def fetch_contact_page(password): """ Gets the HTML of the Jet City Improv fortress contact page. Arguments: password {[string]} -- Password to enter Fortress. Be careful: NEVER hardcode or log this value. """ contact_info_url = "" postpass_host = "" host = "" body = {"body": {"post_password": password, "Submit": "Enter"}} response_html = "" ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context( ) # To make sure we're connecting securely body_bytes = bytes(json.dumps(body), encoding='utf8') https = HTTPSConnection(host, context=ssl_context) https.connect() https.request("POST", "/wp-login.php?action=postpass", body=body_bytes) resp = https.getresponse() result = response_html = bytes.decode(result, "utf-8") return response_html
def connect(self): """ Override the connect() function to intercept calls to certain host/ports. If no app at host/port has been registered for interception then a normal HTTPSConnection is made. """ if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('connect: %s, %s\n' % (, self.port, )) try: (app, script_name) = self.get_app(, self.port) if app: if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('INTERCEPTING call to %s:%s\n' % \ (, self.port,)) self.sock = FakeWSGISocket(app,, self.port, script_name) else: HTTPSConnection.connect(self) except Exception as e: if debuglevel: # intercept & print out tracebacks traceback.print_exc() raise
def connect(self): """ Override the connect() function to intercept calls to certain host/ports. If no app at host/port has been registered for interception then a normal HTTPSConnection is made. """ if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('connect: %s, %s\n' % (, self.port,)) try: (app, script_name) = self.get_app(, self.port) if app: if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('INTERCEPTING call to %s:%s\n' % (, self.port,)) self.sock = wsgi_fake_socket(app,, self.port, script_name, self.environ) else: HTTPSConnection.connect(self) except Exception: if debuglevel: # intercept & print out tracebacks traceback.print_exc() raise
def make_http_request(url, data=None, files=None, certificate=None): # type: (str, Optional[Envelope], Optional[Attachments], str) -> Tuple[int, bytes] if data is None: data = {} if files is None: files = {} schema, netloc, url, params, query, fragments = urlparse(url) logger.debug("Sending POST request to {0}".format(url)) body, boundary = encode_multipart_formdata(data, files) if certificate: ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certificate) else: ssl_context = ssl._create_default_https_context() connection = HTTPSConnection(netloc, context=ssl_context) connection.connect() connection.putrequest("POST", url) connection.putheader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary={0}".format(boundary)) connection.putheader("Content-Length", str(len(body))) connection.endheaders() connection.send(body) r = connection.getresponse() return r.status,
class Transport_HTTP(Transport): def __init__(self, hostname, ssl_context=None): try: socket.gethostbyname(hostname.split(':')[0]) except socket.gaierror: raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to resolve hostname: {hostname}') if ssl_context is None: self.conn = HTTPConnection(hostname, timeout=60) else: self.conn = HTTPSConnection(hostname, context=ssl_context, timeout=60) try: print(f'++++ Connecting to {hostname}++++') self.conn.connect() except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError('Connection Failure : ' + str(err)) self.headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded','Accept': 'text/plain'} def _send_post_request(self, path, data): try: self.conn.request('POST', path, tobytes(data), self.headers) response = self.conn.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return'latin-1') except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError('Connection Failure : ' + str(err)) raise RuntimeError('Server responded with error code ' + str(response.status)) async def send_data(self, ep_name, data): return self._send_post_request('/' + ep_name, data)
class GoogleDictionary(): def __init__(self): = '' self.connection = HTTPSConnection( self.empty_comma = re.compile(r',(?=,)') def lookup(self, lookedup_word, src_language='ru', dst_language='en'): secret_token = get_current_token(lookedup_word) url = self.format_lookup_url(lookedup_word, secret_token, src_language, dst_language) self.connection.request("GET", url) response = self.connection.getresponse() response_content ='utf8') #json_obj = json.loads(self.empty_comma.subn('', response_content)[0].replace(u'\xA0', u' ').replace('[,', '[1,')) response_content = response_content.replace(',,', ',"",'); response_content = response_content.replace(',,', ',"",'); response_content = response_content.replace('[,', '["",'); response_content = response_content.replace(',]', ',""]'); response_content = response_content.replace('\xA0', ' ') #fixed_content = self.empty_comma.subn('', response_content)[0].replace('\xA0', ' ') return json.loads(response_content) def format_lookup_url(self, word, secret_token, src_language, dst_language): url = '/translate_a/single?client=t&sl={0}&tl={1}&hl=en&dt=at&dt=bd&dt=ex&' \ 'dt=ld&dt=md&dt=qca&dt=rw&dt=rm&dt=ss&dt=t&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&otf=2&' \ 'rom=1&ssel=3&tsel=3&kc=1&tk={2}&q={3}'.format(src_language, dst_language, secret_token, quote(word)) return url def unpack(self, json_obj): window_content = json_obj[0] if len(json_obj) > 1: article_by_pos = json_obj[1] defs = {} for article in article_by_pos: pos = article[0] definition = article[1] defs[pos] = definition else: defs = { 'unk', window_content[0][0] } return defs def get_pronunciation_url(self, word, language): secret_token = get_current_token(word) url_sound ="{0}&tl={1}&q={2}". \ format(secret_token, language, quote(word)) return url_sound def get_sound_file(self, word, language): url_sound = self.get_pronunciation_url(word, language) try: self.connection.request("GET", url_sound) except ImproperConnectionState: # reconnect and try again self.connection.close() self.connection.connect() self.connection.request("GET", url_sound) response = self.connection.getresponse() content_type = response.headers['Content-Type'] return, content_type
def _do_post(self, query, extra_headers=[]): """ Do a POST to the Institution. :param query: Body content to POST (OFX Query) :type query: str :param extra_headers: Extra headers to send with the request, as a list of (Name, Value) header 2-tuples. :type extra_headers: list :return: 2-tuple of (HTTPResponse, str response body) :rtype: tuple """ i = self.institution logging.debug('posting data to %s' % i.url) garbage, path = splittype(i.url) host, selector = splithost(path) try: h = HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=60) h.connect() except ssl.SSLError as ex: if (ex.reason == "UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL"): h = HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=60, context=ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)) h.connect() else: raise # Discover requires a particular ordering of headers, so send the # request step by step. h.putrequest('POST', selector, skip_host=True, skip_accept_encoding=True) headers = [('Content-Type', 'application/x-ofx'), ('Host', host), ('Content-Length', len(query)), ('Connection', 'Keep-Alive')] if self.accept: headers.append(('Accept', self.accept)) if self.user_agent: headers.append(('User-Agent', self.user_agent)) for ehname, ehval in extra_headers: headers.append((ehname, ehval)) logging.debug('---- request headers ----') for hname, hval in headers: logging.debug('%s: %s', hname, hval) h.putheader(hname, hval) logging.debug('---- request body (query) ----') logging.debug(query) h.endheaders(query.encode()) res = h.getresponse() response ='ascii', 'ignore') logging.debug('---- response ----') logging.debug(res.__dict__) logging.debug('Headers: %s', res.getheaders()) logging.debug(response) res.close() return res, response
