def api_get_host_history():
    # Get the hostname
    hostname = request.args.get('host', '').lower()

    # Fail if it's not a valid hostname (not in DNS, not a real hostname, etc.)
    hostname = valid_hostname(hostname) or valid_hostname('www.' + hostname)  # prepend www. if necessary
    if not hostname:
        return jsonify({'error': '{hostname} is an invalid hostname'.format(hostname=request.args.get('host', ''))})

    # Get the site's id number
        site_id = database.select_site_id(hostname)
    except IOError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Unable to connect to database'})

    # Get the host history
    history = database.select_scan_host_history(site_id)

    # Gracefully handle when there's no history
    if not history:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No history found'})

    # Prune for when the score doesn't change; thanks to chuck for the elegant list comprehension
    pruned_history = [v for k, v in enumerate(history) if history[k].get('score') is not history[k-1].get('score')
                      or k is 0]

    # Return the host history
    return jsonify(pruned_history)
def api_get_host_history():
    # Get the hostname
    hostname = request.args.get('host', '').lower()

    # Fail if it's not a valid hostname (not in DNS, not a real hostname, etc.)
    hostname = valid_hostname(hostname) or valid_hostname('www.' + hostname)  # prepend www. if necessary
    if not hostname:
        return jsonify({'error': '{hostname} is an invalid hostname'.format(hostname=request.args.get('host', ''))})

    # Get the site's id number
        site_id = database.select_site_id(hostname)
    except IOError:
        return jsonify({'error': 'Unable to connect to database'})

    # Get the host history
    history = database.select_scan_host_history(site_id)

    # Gracefully handle when there's no history
    if not history:
        return jsonify({'error': 'No history found'})

    # Prune for when the score doesn't change; thanks to chuck for the elegant list comprehension
    pruned_history = [v for k, v in enumerate(history) if history[k].get('score') is not history[k-1].get('score')
                      or k is 0]

    # Return the host history
    return jsonify(pruned_history)