def optimize_model_pytorch(device, args, train_GWAS, train_y, test_GWAS, test_y, out_folder ="", startupJobs = 40, maxevals = 200, noOut = False): global numTrials_pytorch numTrials_pytorch= 0 trials = Trials() trial_wrapper = partial(trial_pytorch,device = device, args = args , train_GWAS = train_GWAS, train_y = train_y , test_GWAS = test_GWAS , test_y = test_y) best_pars = fmin(trial_wrapper, parameter_space_pytorch(), algo=partial(tpe.suggest, n_startup_jobs=(startupJobs) ), max_evals=maxevals, trials=trials) # Print the selected 'best' hyperparameters. if noOut == False: print('\nBest hyperparameter settings: ',space_eval(parameter_space_pytorch(), best_pars),'\n') # loops through the 1st entry in the dict that holds all the lookup keys regression = True for p in trials.trials[0]['misc']['idxs']: plot_optimization_pytorch(trials, p, regression, out_folder = out_folder) best_pars = space_eval(parameter_space_pytorch(), best_pars) # this turns the indices into the actual params into the valid aprameter space # override the epochs with the early start lowestLossIndex = np.argmin(trials.losses()) trials.trial_attachments(trials.trials[lowestLossIndex])['highestAcc_epoch'] best_pars['earlyStopEpochs'] = trials.trial_attachments(trials.trials[lowestLossIndex])['highestAcc_epoch'] best_pars['earlyStopEpochs'] += 1 # as epochs are 0 based otherwise... best_pars['epochs'] = best_pars['earlyStopEpochs'] if best_pars['epochs'] <= 0 : best_pars['epochs'] = 1 # we dont want a network without any training, as that will cause a problem for deep dreaming return(best_pars)
def run_all_dl(csvfile = saving_fp, space = [hp.quniform('h1', 100, 550, 1), hp.quniform('h2', 100, 550, 1), hp.quniform('h3', 100, 550, 1), #hp.choice('activation', ["RectifierWithDropout", "TanhWithDropout"]), hp.uniform('hdr1', 0.001, 0.3), hp.uniform('hdr2', 0.001, 0.3), hp.uniform('hdr3', 0.001, 0.3), hp.uniform('rho', 0.9, 0.999), hp.uniform('epsilon', 1e-10, 1e-4)]): # maxout works well with dropout (Goodfellow et al 2013), and rectifier has worked well with image recognition (LeCun et al 1998) start_save(csvfile = csvfile) trials = Trials() print "Deep learning..." best = fmin(objective, space = space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=evals, trials=trials) print best print trials.losses() with open('output/dlbest.pkl', 'w') as output: pickle.dump(best, output, -1) with open('output/dltrials.pkl', 'w') as output: pickle.dump(trials, output, -1)
def notest_opt_qn_normal(f=hp_normal): bandit = Bandit( {'loss': scope.sum([f('v%i' % ii, 0, 1) for ii in range(25)]) ** 2}, loss_target=0) algo = TreeParzenEstimator(bandit, prior_weight=.5, n_startup_jobs=0, n_EI_candidates=1, gamma=0.15) trials = Trials() experiment = Experiment(trials, algo, async=False) experiment.max_queue_len = 1 print 'sorted losses:', list(sorted(trials.losses())) idxs, vals = miscs_to_idxs_vals(trials.miscs) if 1: import hyperopt.plotting hyperopt.plotting.main_plot_vars(trials, bandit, do_show=1) else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt begin = [v[:10] for k, v in vals.items()] end = [v[-10:] for k, v in vals.items()] plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.title('before') plt.hist(np.asarray(begin).flatten()) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.title('after') plt.hist(np.asarray(end).flatten())
def run(self): start = time.time() trials = Trials() best = fmin(self._obj, self.model_param_space._build_space(), tpe.suggest, self.max_evals, trials) best_params = space_eval(self.model_param_space._build_space(), best) best_params = self.model_param_space._convert_int_param(best_params) trial_rmses = np.asarray(trials.losses(), dtype=float) best_ind = np.argmin(trial_rmses) best_rmse_mean = trial_rmses[best_ind] best_rmse_std = trials.trial_attachments(trials.trials[best_ind])["std"]"-"*50)"Best RMSE")" Mean: %.6f"%best_rmse_mean)" std: %.6f"%best_rmse_std)"Best param") self.task._print_param_dict(best_params) end = time.time() _sec = end - start _min = int(_sec/60.)"Time") if _min > 0:" %d mins"%_min) else:" %d secs"%_sec)"-"*50)
def main(): usage = "%prog text.json labels.csv feature_dir output_dir" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-m', dest='max_iter', default=4, help='Maximum iterations of Bayesian optimization; default=%default') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() max_iter = int(options.max_iter) global data_filename, label_filename, feature_dir, output_dir, log_filename data_filename = args[0] label_filename = args[1] feature_dir = args[2] output_dir = args[3] if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) log_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'log.txt') with open(log_filename, 'w') as logfile: logfile.write(','.join([data_filename, label_filename, feature_dir, output_dir])) trials = Trials() best = fmin(call_experiment, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=max_iter, trials=trials) print space_eval(space, best) print trials.losses()
def work(self): bandit = self.bandit random_algo = Random(bandit) # build an experiment of 10 trials trials = Trials() exp = Experiment(trials, random_algo) #print random_algo.s_specs_idxs_vals ids = trials.tids assert len(ids) == 10 tpe_algo = TreeParzenEstimator(bandit) #print pyll.as_apply(tpe_algo.post_idxs) #print pyll.as_apply(tpe_algo.post_vals) argmemo = {} print trials.miscs idxs, vals = miscs_to_idxs_vals(trials.miscs) argmemo[tpe_algo.observed['idxs']] = idxs argmemo[tpe_algo.observed['vals']] = vals argmemo[tpe_algo.observed_loss['idxs']] = trials.tids argmemo[tpe_algo.observed_loss['vals']] = trials.losses() stuff = pyll.rec_eval([tpe_algo.post_below['idxs'], tpe_algo.post_below['vals']], memo=argmemo) print stuff
def main(): usage = "%prog" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-o', dest='output_dirname', default='bayes_opt_rnn_chars', help='Output directory name') parser.add_option('--reuse', dest='reuse', action="store_true", default=False, help='Use reusable holdout; default=%default') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() global output_dirname, output_filename, reuse, search_alpha, space reuse = options.reuse output_dirname = options.output_dirname if reuse: output_dirname += '_reuse' output_filename = fh.make_filename(defines.exp_dir, fh.get_basename_wo_ext(output_dirname), 'log') with, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(output_dirname + '\n') #output_file.write('reuse = ' + str(reuse) + '\n') trials = Trials() best = fmin(call_experiment, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=100, trials=trials) print space_eval(space, best) print trials.losses()
def optimize(obj_function, inputs, key_file, space, max_eval): trials = Trials() f = partial(obj_function, inputs, key_file) best = fmin(f, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=max_eval, trials=trials)"{}\t{}".format(best, 1 - min(trials.losses())))
def optimize_model_parameter_split(x, y, model_name=None, loss_function="accuracy", parameter=None, max_evals=100, n_folds=5, isWrite=True, times=1, problem_pattern="classification"): """ hyperopt model turning """ if model_name == None and parameter == None: print "you must set parameter or model_name" return None elif parameter != None: param = parameter elif model_name != None: param = parameter_dictionary[model_name] else: return None x_trains = [] x_tests = [] y_trains = [] y_tests = [] for time in xrange(times): x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split( x, y, test_size=0.0125) x_trains.append(x_train) x_tests.append(x_test) y_trains.append(y_train) y_tests.append(y_test) trials = Trials() function = lambda param: optimize_model_function_split( param, x_trains, x_tests, y_trains, y_tests, loss_function) print param print "========================================================================" best_param = fmin(function, param, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=max_evals, trials=trials) print "========================================================================" print "write result to csv files" # write the csv file if isWrite: datas = [] for trial_data in trials.trials: print trial_data trial_parameter_dictionary = {} trial_parameter_dictionary['model'] = model_name trial_parameter_dictionary['tid'] = trial_data['misc']['tid'] for key, value in trial_data['misc']['vals'].items(): print key, value[0] trial_parameter_dictionary[key] = value[0] trial_parameter_dictionary['loss'] = trial_data['result']['loss'] trial_parameter_dictionary[ 'status'] = trial_data['result']['status'] datas.append(trial_parameter_dictionary) filename = str(time.time()) + ".csv" dictionary_in_list_convert_to_csv(datas, filename) print trials.statuses() return best_param
def test_basic(self): bandit = self._bandit_cls() #print 'bandit params', bandit.params, bandit #print 'algo params', algo.vh.params trials = Trials() fmin(lambda x: x, bandit.expr, trials=trials, algo=suggest, max_evals=self._n_steps) assert trials.average_best_error(bandit) - bandit.loss_target < .2
def test_basic(self): domain = self._domain_cls() # print 'domain params', domain.params, domain # print 'algo params', algo.vh.params trials = Trials() fmin(lambda x: x, domain.expr, trials=trials, algo=suggest, max_evals=self._n_steps) assert trials.average_best_error(domain) - domain.loss_target < .2
def main(): set_globals() trials = Trials() best = fmin(call_experiment, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=max_iter, trials=trials) print space_eval(space, best) print "losses:", [-l for l in trials.losses()] print('the best loss: ', max([-l for l in trials.losses()])) print("number of trials: " + str(len(trials.trials)))
def test_basic(self): bandit = self._bandit_cls() algo = Random(bandit) trials = Trials() experiment = Experiment(trials, algo, async=False) experiment.max_queue_len = 50 print print self._bandit_cls print bandit.loss_target print trials.average_best_error(bandit) assert trials.average_best_error(bandit) - bandit.loss_target < .2 print
def test_basic(self): bandit = self._bandit_cls() print 'bandit params', bandit.params algo = Random(bandit) print 'algo params', algo.vh.params trials = Trials() experiment = Experiment(trials, algo, async=False) experiment.catch_bandit_exceptions = False experiment.max_queue_len = 50 print print self._bandit_cls print bandit.loss_target print trials.average_best_error(bandit) assert trials.average_best_error(bandit) - bandit.loss_target < .2 print
def TunningParamter(param,data,features,feature,source_name,real_value,int_boolean): data = data[~pd.isnull(all_data[feature])] print data.shape ISOTIMEFORMAT='%Y-%m-%d %X' start = time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT, time.localtime()) trials = Trials() objective = lambda p : trainModel(p, data, features, feature,source_name,real_value,int_boolean) best_parameters = fmin(objective, param, algo =tpe.suggest,max_evals=param['max_evals'],trials= trials) #now we need to get best_param trials_loss = np.asanyarray(trials.losses(),dtype=float) best_loss = min(trials_loss) ind = np.where(trials_loss==best_loss)[0][0] best_loss_std = trials.trial_attachments(trials.trials[ind])['std'] end = time.strftime(ISOTIMEFORMAT,time.localtime()) dumpMessage(best_parameters, best_loss, best_loss_std,param['task'],source_name,start,end)
def __init__(self, train_set, holdout_set, command, max_evals=100, outer_loss_function='logistic', searcher='tpe', is_regression=False): self.train_set = train_set self.holdout_set = holdout_set self.train_model = './current.model' self.holdout_pred = './holdout.pred' self.trials_output = './trials.json' self.hyperopt_progress_plot = './hyperopt_progress.png' self.log = './log.log' self.logger = self._configure_logger() # hyperopt parameter sample, converted into a string with flags self.param_suffix = None self.train_command = None self.validate_command = None self.y_true_train = [] self.y_true_holdout = [] self.outer_loss_function = outer_loss_function = self._get_space(command) self.max_evals = max_evals self.searcher = searcher self.is_regression = is_regression self.trials = Trials() self.current_trial = 0
def work(self): bandit = self.bandit assert is not None algo = partial( tree.suggest, # XXX (begin) n_trees=10, logprior_strength=1.0, # XXX (end) ) LEN = self.LEN.get(, 75) trials = Trials() fmin(fn=passthrough, space=self.bandit.expr, trials=trials, algo=algo, max_evals=LEN) assert len(trials) == LEN if 1: rtrials = Trials() fmin(fn=passthrough, space=self.bandit.expr, trials=rtrials, algo=rand.suggest, max_evals=LEN) print 'RANDOM BEST 6:', list(sorted(rtrials.losses()))[:6] if 0: plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.scatter(range(LEN), trials.losses()) plt.title('TPE losses') plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.scatter(range(LEN), ([s['x'] for s in trials.specs])) plt.title('TPE x') plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.title('RND losses') plt.scatter(range(LEN), rtrials.losses()) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.title('RND x') plt.scatter(range(LEN), ([s['x'] for s in rtrials.specs])) if 0: plt.hist( [t['x'] for t in self.experiment.trials], bins=20) #print trials.losses() print 'OPT BEST 6:', list(sorted(trials.losses()))[:6] #logx = np.log([s['x'] for s in trials.specs]) #print 'TPE MEAN', np.mean(logx) #print 'TPE STD ', np.std(logx) thresh = self.thresholds[] print 'Thresh', thresh assert min(trials.losses()) < thresh
