = Student(8, subect_and_class_8, target_8, give_ins_8, {})
        student_9 = Student(9, subect_and_class_9, target_9, give_ins_9, {})
        student_10 = Student(10, subect_and_class_10, target_10, give_ins_10,
        student_11 = Student(11, subect_and_class_11, target_11, give_ins_11,
        student_12 = Student(12, subect_and_class_12, target_12, give_ins_12,
        student_13 = Student(13, subect_and_class_13, target_13, give_ins_13,
        student_14 = Student(14, subect_and_class_14, target_14, give_ins_14,
        student_15 = Student(15, subect_and_class_15, target_15, give_ins_15,
        student_16 = Student(16, subect_and_class_16, target_16, give_ins_16,
        student_17 = Student(17, subect_and_class_17, target_17, give_ins_17,
        student_18 = Student(18, subect_and_class_18, target_18, give_ins_18,
        student_19 = Student(19, subect_and_class_19, target_19, give_ins_19,
        student_20 = Student(20, subect_and_class_20, target_20, give_ins_20,

        list_of_students = [
            student_1, student_2, student_3, student_4, student_5, student_6,
            student_7, student_8, student_9, student_10, student_11,
            student_12, student_13, student_14, student_15, student_16,
            student_17, student_18, student_19, student_20

        list_of_states = []

        for i in range(1, 20, 2):
            copy = deepcopy(state)
            for k in range(i + 1):

        return list_of_states
 def flights_on_date_lt_hours(self, date, hours):
     res = []
     for fl in self.flights:
         if fl.get_date() == date and fl.flight_duration() < Hour(hours):
     return res
 def test_raise_error(self, hour_value):
     """Raises error with incorrect hour values"""
     with self.assertRaises(HourError):
 def test_check_hour(self):
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Hour._check_hour, -1)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Hour._check_hour, 24)
 def test_check_minutes(self):
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Hour._check_minutes, -1)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Hour._check_minutes, 60)
 def test_ge(self):
     self.assertTrue(self.h_2 >= self.h_1)
     self.assertTrue(self.h_2 >= Hour("22:50"))
 def test_le(self):
     self.assertTrue(self.h_1 <= self.h_2)
     self.assertTrue(self.h_1 <= Hour("12:30"))
 def test_hash(self):
     self.assertEqual(hash(self.h_1), hash(Hour("12:30")))
     self.assertNotEqual(hash(self.h_1), hash(Hour("12:31")))
 def test_flight_duration(self):
     duration_1 = self.flight_1.flight_duration()
     duration_2 = self.flight_2.flight_duration()
     self.assertEqual(duration_1, Hour("04:20"))
     self.assertEqual(duration_2, Hour("04:45"))
 def total_length(self):
     total = Hour("00:00:00")
     for song in self.__all_songs():
         total += song.get_length()
     return str(total)
 def __hash__(self):
     if self.hour != Hour("00:00"):
         return hash(Date.__hash__(self) * hash(self.hour))
     return hash(Date.__hash__(self))
 def setUp(self):
     self.h_1 = Hour("12:53:29")
     self.h_2 = Hour("5:55")
 def test_get_length(self):
     self.assertEqual(self.song_1.get_length(), Hour("02:43"))
     self.assertEqual(self.song_2.get_length(), Hour("03:31"))
 def __init__(self, title, artist, album, length_):
     self.title = title
     self.artist = artist
     self.album = album
     self.length_ = Hour(length_)
 def setUp(self):
     self.h_1 = Hour("12:30")
     self.h_2 = Hour("22:50")
 def test_eq(self):
     self.assertEqual(self.h_1, Hour("12:30"))
     self.assertNotEqual(self.h_1, self.h_2)