def testCategories(self):
     # Test two categories.
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.minimum    = 0
     p.maximum    = 1
     p.activeBits = 3
     p.radius     = 1
     enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
     sdr = SDR( enc.dimensions )
     zero = enc.encode( 0 )
     one  = enc.encode( 1 )
     assert( zero.getOverlap( one ) == 0 )
     # Test three categories.
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.minimum    = 0
     p.maximum    = 2
     p.activeBits = 3
     p.radius     = 1
     enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
     sdr = SDR( enc.dimensions )
     zero = enc.encode( 0 )
     one  = enc.encode( 1 )
     two  = enc.encode( 2 )
     assert( zero.getOverlap( one ) == 0 )
     assert( one.getOverlap( two ) == 0 )
     assert( two.getSum() == 3 )
    def testStatistics(self):
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.size       = 100
        p.activeBits = 10
        p.minimum    = 0
        p.maximum    = 20
        p.clipInput  = True
        enc = ScalarEncoder( p )
        del p
        out = SDR( enc.parameters.size )
        mtr = Metrics(out, 9999)

        # The activation frequency of bits near the endpoints of the range is a
        # little weird, because the bits at the very end are not used as often
        # as the ones in the middle of the range, unless clipInputs is enabled.
        # If clipInputs is enabled then the bits 1 radius from the end get used
        # twice as often as the should because they respond to inputs off
        # outside of the valid range as well as inputs inside of the range.
        for i in np.linspace(
                        enc.parameters.minimum - enc.parameters.radius / 2,
                        enc.parameters.maximum + enc.parameters.radius / 2,
                        100 + 10 ):
            enc.encode( i, out )
            # print( i, out.sparse )

        assert( mtr.sparsity.min() >  .95 * .10 )
        assert( mtr.sparsity.max() < 1.05 * .10 )
        assert( mtr.activationFrequency.min() >  .50 * .10 )
        assert( mtr.activationFrequency.max() < 1.75 * .10 )
        assert( mtr.overlap.min() > .85 )
    def testResolution(self):
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.activeBits =  10
        p.minimum    =   0
        p.maximum    = 100
        p.resolution =  .5
        enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
        sdr1 = SDR( enc.parameters.size )
        sdr2 = SDR( enc.parameters.size )

        enc.encode( .0, sdr1 )
        enc.encode( .1, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1 == sdr2 )

        enc.encode( .0, sdr1 )
        enc.encode( .6, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1.getOverlap( sdr2 ) == 9 )

        enc.encode( 70,   sdr1 )
        enc.encode( 72.5, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1.getOverlap( sdr2 ) == 5 )

        enc.encode( 70, sdr1 )
        enc.encode( 75, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1.getOverlap( sdr2 ) == 0 )

        enc.encode( 60, sdr1 )
        enc.encode( 80, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1.getOverlap( sdr2 ) == 0 )
 def testNaNs(self):
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.size       = 100
     p.activeBits =  10
     p.minimum    =   0
     p.maximum    = 100
     enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
     sdr = SDR( 100 )
     enc.encode( float("nan"), sdr )
     assert( sdr.getSum() == 0 )
 def testEncode(self):
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.size       = 10
     p.activeBits = 3
     p.minimum    = 0
     p.maximum    = 1
     enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
     sdr = SDR( 10 )
     enc.encode( 0, sdr )
     assert( list(sdr.sparse) == [0, 1, 2] )
     sdr2 = enc.encode( 1 )
     assert( list(sdr2.sparse) == [7, 8, 9] )
    def testRadius(self):
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.activeBits =  10
        p.minimum    =   0
        p.maximum    = 100
        p.radius     =  10
        enc = ScalarEncoder(p)
        sdr1 = SDR( enc.parameters.size )
        sdr2 = SDR( enc.parameters.size )

        enc.encode( 77, sdr1 )
        enc.encode( 77, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1.getOverlap( sdr2 ) == 10 )

        enc.encode( 0, sdr1 )
        enc.encode( 1, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1.getOverlap( sdr2 ) == 9 )

        enc.encode( 60, sdr1 )
        enc.encode( 69, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1.getOverlap( sdr2 ) == 1 )