def minimize(self, restarts=2, epochs=600, tune_space=None): from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, Trials if tune_space is None: initial_values = tune_space = self._make_tune_space(initial_values) # TODO: This report structure has the downside of not writing # anything to disk until it's 100% complete. reports = [] # Make minimize deterministic R = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) for restarts in range(restarts): trials = Trials() best = fmin(fn=self._evaluate, space=tune_space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=epochs, trials=trials, rstate=R) self._assign_values(best) reports.extend(trials.trial_attachments(t)['report'] for t in trials.trials) return self.evaluator.make_agg_report(reports)
def run_all_gbm(csvfile = saving_fp, space = [hp.quniform('ntrees', 200, 750, 1), hp.quniform('max_depth', 5, 15, 1), hp.uniform('learn_rate', 0.03, 0.35)]): # Search space is a stochastic argument-sampling program: start_save(csvfile = csvfile) trials = Trials() best = fmin(objective, space = space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=evals, trials=trials) print best # from hyperopt import space_eval # print space_eval(space, best) # trials.trials # list of dictionaries representing everything about the search # trials.results # list of dictionaries returned by 'objective' during the search print trials.losses() # list of losses (float for each 'ok' trial) # trials.statuses() # list of status strings with open('output/gbmbest.pkl', 'w') as output: pickle.dump(best, output, -1) with open('output/gbmtrials.pkl', 'w') as output: pickle.dump(trials, output, -1)
def hyperopt_search(self, parallel=False): # TODO: implement parallel search with MongoTrials def objective(kwargs): start = self.get_hyperparam_string(**kwargs) self.fit_vw() self.validate_vw() loss = self.validation_metric_vw() finish = elapsed = finish - start"evaluation time for this step: %s" % str(elapsed)) # clean up'rm %s %s' % (self.train_model, self.holdout_pred))) to_return = {'status': STATUS_OK, 'loss': loss, # TODO: include also train loss tracking in order to prevent overfitting 'eval_time': elapsed, 'train_command': self.train_command } return to_return trials = Trials() if self.searcher == 'tpe': algo = tpe.suggest elif self.searcher == 'rand': algo = rand.suggest logging.debug("starting hypersearch...") best_params = fmin(objective,, trials=trials, algo=algo, max_evals=self.max_evals) self.logger.debug("the best hyperopt parameters: %s" % str(best_params)) best_configuration = trials.results[np.argmin(trials.losses())]['train_command'] best_loss = trials.results[np.argmin(trials.losses())]['loss']"\n\nA FULL TRAINING COMMAND WITH THE BEST HYPERPARAMETERS: \n%s" % best_configuration)"\n\nTHE BEST LOSS VALUE: \n%s" % best_loss) return best_configuration, best_loss
def hyperopt_search(self, parallel=False): # TODO: implement parallel search with MongoTrials def objective(kwargs): start = self.current_trial += 1'\n\nStarting trial no.%d' % self.current_trial) self.get_hyperparam_string(**kwargs) self.fit_vw() self.validate_vw() loss = self.validation_metric_vw() finish = elapsed = finish - start"evaluation time for this step: %s" % str(elapsed)) # clean up'rm %s %s' % (self.train_model, self.holdout_pred))) to_return = {'status': STATUS_OK, 'loss': loss, # TODO: include also train loss tracking in order to prevent overfitting 'eval_time': elapsed.seconds, 'train_command': self.train_command, 'current_trial': self.current_trial } return to_return self.trials = Trials() if self.searcher == 'tpe': algo = tpe.suggest elif self.searcher == 'rand': algo = rand.suggest else: raise KeyError('Invalid searcher') logging.debug("starting hypersearch...") best_params = fmin(objective,, trials=self.trials, algo=algo, max_evals=self.max_evals) self.logger.debug("the best hyperopt parameters: %s" % str(best_params)) json.dump(self.trials.results, open(self.trials_output, 'w'))'All the trials results are saved at %s' % self.trials_output) best_configuration = self.trials.results[np.argmin(self.trials.losses())]['train_command'] best_loss = self.trials.results[np.argmin(self.trials.losses())]['loss']"\n\nA full training command with the best hyperparameters: \n%s\n\n" % best_configuration)"\n\nThe best holdout loss value: \n%s\n\n" % best_loss) return best_configuration, best_loss
def work(self): bandit = self.bandit assert is not None algo = partial(anneal.suggest) LEN = self.LEN.get(, 50) trials = Trials() fmin(fn=passthrough, space=self.bandit.expr, trials=trials, algo=algo, max_evals=LEN) assert len(trials) == LEN if 1: rtrials = Trials() fmin(fn=passthrough, space=self.bandit.expr, trials=rtrials, algo=rand.suggest, max_evals=LEN) print("RANDOM BEST 6:", list(sorted(rtrials.losses()))[:6]) if 0: plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.scatter(list(range(LEN)), trials.losses()) plt.title("TPE losses") plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.scatter(list(range(LEN)), ([s["x"] for s in trials.specs])) plt.title("TPE x") plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.title("RND losses") plt.scatter(list(range(LEN)), rtrials.losses()) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.title("RND x") plt.scatter(list(range(LEN)), ([s["x"] for s in rtrials.specs])) if 0: plt.hist([t["x"] for t in self.experiment.trials], bins=20) # print trials.losses() print("ANNEAL BEST 6:", list(sorted(trials.losses()))[:6]) # logx = np.log([s['x'] for s in trials.specs]) # print 'TPE MEAN', np.mean(logx) # print 'TPE STD ', np.std(logx) thresh = self.thresholds[] print("Thresh", thresh) assert min(trials.losses()) < thresh
metrics=['accuracy']), Y_train, batch_size={{choice([64, 128])}}, nb_epoch=1, verbose=2, validation_data=(X_test, Y_test)) score, acc = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test, verbose=0) print('Test accuracy:', acc) return {'loss': -acc, 'status': STATUS_OK, 'model': model} X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = data() best_run, best_model = optim.minimize(model=create_model, data=data, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=5, trials=Trials()) print("Evalutation of best performing model:") print(best_model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test)) print(best_run) best_run, best_model = optim.minimize(model=create_model, data=data, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=5, trials=Trials())
def run(self): trails = Trials() if self.clf == 'Boost': clfdefault_value = {'Boostnestimator': 50, 'BoostLearnrate': 1} clfparamSpace = { 'Boostnestimator': hp.choice('Boostnestimator', range(10, 1000)), 'BoostLearnrate': hp.uniform('BoostLearnrate', 0.01, 10) } if self.clf == 'RF': clfdefault_value = { 'n_estimators': 10, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_features': 'auto', 'RFmin_samples_split': 2 } clfparamSpace = { 'n_estimators': hp.choice('n_estimators', range(10, 100)), 'criterion': hp.choice('criterion', ['gini', 'entropy']), 'max_features': hp.choice('max_features', ['auto', 'sqrt', 'log2']), 'RFmin_samples_split': hp.choice('RFmin_samples_split', range(2, int(len( / 10))) } if self.clf == 'BRF': clfdefault_value = { 'n_estimators': 10, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_features': 'auto', 'RFmin_samples_split': 2 } clfparamSpace = { 'n_estimators': hp.choice('n_estimators', range(10, 100)), 'criterion': hp.choice('criterion', ['gini', 'entropy']), 'max_features': hp.choice('max_features', ['auto', 'sqrt', 'log2']), 'RFmin_samples_split': hp.choice('RFmin_samples_split', range(2, int(len( / 10))) } if self.clf == 'SVM': clfdefault_value = { 'SVCkernel': { 'kernel': 'poly', 'degree': 3, 'polycoef0': 0.0, 'polygamma': 1 }, 'C': 1.0 } clfparamSpace = { 'SVCkernel': hp.choice( 'SVCkernel', [{ 'kernel': 'linear' }, { 'kernel': 'poly', 'degree': hp.choice('degree', range(1, 5)), 'polycoef0': hp.uniform('polycoef0', 0, 10), 'polygamma': hp.choice('polygamma', ["auto", "scale"]) }, { 'kernel': 'sigmoid', 'sigcoef0': hp.uniform('sigcoef0', 0, 10), 'siggamma': hp.choice('siggamma', ["auto", "scale"]) }, { 'kernel': 'rbf', 'rbfgamma': hp.choice('rbfgamma', ["auto", "scale"]) }]), 'C': hp.uniform('C', 0.001, 1000), } if self.clf == 'NN': clfdefault_value = { 'NNactive': 'relu', 'NNalpha': 0.0001, 'NNmaxiter': 200 } clfparamSpace = { 'NNactive': hp.choice('NNactive', ['identity', 'logistic', 'tanh', 'relu']), 'NNalpha': hp.uniform('NNalpha', 1e-6, 1), 'NNmaxiter': hp.choice('NNmaxiter', range(100, 1000)) } if self.clf == 'KNN': clfdefault_value = {'KNNneighbors': 1} clfparamSpace = { 'KNNneighbors': hp.choice('KNNneighbors', range(1, 50)) } if self.clf == 'NB': clfdefault_value = {'NBType': 'gaussian'} clfparamSpace = { 'NBType': hp.choice('NBType', ['gaussian', 'multinomial', 'bernoulli']) } if self.clf == 'Ridge': clfdefault_value = {'Ridgealpha': 1, 'Ridgenormalize': False} clfparamSpace = { 'Ridgealpha': hp.uniform('Ridgealpha', 0.001, 1000), 'Ridgenormalize': hp.choice('Ridgenormlize', [True, False]) } if self.clf == 'CART': clfdefault_value = { 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_features': 'auto', 'CARTsplitter': 'best', 'RFmin_samples_split': 2 } clfparamSpace = { 'criterion': hp.choice('criterion', ['gini', 'entropy']), 'max_features': hp.choice('max_features', ['auto', 'sqrt', 'log2']), 'CARTsplitter': hp.choice('CARTsplitter', ['best', 'random']), 'RFmin_samples_split': hp.choice('RFmin_samples_split', range(2, int(len( / 10))) } self.def_value = self.objFunc(clfdefault_value)['result'] best = fmin(self.objFunc, space=clfparamSpace, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=self.fe, trials=self.trails) his = dict() his['name'] = list(self.trails.trials[0]['misc']['vals'].keys()) i = 0 for item in self.trails.trials: results = list(deepflatten(item['misc']['vals'].values())) results.append(item['result']['result']) his[i] = results i += 1 inc_value = self.trails.best_trial['result']['result'] # print(def_value) return np.asarray([self.def_value, inc_value]), his, best
def run(self): trails = Trials() if self.adaptation == 'TCA': adptdefault_value = { # 'kernel_type': 'linear', 'dim': 5, 'lamb': 1, 'gamma': 1 } adptparamSpace = { # 'kernel_type': hp.choice('kernel_type', ['primal', 'linear', 'rbf', 'sam']), 'dim': hp.choice('dim', range(5, max([1], self.tx.shape[1]))), 'lamb': hp.uniform('lamb', 1e-6, 1e2), 'gamma': hp.uniform('gamma', 1e-5, 1e2) } if self.adaptation == 'DBSCANfilter': adptdefault_value = {'eps': 1, 'min_samples': 10} adptparamSpace = { 'eps': hp.uniform('eps', 0.1, 1e2), 'min_samples': hp.choice('min_samples', range(1, 100)) } if self.adaptation == 'Burakfilter': adptdefault_value = {'n_neighbors': 10} adptparamSpace = { 'n_neighbors': hp.choice('n_neighbors', range(1, 100)) } if self.adaptation == 'Peterfilter': adptdefault_value = {'eachCluster': 10} adptparamSpace = { 'eachCluster': hp.choice('eachCluster', range(1, 100)) } if self.adaptation == 'Universal': adptdefault_value = {'pvalue': 0.05, 'QuantifyType': 'cliff'} adptparamSpace = { 'pvalue': hp.uniform('pvalue', 0.01, 0.1), 'QuantifyType': hp.choice('QuantifyType', ['cliff', 'cohen']) } if self.adaptation == 'HISNN': adptdefault_value = {'MinHam': 1.0, 'HISNNneighbors': 5} adptparamSpace = { 'MinHam': hp.uniform('MinHam', 0.5, 100), 'HISNNneighbors': hp.choice('HISNNneighbors', range(1, 100)) } if self.adaptation == 'DTB': adptdefault_value = {'DTBneighbors': 10, 'DTBT': 20} adptparamSpace = { 'DTBneighbors': hp.choice('DTBneighbors', range(1, 50)), 'DTBT': hp.choice('DTBT', range(5, 30)) } if self.adaptation == 'DS': adptdefault_value = {'DStopn': 5, 'DSfss': 0.2} adptparamSpace = { 'DStopn': hp.choice('DStopn', range(1, 15)), 'DSfss': hp.uniform('DSfss', 0.1, 0.5) } if self.adaptation == 'DSBF': adptdefault_value = {'DSBFtopk': 1, 'DSBFneighbors': 10} adptparamSpace = { 'DSBFtopk': hp.choice('DSBFtopk', range(1, 10)), 'DSBFneighbors': hp.choice('DSBFneighbors', range(1, 100)) } self.def_value = self.objFunc(adptdefault_value)['result'] best = fmin(self.objFunc, space=adptparamSpace, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=self.fe, trials=self.trails) his = dict() his['name'] = list(self.trails.trials[0]['misc']['vals'].keys()) i = 0 for item in self.trails.trials: results = list(deepflatten(item['misc']['vals'].values())) results.append(item['result']['result']) his[i] = results i += 1 inc_value = self.trails.best_trial['result']['result'] return np.asarray([self.def_value, inc_value]), his, best
