def test_closes_connection_without_content_length(self): """ A HTTP 1.1 server is supposed to support keep-alive. Since our development server is rather simple we support it only in cases where we can detect a content length from the response. This should be doable for all simple views and streaming responses where an iterable with length of one is passed. The latter follows as result of `set_content_length` from If we cannot detect a content length we explicitly set the `Connection` header to `close` to notify the client that we do not actually support it. """ conn = HTTPConnection(, LiveServerViews.server_thread.port, timeout=1) try: conn.request('GET', '/streaming_example_view/', headers={'Connection': 'keep-alive'}) response = conn.getresponse() self.assertTrue(response.will_close) self.assertEqual(, b'Iamastream') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Connection'), 'close') conn.request('GET', '/streaming_example_view/', headers={'Connection': 'close'}) response = conn.getresponse() self.assertTrue(response.will_close) self.assertEqual(, b'Iamastream') self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Connection'), 'close') finally: conn.close()
def run(info): if (not isinstance(info, Info)): print(__name__ + "::run() info is not instance Info, please check") sys.exit(1) url = info.GetServiceUrl(Constant.ClientPort) print("Use endpoint to detect service: " + url) while True: try: conn = HTTPConnection(url, timeout=Constant.ConnectTimeout) # check leader exists conn.request("GET", "/v1/status/leader") resp = conn.getresponse() con ="UTF-8").strip("") # json need to docode too try: leader = json.loads(con) except Exception as err: leader = "" print("Get leader response:" + str(resp.status) + " " + str(resp.reason) + " " + str(leader)) conn.request("GET", "/v1/status/peers") resp = conn.getresponse() peers ="UTF-8").strip("") print("Get peers response:" + str(resp.status) + " " + str(resp.reason) + " " + str(leader)) if leader != "" and peers != "": peerlist = json.loads(peers) if leader in peerlist: # check leader format leaderip = leader[:str.find(leader, ":")] try: ipv4 = ipaddress.IPv4Address(leaderip) print("Leader ip check pass: "******"Check completed, the cluster is in sync state.") break except Exception as err: print("Found error:" + str(err) + " will quit health check.") print(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1) else: print("Cluster status checks failed, leader is not in the peerlist.") else: print("Cluster status checks failed, leader or peers empty.") except Exception as err: print("Found error:" + str(err) + " while check started, continue loop...") print(traceback.format_exc()) # sleep 100ms no , 1s is enough time.sleep(1)
def update_item(server): http_conn = HTTPConnection(server.hostname, server.port) http_conn.connect() http_conn.request("PUT", endpoint, json.dumps(expected_body).encode(), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}) results["response"] = http_conn.getresponse() http_conn.request("GET", endpoint, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}) results["response"] = http_conn.getresponse() http_conn.close()
def test_protocol(self): """Launched server serves with HTTP 1.1.""" with captured_stdout() as debug_output: conn = HTTPConnection(, LiveServerViews.server_thread.port) try: conn.set_debuglevel(1) conn.request('GET', '/example_view/', headers={"Connection": "keep-alive"}) conn.getresponse().read() conn.request('GET', '/example_view/', headers={"Connection": "close"}) conn.getresponse() finally: conn.close() self.assertEqual(debug_output.getvalue().count("reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK"), 2)
def testBasic(self): """ Test Basic """ console.terse("{0}\n".format(self.testBasic.__doc__)) console.terse("{0}\n".format("Connecting ...\n")) hc = HTTPConnection('', port=8080, timeout=1.0,) hc.connect() console.terse("{0}\n".format("Get '/echo?name=fame' ...\n")) headers = odict([('Accept', 'application/json')]) hc.request(method='GET', path='/echo?name=fame', body=None, headers=headers ) response = hc.getresponse() console.terse(str(response.fileno()) + "\n") # must call this before read console.terse(str(response.getheaders()) + "\n") console.terse(str(response.msg) + "\n") console.terse(str(response.version) + "\n") console.terse(str(response.status) + "\n") console.terse(response.reason + "\n") console.terse(str( + "\n") console.terse("{0}\n".format("Post ...\n")) headers = odict([('Accept', 'application/json'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) body = odict([('name', 'Peter'), ('occupation', 'Engineer')]) body = ns2b(json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))) hc.request(method='POST', path='/demo', body=body, headers=headers ) response = hc.getresponse() console.terse(str(response.fileno()) + "\n") # must call this before read console.terse(str(response.getheaders()) + "\n") console.terse(str(response.msg) + "\n") console.terse(str(response.version) + "\n") console.terse(str(response.status) + "\n") console.terse(response.reason+ "\n") console.terse(str( + "\n") #console.terse("{0}\n".format("SSE stream ...\n")) #body = b'' #headers = odict([('Accept', 'application/json'), ('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) #hc.request(method='GET', path='/stream', body=body, headers=headers ) #response = hc.getresponse() #console.terse(str(response.fileno()) + "\n") # must call this before read #console.terse(str(response.getheaders()) + "\n") #console.terse(str(response.msg) + "\n") #console.terse(str(response.version) + "\n") #console.terse(str(response.status) + "\n") #console.terse(response.reason+ "\n") #console.terse(str( + "\n") hc.close()
def test_requesting_metrics_disabled(self, pghoard): pghoard.write_backup_state_to_json_file() conn = HTTPConnection(host="", port=pghoard.config["http_port"]) conn.request("GET", "/metrics") response = conn.getresponse() assert response.status == 501 conn.request("GET", "/metrics/foo") response = conn.getresponse() assert response.status == 400 conn.request("GET", "/{}/metrics".format(pghoard.test_site)) response = conn.getresponse() assert response.status == 400
def run_server(port=8888): """Running in a subprocess to avoid any interference """ def _run(): os.chdir(HERE) socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True attempts = 0 httpd = None error = None while attempts < 3: try: httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(("", port), HandlerRedirect) break except Exception as e: error = e attempts += 1 time.sleep(.1) if httpd is None: raise OSError("Could not start the coserver: %s" % str(error)) def _shutdown(*args, **kw): httpd.server_close() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _shutdown) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _shutdown) httpd.serve_forever() p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_run) p.start() start = time.time() connected = False while time.time() - start < 5 and not connected: try: conn = HTTPConnection('localhost', 8888) conn.request("GET", "/") conn.getresponse() connected = True except Exception: time.sleep(.1) if not connected: os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) p.join(timeout=1.) raise OSError('Could not connect to coserver') return p
def upload_line(): file = request.files['config_file'] if 'config_file' in request.files else None if file: filename = secure_filename(file.filename) upload_api = os.path.join(current_app.config['DAC_API_CONFIGS_LINES_URL'], request.form['line_no']) # print(upload_url) headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"} data = parse.urlencode({'file':'utf-8')}) try: conn = HTTPConnection(current_app.config['DAC_HOST_URL']) conn.request("POST", upload_api, data, headers) resp = conn.getresponse() resp_data = json.loads('utf-8')) print(resp_data) except HTTPException as e: print("POST CONFIG FILE ERROR", e) resp_data = {} finally: conn.close() flash(resp_data) else: message = "Please select a file for upload." flash(message) return redirect(url_for('config.index'))
def resume(self): if self.next_token: verb = "ListRecords" print(self.next_token) command = "&resumptionToken=" + self.next_token url = urlparse(self.OAIbaseURL + "?verb=" + verb + command) response = False try: conn = HTTPConnection(url.netloc) conn.request("GET", url.path + "?" + url.query) response = conn.getresponse() except: print(self.OAIbaseURL + "?verb=" + verb + command) print("No 200 OK !!, sleeping 1 min.") time.sleep(50) if response: if response.status == 200: data ="utf-8", "ignore") = fromstring(data) token =".//{}resumptionToken")[0].text if token and not self.token == token: self.token = self.next_token self.next_token = token elif token: print("Token = Next_token") os._exit(-1) else: print("No 200 OK !!, sleeping 1 min.") time.sleep(50)
