def make_department(did): return { 'id': str(did), 'hierarchy_level': 0, 'organization_type': draw(sampled_from(ORGANIZATION_TYPES)), 'org_id': str(draw(sampled_from(resource_ids['organization']))) }
def question_type_and_weight() -> SearchStrategy: return one_of( tuples(sampled_from(Question.CHOICE_TYPES), fixed_decimals()), tuples(sampled_from(sorted(set(Question.available_types()) - set(Question.CHOICE_TYPES))), just(0)) )
def write_pattern(draw, min_size=0): keys = draw(st.lists(st.integers(0, 1000), unique=True, min_size=1)) values = draw(st.lists(st.integers(), unique=True, min_size=1)) return draw( st.lists( st.tuples(st.sampled_from(keys), st.sampled_from(values)), min_size=min_size ) )
def subset(self, former, data): """ A subset of the previous sequence. """ l, pv = former assume(l) i = data.draw(st.sampled_from(range(len(l)))) j = data.draw(st.sampled_from(range(len(l)))) return l[i:j], pv[i:j]
def get_request(data, spec, spec_host): endpoint_path = data.draw(st.sampled_from(spec['paths'].keys())) endpoint = spec['paths'][endpoint_path] method_name = data.draw(st.sampled_from(endpoint.keys())) endpoint = endpoint[method_name] path_params = _get_filtered_parameter(endpoint, 'path', spec) path_args = data.draw(st.fixed_dictionaries(path_params)) query_params = _get_filtered_parameter(endpoint, 'query', spec) query_args = data.draw(st.fixed_dictionaries(query_params)) body_params = _get_filtered_parameter(endpoint, 'body', spec) if body_params: body_args = data.draw(body_params['body']) else: body_args = None valid_request_body_format = get_item_path_acceptable_format(endpoint, spec) request_data = None request_headers = {} if body_args: # no_body_format_declaration(body_args, valid_request_body_format, endpoint) if body_args and valid_request_body_format is None: # Force a request format, swagger ui seems to force json format valid_request_body_format = ["application/json"] request_body_format = data.draw(st.sampled_from(valid_request_body_format), 'request_body_format') request_headers['Content-Type'] = request_body_format if request_body_format == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': request_data = body_args elif request_body_format == 'application/json': request_data = json.dumps(body_args, cls=CustomJsonEncoder) elif request_body_format == 'application/xml': pass # TODO Implement XML else: raise Exception(request_body_format) endpoint_url = endpoint_path.format(**path_args) assume('\x00' not in endpoint_url) # Generate request URL = furl(spec_host) URL = URL.join(endpoint_url.lstrip('/')) if query_args: URL = URL.add(args=query_args) request = Request(method_name, URL.url, data=request_data, headers=request_headers).prepare() request.build_context = locals() return request
def resolve_Type(thing): if thing.__args__ is None: return st.just(type) inner = thing.__args__[0] if getattr(inner, '__origin__', None) is typing.Union: return st.sampled_from(inner.__args__) elif hasattr(inner, '__union_params__'): # pragma: no cover return st.sampled_from(inner.__union_params__) return st.just(inner)
def _dev_options(draw): op_dev = draw(st.sampled_from(hu.device_options)) if op_dev == hu.cpu_do: # the CPU op can only handle CPU tensor input_blob_dev = hu.cpu_do else: input_blob_dev = draw(st.sampled_from(hu.device_options)) return op_dev, input_blob_dev
def steps(self): if not return builds(Action, just('setup'), tuples(st_keys, st_values)) global_actions = [Action('copydict', ()), Action('cleardict', ())] if return ( self.st_setitem() | sampled_from(global_actions) | self.st_updateitem() | self.st_delitem()) else: return (self.st_setitem() | sampled_from(global_actions))
def prob_end_spatial_tournaments(draw, strategies=strategies, min_size=1, max_size=10, min_prob_end=0, max_prob_end=1, min_noise=0, max_noise=1, min_repetitions=1, max_repetitions=20): """ A hypothesis decorator to return a probabilistic ending spatial tournament. Parameters ---------- min_size : integer The minimum number of strategies to include max_size : integer The maximum number of strategies to include min_prob_end : float The minimum probability of a match ending max_prob_end : float The maximum probability of a match ending min_noise : float The minimum noise value max_noise : float The maximum noise value min_repetitions : integer The minimum number of repetitions max_repetitions : integer The maximum number of repetitions """ strategies = draw(strategy_lists(strategies=strategies, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size)) players = [s() for s in strategies] player_indices = list(range(len(players))) all_potential_edges = list(itertools.combinations(player_indices, 2)) all_potential_edges.extend([(i, i) for i in player_indices]) # Loops edges = draw(lists(sampled_from(all_potential_edges), unique=True, average_size=2 * len(players))) # Ensure all players/nodes are connected: node_indices = sorted(set([node for edge in edges for node in edge])) missing_nodes = [index for index in player_indices if index not in node_indices] for index in missing_nodes: opponent = draw(sampled_from(player_indices)) edges.append((index, opponent)) prob_end = draw(floats(min_value=min_prob_end, max_value=max_prob_end)) repetitions = draw(integers(min_value=min_repetitions, max_value=max_repetitions)) noise = draw(floats(min_value=min_noise, max_value=max_noise)) tournament = ProbEndSpatialTournament(players, prob_end=prob_end, repetitions=repetitions, noise=noise, edges=edges) return tournament
def sample_row(draw): """Get a sample database row.""" return OrderedDict(( ('id', draw(st.integers(min_value=1))), ('lat', draw(st.floats(min_value=-180, max_value=180))), ('lon', draw(st.floats(min_value=-90, max_value=90))), ('country', draw(st.sampled_from(['Cintra', 'Arnor', 'Arrakis', 'Gondor']))), ('town', draw(st.sampled_from(['Caer Morhen', 'Minas Tirith', 'Sietch Tabr', 'Gondolin']))), ('postcode', draw(st.sampled_from(['123123', '23423', '123122', '43223', '231232']))), ('street', draw(st.sampled_from(['street1', 'street2', 'street3', 'street4', 'street5']))), ('house', draw(st.integers(max_value=500))), ))
def from_field(field): # type: (Type[dm.Field]) -> st.SearchStrategy[dm.Field] """Return a strategy for values that fit the given field. This is pretty similar to the core `from_type` function, with a subtle but important difference: `from_field` takes a Field *instance*, rather than a Field *subtype*, so that it has access to instance attributes such as string length and validators. """ check_type((dm.Field, df.Field), field, "field") if getattr(field, "choices", False): choices = [] # type: list for value, name_or_optgroup in field.choices: if isinstance(name_or_optgroup, (list, tuple)): choices.extend(key for key, _ in name_or_optgroup) else: choices.append(value) # form fields automatically include an empty choice, strip it out if u"" in choices: choices.remove(u"") min_size = 1 if isinstance(field, (dm.CharField, dm.TextField)) and field.blank: choices.insert(0, u"") elif isinstance(field, (df.Field)) and not field.required: choices.insert(0, u"") min_size = 0 strategy = st.sampled_from(choices) if isinstance(field, (df.MultipleChoiceField, df.TypedMultipleChoiceField)): strategy = st.lists(st.sampled_from(choices), min_size=min_size) else: if type(field) not in _global_field_lookup: if getattr(field, "null", False): return st.none() raise InvalidArgument("Could not infer a strategy for %r", (field,)) strategy = _global_field_lookup[type(field)] if not isinstance(strategy, st.SearchStrategy): strategy = strategy(field) assert isinstance(strategy, st.SearchStrategy) if field.validators: def validate(value): try: field.run_validators(value) return True except django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: return False strategy = strategy.filter(validate) if getattr(field, "null", False): return st.none() | strategy return strategy
def steps(self): strat = self.step_strategy('add_span') if self.span_ids: strat |= self.step_strategy('delete_span', hs.sampled_from(self.span_ids)) strat |= self.step_strategy('set_span', hs.sampled_from(self.span_ids), hs.integers(-10, 100)) strat |= self.step_strategy('set_tag', hs.sampled_from(self.span_ids), hs.sampled_from(self.TAG_NAMES), hs.booleans()) return strat
def s3_backend_config_st(draw): """Hypothesis strategy for s3 backend configuration.""" s3_be_dict = { 'bucket': draw(s3_bucket_name_st()), 'encrypt': draw(st.sampled_from(['true', 'false'])), 'key': draw(st.text( alphabet=list(ascii_letters + digits + '!-_.*\'()/'), min_size=1, max_size=1024).filter(lambda x: x[0] not in '/')), 'region': draw(st.sampled_from(aws_region_list)) } if bool(random.getrandbits(1)): s3_be_dict['profile'] = 'testawsprofile' return s3_be_dict
def mutated_commands(commands): args = st.sampled_from([b'withscores', b'xx', b'nx', b'ex', b'px', b'weights', b'aggregate', b'', b'0', b'-1', b'nan', b'inf', b'-inf']) | command_args(commands) affixes = st.sampled_from([b'\0', b'-', b'+', b'\t', b'\n', b'0000']) | st.binary() return st.recursive( commands, lambda x: delete_arg(x) | replace_arg(x, args) | uppercase_arg(x) | prefix_arg(x, affixes) | suffix_arg(x, affixes) | add_arg(x, args) | swap_args(x))
def test_sorting_fields(tmpdir, runner, default_database): tasks = [] for i in range(1, 10): days = datetime.timedelta(days=i) todo = Todo() todo.due = + days todo.created_at = - days todo.summary = 'harhar{}'.format(i) tasks.append(todo) fields = tuple(field for field in dir(Todo) if not field.startswith('_')) @given(sort_key=st.lists( st.sampled_from(fields + tuple('-' + x for x in fields)), unique=True )) def run_test(sort_key): sort_key = ','.join(sort_key) result = runner.invoke(cli, ['list', '--sort', sort_key]) assert not result.exception assert result.exit_code == 0 assert len(result.output.strip().splitlines()) == len(tasks) run_test()
def test_create_with_profile(self): """ Calling the ``/VolumerDriver.Create`` API with an ``Opts`` value of "profile=[gold,silver,bronze] in the request body JSON create a volume with a given name with [gold,silver,bronze] profile. """ profile = sampled_from(["gold", "silver", "bronze"]).example() name = random_name(self) d = self.assertResult( b"POST", b"/VolumeDriver.Create", {u"Name": name, "Opts": {u"profile": profile}}, OK, {u"Err": u""} ) d.addCallback(lambda _: self.flocker_client.list_datasets_configuration()) d.addCallback(list) d.addCallback( lambda result: self.assertItemsEqual( result, [ Dataset( dataset_id=result[0].dataset_id, primary=self.NODE_A, maximum_size=int(DEFAULT_SIZE.to_Byte()), metadata={NAME_FIELD: name, u"clusterhq:flocker:profile": unicode(profile)}, ) ], ) ) return d
def valid_key_string(draw): """ A strategy that generates valid serialized OpaqueKeys. """ key_type = draw(strategies.shared(strategies.sampled_from(KEY_TYPES), key="key_type")) key = draw(keys_of_type(key_type)) return text_type(key)
def header(header_class, **kwargs): """Create a strategy for producing headers of a specific class. Args: header_class: The type of header to be produced. This class will be introspected to determine suitable strategies for each named field. **kwargs: Any supplied keyword arguments can be used to fix the value of particular header fields. """ field_strategies = {} for field_name in header_class.ordered_field_names(): if field_name in kwargs: field_strategy = just(kwargs.pop(field_name)) else: value_type = getattr(header_class, field_name).value_type if hasattr(value_type, 'ENUM'): field_strategy = sampled_from(sorted(value_type.ENUM)) else: field_strategy = integers(value_type.MINIMUM, value_type.MAXIMUM) field_strategies[field_name] = field_strategy if len(kwargs) > 0: raise TypeError("Unrecognised binary header field names {} for {}".format( ', '.join(kwargs.keys()), header_class.__name__)) return fixed_dictionaries(field_strategies) \ .map(lambda kw: header_class(**kw))
def http_headers(): """ Strategy for generating ``Headers`` populated with random HTTP headers. This could probably use some more work. """ return dictionaries( keys=sampled_from(( b"accept", b"accept-charset", b"accept-encoding", b"accept-language", b"accept-ranges", b"age", b"allow", b"authorization", b"cache-control", b"connection", b"content-encoding", b"content-language", # XXX The rest, I guess, plus randomly generate some? )), values=text().map(lambda x: x.encode("utf-8")), ).map( lambda h: Headers({k: [v] for (k, v) in h.items()}) )
def test_sparse_momentum_sgd( self, inputs, momentum, nesterov, lr, data_strategy, gc, dc ): w, grad, m = inputs # Create an indexing array containing values which index into grad indices = data_strategy.draw( hu.tensor( max_dim=1, min_value=1, max_value=grad.shape[0], dtype=np.int64, elements=st.sampled_from(np.arange(grad.shape[0])), ), ) # Verify that the generated indices are unique hypothesis.assume( np.array_equal( np.unique(indices.flatten()), np.sort(indices.flatten()))) # Sparsify grad grad = grad[indices] # Make momentum >= 0 m = np.abs(m) # Convert lr to a numpy array lr = np.asarray([lr], dtype=np.float32) op = core.CreateOperator( "SparseMomentumSGDUpdate", ["grad", "m", "lr", "param", "indices"], ["adjusted_grad", "m", "param"], momentum=momentum, nesterov=int(nesterov), device_option=gc ) # Reference def momentum_sgd(grad, m, lr): lr = lr[0] if not nesterov: adjusted_gradient = lr * grad + momentum * m return (adjusted_gradient, adjusted_gradient) else: m_new = momentum * m + lr * grad return ((1 + momentum) * m_new - momentum * m, m_new) def sparse(grad, m, lr, param, i): grad_new, m_new = momentum_sgd(grad, m[i], lr) m[i] = m_new param[i] -= grad_new return (grad_new, m, param) self.assertReferenceChecks( gc, op, [grad, m, lr, w, indices], sparse)
def tagged_union_strategy(type, attr_strategies): """ Create a strategy for building a type with a ``TaggedUnionInvariant``. :param type: Type to generate a strategy for. :param attr_strategies: Mapping of attributes to strategies to generate corresponding attributes. :type attr_strategies: ``dict`` mapping ``str`` to ``SearchStrategy`s. """ invariant = type.__invariant__ def build(tag): args = { invariant.tag_attribute: just(tag), } args.update({ attribute: strategy for attribute, strategy in attr_strategies.items() if ( attribute in invariant.attributes_for_tag[tag] or attribute not in invariant._all_attributes ) }) return fixed_dictionaries(args).map(lambda kwargs: type(**kwargs)) return sampled_from(invariant._allowed_tags).flatmap(build)
def _get_strategy_for_field(f): if isinstance(f, dm.AutoField): return default_value elif f.choices: choices = [value for (value, name) in f.choices] if isinstance(f, (dm.CharField, dm.TextField)) and f.blank: choices.append(u'') strategy = st.sampled_from(choices) elif isinstance(f, dm.EmailField): return ff.fake_factory(u'email') elif type(f) in (dm.TextField, dm.CharField): strategy = st.text(min_size=(None if f.blank else 1), max_size=f.max_length) elif type(f) == dm.DecimalField: m = 10 ** f.max_digits - 1 div = 10 ** f.decimal_places q = Decimal('1.' + ('0' * f.decimal_places)) strategy = ( st.integers(min_value=-m, max_value=m) .map(lambda n: (Decimal(n) / div).quantize(q))) else: try: strategy = field_mappings()[type(f)] except KeyError: if f.null: return None else: raise UnmappedFieldError(f) if f.validators: strategy = strategy.filter(validator_to_filter(f)) if f.null: strategy = st.one_of(st.none(), strategy) return strategy
def jobs( draw, ids=uuids(), statuses=sampled_from(JobInterface.JobStatus), parameters=dictionaries(text(), text()), results=dictionaries(text(), text()), dates_submitted=datetimes(), registration_schemas=dictionaries(text(), text()), result_schemas=dictionaries(text(), text()) ) -> JobInterface: """ :param draw: A function that can take a strategy and draw a datum from it :param ids: A hypothesis strategy (statisticians should read "random variable"), that represents the set of all valid job IDs :param statuses: A hypothesis strategy that samples from the set of all allowed job statuses :param parameters: A hypothesis strategy that samples from all job parameters :param results: A hypothesis strategy that represents the possible results :param dates_submitted: A hypothesis strategy that represents the possible dates that can be submitted :param registration_schemas: The possible job registration schemas :param result_schemas: The possible job result schemas :return: A randomly-generated implementation of :class:`JobInterface` """ return Job( draw(ids), draw(statuses), draw(parameters), draw(results), draw(dates_submitted), draw(registration_schemas), draw(result_schemas) )
def steps(self): strategies = [] for rule in self.rules(): converted_arguments = {} valid = True if rule.precondition is not None and not rule.precondition(self): continue for k, v in sorted(rule.arguments.items()): if isinstance(v, Bundle): bundle = self.bundle( if not bundle: valid = False break else: v = sampled_from(bundle) converted_arguments[k] = v if valid: strategies.append(TupleStrategy(( just(rule), FixedKeysDictStrategy(converted_arguments) ), tuple)) if not strategies: raise InvalidDefinition( u'No progress can be made from state %r' % (self,) ) return one_of(*strategies)
def test_sparse_adagrad(self, inputs, lr, epsilon, data_strategy, gc, dc): param, momentum, grad = inputs momentum = np.abs(momentum) lr = np.array([lr], dtype=np.float32) # Create an indexing array containing values that are lists of indices, # which index into grad indices = data_strategy.draw( hu.tensor(dtype=np.int64, elements=st.sampled_from(np.arange(grad.shape[0]))), ) hypothesis.note('indices.shape: %s' % str(indices.shape)) # For now, the indices must be unique hypothesis.assume(np.array_equal(np.unique(indices.flatten()), np.sort(indices.flatten()))) # Sparsify grad grad = grad[indices] op = core.CreateOperator( "SparseAdagrad", ["param", "momentum", "indices", "grad", "lr"], ["param", "momentum"], epsilon=epsilon, device_option=gc) def ref_sparse(param, momentum, indices, grad, lr, ref_using_fp16=False): param_out = np.copy(param) momentum_out = np.copy(momentum) for i, index in enumerate(indices): param_out[index], momentum_out[index] = self.ref_adagrad( param[index], momentum[index], grad[i], lr, epsilon, using_fp16=ref_using_fp16 ) return (param_out, momentum_out) ref_using_fp16_values = [False] if dc == hu.gpu_do: ref_using_fp16_values.append(True) for ref_using_fp16 in ref_using_fp16_values: if(ref_using_fp16): print('test_sparse_adagrad with half precision embedding') momentum_i = momentum.astype(np.float16) param_i = param.astype(np.float16) else: print('test_sparse_adagrad with full precision embedding') momentum_i = momentum.astype(np.float32) param_i = param.astype(np.float32) self.assertReferenceChecks( gc, op, [param_i, momentum_i, indices, grad, lr, ref_using_fp16], ref_sparse )
def fstrings(draw): """ Generate a valid f-string. See :param draw: Let hypothsis draw from other strategies. :return: A valid f-string. """ character_strategy = st.characters( blacklist_characters='\r\n\'\\s{}', min_codepoint=1, max_codepoint=1000, ) is_raw = draw(st.booleans()) integer_strategy = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=3) expression_count = draw(integer_strategy) content = [] for _ in range(expression_count): expression = draw(expressions()) conversion = draw(st.sampled_from(('', '!s', '!r', '!a',))) has_specifier = draw(st.booleans()) specifier = ':' + draw(format_specifiers()) if has_specifier else '' content.append('{{{}{}}}'.format(expression, conversion, specifier)) content.append(draw(st.text(character_strategy))) content = ''.join(content) return "f{}'{}'".format('r' if is_raw else '', content)