def train_model(self, config, reverse_dictionary, train_data, train_labels, test_data, test_labels, l_tool_tr_samples, class_weights): """ Train a model and report accuracy """ # convert items to integer l_batch_size = list(map(int, config["batch_size"].split(","))) l_embedding_size = list(map(int, config["embedding_size"].split(","))) l_units = list(map(int, config["units"].split(","))) # convert items to float l_learning_rate = list(map(float, config["learning_rate"].split(","))) l_dropout = list(map(float, config["dropout"].split(","))) l_spatial_dropout = list( map(float, config["spatial_dropout"].split(","))) l_recurrent_dropout = list( map(float, config["recurrent_dropout"].split(","))) optimize_n_epochs = int(config["optimize_n_epochs"]) # get dimensions dimensions = len(reverse_dictionary) + 1 best_model_params = dict() early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', mode='min', verbose=1, min_delta=1e-1, restore_best_weights=True) # specify the search space for finding the best combination of parameters using Bayesian optimisation params = { "embedding_size": hp.quniform("embedding_size", l_embedding_size[0], l_embedding_size[1], 1), "units": hp.quniform("units", l_units[0], l_units[1], 1), "batch_size": hp.quniform("batch_size", l_batch_size[0], l_batch_size[1], 1), "learning_rate": hp.loguniform("learning_rate", np.log(l_learning_rate[0]), np.log(l_learning_rate[1])), "dropout": hp.uniform("dropout", l_dropout[0], l_dropout[1]), "spatial_dropout": hp.uniform("spatial_dropout", l_spatial_dropout[0], l_spatial_dropout[1]), "recurrent_dropout": hp.uniform("recurrent_dropout", l_recurrent_dropout[0], l_recurrent_dropout[1]) } def create_model(params): model = Sequential() model.add( Embedding(dimensions, int(params["embedding_size"]), mask_zero=True)) model.add(SpatialDropout1D(params["spatial_dropout"])) model.add( GRU(int(params["units"]), dropout=params["dropout"], recurrent_dropout=params["recurrent_dropout"], return_sequences=True, activation="elu")) model.add(Dropout(params["dropout"])) model.add( GRU(int(params["units"]), dropout=params["dropout"], recurrent_dropout=params["recurrent_dropout"], return_sequences=False, activation="elu")) model.add(Dropout(params["dropout"])) model.add(Dense(2 * dimensions, activation="sigmoid")) optimizer_rms = RMSprop(lr=params["learning_rate"]) batch_size = int(params["batch_size"]) model.compile(loss=utils.weighted_loss(class_weights), optimizer=optimizer_rms) print(model.summary()) model_fit = model.fit_generator( utils.balanced_sample_generator(train_data, train_labels, batch_size, l_tool_tr_samples), steps_per_epoch=len(train_data) // batch_size, epochs=optimize_n_epochs, callbacks=[early_stopping], validation_data=(test_data, test_labels), verbose=2, shuffle=True) return { 'loss': model_fit.history["val_loss"][-1], 'status': STATUS_OK, 'model': model } # minimize the objective function using the set of parameters above trials = Trials() learned_params = fmin(create_model, params, trials=trials, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=int(config["max_evals"])) best_model = trials.results[np.argmin( [r['loss'] for r in trials.results])]['model'] # set the best params with respective values for item in learned_params: item_val = learned_params[item] best_model_params[item] = item_val return best_model_params, best_model
def run(self): Atrails = Trials() Ctrails = Trials() trails = Trials() if self.imb == 'SMOTE': imbdefault_value = {'SMOTE_k_neighbors': 5} imbparamSpace = { 'SMOTE_k_neighbors': hp.choice('SMOTE_k_neighbors', range(1, 50)) } if self.imb == 'ENN': imbdefault_value = {'ENN_n_neighbors': 3} imbparamSpace = { 'ENN_n_neighbors': hp.choice('ENN_n_neighbors', range(1, 50)), 'kind_sel': hp.choice('kind_sel', ['all', 'mode']) } if self.adaptation == 'TCA': adptdefault_value = { # 'kernel_type': 'linear', 'dim': 5, 'lamb': 1, 'gamma': 1 } adptparamSpace = { # 'kernel_type': hp.choice('kernel_type', ['primal', 'linear', 'rbf', 'sam']), 'dim': hp.choice('dim', range(5, max([1], self.tx.shape[1]))), 'lamb': hp.uniform('lamb', 1e-6, 1e2), 'gamma': hp.uniform('gamma', 1e-5, 1e2) } if self.adaptation == 'DBSCANfilter': adptdefault_value = {'eps': 1, 'min_samples': 10} adptparamSpace = { 'eps': hp.uniform('eps', 0.1, 1e2), 'min_samples': hp.choice('min_samples', range(1, 100)) } if self.adaptation == 'Burakfilter': adptdefault_value = {'n_neighbors': 10} adptparamSpace = { 'n_neighbors': hp.choice('n_neighbors', range(1, 100)) } if self.adaptation == 'Peterfilter': adptdefault_value = {'eachCluster': 10} adptparamSpace = { 'eachCluster': hp.choice('eachCluster', range(1, 100)) } if self.adaptation == 'Universal': adptdefault_value = {'pvalue': 0.05, 'QuantifyType': 'cliff'} adptparamSpace = { 'pvalue': hp.uniform('pvalue', 0.01, 0.1), 'QuantifyType': hp.choice('QuantifyType', ['cliff', 'cohen']) } if self.adaptation == 'DTB': adptdefault_value = {'DTBneighbors': 10, 'DTBT': 20} adptparamSpace = { 'DTBneighbors': hp.choice('DTBneighbors', range(1, 50)), 'DTBT': hp.choice('DTBT', range(5, 30)) } if self.adaptation == 'DS': adptdefault_value = {'DStopn': 5, 'DSfss': 0.2} adptparamSpace = { 'DStopn': hp.choice('DStopn', range(1, 15)), 'DSfss': hp.uniform('DSfss', 0.1, 0.5) } if self.adaptation == 'DSBF': adptdefault_value = {'DSBFtopk': 1, 'DSBFneighbors': 10} adptparamSpace = { 'DSBFtopk': hp.choice('DSBFtopk', range(1, 10)), 'DSBFneighbors': hp.choice('DSBFneighbors', range(1, 100)) } if self.clf == 'Boost': clfdefault_value = {'Boostnestimator': 50, 'BoostLearnrate': 1} clfparamSpace = { 'Boostnestimator': hp.choice('Boostnestimator', range(10, 1000)), 'BoostLearnrate': hp.uniform('BoostLearnrate', 0.01, 10) } if self.clf == 'RF': clfdefault_value = { 'n_estimators': 10, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_features': 'auto', 'RFmin_samples_split': 2, 'RFclass_weight': None } clfparamSpace = { 'n_estimators': hp.choice('n_estimators', range(10, 100)), 'criterion': hp.choice('criterion', ['gini', 'entropy']), 'max_features': hp.choice('max_features', ['auto', 'sqrt', 'log2']), 'RFmin_samples_split': hp.choice('RFmin_samples_split', range(2, int(len( / 10))), 'RFclass_weight': hp.choice('RFclass_weight', ['balanced', 'balanced_subsample', None]) } if self.clf == 'BRF': clfdefault_value = { 'n_estimators': 10, 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_features': 'auto', 'RFmin_samples_split': 2 } clfparamSpace = { 'n_estimators': hp.choice('n_estimators', range(10, 100)), 'criterion': hp.choice('criterion', ['gini', 'entropy']), 'max_features': hp.choice('max_features', ['auto', 'sqrt', 'log2']), 'RFmin_samples_split': hp.choice('RFmin_samples_split', range(2, int(len( / 10))) } if self.clf == 'SVM': clfdefault_value = { 'SVCkernel': { 'kernel': 'poly', 'degree': 3, 'polycoef0': 0.0, 'polygamma': 1 }, 'C': 1.0 } clfparamSpace = { 'SVCkernel': hp.choice( 'SVCkernel', [{ 'kernel': 'linear' }, { 'kernel': 'poly', 'degree': hp.choice('degree', range(1, 5)), 'polycoef0': hp.uniform('polycoef0', 0, 10), 'polygamma': hp.choice('polygamma', ["auto", "scale"]) }, { 'kernel': 'sigmoid', 'sigcoef0': hp.uniform('sigcoef0', 0, 10), 'siggamma': hp.choice('siggamma', ["auto", "scale"]) }, { 'kernel': 'rbf', 'rbfgamma': hp.choice('rbfgamma', ["auto", "scale"]) }]), 'C': hp.uniform('C', 0.001, 1000), } if self.clf == 'NN': clfdefault_value = { 'NNactive': 'relu', 'NNalpha': 0.0001, 'NNmaxiter': 200 } clfparamSpace = { 'NNactive': hp.choice('NNactive', ['identity', 'logistic', 'tanh', 'relu']), 'NNalpha': hp.uniform('NNalpha', 1e-6, 1), 'NNmaxiter': hp.choice('NNmaxiter', range(100, 1000)) } if self.clf == 'KNN': clfdefault_value = {'KNNneighbors': 1} clfparamSpace = { 'KNNneighbors': hp.choice('KNNneighbors', range(1, 50)) } if self.clf == 'NB': clfdefault_value = {'NBType': 'gaussian'} clfparamSpace = { 'NBType': hp.choice('NBType', ['gaussian', 'multinomial', 'bernoulli']) } if self.clf == 'Ridge': clfdefault_value = {'Ridgealpha': 1, 'Ridgenormalize': False} clfparamSpace = { 'Ridgealpha': hp.uniform('Ridgealpha', 0.001, 1000), 'Ridgenormalize': hp.choice('Ridgenormlize', [True, False]) } if self.clf == 'CART': clfdefault_value = { 'criterion': 'gini', 'max_features': 'auto', 'CARTsplitter': 'best', 'RFmin_samples_split': 2 } clfparamSpace = { 'criterion': hp.choice('criterion', ['gini', 'entropy']), 'max_features': hp.choice('max_features', ['auto', 'sqrt', 'log2']), 'CARTsplitter': hp.choice('CARTsplitter', ['best', 'random']), 'RFmin_samples_split': hp.choice('RFmin_samples_split', range(2, int(len( / 10))) } if self.imb == 'NoImb': default_value = dict(adptdefault_value, **clfdefault_value) else: default_value = dict(adptdefault_value, **clfdefault_value, **imbdefault_value) self.def_value = self.objFunc(default_value)['result'] self.Imbbest = fmin(self.objFunc, space=imbparamSpace, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=int(self.fe * 0.33), trials=self.Atrails) self.Imbbest = space_eval(imbparamSpace, self.Imbbest) his = dict() try: his['name'] = list(self.Atrails.trials[0]['misc']['vals'].keys()) + list(adptdefault_value.keys()) \ + list(clfdefault_value.keys()) except: his['name'] = [None] i = 0 for item in self.Atrails.trials: if item['state'] == 2: results = list(deepflatten(item['misc']['vals'].values())) + list(adptdefault_value.values()) \ + list(clfdefault_value.keys()) results.append(item['result']['result']) his[i] = results i += 1 # optimize the parameters of the classifer self.SEQ = 1 self.Adptbest = fmin(self.objFunc, space=adptparamSpace, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=int(self.fe * 0.33), trials=self.Ctrails) try: his['name1'] = list(self.Imbbest.keys()) + list(self.Ctrails.trials[0]['misc']['vals'].keys()) \ + list(clfdefault_value.keys()) except: his['name1'] = [None] for item in self.Ctrails.trials: if item['state'] == 2: results = list(self.Imbbest.values()) + list(deepflatten(item['misc']['vals'].values())) \ + list(clfdefault_value.keys()) results.append(item['result']['result']) his[i] = results i += 1 #opt the parameter of sampling method for imbalance learning self.SEQ = 2 Clfbest = fmin(self.objFunc, space=clfparamSpace, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=int(self.fe * 0.33), trials=self.trails) try: his['name2'] = list(self.Imbbest.keys()) + list( self.Adptbest.keys()) + list( self.trails.trials[0]['misc']['vals'].keys()) except: his['name2'] = [None] for item in self.trails.trials: if item['state'] == 2: results = list(self.Imbbest.values()) + list( self.Adptbest.keys()) + list( deepflatten(item['misc']['vals'].values())) results.append(item['result']['result']) his[i] = results i += 1 inc_value = self.trails.best_trial['result']['result'] return np.asarray([self.def_value, inc_value]), his, Clfbest
def get_params(self, a=1): if self.obj == 'binary': space = { 'bagging_freq': hp.choice('bagging_freq', np.arange(1, 5, dtype=int)), 'bagging_fraction': hp.uniform('bagging_fraction', 0.20, 0.90), 'boost': hp.choice('boost', ['gbdt']), 'feature_fraction': hp.uniform('feature_fraction', 0.20, 0.90), 'learning_rate': hp.loguniform('learning_rate', np.log(0.0070), np.log(0.010)), 'min_data_in_leaf': hp.choice('min_data_in_leaf', np.arange(50, 90, dtype=int)), 'num_leaves': hp.choice('num_leaves', np.arange(5, 35, dtype=int)), 'min_sum_hessian_in_leaf': hp.choice('min_sum_hessian_in_leaf', np.arange(5, 35, dtype=int)), 'max_depth': hp.choice('max_depth', np.arange(-2, 2, dtype=int)), 'tree_learner': hp.choice('tree_learner', ['serial']), 'objective': hp.choice('objective', ['binary']), 'boost_from_average': hp.choice('boost_from_average', [False]), 'num_threads': hp.choice('num_threads', np.arange(8, 9, dtype=int)), 'verbosity': hp.choice('verbosity', np.arange(1, 2, dtype=int)) } else: space = { 'num_leaves': hp.choice('num_leaves', np.arange(5, 35, dtype=int)), 'learning_rate': hp.loguniform('learning_rate', np.log(0.0070), np.log(0.010)), 'max_depth': hp.choice('max_depth', np.arange(-2, 2, dtype=int)), 'colsample_bytree': hp.uniform('colsample_bytree', 0.1, 0.9) } new_tpe = tpe.suggest new_trial = Trials() global ITERATION ITERATION = 0 best = fmin(fn=self.objective, space=space, algo=new_tpe, max_evals=self.m_eval, trials=new_trial, rstate=np.random.RandomState(50)) bayes_trials_results = sorted(new_trial.results, key=lambda x: x['loss']) params = bayes_trials_results[:1] print('*' * 40) print('Best Params\n:', bayes_trials_results[:1]) params = params[0]['params'] return params
def run_hyperopt(major_model, specific_model, training_params, sampled_x, sampled_y, x_to_predict, eval_metric=mse, train_test_inds=None, hyperopt_rounds=100): """ Executes hyperparameter optimization for a given inbuilt model Parameters ---------- major_model: str Choice of 'Keras', 'XGB', or 'sklearn-regressor'. This argument tells MldeModel from which package we will be pulling models. specific_model: str This arguments tells MldeModel which regressor to use within the package defined by major_model. training_params: dict These are parameters required for training the models specified by 'major_model' and 'specific_model'. Details on the requirements for each submodel can be found in the online documentation. sampled_x: numpy array Training features sampled_y: numpy array, 1D Training labels x_to_predict: numpy array Features for which we want to predict labels eval_metric: func The function used for evaluating cross-validation error. This metric will be used to rank model architectures from best to worst. The function must take the form 'function(real_values, predicted_values)'. train_test_inds: list of lists Cross validation indices to use in training. hyperopt_rounds: int Number of rounds of hyperparameter optimization to perform Returns ------- all_trial_info: pd.DataFrame The results of "process_trials" post hyperparameter optimization train_pred_results: tuple The results of MLDE.Support.RunMlde.TrainAndPredict.train_and_predict() using the best parameters identified during hyperparameter optimization """ # Get the shape of x x_shape = sampled_x.shape # Build the search space space_var_names = list(space_by_model[major_model][specific_model]) search_space = [ search_spaces[major_model][space_var] for space_var in space_var_names ] # Construct a dictionary for passing in kwargs to Optimize optimizer_kwargs = { "space_names": space_var_names, "x": sampled_x, "y": sampled_y, "major_model": major_model, "specific_model": specific_model, "training_params": training_params, "eval_metric": eval_metric, "train_test_inds": train_test_inds } # Construct the optimizer function complete_optimizer = partial(optimize, **optimizer_kwargs) # Build the trials object trials = Trials() # Run hyperparameter optimization best_params = fmin(complete_optimizer, space=search_space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=hyperopt_rounds, trials=trials, show_progressbar=False) # Reformat best_params to have the correct datatypes best_params = process_best(best_params, major_model, specific_model, x_shape) # Process the trials all_trial_info = process_trials(trials, major_model, specific_model) # Now build the model using the best parameters best_model = MldeModel(major_model, specific_model, model_params=best_params, training_params=training_params, eval_metric=eval_metric) # Train and predict using the best model train_pred_results = train_and_predict(best_model, sampled_x=sampled_x, sampled_y=sampled_y, x_to_predict=x_to_predict, train_test_inds=train_test_inds) # Return all relevant information return all_trial_info, train_pred_results