class Telegram: def __init__(self, token): url = '' self.__url = urlparse('{}{}/'.format(url, token)) self.__web = HTTPSConnection(self.__url.netloc) def __enter__(self): return self def __send_req(self, target, method='GET'): self.__web.connect() self.__web.request(method, urljoin(self.__url.path, target)) def get_botname(self): 'Return: json data.' self.__send_req('getMe') data = Request(self.__web) return def get_resp(self, limit=20): 'Return: request object.' self.__send_req('getUpdates?' + 'limit={}'.format(limit)) return Request(self.__web) def msg_send(self, chat_id, message): 'Return: request data.' data = urlencode({'chat_id': chat_id, 'text': message}) self.__send_req('sendMessage?' + data, 'POST') data = Request(self.__web) return def msg_delete(self, chat_id, message_id): 'Return: request data.' data = urlencode({'chat_id': chat_id, 'message_id': message_id}) self.__send_req('deleteMessage?' + data, 'POST') data = Request(self.__web) return def __call__(self): 'Call get_resp()' return self.get_resp() def __del__(self): self.__web.close() def __exit__(self, *exec_info): self.__del__()
def _do_post(self, query, extra_headers=[]): """ Do a POST to the Institution. :param query: Body content to POST (OFX Query) :type query: str :param extra_headers: Extra headers to send with the request, as a list of (Name, Value) header 2-tuples. :type extra_headers: list :return: 2-tuple of (HTTPResponse, str response body) :rtype: tuple """ i = self.institution logging.debug('posting data to %s' % i.url) garbage, path = splittype(i.url) host, selector = splithost(path) try: h = HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=60) h.connect() except ssl.SSLError as ex: if (ex.reason == "UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL"): h = HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=60, context=ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)) h.connect() else: raise # Discover requires a particular ordering of headers, so send the # request step by step. h.putrequest('POST', selector, skip_host=True, skip_accept_encoding=True) headers = [ ('Content-Type', 'application/x-ofx'), ('Host', host), ('Content-Length', len(query)), ('Connection', 'Keep-Alive') ] if self.accept: headers.append(('Accept', self.accept)) if self.user_agent: headers.append(('User-Agent', self.user_agent)) for ehname, ehval in extra_headers: headers.append((ehname, ehval)) logging.debug('---- request headers ----') for hname, hval in headers: logging.debug('%s: %s', hname, hval) h.putheader(hname, hval) logging.debug('---- request body (query) ----') logging.debug(query) h.endheaders(query.encode()) res = h.getresponse() response ='ascii', 'ignore') logging.debug('---- response ----') logging.debug(res.__dict__) logging.debug('Headers: %s', res.getheaders()) logging.debug(response) res.close() return res, response
class FrankaAPI: # def __init__(self, hostname, user, password): #构造函数,进行类变量初始化,输入主机名,账户名,密码 self._hostname = hostname #主机名 self._user = user #web网页账户 self._password = password #密码 def __enter__(self): self._client = HTTPSConnection( self._hostname, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) self._client.connect() #链接 self._client.request('POST', '/admin/api/login', body=json.dumps({ 'login': self._user, 'password': encode_password(self._user, self._password) }), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) self._token = self._client.getresponse().read().decode('utf8') #print(self._token) return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._client.close() def start_task(self, task): self._client.request('POST', '/desk/api/execution', body='id=%s' % task, headers={ 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': 'authorization=%s' % self._token }) return self._client.getresponse().read() def open_brakes(self): #打开机械臂锁 self._client.request('POST', '/desk/api/robot/open-brakes', headers={ 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': 'authorization=%s' % self._token }) return self._client.getresponse().read() def close_brakes(self): #关闭机械臂锁 self._client.request('POST', '/desk/api/robot/close-brakes', headers={ 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': 'authorization=%s' % self._token }) return self._client.getresponse().read()
class MyHttpCtxManagerClass: def __init__(self, host): = host self.connection = HTTPSConnection( def __enter__(self): self.connection.connect() return self.connection def __exit__(self, *args): self.connection.close()
def check_updated_certs(_address, _port, certhashlist, newhash=None, timeout=config.default_timeout, connect_timeout=config.connect_timeout, traversefunc=None): update_list = [] if None in [_address, _port]: logging.error("address or port empty") return None addr, _port = url_to_ipv6(_address, _port) cont = default_sslcont() con = HTTPSConnection(addr, _port, context=cont, timeout=connect_timeout) try: con.connect() except (ConnectionRefusedError, socket.timeout): if not traversefunc: logging.warning("Connection failed") return None # try_traverse does not work here, scnreqest creates loop con.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) con.sock.bind(('', 0)) traversefunc(("", con.sock.getsockname()[1])) con.sock.settimeout(connect_timeout) for count in range(0, config.traverse_retries): try: con.sock.connect((addr, _port)) break except Exception: pass else: logging.warning("traversal failed") return None con.sock.settimeout(timeout) oldhash = dhash(ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(con.sock.getpeercert(True)).strip().rstrip()) if newhash and newhash != oldhash: return None oldsslcont = con.sock.context for _hash, _security in certhashlist: con.request("POST", "/usebroken/{hash}".format(hash=_hash), headers=cert_update_header) con.sock = con.sock.unwrap() con.sock = cont.wrap_socket(con.sock, server_side=False) con.sock.do_handshake() brokensslcert = ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(con.sock.getpeercert(True)).strip().rstrip() con.sock = con.sock.unwrap() # without next line the connection would be unencrypted now con.sock = oldsslcont.wrap_socket(con.sock, server_side=False) # con.sock.do_handshake() ret = con.getresponse() if ret.status != 200:"checking cert failed, code: %s, reason: %s", ret.status, ret.reason) continue if con.sock and oldhash != dhash(ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(con.sock.getpeercert(True)).strip().rstrip()): logging.error("certificate switch detected, stop checking") break if dhash(brokensslcert) == _hash: update_list.append((_hash, _security)) con.close() return update_list
def connect(self): if not self.__ca_file: HTTPSConnection.connect(self) else: HTTPConnection.connect(self) if self.__ca_file == HTTPSConfigurableConnection.IGNORE: self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE) else: self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, ca_certs=self.__ca_file, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED)
def connect(self): """ Override the connect() function to intercept calls to certain host/ports. If no app at host/port has been registered for interception then a normal HTTPSConnection is made. """ if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('connect: %s, %s\n' % (, self.port, )) try: (app, script_name) = self.get_app(, self.port) if app: if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('INTERCEPTING call to %s:%s\n' % (, self.port, )) self.sock = wsgi_fake_socket(app,, self.port, script_name, https=True) else: try: import ssl if not hasattr(self, 'key_file'): self.key_file = None if not hasattr(self, 'cert_file'): self.cert_file = None if not hasattr(self, '_context'): try: self._context = ssl.create_default_context() except AttributeError: self._context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) self._context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 if not hasattr(self, 'check_hostname'): self._check_hostname = ( self._context.verify_mode != ssl.CERT_NONE) else: self._check_hostname = self.check_hostname except (ImportError, AttributeError): pass HTTPSConnection.connect(self) except Exception: if debuglevel: # intercept & print out tracebacks traceback.print_exc() raise