def api_results(min_size=0, max_size=20, hook_types=None): count = integers(min_value=min_size, max_value=max_size).example() hook_types = hook_types or get_hook_names() return fixed_dictionaries( { "count": just(count), "next": none(), "prev": none(), "results": lists( fixed_dictionaries( { "name": text(min_size=1), "latest_version": integers(min_value=0), "content": fixed_dictionaries( { "hook_type": sampled_from(hook_types), "version": integers(min_value=0), "description": text(min_size=1), "download_url": text(min_size=1), "checksum": text(min_size=1), } ), } ), min_size=count, max_size=count, ), } )
def prf_given(): """ A wrapper for :py:func:`hypothesis.given` that establishes parameters common to all Pseudo-Random Function tests. :return: The same opaque type returned by :py:func:`hypothesis.given` """ _prf_given = given(secret=st.binary(max_size=4096), label=ascii_bytes(min_size=1, max_size=1024), # OpenSSL does not use seeds longer than 1024 bytes seed=st.binary(max_size=1024), hash_cls=st.sampled_from([ hashes.SHA1, hashes.SHA224, hashes.SHA256, hashes.SHA384, hashes.SHA512, hashes.RIPEMD160, hashes.Whirlpool, hashes.MD5, ]), output_length=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=1024)) def _ignore_slow_and_large_prf_given(function): """ Suppress data generation and size speed checks. """ ignore_slow = settings(suppress_health_check=[ HealthCheck.data_too_large, HealthCheck.too_slow, ]) return ignore_slow(_prf_given(function)) return _ignore_slow_and_large_prf_given
def remote_init_st(draw): """Hypothesis strategy to generate terraform remote init state.""" be_type = draw(st.sampled_from(['s3'])) ri_dict = { "version": 3, "serial": 0, "lineage": draw(lineage_st()), "backend": { "type": be_type, "config": draw(get_be_config_st(be_type)()), "hash": draw(st.text(alphabet=list(digits), min_size=18, max_size=18)) }, "modules": [ { "path": [ "root" ], "outputs": {}, "resources": {}, "depends_on": [] } ] } return ri_dict
class TestAttributes(object): """ Tests for the `attrs`/`attr.s` class decorator. """ @pytest.mark.skipif(not PY2, reason="No old-style classes in Py3") def test_catches_old_style(self): """ Raises TypeError on old-style classes. """ with pytest.raises(TypeError) as e: @attributes class C: pass assert ("attrs only works with new-style classes.", ) == e.value.args def test_sets_attrs(self): """ Sets the `__attrs_attrs__` class attribute with a list of `Attribute`s. """ @attributes class C(object): x = attr() assert "x" == C.__attrs_attrs__[0].name assert all(isinstance(a, Attribute) for a in C.__attrs_attrs__) def test_empty(self): """ No attributes, no problems. """ @attributes class C3(object): pass assert "C3()" == repr(C3()) assert C3() == C3() @given(attr=attrs, attr_name=sampled_from(Attribute.__slots__)) def test_immutable(self, attr, attr_name): """ Attribute instances are immutable. """ with pytest.raises(AttributeError): setattr(attr, attr_name, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method_name", [ "__repr__", "__eq__", "__hash__", "__init__", ]) def test_adds_all_by_default(self, method_name): """ If no further arguments are supplied, all add_XXX functions except add_hash are applied. __hash__ is set to None. """ # Set the method name to a sentinel and check whether it has been # overwritten afterwards. sentinel = object() class C(object): x = attr() setattr(C, method_name, sentinel) C = attributes(C) meth = getattr(C, method_name) assert sentinel != meth if method_name == "__hash__": assert meth is None @pytest.mark.parametrize("arg_name, method_name", [ ("repr", "__repr__"), ("cmp", "__eq__"), ("hash", "__hash__"), ("init", "__init__"), ]) def test_respects_add_arguments(self, arg_name, method_name): """ If a certain `add_XXX` is `False`, `__XXX__` is not added to the class. """ # Set the method name to a sentinel and check whether it has been # overwritten afterwards. sentinel = object() am_args = {"repr": True, "cmp": True, "hash": True, "init": True} am_args[arg_name] = False class C(object): x = attr() setattr(C, method_name, sentinel) C = attributes(**am_args)(C) assert sentinel == getattr(C, method_name) @pytest.mark.skipif(PY2, reason="__qualname__ is PY3-only.") @given(slots_outer=booleans(), slots_inner=booleans()) def test_repr_qualname(self, slots_outer, slots_inner): """ On Python 3, the name in repr is the __qualname__. """ @attributes(slots=slots_outer) class C(object): @attributes(slots=slots_inner) class D(object): pass assert "C.D()" == repr(C.D()) assert "GC.D()" == repr(GC.D()) @given(slots_outer=booleans(), slots_inner=booleans()) def test_repr_fake_qualname(self, slots_outer, slots_inner): """ Setting repr_ns overrides a potentially guessed namespace. """ @attributes(slots=slots_outer) class C(object): @attributes(repr_ns="C", slots=slots_inner) class D(object): pass assert "C.D()" == repr(C.D()) @pytest.mark.skipif(PY2, reason="__qualname__ is PY3-only.") @given(slots_outer=booleans(), slots_inner=booleans()) def test_name_not_overridden(self, slots_outer, slots_inner): """ On Python 3, __name__ is different from __qualname__. """ @attributes(slots=slots_outer) class C(object): @attributes(slots=slots_inner) class D(object): pass assert C.D.__name__ == "D" assert C.D.__qualname__ == C.__qualname__ + ".D" @given(with_validation=booleans()) def test_post_init(self, with_validation, monkeypatch): """ Verify that __attrs_post_init__ gets called if defined. """ monkeypatch.setattr(_config, "_run_validators", with_validation) @attributes class C(object): x = attr() y = attr() def __attrs_post_init__(self2): self2.z = self2.x + self2.y c = C(x=10, y=20) assert 30 == getattr(c, 'z', None)
class MemongerTest(hu.HypothesisTestCase): @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), do=st.sampled_from(hu.device_options), algo=st.sampled_from(memonger.AssignmentAlgorithm)) @settings(max_examples=5, deadline=None) def test_simple_memonger(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size, do, algo): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "fc1", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "fc2", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3.Relu([], fc3)\ .Softmax([], "pred") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss") input_to_grad = m.AddGradientOperators(["loss"]) m.param_init_net.Proto().device_option.CopyFrom(do) static_blobs = \ [o for op in m.param_init_net.Proto().op for o in op.output] + \ ["data", "label", "loss", input_to_grad["fc1_w"]] optimization = memonger.optimize_interference(m.Proto(), static_blobs, algo=algo) data = np.random.randn(batch_size, input_dim).astype(np.float32) label = np.random.randint(low=0, high=output_dim, size=(batch_size, )).astype(np.int32) workspace.RunNetOnce(m.param_init_net) workspace.FeedBlob("data", data, device_option=do) workspace.FeedBlob("label", label, device_option=do) workspace.RunNetOnce( loss = workspace.FetchBlob("loss") grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str(input_to_grad["fc1_w"])) workspace.RunNetOnce( optimized_loss = workspace.FetchBlob("loss") optimized_grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str(input_to_grad["fc1_w"])) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss, optimized_loss) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, optimized_grad) stats = memonger.compute_statistics(optimization.assignments) self.assertLess(stats.optimized_nbytes, stats.baseline_nbytes) # run with blob sizes blob_sizes = memonger.collect_blob_sizes(m.Proto()) optimization1 = memonger.optimize_interference(m.Proto(), static_blobs, blob_sizes=blob_sizes, algo=algo) workspace.RunNetOnce( optimized_loss = workspace.FetchBlob("loss") optimized_grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str(input_to_grad["fc1_w"])) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss, optimized_loss) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, optimized_grad) stats = memonger.compute_statistics(optimization1.assignments) self.assertLessEqual(stats.optimized_nbytes, stats.baseline_nbytes) @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=10), do=st.sampled_from(hu.device_options)) @settings(max_examples=5, deadline=None) def test_fast_memonger(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size, do): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "fc1", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "fc2", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3.Relu([], fc3)\ .Softmax([], "pred") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss") input_to_grad = m.AddGradientOperators(["loss"]) m.param_init_net.Proto().device_option.CopyFrom(do) static_blobs = \ [o for op in m.param_init_net.Proto().op for o in op.output] + \ ["data", "label", "loss", input_to_grad["fc1_w"]] optimized_net = memonger.optimize_inference_fast( m.Proto(), static_blobs) data = np.random.randn(batch_size, input_dim).astype(np.float32) label = np.random.randint(low=0, high=output_dim, size=(batch_size, )).astype(np.int32) workspace.RunNetOnce(m.param_init_net) workspace.FeedBlob("data", data, device_option=do) workspace.FeedBlob("label", label, device_option=do) workspace.RunNetOnce( loss = workspace.FetchBlob("loss") grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str(input_to_grad["fc1_w"])) workspace.RunNetOnce(optimized_net) optimized_loss = workspace.FetchBlob("loss") optimized_grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str(input_to_grad["fc1_w"])) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss, optimized_loss) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, optimized_grad) self.assertLess(count_blobs(optimized_net), count_blobs(m.Proto())) def test_fast_memonger_unique_outputs(self): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() fc = [] for i in range(2): z = brew.fc(m, "data{}".format(i), "fc".format(i), dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc.append(z) r = [] # Trick is here to have same input appear twice in a same Sum for x in fc: for y in fc: r.append(brew.sum(m, [x, y], 1)) concated = brew.concat(m, r, "concated") brew.relu(m, concated, "merged") static_blobs = \ [o for op in m.param_init_net.Proto().op for o in op.output] + \ ["merged"] + ["data{}".format(i) for i in range(len(fc))] optimized_net = memonger.optimize_inference_fast( m.Proto(), static_blobs) for op in optimized_net.op: self.assertEqual(len(op.output), len(set(op.output)), str(op)) @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=4), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=4), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=4)) def test_gradient_optim(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "fc1", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "fc2", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc4 = brew.fc(m, fc3, "fc4", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5 = brew.fc(m, fc4, "fc5", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5.Relu([], fc5)\ .Softmax([], "pred") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss") input_to_grad = m.AddGradientOperators(["name_x/loss"]) blobs_before = count_blobs( optim_proto = memonger.share_grad_blobs(, ["name_x/loss"], set(viewvalues(m.param_to_grad)), "name_x/", share_activations=False, ) blobs_after = count_blobs(optim_proto) self.assertLess(blobs_after, blobs_before) optim_proto_wacts = memonger.share_grad_blobs(, ["name_x/loss"], set(viewvalues(m.param_to_grad)), "name_x/", share_activations=True, dont_share_blobs=set([str(input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"])]), ) blobs_wact_optim = count_blobs(optim_proto_wacts) self.assertLessEqual(blobs_wact_optim, blobs_after) # Check that the last activations are not shared self.assertTrue(has_blob(optim_proto, "name_x/fc5")) self.assertTrue( has_blob(optim_proto_wacts, "name_x/fc5"), "Dont remap final activation", ) # Test networks produce exactly same gradients data = np.random.randn(batch_size, input_dim).astype(np.float32) label = np.random.randint(low=0, high=output_dim, size=(batch_size, )).astype(np.int32) workspace.RunNetOnce(m.param_init_net) workspace.FeedBlob("name_x/data", data) workspace.FeedBlob("name_x/label", label) workspace.RunNetOnce( loss = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss") grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str(input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"])) workspace.RunNetOnce(optim_proto) optimized_loss = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss") optimized_grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str( input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"])) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss, optimized_loss) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, optimized_grad) workspace.FeedBlob(str(input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"]), np.array([0.0])) # Run with the forward optimization workspace.RunNetOnce(optim_proto_wacts) optimized_loss = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss") optimized_grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str( input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"])) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss, optimized_loss) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, optimized_grad) @unittest.skipIf(not workspace.has_gpu_support, "No gpu support.") def test_memonger_mix_cpu_gpu(self): ''' Check that memonger does not make blobs cross CPU/GPU boundary ''' m = model_helper.ModelHelper() with core.DeviceScope(core.DeviceOption(workspace.GpuDeviceType, 0)): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "fc1", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "fc2", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc4 = brew.fc(m, fc3, "fc4", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc4_cpu =, "fc4_cpu") with core.DeviceScope(core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CPU, 0)): fc5_cpu = brew.fc(m, fc4_cpu, "fc5_cpu", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc6_cpu = brew.fc(m, fc5_cpu, "fc6_cpu", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc7_cpu = brew.fc(m, fc6_cpu, "fc7_cpu", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc7_cpu.Relu([], fc7_cpu) \ .Softmax([], "pred") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss") m.AddGradientOperators(["loss"]) blobs_before = count_blobs( optim_proto = memonger.share_grad_blobs(, ["loss"], set(viewvalues(m.param_to_grad)), "", share_activations=True, dont_share_blobs=set(), ) blobs_after = count_blobs(optim_proto) self.assertLess(blobs_after, blobs_before) # Create set of blobs on CPU side and GPU side and check they don't # overlap device_blobs = {caffe2_pb2.CPU: set(), workspace.GpuDeviceType: set()} for op in optim_proto.op: if op.type not in ['CopyCPUToGPU', "CopyGPUToCPU"]: dev = op.device_option.device_type for b in list(op.input) + list(op.output): device_blobs[dev].add(b) device_crossers = device_blobs[caffe2_pb2.CPU].intersection( device_blobs[workspace.GpuDeviceType]) self.assertEquals(device_crossers, set()) @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4)) @settings(deadline=1000) def test_gradient_optim_tree(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "fc1", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "fc2", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc4 = brew.fc(m, fc3, "fc4", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5 = brew.fc(m, fc4, "fc5", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5.Relu([], fc5) \ .Softmax([], "pred1") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent1"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss1") fc6 = brew.fc(m, fc5, "fc6", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc6.Relu([], fc6) \ .Softmax([], "pred2") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent2"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss2") input_to_grad = m.AddGradientOperators( ["name_x/loss1", "name_x/loss2"]) blobs_before = count_blobs( optim_proto = memonger.share_grad_blobs(, ["name_x/loss1", "name_x/loss2"], set(viewvalues(m.param_to_grad)), "name_x", # "name_x//shared_gradinp_0_shared" if using "name_x/" share_activations=True, dont_share_blobs=set([ 'name_x/fc6', 'name_x/fc5', str(input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"]) ]), ) blobs_after = count_blobs(optim_proto) self.assertLess(blobs_after, blobs_before) self.assertTrue(has_blob(optim_proto, "name_x/fc6")) # Test networks produce exactly same gradients data = np.random.randn(batch_size, input_dim).astype(np.float32) label = np.random.randint(low=0, high=output_dim, size=(batch_size, )).astype(np.int32) workspace.RunNetOnce(m.param_init_net) workspace.FeedBlob("name_x/data", data) workspace.FeedBlob("name_x/label", label) workspace.RunNetOnce( loss1 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss1") loss2 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss2") grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str(input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"])) workspace.FeedBlob(str(input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"]), np.array([0.0])) workspace.RunNetOnce(optim_proto) optimized_loss1 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss1") optimized_loss2 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss2") optimized_grad = workspace.FetchBlob(str( input_to_grad["name_x/fc1_w"])) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss1, optimized_loss1) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss2, optimized_loss2) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(grad, optimized_grad) @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4)) @settings(deadline=1000) def test_forward_optim_tree_daggy(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() m.Proto().type = "dag" m.