def do_remote(self, path, body=None, headers={}): """和远程主机通讯,同时处理501错误(不是代理请求)""" if self.handleHeaders: del self.headers["Proxy-Connection"] del self.headers["Keep-Alive"] del self.headers["Proxy-Authorization"] self.headers["Connection"] = "close" if not path.scheme: self.send_response(501) self.send_header("Server", self.server_version) self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") if self.command in ("GET", "POST"): content = directError.format( server_version=self.server_version, domain=self.server.server_address[0], port=self.server.server_address[1], ).encode("utf-8") else: content = "Unknown Error" self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(content))) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(content) self.remoteResponse = None return client = HTTPConnection(path.netloc) headers = dict(headers) # 有些网站,比如 WebQQ,在 cookie 中插入了非 ASCII 字符 # XXX:如果 UTF-8 不适合怎么办? for i in headers: headers[i] = headers[i].encode("utf-8") client.request(self.command, path.getpath(), body, headers) self.remoteResponse = client.getresponse() self.getdata =
def query_host(world): u = urlparse(world['status']) c = HTTPConnection(u.netloc, 80) c.putrequest("GET", u.path + '?' + u.query) c.putheader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8") c.endheaders() r = c.getresponse() if r.getcode() is not 200: raise RuntimeError("Failed to query information about the server.") rdata ="utf-8") if len(rdata) is 0: print("The given server appears to be down.") exit(0) xml = ElementTree.fromstring(rdata) loginserver = xml.find("loginservers").text loginservers = loginserver.split(';') worldqueue = xml.find("queueurls").text worldqueues = worldqueue.split(';') world['host'] = world['login'] = loginservers[0] world['queue'] = worldqueues[0] return world
def send_encoded(self, url, data): url2 = urlparse(url) host = url2.netloc path = url2.path or '/' query = '?' + url2.query if url2.query else '' request = path + query data2 = '&'.join(( quote(k) + '=' + quote_from_bytes(str(v).encode('utf8')) for k, v in data.items() )).encode('ascii') try: http = HTTPConnection(host) http.putrequest('POST', request) http.putheader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') http.putheader('User-Agent', 'Fluxid MOC Scrobbler 0.2') http.putheader('Content-Length', str(len(data2))) http.endheaders() http.send(data2) response = http.getresponse().read().decode('utf8').upper().strip() except Exception as e: raise HardErrorException(str(e)) if response == 'BADSESSION': raise BadSessionException elif response.startswith('FAILED'): raise FailedException(response.split(' ', 1)[1].strip() + (' POST = [%r]' % data2))
def request(self, method, endpoint, qargs={}, data=None): path = self.format_path(endpoint, qargs) conn = HTTPConnection("" % self.account, timeout=self.response_timeout) auth = b64encode("{0}:{1}".format(self.api_key, self.password).encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") headers = {"Authorization": "Basic {0}".format(auth), "Content-Type": "application/xml"} done = False while not done: try: conn.request(method, path, headers=headers, body=data) except (socket.gaierror, socket.timeout): if self.retry_on_socket_error: time.sleep(self.retry_timeout) continue else: raise resp = conn.getresponse() body = if resp.status == 503 and self.retry_on_503: time.sleep(self.retry_timeout) else: done = True if 200 <= resp.status < 300: return body else: raise ApiError("%s request to %s returned: %s\n%s" % (method, path, resp.status, body), resp.status)
class YQLQuery(object): connection = None def __enter__(self): self.connection = None def __init__(self): while True: self.connection = HTTPConnection("") if self.connection != None: break else: time.sleep(1) def execute(self, yql, token=None): while True: self.connection.request( "GET", PUBLIC_API_URL + "?" + urlencode({"q": yql, "format": "json", "env": DATATABLES_URL}) ) try: return simplejson.loads(self.connection.getresponse().read()) except Exception, e: error_log = open("/usr/lib/cgi-bin/kchang_cdlcapital/logs/yql_log.txt", "a") error_log.write(str(e)) print str(e) error_log.close() time.sleep(1)
def test_requesting_basebackup(self, pghoard): nonexistent_basebackup = "/{}/archive/basebackup".format(pghoard.test_site) conn = HTTPConnection(host="", port=pghoard.config["http_port"]) conn.request("PUT", nonexistent_basebackup) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 201 assert pghoard.requested_basebackup_sites == {"test_requesting_basebackup"}
def connect_to_tester(): """ Connect to the tester Returns: HTTPConnection: A connection to the tester """ while True: try: # Get the host host = input("Please provide the IP of the host (input nothing for localhost): ").strip() if not host: host = "localhost" # Connect print(info_message("Connecting to tester...")) connection = HTTPConnection(host, PORT) # Inform the tester about the connection connection.request('POST', ROUTE_CONNECT_INFO, socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) print(info_message(connection.getresponse().read().decode())) break except socket.gaierror: print(info_message("Invalid host '{}'".format(host))) return connection
def queryState(self): """Execute a request for retrieving the associated host's state Make an HTTP query to determine if the server is reachable or not @return[int] : the server status """ c_retry = 0 c_success = 0 # Max retry is defined by config while c_retry < self.max_retry: # if the query success the try block will continue # if not the except block will be run h = HTTPConnection(self.address, self.port, timeout=self.tcp_timeout) try: # try to query status = h.request(self.query_method, '/') # parsing the result res = h.getresponse() c_success += 1 sys_log.debug('[' + self.getName() + '] get server code : %d', res.status) # if we have sufficient number of success if c_success >= self.min_retry: return self.AVAILABLE except: sys_log.debug('[' + self.getName() + '] unable to reach the host') finally: c_retry += 1 # if we have reach the max retry amount return self.UNAVAILABLE
def geoencode(city, country): msg = { 'q': city+', '+country, 'output': 'json', 'oe': 'utf8', 'sensor': 'true_or_false', 'key': 'ABQIAAAAzT63NsNCcpw5Af6mLso2FxSgcUpOcSOIawgl-Zf9E7s32CuX-RQF5sRXdcMDlQa3cpL8L_S63UUpFA', } conn = HTTPConnection('') conn.request('GET', '/maps/geo?'+urlencode(msg)) res = conn.getresponse() data = conn.close() data = json.loads(data.decode("utf-8")) lat, lng = 0, 0 loc_name = city if data and 'Status' in data and 'code' in data['Status'] and data['Status']['code'] == 200 and 'Placemark' in data: for p in data['Placemark']: if 'AddressDetails' in p and 'Country' in p['AddressDetails'] and 'CountryName' in p['AddressDetails']['Country'] \ and p['AddressDetails']['Country']['CountryName'].lower() == country and 'Point' in p and 'coordinates' in p['Point']: lng = p['Point']['coordinates'][0] lat = p['Point']['coordinates'][1] break return lat, lng,loc_name
def download_regionals(year): conn = HTTPConnection('') conn.request('GET', '/api/v1/events/list?year=' + year, headers=DEF_HEADERS) r = conn.getresponse() answer ='utf-8') return answer
def index(): form = LineConfigForm() configs_lines_api_url = os.path.join(current_app.config['DAC_HOST_URL'], current_app.config['DAC_API_CONFIGS_LINES_URL']) try: conn = HTTPConnection(current_app.config['DAC_HOST_URL']) conn.request("GET", configs_lines_api_url) resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.code == 200: data = json.loads( else: raise HTTPException() except HTTPException: data = {} flash(_("Can not connect to DAC server.")) except ConnectionError: data = {} flash(_("Can not connect to DAC server.")) finally: conn.close() if data != {}: lines = [line for line in data['data']['configs'].keys()] configs = data['data']['configs'] else: lines = [] configs = {} return render_template('config_view.html', form=form, data=configs, lines=lines, totail_lines=form.line_no.choices)
def request_to_sakila(path="", body=None, method='GET', headers=None): from http.client import HTTPConnection, HTTPResponse import json_with_dates #print('path', path) if body: jbody = json_with_dates.dumps(body) enjbody = jbody.encode() else: enjbody = None hconn = HTTPConnection('localhost', 80) if headers: hconn.request(method, '/cgi-bin/sakila_rest/' + path, body=enjbody, headers=headers) else: hconn.request(method, '/cgi-bin/sakila_rest/' + path, body=enjbody) resp = hconn.getresponse() #print('status', resp.status) bodyJ = #print('body',body) bodystr = bodyJ.decode() if resp.status == 200: #data = json_with_dates.loads(bodystr) #return data #json_with_dates.loads(hconn.getresponse().read().decode()) body = json_with_dates.loads(bodystr) return ('K',body) else: return ('E', resp.status, bodystr) #print("response status", resp.status) #print('bodystr', bodystr)
def _get_content(self, url): con = HTTPConnection(self.site_url) encoded_url = quote(unquote(url), "/=?&") print(encoded_url) con.request('GET', encoded_url) response = con.getresponse() return