def connect(self): """ Overridden connect() method to wrap the socket using an SSLSocket, and check the server certificates. """ try: self.sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port)) except AttributeError: HTTPSConnection.connect(self) if not _have_ssl: # No SSL available - insecure connection print("WARNING: No SSL support - connection may be insecure") elif self.ca_certs: # Wrap the socket in an SSLSocket, and tell it to validate # the server certificates. Note that this does not check that # the certificate's host matches, so we must do that ourselves. self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) cert = self.sock.getpeercert() cert_hosts = [] host_valid = False if "subject" in cert: for x in cert["subject"]: if x[0][0] == "commonName": cert_hosts.append(x[0][1]) if "subjectAltName" in cert: for x in cert["subjectAltName"]: if x[0] == "dns": cert_hosts.append(x[1]) for cert_host in cert_hosts: if host_valid = True if not host_valid: raise ssl.SSLError("Host name '%s' doesn't match "\ "certificate host %s"\ % (, str(cert_hosts))) else: # No CA certificates supplied, so can't validate the server # certificates, but we still wrap the socket in an SSLSocket # so that all data is encrypted. self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, ca_certs=None, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
def connect(self): """ Overridden connect() method to wrap the socket using an SSLSocket, and check the server certificates. """ try: self.sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port)) except AttributeError: HTTPSConnection.connect(self) if not _have_ssl: # No SSL available - insecure connection print("WARNING: No SSL support - connection may be insecure") elif self.ca_certs: # Wrap the socket in an SSLSocket, and tell it to validate # the server certificates. Note that this does not check that # the certificate's host matches, so we must do that ourselves. self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, ca_certs = self.ca_certs, cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) cert = self.sock.getpeercert() cert_hosts = [] host_valid = False if "subject" in cert: for x in cert["subject"]: if x[0][0] == "commonName": cert_hosts.append(x[0][1]) if "subjectAltName" in cert: for x in cert["subjectAltName"]: if x[0] == "dns": cert_hosts.append(x[1]) for cert_host in cert_hosts: if host_valid = True if not host_valid: raise ssl.SSLError("Host name '%s' doesn't match "\ "certificate host %s"\ % (, str(cert_hosts))) else: # No CA certificates supplied, so can't validate the server # certificates, but we still wrap the socket in an SSLSocket # so that all data is encrypted. self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, ca_certs = None, cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
def collect(self): connection = HTTPSConnection(self.ip_api_host) try: connection.connect() connection.request(GET_METHOD, self.ip_api_url) response = connection.getresponse() if response.code == 200: return CollectingResult( data=response.readline().decode(ENCODING)) else: return CollectingResult(sucess=False, data="") except Exception as e: return CollectingResult(sucess=False, data=e.args[1]) finally: connection.close()
def netloc_has_https(netloc): port = 443 if ':' in netloc: after_colon = netloc.split(':')[-1] if after_colon.isdigit(): port = int(after_colon) https_conn = HTTPSConnection(host=netloc, timeout=1, port=port) try: https_conn.connect() https_conn.close() return True except Exception as e: print(netloc, " doesn't have https!") return False, e.args[1]
def create_channel(self): global channel_center, server_dict self.manager.maker_in() host = server_dict[][self.server]['ip'] handle = HTTPSConnection(host) handle._http_vsn = 10 handle._http_vsn_str = 'HTTP/1.0' try: handle.connect() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except: printer.critical(format_exc()) else: channel_center.put_channel(,, handle) self.manager.maker_out()
def _new_conn(self): """ Return a fresh :class:`httplib.HTTPSConnection`. """ self.num_connections += 1"Starting new HTTPS connection (%d): %s" % (self.num_connections, actual_host = actual_port = self.port if self.proxy is not None: actual_host = actual_port = self.proxy.port if not ssl: # Platform-specific: Python compiled without +ssl if not HTTPSConnection or HTTPSConnection is object: raise SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL " "module is not available.") connection = HTTPSConnection(host=actual_host, port=actual_port, strict=self.strict) else: connection = VerifiedHTTPSConnection(host=actual_host, port=actual_port, strict=self.strict) connection.set_cert(key_file=self.key_file, cert_file=self.cert_file, cert_reqs=self.cert_reqs, ca_certs=self.ca_certs, assert_hostname=self.assert_hostname, assert_fingerprint=self.assert_fingerprint) connection.ssl_version = self.ssl_version if self.proxy is not None: # Python 2.7+ try: set_tunnel = connection.set_tunnel except AttributeError: # Platform-specific: Python 2.6 set_tunnel = connection._set_tunnel set_tunnel(, self.port, self.proxy_headers) # Establish tunnel connection early, because otherwise httplib # would improperly set Host: header to proxy's IP:port. connection.connect() return connection
def _new_conn(self): """ Return a fresh :class:`httplib.HTTPSConnection`. """ self.num_connections += 1"Starting new HTTPS connection (%d): %s" % (self.num_connections, actual_host = actual_port = self.port if self.proxy is not None: actual_host = actual_port = self.proxy.port if not ssl: # Platform-specific: Python compiled without +ssl if not HTTPSConnection or HTTPSConnection is object: raise SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL " "module is not available.") connection = HTTPSConnection(host=actual_host, port=actual_port, strict=self.strict) else: connection = VerifiedHTTPSConnection(host=actual_host, port=actual_port, strict=self.strict) connection.set_cert(key_file=self.key_file, cert_file=self.cert_file, cert_reqs=self.cert_reqs, ca_certs=self.ca_certs) connection.ssl_version = self.ssl_version if self.proxy is not None: # Python 2.7+ try: set_tunnel = connection.set_tunnel # Python 2.6 except AttributeError: set_tunnel = connection._set_tunnel set_tunnel(, self.port, self.proxy_headers) # Establish tunnel connection early, because otherwise httplib # would improperly set Host: header to proxy's IP:port. connection.connect() return connection
def connect(self): """ Override the connect() function to intercept calls to certain host/ports. If no app at host/port has been registered for interception then a normal HTTPSConnection is made. """ if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('connect: %s, %s\n' % (, self.port,)) try: (app, script_name) = self.get_app(, self.port) if app: if debuglevel: sys.stderr.write('INTERCEPTING call to %s:%s\n' % (, self.port,)) self.sock = wsgi_fake_socket(app,, self.port, script_name, https=True) else: try: import ssl if not hasattr(self, 'key_file'): self.key_file = None if not hasattr(self, 'cert_file'): self.cert_file = None if not hasattr(self, '_context'): try: self._context = ssl.create_default_context() except AttributeError: self._context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) self._context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 if not hasattr(self, 'check_hostname'): self._check_hostname = (self._context.verify_mode != ssl.CERT_NONE) else: self._check_hostname = self.check_hostname except (ImportError, AttributeError): pass HTTPSConnection.connect(self) except Exception: if debuglevel: # intercept & print out tracebacks traceback.print_exc() raise