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "fc1", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "fc2", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc4 = brew.fc(m, fc3, "fc4", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5 = brew.fc(m, fc4, "fc5", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) # Branch fc3b = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3b", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc4b = brew.fc(m, fc3b, "fc4b", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5b = brew.fc(m, fc4b, "fc5b", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5sum = brew.sum(m, [fc5, fc5b], "fc5sum") fc5.Relu([], fc5sum) \ .Softmax([], "pred1") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent1"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss1") fc6 = brew.fc(m, fc5, "fc6", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc6.Relu([], fc6) \ .Softmax([], "pred2") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent2"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss2") blobs_before = count_blobs( optim_proto = memonger.optimize_inference_for_dag(, ["name_x/data"], "name_x") blobs_after = count_blobs(optim_proto) self.assertLess(blobs_after, blobs_before) # Test networks produce exactly same results data = np.random.randn(batch_size, input_dim).astype(np.float32) label = np.random.randint(low=0, high=output_dim, size=(batch_size, )).astype(np.int32) workspace.RunNetOnce(m.param_init_net) workspace.FeedBlob("name_x/data", data) workspace.FeedBlob("name_x/label", label) workspace.RunNetOnce( loss1 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss1") loss2 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss2") workspace.RunNetOnce(optim_proto) optimized_loss1 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss1") optimized_loss2 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss2") np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss1, optimized_loss1) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss2, optimized_loss2) @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4)) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_forward_optim_tree_harder(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() = "dag" = 4"label")"data") with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "fc1", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "fc2", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc4 = brew.fc(m, fc3, "fc4", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5 = brew.fc(m, fc4, "fc5", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) # Branch fc3b = brew.fc(m, fc2, "fc3b", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc4b = brew.fc(m, fc3b, "fc4b", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5b = brew.fc(m, fc4b, "fc5b", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc5sum = brew.sum(m, [fc5, fc5b], "fc5sum") fc5sum.Relu([], "relu1") \ .Softmax([], "pred1") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent1"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss1") fc6 = brew.fc(m, fc5, "fc6", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc6.Relu([], fc6) \ .Softmax([], "pred2") \ .LabelCrossEntropy(["label"], ["xent2"]) \ .AveragedLoss([], "loss2") blobs_before = count_blobs( optim_proto = memonger.optimize_inference_for_dag(, ["name_x/data"], "name_x/") blobs_after = count_blobs(optim_proto) # Extra test with when one of the parameters is also an input. # This caused a bug before. optim_proto_extra_input = memonger.optimize_inference_for_dag(, ["name_x/data", "name_x/fc1_w"], "name_x/") blobs_after_extra_input = count_blobs(optim_proto_extra_input) self.assertEqual(blobs_after, blobs_after_extra_input) ### print(str(optim_proto)) self.assertLess(blobs_after, blobs_before) # Test networks produce exactly same results data = np.random.randn(batch_size, input_dim).astype(np.float32) label = np.random.randint(low=0, high=output_dim, size=(batch_size, )).astype(np.int32) workspace.RunNetOnce(m.param_init_net) workspace.FeedBlob("name_x/data", data) workspace.FeedBlob("name_x/label", label) workspace.RunNetOnce( loss1 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss1") loss2 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss2") workspace.RunNetOnce(optim_proto) optimized_loss1 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss1") optimized_loss2 = workspace.FetchBlob("name_x/loss2") np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss1, optimized_loss1) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(loss2, optimized_loss2) def test_rnn(self): from caffe2.python import rnn_cell T = 5 model = model_helper.ModelHelper() seq_lengths, labels = \ 'seq_lengths', 'labels', ) init_blobs = [] for i in range(2): hidden_init, cell_init = "hidden_init_{}".format(i), "cell_init_{}".format(i)) init_blobs.extend([hidden_init, cell_init]) model.param_init_net.ConstantFill([], ["input"], shape=[T, 4, 10]) output, last_hidden, _, last_state = rnn_cell.LSTM( model=model, input_blob="input", seq_lengths=seq_lengths, initial_states=init_blobs, dim_in=10, dim_out=[10, 10], scope="lstm1", forward_only=False, drop_states=True, return_last_layer_only=True, ) softmax, loss = [model.Flatten(output), "labels"], ['softmax', 'loss'], ) model.AddGradientOperators([loss]) blobs_before = count_blobs( optim_proto = memonger.share_grad_blobs(, ["loss"], set(viewvalues(model.param_to_grad)), "", share_activations=True, dont_share_blobs=set(), ) blobs_after = count_blobs(optim_proto) self.assertLess(blobs_after, blobs_before) # Run once to see all blobs are set up correctly for init_blob in init_blobs: workspace.FeedBlob(init_blob, np.zeros([1, 4, 10], dtype=np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob("seq_lengths", np.array([T] * 4, dtype=np.int32)) workspace.FeedBlob("labels", np.random.rand(T).astype(np.int32)) workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) workspace.RunNetOnce( def test_compute_interference_graph_inplace_ops(self): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() m.Copy("b1", "b1") m.Copy("b1", "b1") m.Copy("b1", "b1") g = memonger.compute_interference_graph( self.assertEqual(list(g.edges()), [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]) def test_topological_sort_longest_path(self): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() # 0 m.Copy("conv0_w_comp", "conv0_w") # 1 conv0 = brew.conv(m, "data", "conv0", 32, 32, 4) # 2 m.Copy("conv2_w", "conv2_w") # 3 brew.conv(m, conv0, "conv2", 16, 32, 4) g = memonger.compute_interference_graph( orders_org = memonger.topological_sort_traversal(g) orders_gt_org = [2, 0, 1, 3] self.assertEqual(orders_gt_org, list(orders_org)) orders = memonger.topological_sort_traversal_longest_path(g) # longer path is in front of the shorter one orders_gt = [0, 1, 2, 3] self.assertEqual(orders_gt, list(orders)) def test_topological_sort_longest_path_multi_target(self): # two outputs: conv2 and data4 m = model_helper.ModelHelper() # 0 m.Copy("conv0_w_comp", "conv0_w") # 1 conv0 = brew.conv(m, "data", "conv0", 32, 32, 4) # 2 m.Copy("conv2_w", "conv2_w") # 3 brew.conv(m, conv0, "conv2", 16, 32, 4) # 4 m.Copy("data1", "data2") # 5 m.Copy("data2", "data3") g = memonger.compute_interference_graph( orders_org = memonger.topological_sort_traversal(g) orders_gt_org = [4, 5, 2, 0, 1, 3] self.assertEqual(orders_gt_org, list(orders_org)) orders = memonger.topological_sort_traversal_longest_path(g) # longer path is in front of the shorter one orders_gt = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] self.assertEqual(orders_gt, list(orders)) def test_topological_sort_longest_path_single_node(self): # single node m = model_helper.ModelHelper() # 0 m.Copy("conv0_w_comp", "conv0_w") g = memonger.compute_interference_graph( orders_org = memonger.topological_sort_traversal(g) orders_gt_org = [0] self.assertEqual(orders_gt_org, list(orders_org)) orders = memonger.topological_sort_traversal_longest_path(g) # longer path is in front of the shorter one orders_gt = [0] self.assertEqual(orders_gt, list(orders)) def test_compute_assignments_greedy(self): LiveRange = memonger.LiveRange ranges_sorted = [ ('b1', LiveRange(1, 3, 10)), ('b2', LiveRange(3, 4, 1)), ('b3', LiveRange(5, 6, 1)), ('b4', LiveRange(5, 7, 10)), ] assignment_gt = [ [ranges_sorted[0], ranges_sorted[3]], [ranges_sorted[1], ranges_sorted[2]], ] best = memonger.compute_assignments_greedy(ranges_sorted, None) self.assertEqual(memonger.get_memory_usage(best), 11) self.assertEqual(best, assignment_gt) def test_compute_assignments_dp(self): LiveRange = memonger.LiveRange ranges_sorted = [ ('b1', LiveRange(1, 3, 10)), ('b2', LiveRange(3, 4, 1)), ('b3', LiveRange(5, 6, 1)), ('b4', LiveRange(5, 7, 10)), ] best = memonger.compute_assignments_dp(ranges_sorted, None) self.assertEqual(memonger.get_memory_usage(best), 11) def test_compute_assignments_dp1(self): LiveRange = memonger.LiveRange ranges_sorted = [ ('b1', LiveRange(1, 2, 10)), ('b2', LiveRange(4, 6, 1)), ('b3', LiveRange(5, 6, 10)), ] best = memonger.compute_assignments_dp(ranges_sorted, []) self.assertEqual(memonger.get_memory_usage(best), 11) @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4)) def test_verify_graph_equality(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() m.Proto().type = "dag" m.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "x", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "z", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) brew.sum(m, [fc2, fc3], "out") m2 = model_helper.ModelHelper() m2.Proto().type = "dag" m2.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m2, "data", "other_x", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m2, fc1, "other_y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m2, fc1, "other_z", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) brew.sum(m2, [fc2, fc3], "out") self.assertTrue( memonger.verify_graph_equality(, @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4)) def test_verify_graph_equality_harder(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() m.Proto().type = "dag" m.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "x", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2a = brew.fc(m, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2b = brew.fc(m, fc1, "z", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3a = brew.fc(m, fc2a, "u", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3b = brew.fc(m, fc2b, "v", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) brew.sum(m, [fc3a, fc3b], "out") m2 = model_helper.ModelHelper() m2.Proto().type = "dag" m2.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m2, "data", "x", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2a = brew.fc(m2, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2b = brew.fc(m2, fc1, "z", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3a = brew.fc(m2, fc2a, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3b = brew.fc(m2, fc2b, "z", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) brew.sum(m2, [fc3a, fc3b], "out") self.assertTrue( memonger.verify_graph_equality(, @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4)) def test_verify_graph_inequality(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() m.Proto().type = "dag" m.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "x", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "z", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) brew.sum(m, [fc2, fc3], "out") m2 = model_helper.ModelHelper() m2.Proto().type = "dag" m2.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m2, "data", "x", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2 = brew.fc(m2, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3 = brew.fc(m2, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) brew.sum(m2, [fc2, fc3], "out") self.assertFalse( memonger.verify_graph_equality(, @given(input_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), output_dim=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4), batch_size=st.integers(min_value=4, max_value=4)) def test_verify_graph_inequality_harder(self, input_dim, output_dim, batch_size): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() m.Proto().type = "dag" m.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "x", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2a = brew.fc(m, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2b = brew.fc(m, fc1, "z", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3a = brew.fc(m, fc2a, "u", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3b = brew.fc(m, fc2b, "v", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) brew.sum(m, [fc3a, fc3b], "out") m2 = model_helper.ModelHelper() m2.Proto().type = "dag" m2.Proto().num_workers = 4 with core.NameScope("name_x"): fc1 = brew.fc(m2, "data", "x", dim_in=input_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2a = brew.fc(m2, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc2b = brew.fc(m2, fc1, "y", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3a = brew.fc(m2, fc2a, "u", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) fc3b = brew.fc(m2, fc2b, "v", dim_in=output_dim, dim_out=output_dim) brew.sum(m2, [fc3a, fc3b], "out") self.assertFalse( memonger.verify_graph_equality(, def test_release_blobs_when_used(self): m = model_helper.ModelHelper() fc1 = brew.fc(m, "data", "x", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc2 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "y", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc3 = brew.fc(m, fc1, "z", dim_in=2, dim_out=2) fc4 = brew.fc(m, fc2, "u", dim_in=2, dim_out=2)["u"], ["u_alias"]) brew.sum(m, [fc3, fc4], "out") with_frees = memonger.release_blobs_when_used(, set("data")) expect_frees = {"x", "y", "z"} # out is external output # and u is aliased so cannot be freed found_frees = set() for op in with_frees.op: if op.type == "Free": self.assertFalse(op.input[0] in found_frees) # no double frees found_frees.add(op.input[0]) else: # Check a freed blob is not used anymore for inp in op.input: self.assertFalse(inp in found_frees) for outp in op.output: self.assertFalse(outp in found_frees) self.assertEqual(expect_frees, found_frees)
def test_binop_pow(): # raises because Vyper does not support decimal exponentiation vyper_ast = vy_ast.parse_to_ast("3.1337 ** 4.2") old_node = vyper_ast.body[0].value with pytest.raises(TypeMismatch): old_node.evaluate() @pytest.mark.fuzzing @settings(max_examples=50, deadline=1000) @given( values=st.lists(st_decimals, min_size=2, max_size=10), ops=st.lists(st.sampled_from("+-*/%"), min_size=11, max_size=11), ) def test_nested(get_contract, assert_tx_failed, values, ops): variables = "abcdefghij" input_value = ",".join(f"{i}: decimal" for i in variables[: len(values)]) return_value = " ".join(f"{a} {b}" for a, b in zip(variables[: len(values)], ops)) return_value = return_value.rsplit(maxsplit=1)[0] source = f""" @external def foo({input_value}) -> decimal: return {return_value} """ contract = get_contract(source) literal_op = " ".join(f"{a} {b}" for a, b in zip(values, ops)) literal_op = literal_op.rsplit(maxsplit=1)[0]
class TestBindings(test_util.TestCase): def test_simple(self): nn = ng.NNModule() dfg = nn.dataFlow dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("X")) dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("FC")) assert len(nn.dataFlow.getMutableNodes()) == 2 def test_core_net_simple(self): net = core.Net("name") net.FC(["X", "W"], ["Y"]) nn = ng.NNModule(net) for node in nn.dataFlow.getMutableNodes(): if node.isOperator(): assert node.getName() == "FC" elif node.isTensor(): assert node.getName() in ["X", "W", "Y"] def test_core_net_controlflow(self): net = core.Net("name") net.FC(["X", "W"], ["Y"]) net.Relu(["Y"], ["Z"]) nn = ng.NNModule(net) assert len(nn.controlFlow) == 2 for instr in nn.controlFlow: assert instr.getType() == "Operator" assert nn.controlFlow[0].getName() == "FC" assert nn.controlFlow[1].getName() == "Relu" def test_core_net_nn_accessors(self): net = core.Net("name") net.FC(["X", "W"], ["Y"]) net.Relu(["Y"], ["Z"]) nn = ng.NNModule(net) tensors = set() for t in nn.tensors: tensors.add( assert tensors == set(["X", "W", "Y", "Z"]) ops = set() for op in nn.operators: ops.add( assert ops == set(["FC", "Relu"]) nodes = set() for node in nn.nodes: nodes.add( assert nodes == (ops | tensors) def test_netdef_simple(self): net = core.Net("name") net.FC(["X", "W"], ["Y"]) nn = ng.NNModule(net.Proto()) for node in nn.dataFlow.getMutableNodes(): if node.isOperator(): assert node.getOperator().getName() == "FC" elif node.isTensor(): assert node.getTensor().getName() in ["X", "W", "Y"] def test_operatordef_simple(self): nn = ng.NNModule() dfg = nn.dataFlow op = core.CreateOperator("Ceil", ["X"], ["Y"], engine="CUDNN") dfg.createNode(op) for node in dfg.getMutableNodes(): assert node.isOperator() assert node.getOperator().getName() == "Ceil" def test_invalid_node(self): nn = ng.NNModule() dfg = nn.dataFlow with self.assertRaises(Exception): dfg.createNode(7) def test_edges_simple(self): nn = ng.NNModule() dfg = nn.dataFlow x = dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("X")) w = dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("W")) op = dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("Op")) with self.assertRaises(Exception): dfg.createEdge(x, w) dfg.createEdge(op, w) dfg.createEdge(x, op) @given(size=st.sampled_from([10, 50])) def test_edges_complex(self, size): random.seed(1337) nn = ng.NNModule() dfg = nn.dataFlow data = [] ops = [] for _ in range(size): data.append(dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("X"))) for i in range(size): ops.append(dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("Op" + str(i)))) for i in range(size): for j in range(size): if bool(random.getrandbits(1)): dfg.createEdge(data[i], ops[j]) def test_traversal(self): net = core.Net("test") net.FC(["X", "W"], ["Y"]) net.Relu(["Y"], ["Z"]) nn = ng.NNModule(net) fc = nn.controlFlow[0] relu = nn.controlFlow[1] assert fc.inputs[0].name == "X" assert fc.inputs[1].name == "W" assert relu.outputs[0].name == "Z" assert relu.inputs[0].name == "Y" assert relu.inputs[0] == "FC" assert fc.outputs[0].consumers[0].name == "Relu" def test_debug(self): nn = ng.NNModule() dfg = nn.dataFlow dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("X")) dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("W")) dfg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("Op")) ng.render(nn.dataFlow) def test_match_graph_node(self): mg = ng.NNMatchGraph() mg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("test")) nn = ng.NNModule() test = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("test")) x = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("X")) nn.dataFlow.createEdge(x, test) count = 0 for match in nn.match(mg): assert len(match) == 1 count += 1 assert count == 1 def test_match_graph_node_strict(self): mg = ng.NNMatchGraph() mg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("test"), strict=True) nn = ng.NNModule() test = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("test")) x = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("X")) nn.dataFlow.createEdge(test, x) count = 0 for match in nn.match(mg): assert len(match) == 1 count += 1 with self.assertRaises(Exception): assert count == 1 def test_match_graph(self): mg = ng.NNMatchGraph() test2m = mg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("test2"), strict=True) xm = mg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("X"), strict=True) testm = mg.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("test")) mg.createEdge(test2m, xm) mg.createEdge(xm, testm) nn = ng.NNModule() test2 = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("test2")) x = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("X")) test = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("test")) nn.dataFlow.createEdge(test2, x) nn.dataFlow.createEdge(x, test) count = 0 for match in nn.match(mg): print(len(match)) assert len(match) == 3 count += 1 assert count == 1 def test_genericGraph(self): g = ng.Graph() n1 = g.createNode("hello1") n2 = g.createNode("hello2") e = g.createEdge(n1, n2) ng.render(g) def test_convertToProto(self): net = core.Net("name") net.FC(["X", "W"], ["Y"]) nn = ng.NNModule(net) new_netdef = nn.convertToCaffe2Proto() print(new_netdef) print(net.Proto()) assert len(new_netdef.op) == len(net.Proto().op) for i in range(len(new_netdef.op)): op = net.Proto().op[i] new_op = new_netdef.op[i] assert op.type == new_op.type assert len(op.input) == len(new_op.input) assert len(op.output) == len(new_op.output) for a, b in zip(op.input, new_op.input): assert a == b for a, b in zip(op.output, new_op.output): assert a == b for a, b in zip(new_netdef.external_input, net.Proto().external_input): assert a == b for a, b in zip(new_netdef.external_output, net.Proto().external_output): assert a == b def test_node_interactions(self): nn = ng.NNModule() dfg = nn.dataFlow test1 = dfg.createNode(ng.Operator("test1")) test2 = dfg.createNode(ng.Operator("test2")) x = dfg.createNode(ng.Data("x")) dfg.createEdge(test1, x) dfg.createEdge(x, test2) p = test2.getOperatorPredecessors() assert len(p) == 1 assert p[0] == test1 # Add another node test3 = dfg.createNode(ng.Operator("test3")) y = dfg.createNode(ng.Data("y")) dfg.createEdge(test3, y) dfg.createEdge(y, test2) p = test2.getOperatorPredecessors() assert len(p) == 2 assert test1 in p assert test3 in p # Successors assert len(test2.getOperatorSuccessors()) == 0 assert len(test1.getOperatorSuccessors()) == 1 assert test1.getOperatorSuccessors()[0] == test2 # Check all the nodes are valid (pybind ownership test) for node in [test1, test2, test3]: assert node.isOperator() for node in [x, y]: assert node.isTensor() def test_delete_node(self): nn = ng.NNModule() node = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("TestOp")) nn.dataFlow.deleteNode(node) assert len(nn.dataFlow.getMutableNodes()) == 0 def test_annotation_basic(self): annot = ng.Annotation() annot.setDevice("woot") assert annot.getDevice() == "woot" annot.setDeviceType(7) assert annot.getDeviceType() == 7 def test_annotation_from_graph(self): nn = ng.NNModule() node = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("TestOp")) annot = node.getAnnotation() annot.setDeviceType(7) node.setAnnotation(annot) new_annot = node.getAnnotation() assert new_annot.getDeviceType() == 7 def test_annotation_device_option(self): nn = ng.NNModule() node = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("TestOp")) d = caffe2_pb2.DeviceOption() d.node_name = "test" node.annotation.device_option = d # access in a different way d_2 = nn.controlFlow[0].annotation.device_option assert d == d_2 def test_distributed_annotations(self): nn = ng.NNModule() key = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("key")) length = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetData("length")) node = nn.dataFlow.createNode(ng.NeuralNetOperator("TestOp")) annot = ng.Annotation() annot.setKeyNode(key) annot.setLengthNode(length) annot.setComponentLevels(["", "test", "woot"]) node.setAnnotation(annot) new_annot = node.getAnnotation() #assert new_annot.getLengthNode() == length assert new_annot.getKeyNode() == key assert len(new_annot.getComponentLevels()) == 3 assert new_annot.getComponentLevels()[0] == "" assert new_annot.getComponentLevels()[2] == "woot" def test_distributed_device_map(self): net = core.Net("name") net.FC(["X", "W"], ["Y"]) d = caffe2_pb2.DeviceOption() nn = ng.NNModule(net, {"X": d, "W": d}) with self.assertRaises(Exception): nn = ng.NNModule(net, {"X": d, "Fake": d})