def download_match(m, quiet=False): conn = HTTPConnection('') conn.request('GET', '/api/v1/match/details?match=' + m, headers=DEF_HEADERS) r = conn.getresponse() answer ='utf-8') return answer
def check_url_path(path, redirected=0): if redirected > MAX_REDIRECTION_ALLOWED: return False try: parse_result = urllib.parse.urlparse(path) server_name = parse_result.netloc urlpath = parse_result.path if not urlpath: # Just a server, as with a repo. with contextlib.closing(urllib.request.urlopen(path)) as res: code = res.getcode() else: # socket.gaierror could be raised, # which is a child class of IOError conn = HTTPConnection(server_name, timeout=15) # Don't try to get the whole file: conn.request('HEAD', path) response = conn.getresponse() code = response.status conn.close() if code == 200: return True elif code == 301 or code == 302: for header in response.getheaders(): if header[0] == 'location': return check_url_path(header[1], redirected + 1) else: return False except (urllib.error.URLError, HTTPException, IOError, ValueError): return False return True
class Request(object): def __init__(self, method, resource, content_type='text/plain', **kwargs): auth = b64encode(CREDENTIALS.encode()).decode() self._headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic {0}'.format(auth), 'Content-Type': content_type, 'Accept': '*/*' } self._method = method self._href = resource self._kwargs = kwargs self._conn = None def __enter__(self): # First try encrypted HTTPS protocol self._conn = HTTPSConnection(SERVER) #self._conn.set_debuglevel(1) try: self._conn.request(self._method, self._href, headers=self._headers, **self._kwargs) except ssl.SSLError as err: # Catching possible ssl.SSLError: [SSL: UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL] unknown protocol # in case the port is listening for unencrypted HTTP protocol self._conn = HTTPConnection(SERVER) self._conn.request(self._method, self._href, headers=self._headers, **self._kwargs) response = self._conn.getresponse() return response def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._conn: self._conn.close()
def test_keep_alive_connection_clears_previous_request_data(self): conn = HTTPConnection(, LiveServerViews.server_thread.port) try: conn.request('POST', '/method_view/', b'{}', headers={"Connection": "keep-alive"}) response = conn.getresponse() self.assertFalse(response.will_close) self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(, b'POST') conn.request('POST', '/method_view/', b'{}', headers={"Connection": "close"}) response = conn.getresponse() self.assertFalse(response.will_close) self.assertEqual(response.status, 200) self.assertEqual(, b'POST') finally: conn.close()
def run(info): if (not isinstance(info, Info)): print(__name__ + "::run() info is not instance Info, please check") sys.exit(1) url = info.GetServiceUrl(Constant.ClientPort) print("Use endpoint to detect service: " + url) try: # Found error:timed out while health check, continue loop... need to create every time. conn = HTTPConnection(url, timeout=Constant.ConnectTimeout) # check health info, etcd case sensitive conn.request("GET", "/health") resp = conn.getresponse() con ="UTF-8").strip("") # json need to docode too try: health = json.loads(con) except Exception as err: health = "" # str(resp.headers) print("Get health response:" + str(resp.status) + " " + str(resp.reason) + " " + str(health)) if (con != "" and isinstance(health, object) and health["health"] == "true"): print("Node " + info.GetNodename() + " health status check passing") else: print("Cluster health checks failed, /health info check failed.") sys.exit(1) except Exception as err: print("Found error:" + str(err) + " while health check, continue loop...") print(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(1)
def HTTPProxy(self, domain, method, path, headers, post_data = None): conn = HTTPConnection(domain) conn.request(method, path, post_data, headers) response = conn.getresponse() response_headers = response.getheaders() data = if 'Content-Length' not in dict(response_headers).keys() and 'content-length' not in dict(response_headers).keys(): response_headers.append(('Content-Length', len(data))) for item in response_headers: if item[0].lower() == 'transfer-encoding' and item[1].lower() == 'chunked': response_headers[response_headers.index(item)] = ('Transfer-Encoding', 'text/html; charset=utf-8') self.push(HTTP_RESPONSE(response.version, response.status, response.reason)) for item in response_headers: self.push(HTTP_HEADER(item)) self.push(HTTP_RN) self.push(data) self.push(HTTP_RN) print("%s %s %s %d %s %d" % (self.version, method, path, response.status, response.reason, len(data))) for item in response_headers: if item[0].lower() == 'connection' and item[1].lower() == 'keep-alive': self.push(HTTP_0RN + HTTP_RN) return self.close_when_done()
def get_topic(use_offline): class TopicParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.pattern = re.compile('\d{8}/questions') self.links = {} self.href = None def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): attrs = dict(attrs) if (tag == 'a' and attrs.get('href') and re.match(self.pattern, attrs.get('href'))): self.href = attrs.get('href') def handle_data(self, data): if self.href != None: self.links[data] = self.href self.href = None text = None if use_offline: with open(spider['topic']['offline'], 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as fp: text = else: conn = HTTPConnection(spider['host']) conn.request('GET', spider['topic']['online']) text = conn.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8') hp = TopicParser() hp.feed(text) hp.close() return hp.links
def _send_notify_event(self, uuid, notify_url, notify_message): """ Send out notify event to subscriber and return a response. """ # Remove <> that surround the real unicode url if they exist... notify_url = notify_url.translate({ord(k): u"" for k in "<>"}) parsed_url = urlparse(notify_url) headers = { 'HOST': parsed_url.netloc, 'Content-Type': 'text/xml', 'SID': 'uuid:' + uuid, 'Content-Length': len(notify_message), 'NT': 'upnp:event', 'NTS': 'upnp:propchange' } http_handler = HTTPConnection(parsed_url.netloc) http_handler.request('NOTIFY', parsed_url.path, notify_message, headers) http_response = http_handler.getresponse()'_send_notify_event: status:{0} reason:{1} headers:{2}'.format(http_response.status,http_response.reason,headers)) if http_response.status != 200: error_msg = 'UPNPPush Notification failed: ({0}: {1})'.format(http_response.status, current_app.logger.warning(error_msg) raise Exception(error_msg)
def test_get_invalid(self, pghoard, tmpdir): ne_xlog_seg = "0000FFFF0000000C000000FE" nonexistent_xlog = "/{}/archive/{}".format(pghoard.test_site, ne_xlog_seg) # x-pghoard-target-path missing conn = HTTPConnection(host="", port=pghoard.config["http_port"]) conn.request("GET", nonexistent_xlog) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 400 # missing xlog file headers = { "x-pghoard-target-path": str(tmpdir.join("test_get_invalid")) } conn.request("GET", nonexistent_xlog, headers=headers) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 404 # no x-pghoard-target-path for head headers = { "x-pghoard-target-path": str(tmpdir.join("test_get_invalid")) } conn.request("HEAD", nonexistent_xlog, headers=headers) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 400 # missing xlog file headers = { "x-pghoard-target-path": str(tmpdir.join("test_get_invalid")) } conn.request("HEAD", nonexistent_xlog) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 404 # missing xlog file using restore_command with pytest.raises(postgres_command.PGCError) as excinfo: restore_command(site=pghoard.test_site, xlog=os.path.basename(nonexistent_xlog), host="", port=pghoard.config["http_port"], output=None, retry_interval=0.1) assert excinfo.value.exit_code == postgres_command.EXIT_NOT_FOUND # write failures, this should be retried a couple of times # start by making sure we can access the file normally valid_xlog_seg = "0000DDDD0000000D000000FC" valid_xlog = "/{}/xlog/{}".format(pghoard.test_site, valid_xlog_seg) store = pghoard.transfer_agents[0].get_object_storage( pghoard.test_site) store.store_file_from_memory(valid_xlog, wal_header_for_file(valid_xlog_seg), metadata={"a": "b"}) conn.request("HEAD", valid_xlog) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 200 restore_command(site=pghoard.test_site, xlog=os.path.basename(valid_xlog), host="", port=pghoard.config["http_port"], output=None, retry_interval=0.1) # write to non-existent directory headers = { "x-pghoard-target-path": str(tmpdir.join("NA", "test_get_invalid")) } conn.request("GET", valid_xlog, headers=headers) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 400 # inject a failure by making a static function fail failures = [0, ""] def get_failing_func(orig_func): def failing_func(*args): if failures[0] > 0: failures[0] -= 1 raise Exception("test_get_invalid failure: {}".format( failures[1])) return orig_func(*args) return failing_func for ta in pghoard.transfer_agents: store = ta.get_object_storage(pghoard.test_site) store.get_contents_to_string = get_failing_func( store.get_contents_to_string) prefetch_n = pghoard.config["restore_prefetch"] try: # we should have two retries + all prefetch operations pghoard.webserver.server.prefetch_404.clear() failures[0] = 2 + prefetch_n failures[1] = "test_two_fails_success" headers = { "x-pghoard-target-path": str(tmpdir.join("test_get_invalid_2")) } conn.request("GET", valid_xlog, headers=headers) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 201 assert failures[0] == 0 # so we should have a hard failure after three attempts pghoard.webserver.server.prefetch_404.clear() failures[0] = 4 + prefetch_n failures[1] = "test_three_fails_error" headers = { "x-pghoard-target-path": str(tmpdir.join("test_get_invalid_3")) } conn.request("GET", valid_xlog, headers=headers) status = conn.getresponse().status assert status == 500 assert failures[0] == 1 finally: # clear transfer cache to avoid using our failing versions for ta in pghoard.transfer_agents: ta.site_transfers = {}