def connect(self) -> None: if not self.__ca_file: HTTPSConnection.connect(self) else: HTTPConnection.connect(self) # TODO: Use SSLContext.wrap_socket() instead of the deprecated ssl.wrap_socket()! # See if self.__ca_file == HTTPSConfigurableConnection.IGNORE: self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket( # pylint: disable=deprecated-method self.sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, ) else: self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket( # pylint: disable=deprecated-method self.sock, ca_certs=self.__ca_file, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, )
def __make_request(self, url, params): parse_result = urlparse(url) hostname = parse_result.netloc context = ssl.SSLContext() conn = HTTPSConnection(hostname, None, context=context) conn.connect() body = urlencode(params) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Content-Length': len(body), } request_url = f"{parse_result.path}?{parse_result.query}" try: conn.request("POST", request_url, body, headers) response = conn.getresponse() data = finally: conn.close() return data
def connect(self, srvhost, srvport): self.con = ssl._create_unverified_context(protocol=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, cafile=ca_crt) from http.client import HTTPSConnection c = HTTPSConnection(srvhost, port=srvport, context=self.con) try: c.connect() except ConnectionRefusedError as e: raise ConnectException("Cannot connect to 'https://%s:%d/'. %s" % (srvhost, srvport, e)) except: raise ConnectException("Connect to 'https://%s:%d/' failed. Unknown error." % (srvhost, srvport)) finally: c.close() try: self.proxy = ServerProxy("https://%s:%d/" % (srvhost, srvport), context=self.con) except: raise ConnectException( "Connect to crtyptoTank server at 'https://%s:%d/' failed. Unknown error." % (srvhost, srvport) )
def pyget(host, req, headers={}, timeout=None): while True: handler = HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=timeout) handler._http_vsn = 10 handler._http_vsn_str = 'HTTP/1.0' try: handler.connect() except (sock_timeout, TimeoutError): handler.close() continue except: print_exc() continue break #-------------------------------------------------------- try: handler.request('GET', req, headers=headers) except: handler.close() print_exc() return None try: ack = handler.getresponse() body = except: handler.close() print_exc() return None #-------------------------------------------------------- handler.close() key_val = {} key_val['body'] = body key_val['head'] = str(ack.msg) key_val['status'] = ack.status return key_val
class Transport_HTTP(Transport): def __init__(self, hostname, ssl_context=None): try: socket.gethostbyname(hostname.split(':')[0]) except socket.gaierror: raise RuntimeError("Unable to resolve hostname :" + hostname) if ssl_context is None: self.conn = HTTPConnection(hostname, timeout=45) else: self.conn = HTTPSConnection(hostname, context=ssl_context, timeout=45) try: print("Connecting to " + hostname) self.conn.connect() except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError("Connection Failure : " + str(err)) self.headers = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain" } def _send_post_request(self, path, data): try: self.conn.request("POST", path, tobytes(data), self.headers) response = self.conn.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return'latin-1') except Exception as err: raise RuntimeError("Connection Failure : " + str(err)) raise RuntimeError("Server responded with error code " + str(response.status)) def send_data(self, ep_name, data): return self._send_post_request('/' + ep_name, data)
class twse(object): def __init__(self): self.connect() def orgnize_data(self, raw_data): data = [] for entry in raw_data: a_day = {} invalid = False for i in range(9): if entry[i] == '--': invalid = True break if invalid: continue # entry[0]: date seg = entry[0].split('/') a_day['date'] = '%d_%s_%s' % (int(seg[0]) + 1911, seg[1], seg[2]) a_day['capacity'] = int(entry[1].replace(',', '')) a_day['turnover'] = int(entry[1].replace(',', '')) a_day['open'] = float(entry[3].replace(',', '')) a_day['high'] = float(entry[3].replace(',', '')) a_day['low'] = float(entry[3].replace(',', '')) a_day['close'] = float(entry[3].replace(',', '')) a_day['change'] = float(0.0 if entry[7].replace(',', '') == 'X0.00' else entry[7].replace(',', '')) a_day['transaction'] = int(entry[8].replace(',', '')) data.append(a_day) return data def connect(self): if hasattr(self, 'conn'): if self.conn is not None: try: self.close() except: pass while True: self.conn = HTTPSConnection(TWSE_HOST, timeout=10) try: self.conn.connect() except Exception as e: print('Error:', e.__class__, ' occurs') time.sleep(20.0) continue break def get_month(self, id, year, month): url = '%s?date=%d%02d01&stockNo=%s' %\ (QUERY_URL, year, month, id) # print(url) retry = 0 while True: try: self.conn.request('GET', url) resp = self.conn.getresponse() if resp.status == 200: break else: if retry >= 10: print('Fatal Error: retry > 10') return [], 'over_retry' print(resp.status, resp.reason) retry += 1 print('retry %d 20 seconds later' % retry) time.sleep(20.0) self.connect() except Exception as e: print('error:', e.__class__, ' occurs') traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(40.0) self.connect() continue # headers = resp.getheaders() # for header in headers: # print(header) datastr ='utf-8') # print(datastr) try: data = json.loads(datastr) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: print('decode error occurs. rawdata string: %s' % datastr) self.connect() return self.get_month(id, year, month) if data['stat'] == 'OK': # print(data['fields']) return self.orgnize_data(data['data']), 'OK' else: print('error: %s' % data['stat']) return [], data['stat'] def close(self): self.conn.close()
class Client(object): """ Provides methods to access the taskforce http service. These are basically for convenience in clients, and are particularly useful when using Unix domain sockets (thanks to Erik van Zijst for the nice approach -- Parameters: address - The address to listen on, defaults to "httpd.def_address". This may be specified as "[host][:port]" for TCP, or as "path" to select a Udom service (path must contain at least one "/" character). use_ssl - If None (default) the connection will not use SSL. If False, SSL will be used but the certificate will not be verified. If True, SSL will be used and the server must have a valid certificate (assumes python >= 2.7.9) timeout - The timeout in seconds (float) for query I/O. log - A 'logging' object to log errors and activity. """ def __init__(self, address=None, use_ssl=None, timeout=5, log=None): if log: self.log = log else: self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.log.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) if address: self.address = address else: self.address = httpd.def_address if self.address.find('/') >= 0: if use_ssl is None: self.http = udomHTTPConnection(self.address, timeout) else: ssl_params = self._build_params(use_ssl, timeout) self.http = udomHTTPSConnection(self.address, **ssl_params) else: port = None m = re.match(r'^(.*):(.*)$', self.address) if m: self.log.debug("Matched host '%s', port '%s'",, host = try: port = int( except: raise HttpError( code=500, content_type='text/plain', content="TCP listen port must be an integer") else: host = self.address self.log.debug("No match, proceding with host '%s'", host) if use_ssl is None: if not port: port = httpd.def_port self.log.debug("Connecting to host '%s', port '%s'", host, port) self.http = HTTPConnection(host, port, timeout=timeout) else: if not port: port = httpd.def_sslport ssl_params = self._build_params(use_ssl, timeout) self.http = HTTPSConnection(host, port, **ssl_params) self.log.debug("Connecting via ssl to host '%s', port '%s'", host, port) self.address = "%s:%d" % (host, port) self.http.connect() self.sock = self.http.sock self.lastpath = None"HTTP connected via %s", self.http.sock) if use_ssl and hasattr(self.http.sock, 'cipher'): # pragma: no cover self.log.debug("Cipher: %s", self.http.sock.cipher()) def _build_params(self, use_ssl, timeout): ssl_params = {'timeout': timeout} try: ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover"No ssl.SSLContext(), assuming older python") return ssl_params if use_ssl is False: ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE else: # pragma: no cover ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if 'OP_NO_SSLv2' in ssl.