def isDuplicateSighting(targetData):
	dbConn, dbCursor = huntdb.getConnectionWithCursor()
	# Get time since last report
	query = """
		SELECT abs(extract(epoch from datetime) - extract(epoch from %s)) AS timedelta
		FROM hunts.sightings
		WHERE targetID = %s AND isDead = %s
		ORDER BY timedelta ASC
		LIMIT 1;"""
	queryInputs = (targetData["time"], targetData["targetID"], targetData["isDead"])
	dbCursor.execute(query, queryInputs)
	result = dbCursor.fetchone()
	huntdb.putConnectionWithCursor(dbConn, dbCursor)
	if result is None:
		# Target has never been reported before, not a duplicate report
		return False
	# Consider it a duplicate if reported in the last 10 minutes
	nearestDelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds = result[0])
	minimumDelta = datetime.timedelta(minutes = 10)
	if nearestDelta < minimumDelta:
		return True
		return False
def getHistories(inputData):
	dbConn, dbCursor = huntdb.getConnectionWithCursor(dictCursor = True)
	if "after" in inputData:
		query = """
			SELECT extract(epoch from datetime) as datetime, isDead, xCoord, yCoord
			FROM hunts.sightings
			WHERE targetID = %s AND %s < datetime
			ORDER BY datetime DESC
			LIMIT %s;"""
		timePartition = inputData["after"]
		query = """
			SELECT extract(epoch from datetime) as datetime, isDead, xCoord, yCoord
			FROM hunts.sightings
			WHERE targetID = %s AND datetime < %s
			ORDER BY datetime DESC
			LIMIT %s;"""
		timePartition = inputData["before"]
	targetHistories = {}
	for tID in inputData["targetIDs"]:
		queryInput = (tID, timePartition, inputData["maxRecords"])
		dbCursor.execute(query, queryInput)
		targetHistories[tID] = [dict(x) for x in dbCursor.fetchall()]
	huntdb.putConnectionWithCursor(dbConn, dbCursor)
	return targetHistories
def addSighting(targetData):
	dbConn, dbCursor = huntdb.getConnectionWithCursor()
	submitterIP = None
	rowData = (targetData["time"], targetData["isDead"], targetData["targetID"], targetData["xCoord"], targetData["yCoord"], submitterIP)
	dbCursor.execute("""INSERT INTO hunts.sightings VALUES (%s);""" % ", ".join(("%s",)*len(rowData)), rowData)
	huntdb.putConnectionWithCursor(dbConn, dbCursor)
def getZones():
	dbConn, dbCursor = huntdb.getConnectionWithCursor(dictCursor = True)
	query = """SELECT zoneID, zoneName FROM hunts.zones ORDER BY zoneID ASC;"""
	zones = [dict(x) for x in dbCursor.fetchall()]
	huntdb.putConnectionWithCursor(dbConn, dbCursor)
	return zones
def getInputs(rawInput):
	if type(rawInput) is not dict:
		raise ValueError("Expected dictionary, got %s" % type(rawInput))
	# TODO: Implement proper authentication, sessions and/or API keys
	password = rawInput.get("password")
	if password != "LI1lfnrw":
		raise ValueError("Invalid password.")
	if "time" not in rawInput:
		rawInput["time"] = time.time()
	# Make sure we have all the data we need
	# TODO: Find a more graceful way of including None and/or multiple types
	requiredKeysAndTypes = [("targetID", [int,]), ("xCoord", [int, type(None)]), ("yCoord", [int, type(None)]), ("isDead", [bool,]), ("time", [int, float])]
	for key, valueTypes in requiredKeysAndTypes:
		if key not in rawInput:
			raise ValueError("Missing mandatory input '%s'." % key)
		elif type(rawInput[key]) not in valueTypes:
			raise ValueError("'%s' must be %s, got %s" % (valueTypes, type(rawInput[key])))
	targetStatus = {}
	targetStatus["targetID"] = rawInput.get("targetID")
	targetStatus["xCoord"] = rawInput.get("xCoord")
	targetStatus["yCoord"] = rawInput.get("yCoord")
	targetStatus["isDead"] = rawInput.get("isDead")
	targetStatus["time"] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(rawInput.get("time"))
	# Verify map coordinates are within valid constraints
	minCoord = 0
	maxCoord = 41
	xCoord = targetStatus.get("xCoord")
	yCoord = targetStatus.get("yCoord")
	if xCoord is not None and (xCoord < minCoord or xCoord > maxCoord):
		raise ValueError("'xCoord' is out of range [%s, %s], got %s." % (minCoord, maxCoord, xCoord))
	if yCoord is not None and (yCoord < minCoord or yCoord > maxCoord):
		raise ValueError("'yCoord' is out of range [%s, %s], got %s." % (minCoord, maxCoord, yCoord))
	# Make sure target exists
	dbConn, dbCursor = huntdb.getConnectionWithCursor()
	dbCursor.execute("""SELECT count(1) FROM hunts.sightings WHERE hunts.sightings.targetID = %s;""", (targetStatus.get("targetID"),))
	targetExists = dbCursor.fetchone()
	huntdb.putConnectionWithCursor(dbConn, dbCursor)
	if not targetExists:
		raise ValueError("Invalid targetID.")
	return targetStatus
def getTargets():
	dbConn, dbCursor = huntdb.getConnectionWithCursor(dictCursor = True)
	query = """
		SELECT t.targetID, t.targetName, r.rankName, z.zoneName, extract(epoch from t.minSpawnTime) as minSpawnTime
		FROM hunts.targets AS t
		JOIN hunts.ranks AS r ON r.rankID = t.rankID
		JOIN hunts.zones AS z ON z.zoneID = t.zoneID
		ORDER BY t.targetID ASC;"""
	targets = [dict(x) for x in dbCursor.fetchall()]
	huntdb.putConnectionWithCursor(dbConn, dbCursor)
	return targets
def getStatus(targetIDs):
	dbConn, dbCursor = huntdb.getConnectionWithCursor(dictCursor = True)
	query = """
		SELECT DISTINCT ON (targetID) extract(epoch from datetime) AS lastSeen, isDead
		FROM hunts.sightings
		WHERE targetID = %s
		ORDER BY targetID, datetime DESC;"""
	statuses = {}
	for tID in targetIDs:
		dbCursor.execute(query, (tID, ))
		state = dbCursor.fetchone()
		if state is not None:
			statuses[tID] = dict(state)
			statuses[tID] = None
	huntdb.putConnectionWithCursor(dbConn, dbCursor)
	return statuses