def readFromServer(path): conn = HTTPConnection('', port=5600) conn.request('GET', str(path)) response = conn.getresponse() data = return str(data, 'UTF-8')
from http.client import HTTPConnection host = 'www.example' conn = HTTPConnection(host) conn.request('GET', '/') r1 = conn.getresponse() print(r1.status, r1.reason) data1 = #data1 = conn.request('GET', '/') r2 = conn.getresponse() print(r2.status, r2.reason) data2 = print(data2.decode()) conn.close()
class TestRegression(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.ip = "localhost" self.port = "8080" self.headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } self.timeout = 10 # connect self.conn = HTTPConnection(self.ip, self.port, timeout=self.timeout) # on board necessary descriptors # drop all databases # create the 5gtso db # python imports # load db IP port config = RawConfigParser()"../db/") db_ip = config.get("MongoDB", "db.ip") db_port = int(config.get("MongoDB", "db.port")) operation_client = MongoClient(db_ip, db_port) fgtso_db = operation_client.fgtso fgtso_db.nsd.delete_many({}) fgtso_db.vnfd.delete_many({}) fgtso_db.ns.delete_many({}) fgtso_db.nsir.delete_many({}) fgtso_db.operation.delete_many({}) fgtso_db.resources.delete_many({}) # load desccriptors # path to descriptors folders path = "../descriptors/" # list of file names that contain ns and vnf descriptors ns_descriptors = ["CDN_all_NSD_0_2.json"] vnf_descriptors = [ "CDN_SPR1_VNFD_0_2.json", "CDN_SPR21_VNFD_0_2.json", "CDN_SPR22_VNFD_0_2.json", "CDN_WEBSERVER_VNFD_0_2.json" ] # correspondance of nsdId and nsdCloudifyId nsdCloudifyId = {"vCDN_v02": "unknown"} # for each nsd create record to be inserted nsd_json = {} # load json file here for nsd_file in ns_descriptors: with open(path + nsd_file) as nsd_json: nsd_json = load(nsd_json) nsd_record = { "nsdId": nsd_json["nsd"]["nsdIdentifier"], "nsdCloudifyId": nsdCloudifyId[nsd_json["nsd"]["nsdIdentifier"]], "version": nsd_json["nsd"]["version"], "nsdName": nsd_json["nsd"]["nsdName"], "nsdJson": nsd_json } fgtso_db.nsd.insert_one(nsd_record) # for each nsd create record to be inserted vnfd_json = {} # load json file here for vnfd_file in vnf_descriptors: with open(path + vnfd_file) as vnfd_json: vnfd_json = load(vnfd_json) vnfd_record = { "vnfdId": vnfd_json["vnfdId"], "vnfdVersion": vnfd_json["vnfdVersion"], "vnfdName": vnfd_json["vnfProductName"], "vnfdJson": vnfd_json } fgtso_db.vnfd.insert_one(vnfd_record) def tearDown(self): self.conn.close() def test_1_basic_instantiation_and_termination(self): """ Check basic operations tests expecting a 200/201 result. """ # request an nsId path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns" data = { "nsDescription": "nsDescription", "nsName": "nsName", "nsdId": "vCDN_v02" } self.conn.request("POST", path, dumps(data), self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 201) data = loads(data) nsId = data["nsId"] # instantiate the service path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/" + nsId + "/instantiate" data = { "flavourId": "df_vCDN", "nsInstantiationLevelId": "il_vCDN_small" } self.conn.request("PUT", path, dumps(data), self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 200) data = loads(data) operationId = data["operationId"] # get operation status path = "/5gt/so/v1/operation/" + operationId self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 200) # get ns information path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/" + nsId self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 200) # terminate the service path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/" + nsId + "/terminate" self.conn.request("PUT", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 200) # the following tests expect the NSD vCDN 0.2 and its VNFs to be loaded in the NSD/VNFD catalogues # get a NSD path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/nsd/vCDN_v02/0.2" self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 200) # get a VNFD path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/vnfd/spr22/0.2" self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 200) def test_2_nbi_400_404_errors(self): """ Check that NBI returns error 400/404. """ # request an nsId path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns" data = {"nsDescription": "nsDescription", "nsName": "nsName"} self.conn.request("POST", path, dumps(data), self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 400) # request an nsId path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns" data = { "nsDescription": "nsDescription", "nsName": "nsName", "nsdId": "vCDN_v02" } self.conn.request("POST", path, dumps(data), self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() data = self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 201) data = loads(data) nsId = data["nsId"] # instantiate the service path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/" + nsId + "/instantiate" data = {"flavourId": 1} self.conn.request("PUT", path, dumps(data), self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 400) # instantiate the service path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/unknowonId/instantiate" data = { "flavourId": "flavourId", "nsInstantiationLevelId": "nsInstantiationLevelId" } self.conn.request("PUT", path, dumps(data), self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 404) # get operation status path = "/5gt/so/v1/operation/unknownId" self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 404) # get ns information path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/unkownId" self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 404) # terminate the service path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/unknownId/terminate" self.conn.request("PUT", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 404) # get a NSD path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/nsd/CDN_v02/0.2" self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 404) # get a NSD path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/nsd/vCDN_v02/0.3" self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 404) # get a VNFD path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/vnfd/tpr22/0.2" self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 404) # get a VNFD path = "/5gt/so/v1/ns/vnfd/spr22/0.3" self.conn.request("GET", path, None, self.headers) self.conn.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) rsp = self.conn.getresponse() self.assertEqual(rsp.status, 404)
def _request(method, url, params={}, data={}, headers={}): splits = urlsplit(url) netloc = splits[1] if '@' in netloc: netloc_noauth = netloc.split('@')[1] else: netloc_noauth = netloc scheme = splits[0] path = splits[2] query = splits[3] fragment = splits[4] username = '' password = '' if '@' in netloc: password = netloc.split('@')[0][1:] if ':' in netloc_noauth: netloc_noauth, port = netloc_noauth.split(':') else: port = 80 url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc_noauth, path, query, fragment)) if method in ['GET', 'DELETE']: params = urlencode(params, True) if params: if '?' not in url: url += '?' + params else: url += '&' + params connection = HTTPConnection(netloc_noauth, port) if username or password: credentials = "%s:%s" % (username, password) base64_credentials = base64.encodebytes(credentials.encode()).decode() authorization = "Basic %s" % base64_credentials[:-1] headers['Authorization'] = authorization headers['User-Agent'] = __USER_AGENT if data: body = anyjson.serialize(data) else: body = '' connection.request(method, url, body, headers) response = connection.getresponse() response.body = if _is_ok(response.status): if response.body: try: response.body = anyjson.deserialize(response.body.decode()) except ValueError as e: raise InvalidResponseFromServer( 'The JSON response could not be parsed: %s.\n%s' % (e, response.body)) ret = response.status, response.body else: ret = response.status, None elif response.status == 401: raise Unauthorized('Authorization required. Use your private api_url.') else: raise HttpException(response.status, response.body) connection.close() return ret
