    def test_version(self):
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as fake_out:

        expected_output = ["hyperdash {}".format(get_hyperdash_version())]
        for expected in expected_output:
            assert_in(expected, fake_out.getvalue())
    def test_monitor(self):
        job_name = "some:job(name)with unsafe for files ystem chars"
        logs = [
            "Beginning machine learning...",
            "Still training...",
            # Handle unicode
            # Huge log
                for x in range(10 * MAX_LOG_SIZE_BYTES)),
        test_obj = {"some_obj_key": "some_value"}
        expected_return = "final_result"

        with patch("sys.stdout", new=StringIO()) as fake_out:

            def test_job():
                for log in logs:
                return expected_return

            return_val = test_job()

            assert return_val == expected_return
            captured_out = fake_out.getvalue()
            for log in logs:
                if PY2:
                    assert log in captured_out.encode("utf-8")
                assert log in captured_out
            assert str(test_obj) in captured_out

            assert "error" not in captured_out

        # Make sure logs were persisted
        log_dir = get_hyperdash_logs_home_path_for_job(job_name)
        latest_log_file = max([
            os.path.join(log_dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(log_dir)
        with open(latest_log_file, "r") as log_file:
            data = log_file.read()
            for log in logs:
                assert_in(log, data)

        # Make sure correct API name / version headers are sent
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][API_KEY_NAME] == API_NAME_MONITOR
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][
            VERSION_KEY_NAME] == get_hyperdash_version()
    def test_pipe(self):
        job_name = "some_job_name"
        inputs = [
            "hello world",
            "foo bar baz",
            "this is the test script",
            "{'some_obj_key': 'some_value'}",
        r_d, w_d = os.pipe()
        r_pipe = os.fdopen(r_d)
        w_pipe = os.fdopen(w_d, 'w')
        with patch('hyperdash_cli.cli.get_access_token_from_file',
                   Mock(return_value=DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN)), patch(
                       new=r_pipe), patch('sys.stdout',
                                          new=StringIO()) as fake_out:

            def writer():
                for input_str in inputs:

            writer_thread = Thread(target=writer)


        for expected in inputs:
            if PY2:
                assert_in(expected, fake_out.getvalue().encode("utf-8"))
            assert_in(expected, fake_out.getvalue())

        # Make sure correct API name / version headers are sent
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][API_KEY_NAME] == API_NAME_CLI_PIPE
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][
            VERSION_KEY_NAME] == get_hyperdash_version()

        # Make sure logs were persisted
        log_dir = get_hyperdash_logs_home_path_for_job(job_name)
        latest_log_file = max([
            os.path.join(log_dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(log_dir)
        with open(latest_log_file, 'r') as log_file:
            data = log_file.read()
            for expected in inputs:
                assert_in(expected, data)
    def test_monitor_cell(self):
        expected_logs = [
            "Beginning machine learning...",
            "Still training...",
            # Handle unicode

        with open("./tests/jupyter_test_file.py.ipynb") as f:
            nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4.0)

        ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=5000, kernel_name="python")
        result = ep.preprocess(nb, {})

        # Accumulate all output from cell 2
        all_stdout = ""
        second_cell_output = result[0]["cells"][1]["outputs"]
        for output in second_cell_output:
            if output.name == "stdout":
                all_stdout = all_stdout + output.text

        # Assert on all output from cell2
        for log in expected_logs:
            if PY2:
                assert_in(log, all_stdout.encode("utf-8"))
            assert_in(log, all_stdout)

        # Verify that variables declared in previous cells can be affected
        third_cell_output = result[0]["cells"][2]["outputs"]
        assert third_cell_output[0].text == "a=1\n"

        # Make sure correct API name / version headers are sent
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][API_KEY_NAME] == API_NAME_JUPYTER
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][
            VERSION_KEY_NAME] == get_hyperdash_version()

        # Make sure logs were persisted
        log_dir = get_hyperdash_logs_home_path_for_job("test_jupyter")
        latest_log_file = max([
            os.path.join(log_dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(log_dir)
        with open(latest_log_file, 'r') as log_file:
            data = log_file.read()
            for log in expected_logs:
                assert_in(log, data)
    def test_run(self):
        job_name = "some_job_name"
        with patch('hyperdash_cli.cli.get_access_token_from_file',
                   Mock(return_value=DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN)), patch(
                       'sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as fake_out:
                                       "hello world",
                                       "foo bar baz",

        expected_output = [
            "hello world",
            "foo bar baz",
            "this is the test script",
            "{'some_obj_key': 'some_value'}",
        for expected in expected_output:
            if PY2:
                assert_in(expected, fake_out.getvalue().encode("utf-8"))
            assert_in(expected, fake_out.getvalue())

        # Make sure correct API name / version headers are sent
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][API_KEY_NAME] == API_NAME_CLI_RUN
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][
            VERSION_KEY_NAME] == get_hyperdash_version()

        # Make sure logs were persisted
        log_dir = get_hyperdash_logs_home_path_for_job(job_name)
        latest_log_file = max([
            os.path.join(log_dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(log_dir)
        with open(latest_log_file, 'r') as log_file:
            data = log_file.read()
            for expected in expected_output:
                assert_in(expected, data)
def version(args=None):
    print("hyperdash {}".format(get_hyperdash_version()))
    def test_experiment(self):
        # Run a test job via the Experiment API
        # Make sure log file is where is supposed to be
        # look at decorator
        # verify run start/stop is sent
        with patch("sys.stdout", new=StringIO()) as faked_out:
            exp = Experiment("MNIST")
            exp.log("test print")
            exp.param("batch size", 32)
            for i in exp.iter(2):
                exp.metric("accuracy", i * 0.2)