__dict__: ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 else: # pragma: no cover "Implementation does not offer ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 which may allow less secure connections" ) if 'OP_NO_SSLv3' in ssl.__dict__: ctx.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 else: # pragma: no cover "Implementation does not offer ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 which may allow less secure connections" ) ssl_params['context'] = ctx return ssl_params def get(self, path, query=None): """ Issue a GET request. If specfied, "query" should be a dict of name/value pairs. Names should be normal identifiers which start with an alpha followed by alnums or underscores. The values are url-encoded and become the "query" part of the request header (ie, the part after the '?' in the URI). The result is the tuple: (code, content, content_type) If the request is unsuccessful returning code 400 or higher, the http.HttpError exception is raised. """ self.lastpath = path if query is not None: self.lastpath += '?' + urlencode(query) self.http.request('GET', self.lastpath) resp = self.http.getresponse() ctype = resp.getheader('Content-Type') data ='utf-8') self.log.debug("Request '%s' status %d, %s length %d", self.lastpath, resp.status, ctype, len(data)) if resp.status < 400: return (resp.status, data, ctype) else: raise HttpError(code=resp.status, content_type=ctype, content=data) def getmap(self, path, query=None): """ Performs a GET request where the response content type is required to be "application/json" and the content is a JSON-encoded data structure. The decoded structure is returned. """ code, data, ctype = self.get(path, query) if ctype != 'application/json': self.log.error("Expecting JSON from GET of '%s', got '%s'", self.lastpath, ctype) raise HttpError(code=400, content_type='text/plain', content='Remote returned invalid content type: ' + ctype) try: result = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.log.error("Could not load JSON content from GET %r -- %s", self.lastpath, e) raise HttpError(code=400, content_type='text/plain', content='Could not load JSON content') return result def post(self, path, valuemap=None, query=None): """ Performs a POST request. "valuemap" is a dict sent as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". "query" is as for get(). Return is same as get(). """ self.lastpath = path if query is not None: self.lastpath += '?' + urlencode(query) if valuemap: self.http.request( 'POST', self.lastpath, urlencode(valuemap), {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}) else: self.http.request('POST', self.lastpath, '') resp = self.http.getresponse() ctype = resp.getheader('Content-Type') data ='utf-8') self.log.debug("Request '%s' status %d, %s length %d", self.lastpath, resp.status, ctype, len(data)) if resp.status < 400: return (resp.status, data, ctype) else: raise HttpError(code=resp.status, content_type=ctype, content=data) def postmap(self, path, valuemap=None, query=None): """ Performs a POST request as per post() but the response content type is required to be "application/json" and is processed as with getmap(). """ code, data, ctype =, valuemap, query) if ctype != 'application/json': self.log.error("Expecting JSON from POST of '%s', got '%s'", self.lastpath, ctype) raise HttpError(code=400, content_type='text/plain', content='Remote returned invalid content type: ' + ctype) try: result = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self.log.error("Could not load JSON content from POST %r -- %s", self.lastpath, e) raise HttpError(code=400, content_type='text/plain', content='Could not load JSON content') return result def request(self, method, url, *args): """ Pass-thru method to make this class behave a little like HTTPConnection """ return self.http.request(method, url, *args) def getresponse(self): """ Pass-thru method to make this class behave a little like HTTPConnection """ resp = self.http.getresponse()"resp is %s", str(resp)) if resp.status < 400: return resp else: errtext = content_type = resp.getheader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') raise HttpError(code=resp.status, content_type=content_type, content=errtext)
# create HTTP basic authentication string, this consists of # "username:password" base64 encoded username = b"my_username" # enter your username password = b"my_password" # enter your password auth = base64.encodestring(b"%s:%s" % (username, password)).decode().strip() headers = { "Authorization": "Basic %s" % auth, "Content-type": "application/json" } # message to send to server client = HTTPSConnection("") client.connect() while 1: message = """{"stream_id": "RGB", "stream_type": "STRING", "value": "%d,%d,%d"}""" % (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint( 0, 255)) print(message) client.request("POST", "", body=message, headers=headers) response = client.getresponse() print(response.status, response.reason)
class HTTPGetter: def __init__(self, baseUrl, maxPending=10, auth=""): self.baseUrl = baseUrl self.parsedBaseUrl = urlparse(baseUrl) self.maxPending = maxPending self.requests = [] self.pendingRequests = [] if self.parsedBaseUrl.scheme == "http": self.httpConnection = HTTPConnection(self.parsedBaseUrl.netloc) elif self.parsedBaseUrl.scheme == "https": context = ssl.create_default_context() self.httpConnection = HTTPSConnection(self.parsedBaseUrl.netloc, context=context) else: raise UnsupportedURLScheme(self.parsedBaseUrl.scheme) self.httpRequestHeaders = headers = { 'Host': self.parsedBaseUrl.netloc, 'Content-Length': 0, 'Connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'User-Agent': 'FlightGear' } if (auth and not auth.isspace()): self.httpRequestHeaders['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % b64encode( auth.encode("utf-8")).decode("ascii") def assemblePath(self, httpGetCallback): """Return the path-on-server for the file to download. Example: '/scenery/Airports/N/E/4/.dirindex' """ assert not self.parsedBaseUrl.path.endswith('/'), \ repr(self.parsedBaseUrl) return self.parsedBaseUrl.path + str(httpGetCallback.src) def assembleUrl(self, httpGetCallback): """Return the URL of the file to download.""" baseUrl = self.parsedBaseUrl.geturl() assert not baseUrl.endswith('/'), repr(baseUrl) return urljoin(baseUrl + '/', httpGetCallback.src.asRelative()) def doGet(self, httpGetCallback): time.sleep(1.25) # throttle the rate pathOnServer = self.assemblePath(httpGetCallback) self.httpConnection.request("GET", pathOnServer, None, self.httpRequestHeaders) httpResponse = self.httpConnection.getresponse() # 'httpResponse' is an http.client.HTTPResponse instance return httpGetCallback.callback(self.assembleUrl(httpGetCallback), httpResponse) def get(self, httpGetCallback): nbRetries = nbRetriesLeft = 5 while True: try: return self.doGet(httpGetCallback) except HTTPException as exc: if nbRetriesLeft == 0: raise NetworkError( "after {nbRetries} retries for URL {url}: {errMsg}". format(nbRetries=nbRetries, url=self.assembleUrl(httpGetCallback), errMsg=exc)) from exc # Try to reconnect self.httpConnection.close() time.sleep(1) self.httpConnection.connect() nbRetriesLeft -= 1
def my_http_ctx_manager_func(host): connection = HTTPSConnection(host) connection.connect() yield connection connection.close()
