    def __init__(self, projectname):

        if pub.options.printprogress:
            print('HydPy initialization started at', time.strftime('%X'))

        # Increment and check number of HydPy instances.
        HydPy.nmb_instances += 1
        if HydPy.nmb_instances > 1:
            warnings.warn('Currently %d instances of HydPy are initialized '
                          'within the same process.  It is strongly '
                          'recommended to initialize only one instance at a '
                          'time.  Consider deleting all instances and '
                          'initializing a new one, unless you are fully aware '
                          'in what manner HydPy is relying on some global '
                          'information stored in modules.'

        # Store public information in a seperate module.
        pub.allowcoldstart = False
        pub.projectname = projectname
        pub.filemanager = filetools.MainManager()
        pub.networkmanager = filetools.NetworkManager()
        pub.controlmanager = filetools.ControlManager()
        pub.sequencemanager = filetools.SequenceManager()
        pub.conditionmanager = filetools.ConditionManager()

        if pub.options.printprogress:
            print('HydPy initialization ended at', time.strftime('%X'))
def controlcheck(controldir='default', projectdir=None, controlfile=None):
    namespace = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals
    model = namespace.get('model')
    if model is None:
        if projectdir is None:
            projectdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.curdir))
            projectdir = os.path.split(projectdir)[-1]
        os.chdir(os.path.join('..', '..', '..'))
        controlpath = os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join('control', projectdir, controldir))
        initfile = os.path.split(namespace['__file__'])[-1]
        if controlfile is None:
            controlfile = initfile
        filepath = os.path.join(controlpath, controlfile)
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            raise IOError('The check of consistency between the control '
                          'parameter file %s and the initial condition file '
                          '%s failed.  The control parameter file does not '
                          'exist in directory %s.' %
                          (controlfile, initfile, controlpath))
        controlmanager = filetools.ControlManager()
        controlmanager.projectdirectory = projectdir
        controlmanager.selecteddirectory = controldir
        model = controlmanager.loadfile(controlfile)['model']
        namespace['model'] = model
        for name1 in ('states', 'logs'):
            subseqs = getattr(model.sequences, name1, None)
            if subseqs is not None:
                for (name2, seq) in subseqs:
                    namespace[name2] = seq
    def __init__(self, projectname=None):

        # Increment and check number of HydPy instances.
        HydPy.nmb_instances += 1
        if HydPy.nmb_instances > 1:
            warnings.warn('Currently %d instances of HydPy are initialized '
                          'within the same process.  It is strongly '
                          'recommended to initialize only one instance at a '
                          'time.  Consider deleting all instances and '
                          'initializing a new one, unless you are fully aware '
                          'in what manner HydPy is relying on some global '
                          'information stored in module `pub`.' %
        self.nodes = None
        self.elements = None
        self.deviceorder = None
        # Store public information in a separate module.
        if projectname is not None:
            pub.projectname = projectname
            pub.networkmanager = filetools.NetworkManager()
            pub.controlmanager = filetools.ControlManager()
            pub.sequencemanager = filetools.SequenceManager()
            pub.conditionmanager = filetools.ConditionManager()
文件: importtools.py 项目: zutn/hydpy
def controlcheck(controldir='default', projectdir=None, controlfile=None):
    namespace = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals
    model = namespace.get('model')
    if model is None:
        if not controlfile:
            controlfile = os.path.split(namespace['__file__'])[-1]
        controlmanager = filetools.ControlManager()
        if projectdir:
            controlmanager.projectdir = projectdir
            controlmanager.projectdir = os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1]
        controlmanager.currentdir = controldir
        model = controlmanager.load_file(filename=controlfile)['model']
        namespace['model'] = model
        for name in ('states', 'logs'):
            subseqs = getattr(model.sequences, name, None)
            if subseqs is not None:
                for seq in subseqs:
                    namespace[seq.name] = seq