class MKLRewriteTest(hu.HypothesisTestCase): @given(gen=st.sampled_from( [simple_relu, simple_fc, simple_mlp, simple_cnn])) def test_mkl_simple_rewrite(self, gen): cpu_model, (shape, ) = gen() cpu_model = deterministic_io(cpu_model) mkl_model = rewrite_graph.rewrite_model_helper_simple(cpu_model) X = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32) def run(model):[0]).feed(X) return[model.Proto().external_output[0]].fetch() np.testing.assert_allclose(run(cpu_model), run(mkl_model), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4) def test_mkl_resnet_rewrite(self): cpu_model, (shape, ) = complex_resnet() cpu_model = deterministic_io(cpu_model) mkl_model = rewrite_graph.rewrite_model_helper_simple(cpu_model) np.random.seed(1701) X = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32) def run(model):[0]).feed(X) return[model.Proto().external_output[0]].fetch() np.testing.assert_allclose(run(cpu_model), run(mkl_model), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4) def test_mkl_multi_output_rewrite(self): cpu_model, shapes = double_matmul() cpu_model = deterministic_io(cpu_model) mkl_model = rewrite_graph.rewrite_model_helper_simple(cpu_model) np.random.seed(1701) Xs = [np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32) for shape in shapes] def run(model): for (name, X) in zip(model.Proto().external_input, Xs): print(model.Proto()) return [[name].fetch() for name in model.Proto().external_output ] run(mkl_model) np.testing.assert_allclose(run(cpu_model), run(mkl_model), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4) def test_mkl_alexnet_rewrite(self): cpu_model, (shape, ) = alexnet() cpu_model = deterministic_io(cpu_model) mkl_model = rewrite_graph.rewrite_model_helper_simple(cpu_model) np.random.seed(1701) X = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(np.float32) def run(model):[0]).feed(X) return[model.Proto().external_output[0]].fetch() np.testing.assert_allclose(run(cpu_model), run(mkl_model), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
class TestUtilityOps(hu.HypothesisTestCase): @given(X=hu.tensor(), args=st.booleans(), **hu.gcs) def test_slice(self, X, args, gc, dc): X = X.astype(dtype=np.float32) dim = random.randint(0, X.ndim - 1) slice_start = random.randint(0, X.shape[dim] - 1) slice_end = random.randint(slice_start, X.shape[dim] - 1) starts = np.array([0] * X.ndim).astype(np.int32) ends = np.array([-1] * X.ndim).astype(np.int32) starts[dim] = slice_start ends[dim] = slice_end if args: op = core.CreateOperator("Slice", ["X"], ["Y"], starts=starts, ends=ends, device_option=gc) def slice_ref(X): slc = [slice(None)] * X.ndim slc[dim] = slice(slice_start, slice_end) return [X[slc]] inputs = [X] else: op = core.CreateOperator("Slice", ["X", "starts", "ends"], ["Y"], device_option=gc) def slice_ref(x, starts, ends): slc = [slice(None)] * x.ndim slc[dim] = slice(slice_start, slice_end) return [x[slc]] inputs = [X, starts, ends] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, inputs, slice_ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, inputs, [0]) self.assertGradientChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=inputs, outputs_to_check=0, outputs_with_grads=[0], ) @given(dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.int32]), ndims=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=5), seed=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=65536), null_axes=st.booleans(), engine=st.sampled_from(['CUDNN', None]), **hu.gcs) def test_transpose(self, dtype, ndims, seed, null_axes, engine, gc, dc): dims = (np.random.rand(ndims) * 16 + 1).astype(np.int32) X = (np.random.rand(*dims) * 16).astype(dtype) if null_axes: axes = None op = core.CreateOperator("Transpose", ["input"], ["output"], engine=engine) else: np.random.seed(int(seed)) axes = [int(v) for v in list(np.random.permutation(X.ndim))] op = core.CreateOperator("Transpose", ["input"], ["output"], axes=axes, engine=engine) def transpose_ref(x, axes): return (np.transpose(x, axes), ) self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [X, axes], transpose_ref) @unittest.skipIf(not workspace.has_gpu_support, "No gpu support") def test_gpu_transpose_minusones(self): ''' Repro a problem with earlier version of CuDNN Transpose Op that casted ints to floats. ''' X = -np.ones((2, 10)).astype(np.int32) with core.DeviceScope(core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CUDA, 0)): workspace.FeedBlob("X", X) print("X:\n{}\n".format(workspace.FetchBlob("X"))) op = core.CreateOperator("Transpose", ["X"], ["Y"], engine='CUDNN') workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) Y = workspace.FetchBlob("Y") print("Y:\n{}\n".format(Y)) for j in list(Y.flatten()): self.assertEqual(-1, j) @given(m=st.integers(5, 10), n=st.integers(5, 10), o=st.integers(5, 10), nans=st.booleans(), **hu.gcs) def test_nan_check(self, m, n, o, nans, gc, dc): other = np.array([1, 2, 3]).astype(np.float32) X = np.random.rand(m, n, o).astype(np.float32) if nans: x_nan = np.random.randint(0, m) y_nan = np.random.randint(0, n) z_nan = np.random.randint(0, o) X[x_nan, y_nan, z_nan] = float('NaN') # print('nans: {}'.format(nans)) # print(X) def nan_reference(X, Y): if not np.isnan(X).any(): return [X] else: return [np.array([])] op = core.CreateOperator("NanCheck", ["X", "other"], ["Y"]) try: self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[X, other], reference=nan_reference, ) if nans: self.assertTrue(False, "Did not fail when presented with NaN!") except RuntimeError: self.assertTrue(nans, "No NaNs but failed") try: self.assertGradientChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[X], outputs_to_check=0, outputs_with_grads=[0], ) if nans: self.assertTrue(False, "Did not fail when gradient had NaN!") except RuntimeError: pass @given(n=st.integers(4, 5), m=st.integers(6, 7), d=st.integers(2, 3), **hu.gcs) def test_elementwise_max(self, n, m, d, gc, dc): X = np.random.rand(n, m, d).astype(np.float32) Y = np.random.rand(n, m, d).astype(np.float32) Z = np.random.rand(n, m, d).astype(np.float32) def max_op(X, Y, Z): return [np.maximum(np.maximum(X, Y), Z)] op = core.CreateOperator("Max", ["X", "Y", "Z"], ["mx"]) self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[X, Y, Z], reference=max_op, ) @given(n=st.integers(4, 5), m=st.integers(6, 7), d=st.integers(2, 3), **hu.gcs) def test_elementwise_max_grad(self, n, m, d, gc, dc): go = np.random.rand(n, m, d).astype(np.float32) X = np.random.rand(n, m, d).astype(np.float32) Y = np.random.rand(n, m, d).astype(np.float32) Z = np.random.rand(n, m, d).astype(np.float32) mx = np.maximum(np.maximum(X, Y), Z) def max_grad_op(mx, go, X, Y, Z): def mx_grad(a): return go * (mx == a) return [mx_grad(a) for a in [X, Y, Z]] op = core.CreateOperator("MaxGradient", ["mx", "go", "X", "Y", "Z"], ["gX", "gY", "gZ"]) self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[mx, go, X, Y, Z], reference=max_grad_op, ) @given(inputs=hu.lengths_tensor().flatmap(lambda pair: st.tuples( st.just(pair[0]), st.just(pair[1]), hu.dims(max_value=len(pair[1])), )).flatmap(lambda tup: st.tuples( st.just(tup[0]), st.just(tup[1]), hu.arrays(tup[2], dtype=np.int32, elements=st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=len(tup[1]) - 1) ), )), **hu.gcs_cpu_only) def test_lengths_gather(self, inputs, gc, dc): items = inputs[0] lengths = inputs[1] indices = inputs[2] def lengths_gather_op(items, lengths, indices): ends = np.cumsum(lengths) return [ np.concatenate( list(items[ends[i] - lengths[i]:ends[i]] for i in indices)) ] op = core.CreateOperator("LengthsGather", ["items", "lengths", "indices"], ["output"]) self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[items, lengths, indices], reference=lengths_gather_op, ) @given(**hu.gcs) def test_size_op(self, gc, dc): X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).astype(np.float32) def size_op(tensor): return [] op = core.CreateOperator("Size", ["X"], ["output"]) self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[X], reference=size_op, ) def test_alias_op(self): """ Don't use hypothesis because there are only 2 cases to check""" for size in [0, 5]: X = np.arange(size).astype(np.float32) workspace.FeedBlob('X', X) op = core.CreateOperator("Alias", ["X"], ["Y"]) workspace.RunOperatorOnce(op) Y = workspace.FetchBlob('Y') np.testing.assert_array_equal(X, Y) @given(**hu.gcs) def test_range(self, gc, dc): names = [ ('stop_', ), ('start_', 'stop_'), ('start_', 'stop_', 'step_'), ] # Most random values aren't great here, so use a fixed set instead of # hypothesis. for inputs in ( (10, ), (np.float32(10.0), ), (0, ), (0, 0), (10., 5.0, -1.), (2, 10000), (2, 10000, 20000), (2, 10000, -1), ): inputs = [np.array(v) for v in inputs] op = core.CreateOperator("Range", names[len(inputs) - 1], ["Y"]) self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=inputs, reference=lambda *x: [np.arange(*x)], ) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, inputs, [0]) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(RuntimeError, 'Step size cannot be 0'): inputs = (np.array(0), np.array(10), np.array(0)) op = core.CreateOperator("Range", names[len(inputs) - 1], ["Y"]) self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=inputs, reference=lambda *x: [np.arange(*x)], )
class TestStreamStateMachine(object): """ Tests of the stream state machine. """ @given(state=sampled_from(, input_=sampled_from( def test_state_transitions(self, state, input_): s = s.state = state try: s.process_input(input_) except h2.exceptions.StreamClosedError: # This can only happen for streams that started in the closed # state OR where the input was RECV_DATA and the state was not # OPEN or HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL OR where the state was # HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE and a frame was received. if state == assert s.state == elif input_ == assert s.state == assert state not in (,, ) elif state == assert input_ in (,,,, ) except h2.exceptions.ProtocolError: assert s.state == else: assert s.state in def test_state_machine_only_allows_stream_states(self): """ The Stream state machine only allows StreamState inputs. """ s = with pytest.raises(ValueError): s.process_input(1) def test_stream_state_machine_forbids_pushes_on_server_streams(self): """ Streams where this peer is a server do not allow receiving pushed frames. """ s = s.process_input( with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.ProtocolError): s.process_input( def test_stream_state_machine_forbids_sending_pushes_from_clients(self): """ Streams where this peer is a client do not allow sending pushed frames. """ s = s.process_input( with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.ProtocolError): s.process_input( @pytest.mark.parametrize("state", @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_", [, ] ) def test_priority_frames_allowed_in_all_states(self, state, input_): """ Priority frames can be sent/received in all stream states. """ c = c.state = state c.process_input(input_) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_", [,,,,,, ] ) def test_cannot_send_on_closed_streams(self, input_): """ Sending anything but a PRIORITY frame is forbidden on closed streams. """ c = c.state = with pytest.raises(h2.exceptions.StreamClosedError): c.process_input(input_)
class TestCrossEntropyOps(hu.HypothesisTestCase): @given(inputs=st.lists( elements=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=5), min_size=1, max_size=2, ).flatmap(lambda shape: st.tuples( hu.arrays(dims=shape, elements=st.one_of( hu.floats(min_value=-1.0, max_value=-0.1), hu.floats(min_value=0.1, max_value=1.0), )), hu.arrays( dims=shape, elements=st.sampled_from([0.0, 1.0]), ), )), options=st.one_of(st.tuples(st.just(True), st.just(False)), st.tuples(st.just(False), st.just(True)), st.tuples(st.just(False), st.just(False))), **hu.gcs) def test_sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(self, inputs, options, gc, dc): logits, targets = inputs log_D_trick, unjoined_lr_loss = options def sigmoid_xentr_logit_ref(logits, targets): if unjoined_lr_loss: s = unjoined_sigmoid_cross_entropy(logits, targets) else: s = (sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, targets) if not log_D_trick else sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_with_log_D_trick( logits, targets)) m = np.mean(s, axis=len(logits.shape) - 1) return (m, ) def sigmoid_xentr_logit_grad_ref(g_out, outputs, fwd_inputs): fwd_logits, fwd_targets = fwd_inputs inner_size = fwd_logits.shape[-1] if unjoined_lr_loss: m = unjoined_sigmoid_cross_entropy_grad(logits, targets) else: m = (sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_grad( fwd_logits, fwd_targets) if not log_D_trick else sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_with_log_D_trick_grad( fwd_logits, fwd_targets)) # m = fwd_targets - sigmoid(fwd_logits) g_in = -np.expand_dims(g_out, axis=-1) * m / inner_size return (g_in, None) op = core.CreateOperator('SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits', ['logits', 'targets'], ['xentropy'], log_D_trick=log_D_trick, unjoined_lr_loss=unjoined_lr_loss) self.assertReferenceChecks(device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[logits, targets], reference=sigmoid_xentr_logit_ref, output_to_grad='xentropy', grad_reference=sigmoid_xentr_logit_grad_ref) @given(log_D_trick=st.just(False), **hu.gcs_cpu_only) def test_cross_entropy_and_unjoied_cross_entropy_relation( self, log_D_trick, gc, dc): logits = np.array([ 1.4720, 0.3500, -0.6529, -1.1908, 0.8357, -1.0774, -0.3395, -0.2469, 0.6708, -1.8332 ], dtype='f') targets = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], dtype='f') lr_size = targets.size unjoined_lr_loss = False def sigmoid_xentr_logit_ref(logits, targets): if unjoined_lr_loss: s = unjoined_sigmoid_cross_entropy(logits, targets) else: s = sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, targets) m = np.mean(s, axis=len(logits.shape) - 1) return (m, ) def sigmoid_xentr_logit_grad_ref(g_out, outputs, fwd_inputs): fwd_logits, fwd_targets = fwd_inputs inner_size = fwd_logits.shape[-1] if unjoined_lr_loss: m = unjoined_sigmoid_cross_entropy_grad(logits, targets) else: m = sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits_grad( fwd_logits, fwd_targets) # m = fwd_targets - sigmoid(fwd_logits) g_in = -np.expand_dims(g_out, axis=-1) * m / inner_size return (g_in, None) op = core.CreateOperator('SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits', ['logits', 'targets'], ['xentropy'], log_D_trick=log_D_trick, unjoined_lr_loss=unjoined_lr_loss) output_lr = self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[logits, targets], reference=sigmoid_xentr_logit_ref, output_to_grad='xentropy', grad_reference=sigmoid_xentr_logit_grad_ref) # Unjoined dataset where labels change later logits = np.array([ 1.4720, 0.3500, -0.6529, -1.1908, 0.8357, -1.0774, -0.3395, -0.2469, 0.6708, -1.8332, 1.4720, 0.3500, -0.6529, -1.1908, 0.8357, -1.0774 ], dtype='f') targets = np.array( [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype='f') unjoined_lr_loss = True unjoined_lr_size = targets.size op = core.CreateOperator('SigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits', ['logits', 'targets'], ['xentropy'], log_D_trick=log_D_trick, unjoined_lr_loss=unjoined_lr_loss) outputs_unjoined_lr = self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[logits, targets], reference=sigmoid_xentr_logit_ref, output_to_grad='xentropy', grad_reference=sigmoid_xentr_logit_grad_ref) self.assertAlmostEqual(output_lr[0].item(0) * lr_size / unjoined_lr_size, outputs_unjoined_lr[0].item(0), delta=0.0001) @given(inputs=st.lists( elements=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=5), min_size=1, max_size=2, ).flatmap(lambda shape: st.tuples( hu.arrays(dims=shape, elements=st.one_of( hu.floats(min_value=-1.0, max_value=-0.1), hu.floats(min_value=0.1, max_value=1.0), )), hu.arrays( dims=shape, elements=st.sampled_from([0.0, 1.0]), ), hu.arrays( dims=shape, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.1, max_value=1.0), ), )), **hu.gcs) def test_weighted_sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(self, inputs, gc, dc): logits, targets, weights = inputs def weighted_sigmoid_xentr_logit_ref(logits, targets, weights): s = sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, targets) s = np.multiply(s, weights) m = np.mean(s, axis=len(logits.shape) - 1) return (m, ) def weighted_sigmoid_xentr_logit_grad_ref(g_out, outputs, fwd_inputs): fwd_logits, fwd_targets, fwd_weights = fwd_inputs inner_size = fwd_logits.shape[-1] m = fwd_targets - sigmoid(fwd_logits) m = np.multiply(m, weights) g_in = -np.expand_dims(g_out, axis=-1) * m / inner_size return (g_in, None, None) op = core.CreateOperator('WeightedSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits', ['logits', 'targets', 'weights'], ['xentropy']) self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[logits, targets, weights], reference=weighted_sigmoid_xentr_logit_ref, output_to_grad='xentropy', grad_reference=weighted_sigmoid_xentr_logit_grad_ref) @given(n=st.integers(2, 10), b=st.integers(1, 5), **hu.gcs_cpu_only) def test_soft_label_cross_entropy(self, n, b, gc, dc): # Initialize X and add 1e-2 for numerical stability X = np.random.rand(b, n).astype(np.float32) X = X + 1e-2 for i in range(b): X[i] = X[i] / np.sum(X[i]) # Initialize label label = np.random.rand(b, n).astype(np.float32) for i in range(b): label[i] = label[i] / np.sum(label[i]) # Reference implementation of cross entropy with soft labels def soft_label_xentr_ref(X, label): xent = [ np.sum((-label[j][i] * np.log(max(X[j][i], 1e-20)) for i in range(len(X[0])))) for j in range(b) ] return (xent, ) op = core.CreateOperator("CrossEntropy", ["X", "label"], ["Y"]) # TODO(surya) Once CrossEntropyOp is ported to GPU, add the respective # tests to this unit test. self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=[X, label], reference=soft_label_xentr_ref, ) self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [X, label], 0, [0], stepsize=1e-4, threshold=1e-2)
