    def make_pci_links(self):
        links = []

        device_root = "/sys/devices/"
        prelinks = []
        bases = []
        trees = {}

        for dir in listdir(device_root):
            if dir[:8] == "pci0000:":

        for base in bases:
            trees[base] = self._walk(device_root + base + "/")
            trees[base].reverse()  # get the tree in the order we're expecting.

        for base in bases:
            ct = 0
            for pl in trees[base]:
                pl = base + "/" + pl
                trees[base][ct] = pl
                ct += 1
        base_len = len(bases)

        for node in prelinks:
            fail = self._gen_pci_tup(device_root, node)
            if fail == "":
            (vend, id, match, str, mem) = fail
            link = Pci_link()
            link.pci_subid = vend + ":" + id
            if base_len == 2:
                link.tnv_string = match
                link.tnv_string = match[3:]
            link.memory_base = mem

        return links
    def make_pci_links(self):
        links = []

        # first, scan PCI bus
        device_root = '/sys/devices/'
        prelinks = []
        trees = {}

        bases = [ d for d in listdir(device_root) if d.startswith('pci0000:') ]

        for base in bases:
            trees[base] = self._walk(device_root+base+'/')
            # put everything into a standard order

        for base in bases:
            ct = 0
            for pl in trees[base]:
                pl = base + '/' + pl
                trees[base][ct] = pl
                ct += 1
        base_len = len(bases)

        for node in prelinks:
            fail = self._gen_pci_tup(device_root, node)
            if fail == '':
            (vend, id, match, str, mem) = fail
            link = Pci_link()
            link.bdf = str
            link.pci_subid = vend+':'+id
            if base_len > 1:
                link.tnv_string = match
                link.tnv_string = match[3:]
            link.memory_base = mem

        # then, check vmbus (hyper-v)
        dev_bus = '/sys/bus/vmbus/drivers/hv_netvsc/'
        if isdir(dev_bus):
            hv_links = []
            for dev_code in listdir(dev_bus):
                if dev_code.startswith('vmbus_'):
                    dev_path = dev_bus + dev_code
                    ### dev_net = dev_path + '/net/'
                    ### for dev_label in listdir(dev_net):
                    ###     dev_mac = self._read_strip(dev_net + dev_label + '/address')
                    # hyper-v NICs lack subsystem_device, but have a consistent UUID
                    dev_class = self._read_uuid(dev_path + '/class_id')
                    # hyper-v dev_num assignment varies, but its *order* is persistent
                    dev_num = self._read_strip(dev_path + '/id')
                    # hyper-v vmbus devices lack /resource, so key on /device_id
                    dev_uuid = self._read_uuid(dev_path + '/device_id')
                    # hyper-v NICs lack subsystem_vendor, but functionally it
                    # just has to match the NIC's name_keys in config.xml
                    dev_vendor = 'hyperv'
                    dev_link = Pci_link()
                    dev_link.pci_subid = dev_vendor + ':' + dev_class
                    # Pci_link.tnv_string must match the motherboard's slots' pattern
                    # as defined in bus_number_pattern in config.xml. for hyper-v,
                    # slots are just logical constructs grouping pairs of NICs.
                    # only legacy hyper-v NICs are onboard, so both pri and aux should
                    # logically occupy slots 0 and 1. therefore we add inpath pairs
                    # to slots 2/3, 4/5, etc. we don't necessarily encounter vmbus
                    # NICs in ascending order, so for now we just save /device_id
                    dev_link.tnv_string = 'hyperv.' + dev_num
                    # there's no vmbus equivalent of PCI's /resource; we instead use
                    # a unique hex number to identify and distinguish NICs reliably
                    dev_link.memory_base = dev_uuid
            # NIC id *order* is consistent; sort in case we picked them up differently
            hv_links.sort(key=lambda x: x.tnv_string)
            i = 0
            # assign them to slots in successive pairs
            for dev_link in hv_links:
                dev_link.tnv_string = "hyperv.{0:02d}".format(i)
                i += 1

        return links