def encrypt(request, json_key_attributes_dict, pin, version): """ This method will be called by the application entry point for encrypting the payload. request.value has the plaintext payload request.alg contains the padding algorithm for encryption. """ key_path = json_key_attributes_dict["keypath"] vault_url = json_key_attributes_dict["vaulturl"] key_name = json_key_attributes_dict["keyname"] hvac_client = hvac.Client(url=vault_url, token=pin) hvac_client = hvac.Client(url=vault_url, token=pin) read_response = hvac_client.secrets.kv.read_secret_version(path=key_path) rsa_key_pem = read_response['data']['data'][key_name] key = RSA.import_key(rsa_key_pem) if request.alg == CryptoConstants.WRAP_RSA_OAEP: cipher_algo = cipher_text = cipher_algo.encrypt(request.value) response = EncryptDecryptResponse(cipher_text) return response
def get_client(args): client = hvac.Client(url=args.vault_address, verify=False if args.no_tls_verify else True) if (args.auth_type == K8S): return _auth_k8s(client, args.k8_auth_mount_point, role=args.k8_role) elif (args.auth_type == APPROLE): return _auth_approle(client, args.approle_role_id, args.approle_secret_id) elif (args.auth_type == GCP_GCE): return _auth_gcp_gce(client, args.gcp_role, args.vault_address) else: raise Exception("{} is not a supported auth type.", args.auth_type)
def _vault_client(config): """Helper wrapper to create Vault Client :param: config: configparser object of vaultlocker config :returns: hvac.Client. configured Vault Client object """ client = hvac.Client(url=config.get('vault', 'url'), verify=config.get('vault', 'ca_bundle', fallback=True)) client.auth_approle(config.get('vault', 'approle'), secret_id=config.get('vault', 'secret_id')) return client
def get_data_from_vault(path): client = hvac.Client(url=app.config["VAULT_HOST"]) if client.is_sealed(): raise InvalidUsage('Error getting credentials. Check Vault', status_code=400) client.token = app.config["VAULT_TOKEN"] vault_data = if not vault_data: print("No data found in vault path {path}".format(path=path)) client.logout() return vault_data["data"]["data"] if vault_data else None
def ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, *args, **kwargs): """ Main handler. Compile pillar data for the specified minion ID """ vault_pillar = {} # Load configuration values for key in CONF: if kwargs.get(key, None): CONF[key] = kwargs.get(key) # Resolve salt:// fileserver path, if necessary if CONF["config"].startswith("salt://"): local_opts = __opts__.copy() local_opts["file_client"] = "local" minion = salt.minion.MasterMinion(local_opts) CONF["config"] = minion.functions["cp.cache_file"](CONF["config"]) # Read the secret map renderers = salt.loader.render(__opts__, __salt__) raw_yml = salt.template.compile_template(CONF["config"], renderers, 'jinja', whitelist=[], blacklist=[]) if raw_yml: secret_map = yaml.safe_load(raw_yml.getvalue()) or {} else: LOG.error("Unable to read secret mappings file '%s'", CONF["config"]) return vault_pillar if not CONF["url"]: LOG.error("'url' must be specified for Vault configuration") return vault_pillar # Connect and authenticate to Vault conn = hvac.Client(url=CONF["url"]) _authenticate(conn) # Apply the compound filters to determine which secrets to expose for this minion ckminions = salt.utils.minions.CkMinions(__opts__) for filter, secrets in secret_map.items(): minions = ckminions.check_minions(filter, "compound") if 'minions' in minions: # In Salt 2018 this is now in a kwarg minions = minions['minions'] if minion_id in minions: for variable, location in secrets.items(): return_data = couple(location, conn) if return_data: vault_pillar[variable] = return_data return vault_pillar
def default_page(): ############################# # VAULT AUTH ############################# client = hvac.Client(url=os.environ['VAULT_ADDR'], token=os.environ['VAULT_TOKEN']) if (not cache.get('db_creds_expiry')) or int( time.time()) > (cache.get('db_creds_expiry') - 10): db_creds ='database/creds/people_list-readwrite') cache.set('db_creds_result', json.dumps(db_creds)) cache.set('db_creds_expiry', int(time.time() + db_creds["lease_duration"])) else: db_creds = json.loads(cache.get('db_creds_result')) ############################# # DB ACCESS/USAGE ############################# conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname='people_list', user=db_creds['data']['username'], host='postgresql', password=db_creds['data']['password'], sslmode='disable') # Add data to DB if there is POSTDATA found if request.form: ins_cur = conn.cursor() ins_cur.execute( """INSERT INTO staff (LastName, FirstName, Company) VALUES (%(last_name)s, %(first_name)s, %(company)s);""", request.form) conn.commit() ins_cur.close() sel_cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) sel_cur.execute('SELECT * from staff;') rows = [dict(row) for row in sel_cur.fetchall()] sel_cur.close() ############################# # TEMPLATE RENDERING ############################# template_params = { 'creds_expiry': time.strftime("%Z - %Y/%m/%d, %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(cache.get('db_creds_expiry'))), 'db_creds': json.dumps(db_creds, indent=2), 'db_result': rows } return render_template('index.html', **template_params)