class TestQueue: list_strat = st.lists(elements=(st.floats(allow_nan=False, allow_infinity=False) | st.text() | st.integers() | st.booleans() | st.dictionaries(st.integers(), st.integers()) | st.lists(st.integers()))) single_strat = st.one_of(st.floats(allow_infinity=False, allow_nan=False) | st.text() | st.integers() | st.booleans() | st.dictionaries(st.integers(), st.integers()) | st.lists(st.integers())) fail_single_strat = st.sampled_from([None, float('nan'), float('inf'), float('-inf')]) # P1: Calls to enqueue that are successful should increment len by 1. @given(single_strat) def test_enqueue_p1(self, v): q = Queue() start_len = q.len() q.enqueue(v) assert start_len + 1 == q.len() # P2: Calls to enqueue that are unsuccessful should not affect the queue i.e. length should not increment. @given(fail_single_strat) def test_enqueue_p2(self, v): q = Queue() start_len = q.len() with pytest.raises(ValueError): q.enqueue(v) assert q.len() == start_len # P3: Calls to dequeue that are successful (non-None) should decrement len by 1 for non-empty queues. @given(list_strat) def test_dequeue_p3(self, v): q = Queue() for x in v: q.enqueue(x) start_len = q.len() item = q.dequeue() if item is None: pass else: assert start_len - 1 == q.len() # P4: Lens minimum value should be 0 i.e. calling decrement on an empty queue should not decrement len. def test_dequeue_p4(self): q = Queue() q.dequeue() assert q.len() == 0 # P5: The initial value for len should be 0. def test_len_p5(self): q = Queue() assert q.len() == 0 # P6: Enqueue should store values in the order they were placed, and dequeue should remove values in the same order, # meaning if you enqueue a number of objects and then immediately dequeue the same number of objects they should be # in the same order. @given(list_strat) def test_enqueue_dequeue_p6(self, v): q = Queue() initial_list = v for x in v: q.enqueue(x) return_list = [] for x in v: return_list.append(q.dequeue()) assert initial_list == return_list # P7: If you dequeue an empty Queue, it should return None. def test_dequeue_p7(self): q = Queue() assert q.dequeue() is None # P8: If you try to enqueue None, Inf, -Inf, or NaN, it should raise a ValueError. @given(fail_single_strat) def test_enqueue_p8(self, v): q = Queue() with pytest.raises(ValueError): q.enqueue(v) assert False assert True # P9: Calling len should not affect the order of the Queue. @given(list_strat) def test_len_p9(self, v): q = Queue() start_list = v for x in v: q.enqueue(x) q.len() end_list = [] for x in v: end_list.append(q.dequeue()) assert start_list == end_list # P10: When trying to enqueue a value that raises a ValueError, the order does not change @given(v=list_strat, w=fail_single_strat) def test_len_p10(self, v, w): q = Queue() start_list = v for x in v: q.enqueue(x) with pytest.raises(ValueError): q.enqueue(w) end_list = [] for x in v: end_list.append(q.dequeue()) assert end_list == start_list
def test_can_generate_non_naive_time(): assert minimal(times(timezones=timezones()), lambda d: d.tzinfo).tzinfo == pytz.UTC def test_can_generate_non_naive_datetime(): assert ( minimal(datetimes(timezones=timezones()), lambda d: d.tzinfo).tzinfo == pytz.UTC ) @given(datetimes(timezones=timezones())) def test_timezone_aware_datetimes_are_timezone_aware(dt): assert dt.tzinfo is not None @given(sampled_from(["min_value", "max_value"]), datetimes(timezones=timezones())) def test_datetime_bounds_must_be_naive(name, val): with pytest.raises(InvalidArgument): datetimes(**{name: val}).validate() def test_underflow_in_simplify(): # we shouldn't trigger a pytz bug when we're simplifying minimal( datetimes( max_value=dt.datetime.min + dt.timedelta(days=3), timezones=timezones() ), lambda x: x.tzinfo != pytz.UTC, )
f.run_validators(value) return True except ValidationError: return False return validate safe_letters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_-' domains = st.builds(lambda x, y: '.'.join(x + [y]), st.lists(st.text(safe_letters, min_size=1), min_size=1), st.sampled_from([ 'com', 'net', 'org', 'biz', 'info', ])) email_domains = st.one_of( domains, st.sampled_from(['', '', ''])) base_emails = st.text(safe_letters, min_size=1) emails_with_plus = st.builds(lambda x, y: '%s+%s' % (x, y), base_emails, base_emails) emails = st.builds(lambda x, y: '%s@%s' % (x, y), st.one_of(base_emails, emails_with_plus), email_domains)
from hypothesis import given, assume, settings, strategies as st from hypothesis.strategies import integers, composite from ppci.wasm import Module, instantiate # Create wasm module strategy? # Function strategy? # Instruction strategies: i64_const = st.integers(min_value=-2**63, max_value=2**63 - 1).map(lambda x: ('i64.const', x)) i64_load_opcode = st.sampled_from([ 'i64.load', 'i64.load32_s', 'i64.load32_u', 'i64.load16_s', 'i64.load16_u', 'i64.load8_s', 'i64.load8_u', ]) @composite def i64_load(draw): opcode = draw(i64_load_opcode) base = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=9)) offset = draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=11)) return (opcode, 'offset={}'.format(offset), ('i32.const', base)) @composite
class TestBooleanMaskOp(hu.HypothesisTestCase): @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=1, max_dim=5, elements=st.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), **hu.gcs) def test_boolean_mask(self, x, gc, dc): op = core.CreateOperator("BooleanMask", ["data", "mask"], "masked_data") mask = np.random.choice(a=[True, False], size=x.shape[0]) def ref(x, mask): return (x[mask],) self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, mask], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, mask], [0]) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=1, max_dim=5, elements=st.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), **hu.gcs) def test_boolean_mask_indices(self, x, gc, dc): op = core.CreateOperator("BooleanMask", ["data", "mask"], ["masked_data", "masked_indices"]) mask = np.random.choice(a=[True, False], size=x.shape[0]) def ref(x, mask): return (x[mask], np.where(mask)[0]) self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, mask], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, mask], [0]) @staticmethod def _dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc): """SequenceMask only supports fp16 with CUDA.""" if dtype == np.float16: assume(gc.device_type == caffe2_pb2.CUDA) dc = [d for d in dc if d.device_type == caffe2_pb2.CUDA] x = x.astype(dtype) return x, dc @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=2, max_dim=5, elements=st.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) def test_sequence_mask_with_lengths(self, x, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data", "lengths"], ["masked_data"], mode="sequence", axis=len(x.shape) - 1, fill_val=fill_val) elem_dim = x.shape[-1] leading_dim = 1 for dim in x.shape[:-1]: leading_dim *= dim lengths = np.random.randint(0, elem_dim, [leading_dim])\ .astype(np.int32) def ref(x, lengths): ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim]) for i in range(leading_dim): for j in range(elem_dim): if j >= lengths[i]: ref[i, j] = fill_val return [ref.reshape(x.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, lengths], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, lengths], [0]) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=2, max_dim=5, elements=st.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) def test_sequence_mask_with_window(self, x, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 radius = 2 op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data", "centers"], ["masked_data"], mode="window", radius=radius, axis=len(x.shape) - 1, fill_val=fill_val) elem_dim = x.shape[-1] leading_dim = 1 for dim in x.shape[:-1]: leading_dim *= dim centers = np.random.randint(0, elem_dim, [leading_dim])\ .astype(np.int32) def ref(x, centers): ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim]) for i in range(leading_dim): for j in range(elem_dim): if j > centers[i] + radius or j < centers[i] - radius: ref[i, j] = fill_val return [ref.reshape(x.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, centers], [0]) threshold = 0.4 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005 self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], 0, [0], threshold=threshold) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=2, max_dim=5, elements=st.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), mode=st.sampled_from(['upper', 'lower', 'upperdiag', 'lowerdiag']), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) def test_sequence_mask_triangle(self, x, mode, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data"], ["masked_data"], mode=mode, axis=len(x.shape) - 1, fill_val=fill_val) elem_dim = x.shape[-1] leading_dim = 1 for dim in x.shape[:-1]: leading_dim *= dim if mode == 'upper': def compare(i, j): return j > i elif mode == 'lower': def compare(i, j): return j < i elif mode == 'upperdiag': def compare(i, j): return j >= i elif mode == 'lowerdiag': def compare(i, j): return j <= i def ref(x): ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim]) for i in range(leading_dim): for j in range(elem_dim): if compare(i, j): ref[i, j] = fill_val return [ref.reshape(x.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x], [0]) threshold = 0.4 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005 stepsize = 0.1 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.05 self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x], 0, [0], threshold=threshold, stepsize=stepsize)
import hypothesis.extra.numpy as hnp import hypothesis.strategies as st import numpy as np import pytest from hypothesis import given, settings from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from mygrad.nnet.layers.utils import sliding_window_view dtype_strat_numpy = st.sampled_from((np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "args", [ dict(step=None), dict(step=st.integers(max_value=-1)), dict(window_shape=st.none() | st.just(1)), dict(window_shape=st.lists(st.just(1), min_size=3)), # more window dims than arr dict(window_shape=(st.just((-1, 1)) | st.just((-1, 1)) | st.tuples(st.floats(), st.floats()))), dict(window_shape=st.lists(st.integers(5, 7), min_size=1, max_size=2). filter(lambda x: 7 in x)), # window dim too large dict(dilation=st.sampled_from([-1, (1, 0), "aa", (1, 1, 1), 1.0])), dict(dilation=st.sampled_from([7, (1, 7), (10, 1)])), ], ) @settings(deadline=None)
def test_csr_from_coo_fixed(): "Make a CSR from COO data" rows = np.array([0, 0, 1, 3], dtype=np.int32) cols = np.array([1, 2, 0, 1], dtype=np.int32) vals = np.arange(4, dtype=np.float_) csr = CSR.from_coo(rows, cols, vals) assert csr.nrows == 4 assert csr.ncols == 3 assert csr.nnz == 4 assert csr.values == approx(vals) @given(, st.integers(0, 100), st.integers(0, 100), st.sampled_from(['f4', 'f8'])) def test_csr_from_coo(data, nrows, ncols, dtype): dtype = np.dtype(dtype) n = nrows * ncols nnz = data.draw(st.integers(0, int(n * 0.75))) _log.debug('testing %d×%d (%d nnz) of type %s', nrows, ncols, nnz, dtype) coords = st.integers(0, max(n - 1, 0)) coords = data.draw(nph.arrays(np.int32, nnz, elements=coords, unique=True)) rows = np.mod(coords, nrows, dtype=np.int32) cols = np.floor_divide(coords, nrows, dtype=np.int32) finite = nph.from_dtype(dtype, allow_infinity=False, allow_nan=False) vals = data.draw(nph.arrays(dtype, nnz, elements=finite)) csr = CSR.from_coo(rows, cols, vals, (nrows, ncols))
def sample_program_configs(self, draw): min_sizes = [2.0, 4.0] max_sizes = [5.0, 10.0] aspect_ratios = [2.0, 3.0] variances = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] flip = True clip = True layer_w = draw(st.integers(min_value=30, max_value=40)) layer_h = draw(st.integers(min_value=30, max_value=40)) image_w = draw(st.integers(min_value=40, max_value=50)) image_h = draw(st.integers(min_value=40, max_value=50)) step_w = float(image_w) / float(layer_w) step_h = float(image_h) / float(layer_h) input_channels = 2 image_channels = 3 batch_size = 10 offset = 0.5 min_max_aspect_ratios_order = draw(st.sampled_from([True, False])) def generate_input(*args, **kwargs): return np.random.random((batch_size, image_channels, image_w, image_h)).astype('float32') def generate_image(*args, **kwargs): return np.random.random((batch_size, input_channels, layer_w, layer_h)).astype('float32') ops_config = OpConfig( type="prior_box", inputs={ "Input": ["intput_data"], "Image": ["intput_image"] }, outputs={ "Boxes": ["output_boxes"], "Variances": ["variances"] }, attrs={ "min_sizes": min_sizes, "max_sizes": max_sizes, "aspect_ratios": aspect_ratios, "variances": variances, "flip": flip, "clip": clip, "step_w": step_w, "step_h": step_h, "offset": offset, "min_max_aspect_ratios_order": min_max_aspect_ratios_order, }, ) program_config = ProgramConfig( ops=[ops_config], weights={}, inputs={ "intput_data": TensorConfig(data_gen=partial(generate_input)), "intput_image": TensorConfig(data_gen=partial(generate_image)), }, outputs=["output_boxes", "variances"]) return program_config
def nonzero_floats(draw, min_value=None, max_value=None): sign = draw(sampled_from((-1, +1))) magnitude = draw(floats(min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value)) return sign * magnitude
class TestCTCBeamSearchDecoderOp(serial.SerializedTestCase): @serial.given(batch=st.sampled_from([1, 2, 4]), max_time=st.sampled_from([1, 8, 64]), alphabet_size=st.sampled_from([1, 2, 32, 128, 512]), beam_width=st.sampled_from([1, 2, 16, None]), **hu.gcs_cpu_only) def test_ctc_beam_search_decoder(self, batch, max_time, alphabet_size, beam_width, gc, dc): if not beam_width: beam_width = DEFAULT_BEAM_WIDTH op_seq_len = core.CreateOperator('CTCBeamSearchDecoder', ['INPUTS', 'SEQ_LEN'], ['OUTPUT_LEN', 'VALUES']) op_no_seq_len = core.CreateOperator('CTCBeamSearchDecoder', ['INPUTS'], ['OUTPUT_LEN', 'VALUES']) else: op_seq_len = core.CreateOperator('CTCBeamSearchDecoder', ['INPUTS', 'SEQ_LEN'], ['OUTPUT_LEN', 'VALUES'], beam_width=beam_width) op_no_seq_len = core.CreateOperator('CTCBeamSearchDecoder', ['INPUTS'], ['OUTPUT_LEN', 'VALUES'], beam_width=beam_width) def input_generater(): inputs = np.random.rand(max_time, batch, alphabet_size)\ .astype(np.float32) seq_len = np.random.randint(1, max_time + 1, size=batch)\ .astype(np.int32) return inputs, seq_len def ref_ctc_decoder(inputs, seq_len): output_len = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) val = np.array([]).astype(np.int32) for i in range(batch): Pb, Pnb = defaultdict(Counter), defaultdict(Counter) Pb[0][()] = 1 Pnb[0][()] = 0 A_prev = [()] ctc = inputs[:, i, :] ctc = np.vstack((np.zeros(alphabet_size), ctc)) len_i = seq_len[i] if seq_len is not None else max_time for t in range(1, len_i + 1): pruned_alphabet = np.where( ctc[t] > DEFAULT_PRUNE_THRESHOLD)[0] for l in A_prev: for c in pruned_alphabet: if c == 0: Pb[t][l] += ctc[t][c] * (Pb[t - 1][l] + Pnb[t - 1][l]) else: l_plus = l + (c, ) if len(l) > 0 and c == l[-1]: Pnb[t][l_plus] += ctc[t][c] * Pb[t - 1][l] Pnb[t][l] += ctc[t][c] * Pnb[t - 1][l] else: Pnb[t][l_plus] += \ ctc[t][c] * (Pb[t - 1][l] + Pnb[t - 1][l]) if l_plus not in A_prev: Pb[t][l_plus] += \ ctc[t][0] * \ (Pb[t - 1][l_plus] + Pnb[t - 1][l_plus]) Pnb[t][l_plus] += ctc[t][c] * Pnb[ t - 1][l_plus] A_next = Pb[t] + Pnb[t] A_prev = sorted(A_next, key=A_next.get, reverse=True) A_prev = A_prev[:beam_width] decoded = A_prev[0] if len(A_prev) > 0 else () val = np.hstack((val, decoded)) output_len = np.append(output_len, len(decoded)) return [output_len, val] def ref_ctc_decoder_max_time(inputs): return ref_ctc_decoder(inputs, None) inputs, seq_len = input_generater() self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op_seq_len, inputs=[inputs, seq_len], reference=ref_ctc_decoder, ) self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op_no_seq_len, inputs=[inputs], reference=ref_ctc_decoder_max_time, )
def lists_of_length(n): return lists(sampled_from('ab'), min_size=n, max_size=n)
f"All encodings: {pformat(all_encodings)}") if HAVE_HYPOTHESIS: class JustALengthIssue(Exception): pass @pytest.mark.xfail @given( st.text(min_size=1), st.sampled_from([ "ascii", "utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-32", "iso-8859-7", "iso-8859-8", "windows-1255", ]), st.randoms(), ) @settings(max_examples=200) def test_never_fails_to_detect_if_there_is_a_valid_encoding(txt, enc, rnd): try: data = txt.encode(enc) except UnicodeEncodeError: assume(False) detected = chardet.detect(data)["encoding"] if detected is None: with pytest.raises(JustALengthIssue):
