def setUp(self):
        """ setup any state tied to the execution of the given method in a
        class.  setup_method is invoked for every test method of a class.

        args = {"transaction_management":"999"}
        args_string = shlex.quote(json.dumps(args))

        self.test_subject = StudentManagementPlugin(123,456,None,args_string)
        self.test_subject.logger = MagicMock()
        self.test_subject.send_log_entry = MagicMock()
 def test_constructor(self):
     StudentManagementPlugin.__init__() Test plan:
         -ensure name, logger set as parameters
         -ensure that mongo is an instance of MongoClient
         -ensure that db is an instance of Collection
         -ensure that the full name is hpit.hpit_students
     args = {"transaction_management":"999"}
     args_string = shlex.quote(json.dumps(args))
     smp = StudentManagementPlugin(123,456,None,args_string)