def work(self): bandit = self.bandit assert is not None algo = partial(tpe.suggest, gamma=self.gammas.get(, tpe._default_gamma), prior_weight=self.prior_weights.get(, tpe._default_prior_weight), n_EI_candidates=self.n_EIs.get(, tpe._default_n_EI_candidates), ) LEN = self.LEN.get(, 50) trials = Trials() fmin(passthrough, space=bandit.expr, algo=algo, trials=trials, max_evals=LEN, rstate=np.random.RandomState(123), catch_eval_exceptions=False) assert len(trials) == LEN if 1: rtrials = Trials() fmin(passthrough, space=bandit.expr, algo=rand.suggest, trials=rtrials, max_evals=LEN) print 'RANDOM MINS', list(sorted(rtrials.losses()))[:6] #logx = np.log([s['x'] for s in rtrials.specs]) #print 'RND MEAN', np.mean(logx) #print 'RND STD ', np.std(logx) if 0: plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.scatter(range(LEN), trials.losses()) plt.title('TPE losses') plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.scatter(range(LEN), ([s['x'] for s in trials.specs])) plt.title('TPE x') plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.title('RND losses') plt.scatter(range(LEN), rtrials.losses()) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.title('RND x') plt.scatter(range(LEN), ([s['x'] for s in rtrials.specs])) if 0: plt.hist( [t['x'] for t in self.experiment.trials], bins=20) #print trials.losses() print 'TPE MINS', list(sorted(trials.losses()))[:6] #logx = np.log([s['x'] for s in trials.specs]) #print 'TPE MEAN', np.mean(logx) #print 'TPE STD ', np.std(logx) thresh = self.thresholds[] print 'Thresh', thresh assert min(trials.losses()) < thresh
def main(): n_folds = 5 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', [ 'window_size=', 'wiki=', 'n_feature_maps=', 'epochs=', 'undersample=', 'n_feature_maps=', 'criterion=', 'optimizer=', 'model=', 'genia=', 'tacc=', 'layers=', 'hyperopt=', 'model_name=' ]) except getopt.GetoptError as error: print error sys.exit(2) model_type = 'nn' window_size = 5 wiki = True n_feature_maps = 100 epochs = 20 undersample = False binary_cross_entropy = False criterion = 'categorical_crossentropy' optimizer = 'adam' k = 2 use_genia = False using_tacc = False layer_sizes = [] hyperopt = False model_name = 'model' for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '--window_size': window_size = int(arg) elif opt == '--wiki': if arg == 0: wiki = False elif opt == '--epochs': epochs = int(arg) elif opt == '--layers': layer_sizes = arg.split(',') elif opt == '--n_feature_maps': n_feature_maps = int(arg) elif opt == '--undersample': option = int(arg) if option == 1: undersample = True elif opt == '--n_feature_maps': n_feature_maps = int(arg) elif opt == '--criterion': criterion = arg elif opt == '--optimizer': optimizer = arg elif opt == '--model': model_type = arg elif opt == '--genia': if int(arg) == 1: use_genia = True elif opt == '--tacc': if int(arg) == 1: using_tacc = True elif opt == '--hyperopt': if int(arg) == 1: hyperopt = True elif opt == '--model_name': model_name = arg else: print "Option {} is not valid!".format(opt) if criterion == 'binary_crossentropy': binary_cross_entropy = True k = 1 print('Loading word2vec model...') if wiki: print 'Using wiki word2vec...' word2vec_model = 'wikipedia-pubmed-and-PMC-w2v.bin' else: print 'Using non-wiki word2vec...' word2vec_model = 'PubMed-w2v.bin' w2v = Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format(word2vec_model, binary=True) print('Loaded word2vec model') pmids_dict, pmids, abstracts, lbls, vectorizer, groups_map, one_hot, dicts = \ parse_summerscales.get_tokens_and_lbls( make_pmids_dict=True, sen=True, use_genia=use_genia, using_tacc=using_tacc) all_pmids = pmids_dict.keys() n = len(all_pmids) kf = KFold(n, random_state=1337, shuffle=True, n_folds=n_folds) accuracies = [] recalls = [] precisions = [] f1_scores = [] aucs = [] global model for fold_idx, (train, test) in enumerate(kf): print("on fold %s" % fold_idx) train_pmids = [all_pmids[pmid_idx] for pmid_idx in train] test_pmids = [all_pmids[pmid_idx] for pmid_idx in test] print train_pmids print('loading data...') if model_type == 'cnn': X_train, y_train = _prep_data(train_pmids, pmids_dict, w2v, window_size, model_type, binary_ce=binary_cross_entropy) X_test, y_test = _prep_data(test_pmids, pmids_dict, w2v, window_size, model_type, binary_ce=binary_cross_entropy) elif model_type == 'nn': X_train, y_train = _prep_data(train_pmids, pmids_dict, w2v, window_size, model_type, binary_ce=binary_cross_entropy) X_test, y_test = _prep_data(test_pmids, pmids_dict, w2v, window_size, model_type, binary_ce=binary_cross_entropy) elif model_type == 'ladder': X_train, y_train = _prep_data(train_pmids, pmids_dict, w2v, window_size, model_type, binary_ce=binary_cross_entropy) X_test, y_test = _prep_data(test_pmids, pmids_dict, w2v, window_size, model_type, binary_ce=binary_cross_entropy) if undersample: # Undersample the non group tags at random....probably a bad idea... if binary_cross_entropy: idx_undersample = numpy.where(y_train == 0)[0] idx_postive = numpy.where(y_train == 1)[0] else: idx_undersample = numpy.where(y_train[:, 1] == 0)[0] idx_postive = numpy.where(y_train[:, 1] == 1)[0] random_negative_sample = numpy.random.choice( idx_undersample, idx_postive.shape[0]) if model_type == 'nn': X_train_postive = X_train[idx_postive, :] X_train_negative = X_train[random_negative_sample, :] else: X_train_postive = X_train[idx_postive, :, :, :] X_train_negative = X_train[random_negative_sample, :, :, :] if binary_cross_entropy: y_train_postive = y_train[idx_postive] y_train_negative = y_train[random_negative_sample] else: y_train_postive = y_train[idx_postive, :] y_train_negative = y_train[random_negative_sample, :] X_train = numpy.vstack((X_train_postive, X_train_negative)) if binary_cross_entropy: y_train = numpy.hstack((y_train_postive, y_train_negative)) else: y_train = numpy.vstack((y_train_postive, y_train_negative)) print('loaded data...') if model_type == 'cnn': model = GroupCNN(window_size=window_size, n_feature_maps=n_feature_maps, k_output=k, name=model_name) elif model_type == 'nn': model = GroupNN(window_size=window_size, k=k, hyperparameter_search=hyperopt, name=model_name) if hyperopt: best_run, best_model = optim.minimize(model=_model, data=_data, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=5, trials=Trials()) model.model = best_model else: model.train(X_train, y_train, epochs, optim_algo=optimizer, criterion=criterion) words = [] for pmid in test_pmids: words.extend(pmids_dict[pmid][0]) predictions = model.predict_classes(X_test) predicted_words = crf.output2words(predictions, words) y_test_arg_max = numpy.argmax(y_test, axis=1) true_words = crf.output2words(y_test_arg_max, words) accuracy, f1_score, precision, auc, recall = model.test(X_test, y_test) recall, precision, f1_score = crf.eveluate(predicted_words, true_words) print "Accuracy: {}".format(accuracy) print "F1: {}".format(f1_score) print "Precision: {}".format(precision) print "AUC: {}".format(auc) print "Recall: {}".format(recall) accuracies.append(accuracy) f1_scores.append(f1_score) precisions.append(precision) aucs.append(auc) recalls.append(recall) mean_accuracy = numpy.mean(accuracies) mean_f1_score = numpy.mean(f1_scores) mean_precision = numpy.mean(precisions) mean_auc_score = numpy.mean(aucs) mean_recall = numpy.mean(recalls) mean_accuracy_string = "Mean Accuracy: {}".format(mean_accuracy) mean_f1_score_string = "Mean F1: {}".format(mean_f1_score) mean_precision_string = "Mean Precision: {}".format(mean_precision) mean_auc_score_string = "Mean AUC: {}".format(mean_auc_score) mean_recall_string = "Mean Recall: {}".format(mean_recall) print mean_accuracy_string print mean_f1_score_string print mean_precision_string print mean_auc_score_string print mean_recall_string results = open('{}_fold_results'.format(model.model_name), 'w+') results.write(mean_accuracy_string) results.write(mean_f1_score_string) results.write(mean_precision_string) results.write(mean_auc_score_string) results.write(mean_recall_string)
log_handler = open(log_file, 'w') writer = csv.writer(log_handler) headers = [ 'trial_counter', 'log_loss_mean', 'log_loss_std', 'spend_time' ] for k, v in sorted(param_space.items()): headers.append(k) print(headers) writer.writerow(headers) log_handler.flush() print("************************************************************") print("Search for the best params") # global trial_counter trial_counter = 0 trials = Trials() # lambda在这一步并不会运行,只是定义一个函数而已 objective = lambda p: hyperopt_wrapper(p, feat_folder, feat_name) # objective放到fmin中,会被调用,且传进三个参数 best_params = fmin(objective, param_space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=param_space["max_evals"]) for f in int_feat: if f in best_params: best_params[f] = int(best_params[f]) print("************************************************************") print("Best params") for k, v in best_params.items(): print(" %s: %s" % (k, v))
'objective': 'reg:linear', 'booster': 'gbtree', 'silent': 1, 'seed': random_state } # Use the fmin function from Hyperopt to find the best hyperparameters best = fmin(score, space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=25) #more evals return best trials = Trials() #store history of search best = optimize(trials) print("The best hyperparameters are: ", "\n") print(best) sys.stdout.flush() #add here: train final model print('training model') rf1 = MultiOutputRegressor( XGBRegressor(max_depth=best['max_depth'], n_estimators=int(best['n_estimators']), random_state=123, n_jobs=-1, silent=False, colsample_bytree=best['colsample_bytree'],
def run_hyperopt_classification( model_name, model_space, x_train, y_train, scoring="f1", cv=3, max_evals=20, verbose=False, persistIterations=True, ): print("LABDAPS --- Running Hyperopt Bayesian Optimization") print("reloaded") import pandas as pd import time import datetime from hyperopt import fmin, tpe, Trials, space_eval from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score def objective(space): ### MODEL SELECTION if model_name == "lr": # logistic regression from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression model = LogisticRegression(**space) elif model_name == "rf": # print("Setting model as RandomForestClassifier") from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier model = RandomForestClassifier(**space, n_jobs=-1) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) elif model_name == "xgb": # print("Setting model as XGBClassifier") from xgboost import XGBClassifier model = XGBClassifier(**space, objective="binary:logistic", nthread=-1) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) elif model_name == "dt": # print("Setting model as DecisionTreeClassifier") from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier model = DecisionTreeClassifier(**space) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) elif model_name == "catboost": # print("Setting model as CatBoost") from catboost import CatBoostClassifier model = CatBoostClassifier(**space) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) elif model_name == "extratrees": # print("Setting model as CatBoost") from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier model = ExtraTreesClassifier(**space, n_jobs=-1) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) elif model_name == "svc": from sklearn.svm import SVC model = SVC(**space) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) elif model_name == "ann": # print("Setting model as ANN") from sklearn import neural_network model = neural_network.MLPClassifier(**space) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) elif model_name == "lgb": import lightgbm as lgb model = lgb.LGBMClassifier(**space, n_jobs=-1, random_state=42) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) elif model_name == "knn": from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier model = KNeighborsClassifier(**space) if verbose: print("Hyperparameters: ", space) else: # print("ERRO: Especifique um nome valido para model_name: rf, xgb, dt ou catboost") raise Exception( "Invalid model_name - Please specify one of the supported model_name: rf, xgb, ann, dt, svc, lgr, knn or catboost" ) score = cross_val_score(model, x_train, y_train, cv=3, scoring=scoring, verbose=False, n_jobs=-1).mean() score = 1 - score ## ajusta para a funcao de minimizacao. return score start = time.time() trials = Trials() best = fmin( objective, space=model_space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=max_evals, trials=trials, ) if persistIterations: # Save the hyperparameter at each iteration to a csv file param_values = [x["misc"]["vals"] for x in trials.trials] param_values = [{key: value for key in x for value in x[key]} for x in param_values] param_values = [space_eval(model_space, x) for x in param_values] param_df = pd.DataFrame(param_values) param_df[scoring] = [1 - x for x in trials.losses()] = "Iteration" ts = time.time() st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M") param_df.to_csv(f"Hyperopt_{model_name}_{st}.csv") print(f"Arquivo Hyperopt_{model_name}_{st}.csv gerado com sucesso.") print(f"Hyperopt search took %.2f seconds for {max_evals} candidates" % ((time.time() - start))) # print(-best_score, best) print("** Best Hyperparameters are: **") print(space_eval(model_space, best))