def datasource(lat, lon, source_dir): """ Return a gdal datasource for a NED 10m lat, lon corner. If it doesn't already exist locally in source_dir, grab a new one. """ # FIXME for southern/western hemispheres fmt = '' url = fmt % (abs(lat), abs(lon)) # # Create a local filepath # s, host, path, p, q, f = urlparse(url) local_dir = md5(url).hexdigest()[:3] local_dir = join(source_dir, local_dir) local_base = join(local_dir, basename(path)[:-7]) local_path = local_base + '.tif' local_none = local_base + '.404' # # Check if the file exists locally # if exists(local_path): return gdal.Open(local_path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if exists(local_none): return None if not exists(local_dir): makedirs(local_dir) chmod(local_dir, 0o777) assert isdir(local_dir) # # Grab a fresh remote copy # print('Retrieving', url, 'in DEM.NED1km.datasource().', file=stderr) conn = HTTPConnection(host, 80) conn.request('GET', path) resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.status in range(400, 500): # we're probably outside the coverage area print(url, file=open(local_none, 'w')) return None assert resp.status == 200, (resp.status, body = StringIO( file = GzipFile(fileobj=body, mode='r') open(local_path, mode='w').write( # # The file better exist locally now # return gdal.Open(local_path, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
s.starttls() s.ehlo() s.login(sender, '2rhksrn7493') s.sendmail(sender, reciver, msg.as_string()) print('전송완료') s.close() 원자력리스트 = 원전리스트() conn = HTTPConnection('') conn.request( 'GET', '' ) req = conn.getresponse() print(req.status) data = tree = ElementTree.fromstring(data) ele = tree.getiterator('item') mquit = 1 #원자력리스트.목록출력() #원자력리스트.원전정렬() #원자력리스트.목록출력() def AllList(): global 원전목록 global ele
def test_GET_response_header_is_proxied_back_to_the_client(self):'GET', status=200, headers={'Foo': 'Bar'}) client = HTTPConnection('localhost', self.stenograpi.port) client.request('GET', '/') response = client.getresponse() self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Foo'), 'Bar')
try: version ='mcdhttpd/(\d\.\d)', curBanner['data']).group(1) except AttributeError: version = 'unknown' # Limit scan to selected country if is not None and != country_code: continue host_count += 1 user_and_pass = b64encode(CREDENTIALS).decode('ascii') try: c = HTTPConnection(ip, port=port, timeout=2) headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(user_and_pass)} # Extract the product type c.request('GET', '/branding/branding.js', headers=headers) branding_request = c.getresponse() if branding_request.status == 200: js ='utf-8') try: product ='product:"([^"]+)",ddns:', js).group(1) except AttributeError: product = None else: product = None # Extract the status-data type (publicly available) c.request('GET', '/get_status.cgi', headers=headers) status_request = c.getresponse() status ='utf-8') if status_request.status == 200 else None # Extract the configuration-data type
def open_port(service_url, external_port, internal_client, internal_port=None, protocol='TCP', duration=0, description=None, enabled=1): parsedurl = urlparse(service_url) if internal_port == None: internal_port = external_port if description == None: description = 'generated by' if not enabled: duration = 1 doc = Document() # create the envelope element and set its attributes envelope = doc.createElementNS('', 's:Envelope') envelope.setAttribute('xmlns:s', '') envelope.setAttribute('s:encodingStyle', '') # create the body element body = doc.createElementNS('', 's:Body') # create the function element and set its attribute fn = doc.createElementNS('', 'u:AddPortMapping') fn.setAttribute('xmlns:u', 'urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1') # setup the argument element names and values # using a list of tuples to preserve order arguments = [ ('NewRemoteHost', ""), # unused - but required ('NewExternalPort', external_port), # specify port on router ('NewProtocol', protocol), # specify protocol ('NewInternalPort', internal_port), # specify port on internal host ('NewInternalClient', internal_client), # specify IP of internal host ('NewEnabled', enabled), # turn mapping ON ('NewPortMappingDescription', description), # add a description ('NewLeaseDuration', duration) ] # how long should it be opened? # NewEnabled should be 1 by default, but better supply it. # NewPortMappingDescription Can be anything you want, even an empty string. # NewLeaseDuration can be any integer BUT some UPnP devices don't support it, # so set it to 0 for better compatibility. # container for created nodes argument_list = [] # iterate over arguments, create nodes, create text nodes, # append text nodes to nodes, and finally add the ready product # to argument_list for k, v in arguments: v = str(v) tmp_node = doc.createElement(k) tmp_text_node = doc.createTextNode(v) tmp_node.appendChild(tmp_text_node) argument_list.append(tmp_node) # append the prepared argument nodes to the function element for arg in argument_list: fn.appendChild(arg) # append function element to the body element body.appendChild(fn) # append body element to envelope element envelope.appendChild(body) # append envelope element to document, making it the root element doc.appendChild(envelope) # our tree is ready, conver it to a string pure_xml = doc.toxml() # use the object returned by urlparse.urlparse to get the hostname and port conn = HTTPConnection(parsedurl.hostname, parsedurl.port) # use the path of WANIPConnection (or WANPPPConnection) to target that service, # insert the xml payload, # add two headers to make tell the server what we're sending exactly. conn.request( 'POST', parsedurl.path, pure_xml, { 'SOAPAction': '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1#AddPortMapping"', 'Content-Type': 'text/xml' }) # wait for a response resp = conn.getresponse() return resp.status,
class Client: """ HTTP bridge client. """ def __init__(self, url, key=None, secret=None, timeout=5, context=None): """ Create a new push client. The only mandatory argument is the Push service endpoint of the instance to push to. For signed pushes, provide authentication key and secret. If those are not given, unsigned pushes are performed. :param url: URL of the HTTP bridge of (e.g. :type url: str :param key: Optional key to use for signing requests. :type key: str :param secret: When using signed request, the secret corresponding to key. :type secret: str :param timeout: Timeout for requests. :type timeout: int :param context: If the HTTP bridge is running on HTTPS (that is securely over TLS), then the context provides the SSL settings the client should use (e.g. the certificate chain against which to verify the server certificate). This parameter is only available on Python 2.7.9+ and Python 3 (otherwise the parameter is silently ignored!). See: :type context: obj or None """ assert (type(url) == str) assert ((key and secret) or (not key and not secret)) assert (key is None or type(key) == str) assert (secret is None or type(secret) == str) assert (type(timeout) == int) if _HAS_SSL and _HAS_SSL_CLIENT_CONTEXT: assert (context is None or isinstance(context, ssl.SSLContext)) self._seq = 1 self._key = key self._secret = secret self._endpoint = _parse_url(url) self._endpoint['headers'] = { "Content-type": "application/json", "User-agent": "crossbarconnect-python" } if self._endpoint['secure']: if not _HAS_SSL: raise Exception( "Bridge URL is using HTTPS, but Python SSL module is missing" ) if _HAS_SSL_CLIENT_CONTEXT: self._connection = HTTPSConnection(self._endpoint['host'], self._endpoint['port'], timeout=timeout, context=context) else: self._connection = HTTPSConnection(self._endpoint['host'], self._endpoint['port'], timeout=timeout) else: self._connection = HTTPConnection(self._endpoint['host'], self._endpoint['port'], timeout=timeout) def publish(self, topic, *args, **kwargs): """ Publish an event to subscribers on specified topic via HTTP bridge. The event payload (positional and keyword) can be of any type that can be serialized to JSON. If `kwargs` contains an `options` attribute, this is expected to be a dictionary with the following possible parameters: * `exclude`: A list of WAMP session IDs to exclude from receivers. * `eligible`: A list of WAMP session IDs eligible as receivers. :param topic: Topic to push to. :type topic: str :param args: Arbitrary application payload for the event (positional arguments). :type args: list :param kwargs: Arbitrary application payload for the event (keyword arguments). :type kwargs: dict :returns int -- The event publication ID assigned by the broker. """ assert (type(topic) == str) ## this will get filled and later serialized into HTTP/POST body ## event = {'topic': topic} if 'options' in kwargs: event['options'] = kwargs.pop('options') assert (type(event['options']) == dict) if args: event['args'] = args if kwargs: event['kwargs'] = kwargs try: body = json.dumps(event, separators=(',', ':')) body = body.encode('utf8') except Exception as e: raise Exception( "invalid event payload - not JSON serializable: {0}".format(e)) params = { 'timestamp': _utcnow(), 'seq': self._seq, } if self._key: ## if the request is to be signed, create extra fields and signature params['key'] = self._key params['nonce'] = random.randint(0, 9007199254740992) # HMAC[SHA256]_{secret} (key | timestamp | seq | nonce | body) => signature hm ='utf8'), None, hashlib.sha256) hm.update(params['key'].encode('utf8')) hm.update(params['timestamp'].encode('utf8')) hm.update("{0}".format(params['seq']).encode('utf8')) hm.update("{0}".format(params['nonce']).encode('utf8')) hm.update(body) signature = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hm.digest()) params['signature'] = signature self._seq += 1 path = "{0}?