def initialize(provider='virtualbox', bucket=None): global client global root_token global keys vault_var = "/vault" if client is None: VAULT_ADDR = os.environ["VAULT_ADDR"] client = hvac.Client(url=VAULT_ADDR) if not client.sys.is_initialized(): shares = 5 threshold = 3 result = client.sys.initialize(shares, threshold) root_token = result['root_token'] keys = result['keys'] with open(vault_var + '/keys.json', "w+") as keysfile: json.dump(keys, keysfile) with open(vault_var + '/root_token.txt', "w+") as tokenfile: tokenfile.write(root_token) if provider == 'aws': s3_client = boto3.client('s3') s3_client.upload_file(vault_var + '/keys.json', bucket, 'keys.json') s3_client.upload_file(vault_var + '/root_token.txt', bucket, 'root_token.txt') else: if keys is None or root_token is None: if provider == 'aws': s3_client = boto3.client('s3') s3_client.download_file(bucket, 'keys.json', vault_var + '/keys.json') s3_client.download_file(bucket, 'root_token.txt', vault_var + '/root_token.txt') with open(vault_var + '/keys.json') as keysfile: keys = json.load(keysfile) with open(vault_var + '/root_token.txt') as tokenfile: root_token = if client.token is None: client.token = root_token
def handler(event, context): env = os.environ.get('ENV') vault_url = os.environ.get('VAULT_URL') path = os.environ.get('DATASERVICE_PG_SECRET') client = hvac.Client(url=vault_url) session = boto3.Session() credentials = session.get_credentials() r = client.auth_aws_iam(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, credentials.token) secret =['data'] conn = psycopg2.connect( host=secret['hostname'], dbname='kfpostgres'+env, user=secret['username'], password=secret['password']) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(""" SELECT phenotype.source_text_phenotype, count(phenotype.source_text_phenotype), study.kf_id AS study_id FROM phenotype, participant, study WHERE phenotype.participant_id = participant.kf_id and participant.study_id = study.kf_id GROUP BY phenotype.source_text_phenotype,study.kf_id HAVING count(phenotype.source_text_phenotype) > 100 ORDER BY count(phenotype.source_text_phenotype); """) data = cur.fetchall() cur.close() conn.close() files = {} by_pheno = defaultdict(int) by_study = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)) path = '/tmp/phenotypes.csv' with open(path, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(['source text phenotype', 'count', 'study_id']) for v in data: by_pheno[v[0]] += v[1] by_study[v[2]][v[0]] += v[1] writer.writerow(v) files['Phenotype Data'] = path files['All Studies'] = make_plot(by_pheno, 'all studies') for study_id, d in by_study.items(): files[study_id] = make_plot(d, study_id) return [], files
def auth_to_vault(): # TODO: plumb in consul here vault_addr = get_option('vault', 'url') vault_port = get_option('vault', 'port') if not vault_port or not vault_addr: raise Exception('Please provide values for vault_addr and vault_port in the config.ini.') global client address = str(vault_addr) + ':' + str(vault_port) print 'Initializing client with address: ' + address client = hvac.Client(url=address) get_token()
def dynamic_connect_long(): client = hvac.Client(url='http://main-secrets:8200', token=_vault_token) credentials ='jesper/creds/readonly') con = mdb.connect('main-db', credentials['data']['username'], credentials['data']['password'], 'vaulthackathon') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT VERSION()") ver = cur.fetchone() return "user %s pass %s lease_duration %s found %s ]" % ( credentials['data']['username'], credentials['data']['password'], credentials['lease_duration'], ver)
def __init__(self, configuration, token, logger=None): self.logger = logger"=== VAULT START INITIALIZE ===") = configuration['url'] self.token = token if is None: self.exit(self.VAULT_NO_SERVER_PROVIDED, "No Server was provided") if self.token is not None: self.client = hvac.Client(, token) else: self.exit(self.VAULT_NO_TOKEN, "No Token provided")"=== VAULT END INITIALIZE ===")
