async def listen_for_trades(self, ev_loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop,
                                output: asyncio.Queue):
        while True:
                # at Beaxy all pairs listed without splitter
                trading_pairs = [
                    trading_pair_to_symbol(p) for p in self._trading_pairs

                ws_path: str = '/'.join(
                    [trading_pair for trading_pair in trading_pairs])
                stream_url: str = f'{BeaxyConstants.PublicApi.WS_BASE_URL}/trades/{ws_path}'

                async with websockets.connect(stream_url) as ws:
                    ws: websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol = ws
                    async for raw_msg in self._inner_messages(ws):
                        msg = ujson.loads(raw_msg)
                        trade_msg: OrderBookMessage = BeaxyOrderBook.trade_message_from_exchange(
            except asyncio.CancelledError:
            except Exception:
                    'Unexpected error with WebSocket connection. Retrying after 30 seconds...',
                await asyncio.sleep(30.0)
    async def get_snapshot(client: aiohttp.ClientSession,
                           trading_pair: str,
                           depth: int = 20) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        assert depth in [5, 10, 20]

        # at Beaxy all pairs listed without splitter
        symbol = trading_pair_to_symbol(trading_pair)

        async with client.get(
                    symbol=symbol, depth=depth)) as response:
            response: aiohttp.ClientResponse
            if response.status != 200:
                raise IOError(
                    f'Error fetching Beaxy market snapshot for {trading_pair}. '
                    f'HTTP status is {response.status}.')

            if not await response.text(
            ):  # if test is empty it marks that there is no rows
                return {
                    'timestamp': 1,
                    'entries': [],
                    'sequenceNumber': 1,

            data: Dict[str, Any] = await response.json()
            return data
    async def listen_for_order_book_snapshots(self, ev_loop: asyncio.BaseEventLoop, output: asyncio.Queue):
        while True:
                # at Beaxy all pairs listed without splitter
                trading_pairs = [trading_pair_to_symbol(p) for p in self._trading_pairs]

                ws_path: str = '/'.join([f'{trading_pair}@depth20' for trading_pair in trading_pairs])
                stream_url: str = f'{BeaxyConstants.PublicApi.WS_BASE_URL}/book/{ws_path}'

                async with websockets.connect(stream_url) as ws:
                    ws: websockets.WebSocketClientProtocol = ws
                    async for raw_msg in self._inner_messages(ws):
                        msg = json.loads(raw_msg)  # ujson may round floats uncorrectly
                        msg_type = msg['type']
                        if msg_type == ORDERBOOK_MESSAGE_DIFF:
                            order_book_message: OrderBookMessage = BeaxyOrderBook.diff_message_from_exchange(
                                msg, msg['timestamp'])
                        if msg_type == ORDERBOOK_MESSAGE_SNAPSHOT:
                            order_book_message: OrderBookMessage = BeaxyOrderBook.snapshot_message_from_exchange(
                                msg, msg['timestamp'])
            except asyncio.CancelledError:
            except Exception:
                self.logger().error('Unexpected error with WebSocket connection. Retrying after 30 seconds...',
                await asyncio.sleep(30.0)
    def get_mid_price(trading_pair: str) -> Optional[Decimal]:

        symbol = trading_pair_to_symbol(trading_pair)
        resp = requests.get(url=BeaxyConstants.PublicApi.RATE_URL.format(
        record = resp.json()

        return (Decimal(record['bid']) + Decimal(record['ask'])) / Decimal('2')
 async def last_price_for_pair(trading_pair):
     symbol = trading_pair_to_symbol(trading_pair)
     async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as client:
         async with client.get(BeaxyConstants.PublicApi.RATE_URL.format(symbol=symbol)) as response:
             response: aiohttp.ClientResponse
             if response.status != 200:
                 raise IOError(f'Error fetching Beaxy market trade for {trading_pair}. '
                               f'HTTP status is {response.status}.')
             data: Dict[str, Any] = await response.json()
             return trading_pair, float(data['price'])