# coding=utf-8 # This file is part of Hypothesis ( # Most of this work is copyright (C) 2013-2015 David R. MacIver # ([email protected]), but it contains contributions by other. See # for a # full list of people who may hold copyright, and consult the git log if you # need to determine who owns an individual contribution. # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, # v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can # obtain one at # END HEADER from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import, \ unicode_literals from hypothesis import Settings, given from hypothesis.strategies import sampled_from @given(sampled_from((1, 2)), settings=Settings(min_satisfying_examples=10)) def test_can_handle_sampling_from_fewer_than_min_satisfying(v): pass
class RNNCellTest(hu.HypothesisTestCase): @given( input_tensor=hu.tensor(min_dim=3, max_dim=3, max_value=3), num_layers=st.integers(1, 4), outputs_with_grad=st.sampled_from([[0], [1], [0, 1]]), ) @ht_settings(max_examples=10) def test_unroll_mul(self, input_tensor, num_layers, outputs_with_grad): outputs = [] nets = [] input_blob = None for T in [input_tensor.shape[0], None]: model = ModelHelper( "rnn_mul_{}".format("unroll" if T else "dynamic")) input_blob ="input_blob") outputs.append( prepare_mul_rnn(model, input_blob, input_tensor.shape, T, outputs_with_grad, num_layers)) workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) nets.append( workspace.blobs[input_blob] = input_tensor gradient_checker.NetGradientChecker.CompareNets( nets, outputs, outputs_with_grad_ids=outputs_with_grad, inputs_with_grads=[input_blob], print_net_images=True, ) @given(input_tensor=hu.tensor(min_dim=3, max_dim=3, max_value=3), forget_bias=st.floats(-10.0, 10.0), drop_states=st.booleans(), dim_out=st.lists( elements=st.integers(min_value=1, max_value=3), min_size=1, max_size=3, ), outputs_with_grads=st.sampled_from([[0], [1], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3]])) @ht_settings(max_examples=10) @utils.debug def test_unroll_lstm(self, input_tensor, dim_out, outputs_with_grads, **kwargs): lstms = [ _prepare_lstm(*input_tensor.shape, create_lstm=rnn_cell.LSTM, outputs_with_grads=outputs_with_grads, T=T, two_d_initial_states=False, dim_out=dim_out, **kwargs) for T in [input_tensor.shape[0], None] ] outputs, nets, inputs = zip(*lstms) workspace.FeedBlob(inputs[0][-1], input_tensor) assert inputs[0] == inputs[1] gradient_checker.NetGradientChecker.CompareNets( nets, outputs, outputs_with_grads, inputs_with_grads=inputs[0], print_net_images=True, ) @given( input_tensor=hu.tensor(min_dim=3, max_dim=3), forget_bias=st.floats(-10.0, 10.0), forward_only=st.booleans(), drop_states=st.booleans(), ) @ht_settings(max_examples=10) def test_layered_lstm(self, input_tensor, **kwargs): for outputs_with_grads in [[0], [1], [0, 1, 2, 3]]: for memory_optim in [False, True]: _, net, inputs = _prepare_lstm( *input_tensor.shape, create_lstm=rnn_cell.LSTM, outputs_with_grads=outputs_with_grads, memory_optim=memory_optim, **kwargs) workspace.FeedBlob(inputs[-1], input_tensor) workspace.RunNetOnce(net) workspace.ResetWorkspace() @given( input_tensor=lstm_input(), forget_bias=st.floats(-10.0, 10.0), fwd_only=st.booleans(), drop_states=st.booleans(), ) @ht_settings(max_examples=15) @utils.debug def test_lstm_main(self, **kwargs): for lstm_type in [(rnn_cell.LSTM, lstm_reference), (rnn_cell.MILSTM, milstm_reference)]: for outputs_with_grads in [[0], [1], [0, 1, 2, 3]]: for memory_optim in [False, True]: self.lstm_base(lstm_type, outputs_with_grads=outputs_with_grads, memory_optim=memory_optim, **kwargs) def lstm_base(self, lstm_type, outputs_with_grads, memory_optim, input_tensor, forget_bias, fwd_only, drop_states): print("LSTM test parameters: ", locals()) create_lstm, ref = lstm_type ref = partial(ref, forget_bias=forget_bias) t, n, d = input_tensor.shape assert d % 4 == 0 d = d // 4 ref = partial(ref, forget_bias=forget_bias, drop_states=drop_states) net = _prepare_lstm(t, n, d, create_lstm, outputs_with_grads=outputs_with_grads, memory_optim=memory_optim, forget_bias=forget_bias, forward_only=fwd_only, drop_states=drop_states)[1] # here we don't provide a real input for the net but just for one of # its ops (RecurrentNetworkOp). So have to hardcode this name workspace.FeedBlob("test_name_scope/external/recurrent/i2h", input_tensor) op = net._net.op[-1] inputs = [workspace.FetchBlob(name) for name in op.input] self.assertReferenceChecks( hu.cpu_do, op, inputs, ref, outputs_to_check=list(range(4)), ) # Checking for input, gates_t_w and gates_t_b gradients if not fwd_only: for param in range(5): self.assertGradientChecks( device_option=hu.cpu_do, op=op, inputs=inputs, outputs_to_check=param, outputs_with_grads=outputs_with_grads, threshold=0.01, stepsize=0.005, ) def test_lstm_extract_predictor_net(self): model = ModelHelper(name="lstm_extract_test") with core.DeviceScope(core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CPU, 0)): output, _, _, _ = rnn_cell.LSTM( model=model, input_blob="input", seq_lengths="seqlengths", initial_states=("hidden_init", "cell_init"), dim_in=20, dim_out=40, scope="test", drop_states=True, return_last_layer_only=True, ) # Run param init net to get the shapes for all inputs shapes = {} workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) for b in workspace.Blobs(): shapes[b] = workspace.FetchBlob(b).shape # But export in CPU (predict_net, export_blobs) = ExtractPredictorNet(, input_blobs=["input"], output_blobs=[output], device=core.DeviceOption(caffe2_pb2.CPU, 1), ) # Create the net and run once to see it is valid # Populate external inputs with correctly shaped random input # and also ensure that the export_blobs was constructed correctly. workspace.ResetWorkspace() shapes['input'] = [10, 4, 20] shapes['cell_init'] = [1, 4, 40] shapes['hidden_init'] = [1, 4, 40] print(predict_net.Proto().external_input) self.assertTrue('seqlengths' in predict_net.Proto().external_input) for einp in predict_net.Proto().external_input: if einp == 'seqlengths': workspace.FeedBlob("seqlengths", np.array([10] * 4, dtype=np.int32)) else: workspace.FeedBlob( einp, np.zeros(shapes[einp]).astype(np.float32), ) if einp != 'input': self.assertTrue(einp in export_blobs) print(str(predict_net.Proto())) self.assertTrue(workspace.CreateNet(predict_net.Proto())) self.assertTrue(workspace.RunNet(predict_net.Proto().name)) # Validate device options set correctly for the RNNs import google.protobuf.text_format as protobuftx for op in predict_net.Proto().op: if op.type == 'RecurrentNetwork': for arg in op.arg: if == "step_net": step_proto = caffe2_pb2.NetDef() protobuftx.Merge(arg.s, step_proto) for step_op in step_proto.op: self.assertEqual(0, step_op.device_option.device_type) self.assertEqual(1, step_op.device_option.cuda_gpu_id) elif == 'backward_step_net': self.assertEqual("", arg.s) @given(encoder_output_length=st.integers(1, 3), encoder_output_dim=st.integers(1, 3), decoder_input_length=st.integers(1, 3), decoder_state_dim=st.integers(1, 3), batch_size=st.integers(1, 3), **hu.gcs) def test_lstm_with_attention( self, encoder_output_length, encoder_output_dim, decoder_input_length, decoder_state_dim, batch_size, gc, dc, ): self.lstm_with_attention( partial( rnn_cell.LSTMWithAttention, attention_type=AttentionType.Regular, ), encoder_output_length, encoder_output_dim, decoder_input_length, decoder_state_dim, batch_size, lstm_with_attention_reference, gc, ) @given(encoder_output_length=st.integers(1, 3), encoder_output_dim=st.integers(1, 3), decoder_input_length=st.integers(1, 3), decoder_state_dim=st.integers(1, 3), batch_size=st.integers(1, 3), **hu.gcs) def test_lstm_with_recurrent_attention( self, encoder_output_length, encoder_output_dim, decoder_input_length, decoder_state_dim, batch_size, gc, dc, ): self.lstm_with_attention( partial( rnn_cell.LSTMWithAttention, attention_type=AttentionType.Recurrent, ), encoder_output_length, encoder_output_dim, decoder_input_length, decoder_state_dim, batch_size, lstm_with_recurrent_attention_reference, gc, ) def lstm_with_attention( self, create_lstm_with_attention, encoder_output_length, encoder_output_dim, decoder_input_length, decoder_state_dim, batch_size, ref, gc, ): model = ModelHelper(name='external') with core.DeviceScope(gc): ( encoder_outputs, decoder_inputs, decoder_input_lengths, initial_decoder_hidden_state, initial_decoder_cell_state, initial_attention_weighted_encoder_context, ) = 'encoder_outputs', 'decoder_inputs', 'decoder_input_lengths', 'initial_decoder_hidden_state', 'initial_decoder_cell_state', 'initial_attention_weighted_encoder_context', ) create_lstm_with_attention( model=model, decoder_inputs=decoder_inputs, decoder_input_lengths=decoder_input_lengths, initial_decoder_hidden_state=initial_decoder_hidden_state, initial_decoder_cell_state=initial_decoder_cell_state, initial_attention_weighted_encoder_context=( initial_attention_weighted_encoder_context), encoder_output_dim=encoder_output_dim, encoder_outputs=encoder_outputs, decoder_input_dim=decoder_state_dim, decoder_state_dim=decoder_state_dim, scope='external/LSTMWithAttention', ) op =[-2] workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) # This is original decoder_inputs after linear layer decoder_input_blob = op.input[0] workspace.FeedBlob( decoder_input_blob, np.random.randn( decoder_input_length, batch_size, decoder_state_dim * 4, ).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob( 'external/LSTMWithAttention/encoder_outputs_transposed', np.random.randn( batch_size, encoder_output_dim, encoder_output_length, ).astype(np.float32), ) workspace.FeedBlob( 'external/LSTMWithAttention/weighted_encoder_outputs', np.random.randn( encoder_output_length, batch_size, encoder_output_dim, ).astype(np.float32), ) workspace.FeedBlob( decoder_input_lengths, np.random.randint(0, decoder_input_length + 1, size=(batch_size, )).astype(np.int32)) workspace.FeedBlob( initial_decoder_hidden_state, np.random.randn(1, batch_size, decoder_state_dim).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob( initial_decoder_cell_state, np.random.randn(1, batch_size, decoder_state_dim).astype(np.float32)) workspace.FeedBlob( initial_attention_weighted_encoder_context, np.random.randn(1, batch_size, encoder_output_dim).astype(np.float32)) inputs = [workspace.FetchBlob(name) for name in op.input] self.assertReferenceChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=inputs, reference=ref, grad_reference=None, output_to_grad=None, outputs_to_check=list(range(6)), ) gradients_to_check = [ index for (index, input_name) in enumerate(op.input) if input_name != 'decoder_input_lengths' ] for param in gradients_to_check: self.assertGradientChecks( device_option=gc, op=op, inputs=inputs, outputs_to_check=param, outputs_with_grads=[0, 4], threshold=0.01, stepsize=0.001, ) @given(n=st.integers(1, 10), d=st.integers(1, 10), t=st.integers(1, 10), **hu.gcs) def test_lstm_unit_recurrent_network(self, n, d, t, dc, gc): op = core.CreateOperator('LSTMUnit', [ 'hidden_t_prev', 'cell_t_prev', 'gates_t', 'seq_lengths', 'timestep', ], ['hidden_t', 'cell_t']) cell_t_prev = np.random.randn(1, n, d).astype(np.float32) hidden_t_prev = np.random.randn(1, n, d).astype(np.float32) gates = np.random.randn(1, n, 4 * d).astype(np.float32) seq_lengths = np.random.randint(1, t + 1, size=(n, )).astype(np.int32) timestep = np.random.randint(0, t, size=(1, )).astype(np.int32) inputs = [hidden_t_prev, cell_t_prev, gates, seq_lengths, timestep] input_device_options = {'timestep': hu.cpu_do} self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, inputs, [0], input_device_options=input_device_options) self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, inputs, lstm_unit, input_device_options=input_device_options) for i in range(2): self.assertGradientChecks( gc, op, inputs, i, [0, 1], input_device_options=input_device_options) @given(input_length=st.integers(2, 5), dim_in=st.integers(1, 3), max_num_units=st.integers(1, 3), num_layers=st.integers(2, 3), batch_size=st.integers(1, 3)) def test_multi_lstm( self, input_length, dim_in, max_num_units, num_layers, batch_size, ): model = ModelHelper(name='external') ( input_sequence, seq_lengths, ) = 'input_sequence', 'seq_lengths', ) dim_out = [ np.random.randint(1, max_num_units + 1) for _ in range(num_layers) ] h_all, h_last, c_all, c_last = rnn_cell.LSTM( model=model, input_blob=input_sequence, seq_lengths=seq_lengths, initial_states=None, dim_in=dim_in, dim_out=dim_out, scope='test', outputs_with_grads=(0, ), return_params=False, memory_optimization=False, forget_bias=0.0, forward_only=False, return_last_layer_only=True, ) workspace.RunNetOnce(model.param_init_net) seq_lengths_val = np.random.randint( 1, input_length + 1, size=(batch_size), ).astype(np.int32) input_sequence_val = np.random.randn( input_length, batch_size, dim_in, ).astype(np.float32) workspace.FeedBlob(seq_lengths, seq_lengths_val) workspace.FeedBlob(input_sequence, input_sequence_val) hidden_input_list = [] cell_input_list = [] i2h_w_list = [] i2h_b_list = [] gates_w_list = [] gates_b_list = [] for i in range(num_layers): hidden_input_list.append( workspace.FetchBlob( 'test/initial_hidden_state_{}'.format(i)), ) cell_input_list.append( workspace.FetchBlob('test/initial_cell_state_{}'.format(i)), ) i2h_w_list.append( workspace.FetchBlob('test/layer_{}/i2h_w'.format(i)), ) i2h_b_list.append( workspace.FetchBlob('test/layer_{}/i2h_b'.format(i)), ) gates_w_list.append( workspace.FetchBlob('test/layer_{}/gates_t_w'.format(i)), ) gates_b_list.append( workspace.FetchBlob('test/layer_{}/gates_t_b'.format(i)), ) workspace.RunNetOnce( h_all_calc = workspace.FetchBlob(h_all) h_last_calc = workspace.FetchBlob(h_last) c_all_calc = workspace.FetchBlob(c_all) c_last_calc = workspace.FetchBlob(c_last) h_all_ref, h_last_ref, c_all_ref, c_last_ref = multi_lstm_reference( input_sequence_val, hidden_input_list, cell_input_list, i2h_w_list, i2h_b_list, gates_w_list, gates_b_list, seq_lengths_val, forget_bias=0.0, ) h_all_delta = np.abs(h_all_ref - h_all_calc).sum() h_last_delta = np.abs(h_last_ref - h_last_calc).sum() c_all_delta = np.abs(c_all_ref - c_all_calc).sum() c_last_delta = np.abs(c_last_ref - c_last_calc).sum() self.assertAlmostEqual(h_all_delta, 0.0, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(h_last_delta, 0.0, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(c_all_delta, 0.0, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(c_last_delta, 0.0, places=5) input_values = { 'input_sequence': input_sequence_val, 'seq_lengths': seq_lengths_val, } for param in model.GetParams(): value = workspace.FetchBlob(param) input_values[str(param)] = value output_sum = [h_all], 'output_sum', average=True, ) fake_loss =, ) for param in model.GetParams(): gradient_checker.NetGradientChecker.Check(, outputs_with_grad=[fake_loss], input_values=input_values, input_to_check=str(param), print_net=False, step_size=0.0001, threshold=0.05, )
def strategy(self): """Returns resulting strategy that generates configured char set.""" allowed = self._whitelist_chars if self._negate: allowed = BYTES_ALL - allowed return st.sampled_from(sorted(allowed))
class TestBooleanMaskOp(serial.SerializedTestCase): @given(x=hu.tensor1d(min_len=1, max_len=100, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), **hu.gcs_cpu_only) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_boolean_mask_gradient(self, x, gc, dc): op = core.CreateOperator("BooleanMask", ["data", "mask"], "masked_data") mask = np.random.choice(a=[True, False], size=x.shape[0]) expected_gradient = np.copy(mask).astype(int) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, mask], [0]) self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, mask], 0, [0]) @given(x=hu.tensor1d(min_len=1, max_len=5, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), **hu.gcs) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_boolean_mask(self, x, gc, dc): op = core.CreateOperator("BooleanMask", ["data", "mask"], "masked_data") mask = np.random.choice(a=[True, False], size=x.shape[0]) def ref(x, mask): return (x[mask], ) self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, mask], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, mask], [0]) @given(x=hu.tensor1d(min_len=1, max_len=5, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), **hu.gcs) def test_boolean_mask_indices(self, x, gc, dc): op = core.CreateOperator("BooleanMask", ["data", "mask"], ["masked_data", "masked_indices"]) mask = np.random.choice(a=[True, False], size=x.shape[0]) def ref(x, mask): return (x[mask], np.where(mask)[0]) self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, mask], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, mask], [0]) @staticmethod def _dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc): """SequenceMask only supports fp16 with CUDA/ROCm.""" if dtype == np.float16: assume(core.IsGPUDeviceType(gc.device_type)) dc = [d for d in dc if core.IsGPUDeviceType(d.device_type)] x = x.astype(dtype) return x, dc @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=2, max_dim=5, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) def test_sequence_mask_with_lengths(self, x, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data", "lengths"], ["masked_data"], mode="sequence", axis=len(x.shape) - 1, fill_val=fill_val) elem_dim = x.shape[-1] leading_dim = 1 for dim in x.shape[:-1]: leading_dim *= dim lengths = np.random.randint(0, elem_dim, [leading_dim])\ .astype(np.int32) def ref(x, lengths): ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim]) for i in range(leading_dim): for j in range(elem_dim): if j >= lengths[i]: ref[i, j] = fill_val return [ref.reshape(x.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, lengths], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, lengths], [0]) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=2, max_dim=5, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_sequence_mask_with_window(self, x, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 radius = 2 op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data", "centers"], ["masked_data"], mode="window", radius=radius, axis=len(x.shape) - 1, fill_val=fill_val) elem_dim = x.shape[-1] leading_dim = 1 for dim in x.shape[:-1]: leading_dim *= dim centers = np.random.randint(0, elem_dim, [leading_dim])\ .astype(np.int32) def ref(x, centers): ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim]) for i in range(leading_dim): for j in range(elem_dim): if j > centers[i] + radius or j < centers[i] - radius: ref[i, j] = fill_val return [ref.reshape(x.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, centers], [0]) # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4). threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005 self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], 0, [0], threshold=threshold) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=2, max_dim=5, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), mode=st.sampled_from(['upper', 'lower', 'upperdiag', 'lowerdiag']), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_sequence_mask_triangle(self, x, mode, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data"], ["masked_data"], mode=mode, axis=len(x.shape) - 1, fill_val=fill_val) elem_dim = x.shape[-1] leading_dim = 1 for dim in x.shape[:-1]: leading_dim *= dim if mode == 'upper': def compare(i, j): return j > i elif mode == 'lower': def compare(i, j): return j < i elif mode == 'upperdiag': def compare(i, j): return j >= i elif mode == 'lowerdiag': def compare(i, j): return j <= i def ref(x): ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim]) for i in range(leading_dim): for j in range(elem_dim): if compare(i, j): ref[i, j] = fill_val return [ref.reshape(x.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x], [0]) # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4). threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005 stepsize = 0.1 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.05 self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x], 0, [0], threshold=threshold, stepsize=stepsize) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=2, max_dim=5, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_sequence_mask_batching_lengths(self, x, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 # choose _different_ batch and axis dimensions, w/ axis != 0. axis = 0 batch = 0 while axis == 0 or axis < batch: inds = np.arange(len(x.shape)) np.random.shuffle(inds) batch = inds[0] axis = inds[1] op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data", "lengths"], ["masked_data"], mode='sequence', axis=axis, fill_val=fill_val, batch=batch) before = int([:batch + 1])) between = int([batch + 1:axis])) after = int([axis:])) lengths = np.random.randint(0, after, [between])\ .astype(np.int32) def ref(z, l): w = np.reshape(z, [before, between, after]) for b in range(before): r = w[b, :, :] for i in range(between): for j in range(after): if j >= l[i]: r[i, j] = fill_val return [w.reshape(z.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, lengths], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, lengths], [0]) # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4). threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005 self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, lengths], 0, [0], threshold=threshold) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=4, max_dim=4, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_sequence_mask_batching_window(self, x, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 radius = 1 # choose _different_ batch and axis dimensions, w/ axis != 0. axis = 0 batch = 0 while axis == 0 or axis < batch: inds = np.arange(len(x.shape)) np.random.shuffle(inds) batch = inds[0] axis = inds[1] op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data", "centers"], ["masked_data"], mode='window', radius=radius, axis=axis, fill_val=fill_val, batch=batch) before = int([:batch + 1])) between = int([batch + 1:axis])) after = int([axis:])) centers = np.random.randint(0, after, [between])\ .astype(np.int32) def ref(z, c): w = np.reshape(z, [before, between, after]) for b in range(before): r = w[b, :, :] for i in range(between): for j in range(after): if j > c[i] + radius or j < c[i] - radius: r[i, j] = fill_val return [w.reshape(z.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, centers], [0]) # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4). threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005 self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], 0, [0], threshold=threshold) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=3, max_dim=5, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), mode=st.sampled_from(['upper', 'lower', 'upperdiag', 'lowerdiag']), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_sequence_mask_batching_triangle(self, x, mode, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 # choose _different_ batch and axis dimensions, w/ axis != 0. axis = 0 batch = 0 while axis == 0 or axis < batch: inds = np.arange(len(x.shape)) np.random.shuffle(inds) batch = inds[0] axis = inds[1] op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data"], ["masked_data"], mode=mode, axis=axis, fill_val=fill_val, batch=batch) if mode == 'upper': def compare(i, j): return j > i elif mode == 'lower': def compare(i, j): return j < i elif mode == 'upperdiag': def compare(i, j): return j >= i elif mode == 'lowerdiag': def compare(i, j): return j <= i def ref(z): before = int([:batch + 1])) between = int([batch + 1:axis])) after = int([axis:])) w = np.reshape(z, [before, between, after]) for b in range(before): r = w[b, :, :] for i in range(between): for j in range(after): if compare(i, j): r[i, j] = fill_val return [w.reshape(z.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x], [0]) # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4). threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005 stepsize = 0.1 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.05 self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x], 0, [0], threshold=threshold, stepsize=stepsize) @given(x=hu.tensor(min_dim=3, max_dim=5, elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)), dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]), **hu.gcs) def test_sequence_mask_repeated(self, x, dtype, gc, dc): x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc) # finite fill value needed for gradient check fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9 op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask", ["data", "lengths"], ["masked_data"], mode="sequence", axis=len(x.shape) - 2, repeat_from_axis=-1, fill_val=fill_val) elem_dim = x.shape[-2] leading_dim = 1 for dim in x.shape[:-2]: leading_dim *= dim lengths = np.random.randint(0, elem_dim, [leading_dim])\ .astype(np.int32) def ref(x, lengths): ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim, -1]) for i in range(leading_dim): for j in range(elem_dim): if j >= lengths[i]: ref[i, j, :] = fill_val return [ref.reshape(x.shape)] self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, lengths], ref) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, lengths], [0])