        enc.encode( 45, sdr1 )
        enc.encode( 55, sdr2 )
        assert( sdr1.getOverlap( sdr2 ) == 0 )
 def testClipInput(self):
     p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
     p.size      = 345
     p.sparsity  = .05
     p.minimum   = 0
     p.maximum   = 1
     p.clipInput = 1
     enc  = ScalarEncoder(p)
     sdr1 = SDR( 345 )
     sdr2 = SDR( 345 )
     enc.encode( 0,  sdr1 )
     enc.encode( -1, sdr2 )
     assert( sdr1 == sdr2 )
     enc.encode( 1,  sdr1 )
     enc.encode( 10, sdr2 )
     assert( sdr1 == sdr2 )
def loadThingData(dataDir="data", n=150, w=11):
    Load Thing sensation data. There is one file per object, each row contains one
    feature, location pairs. The format is as follows:
        [(-33.6705, 75.5003, 2.4207)/10] => [[list of active bits of location],
                                                                                 [list of active bits of feature]]
    The content before "=>" is the true 3D location / sensation
    We ignore the encoded values after "=>" and use :class:`ScalarEncoder` to
    encode the sensation in a way that is compatible with the experiment network.

    :param dataDir: The location data files
    :type dataDir: str
    :param n: The number of bits in the feature SDR. Usually L4 column count
    :type n: int
    :param w: Number of 'on' bits in the feature SDR. Usually L4 sample size
    :type w: int
    :return: Dictionary mapping objects to sensations that can be used directly by
                     class L246aNetwork 'infer' and 'learn' methods
    :rtype: dict[str,list]
    objects = defaultdict(list)

    # Thing features are scalar values ranging from 1-25 inclusive
    p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
    p.size = n
    p.activeBits = w
    p.minimum = 1
    p.maximum = 25
    encoder = ScalarEncoder(p)

    dataPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    dataPath = os.path.join(dataPath, dataDir)
    objFiles = glob.glob1(dataPath, "*.log")

    for filename in objFiles:
        obj, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)

        # Read raw sensations from log file. Ignore SDRs after "=>"
        sensations = []
        with open(os.path.join(dataPath, filename)) as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                # Parse raw location/feature values
                line = line.split("=>")[0]
                line = ''.join(i for i in line if not i in "[,]()")
                locationStr, featureStr = line.split("/")
                location = list(map(float, locationStr.split()))
                feature = list(encoder.encode(int(featureStr)).sparse)

                sensations.append((location, feature))

        # Assume single column
        objects[obj] = [sensations]

    return objects
    def testPeriodic(self):
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.size       = 100
        p.activeBits = 10
        p.minimum    = 0
        p.maximum    = 20
        p.periodic   = True
        enc = ScalarEncoder( p )
        out = SDR( enc.parameters.size )
        mtr = Metrics(out, 9999)

        for i in range(201 * 10 + 1):
            x = (i % 201) / 10.
            enc.encode( x, out )
            # print( x, out.sparse )

        assert( mtr.sparsity.min() >  .95 * .10 )
        assert( mtr.sparsity.max() < 1.05 * .10 )
        assert( mtr.activationFrequency.min() >  .9 * .10 )
        assert( mtr.activationFrequency.max() < 1.1 * .10 )
        assert( mtr.overlap.min() > .85 )
    def testBadEncode(self):
        # Test bad SDR
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.size       = 10
        p.activeBits = 2
        p.minimum    = 0
        p.maximum    = 1
        enc  = ScalarEncoder(p)
        good = SDR( 10 )
        bad  = SDR( 5 )
        enc.encode( .25, good )
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            enc.encode( .25, bad )

        # Test bad inputs, out of valid range & clipping disabled.
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            enc.encode( -.0001, good )
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            enc.encode( 1.0001, good )
    def CreateSensationStream_sensations(self, sensorDirection, n, w,
        stream = []
        # Create scalar encoder to encode features
        p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
        p.size = n
        p.activeBits = w
        p.minimum = 0
        p.maximum = 1
        encoder = ScalarEncoder(p)

        x = positionStream[:, 0]
        y = positionStream[:, 1]

        for i in range(len(x)):
            self.agent.move(x[i], y[i])
            f = self.agent.get_feature(sensorDirection)
            feature = (('X', 'Y').index(f) + 1) if f is not None else 0
            stream.append(([x[i], y[i]], list(encoder.encode(feature).sparse)))
        return stream
class DateEncoder:
  A date encoder encodes a time and date.  The input to a date encoder is a
  datetime.datetime object. The output is the concatenation of several sub-
  encodings, each of which encodes a different aspect of the date. Which sub-
  encodings are present, and details of those sub-encodings, are specified in
  the DateEncoder constructor.
    def __init__(self,
                 holidays=((12, 25), )):
    Each parameter describes one attribute to encode. By default, the attribute
    is not encoded.