class Robot(_Robot): def __init__(self, fci_ip, dynamic_rel=1.0, user=None, password=None, repeat_on_error=True, stop_at_python_signal=True): super().__init__(fci_ip, dynamic_rel=dynamic_rel, repeat_on_error=repeat_on_error, stop_at_python_signal=stop_at_python_signal) self.hostname = fci_ip self.user = user self.password = password self.client = None self.token = None @staticmethod def _encode_password(user, password): bs = ','.join([ str(b) for b in hashlib.sha256((password + '#' + user + '@franka').encode('utf-8')).digest() ]) return base64.encodebytes(bs.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') def __enter__(self): self.client = HTTPSConnection( self.hostname, timeout=12, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()) # [s] self.client.connect() self.client.request('POST', '/admin/api/login', body=json.dumps({ 'login': self.user, 'password': self._encode_password(self.user, self.password) }), headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) self.token = self.client.getresponse().read().decode('utf8') return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.client.close() def start_task(self, task): self.client.request('POST', '/desk/api/execution', body=f'id={task}', headers={ 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': f'authorization={self.token}' }) return self.client.getresponse().read() def unlock_brakes(self): self.client.request('POST', '/desk/api/robot/open-brakes', headers={ 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': f'authorization={self.token}' }) return self.client.getresponse().read() def lock_brakes(self): self.client.request('POST', '/desk/api/robot/close-brakes', headers={ 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': f'authorization={self.token}' }) return self.client.getresponse().read() def move_async(self, *args) -> Thread: p = Thread(target=self.move, args=tuple(args), daemon=True) p.start() sleep(0.001) # Sleep one control cycle return p def get_gripper(self): return _Gripper(self.fci_ip)
def connect(self): _HTTPSConnection.connect(self) self.sock.setsockopt(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1)
class XMLManager(object): def __init__(self, cls, db_name, db_user, db_passwd, db_host, db_port, db_table, ddl_dir, enable_ssl): self.cls = cls if not db_name: db_name = cls.__name__.lower() self.db_name = db_name self.db_user = db_user self.db_passwd = db_passwd self.db_host = db_host self.db_port = db_port self.db_table = db_table self.ddl_dir = ddl_dir self.s3 = None self.converter = XMLConverter(self) self.impl = getDOMImplementation() self.doc = self.impl.createDocument(None, 'objects', None) self.connection = None self.enable_ssl = enable_ssl self.auth_header = None if self.db_user: import base64 base64string = base64.encodestring( '%s:%s' % (self.db_user, self.db_passwd))[:-1] authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string self.auth_header = authheader def _connect(self): if self.db_host: if self.enable_ssl: from http.client import HTTPSConnection as Connection else: from http.client import HTTPConnection as Connection self.connection = Connection(self.db_host, self.db_port) def _make_request(self, method, url, post_data=None, body=None): """ Make a request on this connection """ if not self.connection: self._connect() try: self.connection.close() except: pass self.connection.connect() headers = {} if self.auth_header: headers["Authorization"] = self.auth_header self.connection.request(method, url, body, headers) resp = self.connection.getresponse() return resp def new_doc(self): return self.impl.createDocument(None, 'objects', None) def _object_lister(self, cls, doc): for obj_node in doc.getElementsByTagName('object'): if not cls: class_name = obj_node.getAttribute('class') cls = find_class(class_name) id = obj_node.getAttribute('id') obj = cls(id) for prop_node in obj_node.getElementsByTagName('property'): prop_name = prop_node.getAttribute('name') prop = obj.find_property(prop_name) if prop: if hasattr(prop, 'item_type'): value = self.get_list(prop_node, prop.item_type) else: value = self.decode_value(prop, prop_node) value = prop.make_value_from_datastore(value) setattr(obj,, value) yield obj def reset(self): self._connect() def get_doc(self): return self.doc def encode_value(self, prop, value): return self.converter.encode_prop(prop, value) def decode_value(self, prop, value): return self.converter.decode_prop(prop, value) def get_s3_connection(self): if not self.s3: self.s3 = boto.connect_s3(self.aws_access_key_id, self.aws_secret_access_key) return self.s3 def get_list(self, prop_node, item_type): values = [] try: items_node = prop_node.getElementsByTagName('items')[0] except: return [] for item_node in items_node.getElementsByTagName('item'): value = self.converter.decode(item_type, item_node) values.append(value) return values def get_object_from_doc(self, cls, id, doc): obj_node = doc.getElementsByTagName('object')[0] if not cls: class_name = obj_node.getAttribute('class') cls = find_class(class_name) if not id: id = obj_node.getAttribute('id') obj = cls(id) for prop_node in obj_node.getElementsByTagName('property'): prop_name = prop_node.getAttribute('name') prop = obj.find_property(prop_name) value = self.decode_value(prop, prop_node) value = prop.make_value_from_datastore(value) if value != None: try: setattr(obj,, value) except: pass return obj def get_props_from_doc(self, cls, id, doc): """ Pull out the properties from this document Returns the class, the properties in a hash, and the id if provided as a tuple :return: (cls, props, id) """ obj_node = doc.getElementsByTagName('object')[0] if not cls: class_name = obj_node.getAttribute('class') cls = find_class(class_name) if not id: id = obj_node.getAttribute('id') props = {} for prop_node in obj_node.getElementsByTagName('property'): prop_name = prop_node.getAttribute('name') prop = cls.find_property(prop_name) value = self.decode_value(prop, prop_node) value = prop.make_value_from_datastore(value) if value != None: props[] = value return (cls, props, id) def get_object(self, cls, id): if not self.connection: self._connect() if not self.connection: raise NotImplementedError( "Can't query without a database connection") url = "/%s/%s" % (self.db_name, id) resp = self._make_request('GET', url) if resp.status == 200: doc = parse(resp) else: raise Exception("Error: %s" % resp.status) return self.get_object_from_doc(cls, id, doc) def query(self, cls, filters, limit=None, order_by=None): if not self.connection: self._connect() if not self.connection: raise NotImplementedError( "Can't query without a database connection") from urllib.parse import urlencode query = str(self._build_query(cls, filters, limit, order_by)) if query: url = "/%s?%s" % (self.db_name, urlencode({"query": query})) else: url = "/%s" % self.db_name resp = self._make_request('GET', url) if resp.status == 200: doc = parse(resp) else: raise Exception("Error: %s" % resp.status) return self._object_lister(cls, doc) def _build_query(self, cls, filters, limit, order_by): import types if len(filters) > 4: raise Exception('Too many filters, max is 4') parts = [] properties = for filter, value in filters: name, op = filter.strip().split() found = False for property in properties: if == name: found = True if types.TypeType(value) == list: filter_parts = [] for val in value: val = self.encode_value(property, val) filter_parts.append("'%s' %s '%s'" % (name, op, val)) parts.append("[%s]" % " OR ".join(filter_parts)) else: value = self.encode_value(property, value) parts.append("['%s' %s '%s']" % (name, op, value)) if not found: raise Exception('%s is not a valid field' % name) if order_by: if order_by.startswith("-"): key = order_by[1:] type = "desc" else: key = order_by type = "asc" parts.append("['%s' starts-with ''] sort '%s' %s" % (key, key, type)) return ' intersection '.join(parts) def query_gql(self, query_string, *args, **kwds): raise NotImplementedError("GQL queries not supported in XML") def save_list(self, doc, items, prop_node): items_node = doc.createElement('items') prop_node.appendChild(items_node) for item in items: item_node = doc.createElement('item') items_node.appendChild(item_node) if isinstance(item, Node): item_node.appendChild(item) else: text_node = doc.createTextNode(item) item_node.appendChild(text_node) def save_object(self, obj, expected_value=None): """ Marshal the object and do a PUT """ doc = self.marshal_object(obj) if url = "/%s/%s" % (self.db_name, else: url = "/%s" % (self.db_name) resp = self._make_request("PUT", url, body=doc.toxml()) new_obj = self.get_object_from_doc(obj.