def test_tlsmaster_client_random():
    pcapfile = open("tests/pcaps/2019-05-01-airfrance-fr-traffic.pcap", "rb")
    tlsmaster = "tests/tlsmasters/2019-05-01-airfrance-fr-tlsmaster.mitm"

    if tlsmaster:
        tls_master_secrets = read_tlsmaster(tlsmaster)
        tls_master_secrets = {}

    handlers = {
        25: smtp_handler,
        80: http_handler,
        8000: http_handler,
        8080: http_handler,
        443: lambda: https_handler(tls_master_secrets),
        4443: lambda: https_handler(tls_master_secrets),

    reader = PcapReader(pcapfile)
    reader.tcp = TCPPacketStreamer(reader, handlers)

    res = []

    (s, ts, protocol, sent, recv) = next(reader.process())
    assert sent.uri == "/"
    assert sent.headers["host"] == "www.airfrance.fr"
    assert recv.status == "200" and recv.reason == "OK"
    assert recv.body[76:114] == b"09D925754D91E3F90CEE2306B9861683.a63s1"
    assert recv.headers["content-type"] == "text/html;charset=UTF-8"
    def test_pcap(self):
        with open(os.path.join("tests", "pcaps", self.pcapfile), "rb") as f:
            reader = PcapReader(f)
            reader.tcp = TCPPacketStreamer(reader, self.handlers)

            reader.raise_exceptions = self.use_exceptions

            output = [self.format(*stream) for stream in reader.process()]

        assert self.expected_output == output
    def test_pcap(self):
        with open(os.path.join("tests", "pcaps", self.pcapfile), "rb") as f:
            reader = PcapReader(f)
            reader.tcp = TCPPacketStreamer(reader, self.handlers)
            reader.tlsinfo = self.tlsinfo

            reader.raise_exceptions = self.use_exceptions

            output = [
                self.format(*stream) for stream in reader.process()

        assert len(self.expected_output) == len(output) and sorted(self.expected_output,key=lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x)) == sorted(output,key=lambda x: "" if x is None else str(x))
文件: main.py 项目: mhils/httpreplay
def httpreplay(pcapfile, tlsmaster):

    if tlsmaster:
        tls_master_secrets = read_tlsmaster(tlsmaster)
        tls_master_secrets = {}

    handlers = {
        25: smtp_handler,
        80: http_handler,
        8000: http_handler,
        8080: http_handler,
        443: lambda: https_handler(tls_master_secrets),
        4443: lambda: https_handler(tls_master_secrets),

    reader = PcapReader(pcapfile)
    reader.tcp = TCPPacketStreamer(reader, handlers)

    for s, ts, protocol, sent, recv in reader.process():
        print s, "%f" % ts, protocol, getattr(sent, "uri", None)
文件: main.py 项目: nbdy/httpreplay
def httpreplay(pcapfile, tlsmaster):

    if tlsmaster:
        tls_master_secrets = read_tlsmaster(tlsmaster)
        tls_master_secrets = {}

    handlers = {
        25: smtp_handler,
        80: http_handler,
        8000: http_handler,
        8080: http_handler,
        443: lambda: https_handler(tls_master_secrets),
        4443: lambda: https_handler(tls_master_secrets),

    reader = PcapReader(pcapfile)
    reader.tcp = TCPPacketStreamer(reader, handlers)

    for s, ts, protocol, sent, recv in reader.process():
        print(s, "%f" % ts, protocol, getattr(sent, "uri", None))
文件: main.py 项目: mhils/httpreplay
def pcap2mitm(pcapfile, mitmfile, tlsmaster, stream):
        from mitmproxy import models
        from mitmproxy.flow import FlowWriter
        from netlib.http import http1
        from netlib.exceptions import HttpException
    except ImportError:
        raise click.Abort(
            "In order to use this utility it is required to have the "
            "mitmproxy tool installed (`pip install httpreplay[mitmproxy]`)"

    class NetlibHttpProtocol(Protocol):
        Like HttpProtocol, but actually covering edge-cases.