        # Test params match what is expected
        params_messages = []
        for msg in server_sdk_messages:
            payload = msg["payload"]
            if "params" in payload:

        expect_params = [
                "params": {
                    "batch size": 32,
                "is_internal": False,
                "params": {
                    "hd_iter_0_epochs": 2,
                "is_internal": True,
        assert len(expect_params) == len(params_messages)
        for i, message in enumerate(params_messages):
            assert message == expect_params[i]

        # Test metrics match what is expected
        metrics_messages = []
        for msg in server_sdk_messages:
            payload = msg["payload"]
            if "name" in payload:

        expect_metrics = [
                "is_internal": True,
                "name": "hd_iter_0",
                "value": 0
                "is_internal": False,
                "name": "accuracy",
                "value": 0
                "is_internal": True,
                "name": "hd_iter_0",
                "value": 1
                "is_internal": False,
                "name": "accuracy",
                "value": 0.2
        assert len(expect_metrics) == len(metrics_messages)
        for i, message in enumerate(metrics_messages):
            assert message == expect_metrics[i]

        captured_out = faked_out.getvalue()
        assert "error" not in captured_out

        # Make sure correct API name / version headers are sent
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][API_KEY_NAME] == API_NAME_EXPERIMENT
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][
            VERSION_KEY_NAME] == get_hyperdash_version()

        # Make sure logs were persisted
        expect_logs = [
            "{ batch size: 32 }",
            "test print",
            "| Iteration 0 of 1 |",
            "| accuracy:   0.000000 |",

        log_dir = get_hyperdash_logs_home_path_for_job("MNIST")
        latest_log_file = max([
            os.path.join(log_dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(log_dir)
        with open(latest_log_file, "r") as log_file:
            data = log_file.read()
            for log in expect_logs:
                assert_in(log, data)
    def test_tensorboard(self):
        job_name = "some_job_name"
        with patch('hyperdash_cli.cli.get_access_token_from_file',
                   Mock(return_value=DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN)), patch(
                       'sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as fake_out:

        # This is not all the datapoints in the tensorboard logs, but only these ones are included
        # due to the default 1s sampling
        expected_metrics = [{
            u'timestamp': 1512945127487,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'job_name': u'some_job_name'
            u'type': u'run_started'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127489,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944548971,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 2.3025853633880615
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127492,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944549971,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.7624818682670593
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127495,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944550972,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.5105720162391663
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127497,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944551976,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.5286356210708618
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127500,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944553023,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.455232173204422
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127503,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944554024,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.372854620218277
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127505,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944555025,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.4262654483318329
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127508,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944556025,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.38998115062713623
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127510,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944557025,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.38911107182502747
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127512,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944558026,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.4348866641521454
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127516,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944559027,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.286268413066864
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127519,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944560028,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.3003489673137665
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127523,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944561029,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.3317962884902954
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127525,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944562034,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.27931177616119385
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127526,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944563042,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.6486308574676514
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127528,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944564109,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.5528809428215027
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127531,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944565113,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.3118564486503601
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127542,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944566113,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.48642101883888245
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127544,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944567114,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.2462320178747177
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127549,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944568117,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.2997052073478699
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127553,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944569119,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.19338417053222656
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127557,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944570120,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.4237367510795593
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127560,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944571121,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'loss',
                u'value': 0.2270836979150772
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127561,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944548971,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.14000000059604645
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127563,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944549971,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.800000011920929
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127566,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944550972,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8999999761581421
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127568,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944551976,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8600000143051147
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127570,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944553023,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.9100000262260437
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127573,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944554024,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8999999761581421
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127575,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944555025,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8899999856948853
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127578,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944556025,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8799999952316284
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127580,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944557025,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8899999856948853
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127582,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944558026,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8799999952316284
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127585,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944559027,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.9599999785423279
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127587,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944560028,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8999999761581421
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127591,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944561029,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.9200000166893005
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127593,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944562034,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.9300000071525574
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127594,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944563042,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8500000238418579
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127596,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944564109,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8199999928474426
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127599,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944565113,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.9300000071525574
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127602,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944566113,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8600000143051147
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127603,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944567114,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.949999988079071
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127605,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944568117,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.9300000071525574
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127608,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944569119,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.9599999785423279
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127610,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944570120,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.8799999952316284
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945127612,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'timestamp': 1512944571121,
                u'is_internal': False,
                u'name': u'accuracy',
                u'value': 0.9300000071525574
            u'type': u'metric'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945128493,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'This run of some_job_name ran for 0:00:01 and logs are available locally at: /Users/richie/.hyperdash/logs/some-job-name/some-job-name_2017-12-10t17-32-07-487283.log\n',
                u'uuid': u'2a00ed85-d9a0-4df5-ab2d-fee35fb1dd00',
                u'level': u'INFO'
            u'type': u'log'
        }, {
            u'timestamp': 1512945128493,
            u'sdk_run_uuid': u'77972e75-6266-4d2a-94b7-25117b7dcd08',
            u'payload': {
                u'final_status': u'success'
            u'type': u'run_ended'

        # TODO: Make this part pass in PY3 (for some reason the sampling is slightly different in PY3)
        if PY2:
            for i, message in enumerate(server_sdk_messages):
                if message['type'] == 'metric':
                    assert message['payload'] == expected_metrics[i]['payload']
            assert len(expected_metrics) > 20

        # Make sure correct API name / version headers are sent
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][API_KEY_NAME] == API_NAME_CLI_TENSORBOARD
        assert server_sdk_headers[0][
            VERSION_KEY_NAME] == get_hyperdash_version()