print('Best validation acc of epoch:', validation_acc) return {'loss': -validation_acc, 'status': STATUS_OK, 'model': model} if __name__ == '__main__': # config TF----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUDA, max_eval = sys.argv[1:] os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = CUDA os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '2' config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True set_session(tf.Session(config=config)) # x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = data() # Conv2DClassifierIn1(x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test) best_run, best_model = optim.minimize(model=Conv2DClassifierIn1, data=data, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=int(max_eval), keep_temp=False, trials=Trials()) for trial in Trials(): print(trial) X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = data() print("Evalutation of best performing model:") print(best_model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test)) print("Best performing model chosen hyper-parameters:") print(best_run)
coords = get_gene_coords(geneannot, gene) gene_name = get_gene_name(geneannot, gene) expr_vec = expr_df[gene] adj_exp = adjust_for_covariates(list(expr_vec), cov) cis_gt = get_cis_genotype(gt_df, snpannot, coords) #build the model if (type(cis_gt) != int) & (cis_gt.shape[1] > 0): x = cis_gt.values y = adj_exp.ravel() #KNN trials = Trials() #reset the trials object best = fmin(fn=objective, space=knn_space, algo=algo, max_evals=max_evals, trials=trials) result_table = pd.DataFrame(trials.results) best_hyperparam = hyperopt.space_eval(knn_space, best) best_hyperparam.pop("type") #just to remove "type" from the param dict open(output + pop + "_knn_hyperopt_chr" + chrom + ".txt", "a").write("\n" + gene + "\t" + gene_name + "\t" + chrom + "\t" + str(best_hyperparam) + "\t") for i in range(0, max_evals, 1): #I negate the loss in order to get cvR2
def optimize(X, y, lname, regression=True, hyperopt_step=100, arch=False, epochs=1000, X_val=False, y_val=False, model=False): ''' Model hyperparameter optimization. Parameters --- X: np.array, features y: np.array, targets lname: str, name of the target property regression: boolean, whether it is a regression task hyperopt_step: int, number of steps for hyperopt arch: boolean or list, whether to use a fix architecture epochs: int, maximum epochs during the model training X_val: boolean or np.array, validation features y_val: boolean or np.array, validation targets model: boolean for keras.model, can start with a input model instead of building from scratch. ''' np.random.seed(1234) if arch == False: architectures = [(128, 128), (256, 256), (512, 512), (128, 128, 128), (256, 256, 256), (512, 512, 512)] else: architectures = [arch] bzs = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512] ress = [True, False] bypasses = [True, False] if not model == False: space = { 'lr': hp.uniform('lr', 1e-5, 1e-3), 'batch_size': hp.choice('batch_size', bzs), 'beta_1': hp.uniform('beta_1', 0.75, 0.99), 'decay': hp.loguniform('decay', np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e-1)), 'amsgrad': True, 'patience': 50, } else: space = { 'lr': hp.uniform('lr', 1e-5, 1e-3), 'drop_rate': hp.uniform('drop_rate', 0, 0.5), 'reg': hp.loguniform('reg', np.log(1e-5), np.log(5e-1)), 'batch_size': hp.choice('batch_size', bzs), 'hidden_size': hp.choice('hidden_size', architectures), 'beta_1': hp.uniform('beta_1', 0.75, 0.99), 'decay': hp.loguniform('decay', np.log(1e-5), np.log(1e-1)), 'res': hp.choice('res', ress), 'bypass': hp.choice('bypass', bypasses), 'amsgrad': True, 'patience': 50, } objective_func = partial(train_model_hyperopt, X=X, y=y, lname=lname, regression=regression, epochs=epochs, X_val=X_val, y_val=y_val, input_model=model) trials = Trials() best_params = fmin(objective_func, space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=hyperopt_step, rstate=np.random.RandomState(0)) if not model == False: best_params.update({ 'batch_size': bzs[best_params['batch_size']], 'amsgrad': True, 'patience': 10, }) else: best_params.update({ 'hidden_size': architectures[best_params['hidden_size']], 'batch_size': bzs[best_params['batch_size']], 'res': ress[best_params['res']], 'bypass': bypasses[best_params['bypass']], 'amsgrad': True, 'patience': 10, }) # One extra model training on train/validation set to get the number of epoch for the final model training. returned = train_model_hyperopt(best_params, X, y, lname, regression=regression, epochs=epochs, X_val=X_val, y_val=y_val, input_model=model) best_params.update({'epochs': returned['epochs']}) return best_params
eval_set = [(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test)], y_train, eval_set=eval_set, eval_metric="rmse", verbose=False) y_pred = clf.predict(X_test) rmse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)**(0.5) return {'loss': rmse, 'status': STATUS_OK} trials_reg = Trials() best = fmin(fn=objetivo, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=1000, trials=trials_reg) print(best) modelo = xgb.XGBRegressor(n_estimators=int(best['n_estimators']), x_gamma=best['x_gamma'], learning_rate=best['learning_rate'], x_max_depth=best['x_max_depth'], x_min_child=best['x_min_child'], x_reg_lambda=best['x_reg_lambda'], x_subsample=best['x_subsample'], objective='reg:squarederror')
parser.add_argument("--early_stopping_rounds", default=10, type=int) parser.add_argument("--seed", default=0, type=int) parser.add_argument("--nfold", default=10, type=int) cv_params = vars(parser.parse_args()) parser_2 = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Others', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser_2.add_argument("--max_evals", default=2, type=int) parser_2.add_argument("--filename", default='tmp', type=str) parser_2.add_argument("--n_stack", default=1, type=int) args = parser_2.parse_args() # load and combine parameters params = Params(cv_params=cv_params) params.lgb_params() # load dataset train, train_label = load_dataset(args.n_stack) bayes_trials_1 = Trials() obj = HPOpt_cv(train, train_label) lgb_opt = obj.process(fn_name='lgb_cv', space=params.get_param(), trials=bayes_trials_1, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=args.max_evals) # save trial save_obj(bayes_trials_1, args.filename) # tmp = load_obj('tmp')
def run_train_hopt(self):"start training with hopt") skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=self._best_cv, shuffle=True, random_state=3655) sample_weight = self._calc_w(self.y) def score(params, skf=skf, sample_weight=sample_weight): prms = { "C": params["C"], "gamma": params["gamma"], "kernel": params['kernel'] } list_score_acc = [] list_score_logloss = [] for train, val in skf.split(self.X, self.y): X_train, X_val = self.X[train], self.X[val] y_train, y_val = self.y[train], self.y[val] weight_train = sample_weight[train] weight_val = sample_weight[val] model = self._set_model() model.train(prms=prms, X_tr=X_train, X_val=X_val, y_tr=y_train, y_val=y_val, w_tr=weight_train, w_val=weight_val) list_score_acc.append(model._score_acc) list_score_logloss.append(model._score_logloss) """ ##n_estimaters=0 causes error at .fit() if model.best_iteration_ != -1: list_best_iter.append(model.best_iteration_) else: list_best_iter.append(params['n_estimators']) break """ #"n_estimators: {}".format(list_best_iter)) # params["n_estimators"] = np.mean(list_best_iter, dtype=int) score_acc = (np.mean(list_score_acc), np.min(list_score_acc), np.max(list_score_acc)) #"score_acc %s" % np.mean(list_score_acc)) # score_logloss = (np.mean(list_score_logloss), np.min(list_score_logloss), np.max(list_score_logloss)) # score_f1 = (np.mean(list_score_f1), np.min(list_score_f1), np.max(list_score_f1)) # score_auc = (np.mean(list_score_auc), np.min(list_score_auc), np.max(list_score_auc)) logloss = np.mean(list_score_logloss) return { 'loss': logloss, 'status': STATUS_OK, 'localCV_acc': score_acc } space = { 'C': hp.uniform('C', 0, 2), 'gamma': hp.loguniform('gamma', -8, 2), 'kernel': hp.choice('kernel', ['rbf', 'poly', 'sigmoid']) } trials = Trials() best_params = fmin(rstate=hopt_random_state, fn=score, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=30) self.localCV_acc = list( filter(lambda x: x["loss"] == min(trials.losses()), trials.results))[0]["localCV_acc"][0] self.localCV_loss = min(trials.losses())"localCV_acc %s" % self.localCV_acc)"localCV_loss %s" % self.localCV_loss) self.best_params = { "C": best_params["C"], "gamma": best_params["gamma"], "kernel": best_params["kernel"] }"best params are %s" % self.best_params) sample_weight = self._calc_w(self.y) model = self._set_model()"start training with best params") model.train_all(prms=self.best_params, X_tr=self.X, y_tr=self.y, w_tr=sample_weight) model.save_model() del model, sample_weight, skf gc.collect()"model with best params is saved")
import hyperopt from hyperopt import Trials, Domain domain = Domain(fn = None) docs = hyperopt.rand.suggest(range(10), domain, Trials(), seed=123)
def main(args): train_data, val_data, test_data, label_dict, img_mean = load_image(, dim=args.dim, mode="RGB", zero_center=args.zero_center, train_size=args.train_size, crop=args.crop) # use both val and test as val val_data = (np.concatenate((val_data[0], test_data[0]), axis=0), np.concatenate((val_data[1], test_data[1]))) num_channels = train_data[0][0].shape[0] data_size = (None, num_channels, CROP_DIM, CROP_DIM) def objective(hyperargs): net = build_network(args.model, data_size, cudnn=args.dnn) lr = args.learning_rate lmbda = args.lmbda if 'lr' in hyperargs: lr = hyperargs['lr'] if 'lmbda' in hyperargs: lmbda = hyperargs['lmbda'] best_val_cost, train_costs, val_costs = net.train( algorithm, train_data, val_data=val_data, test_data=None, lr=lr, lmbda=lmbda, train_batch_size=TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, val_batch_size=10, epochs=args.epoch, crop_dim=CROP_DIM, img_mean=img_mean, color_jitter=args.color_jitter) return {'loss': best_val_cost, 'status': STATUS_OK} space = {} if not args.learning_rate: print "Optimizing learning rate" space['lr'] = hp.uniform('lr', 0, 0.001) if not args.lmbda: print "Optimizing regularization rate" space['lmbda'] = hp.uniform('lambda', 0, 0.1) trials = Trials() best = fmin(objective, space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=args.num_trials, trials=trials) print best print hyperopt.space_eval(space, best) f = open('out.txt', 'w') cPickle.dump(trials.trials, f) f.close()
class HyperOptimizer(object): def __init__(self, train_set, holdout_set, command, max_evals=100, outer_loss_function='logistic', searcher='tpe', is_regression=False): self.train_set = train_set self.holdout_set = holdout_set self.train_model = './current.model' self.holdout_pred = './holdout.pred' self.trials_output = './trials.json' self.hyperopt_progress_plot = './hyperopt_progress.png' self.log = './log.log' self.logger = self._configure_logger() # hyperopt parameter sample, converted into a string with flags self.param_suffix = None self.train_command = None self.validate_command = None self.y_true_train = [] self.y_true_holdout = [] self.outer_loss_function = outer_loss_function = self._get_space(command) self.max_evals = max_evals self.searcher = searcher self.is_regression = is_regression self.trials = Trials() self.current_trial = 0 def _get_space(self, command): hs = HyperoptSpaceConstructor(command) hs.string_to_pyll() return def _configure_logger(self): LOGGER_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s [%(name)s/%(module)s:%(lineno)d]: %(message)s" LOGGER_DATEFMT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" LOGFILE = self.log logging.basicConfig(format=LOGGER_FORMAT, datefmt=LOGGER_DATEFMT, level=logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter(LOGGER_FORMAT, datefmt=LOGGER_DATEFMT) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(LOGFILE) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(file_handler) return logger def get_hyperparam_string(self, **kwargs): for arg in ['--passes']: #, '--rank', '--lrq']: if arg in kwargs: kwargs[arg] = int(kwargs[arg]) #print 'KWARGS: ', kwargs flags = [key for key in kwargs if key.startswith('-')] for flag in flags: if kwargs[flag] == 'omit': del kwargs[flag] self.param_suffix = ' '.join(['%s %s' % (key, kwargs[key]) for key in kwargs if key.startswith('-')]) self.param_suffix += ' %s' % (kwargs['argument']) def compose_vw_train_command(self): data_part = ('vw -d %s -f %s --holdout_off -c ' % (self.train_set, self.train_model)) self.train_command = ' '.join([data_part, self.param_suffix]) def compose_vw_validate_command(self): data_part = 'vw -t -d %s -i %s -p %s --holdout_off -c' \ % (self.holdout_set, self.train_model, self.holdout_pred) self.validate_command = data_part def fit_vw(self): self.compose_vw_train_command()"executing the following command (training): %s" % self.train_command) def validate_vw(self): self.compose_vw_validate_command()"executing the following command (validation): %s" % self.validate_command) def get_y_true_train(self):"loading true train class labels...") yh = open(self.train_set, 'r') self.y_true_train = [] for line in yh: self.y_true_train.append(int(line.strip()[0:2])) if not self.is_regression: self.y_true_train = [(i + 1.) / 2 for i in self.y_true_train]"train length: %d" % len(self.y_true_train)) def get_y_true_holdout(self):"loading true holdout class labels...") yh = open(self.holdout_set, 'r') self.y_true_holdout = [] for line in yh: self.y_true_holdout.append(int(line.strip()[0:2])) if not self.is_regression: self.y_true_holdout = [(i + 1.) / 2 for i in self.y_true_holdout]"holdout length: %d" % len(self.y_true_holdout)) def validation_metric_vw(self): v = open('%s' % self.holdout_pred, 'r') y_pred_holdout = [] for line in v: y_pred_holdout.append(float(line.strip())) if self.outer_loss_function == 'logistic': y_pred_holdout_proba = [1. / (1 + exp(-i)) for i in y_pred_holdout] loss = log_loss(self.y_true_holdout, y_pred_holdout_proba) elif self.outer_loss_function == 'squared': # TODO: write it pass elif self.outer_loss_function == 'hinge': # TODO: write it pass elif self.outer_loss_function == 'roc-auc': y_pred_holdout_proba = [1. / (1 + exp(-i)) for i in y_pred_holdout] fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(self.y_true_holdout, y_pred_holdout_proba) loss = -auc(fpr, tpr)'parameter suffix: %s' % self.param_suffix)'loss value: %.6f' % loss) return loss def hyperopt_search(self, parallel=False): # TODO: implement parallel search with MongoTrials def objective(kwargs): start = self.current_trial += 1'\n\nStarting trial no.