        def read_body(io, expected_size):
            Read a (malformed) HTTP body.
                A (body: bytes, is_malformed: bool) tuple.
            body_start = io.tell()
                content = b"".join(http1.read_body(io, expected_size, None))
                if io.read():  # leftover?
                    raise HttpException()
                return content, False
            except HttpException:
                return io.read(), True

        def parse_request(self, ts, sent):
                sent = BytesIO(sent)
                request = http1.read_request_head(sent)
                body_size = http1.expected_http_body_size(request)
                request.data.content, malformed = self.read_body(sent, body_size)
                if malformed:
                    request.headers["X-Mitmproxy-Malformed-Body"] = "1"
                return request
            except HttpException as e:
                log.warning("{!r} (timestamp: {})".format(e, ts))

        def parse_response(self, ts, recv, request):
                recv = BytesIO(recv)
                response = http1.read_response_head(recv)
                body_size = http1.expected_http_body_size(request, response)
                response.data.content, malformed = self.read_body(recv, body_size)
                if malformed:
                    response.headers["X-Mitmproxy-Malformed-Body"] = "1"
                return response
            except HttpException as e:
                log.warning("{!r} (timestamp: {})".format(e, ts))

        def handle(self, s, ts, protocol, sent, recv):
            if protocol not in ("tcp", "tls"):
                self.parent.handle(s, ts, protocol, sent, recv)

            req = None
            if sent:
                req = self.parse_request(ts, sent)

            protocols = {
                "tcp": "http",
                "tls": "https",

            # Only try to decode the HTTP response if the request was valid HTTP.
            if req:
                res = self.parse_response(ts, recv, req)

                # Report this stream as being a valid HTTP stream.
                self.parent.handle(s, ts, protocols[protocol],
                                   req or sent, res)
                # This wasn't a valid HTTP stream so we forward the original TCP
                # or TLS stream straight ahead to our parent.
                self.parent.handle(s, ts, protocol, sent, recv)

    if tlsmaster:
        tlsmaster = read_tlsmaster(tlsmaster)
        tlsmaster = {}

    netlib_http_handler = lambda: NetlibHttpProtocol()
    netlib_https_handler = lambda: TLSStream(NetlibHttpProtocol(), tlsmaster)
    handlers = {
        443: netlib_https_handler,
        4443: netlib_https_handler,
        'generic': netlib_http_handler,

    reader = PcapReader(pcapfile)
    reader.tcp = TCPPacketStreamer(reader, handlers)
    writer = FlowWriter(mitmfile)

    l = reader.process()
    if not stream:
        # Sort the http/https requests and responses by their timestamp.
        l = sorted(l, key=lambda x: x[1])

    for addrs, timestamp, protocol, sent, recv in l:
        if protocol not in ("http", "https"):

        srcip, srcport, dstip, dstport = addrs

        client_conn = models.ClientConnection.make_dummy((srcip, srcport))
        client_conn.timestamp_start = timestamp

        server_conn = models.ServerConnection.make_dummy((dstip, dstport))
        server_conn.timestamp_start = timestamp

        flow = models.HTTPFlow(client_conn, server_conn)

        flow.request = models.HTTPRequest.wrap(sent)
        flow.request.host, flow.request.port = dstip, dstport
        flow.request.scheme = protocol
        if recv:
            flow.response = models.HTTPResponse.wrap(recv)

def pcap2mitm(pcapfile, mitmfile, tlsmaster=None, stream=False):
        from mitmproxy import models
        from mitmproxy.flow import FlowWriter
        from netlib.exceptions import HttpException
        from netlib.http import http1
    except ImportError:
            "In order to use this utility it is required to have the "
            "mitmproxy tool installed (`pip install httpreplay[mitmproxy]`)")
        return False

    if tlsmaster:
        tlsmaster = read_tlsmaster(tlsmaster)
        tlsmaster = {}

    handlers = {
        443: lambda: https_handler(tlsmaster),
        4443: lambda: https_handler(tlsmaster),
        "generic": http_handler,

    reader = PcapReader(pcapfile)
    reader.tcp = TCPPacketStreamer(reader, handlers)
    writer = FlowWriter(mitmfile)

    l = reader.process()
    if not stream:
        # Sort the http/https requests and responses by their timestamp.
        l = sorted(l, key=lambda x: x[1])

    for s, ts, protocol, sent, recv in l:
        if protocol not in ("http", "https"):

        srcip, srcport, dstip, dstport = s

        client_conn = models.ClientConnection.make_dummy((srcip, srcport))
        client_conn.timestamp_start = ts

        server_conn = models.ServerConnection.make_dummy((dstip, dstport))
        server_conn.timestamp_start = ts

        flow = models.HTTPFlow(client_conn, server_conn)

            sent = io.BytesIO(sent.raw)
            request = http1.read_request_head(sent)
            body_size = http1.expected_http_body_size(request)
            request.data.content = "".join(
                http1.read_body(sent, body_size, None))
        except HttpException as e:
            log.warning("Error parsing HTTP request: %s", e)

        flow.request = models.HTTPRequest.wrap(request)
        flow.request.timestamp_start = client_conn.timestamp_start

        flow.request.host = dstip
        flow.request.port = dstport
        flow.request.scheme = protocol

            recv = io.BytesIO(recv.raw)
            response = http1.read_response_head(recv)
            body_size = http1.expected_http_body_size(request, response)
            response.data.content = "".join(
                http1.read_body(recv, body_size, None))
        except HttpException as e:
            log.warning("Error parsing HTTP response: %s", e)
            # Fall through (?)

