def test_box1(self): box = hppfcl.Box(np.matrix([1., 2., 3.]).T) self.assertIsInstance(box, hppfcl.Box) self.assertIsInstance(box, hppfcl.ShapeBase) self.assertIsInstance(box, hppfcl.CollisionGeometry) self.assertEqual(box.getNodeType(), hppfcl.NODE_TYPE.GEOM_BOX) self.assertTrue( np.array_equal(box.halfSide, np.matrix([.5, 1., 1.5]).T)) box.halfSide = np.matrix([4., 5., 6.]).T self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(box.halfSide, np.matrix([4., 5., 6.]).T)) com = box.computeCOM() self.assertApprox(com, np.zeros(3)) V = box.computeVolume() x = float(2 * box.halfSide[0]) y = float(2 * box.halfSide[1]) z = float(2 * box.halfSide[2]) V_ref = x * y * z self.assertApprox(V, V_ref) I0 = box.computeMomentofInertia() Ix = V_ref * (y * y + z * z) / 12. Iy = V_ref * (x * x + z * z) / 12. Iz = V_ref * (y * y + x * x) / 12. I0_ref = np.diag([Ix, Iy, Iz]) self.assertApprox(I0, I0_ref) Ic = box.computeMomentofInertiaRelatedToCOM() self.assertApprox(Ic, I0_ref)
def get_bounds_geom_objs(pos_bounds): """ Generate 6 faces corresponding to the agent deplacement bounds """ size = pos_bounds[1] - pos_bounds[0] center = np.mean(pos_bounds, axis=0) thickness = 0.05 color = (1, 1, 1, 0.3) geom_objs = [] aas = [ eigenpy.AngleAxis(0, np.array([1, 0, 0])), eigenpy.AngleAxis(np.pi / 2, np.array([0, 1, 0])), eigenpy.AngleAxis(np.pi / 2, np.array([0, 0, 1])), ] placement = pin.SE3.Identity() for i, angle_axis in enumerate(aas): placement.rotation = angle_axis.matrix() size_bound = size.copy() translation = np.zeros(3) size_bound[i] = thickness translation[i] = -size[i] / 2 - thickness / 2.1 for j in range(2): geom = hppfcl.Box(*size_bound) placement.translation = translation mesh = Mesh( name=f"bound{i}{j}", geometry=geom, placement=placement, color=color, ) geom_objs.append(mesh.geom_obj()) translation *= -1 return geom_objs
def extract_obstacles(condition, num_obstacles): w_dim = 3 dw = 0.1 gap1 = condition[0:w_dim] gap2 = condition[w_dim:2 * w_dim] gap3 = condition[2 * w_dim:3 * w_dim] num_obstacles = 5 obst1 = [0, gap1[1] - dw, -0.5, gap1[0], gap1[1], 1.5] obst2 = [gap2[0] - dw, 0, -0.5, gap2[0], gap2[1], 1.5] obst3 = [gap2[0] - dw, gap2[1] + dw, -0.5, gap2[0], 1, 1.5] obst4 = [gap1[0] + dw, gap1[1] - dw, -0.5, gap3[0], gap1[1], 1.5] obst5 = [gap3[0] + dw, gap1[1] - dw, -0.5, 1, gap1[1], 1.5] obstacles = [obst1, obst2, obst3, obst4, obst5] obstacles = obstacles[:num_obstacles] for i, obst in enumerate(obstacles): x0, y0, x1, y1 = obst[0], obst[1], obst[3], obst[4] box_size = [x1 - x0, y1 - y0, 0.1] pos = [(x0 + x1) / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2, 0] placement = pin.SE3(np.eye(3), np.array(pos)) mesh = Mesh( name=f"obstacle{i}", geometry=hppfcl.Box(*box_size), placement=placement, color=(0, 0, 1, 0.8), ) obstacles[i] = mesh.geom_obj() return obstacles
def sample_geom(np_random, obst_type, size, index=None): geom = None path = "" scale = np.ones(3) if obst_type != "boxes": size /= 2 if obst_type == "boxes": geom = hppfcl.Box(*size) elif obst_type == "shapes": j = np.random.randint(3) if j == 0: r = 1.3 * size[0] geom = hppfcl.Sphere(r) elif j == 1: geom = hppfcl.Cylinder(size[0] / 1.5, size[1] * 3) elif j == 2: # geom = hppfcl.Cone(size[0] * 1.5, 3 * size[1]) geom = hppfcl.Capsule(size[0], 2 * size[1]) elif obst_type == "ycb": dataset_path = "YCB_PATH" files = os.listdir(dataset_path) idx = np.random.randint(len(files)) path = os.path.join(dataset_path, files[idx]) scale = 3.5 * np.ones(3) return geom, path, scale
def test_box2(self): box = hppfcl.Box(1., 2., 3) self.assertIsInstance(box, hppfcl.Box) self.assertIsInstance(box, hppfcl.ShapeBase) self.assertIsInstance(box, hppfcl.CollisionGeometry) self.assertEqual(box.getNodeType(), hppfcl.NODE_TYPE.GEOM_BOX) self.assertEqual(box.halfSide[0], 0.5) self.assertEqual(box.halfSide[1], 1.0) self.assertEqual(box.halfSide[2], 1.5)