%d' % self.current_trial) self.get_hyperparam_string(**kwargs) self.fit_vw() self.validate_vw() loss = self.validation_metric_vw() finish = elapsed = finish - start"evaluation time for this step: %s" % str(elapsed)) # clean up'rm %s %s' % (self.train_model, self.holdout_pred))) to_return = {'status': STATUS_OK, 'loss': loss, # TODO: include also train loss tracking in order to prevent overfitting 'eval_time': elapsed.seconds, 'train_command': self.train_command, 'current_trial': self.current_trial } return to_return self.trials = Trials() if self.searcher == 'tpe': algo = tpe.suggest elif self.searcher == 'rand': algo = rand.suggest logging.debug("starting hypersearch...") best_params = fmin(objective,, trials=self.trials, algo=algo, max_evals=self.max_evals) self.logger.debug("the best hyperopt parameters: %s" % str(best_params)) json.dump(self.trials.results, open(self.trials_output, 'w'))'All the trials results are saved at %s' % self.trials_output) best_configuration = self.trials.results[np.argmin(self.trials.losses())]['train_command'] best_loss = self.trials.results[np.argmin(self.trials.losses())]['loss']"\n\nA full training command with the best hyperparameters: \n%s\n\n" % best_configuration)"\n\nThe best holdout loss value: \n%s\n\n" % best_loss) return best_configuration, best_loss def plot_progress(self): try: sns.set_palette('Set2') sns.set_style("darkgrid", {"axes.facecolor": ".95"}) except: pass self.logger.debug('plotting...') plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(self.trials.losses(), '.', markersize=12) plt.title('Per-Iteration Outer Loss', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('Outer loss function value') if self.outer_loss_function in ['logloss']: plt.yscale('log') xticks = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], min(len(self.trials.losses()), 11))] plt.xticks(xticks, xticks) plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(np.minimum.accumulate(self.trials.losses()), '.', markersize=12) plt.title('Cumulative Minimum Outer Loss', fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('Iteration number') plt.ylabel('Outer loss function value') xticks = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], min(len(self.trials.losses()), 11))] plt.xticks(xticks, xticks) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(self.hyperopt_progress_plot)'The diagnostic hyperopt progress plot is saved: %s' % self.hyperopt_progress_plot)
def explore(self, x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val, space, model_specs, train_specs, path, max_evals, epochs, metric=None, trials=None, net_name='NN', verbose=0, seed=None, val_inference_in_path=None, callbacks=None, cuda=None): """ :param x_train: :param y_train: :param x_val: :param y_val: :param space: :param model_specs: :param train_specs: :param path: :param max_evals: :param epochs: :param metric: :param trials: :param net_name: :param verbose: :param seed: :param val_inference_in_path: :param callbacks: :param cuda: :return: """ self.__cuda = cuda if trials is None: trials = Trials() def objective(space): # Create model specs = space.copy() specs.update(model_specs) model = self.__model_constructor(**specs) if self.__model_constructor_wrapper: self.__model_constructor_wrapper(model) if self.__cuda in specs and BACKEND != 'tensorflow': model.cuda() # Print some information iteration = len(trials.losses()) if verbose > 0: print('\n') print('iteration : {}'.format(0 if trials.losses() is None else iteration)) [print('{}: {}'.format(key, value)) for key, value in specs.items()] print(model.summary(line_length=200)) # Train model trainer_kargs = train_specs.copy() trainer_kargs.update({'module': model}) if callbacks: trainer_kargs.update({'callbacks': callbacks}) trainer = self.__trainer_class(**trainer_kargs) train_kargs = {} if not any([val_ is None for val_ in [x_val, y_val]]) and \ all([val_ in list(getfullargspec([0] for val_ in ['x_val', 'y_val']]): train_kargs.update({'x_val': x_train, 'y_val': y_train}) train_kargs.update({'epochs': epochs}) for karg, val in zip(['verbose'], [verbose]): if karg in list(getfullargspec([0]: train_kargs.update({'verbose': val}), y_train, **train_kargs) # Exploration loss exp_loss = None # ToDo: compatible with custom metric if metric in [None, 'categorical_accuracy', 'accuracy']: def prepare_for_acc(x): if not isinstance(x, list): x_ = [x] else: x_ = x.copy() for i in range(len(x_)): if len(x_[i].shape) == 1: x_[i] = np.where(x_[i] > 0.5, 1, 0) else: x_[i] = np.argmax(x_[i], axis=-1) return x_ y_pred = prepare_for_acc(trainer.predict(x_val)) y_val_ = prepare_for_acc(y_val) acc_score = [] for i in range(len(y_pred)): acc_score.append(accuracy_score(y_pred[i], y_val_[i])) exp_loss = 1 - np.mean(acc_score) elif metric == 'i_auc': # ToDo: make this work y_pred = model.predict(x_val) if not isinstance(y_pred, list): y_pred = [y_pred] exp_loss = [] for i in np.arange(0, self.__total_n_models): if len(np.bincount(y_val[i][:, -1])) > 1 and not math.isnan(np.sum(y_pred[i])): fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_val[i][:, -1], y_pred[i][:, -1]) exp_loss += [(1 - metrics.auc(fpr, tpr))] exp_loss = np.mean(exp_loss) if len(exp_loss) > 0 else 1 if verbose > 0: print('\n') print('Exploration Loss: ', exp_loss) status = STATUS_OK if not math.isnan(exp_loss) and exp_loss is not None else STATUS_FAIL # Save trials with open(path + 'trials.hyperopt', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(trials, f) # Save model if it is the best so far best_exp_losss_name = path + 'best_' + net_name + '_exp_loss' trials_losses = [loss_ for loss_ in trials.losses() if loss_] best_exp_loss = min(trials_losses) if len(trials_losses) > 0 else None print('best val loss so far: ', best_exp_loss) print('current val loss: ', exp_loss) best_exp_loss_cond = best_exp_loss is None or exp_loss < best_exp_loss print('save: ', status, best_exp_loss_cond) if status == STATUS_OK and best_exp_loss_cond: df = pd.DataFrame(data=[exp_loss], columns=['best_exp_loss']) df.to_pickle(best_exp_losss_name) self.__save_model(model=model, name=path + 'best_exp_' + net_name + '_json') with open(path + 'best_exp_' + net_name + '_hparams', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(space, f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) if val_inference_in_path is not None: y_val_ = np.concatenate(y_val, axis=1) if isinstance(y_val, list) else y_val np.savetxt(val_inference_in_path + 'val_target.csv', y_val_, delimiter=',') y_inf = trainer.predict(x_val) y_inf = np.concatenate(y_inf, axis=1) if isinstance(y_inf, list) else y_inf np.savetxt(val_inference_in_path + 'val_target_inference.csv', y_inf, delimiter=',') clear_session() del model return {'loss': exp_loss, 'status': status} def optimize(): if len(trials.trials) < max_evals: hyperopt.fmin( objective, rstate=None if seed is None else np.random.RandomState(seed), space=space, algo=hyperopt.tpe.suggest, max_evals=max_evals, trials=trials, verbose=True, return_argmin=False) with open(path + 'best_exp_' + net_name + '_hparams', 'rb') as f: best_hparams = pickle.load(f) # Best model specs = model_specs.copy() specs.update(best_hparams) best_model = self.__load_model(name=path + 'best_exp_' + net_name + '_json') if BACKEND == 'tensorflow': best_model.compile(optimizer=specs['optimizer'], loss=specs['loss']) else: best_model.cuda() print('best hyperparameters: ' + str(best_hparams)) # Trainer trainer_kargs = train_specs.copy() trainer_kargs.update({'module': best_model}) if callbacks: trainer_kargs.update({'callbacks': callbacks}) trainer = self.__trainer_class(**trainer_kargs) if hasattr(trainer, 'initialize') and callable(trainer.initialize): trainer.initialize() return best_model, trainer self.__model, self.__trainer = optimize()
for feat_name in feat_names: param_space = param_spaces[feat_name] log_file = "%s/%s_hyperopt.log" % (log_path, feat_name) log_handler = open(log_file, 'wb' ) writer = csv.writer( log_handler ) headers = ['trial_counter', 'kappa_mean', 'kappa_std' ] for k,v in sorted(param_space.items()): headers.append(k) writer.writerow( headers ) log_handler.flush() print("************************************************************") print("Search for the best params") #global trial_counter trial_counter = 0 trials = Trials() objective = lambda p: hyperopt_wrapper(p,feat_name) best_params = fmin(objective, param_space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=param_space["max_evals"]) for f in int_feat: if best_params.has_key(f): best_params[f] = int(best_params[f]) print("************************************************************") print("Best params") for k,v in best_params.items(): print " %s: %s" % (k,v) trial_kappas = -np.asarray(trials.losses(), dtype=float) best_kappa_mean = max(trial_kappas) ind = np.where(trial_kappas == best_kappa_mean)[0][0] best_kappa_std = trials.trial_attachments(trials.trials[ind])['std'] print("Kappa stats")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._optimization_info = {'trials': Trials(), 'best': {}} self._temporary_opt_file = aux.get_temporary_file() self.optimize_after_callback_fn = kwargs.get( 'optimize_after_callback_fn')
def optimize_model_parameter_validation(x, y, model_name=None, loss_function="accuracy", parameter=None, max_evals=100, n_folds=5, isWrite=True, problem_pattern="classification"): """ hyperopt model turning """ if model_name == None and parameter == None: print "you must set parameter or model_name" return None elif parameter != None: param = parameter elif model_name != None: param = parameter_dictionary[model_name] else: return None validation_indexs = [] if problem_pattern == "classification": for train_index, test_index in cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=n_folds): validation_indexs.append((train_index, test_index)) else: for train_index, test_index in cross_validation.KFold(len(y), n_folds=n_folds): validation_indexs.append((train_index, test_index)) trials = Trials() function = lambda param: optimize_model_function( param, x, y, validation_indexs, loss_function) print param print "========================================================================" best_param = fmin(function, param, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=max_evals, trials=trials) print "========================================================================" print "write result to csv files" # write the csv file if isWrite: datas = [] for trial_data in trials.trials: print trial_data trial_parameter_dictionary = {} trial_parameter_dictionary['model'] = model_name trial_parameter_dictionary['tid'] = trial_data['misc']['tid'] for key, value in trial_data['misc']['vals'].items(): print key, value[0] trial_parameter_dictionary[key] = value[0] trial_parameter_dictionary['loss'] = trial_data['result']['loss'] trial_parameter_dictionary[ 'status'] = trial_data['result']['status'] datas.append(trial_parameter_dictionary) filename = str(time.time()) + ".csv" dictionary_in_list_convert_to_csv(datas, filename) print trials.statuses() return best_param def model_evaluation(clf, x, y, evaluate_function_name, labeled_type, label_convert_type="normal"): if evaluate_function_name == "accuracy": y_pred = clf.predict(x) score = evaluate_function( y, y_pred, evaluate_function_name) score = -score elif evaluate_function_name == "logloss": y_pred = clf.predict(x) score = evaluate_function( y, y_pred, evaluate_function_name) train_score = -score elif evaluate_function_name == "mean_squared_error": y_pred = clf.predict(x) score = evaluate_function( y, y_pred, evaluate_function_name) elif evaluate_function_name == "gini": y_pred = clf.predict(x) score = evaluate_function( y, y_pred, evaluate_function_name) score = -score train_score = -train_score elif evaluate_function_name == "rmsle": y_pred = clf.predict(x) score = evaluate_function( y, y_pred, evaluate_function_name) elif evaluate_function_name == "auc": if params['model'] == "XGBREGLOGISTIC": y_pred = clf.predict_proba(x_test) else: y_pred = clf.predict_proba(x_test)[:, 1] train_score = evaluate_function( y_train, train_y_pred, evaluate_function_name) score = evaluate_function(y_test, y_pred, evaluate_function_name) score = -score train_score = -train_score elif evaluate_function_name == "rmspe": y_pred = clf.predict(x) score = evaluate_function( y, y_pred, evaluate_function_name) score = score return score