        flow.response = models.HTTPResponse.wrap(response)
        flow.response.timestamp_start = server_conn.timestamp_start

        flow.id = str(
                b"%d%d%s%s" %
                (client_conn.timestamp_start, server_conn.timestamp_start,
                 request.data.content, response.data.content)).digest()))

    return True
def pcap2mitm(pcapfile, mitmfile, tlsmaster, stream):
        from mitmproxy import models
        from mitmproxy.flow import FlowWriter
        from netlib.http import http1
        from netlib.exceptions import HttpException
    except ImportError:
        raise click.Abort(
            "In order to use this utility it is required to have the "
            "mitmproxy tool installed (`pip install httpreplay[mitmproxy]`)")

    class NetlibHttpProtocol(Protocol):
        Like HttpProtocol, but actually covering edge-cases.
        def read_body(io, expected_size):
            Read a (malformed) HTTP body.
                A (body: bytes, is_malformed: bool) tuple.
            body_start = io.tell()
                content = b"".join(http1.read_body(io, expected_size, None))
                if io.read():  # leftover?
                    raise HttpException()
                return content, False
            except HttpException:
                return io.read(), True

        def parse_request(self, ts, sent):
                sent = BytesIO(sent)
                request = http1.read_request_head(sent)
                body_size = http1.expected_http_body_size(request)
                request.data.content, malformed = self.read_body(
                    sent, body_size)
                if malformed:
                    request.headers["X-Mitmproxy-Malformed-Body"] = "1"
                return request
            except HttpException as e:
                log.warning("{!r} (timestamp: {})".format(e, ts))

        def parse_response(self, ts, recv, request):
                recv = BytesIO(recv)
                response = http1.read_response_head(recv)
                body_size = http1.expected_http_body_size(request, response)
                response.data.content, malformed = self.read_body(
                    recv, body_size)
                if malformed:
                    response.headers["X-Mitmproxy-Malformed-Body"] = "1"
                return response
            except HttpException as e:
                log.warning("{!r} (timestamp: {})".format(e, ts))

        def handle(self, s, ts, protocol, sent, recv):
            if protocol not in ("tcp", "tls"):
                self.parent.handle(s, ts, protocol, sent, recv)

            req = None
            if sent:
                req = self.parse_request(ts, sent)

            protocols = {
                "tcp": "http",
                "tls": "https",

            # Only try to decode the HTTP response if the request was valid HTTP.
            if req:
                res = self.parse_response(ts, recv, req)

                # Report this stream as being a valid HTTP stream.
                self.parent.handle(s, ts, protocols[protocol], req or sent,
                # This wasn't a valid HTTP stream so we forward the original TCP
                # or TLS stream straight ahead to our parent.
                self.parent.handle(s, ts, protocol, sent, recv)

    if tlsmaster:
        tlsmaster = read_tlsmaster(tlsmaster)
        tlsmaster = {}

    netlib_http_handler = lambda: NetlibHttpProtocol()
    netlib_https_handler = lambda: TLSStream(NetlibHttpProtocol(), tlsmaster)
    handlers = {
        443: netlib_https_handler,
        4443: netlib_https_handler,
        "generic": netlib_http_handler,

    reader = PcapReader(pcapfile)
    reader.tcp = TCPPacketStreamer(reader, handlers)
    writer = FlowWriter(mitmfile)

    l = reader.process()
    if not stream:
        # Sort the http/https requests and responses by their timestamp.
        l = sorted(l, key=lambda x: x[1])

    for addrs, timestamp, protocol, sent, recv in l:
        if protocol not in ("http", "https"):

        srcip, srcport, dstip, dstport = addrs

        client_conn = models.ClientConnection.make_dummy((srcip, srcport))
        client_conn.timestamp_start = timestamp

        server_conn = models.ServerConnection.make_dummy((dstip, dstport))
        server_conn.timestamp_start = timestamp

        flow = models.HTTPFlow(client_conn, server_conn)

        flow.request = models.HTTPRequest.wrap(sent)
        flow.request.host, flow.request.port = dstip, dstport
        flow.request.scheme = protocol
        if recv:
            flow.response = models.HTTPResponse.wrap(recv)
