def test_request(self): impl = WebsocketRequestImpl("12345") symbols = list() symbols.append("btcusdt") def callback(event): pass request = impl.subscribe_account_event(BalanceMode.AVAILABLE, callback) mock_connection = MockWebsocketConnection(request) request.subscription_handler(mock_connection) subscription = mock_connection.pop_output_message() self.assertTrue(subscription.find("accounts") != -1)
def test_result(self): impl = WebsocketRequestImpl("12345") symbols = list() symbols.append("btcusdt") def callback(event): pass request = impl.subscribe_account_event(BalanceMode.AVAILABLE, callback) event = request.json_parser(parse_json_from_string(data)) self.assertEqual(1550556381242, event.timestamp) self.assertEqual(1, len(event.account_change_list)) self.assertEqual(AccountChangeType.NEWORDER, event.change_type) self.assertEqual(AccountType.SPOT, event.account_change_list[0].account_type) self.assertEqual("ht", event.account_change_list[0].currency) self.assertEqual(10.8208984536412, event.account_change_list[0].balance) self.assertEqual(BalanceType.TRADE, event.account_change_list[0].balance_type)
class SubscriptionClient(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Create the subscription client to subscribe the update from server. :param kwargs: The option of subscription connection. api_key: The public key applied from Huobi. secret_key: The private key applied from Huobi. uri: Set the URI for subscription. is_auto_connect: When the connection lost is happening on the subscription line, specify whether the client reconnect to server automatically. The connection lost means: Caused by network problem The connection close triggered by server (happened every 24 hours) No any message can be received from server within a specified time, see receive_limit_ms receive_limit_ms: Set the receive limit in millisecond. If no message is received within this limit time, the connection will be disconnected. connection_delay_failure: If auto reconnect is enabled, specify the delay time before reconnect. """ api_key = None secret_key = None if "api_key" in kwargs: api_key = kwargs["api_key"] if "secret_key" in kwargs: secret_key = kwargs["secret_key"] self.__api_key = api_key self.__secret_key = secret_key self.websocket_request_impl = WebsocketRequestImpl(self.__api_key) self.connections = list() self.uri = WebSocketDefine.Uri is_auto_connect = True receive_limit_ms = 60000 connection_delay_failure = 15 if "uri" in kwargs: self.uri = kwargs["uri"] if "is_auto_connect" in kwargs: is_auto_connect = kwargs["is_auto_connect"] if "receive_limit_ms" in kwargs: receive_limit_ms = kwargs["receive_limit_ms"] if "connection_delay_failure" in kwargs: connection_delay_failure = kwargs["connection_delay_failure"] self.__watch_dog = WebSocketWatchDog(is_auto_connect, receive_limit_ms, connection_delay_failure) try: host = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.uri).hostname impl = RestApiRequestImpl(api_key, secret_key, "https://" + host) account_info_map.update_user_info(api_key, impl) except Exception: pass def __create_connection(self, request): connection = WebsocketConnection(self.__api_key, self.__secret_key, self.uri, self.__watch_dog, request) self.connections.append(connection) connection.connect() def subscribe_candlestick_event(self, symbols: 'str', interval: 'CandlestickInterval', callback, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe candlestick/kline event. If the candlestick/kline is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param interval: The candlestick/kline interval, MIN1, MIN5, DAY1 etc. :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(candlestick_event: 'CandlestickEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.subscribe_candlestick_event( symbol_list, interval, callback, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def subscribe_price_depth_event(self, symbols: 'str', depth_step: 'str', callback, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe price depth event. If the price depth is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param depth_step: The depth precision, string from step0 to step5. :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(price_depth_event: 'PriceDepthEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.subscribe_price_depth_event( symbol_list, depth_step, callback, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def subscribe_price_depth_bbo_event(self, symbols: 'str', callback, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe price depth event. If the price depth is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(price_depth_event: 'PriceDepthEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.subscribe_price_depth_bbo_event( symbol_list, callback, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def subscribe_order_update_event(self, symbols: 'str', callback, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe order changing event. If a order is created, canceled etc, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(order_update_event: 'OrderUpdateEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.subscribe_order_update( symbol_list, callback, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def subscribe_order_update_new_event(self, symbols: 'str', callback, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe order changing event. If a order is created, canceled etc, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(order_update_event: 'OrderUpdateEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.subscribe_order_update_new( symbol_list, callback, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def subscribe_trade_event(self, symbols: 'str', callback, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe price depth event. If the price depth is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(trade_event: 'TradeEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.subscribe_trade_event( symbol_list, callback, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def subscribe_24h_trade_statistics_event(self, symbols: 'str', callback, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe 24 hours trade statistics event. If statistics is generated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(trade_statistics_event: 'TradeStatisticsEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.subscribe_24h_trade_statistics_event( symbol_list, callback, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def subscribe_account_event(self, mode: 'BalanceMode', callback, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe account changing event. If the balance is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param mode: when mode is AVAILABLE, balance refers to available balance; when mode is TOTAL, balance refers to TOTAL balance for trade sub account (available+frozen). :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(account_event: 'AccountEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ request = self.websocket_request_impl.subscribe_account_event( mode, callback, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def request_account_balance_event(self, callback, client_req_id=None, auto_close=True, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe account changing event. If the balance is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param client_req_id: client request ID :param auto_close : close websocket connection after get data :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(account_event: 'AccountEvent'): pass :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ request = self.websocket_request_impl.request_account_balance_event( callback, client_req_id, auto_close, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def request_candlestick_event(self, symbols: 'str', interval: 'CandlestickInterval', callback, from_ts_second=None, end_ts_second=None, auto_close=True, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe candlestick/kline event. If the candlestick/kline is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param interval: The candlestick/kline interval, MIN1, MIN5, DAY1 etc. :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(candlestick_event: 'CandlestickEvent'): pass :param from_ts_second : data from timestamp [it's second] :param end_ts_second : data util timestamp [it's second] :param auto_close : close websocket connection after get data :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.request_candlestick_event( symbol_list, interval, callback, from_ts_second, end_ts_second, auto_close, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def request_price_depth_event(self, symbols: 'str', depth_step: 'str', callback, auto_close=True, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe price depth event. If the price depth is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param depth_step: The depth precision, string from step0 to step5. :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(price_depth_event: 'PriceDepthEvent'): pass :param auto_close : close websocket connection after get data :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.request_price_depth_event( symbol_list, depth_step, callback, auto_close, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def request_trade_event(self, symbols: 'str', callback, auto_close=True, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe price depth event. If the price depth is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(trade_event: 'TradeEvent'): pass :param auto_close : close websocket connection after get data :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.request_trade_event( symbol_list, callback, auto_close, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def request_24h_trade_statistics_event(self, symbols: 'str', callback, auto_close=True, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe 24 hours trade statistics event. If statistics is generated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(trade_statistics_event: 'TradeStatisticsEvent'): pass :param auto_close : close websocket connection after get data :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ symbol_list = symbols.split(",") request = self.websocket_request_impl.request_24h_trade_statistics_event( symbol_list, callback, auto_close, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def request_order_list_event(self, symbol: 'str', account_id: int, callback, order_states=None, client_req_id=True, auto_close=True, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe candlestick/kline event. If the candlestick/kline is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbol: The symbol, like "btcusdt". :param order_states: order status, can be one state or many state sepearted by comma, such as "submitted,partial-filled,partial-canceled,filled,canceled,created" :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(candlestick_event: 'CandlestickEvent'): pass :param client_req_id: client request ID :param auto_close : close websocket connection after get data :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ request = self.websocket_request_impl.request_order_list_event( symbol, account_id, callback, order_states, client_req_id, auto_close, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def request_order_detail_event(self, order_id: 'str', callback, client_req_id=None, auto_close=True, error_handler=None): """ Subscribe candlestick/kline event. If the candlestick/kline is updated, server will send the data to client and onReceive in callback will be called. :param symbols: The symbols, like "btcusdt". Use comma to separate multi symbols, like "btcusdt,ethusdt". :param interval: The candlestick/kline interval, MIN1, MIN5, DAY1 etc. :param callback: The implementation is required. onReceive will be called if receive server's update. example: def callback(candlestick_event: 'CandlestickEvent'): pass :param client_req_id: client request ID :param auto_close : close websocket connection after get data :param error_handler: The error handler will be called if subscription failed or error happen between client and Huobi server example: def error_handler(exception: 'HuobiApiException') pass :return: No return """ request = self.websocket_request_impl.request_order_detail_event( order_id, callback, client_req_id, auto_close, error_handler) self.__create_connection(request) def unsubscribe_all(self): for conn in self.connections: conn.close() self.connections.clear()