of_connection = open(out_file, 'w') writer = csv.writer(of_connection) writer.writerow(['loss', 'params', 'iteration', 'train_time', 'output']) of_connection.close() from hyperopt import tpe # Create the algorithm tpe_algorithm = tpe.suggest from hyperopt import Trials # Record results bayes_trials = Trials() from hyperopt import fmin ITERATION = 1 best = fmin(fn = objective, space = space, algo = tpe.suggest, trials = bayes_trials, max_evals = MAX_EVALS) print(best) d= best #print(bayes_trials.results) bayes_trials_results = sorted(bayes_trials.results, key = lambda x: x['loss']) #bayes_trials_results[:1]
def main(): usage = "%prog <DRLD|MOLD|MIP|Primary|General|PK-...>" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-m', dest='model', default='basic', help='Model: (basic|GRU|LSTM); default=%default') parser.add_option('-o', dest='output_dirname', default='bayes_opt_rnn_mod', help='Output directory name') parser.add_option('--reuse', dest='reuse', action="store_true", default=False, help='Use reusable holdout; default=%default') parser.add_option('--mod', dest='mod', action="store_true", default=False, help='Use modifications; default=%default') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() global output_dirname, output_filename, reuse, search_alpha, space, mod, dataset reuse = options.reuse output_dirname = options.output_dirname model = options.model mod = options.mod dataset = args[0] if model == 'basic': space['arch']['unit'] = 'basic' space['arch']['n_hidden'] = hp.quniform('n_hidden', 5, 200, 5) space['training']['learning_rate'] = hp.loguniform('learning_rate', -4, -1), elif model == 'GRU': space['arch']['unit'] = 'GRU' space['arch']['n_hidden'] = hp.quniform('n_hidden', 5, 150, 5) space['training']['learning_rate'] = hp.loguniform('learning_rate', -5, -1.5), elif model == 'LSTM': space['arch']['unit'] = 'LSTM' space['arch']['n_hidden'] = hp.quniform('n_hidden', 5, 100, 5) space['training']['learning_rate'] = hp.loguniform('learning_rate', -5, -1.5), else: sys.exit('Model not supported!') output_dirname += '_' + model if reuse: output_dirname += '_reuse' if mod: output_dirname += '_mod' output_dirname += '_' + dataset output_filename = fh.make_filename(defines.exp_dir, fh.get_basename(output_dirname), 'log') with, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(output_dirname + '\n') #output_file.write('reuse = ' + str(reuse) + '\n') trials = Trials() best = fmin(call_experiment, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=60, trials=trials) print space_eval(space, best) print trials.losses()
def hyperopt(param_space, X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, args): resampling = over_sampling.RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy='auto', random_state=42) start = time.time() def objective_function(params): classifier_type = params['type'] del params['type'] if classifier_type == 'rf': clf = RandomForestClassifier(**params) elif classifier_type == 'svm': clf = SVC(**params) else: return 0 pl = make_pipeline_imb(resampling, clf) score = cross_val_score(pl, X_train, y_train, n_jobs=args.cpus, cv=3).mean() return {'loss': -score, 'status': STATUS_OK} rstate = np.random.RandomState(1) # <== Use any number here but fixed trials = Trials() best_param = fmin(objective_function, param_space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=args.num_eval, trials=trials, rstate=rstate) loss = [x['result']['loss'] for x in trials.trials] joblib.dump( trials, os.path.join( args.modeldir, 'hyperopt_trials_niters{}_ssize{}.pkl'.format( args.num_eval, args.ssize))) # best_param_values = [ x for x in best_param.values() ] # # del best_param_values['classifier_type'] # # if best_param_values[2] == 0: # max_features = 'auto' # else: # max_features = 'sqrt' # # if best_param_values[0] == 0: # bootstrap = 'True' # else: # bootstrap = 'False' # # print("Best parameters: ", best_param) # # clf_best = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=int(best_param_values[5]), # max_features=max_features, # max_depth=int(best_param_values[1]), # min_samples_leaf=int(best_param_values[3]), # min_samples_split=int(best_param_values[4]), # bootstrap=bootstrap, # n_jobs=args.cpus) # # pl = make_pipeline_imb(resampling, clf_best) # # #, y_train) # estimator_fit =, y_train) # print("") print("##### Results") print("Score best parameters: ", min(loss) * -1) print("Best parameters: ", best_param) # print("Test Score: ", estimator_fit.score(X_test, y_test)) print("Time elapsed: ", round(time.time() - start, 2)) print("Parameter combinations evaluated: ", args.num_eval) # # if args.writemodel: # model_file = os.path.join(args.modeldir, 'model-' + args.classifier + '.h5') # # -- save the model # joblib.dump(clf_best, model_file) # print("Writing the model over path {}".format(model_file)) return trials
def hyper(args): adata = io.read_dataset(args.input, transpose=args.transpose, test_split=False) hyper_params = { "data": { "norm_input_log": hp.choice('d_norm_log', (True, False)), "norm_input_zeromean": hp.choice('d_norm_zeromean', (True, False)), "norm_input_sf": hp.choice('d_norm_sf', (True, False)), }, "model": { "lr": hp.loguniform("m_lr", np.log(1e-3), np.log(1e-2)), "ridge": hp.loguniform("m_ridge", np.log(1e-7), np.log(1e-1)), "l1_enc_coef": hp.loguniform("m_l1_enc_coef", np.log(1e-7), np.log(1e-1)), "hidden_size": hp.choice("m_hiddensize", ((64, 32, 64), (32, 16, 32), (64, 64), (32, 32), (16, 16), (16, ), (32, ), (64, ), (128, ))), "activation": hp.choice("m_activation", ('relu', 'selu', 'elu', 'PReLU', 'linear', 'LeakyReLU')), "aetype": hp.choice("m_aetype", ('zinb', 'zinb-conddisp')), "batchnorm": hp.choice("m_batchnorm", (True, False)), "dropout": hp.uniform("m_do", 0, 0.7), "input_dropout": hp.uniform("m_input_do", 0, 0.8), }, "fit": { "epochs": args.hyperepoch } } def data_fn(norm_input_log, norm_input_zeromean, norm_input_sf): ad = adata.copy() ad = io.normalize(ad, size_factors=norm_input_sf, logtrans_input=norm_input_log, normalize_input=norm_input_zeromean) x_train = {'count': ad.X, 'size_factors': ad.obs.size_factors} y_train = ad.raw.X return (x_train, y_train), def model_fn(train_data, lr, hidden_size, activation, aetype, batchnorm, dropout, input_dropout, ridge, l1_enc_coef): net = AE_types[aetype](train_data[1].shape[1], hidden_size=hidden_size, l2_coef=0.0, l1_coef=0.0, l2_enc_coef=0.0, l1_enc_coef=l1_enc_coef, ridge=ridge, hidden_dropout=dropout, input_dropout=input_dropout, batchnorm=batchnorm, activation=activation, init='glorot_uniform', debug=args.debug) net.model.summary() optimizer = opt.__dict__['RMSprop'](lr=lr, clipvalue=5.0) net.model.compile(loss=net.loss, optimizer=optimizer) return net.model output_dir = os.path.join(args.outputdir, 'hyperopt_results') objective = CompileFN('autoencoder_hyperpar_db', 'myexp1', data_fn=data_fn, model_fn=model_fn, loss_metric='loss', loss_metric_mode='min', valid_split=.2, save_model=None, save_results=True, use_tensorboard=False, save_dir=output_dir) test_fn(objective, hyper_params, save_model=None) trials = Trials() best = fmin(objective, hyper_params, trials=trials, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=args.hypern, catch_eval_exceptions=True) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'trials.pickle'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(trials, f) #TODO: map indices in "best" back to choice-based hyperpars before saving with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'best.json'), 'wt') as f: json.dump(best, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) print(best)
def BayesSearch(X, y): """Search Hyper parameter""" global MODEL if MODEL == "log_reg": param_space = { "solver": hp.choice("solver", ["newton-cg", "saga", "lbfgs"]), "max_iter":"max_iter", 100, 1500)), "C": scope.float(hp.lognormal("C", 0.0001, 3)), } elif MODEL == "sgd": param_space = { "loss": hp.choice("loss", ["log", "modified_huber"]), "penalty": hp.choice("penalty", ["l2", "l1", "elasticnet"]), "alpha": scope.float(hp.uniform("alpha", 0.001, 1)), "max_iter":"max_iter", 100, 1500)), } elif MODEL == "rftree": param_space = { "max_depth":"max_depth", 6, 15, 1)), "n_estimators":"n_estimators", 100, 1000, 1)), "criterion": hp.choice("criterion", ["gini", "entropy"]), "max_features": hp.choice("max_features", ["auto", "log2"]), "min_samples_leaf":"min_samples_leaf", 6, 100, 1)), "min_samples_split":"min_samples_split", 6, 100, 1)), #'bootstrap': hp.choice('bootstrap', [True, False]), } elif MODEL == "extree": param_space = { "max_depth":"max_depth", 5, 25, 1)), "n_estimators":"n_estimators", 100, 2000, 1)), "criterion": hp.choice("criterion", ["gini", "entropy"]), "max_features": hp.choice("max_features", ["auto", "log2"]), "min_samples_leaf":"min_samples_leaf", 3, 100, 1)), "min_samples_split":"min_samples_split", 3, 100, 1)), #'bootstrap': hp.choice('bootstrap', [True, False]), } elif MODEL == "gbm": param_space = { "learning_rate": scope.float(hp.uniform("learning_rate", 0.001, 1)), "n_estimators":"n_estimators", 100, 2000, 1)), "subsample": scope.float(hp.uniform("subsample", 0.001, 1)), "criterion": hp.choice("criterion", ["friedman_mse", "mse", "mae"]), "max_features": hp.choice("max_features", ["auto", "log2"]), "min_samples_leaf":"min_samples_leaf", 3, 100, 1)), "min_samples_split":"min_samples_split", 3, 100, 1)), # 'loss':hp.choice('bootstrap',['deviance', 'exponential']), } elif MODEL == "knn": param_space = { "n_neighbors":"n_neighbors", 5, 100, 1)), "leaf_size":"leaf_size", 30, 200, 1)), } elif MODEL == "lgbm": param_space = { "learning_rate": scope.float(hp.uniform("learning_rate", 0.0001, 0.1)), "n_estimators":"n_estimators", 25, 1000, 1)), "max_depth":"max_depth", 6, 15, 1)), "subsample": scope.float(hp.uniform("subsample", 0.6, 1)), "colsample_bytree": scope.float(hp.uniform("colsample_bytree", 0.6, 1)), # "subsample_freq""subsample_freq", 0, 5, 1)), "min_child_samples":"min_child_samples", 20, 100, 1)), "min_split_gain": scope.float(hp.uniform("min_split_gain", 0.01, 1)), "reg_alpha": scope.float(hp.uniform("reg_alpha", 0.0001, 1)), "reg_lambda": scope.float(hp.uniform("reg_lambda", 0.0001, 1)), "num_leaves":"num_leaves", 32, 10000, 100)), } elif MODEL == "xgbm": param_space = { "learning_rate": scope.float(hp.uniform("learning_rate", 0.0001, 0.1)), "n_estimators":"n_estimators", 100, 1000, 1)), "max_depth":"max_depth", 6, 10, 1)), "subsample": scope.float(hp.uniform("subsample", 0.7, 1)), "colsample_bytree": scope.float(hp.uniform("colsample_bytree", 0.7, 1)), "gamma":"gamma", 0, 20, 1)), "reg_alpha": scope.float(hp.uniform("reg_alpha", 0.01, 1)), "reg_lambda": scope.float(hp.uniform("reg_lambda", 0.01, 1)), # "scale_pos_weight":scope.float(hp.uniform("scale_pos_weight", 0.001, 1)), } # optimize function trails = Trials() optimization_function = partial(optimize, X=X, y=y) result = fmin( fn=optimization_function, space=param_space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=10, trials=trails, verbose=1, ) print("Best Result is:", "_" * 10, result) return result, trails
def main(): global objective if args.mode == "train": train(args.num) elif args.mode == "backtest": backtest(args.num) elif args.mode == "hyperopt": if args.train_option == "mongo": for _ in range(args.rounds): trials = MongoTrials(f'mongo://localhost:1234/my_db/jobs') pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # processes = [Process( # target = os.system("hyperopt-mongo-worker --mongo=localhost:1234/my_db --poll-interval=0.1") # ) for _ in range(args.workers)] # for p in processes: # p.start() # for p in processes: # p.join() continue else: main_path, types = "../..", "mongo_workers" objective = partial(objective, args=args, main_path=main_path, types=types) best = fmin(fn=objective, space=HP_SPACE, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=len(trials._trials) + 8, trials=trials) serialize(best) with open(f"{main_path}/{types}/best_net_config.json", 'w') as of: json.dump(best, of) elif args.train_option == "normal": for _ in range(args.rounds): p = Path(f"./agents/trials") p.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if os.path.isfile(f"./agents/trials/trials.p"): with open(f"./agents/trials/trials.p", "rb") as file_trials: trials = pickle.load(file_trials) print("trials loaded") else: trials = Trials() objective = partial(objective, args=args) best = fmin(fn=objective, space=HP_SPACE, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=len(trials._dynamic_trials) + 10, trials=trials) serialize(best) with open(f"./agents/best_net_config.json", 'w') as of: json.dump(best, of) with open(f"./agents/trials/trials.p", "wb") as file_trials: pickle.dump(trials, file_trials) else: raise NameError( f"train_option should be set to be mongo or normal, but {args.train_option} is supplied!" ) elif args.mode == "clear_agent": clear_var_files_for_agent(args.num, root=".") elif args.mode == "clear": clear_var_files(root=".")