{1}".format(parse.quote(self._endpoint['path']), parse.urlencode(params)) ## now issue the HTTP/POST ## self._connection.request('POST', path, body, self._endpoint['headers']) response = self._connection.getresponse() response_body = if response.status != 202: raise Exception( "publication request failed {0} [{1}] - {2}".format( response.status, response.reason, response_body)) try: res = json.loads(response_body) except Exception as e: raise Exception("publication request bogus result - {0}".format(e)) return res['id']
Example: {0} foo john secret 12345 '''.format(basename(sys.argv[0]))) sys.exit(0) service = quote_plus(sys.argv[1]) credential = sys.argv[2] + ':' + sys.argv[3] basic = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(credential.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') if len(sys.argv) > 4: port = sys.argv[4] else: port = '8080' conn = HTTPConnection('localhost', port) conn.request('GET', '/login?TARGET=' + service, headers={'Authorization': basic}) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status != 302: print('Unexpected status: ', response.status, response.reason) sys.exit(0) location = response.getheader('Location') qs = parse_qs(urlparse(location).query) ticket = qs['SAMLart'][0] validate_url = '/samlValidate?TARGET={service}'.format(service=service) body = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header/> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <samlp:Request IssueInstant="{now}" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="1" RequestID="{id}" xmlns:samlp="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.0:protocol"> <samlp:AssertionArtifact>{ticket}</samlp:AssertionArtifact>
def http_request(domain, path, method): """ Makes the http request using method """ conn = HTTPConnection(domain) conn.request(method, path) resp = conn.getresponse() return
def request_api(params, host='localhost'): h = HTTPConnection(host, PORT, 10) query = '&'.join('{}={}'.format(k, quote(v)) for (k, v) in params.items()) url = '/git-pull/api?token=secret&{}'.format(query) h.request('GET', url) return h.getresponse()
def smoke_test_release(release, files, expected_hash, plugins): for release_file in files: if not os.path.isfile(release_file): raise RuntimeError('Smoketest failed missing file %s' % (release_file)) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if release_file.endswith('tar.gz'): run('tar -xzf %s -C %s' % (release_file, tmp_dir)) elif release_file.endswith('zip'): run('unzip %s -d %s' % (release_file, tmp_dir)) else: print(' Skip SmokeTest for [%s]' % release_file) continue # nothing to do here es_run_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), 'bin/elasticsearch') print(' Smoke testing package [%s]' % release_file) es_plugin_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), 'bin/plugin') plugin_names = {} for plugin in plugins: print(' Install plugin [%s]' % (plugin)) run('%s; %s -Des.plugins.staging=true %s %s' % (java_exe(), es_plugin_path, 'install', plugin)) plugin_names[plugin] = True if 'shield' in plugin_names: headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(b"es_admin:foobar").decode("UTF-8") } es_shield_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), 'bin/shield/esusers') print(" Install dummy shield user") run('%s; %s useradd es_admin -r admin -p foobar' % (java_exe(), es_shield_path)) else: headers = {} print(' Starting elasticsearch deamon from [%s]' % os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % release)) try: run('%s; %s -Des.script.inline=on -Des.script.indexed=on -Des.repositories.url.allowed_urls=http://snapshot.test* %s -Des.pidfile=%s' % (java_exe(), es_run_path, '-d', os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), ''))) conn = HTTPConnection(host='', port=9200, timeout=20) if not wait_for_node_startup(header=headers): print("elasticsearch logs:") print('*' * 80) logs = read_fully( os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), 'logs/prepare_release.log')) print(logs) print('*' * 80) raise RuntimeError('server didn\'t start up') try: # we now get / and /_nodes to fetch basic infos like hashes etc and the installed plugins conn.request('GET', '', headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() if res.status == 200: version = json.loads("utf-8"))['version'] if release != version['number']: raise RuntimeError( 'Expected version [%s] but was [%s]' % (release, version['number'])) if version['build_snapshot']: raise RuntimeError('Expected non snapshot version') if expected_hash.startswith(version['build_hash'].strip()): raise RuntimeError( 'HEAD hash does not match expected [%s] but got [%s]' % (expected_hash, version['build_hash'])) print(' Verify if plugins are listed in _nodes') conn.request('GET', '/_nodes?plugin=true&pretty=true', headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse() if res.status == 200: nodes = json.loads("utf-8"))['nodes'] for _, node in nodes.items(): node_plugins = node['plugins'] for node_plugin in node_plugins: if not plugin_names.get( node_plugin['name'].strip(), False): raise RuntimeError('Unexpeced plugin %s' % node_plugin['name']) del plugin_names[node_plugin['name']] if plugin_names: raise RuntimeError('Plugins not loaded %s' % list(plugin_names.keys())) else: raise RuntimeError('Expected HTTP 200 but got %s' % res.status) else: raise RuntimeError('Expected HTTP 200 but got %s' % res.status) finally: conn.close() finally: pid_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), '') if os.path.exists( pid_path): # try reading the pid and kill the node pid = int(read_fully(pid_path)) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) print(' ' + '*' * 80) print()
from http.client import HTTPConnection from urllib.parse import urlencode host = '' params = urlencode({ 'language': 'python', 'name': '김석훈', 'email': '*****@*****.**', }) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept': 'text/plain', } conn = HTTPConnection(host) conn.request('POST', '', params, headers) resp =conn.getresponse() print(resp.status, resp.reason) data = print(data.decode('utf-8')) conn.close()
def test_Server_response_header_is_empty_by_default(self):'GET', status=200) client = HTTPConnection('localhost', self.stenograpi.port) client.request('GET', '/') response = client.getresponse() self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Server'), None)
def Upload(body, headers={}): conn = HTTPConnection(f"{host}:{PORT}") conn.request('POST', '/', body=body, headers=headers) res = conn.getresponse()
def smoke_test_release(release, files, expected_hash, plugins): for release_file in files: if not os.path.isfile(release_file): raise RuntimeError('Smoketest failed missing file %s' % (release_file)) tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if release_file.endswith('tar.gz'): run('tar -xzf %s -C %s' % (release_file, tmp_dir)) elif release_file.endswith('zip'): run('unzip %s -d %s' % (release_file, tmp_dir)) else: log('Skip SmokeTest for [%s]' % release_file) continue # nothing to do here es_run_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), 'bin/elasticsearch') print(' Smoke testing package [%s]' % release_file) es_plugin_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % (release), 'bin/plugin') plugin_names = {} for name, plugin in plugins: print(' Install plugin [%s] from [%s]' % (name, plugin)) run('%s; %s %s %s' % (java_exe(), es_plugin_path, '-install', plugin)) plugin_names[name] = True if release.startswith("0.90."): background = '' # 0.90.x starts in background automatically else: background = '-d' print(' Starting elasticsearch deamon from [%s]' % os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'elasticsearch-%s' % release)) run('%s; %s -Des.script.inline=on -Des.script.indexed=on %s' % (java_exe(), es_run_path, background)) conn = HTTPConnection('', 9200, 20) wait_for_node_startup() try: try: conn.request('GET', '') res = conn.getresponse() if res.status == 200: version = json.loads("utf-8"))['version'] if release != version['number']: raise RuntimeError( 'Expected version [%s] but was [%s]' % (release, version['number'])) if version['build_snapshot']: raise RuntimeError('Expected non snapshot version') if version['build_hash'].strip() != expected_hash: raise RuntimeError( 'HEAD hash does not match expected [%s] but got [%s]' % (expected_hash, version['build_hash'])) print(' Running REST Spec tests against package [%s]' % release_file) run_mvn( 'test -Dtests.cluster=%s -Dtests.jvms=1 -Dtests.class=*.