__class__, None, parse(resp)) = for prop in try: propname = except AttributeError: propname = None if propname: value = getattr(new_obj, if value: setattr(obj,, value) return obj def marshal_object(self, obj, doc=None): if not doc: doc = self.new_doc() if not doc: doc = self.doc obj_node = doc.createElement('object') if obj_node.setAttribute('id', obj_node.setAttribute( 'class', '%s.%s' % (obj.__class__.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__)) root = doc.documentElement root.appendChild(obj_node) for property in prop_node = doc.createElement('property') prop_node.setAttribute('name', prop_node.setAttribute('type', property.type_name) value = property.get_value_for_datastore(obj) if value is not None: value = self.encode_value(property, value) if isinstance(value, list): self.save_list(doc, value, prop_node) elif isinstance(value, Node): prop_node.appendChild(value) else: text_node = doc.createTextNode( str(value).encode("ascii", "ignore")) prop_node.appendChild(text_node) obj_node.appendChild(prop_node) return doc def unmarshal_object(self, fp, cls=None, id=None): if isinstance(fp, str) or isinstance(fp, str): doc = parseString(fp) else: doc = parse(fp) return self.get_object_from_doc(cls, id, doc) def unmarshal_props(self, fp, cls=None, id=None): """ Same as unmarshalling an object, except it returns from "get_props_from_doc" """ if isinstance(fp, str) or isinstance(fp, str): doc = parseString(fp) else: doc = parse(fp) return self.get_props_from_doc(cls, id, doc) def delete_object(self, obj): url = "/%s/%s" % (self.db_name, return self._make_request("DELETE", url) def set_key_value(self, obj, name, value): self.domain.put_attributes(, {name: value}, replace=True) def delete_key_value(self, obj, name): self.domain.delete_attributes(, name) def get_key_value(self, obj, name): a = self.domain.get_attributes(, name) if name in a: return a[name] else: return None def get_raw_item(self, obj): return self.domain.get_item( def set_property(self, prop, obj, name, value): pass def get_property(self, prop, obj, name): pass def load_object(self, obj): if not obj._loaded: obj = obj.get_by_id( obj._loaded = True return obj
class ClamAVFileUploadHandler(FileUploadHandler): chunk_size = CHUNK_SIZE skip_av_check = False def new_file(self, *args, **kwargs): super().new_file(*args, **kwargs) extension = pathlib.Path(self.file_name).suffix if extension in CLAM_AV_IGNORE_EXTENSIONS: self.skip_av_check = True return if CLAM_USE_HTTP: self.av_conn = HTTPConnection(host=CLAM_AV_DOMAIN, ) else: self.av_conn = HTTPSConnection( # noqa S309 host=CLAM_AV_DOMAIN, port=443, ) credentials = b64encode( bytes( f"{CLAM_AV_USERNAME}:{CLAM_AV_PASSWORD}", encoding="utf8", )).decode("ascii") try: self.av_conn.connect() self.av_conn.putrequest("POST", CLAM_PATH) self.av_conn.putheader("Content-Type", self.content_type) self.av_conn.putheader("Authorization", f"Basic {credentials}") self.av_conn.putheader("Transfer-encoding", "chunked") self.av_conn.endheaders() except Exception as ex: logger.error("Error connecting to ClamAV service", exc_info=True) raise AntiVirusServiceErrorException(ex) def receive_data_chunk(self, raw_data, start): if not self.skip_av_check: self.av_conn.send(hex(len(raw_data))[2:].encode("utf-8")) self.av_conn.send(b"\r\n") self.av_conn.send(raw_data) self.av_conn.send(b"\r\n") return raw_data def file_complete(self, file_size): if self.skip_av_check: return None self.av_conn.send(b"0\r\n\r\n") resp = self.av_conn.getresponse() response_content = scanned_file = ScannedFile() if resp.status != 200: scanned_file.av_passed = False scanned_file.av_reason = "Non 200 response from AV server" raise AntiVirusServiceErrorException( f"Non 200 response from anti virus service, content: {response_content}" ) else: json_response = json.loads(response_content) if "malware" not in json_response: scanned_file.av_passed = False scanned_file.av_reason = "Malformed response from AV server" raise MalformedAntiVirusResponseException() if json_response["malware"]: scanned_file.av_passed = False scanned_file.av_reason = json_response["reason"] logger.error(f"Malware found in user uploaded file " f"'{self.file_name}', exiting upload process") else: scanned_file.av_passed = True # We are using 'content_type_extra' as the a means of making # the results available to following file handlers # TODO - put in a PR to Django project to allow file_complete # to return objects and not break out of file handler loop if not hasattr(self.content_type_extra, "clam_av_results"): self.content_type_extra["clam_av_results"] = [] self.content_type_extra["clam_av_results"].append({ "file_name": self.file_name, "av_passed": scanned_file.av_passed, "scanned_at": scanned_file.scanned_at, }) return None
def _connection(self): conn = HTTPSConnection(self._server, self._port, context=self._context) conn.connect() return conn
class XMLManager(object): def __init__(self, cls, db_name, db_user, db_passwd, db_host, db_port, db_table, ddl_dir, enable_ssl): self.cls = cls if not db_name: db_name = cls.__name__.lower() self.db_name = db_name self.db_user = db_user self.db_passwd = db_passwd self.db_host = db_host self.db_port = db_port self.db_table = db_table self.ddl_dir = ddl_dir self.s3 = None self.converter = XMLConverter(self) self.impl = getDOMImplementation() self.doc = self.impl.createDocument(None, 'objects', None) self.connection = None self.enable_ssl = enable_ssl self.auth_header = None if self.db_user: import base64 base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.db_user, self.db_passwd))[:-1] authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string self.auth_header = authheader def _connect(self): if self.db_host: if self.enable_ssl: from http.client import HTTPSConnection as Connection else: from http.client import HTTPConnection as Connection self.connection = Connection(self.db_host, self.db_port) def _make_request(self, method, url, post_data=None, body=None): """ Make a request on this connection """ if not self.connection: self._connect() try: self.connection.close() except: pass self.connection.connect() headers = {} if self.auth_header: headers["Authorization"] = self.auth_header self.connection.request(method, url, body, headers) resp = self.connection.getresponse() return resp def new_doc(self): return self.impl.createDocument(None, 'objects', None) def _object_lister(self, cls, doc): for obj_node in doc.getElementsByTagName('object'): if not cls: class_name = obj_node.getAttribute('class') cls = find_class(class_name) id = obj_node.getAttribute('id') obj = cls(id) for prop_node in obj_node.getElementsByTagName('property'): prop_name = prop_node.getAttribute('name') prop = obj.find_property(prop_name) if prop: if hasattr(prop, 'item_type'): value = self.get_list(prop_node, prop.item_type) else: value = self.decode_value(prop, prop_node) value = prop.make_value_from_datastore(value) setattr(obj,, value) yield obj def reset(self): self._connect() def get_doc(self): return self.doc def encode_value(self, prop, value): return self.converter.encode_prop(prop, value) def decode_value(self, prop, value): return self.converter.decode_prop(prop, value) def get_s3_connection(self): if not self.s3: self.s3 = boto.connect_s3(self.aws_access_key_id, self.aws_secret_access_key) return self.s3 def get_list(self, prop_node, item_type): values = [] try: items_node = prop_node.getElementsByTagName('items')[0] except: return [] for item_node in items_node.getElementsByTagName('item'): value = self.converter.decode(item_type, item_node) values.append(value) return values def get_object_from_doc(self, cls, id, doc): obj_node = doc.getElementsByTagName('object')[0] if not cls: class_name = obj_node.getAttribute('class') cls = find_class(class_name) if not id: id = obj_node.getAttribute('id') obj = cls(id) for prop_node in obj_node.getElementsByTagName('property'): prop_name = prop_node.getAttribute('name') prop = obj.find_property(prop_name) value = self.decode_value(prop, prop_node) value = prop.make_value_from_datastore(value) if value != None: try: setattr(obj,, value) except: pass return obj def get_props_from_doc(self, cls, id, doc): """ Pull out the properties from this document Returns the class, the properties in a hash, and the id if provided as a tuple :return: (cls, props, id) """ obj_node = doc.getElementsByTagName('object')[0] if not cls: class_name = obj_node.getAttribute('class') cls = find_class(class_name) if not id: id = obj_node.getAttribute('id') props = {} for prop_node in obj_node.getElementsByTagName('property'): prop_name = prop_node.getAttribute('name') prop = cls.find_property(prop_name) value = self.decode_value(prop, prop_node) value = prop.make_value_from_datastore(value) if value != None: props[] = value return (cls, props, id) def get_object(self, cls, id): if not self.connection: self._connect() if not self.connection: raise NotImplementedError("Can't query without a database connection") url = "/%s/%s" % (self.db_name, id) resp = self._make_request('GET', url) if resp.status == 200: doc = parse(resp) else: raise Exception("Error: %s" % resp.status) return self.get_object_from_doc(cls, id, doc) def query(self, cls, filters, limit=None, order_by=None): if not self.connection: self._connect() if not self.connection: raise NotImplementedError("Can't query without a database connection") from urllib.parse import urlencode query = str(self._build_query(cls, filters, limit, order_by)) if query: url = "/%s?%s" % (self.db_name, urlencode({"query": query})) else: url = "/%s" % self.db_name resp = self._make_request('GET', url) if resp.status == 200: doc = parse(resp) else: raise Exception("Error: %s" % resp.status) return self._object_lister(cls, doc) def _build_query(self, cls, filters, limit, order_by): import types if len(filters) > 4: raise Exception('Too many filters, max is 4') parts = [] properties = for filter, value in filters: name, op = filter.strip().split() found = False for property in properties: if == name: found = True if types.TypeType(value) == list: filter_parts = [] for val in value: val = self.encode_value(property, val) filter_parts.append("'%s' %s '%s'" % (name, op, val)) parts.append("[%s]" % " OR ".join(filter_parts)) else: value = self.encode_value(property, value) parts.append("['%s' %s '%s']" % (name, op, value)) if not found: raise Exception('%s is not a valid field' % name) if order_by: if order_by.startswith("-"): key = order_by[1:] type = "desc" else: key = order_by type = "asc" parts.append("['%s' starts-with ''] sort '%s' %s" % (key, key, type)) return ' intersection '.join(parts) def query_gql(self, query_string, *args, **kwds): raise NotImplementedError("GQL queries not supported in XML") def save_list(self, doc, items, prop_node): items_node = doc.createElement('items') prop_node.appendChild(items_node) for item in items: item_node = doc.createElement('item') items_node.appendChild(item_node) if isinstance(item, Node): item_node.appendChild(item) else: text_node = doc.createTextNode(item) item_node.appendChild(text_node) def save_object(self, obj, expected_value=None): """ Marshal the object and do a PUT """ doc = self.marshal_object(obj) if url = "/%s/%s" % (self.db_name, else: url = "/%s" % (self.db_name) resp = self._make_request("PUT", url, body=doc.toxml()) new_obj = self.get_object_from_doc(obj.__class__, None, parse(resp)) = for prop in try: propname = except AttributeError: propname = None if propname: value = getattr(new_obj, if value: setattr(obj,, value) return obj def marshal_object(self, obj, doc=None): if not doc: doc = self.new_doc() if not doc: doc = self.doc obj_node = doc.createElement('object') if obj_node.setAttribute('id', obj_node.setAttribute('class', '%s.%s' % (obj.__class__.__module__, obj.__class__.__name__)) root = doc.documentElement root.appendChild(obj_node) for property in prop_node = doc.createElement('property') prop_node.setAttribute('name', prop_node.setAttribute('type', property.type_name) value = property.get_value_for_datastore(obj) if value is not None: value = self.encode_value(property, value) if isinstance(value, list): self.save_list(doc, value, prop_node) elif isinstance(value, Node): prop_node.appendChild(value) else: text_node = doc.createTextNode(str(value).encode("ascii", "ignore")) prop_node.appendChild(text_node) obj_node.appendChild(prop_node) return doc def unmarshal_object(self, fp, cls=None, id=None): if isinstance(fp, str) or isinstance(fp, str): doc = parseString(fp) else: doc = parse(fp) return self.get_object_from_doc(cls, id, doc) def unmarshal_props(self, fp, cls=None, id=None): """ Same as unmarshalling an object, except it returns from "get_props_from_doc" """ if isinstance(fp, str) or isinstance(fp, str): doc = parseString(fp) else: doc = parse(fp) return self.get_props_from_doc(cls, id, doc) def delete_object(self, obj): url = "/%s/%s" % (self.db_name, return self._make_request("DELETE", url) def set_key_value(self, obj, name, value): self.domain.put_attributes(, {name : value}, replace=True) def delete_key_value(self, obj, name): self.domain.delete_attributes(, name) def get_key_value(self, obj, name): a = self.domain.get_attributes(, name) if name in a: return a[name] else: return None def get_raw_item(self, obj): return self.domain.get_item( def set_property(self, prop, obj, name, value): pass def get_property(self, prop, obj, name): pass def load_object(self, obj): if not obj._loaded: obj = obj.get_by_id( obj._loaded = True return obj
def connect(self): HTTPSConnection.connect(self) try: self.sock.settimeout(30) except: pass
class ssl_worker(pp_thread): global pp_config session_timeout = int(pp_config['thread_ssl_timeout']) def __init__(self, key_val, manager, info = '', delay = 0): pp_thread.__init__(self, info) self.lock_close = Lock() self.flag_closed= False = info self.delay = delay self.manager = manager self.event_proc = Event() self.arg = None self.handler = None self.host_ip = key_val['host_ip'] self.host_name = key_val['host_name'] = key_val['group'] self.timeout = key_val['timeout'] if 'timeout' in key_val else None def close(self): if self.handler != None: try: self.handler.close() except: print_exc() finally: self.handler = None def main(self): if self.delay != 0 : sleep(self.delay) while True: self.handler = HTTPSConnection(self.host_ip, timeout = self.timeout) self.handler._http_vsn = 10 self.handler._http_vsn_str = 'HTTP/1.0' try: self.handler.connect() except TimeoutError: self.close() continue except: print_exc() continue break'connected',, self) ev = self.event_proc.wait(self.session_timeout) self.lock_close.acquire() self.flag_closed = True self.lock_close.release() if self.flag_stop == True: self.close() return if ev != True :'timeout',, self) if self.arg == None: self.close() return self.do_proc(self.arg) def put(self, arg): self.lock_close.acquire() if self.flag_closed != True: self.arg = arg self.lock_close.release() else: self.lock_close.release() return False self.event_proc.set() return True def do_proc(self, arg): pass def pyget(self, req, headers = {}): try: self.handler.request('GET', req, headers = headers) except: self.close()'err_write',, self) print_exc() return None try: ack = self.handler.getresponse() body = except: self.close()'err_read',, self) print_exc() return None #-------------------------------------------------------- self.close()'done',, self) key_val = {} key_val['body'] = body key_val['head'] = str(ack.msg) key_val['status'] = ack.status return key_val