def work(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) bandit = opt_q_uniform( prior_weight = 2.5 gamma = 0.20 algo = partial( tpe.suggest, prior_weight=prior_weight, n_startup_jobs=2, n_EI_candidates=128, gamma=gamma, ) trials = Trials() fmin(passthrough, space=bandit.expr, algo=algo, trials=trials, max_evals=self.LEN) if self.show_vars: import hyperopt.plotting hyperopt.plotting.main_plot_vars(trials, bandit, do_show=1) idxs, vals = miscs_to_idxs_vals(trials.miscs) idxs = idxs["x"] vals = vals["x"] losses = trials.losses() from hyperopt.tpe import ap_filter_trials from hyperopt.tpe import adaptive_parzen_samplers qu = scope.quniform(1.01, 10, 1) fn = adaptive_parzen_samplers["quniform"] fn_kwargs = dict(size=(4, ), rng=np.random) s_below = pyll.Literal() s_above = pyll.Literal() b_args = [s_below, prior_weight] + qu.pos_args b_post = fn(*b_args, **fn_kwargs) a_args = [s_above, prior_weight] + qu.pos_args a_post = fn(*a_args, **fn_kwargs) # print b_post # print a_post fn_lpdf = getattr(scope, + "_lpdf") print(fn_lpdf) # calculate the llik of b_post under both distributions a_kwargs = dict([(n, a) for n, a in a_post.named_args if n not in ("rng", "size")]) b_kwargs = dict([(n, a) for n, a in b_post.named_args if n not in ("rng", "size")]) below_llik = fn_lpdf(*([b_post] + b_post.pos_args), **b_kwargs) above_llik = fn_lpdf(*([b_post] + a_post.pos_args), **a_kwargs) new_node = scope.broadcast_best(b_post, below_llik, above_llik) print("=" * 80) do_show = self.show_steps for ii in range(2, 9): if ii > len(idxs): break print("-" * 80) print("ROUND", ii) print("-" * 80) all_vals = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] below, above = ap_filter_trials(idxs[:ii], vals[:ii], idxs[:ii], losses[:ii], gamma) below = below.astype("int") above = above.astype("int") print("BB0", below) print("BB1", above) # print 'BELOW', zip(range(100), np.bincount(below, minlength=11)) # print 'ABOVE', zip(range(100), np.bincount(above, minlength=11)) memo = {b_post: all_vals, s_below: below, s_above: above} bl, al, nv = pyll.rec_eval([below_llik, above_llik, new_node], memo=memo) # print bl - al print("BB2", dict(list(zip(all_vals, bl - al)))) print("BB3", dict(list(zip(all_vals, bl)))) print("BB4", dict(list(zip(all_vals, al)))) print("ORIG PICKED", vals[ii]) print("PROPER OPT PICKS:", nv) # assert np.allclose(below, [3, 3, 9]) # assert len(below) + len(above) == len(vals) if do_show: plt.subplot(8, 1, ii) # plt.scatter(all_vals, # np.bincount(below, minlength=11)[2:], c='b') # plt.scatter(all_vals, # np.bincount(above, minlength=11)[2:], c='c') plt.scatter(all_vals, bl, c="g") plt.scatter(all_vals, al, c="r") if do_show:
def main(): usage = "%prog <DRLD|MIP|MOLD|Primary|General|Terrorist|PK-Brown|PK-Roberts|PK-Pelosi|PK-Cheney>" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-m", dest="model", default="LR", help="Model: (LR|SVM|MNB|SVMNB); default=%default") parser.add_option("-t", dest="test_fold", default=0, help="Test fold; default=%default") parser.add_option("-o", dest="output_dirname", default="bayes_opt", help="Output directory name") parser.add_option( "--reuse", dest="reuse", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use reusable holdout; default=%default" ) parser.add_option( "--alpha", dest="alpha", action="store_true", default=False, help="Include alpha in search space (instead of grid search); default=%default", ) parser.add_option( "--n_dev_folds", dest="n_dev_folds", default=5, help="Number of dev folds to use when tuning/evaluating; default=%default", ) # parser.add_option('--codes', dest='n_codes', default=33, # help='Number of codes (only matters with --alpha); default=%default') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() global output_dirname, output_filename, reuse, search_alpha, space, run, group, test_fold, n_dev_folds run = args[0] reuse = options.reuse search_alpha = options.alpha # n_codes = int(options.n_codes) output_dirname = options.output_dirname model = options.model test_fold = int(options.test_fold) n_dev_folds = int(options.n_dev_folds) # allow user to specfiy a particular choice of model if model == "LR": space["model"] = { "model": "LR", #'regularization': hp.choice('regularization', ['l1', 'l2']) "regularization": "l1", } elif model == "SVM": space["model"] = { "model": "SVM", "kernel": hp.choice( "ktype", [{"ktype": "linear"}, {"ktype": "poly", "degree": hp.choice("degree", [2, 3, 4])}, {"ktype": "rbf"}], ), } elif model == "MNB": space["model"] = {"model": "MNB"} elif model == "SVMNB": space["model"] = {"model": "SVMNB", "beta": hp.uniform("beta", 0, 1)} else: sys.exit("Choice of model not supported!") if run == "DRLD": add_drld() group = ["Democrat-Likes", "Democrat-Dislikes", "Republican-Likes", "Republican-Dislikes"] n_codes = 33 elif run == "MIP": add_MIP() group = ["MIP-Personal-1", "MIP-Personal-2", "MIP-Political-1", "MIP-Political-2"] n_codes = 74 elif run == "MOLD": add_MOLD() group = ["McCain-Likes", "McCain-Dislikes", "Obama-Likes", "Obama-Dislikes"] n_codes = 34 elif run == "Primary": add_obama() add_clinton() group = ["Obama-Primary", "Clinton-Primary"] n_codes = 42 elif run == "General": add_obama() add_mccain() group = ["Obama-General", "McCain-General"] n_codes = 41 elif run == "Terrorists": group = [run] n_codes = 28 elif run == "PK-Brown": group = [run] n_codes = 14 elif run == "PK-Cheney": group = [run] n_codes = 12 elif run == "PK-Pelosi": group = [run] n_codes = 15 elif run == "PK-Roberts": group = [run] n_codes = 14 else: sys.exit("Dataset not recognized") output_dirname += "_" + model if search_alpha: space["alphas"] = [] for i in range(n_codes): space["alphas"].append(hp.loguniform("alpha" + str(i), -1.15, 9.2)) output_dirname += "_alphas" if reuse: output_dirname += "_reuse" else: output_dirname += "_noreuse" output_dirname += "_" + run if n_dev_folds != 5: output_dirname += "_" + str(n_dev_folds) output_filename = fh.make_filename(defines.exp_dir, fh.get_basename(output_dirname), "log") with, "w") as output_file: output_file.write(output_dirname + "\n") output_file.write("reuse = " + str(reuse) + "\n") output_file.write("search alphas = " + str(search_alpha) + "\n") trials = Trials() best = fmin(call_experiment, space=space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=40, trials=trials) print space_eval(space, best) print trials.losses()
batch_size=1, nb_epoch=1, validation_split=0.3, shuffle=False) #optimize_history =, H_t, batch_size=1, nb_epoch=1, validation_split=0.3, shuffle=False) optimize_model.reset_states() loss_v = optimize_history.history['loss'] print loss_v loss_out = loss_v[-1] return {'loss': loss_out, 'status': STATUS_OK} trials = Trials() best = fmin(objective, space, algo=tpe.suggest, trials=trials, max_evals=50) print best #Building Stateful Model lstm_hidden = best tsteps = 24 out_dim = 24 lstm_model = build_lstm_v1.lstm_model_102(lstm_hidden, train_data.shape[2], out_dim, tsteps) for ep in range(20): lstm_history =, H_t,
def suggest(self, history, searchspace): """ Suggest params to maximize an objective function based on the function evaluation history using a tree of Parzen estimators (TPE), as implemented in the hyperopt package. Use of this function requires that hyperopt be installed. """ # This function is very odd, because as far as I can tell there's # no real documented API for any of the internals of hyperopt. Its # execution model is that hyperopt calls your objective function # (instead of merely providing you with suggested points, and then # you calling the function yourself), and its very tricky (for me) # to use the internal hyperopt data structures to get these predictions # out directly. # so they path we take in this function is to construct a synthetic # hyperopt.Trials database which from the `history`, and then call # hyoperopt.fmin with a dummy objective function that logs the value # used, and then return that value to our client. # The form of the hyperopt.Trials database isn't really documented in # the code -- most of this comes from reverse engineering it, by # running fmin() on a simple function and then inspecting the form of # the resulting trials object. if 'hyperopt' not in sys.modules: raise ImportError('No module named hyperopt') random = check_random_state(self.seed) hp_searchspace = searchspace.to_hyperopt() trials = Trials() for i, (params, scores, status) in enumerate(history): if status == 'SUCCEEDED': # we're doing maximization, hyperopt.fmin() does minimization, # so we need to swap the sign result = {'loss': -np.mean(scores), 'status': STATUS_OK} elif status == 'PENDING': result = {'status': STATUS_RUNNING} elif status == 'FAILED': result = {'status': STATUS_FAIL} else: raise RuntimeError('unrecognized status: %s' % status) # the vals key in the trials dict is basically just the params # dict, but enum variables (hyperopt hp.choice() nodes) are # different, because the index of the parameter is specified # in vals, not the parameter itself. vals = {} for var in searchspace: if isinstance(var, EnumVariable): # get the index in the choices of the parameter, and use # that. matches = [i for i, c in enumerate(var.choices) if c == params[]] assert len(matches) == 1 vals[] = matches else: # the other big difference is that all of the param values # are wrapped in length-1 lists. vals[] = [params[]] trials.insert_trial_doc({ 'misc': { 'cmd': ('domain_attachment', 'FMinIter_Domain'), 'idxs': dict((k, [i]) for k in hp_searchspace.keys()), 'tid': i, 'vals': vals, 'workdir': None}, 'result': result, 'tid': i, # bunch of fixed fields that hyperopt seems to require 'owner': None, 'spec': None, 'state': 2, 'book_time': None, 'exp_key': None, 'refresh_time': None, 'version': 0 }) trials.refresh() chosen_params_container = [] def mock_fn(x): # # to get around no nonlocal keywork in python2 chosen_params_container.append(x) return 0 fmin(fn=mock_fn, algo=tpe.suggest, space=hp_searchspace, trials=trials, max_evals=len(trials.trials)+1, **self._hyperopt_fmin_random_kwarg(random)) chosen_params = chosen_params_container[0] return chosen_params
data_path_label = os.path.join(data_path,'layer_'+str(layer),'Label_cluster') path = os.path.join(data_path_label,'label_cluster_'+str(num_clust)+'.npz') data = np.load(path) label = data['a'] outputpath = os.path.join(main_path,str(num_clust)+'_clustering') create_saving_folder(outputpath) print('################### Tests for a ',num_clust,' centers clustering ###################') for nbc in range(2,num_clust+1): print('################ Predicting voxels for cluster number ',nbc,' ################') masker = find_cluster(label,masker,data_path,nbc) mean = masker.transform(score_img).mean() maxi = masker.transform(score_img).max() print('Mean: ',mean, 'Max: ', maxi) print('') if optimized == True: #we look for optimizations if num_clust == nbc == 2: best_run, best_model = optim.minimize(model=model_optimization, data=retrieve_data, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=5, trials=Trials()) X_train,y_train,X_test,y_test = retrieve_data(loaded_stimuli,fmri_ready) print("Evalutation of best performing model:") print(best_model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)) print("\nBest performing model chosen hyper-parameters:") print(best_run) else: pass second_processing(masker,filename_irm,filename_stimuli,outputpath,meanepi,alpha,nbc,num_clust,best_run) else: second_processing(masker,filename_irm,filename_stimuli,outputpath,meanepi,alpha,nbc,num_clust)
def work(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) bandit = opt_q_uniform( prior_weight = 2.5 gamma = 0.20 algo = partial(tpe.suggest, prior_weight=prior_weight, n_startup_jobs=2, n_EI_candidates=128, gamma=gamma) #print algo.opt_idxs['x'] #print algo.opt_vals['x'] trials = Trials() fmin(passthrough, space=bandit.expr, algo=algo, trials=trials, max_evals=self.LEN) if self.show_vars: import hyperopt.plotting hyperopt.plotting.main_plot_vars(trials, bandit, do_show=1) idxs, vals = miscs_to_idxs_vals(trials.miscs) idxs = idxs['x'] vals = vals['x'] losses = trials.losses() from hyperopt.tpe import ap_filter_trials from hyperopt.tpe import adaptive_parzen_samplers qu = scope.quniform(1.01, 10, 1) fn = adaptive_parzen_samplers['quniform'] fn_kwargs = dict(size=(4,), rng=np.random) s_below = pyll.Literal() s_above = pyll.Literal() b_args = [s_below, prior_weight] + qu.pos_args b_post = fn(*b_args, **fn_kwargs) a_args = [s_above, prior_weight] + qu.pos_args a_post = fn(*a_args, **fn_kwargs) #print b_post #print a_post fn_lpdf = getattr(scope, + '_lpdf') print fn_lpdf # calculate the llik of b_post under both distributions a_kwargs = dict([(n, a) for n, a in a_post.named_args if n not in ('rng', 'size')]) b_kwargs = dict([(n, a) for n, a in b_post.named_args if n not in ('rng', 'size')]) below_llik = fn_lpdf(*([b_post] + b_post.pos_args), **b_kwargs) above_llik = fn_lpdf(*([b_post] + a_post.pos_args), **a_kwargs) new_node = scope.broadcast_best(b_post, below_llik, above_llik) print '=' * 80 do_show = self.show_steps for ii in range(2, 9): if ii > len(idxs): break print '-' * 80 print 'ROUND', ii print '-' * 80 all_vals = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] below, above = ap_filter_trials(idxs[:ii], vals[:ii], idxs[:ii], losses[:ii], gamma) below = below.astype('int') above = above.astype('int') print 'BB0', below print 'BB1', above #print 'BELOW', zip(range(100), np.bincount(below, minlength=11)) #print 'ABOVE', zip(range(100), np.bincount(above, minlength=11)) memo = {b_post: all_vals, s_below: below, s_above: above} bl, al, nv = pyll.rec_eval([below_llik, above_llik, new_node], memo=memo) #print bl - al print 'BB2', dict(zip(all_vals, bl - al)) print 'BB3', dict(zip(all_vals, bl)) print 'BB4', dict(zip(all_vals, al)) print 'ORIG PICKED', vals[ii] print 'PROPER OPT PICKS:', nv #assert np.allclose(below, [3, 3, 9]) #assert len(below) + len(above) == len(vals) if do_show: plt.subplot(8, 1, ii) #plt.scatter(all_vals, # np.bincount(below, minlength=11)[2:], c='b') #plt.scatter(all_vals, # np.bincount(above, minlength=11)[2:], c='c') plt.scatter(all_vals, bl, c='g') plt.scatter(all_vals, al, c='r') if do_show:
callbacks=[earlyStopping, history], verbose=0, nb_epoch=100) print('MSE:', return {'loss':, 'status': STATUS_OK} n = 0 # from keras import backend as K K.set_image_dim_ordering('th') #for ordering error karas 1->2 trials = Trials() best = hypfmin(f_nn, space, algo=tpe.suggest, max_evals=50, trials=trials) print('best: ') print(best) with open(model_params_dir + 'hyperparam_test.pkl', 'w') as f: pickle.dump(trials.trials, f) opt_params = {} for p in best: opt_params[p] = hyperparams[p][best[p]] opt_params model = create_model(opt_params)