def retrieve_credentials_from_vault( credentials_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]: """Expects that you're logged into Hashicorp Vault.""" import hvac client = hvac.Client() if not client.is_authenticated(): raise ImmutaCredentialsError( "Vault is not authenticated. Log in to vault first") secret = client.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version( path=credentials_dict["key"]) retrieved_credentials = secret["data"]["data"] return retrieved_credentials
def get_secret(secret: str) -> str: """Vault secret fetcher. Args: secret (str): The secret's path. Returns: str: The secret's value. """ vault = hvac.Client() response = vault.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version( path=secret, )["data"]["data"] return response["secret"]
def authenticated_client(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> hvac.Client: if self.authtype == "token": cl = hvac.Client(token=self.credentials, *args, **kwargs) elif self.authtype == "app-id": cl = hvac.Client(*args, **kwargs) cl.auth_app_id(*self.credentials) elif self.authtype == "ssl": cl = hvac.Client(cert=self.credentials, *args, **kwargs) cl.auth.tls.login() else: cl = hvac.Client(*args, **kwargs) try: auth_adapter = getattr(cl.auth, self.authtype) except AttributeError: raise VaultCredentialProviderException("unknown auth method %s" % self.authtype) auth_adapter.login(*self.credentials, mount_point=self.authmount) if not cl.is_authenticated(): raise VaultCredentialProviderException("Unable to authenticate Vault client using provided credentials " "(type=%s)" % self.authtype) return cl
def upgrade(vault_name: str, vaults: List[Vault]): vault = next(v for v in vaults if v['name'] == vault_name) vault_client = hvac.Client(url=vault['url'], token=vault['token']) for role, kwargs in roles.items(): print('INFO: create role `{}` at `{}` vault'.format(role, vault_name)) kwargs['name'] = role vault_client.write(path='flant/role', **kwargs) vault_client.write(path='flant/role/') vault_client.write(path='flant/role/') vault_client.write( path='flant/role/servers.register/include/')
def __init__(self, mount_point=os.environ.get('VAULT_MOUNT_POINT', 'pwdmng/')): path_prefix = self._path_prefix = mount_point self._client = client = hvac.Client(url=settings.VAULT_HOST, token=settings.VAULT_TOKEN) try: #assert client.is_authenticated() # => True engines = client.list_secret_backends() if engines.get(path_prefix) == None: client.enable_secret_backend('kv', mount_point=path_prefix, options={'version': '1'}) client.kv.default_kv_version = "1" except ConnectionError as err: print("VaultClient error: {0}".format(err)) pass
def upgrade(vault_name: str, vaults: List[Vault]): vault = next(v for v in vaults if v['name'] == vault_name) vault_client = hvac.Client(url=vault['url'], token=vault['token']) if 'root' in vault_name: plugins = root_vault_plugins else: plugins = auth_vault_plugins for plugin in plugins: print("INFO: configure kafka access for '{}' plugin at '{}' vault".format(plugin, vault_name)) if plugin == 'flant_iam_auth': vault_client.write(path='auth/flant/kafka/configure_access', **kafka_configure_options) elif plugin == 'flant_iam': vault_client.write(path='flant/kafka/configure_access', **kafka_configure_options)
def get_certificate(ca, serial, cn): vault = hvac.Client(app.config['VAULT_ADDR']) vault.token = app.config['VAULT_TOKEN'] assert vault.is_authenticated() certificate ='{}/cert/{}'.format(ca, serial)) return Response(certificate['data']['certificate'], mimetype='application/x-pem-file', headers={ 'Content-Disposition': 'attachment;filename={}.pem'.format(cn) })
def _do_connect(self): try:"Creating connection") client = hvac.Client(url=self._url, token=self._token, verify=self._verify_tls) client.sys.list_mounted_secrets_engines() self._client = client self._on_connect() except Exception as e: logging.error(e) self._error = e self._on_connect_error(e)
def vault(): with open('/vault/secrets/token') as open_file: client = hvac.Client( url='http://vault.default.svc:8200', # this url should be updated # to the local sidecar as it will proxy requests to vault ) vault_read_response = client.secrets.kv.v2.read_secret_version( path='bar', ) return str(vault_read_response['data']['data']['baz'])
def secret_to_vault(settings, path, value): print("-----") print(path) print(value) print("-----") if settings["VAULT_DRY_RUN"] == "True": print("Skipped.") else: vault_client = hvac.Client(url=settings["VAULT_URL"], token=settings["VAULT_TOKEN"], verify=False) vault_client.write(path, value=value) print("Written.")