def _strategy(codes, context, pattern): """Convert SRE regex parse tree to strategy that generates strings matching that regex represented by that parse tree. `codes` is either a list of SRE regex elements representations or a particular element representation. Each element is a tuple of element code (as string) and parameters. E.g. regex 'ab[0-9]+' compiles to following elements: [ (LITERAL, 97), (LITERAL, 98), (MAX_REPEAT, (1, 4294967295, [ (IN, [ (RANGE, (48, 57)) ]) ])) ] The function recursively traverses regex element tree and converts each element to strategy that generates strings that match that element. Context stores 1. List of groups (for backreferences) 2. Active regex flags (e.g. IGNORECASE, DOTALL, UNICODE, they affect behavior of various inner strategies) """ def recurse(codes): return _strategy(codes, context, pattern) if isinstance(pattern, text_type): empty = u'' to_char = hunichr else: empty = b'' to_char = int_to_byte binary_char = st.binary(min_size=1, max_size=1) if not isinstance(codes, tuple): # List of codes strategies = [] i = 0 while i < len(codes): if codes[i][0] == sre.LITERAL and \ not context.flags & re.IGNORECASE: # Merge subsequent "literals" into one `just()` strategy # that generates corresponding text if no IGNORECASE j = i + 1 while j < len(codes) and codes[j][0] == sre.LITERAL: j += 1 if i + 1 < j: strategies.append(st.just( empty.join([to_char(charcode) for (_, charcode) in codes[i:j]]) )) i = j continue strategies.append(recurse(codes[i])) i += 1 # We handle this separately at the top level, but some regex can # contain empty lists internally, so we need to handle this here too. if not strategies: return st.just(empty) if len(strategies) == 1: return strategies[0] return st.tuples(*strategies).map(empty.join) else: # Single code code, value = codes if code == sre.LITERAL: # Regex 'a' (single char) c = to_char(value) if context.flags & re.IGNORECASE and \ re.match(c, c.swapcase(), re.IGNORECASE) is not None: # We do the explicit check for swapped-case matching because # eg 'ß'.upper() == 'SS' and ignorecase doesn't match it. return st.sampled_from([c, c.swapcase()]) return st.just(c) elif code == sre.NOT_LITERAL: # Regex '[^a]' (negation of a single char) c = to_char(value) blacklist = set(c) if context.flags & re.IGNORECASE and \ re.match(c, c.swapcase(), re.IGNORECASE) is not None: blacklist |= set(c.swapcase()) if isinstance(pattern, text_type): return st.characters(blacklist_characters=blacklist) else: return binary_char.filter(lambda c: c not in blacklist) elif code == sre.IN: # Regex '[abc0-9]' (set of characters) negate = value[0][0] == sre.NEGATE if isinstance(pattern, text_type): builder = CharactersBuilder(negate, context.flags) else: builder = BytesBuilder(negate, context.flags) for charset_code, charset_value in value: if charset_code == sre.NEGATE: # Regex '[^...]' (negation) # handled by builder = CharactersBuilder(...) above pass elif charset_code == sre.LITERAL: # Regex '[a]' (single char) builder.add_char(charset_value) elif charset_code == sre.RANGE: # Regex '[a-z]' (char range) low, high = charset_value for char_code in hrange(low, high + 1): builder.add_char(char_code) elif charset_code == sre.CATEGORY: # Regex '[\w]' (char category) builder.add_category(charset_value) else: # pragma: no cover # Currently there are no known code points other than # handled here. This code is just future proofing raise AssertionError('Unknown charset code: %s' % charset_code) return builder.strategy elif code == sre.ANY: # Regex '.' (any char) if isinstance(pattern, text_type): if context.flags & re.DOTALL: return st.characters() return st.characters(blacklist_characters=u'\n') else: if context.flags & re.DOTALL: return binary_char return binary_char.filter(lambda c: c != b'\n') elif code == sre.AT: # Regexes like '^...', '...$', '\bfoo', '\Bfoo' # An empty string (or newline) will match the token itself, but # we don't and can't check the position (eg '%' at the end) return st.just(empty) elif code == sre.SUBPATTERN: # Various groups: '(...)', '(:...)' or '(?P<name>...)' old_flags = context.flags if HAS_SUBPATTERN_FLAGS: # pragma: no cover # This feature is available only in specific Python versions context.flags = (context.flags | value[1]) & ~value[2] strat = _strategy(value[-1], context, pattern) context.flags = old_flags if value[0]: strat = update_group(value[0], strat) return strat elif code == sre.GROUPREF: # Regex '\\1' or '(?P=name)' (group reference) return reuse_group(value) elif code == sre.ASSERT: # Regex '(?=...)' or '(?<=...)' (positive lookahead/lookbehind) return recurse(value[1]) elif code == sre.ASSERT_NOT: # Regex '(?!...)' or '(?<!...)' (negative lookahead/lookbehind) return st.just(empty) elif code == sre.BRANCH: # Regex 'a|b|c' (branch) return st.one_of([recurse(branch) for branch in value[1]]) elif code in [sre.MIN_REPEAT, sre.MAX_REPEAT]: # Regexes 'a?', 'a*', 'a+' and their non-greedy variants # (repeaters) at_least, at_most, subregex = value if at_most == sre.MAXREPEAT: at_most = None if at_least == 0 and at_most == 1: return st.just(empty) | recurse(subregex) return st.lists(recurse(subregex), min_size=at_least, max_size=at_most).map(empty.join) elif code == sre.GROUPREF_EXISTS: # Regex '(?(id/name)yes-pattern|no-pattern)' # (if group exists choice) return group_conditional( value[0], recurse(value[1]), recurse(value[2]) if value[2] else st.just(empty), ) else: # pragma: no cover # Currently there are no known code points other than handled here. # This code is just future proofing raise AssertionError('Unknown code point: %s' % repr(code))
class FunctionalAPITest(QuantizationTestCase): def test_relu_api(self): X = torch.arange(-5, 5, dtype=torch.float) scale = 2.0 zero_point = 1 qX = torch.quantize_per_tensor(X, scale=scale, zero_point=zero_point, dtype=torch.quint8) qY = torch.relu(qX) qY_hat = qF.relu(qX) self.assertEqual(qY, qY_hat) def _test_conv_api_impl( self, qconv_fn, conv_fn, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, input_feature_map_size, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_channelwise, ): for i in range(len(kernel_size)): assume(input_feature_map_size[i] + 2 * padding[i] >= dilation[i] * (kernel_size[i] - 1) + 1) (X, X_q, W, W_q, b) = _make_conv_test_input( batch_size, in_channels_per_group, input_feature_map_size, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_size, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, use_bias, use_channelwise) Y_exp = conv_fn(X, W, b, stride, padding, dilation, groups) Y_exp = torch.quantize_per_tensor(Y_exp, scale=Y_scale, zero_point=Y_zero_point, dtype=torch.quint8) Y_act = qconv_fn(X_q, W_q, b, stride, padding, dilation, groups, padding_mode="zeros", scale=Y_scale, zero_point=Y_zero_point) # Make sure the results match # assert_array_almost_equal compares using the following formula: # abs(desired-actual) < 1.5 * 10**(-decimal) # ( # We use decimal = 0 to ignore off-by-1 differences between reference # and test. Off-by-1 differences arise due to the order of round and # zero_point addition operation, i.e., if addition followed by round is # used by reference and round followed by addition is used by test, the # results may differ by 1. # For example, the result of round(2.5) + 1 is 3 while round(2.5 + 1) is # 4 assuming the rounding mode is round-to-nearest, ties-to-even. np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(Y_exp.int_repr().numpy(), Y_act.int_repr().numpy(), decimal=0) @given(batch_size=st.integers(1, 3), in_channels_per_group=st.sampled_from([2, 4, 5, 8, 16, 32]), H=st.integers(4, 16), W=st.integers(4, 16), out_channels_per_group=st.sampled_from([2, 4, 5, 8, 16, 32]), groups=st.integers(1, 4), kernel_h=st.integers(1, 7), kernel_w=st.integers(1, 7), stride_h=st.integers(1, 2), stride_w=st.integers(1, 2), pad_h=st.integers(0, 2), pad_w=st.integers(0, 2), dilation=st.integers(1, 2), X_scale=st.floats(1.2, 1.6), X_zero_point=st.integers(0, 4), W_scale=st.lists(st.floats(0.2, 1.6), min_size=1, max_size=2), W_zero_point=st.lists(st.integers(-5, 5), min_size=1, max_size=2), Y_scale=st.floats(4.2, 5.6), Y_zero_point=st.integers(0, 4), use_bias=st.booleans(), use_channelwise=st.booleans(), qengine=st.sampled_from(("qnnpack", "fbgemm"))) def test_conv2d_api( self, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, H, W, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_h, stride_w, pad_h, pad_w, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_channelwise, qengine, ): # Tests the correctness of the conv2d function. if qengine not in torch.backends.quantized.supported_engines: return if qengine == 'qnnpack': if IS_PPC or TEST_WITH_UBSAN: return use_channelwise = False input_feature_map_size = (H, W) kernel_size = (kernel_h, kernel_w) stride = (stride_h, stride_w) padding = (pad_h, pad_w) dilation = (dilation, dilation) with override_quantized_engine(qengine): qconv_fn = qF.conv2d conv_fn = F.conv2d self._test_conv_api_impl( qconv_fn, conv_fn, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, input_feature_map_size, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_channelwise) @given(batch_size=st.integers(1, 3), in_channels_per_group=st.sampled_from([2, 4, 5, 8, 16, 32]), D=st.integers(4, 8), H=st.integers(4, 8), W=st.integers(4, 8), out_channels_per_group=st.sampled_from([2, 4, 5, 8, 16, 32]), groups=st.integers(1, 4), kernel_d=st.integers(1, 4), kernel_h=st.integers(1, 4), kernel_w=st.integers(1, 4), stride_d=st.integers(1, 2), stride_h=st.integers(1, 2), stride_w=st.integers(1, 2), pad_d=st.integers(0, 2), pad_h=st.integers(0, 2), pad_w=st.integers(0, 2), dilation=st.integers(1, 2), X_scale=st.floats(1.2, 1.6), X_zero_point=st.integers(0, 4), W_scale=st.lists(st.floats(0.2, 1.6), min_size=1, max_size=2), W_zero_point=st.lists(st.integers(-5, 5), min_size=1, max_size=2), Y_scale=st.floats(4.2, 5.6), Y_zero_point=st.integers(0, 4), use_bias=st.booleans(), use_channelwise=st.booleans(), qengine=st.sampled_from(("fbgemm", ))) def test_conv3d_api( self, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, D, H, W, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_d, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_d, stride_h, stride_w, pad_d, pad_h, pad_w, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_channelwise, qengine, ): # Tests the correctness of the conv3d function. # Currently conv3d only supports FbGemm engine if qengine not in torch.backends.quantized.supported_engines: return input_feature_map_size = (D, H, W) kernel_size = (kernel_d, kernel_h, kernel_w) stride = (stride_d, stride_h, stride_w) padding = (pad_d, pad_h, pad_w) dilation = (dilation, dilation, dilation) with override_quantized_engine(qengine): qconv_fn = qF.conv3d conv_fn = F.conv3d self._test_conv_api_impl( qconv_fn, conv_fn, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, input_feature_map_size, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_channelwise)
class TestInstanceNorm(serial.SerializedTestCase): def _get_inputs(self, N, C, H, W, order): input_data = np.random.rand(N, C, H, W).astype(np.float32) if order == 'NHWC': # Allocate in the same order as NCHW and transpose to make sure # the inputs are identical on freshly-seeded calls. input_data = utils.NCHW2NHWC(input_data) elif order != "NCHW": raise Exception('unknown order type ({})'.format(order)) scale_data = np.random.rand(C).astype(np.float32) bias_data = np.random.rand(C).astype(np.float32) return input_data, scale_data, bias_data def _get_op(self, device_option, store_mean, store_inv_stdev, epsilon, order, inplace=False): outputs = ['output' if not inplace else "input"] if store_mean or store_inv_stdev: outputs += ['mean'] if store_inv_stdev: outputs += ['inv_stdev'] op = core.CreateOperator('InstanceNorm', ['input', 'scale', 'bias'], outputs, order=order, epsilon=epsilon, device_option=device_option) return op def _feed_inputs(self, input_blobs, device_option): names = ['input', 'scale', 'bias'] for name, blob in zip(names, input_blobs):, device_option=device_option) @given(gc=hu.gcs['gc'], dc=hu.gcs['dc'], N=st.integers(1, 4), C=st.integers(1, 4), H=st.integers(2, 4), W=st.integers(2, 4), order=st.sampled_from(['NCHW', 'NHWC']), epsilon=st.floats(1e-6, 1e-4), store_mean=st.booleans(), seed=st.integers(0, 1000), store_inv_stdev=st.booleans()) @settings(deadline=1000) def test_instance_norm_gradients(self, gc, dc, N, C, H, W, order, store_mean, store_inv_stdev, epsilon, seed): np.random.seed(seed) # force store_inv_stdev if store_mean to match existing forward pass # implementation store_inv_stdev |= store_mean op = self._get_op(device_option=gc, store_mean=store_mean, store_inv_stdev=store_inv_stdev, epsilon=epsilon, order=order) input_data = np.arange(N * C * H * W).astype(np.float32) np.random.shuffle(input_data) if order == "NCHW": input_data = input_data.reshape(N, C, H, W) else: input_data = input_data.reshape(N, H, W, C) scale_data = np.random.randn(C).astype(np.float32) bias_data = np.random.randn(C).astype(np.float32) input_blobs = (input_data, scale_data, bias_data) output_indices = [0] # if store_inv_stdev is turned on, store_mean must also be forced on if store_mean or store_inv_stdev: output_indices += [1] if store_inv_stdev: output_indices += [2] self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, input_blobs, output_indices) # The gradient only flows from output #0 since the other two only # store the temporary mean and inv_stdev buffers. # Check dl/dinput self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, input_blobs, 0, [0]) # Check dl/dscale self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, input_blobs, 1, [0]) # Check dl/dbias self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, input_blobs, 2, [0]) @given(gc=hu.gcs['gc'], dc=hu.gcs['dc'], N=st.integers(2, 10), C=st.integers(3, 10), H=st.integers(5, 10), W=st.integers(7, 10), seed=st.integers(0, 1000), epsilon=st.floats(1e-6, 1e-4), store_mean=st.booleans(), store_inv_stdev=st.booleans()) def test_instance_norm_layout(self, gc, dc, N, C, H, W, store_mean, store_inv_stdev, epsilon, seed): # force store_inv_stdev if store_mean to match existing forward pass # implementation store_inv_stdev |= store_mean outputs = {} for order in ('NCHW', 'NHWC'): np.random.seed(seed) input_blobs = self._get_inputs(N, C, H, W, order) self._feed_inputs(input_blobs, device_option=gc) op = self._get_op(device_option=gc, store_mean=store_mean, store_inv_stdev=store_inv_stdev, epsilon=epsilon, order=order) outputs[order] =['output'].fetch() np.testing.assert_allclose(outputs['NCHW'], utils.NHWC2NCHW(outputs["NHWC"]), atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4) @serial.given(gc=hu.gcs['gc'], dc=hu.gcs['dc'], N=st.integers(2, 10), C=st.integers(3, 10), H=st.integers(5, 10), W=st.integers(7, 10), order=st.sampled_from(['NCHW', 'NHWC']), epsilon=st.floats(1e-6, 1e-4), store_mean=st.booleans(), seed=st.integers(0, 1000), store_inv_stdev=st.booleans(), inplace=st.booleans()) def test_instance_norm_reference_check(self, gc, dc, N, C, H, W, order, store_mean, store_inv_stdev, epsilon, seed, inplace): np.random.seed(seed) # force store_inv_stdev if store_mean to match existing forward pass # implementation store_inv_stdev |= store_mean if order != "NCHW": assume(not inplace) inputs = self._get_inputs(N, C, H, W, order) op = self._get_op(device_option=gc, store_mean=store_mean, store_inv_stdev=store_inv_stdev, epsilon=epsilon, order=order, inplace=inplace) def ref(input_blob, scale_blob, bias_blob): if order == 'NHWC': input_blob = utils.NHWC2NCHW(input_blob) mean_blob = input_blob.reshape((N, C, -1)).mean(axis=2) inv_stdev_blob = 1.0 / \ np.sqrt(input_blob.reshape((N, C, -1)).var(axis=2) + epsilon) # _bc indicates blobs that are reshaped for broadcast scale_bc = scale_blob[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] mean_bc = mean_blob[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] inv_stdev_bc = inv_stdev_blob[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] bias_bc = bias_blob[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] normalized_blob = scale_bc * (input_blob - mean_bc) * inv_stdev_bc \ + bias_bc if order == 'NHWC': normalized_blob = utils.NCHW2NHWC(normalized_blob) if not store_mean and not store_inv_stdev: return normalized_blob, elif not store_inv_stdev: return normalized_blob, mean_blob else: return normalized_blob, mean_blob, inv_stdev_blob self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, inputs, ref) @given(gc=hu.gcs['gc'], dc=hu.gcs['dc'], N=st.integers(2, 10), C=st.integers(3, 10), H=st.integers(5, 10), W=st.integers(7, 10), order=st.sampled_from(['NCHW', 'NHWC']), epsilon=st.floats(1e-6, 1e-4), store_mean=st.booleans(), seed=st.integers(0, 1000), store_inv_stdev=st.booleans()) def test_instance_norm_device_check(self, gc, dc, N, C, H, W, order, store_mean, store_inv_stdev, epsilon, seed): np.random.seed(seed) # force store_inv_stdev if store_mean to match existing forward pass # implementation store_inv_stdev |= store_mean inputs = self._get_inputs(N, C, H, W, order) op = self._get_op(device_option=gc, store_mean=store_mean, store_inv_stdev=store_inv_stdev, epsilon=epsilon, order=order) self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, inputs, [0]) @given(is_test=st.booleans(), N=st.integers(2, 10), C=st.integers(3, 10), H=st.integers(5, 10), W=st.integers(7, 10), order=st.sampled_from(['NCHW', 'NHWC']), epsilon=st.floats(1e-6, 1e-4), seed=st.integers(0, 1000)) def test_instance_norm_model_helper(self, N, C, H, W, order, epsilon, seed, is_test): np.random.seed(seed) model = model_helper.ModelHelper(name="test_model") brew.instance_norm(model, 'input', 'output', C, epsilon=epsilon, order=order, is_test=is_test) input_blob = np.random.rand(N, C, H, W).astype(np.float32) if order == 'NHWC': input_blob = utils.NCHW2NHWC(input_blob)'input').feed(input_blob) if is_test: scale =['output_s'].fetch() assert scale is not None assert scale.shape == (C, ) bias =['output_b'].fetch() assert bias is not None assert bias.shape == (C, ) output_blob =['output'].fetch() if order == 'NHWC': output_blob = utils.NHWC2NCHW(output_blob) assert output_blob.shape == (N, C, H, W)