*RestTests' % ("")) print(' Verify if plugins are listed in _nodes') conn.request('GET', '/_nodes?plugin=true&pretty=true') res = conn.getresponse() if res.status == 200: nodes = json.loads("utf-8"))['nodes'] for _, node in nodes.items(): node_plugins = node['plugins'] for node_plugin in node_plugins: if not plugin_names.get( node_plugin['name'], False): raise RuntimeError('Unexpeced plugin %s' % node_plugin['name']) del plugin_names[node_plugin['name']] if plugin_names: raise RuntimeError('Plugins not loaded %s' % list(plugin_names.keys())) else: raise RuntimeError('Expected HTTP 200 but got %s' % res.status) else: raise RuntimeError('Expected HTTP 200 but got %s' % res.status) finally: conn.request('POST', '/_cluster/nodes/_local/_shutdown') time.sleep(1) # give the node some time to shut down if conn.getresponse().status != 200: raise RuntimeError( 'Expected HTTP 200 but got %s on node shutdown' % res.status) finally: conn.close() shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir)
def test_POST_response_body_is_proxied_back_to_the_client(self):'POST', '/', 200, b'POST RESPONSE') client = HTTPConnection('localhost', self.stenograpi.port) client.request('POST', '/') response = client.getresponse() self.assertEqual(, b'POST RESPONSE')
''' @Author: Ritika Patidar @Date: 2021-02-24 10:09:10 @Last Modified by: Ritika Patidar @Last Modified time: 2021-02-24 10:09:38 @Title : access and print a URL's content to the console problem ''' #import module from http.client import HTTPConnection #make connection to the host conn = HTTPConnection("") #get response of from the host conn.request("GET", "/") #get response to host result = conn.getresponse() # retrieves the entire contents. contents = print("======================================================\n", contents)
def run_test(self): ################################################## # Check correctness of the rpcauth config option # ################################################## url = urlparse(self.nodes[0].url) #Old authpair authpair = url.username + ':' + url.password #New authpair generated via share/rpcuser tool #rpcauth = "rpcauth=rt:93648e835a54c573682c2eb19f882535$7681e9c5b74bdd85e78166031d2058e1069b3ed7ed967c93fc63abba06f31144" password = "******" #Second authpair with different username #rpcauth2 = "rpcauth=rt2:f8607b1a88861fac29dfccf9b52ff9f$ff36a0c23c8c62b4846112e50fa888416e94c17bfd4c42f88fd8f55ec6a3137e" password2 = "8/F3uMDw4KSEbw96U3CA1C4X05dkHDN2BPFjTgZW4KI=" authpairnew = "rt:" + password headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpair)} conn = HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) resp = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(resp.status == 401, False) conn.close() #Use new authpair to confirm both work headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpairnew)} conn = HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) resp = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(resp.status == 401, False) conn.close() #Wrong login name with rt's password authpairnew = "rtwrong:" + password headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpairnew)} conn = HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) resp = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(resp.status == 401, True) conn.close() #Wrong password for rt authpairnew = "rt:" + password + "wrong" headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpairnew)} conn = HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) resp = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(resp.status == 401, True) conn.close() #Correct for rt2 authpairnew = "rt2:" + password2 headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpairnew)} conn = HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) resp = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(resp.status == 401, False) conn.close() #Wrong password for rt2 authpairnew = "rt2:" + password2 + "wrong" headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + str_to_b64str(authpairnew)} conn = HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) conn.connect() conn.request('POST', '/', '{"method": "getbestblockhash"}', headers) resp = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(resp.status == 401, True) conn.close()
def instantiate_ns(nsId, nsd_json, vnfds_json, request, nestedInfo=None): """ Function description Parameters ---------- param1: type param1 description Returns ------- name: type return description """ # extract the relevant information for the PA algorithm from the nsd_vnfd log_queue.put(["INFO", "*****Time measure: ROE starting ROE processing"]) extracted_info = extract_nsd_info_for_pa(nsd_json, vnfds_json, request) log_queue.put(["INFO", "*****Time measure: ROE extracted NSD info at ROE"]) log_queue.put(["INFO", dumps(extracted_info, indent=4)]) # first get mtp resources and lock db resources = sbi.get_mtp_resources() log_queue.put(["INFO", "MTP resources are:"]) log_queue.put(["INFO", dumps(resources, indent=4)]) log_queue.put(["INFO", "*****Time measure: ROE retrieved MTP resources"]) # ask pa to calculate the placement - read pa config from properties file config = RawConfigParser()"../../sm/rooe/") pa_ip = config.get("PA", "pa.ip") pa_port = config.get("PA", "pa.port") pa_path = config.get("PA", "pa.path") pa_enable = config.get("PA", "pa.enable") placement_info = {} if pa_enable == "yes": pa_uri = "http://" + pa_ip + ":" + pa_port + pa_path # ask pa to calculate the placement - prepare the body paId = str(uuid4()) pa_resources = parse_resources_for_pa(resources, vnfds_json.keys()) body_pa = { "ReqId": paId, "nfvi": pa_resources, "nsd": extracted_info["nsd"], "callback": "http://localhost:8080/5gt/so/v1/__callbacks/pa/" + paId } log_queue.put(["INFO", "Body for PA is:"]) log_queue.put(["INFO", dumps(body_pa, indent=4)]) # ask pa to calculate the placement - do request header = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json' } log_queue.put(["INFO", "*****Time measure: ROE PA request generated"]) try: conn = HTTPConnection(pa_ip, pa_port) conn.request("POST", pa_uri, dumps(body_pa), header) # ask pa to calculate the placement - read response and close connection rsp = conn.getresponse() placement_info ='utf-8') placement_info = loads(placement_info) conn.close() except ConnectionRefusedError: # the PA server is not running or the connection configuration is wrong log_queue.put([ "ERROR", "the PA server is not running or the connection configuration is wrong" ]) log_queue.put(["INFO", "output of the PA is: "]) log_queue.put(["INFO", placement_info]) placement_info = amending_pa_output(extracted_info["nsd"], placement_info) log_queue.put(["INFO", "*****Time measure: ROE PA calculation done"]) log_queue.put(["INFO", "PA tuned output is:"]) log_queue.put(["INFO", placement_info]) else: # to be removed when PA code tested: static placement for testing purposes pa_responses = config.items("RESPONSE") for pa_response in pa_responses: if (nsd_json["nsd"]["nsdIdentifier"].lower().find(pa_response[0]) != -1): placement_info = json.loads(pa_response[1]) log_queue.put(["INFO", "PA TUNED (manually) output is:"]) log_queue.put(["DEBUG", placement_info]) log_queue.put( ["DEBUG", "Service NameId is: %s" % nsd_json["nsd"]["nsdIdentifier"]]) if nestedInfo: key = next(iter(nestedInfo)) log_queue.put(["DEBUG", "the key of nestedInfo in ROOE is: %s" % key]) if len(nestedInfo[key]) > 1: # nested from a consumer domain nsId_tmp = nsId else: # nested local nsId_tmp = nsId + '_' + next(iter(nestedInfo)) else: nsId_tmp = nsId nsir_db.save_placement_info(nsId_tmp, placement_info) # ask cloudify/OSM to deploy vnfs coreMano = createWrapper() deployed_vnfs_info = {} deployed_vnfs_info = coreMano.instantiate_ns(nsId, nsd_json, vnfds_json, request, placement_info, resources, nestedInfo) log_queue.put(["INFO", "The deployed_vnfs_info"]) log_queue.put(["INFO", dumps(deployed_vnfs_info, indent=4)]) if (deployed_vnfs_info is not None) and ("sapInfo" in deployed_vnfs_info): log_queue.put([ "INFO", "ROOE: updating nsi:%s sapInfo: %s" % (nsId, deployed_vnfs_info["sapInfo"]) ]) ns_db.save_sap_info(nsId, deployed_vnfs_info["sapInfo"]) log_queue.put(["INFO", "*****Time measure: ROE created VNF's"]) if deployed_vnfs_info is not None: # list of VLs to be deployed vls_info = extract_vls_info_mtp(resources, extracted_info, placement_info, nsId_tmp, nestedInfo) log_queue.put(["INFO", "*****Time measure: ROE extracted VL's at MTP"]) # ask network execution engine to deploy the virtual links eenet.deploy_vls(vls_info, nsId_tmp) log_queue.put(["INFO", "*****Time measure: ROE created LL's at MTP"]) # set operation status as SUCCESSFULLY_DONE if (nsId_tmp.find('_') == -1): # the service is single, I can update the operationId, and the status operationId = operation_db.get_operationId(nsId, "INSTANTIATION") if deployed_vnfs_info is not None: log_queue.put(["INFO", "NS Instantiation finished correctly"]) operation_db.set_operation_status(operationId, "SUCCESSFULLY_DONE") # set ns status as INSTANTIATED ns_db.set_ns_status(nsId, "INSTANTIATED") else: log_queue.put(["ERROR", "NS Instantiation FAILED"]) operation_db.set_operation_status(operationId, "FAILED") # set ns status as FAILED ns_db.set_ns_status(nsId, "FAILED") log_queue.put(["INFO", "INSTANTIATION FINISHED :)"])