def store_keys(server, token, deployment, pubkey, privkey): """Store the keys in the vault server.""" client = hvac.Client(url=server, token=token) with open(pubkey, "r") as key: pubkey_data = with open(privkey, "r") as key: privkey_data = client.write("secret/{}/ssh/public_key".format(deployment), key=pubkey_data) client.write("secret/{}/ssh/private_key".format(deployment), key=privkey_data)
def make_service_jenkins_jobs(env, local_vault_url, local_vault_token): client = hvac.Client(url=local_vault_url, token=local_vault_token) res = client.list('msa-services/') service_list = res.get('data').get('keys') slack_token ='secret/common')['data']['JENKINS_SLACK_TOKEN'] jenkins_url = "http://jenkins.mmt.local:9082/" jenkins_un = "user" jenkins_pw = os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") server = jenkins.Jenkins(jenkins_url, username=jenkins_un, password=jenkins_pw) for service in service_list: _make_service_jenkins_job(server, env, service, slack_token)
def __init__(self, filename=None, path=None): """Initialize class properties.""" self._filename = filename or 'tcex.json' self._path = path or os.getcwd() # properties self._contents = None self.ij = InstallJson() self.vault_client = hvac.Client( url=os.getenv('VAULT_URL', 'http://localhost:8200'), token=os.getenv('VAULT_TOKEN'), cert=os.getenv('VAULT_CERT'), )
def login_token(): """Login to Vault using a token.""" url = request.form['url'] token = request.form['token'] client = hvac.Client( url=url, token=token, verify=ast.literal_eval(os.environ['VERIFY'])) if client.is_authenticated(): return 200 else: return 401
def client(self, **kwargs) -> Iterator[hvac.Client]: # type: ignore """ Get a context manager that creates and closes a root-access hvac client Args: **kwargs: forwarded to hvac.Client constructor """ client = hvac.Client(url=self.local_url(), token=self.root_token, **kwargs) try: yield client finally: client.adapter.close()
def vault_authenticate(vault_url, credentials, region, ca_cert): """ Return Vault client using supplied IAM credentials. """ vault_client = hvac.Client(url=vault_url, verify=ca_cert) vault_client.auth_aws_iam(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, credentials.token, region=region) vault_token = vault_client.lookup_token()["data"]["id"]"authenticated with vault") return vault_token
def __init__( self, paths: str = None, token: str = os.environ.get("VAULTIFY_SECRET"), addr: str = None, ): self.token = os.environ.get("VAULT_TOKEN", token) self.addr = os.environ.get("VAULT_ADDR", addr) self.paths = os.environ.get("VAULT_PATHS", paths).split(",") self.client = hvac.Client(url=self.addr, token=self.token) logger.debug("VaultProvider initialized")
def init_vault(self, addr, token, namespace, path, key_name): if not addr or not token: logger.warn('Skipping initialization...') return else: logger.warn("Connecting to vault server: {}".format(addr)) self.vault_client = hvac.Client(url=addr, token=token, namespace=namespace) self.key_name = key_name self.mount_point = path logger.debug("Initialized vault_client: {}".format( self.vault_client))
def fetch_api_address(self): """ Fetch the Vault API address and instanciate hvac client """ if "VAULT_ADDR" in os.environ: self.logger.debug("'VAULT_ADDR' found in env") vault_address = os.environ["VAULT_ADDR"] else: self.logger.debug("'VAULT_ADDR' not in env. Asking for a token") vault_address = input("Vault address to use " "(http://vault_address:vault_port): ") self.logger.debug("Vault address to be used: " + vault_address) self.vault_client = hvac.Client(url=vault_address)