def extract_obstacles(maze, thickness): scx = 1 / maze.nx scy = 1 / maze.ny obstacles_coord = [] for x in range(maze.nx): obstacles_coord.append((x / maze.nx, 0, (x + 1) / maze.nx, 0)) for y in range(maze.ny): obstacles_coord.append((0, y / maze.ny, 0, (y + 1) / maze.ny)) # Draw the "South" and "East" walls of each cell, if present (these # are the "North" and "West" walls of a neighbouring cell in # general, of course). for x in range(maze.nx): for y in range(maze.ny): if maze.cell_at(x, y).walls["S"]: x1, y1, x2, y2 = ( x * scx, (y + 1) * scy, (x + 1) * scx, (y + 1) * scy, ) obstacles_coord.append((x1, y1, x2, y2)) if maze.cell_at(x, y).walls["E"]: x1, y1, x2, y2 = ( (x + 1) * scx, y * scy, (x + 1) * scx, (y + 1) * scy, ) obstacles_coord.append((x1, y1, x2, y2)) obstacles = [] for i, obst_coord in enumerate(obstacles_coord): x1, y1, x2, y2 = obst_coord[0], obst_coord[1], obst_coord[ 2], obst_coord[3] x1 -= thickness / 2 x2 += thickness / 2 y1 -= thickness / 2 y2 += thickness / 2 box_size = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1, 0.1] pos = [(x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, 0] placement = pin.SE3(np.eye(3), np.array(pos)) mesh = Mesh( name=f"obstacle{i}", geometry=hppfcl.Box(*box_size), placement=placement, color=(0, 0, 1, 0.8), ) obstacles.append(mesh.geom_obj()) return obstacles
def dict_to_geom(props): geom_name = props["name"] if geom_name == "capsule": geom = hppfcl.Capsule(props["radius"], props["halfLength"]) elif geom_name == "cylinder": geom = hppfcl.Cylinder(props["radius"], props["halfLength"]) elif geom_name == "box": geom = hppfcl.Box(2 * props["halfSide"][:, None]) elif geom_name == "sphere": geom = hppfcl.Sphere(props["radius"]) elif geom_name == "cone": geom = hppfcl.Cone(props["radius"], props["halfLength"]) elif geom_name == "mesh": geom = None else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported geometry type for {geom_name}.") return geom
def show_robot_aabb(self): def hex_to_rgb(value): value = value.lstrip("#") lv = len(value) return tuple( int(value[i:i + lv // 3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv // 3)) # geom_objs = self.geom_model.geometryObjects[1:7] geom_objs = self.geom_model.geometryObjects geometries = [geom_obj.geometry for geom_obj in geom_objs] parents = [geom_obj.parentJoint for geom_obj in geom_objs] i = 0 colors = cycle([ "#377eb8", "#e41a1c", "#4daf4a", "#984ea3", "#ff7f00", "#ffff33", "#a65628", "#f781bf", ]) for geom, parent_id, color in zip(geometries, parents, colors): aabb = geom.aabb_local w, h, d = aabb.width(), aabb.height(), aabb.depth() box = hppfcl.Box(w, h, d) placement = pin.SE3(np.eye(3), geom_obj = pin.GeometryObject(f"aabb{i}", 0, parent_id, box, placement) color = np.array(hex_to_rgb(color)) / 255 geom_obj.meshColor = np.array((color[0], color[1], color[2], 0.5)) self.viz_model.addGeometryObject(geom_obj) i += 1 print("show aabb") self._create_data() self._create_viz()
try: import hppfcl except ImportError: print("This example requires hppfcl") sys.exit(0) from pinocchio.visualize import GepettoVisualizer pin.switchToNumpyArray() model = pin.Model() geom_model = pin.GeometryModel() geometries = [ hppfcl.Capsule(0.1, 0.8), hppfcl.Sphere(0.5), hppfcl.Box(1, 1, 1), hppfcl.Cylinder(0.1, 1.0), hppfcl.Cone(0.5, 1.0), ] for i, geom in enumerate(geometries): placement = pin.SE3(np.eye(3), np.array([i, 0, 0])) geom_obj = pin.GeometryObject("obj{}".format(i), 0, 0, geom, placement) color = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 4) color[3] = 1 geom_obj.meshColor = color geom_model.addGeometryObject(geom_obj) viz = GepettoVisualizer( model=model, collision_model=geom_model, visual_model=geom_model,