    Argument season: (int | tuple) Season of the year, where units = day.

        - (int) width of attribute; default radius = 91.5 days (1 season)
        - (tuple)  season[0] = width; season[1] = radius

    Argument dayOfWeek: (int | tuple) Day of week, where monday = 0, units = 1 day.
        The timestamp is compared against day:noon, so encodings of a day switch representation on midnight.

        - (int) width of attribute; default radius = 1 day
        - (tuple) dayOfWeek[0] = width; dayOfWeek[1] = radius

    Argument weekend: (int) Is a weekend or not. A block of bits either 0s or 1s.
    Note: the implementation treats "weekend" as starting Fri 6pm, till Sun midnight. 

        - (int) width of attribute
        - TODO remove and replace by customDays=(width, ["Saturday", "Sunday"]) ?

    Argument holiday: (int) Is a holiday or not, boolean: 0, 1

        - (int) width of attribute

    Argument timeOfday: (int | tuple) Time of day, where midnight = 0, units = hour.

        - (int) width of attribute: default radius = 4 hours
        - (tuple) timeOfDay[0] = width; timeOfDay[1] = radius

    Argument customDays: (tuple) A way to custom encode specific days of the week.

        - [0] (int) Width of attribute
        - [1] (str | list) Either a string representing a day of the week like
          "Monday" or "mon", or a list of these strings.

    Argument holidays: (list) a list of tuples for holidays.

        - Each holiday is either (month, day) or (year, month, day).
          The former will use the same month day every year eg: (12, 25) for Christmas.
          The latter will be a one off holiday eg: (2018, 4, 1) for Easter Sunday 2018
        - By default the only holiday is December 25.
        self.size = 0

        self.seasonEncoder = None
        if season != 0:
            p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
            # Ignore leapyear differences -- assume 366 days in a year
            # Radius = 91.5 days = length of season
            # Value is number of days since beginning of year (0 - 355)
            p.minimum = 0
            p.maximum = 366
            p.periodic = True
                activeBits, radius = season
            except TypeError:
                p.activeBits = season
                p.radius = 91.5
                p.activeBits = season[0]
                p.radius = season[1]
            self.seasonEncoder = ScalarEncoder(p)
            self.size += self.seasonEncoder.size

        self.dayOfWeekEncoder = None
        if dayOfWeek != 0:
            p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
            # Value is day of week (floating point)
            # Radius is 1 day
            p.minimum = 0
            p.maximum = 7
            p.periodic = True
                activeBits, radius = dayOfWeek
            except TypeError:
                p.activeBits = dayOfWeek
                p.radius = 1
                p.activeBits = dayOfWeek[0]
                p.radius = dayOfWeek[1]
            self.dayOfWeekEncoder = ScalarEncoder(p)
            self.size += self.dayOfWeekEncoder.size

        self.weekendEncoder = None
        if weekend != 0:
            p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
            # Binary value.
            p.minimum = 0
            p.maximum = 1
            p.category = True
            p.activeBits = weekend
            self.weekendEncoder = ScalarEncoder(p)
            self.size += self.weekendEncoder.size

        # Set up custom days encoder, first argument in tuple is width
        # second is either a single day of the week or a list of the days
        # you want encoded as ones.
        self.customDaysEncoder = None
        if customDays != 0:
            daysToParse = []
            assert len(
                customDays) == 2, "Please provide a w and the desired days"
            if isinstance(customDays[1], list):
                daysToParse = customDays[1]
            elif isinstance(customDays[1], str):
                daysToParse = [customDays[1]]
                raise ValueError(
                    "You must provide either a list of days or a single day")
            # Parse days
            self.customDays = []
            for day in daysToParse:
                if (day.lower() in ["mon", "monday"]):
                    self.customDays += [0]
                elif day.lower() in ["tue", "tuesday"]:
                    self.customDays += [1]
                elif day.lower() in ["wed", "wednesday"]:
                    self.customDays += [2]
                elif day.lower() in ["thu", "thursday"]:
                    self.customDays += [3]
                elif day.lower() in ["fri", "friday"]:
                    self.customDays += [4]
                elif day.lower() in ["sat", "saturday"]:
                    self.customDays += [5]
                elif day.lower() in ["sun", "sunday"]:
                    self.customDays += [6]
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Unable to understand %s as a day of week" % str(day))

            p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
            p.activeBits = customDays[0]
            p.minimum = 0
            p.maximum = 1
            p.category = True
            self.customDaysEncoder = ScalarEncoder(p)
            self.size += self.customDaysEncoder.size