def run_smart(aa_seq): """Makes a web request to the remote predictions server. Processes the reply (HTML) with beautiful soup and extracts the predictions list. Returns the predictions in the end. """ base_url = "" smart_script_url = urljoin(base_url, '') data = 'SEQUENCE={}'.format(aa_seq)'Web request to SMART..') reply = query_server(smart_script_url, data) soup = BeautifulSoup(reply, 'html.parser') #if the sequence is not precalculated, it might be put in queue if 'Sequence submitted into the processing queue' in soup.title.string: tags = soup.find_all('a') for t in tags: if '' in t['href']: job_url = t['href'] newreq = urljoin(base_url, job_url) #we keep refreshing until done while True: conn = HTTPConnection("") conn.request("GET", newreq) res = conn.getresponse() nbody = conn.close() soup = BeautifulSoup(nbody, 'html.parser') if soup.title.string == 'SMART: Sequence analysis results': break time.sleep(10) soup = BeautifulSoup(reply, 'html.parser') # If there are multiple identical sequences in the database (e.g. PCNA_HUMAN # SMART will ask the user to choose which one to display if "Multiple matching sequences" in soup.title.string: protein_url = soup.find_all('td', {'class': 'prot'})[0].next['href'] reply = requests.get(urljoin(base_url, protein_url)) soup = BeautifulSoup(reply.content, 'html.parser') scripts = soup('script', {'type' : 'text/javascript'}) for s in scripts: if 'var domNfo' in s.text: script_text = s.text break else: return ['SMART','-'*len(aa_seq),[]] #return dashes only domain_info = re.compile(r'var domNfo={((.|\n)*)};') match = if not match: #no domains found in protein return ['SMART','-'*len(aa_seq),[]] #return dashes only #remove var declaration and final ; to get clean json match ='var domNfo=','').replace('};','}') domains = json.loads(match) annotated = ['-']*len(aa_seq) pdomains = [] for domain in domains.values(): start = int(domain['st']) stop = int(domain['en']) dname = domain['n'] if dname == 'Low complexity region': dname = 'low complexity' start = int(domain['st']) stop = int(domain['en']) dlen = stop - start displayed = f'{dname} * * ' dnlen = len(dname) if dlen <= dnlen: mult = 1 else: mult = (dlen // dnlen) + 1 dspan = displayed * mult annotated[start-1: stop] = dspan[:dlen+1] pdomains.append([start, stop, dname]) annotated = ''.join(annotated) return ['SMART', annotated, pdomains]
def test_404_response_status_is_proxied_back_to_the_client(self):'GET', '/not-found', 404, b'Not found') client = HTTPConnection('localhost', self.stenograpi.port) client.request('GET', '/not-found') response = client.getresponse() self.assertEqual(response.status, 404)
def websocket_handshake( self, test_app, path="/", params=None, headers=None, subprotocols=None, timeout=1, ): """ Runs a WebSocket handshake negotiation and returns the raw socket object & the selected subprotocol. You'll need to inject an accept or reject message before this to let it complete. """ # Send it the request. We have to do this the long way to allow # duplicate headers. conn = HTTPConnection(, test_app.port, timeout=timeout) # Make sure path is urlquoted and add any params path = parse.quote(path) if params: path += "?" + parse.urlencode(params, doseq=True) conn.putrequest("GET", path, skip_accept_encoding=True, skip_host=True) # Do WebSocket handshake headers + any other headers if headers is None: headers = [] headers.extend([ (b"Host", b""), (b"Upgrade", b"websocket"), (b"Connection", b"Upgrade"), (b"Sec-WebSocket-Key", b"x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw=="), (b"Sec-WebSocket-Version", b"13"), (b"Origin", b""), ]) if subprotocols: headers.append( (b"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", ", ".join(subprotocols))) if headers: for header_name, header_value in headers: conn.putheader(header_name, header_value) conn.endheaders() # Read out the response try: response = conn.getresponse() except socket.timeout: # See if they left an exception for us to load test_app.get_received() raise RuntimeError( "Daphne timed out handling request, no exception found.") # Check we got a good response code if response.status != 101: raise RuntimeError( "WebSocket upgrade did not result in status code 101") # Prepare headers for subprotocol searching response_headers = dict( (n.lower(), v) for n, v in response.getheaders()) assert not response.closed # Return the raw socket and any subprotocol return conn.sock, response_headers.get("sec-websocket-protocol", None)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from json import dumps, loads # -------- for python 2 # from httplib import HTTPConnection # ----------- for python 3 from http.client import HTTPConnection # connect with REST server connection = HTTPConnection('', 80) connection.connect() # MAKE HTTP REQUEST connection.request( 'POST', '/add_list_of_commands', dumps({"ip": ""}), {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, ) print("Waiting for Server response:") result = loads(connection.getresponse().read()) print(result) # close the connection connection.close()
""" """ 11.1 作为客户端与HTTP交互 """ from urllib import request # request.urlopen() # 简单的实现GET,POST等 # 如果需要更加复杂的交互使用第三方库 requests # 如果不希望使用第三方库 requests,还可以使用底层的http.client from http.client import HTTPConnection from urllib import parse c = HTTPConnection('', 80) c.request('HEAD', '/index.html') resp = c.getresponse() print('Status', resp.status) for n, v in resp.getheaders(): print(n, v) """ 11.2 创建TCP服务器 """ """ 11.3 创建UDP服务器 """ """ 11.4 通过CIDR地址生成对应的IP地址集 """ # ipaddress模块 """
try: i = l.index('=') except ValueError: log_and_exit("File corrupt:" + l) temperature = l[i + 1:-1] except Exception as e: log_and_exit("File open failed:" + e) obj = { "type": "temperature", #"time":, # not json serializable "token": token, "data": { "temperature": temperature } } # send the temperature to the server # ----------------------------------------------------------- con = HTTPConnection(temphost, port) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} body = json.dumps(obj) print(body) con.request("POST", "/temp", body, headers) r = con.getresponse() print(r.status, r.reason)
def run(self): o = self.scanner.requestObject #conn = HTTPConnection(o.hostname,o.port,timeout=self.scanner.spinTimeout.value()) while not self.stopped(): if self.scanner.indexFlag > break self.lock.acquire() self.scanner.indexFlag = self.scanner.indexFlag + self.batchSize self.lock.release() for index in range(self.scanner.indexFlag, self.scanner.indexFlag + self.batchSize): if self.stopped(): break if index >= self.stop() break line = self.preparedURL[index] self.lock.acquire() self.scanner.count = self.scanner.count + 1 self.lock.release() if not line.startswith('/'): line = "/" + line url = o.path + line try: conn = HTTPConnection( o.hostname, o.port, timeout=self.scanner.spinTimeout.value()) conn.request("HEAD", url) resp = conn.getresponse() if (resp.status == 200 and self.scanner.cbx200.isChecked()) \ or (resp.status == 403 and self.scanner.cbx403.isChecked()) \ or (resp.status == 302 and self.scanner.cbx302.isChecked()): self.scanner.emit( SIGNAL("feedback"), self.scanner.count * 100 /, self.scanner.count, "<span style='color:green'>[%s]</span> <a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (str(resp.status), o.scheme + "://" + o.hostname + ":" + str(o.port) + url, o.scheme + ":" + o.hostname + ":" + str(o.port) + url)) except: pass else: conn.close() #except UnicodeEncodeError as ex: # pass #except Exception as ex: # pass #self.scanner.emit(SIGNAL("feedback"),0, 0, "<span style='color:red'>An error occured :</span>%s"%str(ex) ) #self.scanner.emit(SIGNAL("feedback"),0, 0, "<span style='color:red'>Exceptions :</span><pre>%s</pre>" % str(traceback.format_exc()) ) #self.scanner.startBtn.setDisabled(False) #else: # conn.close() if index == - 1: self.stop() self.scanner.emit(SIGNAL("feedback"), 100, self.scanner.count, "Scanning Completed!") self.stop() self.scanner.startBtn.setEnabled(True) self.scanner.stopBtn.setEnabled(False) break