        self.holidayEncoder = None
        if holiday != 0:
            p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
            # A "continuous" binary value. = 1 on the holiday itself and smooth ramp
            # 0->1 on the day before the holiday and 1->0 on the day after the
            # holiday.
            p.minimum = 0
            p.maximum = 2
            p.radius = 1
            p.periodic = True
            p.activeBits = holiday
            self.holidayEncoder = ScalarEncoder(p)
            self.size += self.holidayEncoder.size

            for h in holidays:
                if not (hasattr(h, "__getitem__") or len(h) not in [2, 3]):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Holidays must be an iterable of length 2 or 3")
            self.holidays = holidays

        self.timeOfDayEncoder = None
        if timeOfDay != 0:
            p = ScalarEncoderParameters()
            p.minimum = 0
            p.maximum = 24
            p.periodic = True
            # Value is time of day in hours
            # Radius = 4 hours, e.g. morning, afternoon, evening, early night,  late
            # night, etc.
                activeBits, radius = timeOfDay
            except TypeError:
                p.activeBits = timeOfDay
                p.radius = 4
                p.activeBits = timeOfDay[0]
                p.radius = timeOfDay[1]

            self.timeOfDayEncoder = ScalarEncoder(p)
            self.size += self.timeOfDayEncoder.size

        self.dimensions = (self.size, )
        assert (self.size > 0)

    def reset(self):
        """ Does nothing, DateEncoder holds no state. """

    def encode(self, inp, output=None):
    Argument inp: (datetime) representing the time being encoded
        if output is None:
            output = SDR(self.dimensions)
            assert (isinstance(output, SDR))
            assert (all(x == y
                        for x, y in zip(output.dimensions, self.dimensions)))

        if inp is None or (isinstance(inp, float) and math.isnan(inp)):
            return output

        elif not isinstance(inp, datetime.datetime):
            raise ValueError("Input is type %s, expected datetime. Value: %s" %
                             (type(inp), str(inp)))

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Encode each sub-field
        sdrs = []
        timetuple = inp.timetuple()
        timeOfDay = timetuple.tm_hour + float(timetuple.tm_min) / 60.0

        if self.seasonEncoder is not None:
            # Number the days starting at zero, intead of 1 like the datetime does.
            dayOfYear = timetuple.tm_yday - 1
            assert (dayOfYear >= 0)
            # dayOfYear -= self.seasonEncoder.parameters.radius / 2. # Round towards the middle of the season.

        if self.dayOfWeekEncoder is not None:
            hrs_ = float(
            ) / 24.0  # add hours as decimal value in extension to day
            dayOfWeek = timetuple.tm_wday + hrs_
            dayOfWeek -= .5  # Round towards noon, not midnight, this means similarity of representations changes at midnights, not noon.
            # handle underflow: on Mon before noon -> move to Sun
            if dayOfWeek < 0:
                dayOfWeek += 7
            assert (dayOfWeek >= 0 and dayOfWeek < 7)

        if self.weekendEncoder is not None:
            # saturday, sunday or friday evening
            if (timetuple.tm_wday == 6 or timetuple.tm_wday == 5
                    or (timetuple.tm_wday == 4 and timeOfDay > 18)):
                weekend = 1
                weekend = 0

        if self.customDaysEncoder is not None:
            if timetuple.tm_wday in self.customDays:
                customDay = 1
                customDay = 0

        if self.holidayEncoder is not None:
            # A "continuous" binary value. = 1 on the holiday itself and smooth ramp
            #  0->1 on the day before the holiday and 1->0 on the day after the holiday.
            # holidays is a list of holidays that occur on a fixed date every year
            val = 0
            for h in self.holidays:
                # hdate is midnight on the holiday
                if len(h) == 3:
                    hdate = datetime.datetime(h[0], h[1], h[2], 0, 0, 0)
                    hdate = datetime.datetime(timetuple.tm_year, h[0], h[1], 0,
                                              0, 0)
                if inp > hdate:
                    diff = inp - hdate
                    if diff.days == 0:
                        # return 1 on the holiday itself
                        val = 1
                    elif diff.days == 1:
                        # ramp smoothly from 1 -> 0 on the next day
                        val = 1.0 + (float(diff.seconds) / 86400)
                    diff = hdate - inp
                    if diff.days == 0:
                        # ramp smoothly from 0 -> 1 on the previous day
                        val = 1.0 - (float(diff.seconds) / 86400)


        if self.timeOfDayEncoder is not None:

        if len(sdrs) > 1:
        return output