class ModuleAPITest(QuantizationTestCase): def test_relu(self): relu_module = nnq.ReLU() relu6_module = nnq.ReLU6() x = torch.arange(-10, 10, dtype=torch.float) y_ref = torch.relu(x) y6_ref = torch.nn.modules.ReLU6()(x) qx = torch.quantize_per_tensor(x, 1.0, 0, dtype=torch.qint32) qy = relu_module(qx) qy6 = relu6_module(qx) self.assertEqual(y_ref, qy.dequantize(), message="ReLU module API failed") self.assertEqual(y6_ref, qy6.dequantize(), message="ReLU6 module API failed") @given(batch_size=st.integers(1, 5), in_features=st.integers(16, 32), out_features=st.integers(4, 8), use_bias=st.booleans(), use_fused=st.booleans(), per_channel=st.booleans(), qengine=st.sampled_from(("qnnpack", "fbgemm"))) def test_linear_api(self, batch_size, in_features, out_features, use_bias, use_fused, per_channel, qengine): """test API functionality for nn.quantized.linear and nn.intrinsic.quantized.linear_relu""" if qengine not in torch.backends.quantized.supported_engines: return if qengine == 'qnnpack': if IS_PPC or TEST_WITH_UBSAN: return per_channel = False with override_quantized_engine(qengine): W = torch.rand(out_features, in_features).float() if per_channel: scale_tensor = torch.ones(out_features, dtype=torch.double) zero_point_tensor = torch.zeros(out_features, dtype=torch.long) for i in range(len(scale_tensor)): scale_tensor[i] = (i + 1.0) / 255.0 W_q = torch.quantize_per_channel(W, scales=scale_tensor, zero_points=zero_point_tensor, axis=0, dtype=torch.qint8) else: W_q = torch.quantize_per_tensor(W, 0.1, 4, torch.qint8) X = torch.rand(batch_size, in_features).float() X_q = torch.quantize_per_tensor(X, 0.2, 10, torch.quint8) B = torch.rand(out_features).float() if use_bias else None scale = 0.5 zero_point = 3 if use_fused: qlinear = nnq_fused.LinearReLU(in_features, out_features) else: qlinear = nnq.Linear(in_features, out_features) # Run module with default-initialized parameters. # This tests that the constructor is correct. qlinear(X_q) qlinear.set_weight_bias(W_q, B) # Simple round-trip test to ensure weight()/set_weight() API self.assertEqual(qlinear.weight(), W_q) W_pack = qlinear._packed_params._packed_params qlinear.scale = float(scale) qlinear.zero_point = int(zero_point) Z_q = qlinear(X_q) # Check if the module implementation matches calling the # ops directly if use_fused: Z_ref = torch.ops.quantized.linear_relu( X_q, W_pack, scale, zero_point) self.assertTrue('QuantizedLinearReLU' in str(qlinear)) else: Z_ref = torch.ops.quantized.linear(X_q, W_pack, scale, zero_point) self.assertTrue('QuantizedLinear' in str(qlinear)) self.assertEqual(Z_ref, Z_q) # Test serialization of quantized Linear Module using state_dict model_dict = qlinear.state_dict() self.assertEqual(model_dict['_packed_params.weight'], W_q) if use_bias: self.assertEqual(model_dict['_packed_params.bias'], B) b = io.BytesIO(), b) loaded_dict = torch.load(b) for key in model_dict: self.assertEqual(model_dict[key], loaded_dict[key]) if use_fused: loaded_qlinear = nnq_fused.LinearReLU(in_features, out_features) else: loaded_qlinear = nnq.Linear(in_features, out_features) loaded_qlinear.load_state_dict(loaded_dict) linear_unpack = torch.ops.quantized.linear_unpack self.assertEqual( linear_unpack(qlinear._packed_params._packed_params), linear_unpack(loaded_qlinear._packed_params._packed_params)) if use_bias: self.assertEqual(qlinear.bias(), loaded_qlinear.bias()) self.assertEqual(qlinear.scale, loaded_qlinear.scale) self.assertEqual(qlinear.zero_point, loaded_qlinear.zero_point) self.assertTrue(dir(qlinear) == dir(loaded_qlinear)) self.assertTrue(hasattr(qlinear, '_packed_params')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(loaded_qlinear, '_packed_params')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(qlinear, '_weight_bias')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(loaded_qlinear, '_weight_bias')) self.assertEqual(qlinear._weight_bias(), loaded_qlinear._weight_bias()) self.assertEqual( qlinear._weight_bias(), torch.ops.quantized.linear_unpack( qlinear._packed_params._packed_params)) Z_q2 = loaded_qlinear(X_q) self.assertEqual(Z_q, Z_q2) # The below check is meant to ensure that `` and `torch.load` # serialization works, however it is currently broken by the following: # # # Instead, we currently check that the proper exception is thrown on save. # <start code> # b = io.BytesIO() #, b) # # loaded = torch.load(b) # self.assertEqual(qlinear.weight(), loaded.weight()) # self.assertEqual(qlinear.scale, loaded.scale) # self.assertEqual(qlinear.zero_point, loaded.zero_point) # <end code> with self.assertRaisesRegex( RuntimeError, r'\(\) is not currently supported'): b = io.BytesIO(), b) # Test JIT self.checkScriptable(qlinear, list(zip([X_q], [Z_ref])), check_save_load=True) # Test from_float. float_linear = torch.nn.Linear(in_features, out_features).float() float_linear.qconfig = torch.quantization.default_qconfig torch.quantization.prepare(float_linear, inplace=True) float_linear(X.float()) # Sequential allows swapping using "convert". quantized_float_linear = torch.nn.Sequential(float_linear) quantized_float_linear = torch.quantization.convert( quantized_float_linear, inplace=True) # Smoke test to make sure the module actually runs quantized_float_linear(X_q) # Smoke test extra_repr self.assertTrue('QuantizedLinear' in str(quantized_float_linear)) def test_quant_dequant_api(self): r = torch.tensor([[1., -1.], [1., -1.]], dtype=torch.float) scale, zero_point, dtype = 1.0, 2, torch.qint8 # testing Quantize API qr = torch.quantize_per_tensor(r, scale, zero_point, dtype) quant_m = nnq.Quantize(scale, zero_point, dtype) qr2 = quant_m(r) self.assertEqual(qr, qr2) # testing Dequantize API rqr = qr.dequantize() dequant_m = nnq.DeQuantize() rqr2 = dequant_m(qr2) self.assertEqual(rqr, rqr2) def _test_conv_api_impl( self, module_name, qconv_module, conv_module, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, input_feature_map_size, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_fused, use_channelwise, ): for i in range(len(kernel_size)): assume(input_feature_map_size[i] + 2 * padding[i] >= dilation[i] * (kernel_size[i] - 1) + 1) in_channels = in_channels_per_group * groups out_channels = out_channels_per_group * groups (X, X_q, W, W_q, b) = _make_conv_test_input( batch_size, in_channels_per_group, input_feature_map_size, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_size, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, use_bias, use_channelwise) qconv_module.set_weight_bias(W_q, b) qconv_module.scale = Y_scale qconv_module.zero_point = Y_zero_point if use_fused: conv_module[0] = W if use_bias: conv_module[0] = b else: = W if use_bias: = b # Test members self.assertTrue(module_name in str(qconv_module)) self.assertTrue(hasattr(qconv_module, '_packed_params')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(qconv_module, 'scale')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(qconv_module, 'zero_point')) # Test properties self.assertEqual(W_q, qconv_module.weight()) if use_bias: self.assertEqual(b, qconv_module.bias()) self.assertEqual(Y_scale, qconv_module.scale) self.assertEqual(Y_zero_point, qconv_module.zero_point) # Test forward Y_exp = conv_module(X) Y_exp = torch.quantize_per_tensor(Y_exp, scale=Y_scale, zero_point=Y_zero_point, dtype=torch.quint8) Y_act = qconv_module(X_q) # Make sure the results match # assert_array_almost_equal compares using the following formula: # abs(desired-actual) < 1.5 * 10**(-decimal) # ( # We use decimal = 0 to ignore off-by-1 differences between reference # and test. Off-by-1 differences arise due to the order of round and # zero_point addition operation, i.e., if addition followed by round is # used by reference and round followed by addition is used by test, the # results may differ by 1. # For example, the result of round(2.5) + 1 is 3 while round(2.5 + 1) is # 4 assuming the rounding mode is round-to-nearest, ties-to-even. np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(Y_exp.int_repr().numpy(), Y_act.int_repr().numpy(), decimal=0) # Test serialization of quantized Conv Module using state_dict model_dict = qconv_module.state_dict() self.assertEqual(W_q, model_dict['weight']) if use_bias: self.assertEqual(b, model_dict['bias']) bytes_io = io.BytesIO(), bytes_io) loaded_dict = torch.load(bytes_io) for key in loaded_dict: self.assertEqual(model_dict[key], loaded_dict[key]) loaded_qconv_module = type(qconv_module)(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, groups, use_bias, padding_mode="zeros") loaded_qconv_module.load_state_dict(loaded_dict) self.assertTrue(dir(loaded_qconv_module) == dir(qconv_module)) self.assertTrue(module_name in str(loaded_qconv_module)) self.assertTrue(hasattr(loaded_qconv_module, '_packed_params')) self.assertTrue(hasattr(loaded_qconv_module, '_weight_bias')) self.assertEqual(qconv_module.weight(), loaded_qconv_module.weight()) if use_bias: self.assertEqual(qconv_module.bias(), loaded_qconv_module.bias()) self.assertEqual(qconv_module.scale, loaded_qconv_module.scale) self.assertEqual(qconv_module.zero_point, loaded_qconv_module.zero_point) Y_loaded = loaded_qconv_module(X_q) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(Y_exp.int_repr().numpy(), Y_loaded.int_repr().numpy(), decimal=0) # The below check is meant to ensure that `` and `torch.load` # serialization works, however it is currently broken by the following: # # # Instead, we currently check that the proper exception is thrown on # save. # <start code> # b = io.BytesIO() #, b) # # loaded_conv = torch.load(b) # # self.assertEqual(loaded_qconv_module.bias(), qconv_module.bias()) # self.assertEqual(loaded_qconv_module.scale, qconv_module.scale) # self.assertEqual(loaded_qconv_module.zero_point, # qconv_module.zero_point) # <end code> with self.assertRaisesRegex( RuntimeError, r'\(\) is not currently supported'): bytes_io = io.BytesIO(), bytes_io) # JIT testing self.checkScriptable(qconv_module, list(zip([X_q], [Y_exp])), check_save_load=True) # Test from_float conv_module.qconfig = torch.quantization.default_qconfig torch.quantization.prepare(conv_module, inplace=True) conv_module(X.float()) converted_qconv_module = torch.nn.Sequential(conv_module) torch.quantization.convert(converted_qconv_module, inplace=True) # Smoke test to make sure the module actually runs if use_bias: if use_fused: self.assertEqual(conv_module[0].bias, converted_qconv_module[0].bias()) else: self.assertEqual(conv_module.bias, converted_qconv_module[0].bias()) # Smoke test extra_repr self.assertTrue(module_name in str(converted_qconv_module)) @given(batch_size=st.integers(1, 3), in_channels_per_group=st.sampled_from([2, 4, 5, 8, 16, 32]), H=st.integers(4, 16), W=st.integers(4, 16), out_channels_per_group=st.sampled_from([2, 4, 5, 8, 16, 32]), groups=st.integers(1, 4), kernel_h=st.integers(1, 7), kernel_w=st.integers(1, 7), stride_h=st.integers(1, 2), stride_w=st.integers(1, 2), pad_h=st.integers(0, 2), pad_w=st.integers(0, 2), dilation=st.integers(1, 2), X_scale=st.floats(1.2, 1.6), X_zero_point=st.integers(0, 4), W_scale=st.lists(st.floats(0.2, 1.6), min_size=1, max_size=2), W_zero_point=st.lists(st.integers(-5, 5), min_size=1, max_size=2), Y_scale=st.floats(4.2, 5.6), Y_zero_point=st.integers(0, 4), use_bias=st.booleans(), use_fused=st.booleans(), use_channelwise=st.booleans(), qengine=st.sampled_from(("qnnpack", "fbgemm"))) def test_conv2d_api( self, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, H, W, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_h, stride_w, pad_h, pad_w, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_fused, use_channelwise, qengine, ): # Tests the correctness of the conv2d module. if qengine not in torch.backends.quantized.supported_engines: return if qengine == 'qnnpack': if IS_PPC or TEST_WITH_UBSAN: return use_channelwise = False in_channels = in_channels_per_group * groups out_channels = out_channels_per_group * groups input_feature_map_size = (H, W) kernel_size = (kernel_h, kernel_w) stride = (stride_h, stride_w) padding = (pad_h, pad_w) dilation = (dilation, dilation) with override_quantized_engine(qengine): if use_fused: module_name = "QuantizedConvReLU2d" qconv_module = nnq_fused.ConvReLU2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, groups, use_bias, padding_mode="zeros") else: module_name = "QuantizedConv2d" qconv_module = nnq.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, groups, use_bias, padding_mode="zeros") conv_module = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, groups, use_bias, padding_mode="zeros") if use_fused: relu_module = nn.ReLU() conv_module = nni.ConvReLU2d(conv_module, relu_module) conv_module = conv_module.float() self._test_conv_api_impl( module_name, qconv_module, conv_module, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, input_feature_map_size, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_fused, use_channelwise) @given(batch_size=st.integers(1, 3), in_channels_per_group=st.sampled_from([2, 4, 5, 8, 16]), D=st.integers(3, 6), H=st.integers(3, 6), W=st.integers(3, 6), out_channels_per_group=st.sampled_from([2, 4, 5, 8, 16]), groups=st.integers(1, 4), kernel_d=st.integers(1, 3), kernel_h=st.integers(1, 3), kernel_w=st.integers(1, 3), stride_d=st.integers(1, 2), stride_h=st.integers(1, 2), stride_w=st.integers(1, 2), pad_d=st.integers(0, 1), pad_h=st.integers(0, 1), pad_w=st.integers(0, 1), dilation=st.integers(1, 2), X_scale=st.floats(1.2, 1.6), X_zero_point=st.integers(0, 4), W_scale=st.lists(st.floats(0.2, 1.6), min_size=1, max_size=2), W_zero_point=st.lists(st.integers(-5, 5), min_size=1, max_size=2), Y_scale=st.floats(4.2, 5.6), Y_zero_point=st.integers(0, 4), use_bias=st.booleans(), use_fused=st.booleans(), use_channelwise=st.booleans(), qengine=st.sampled_from(("fbgemm", ))) def test_conv3d_api( self, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, D, H, W, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_d, kernel_h, kernel_w, stride_d, stride_h, stride_w, pad_d, pad_h, pad_w, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_channelwise, use_fused, qengine, ): # Tests the correctness of the conv3d module. if qengine not in torch.backends.quantized.supported_engines: return in_channels = in_channels_per_group * groups out_channels = out_channels_per_group * groups input_feature_map_size = (D, H, W) kernel_size = (kernel_d, kernel_h, kernel_w) stride = (stride_d, stride_h, stride_w) padding = (pad_d, pad_h, pad_w) dilation = (dilation, dilation, dilation) with override_quantized_engine(qengine): if use_fused: module_name = "QuantizedConvReLU3d" qconv_module = nnq_fused.ConvReLU3d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, groups, use_bias, padding_mode="zeros") else: module_name = "QuantizedConv3d" qconv_module = nnq.Conv3d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, groups, use_bias, padding_mode="zeros") conv_module = nn.Conv3d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, groups, use_bias, padding_mode="zeros") if use_fused: relu_module = nn.ReLU() conv_module = nni.ConvReLU3d(conv_module, relu_module) conv_module = conv_module.float() self._test_conv_api_impl( module_name, qconv_module, conv_module, batch_size, in_channels_per_group, input_feature_map_size, out_channels_per_group, groups, kernel_size, stride, padding, dilation, X_scale, X_zero_point, W_scale, W_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point, use_bias, use_fused, use_channelwise) def test_pool_api(self): """Tests the correctness of the pool module. The correctness is defined against the functional implementation. """ N, C, H, W = 10, 10, 10, 3 kwargs = { 'kernel_size': 2, 'stride': None, 'padding': 0, 'dilation': 1 } scale, zero_point = 1.0 / 255, 128 X = torch.randn(N, C, H, W, dtype=torch.float32) qX = torch.quantize_per_tensor(X, scale=scale, zero_point=zero_point, dtype=torch.quint8) qX_expect = torch.nn.functional.max_pool2d(qX, **kwargs) pool_under_test = torch.nn.quantized.MaxPool2d(**kwargs) qX_hat = pool_under_test(qX) self.assertEqual(qX_expect, qX_hat) # JIT Testing self.checkScriptable(pool_under_test, list(zip([X], [qX_expect]))) def test_batch_norm2d(self): """Tests the correctness of the batchnorm2d module. The correctness is defined against the functional implementation. """ x = torch.randn((2, 4, 6, 8), dtype=torch.float) float_mod = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(4) = False y_ref = float_mod(x) quant_ref = torch.quantize_per_tensor(y_ref, 1.0, 0, dtype=torch.quint8) quant_mod = nnq.BatchNorm2d(4) qx = torch.quantize_per_tensor(x, 1.0, 0, dtype=torch.quint8) qy = quant_mod(qx) self.assertEqual(quant_ref.int_repr().numpy(), qy.int_repr().numpy(), message="BatchNorm2d module API failed") def test_batch_norm3d(self): """Tests the correctness of the batchnorm3d module. The correctness is defined against the functional implementation. """ x = torch.randn((2, 4, 6, 8, 10), dtype=torch.float) float_mod = torch.nn.BatchNorm3d(4) = False y_ref = float_mod(x) quant_ref = torch.quantize_per_tensor(y_ref, 1.0, 0, dtype=torch.quint8) quant_mod = nnq.BatchNorm3d(4) qx = torch.quantize_per_tensor(x, 1.0, 0, dtype=torch.quint8) qy = quant_mod(qx) self.assertEqual(quant_ref.int_repr().numpy(), qy.int_repr().numpy(), message="BatchNorm3d module API failed")
class TestTags(object): """ Test methods of the ``Tags`` class. """ pytestmark = _UDEV_TEST(154, "TestTags") _device_data = [d for d in _DEVICE_DATA if d.tags] if len(_device_data) > 0: @given( _CONTEXT_STRATEGY, strategies.sampled_from(_device_data), settings=Settings(max_examples=5) ) def test_iteration(self, a_context, device_datum): device = Device.from_path(a_context, device_datum.device_path) assert set(device.tags) == set(device_datum.tags) for tag in device.tags: assert is_unicode_string(tag) @given( _CONTEXT_STRATEGY, strategies.sampled_from(_device_data), settings=Settings(max_examples=5) ) def test_contains(self, a_context, device_datum): device = Device.from_path(a_context, device_datum.device_path) for tag in device_datum.tags: assert tag in device.tags else: def test_iteration(self): pytest.skip("not enough devices with tags") def test_contains(self): pytest.skip("not enough devices with tags") @given( strategies.sampled_from(_DEVICES), settings=Settings(max_examples=5) ) def test_iteration_mock(self, a_device): funcname = 'udev_device_get_tags_list_entry' with pytest.libudev_list(a_device._libudev, funcname, [b'spam', b'eggs']): tags = list(a_device.tags) assert tags == ['spam', 'eggs'] func = a_device._libudev.udev_device_get_tags_list_entry func.assert_called_once_with(a_device) @_UDEV_TEST(172, "test_contans_mock") @given( strategies.sampled_from(_DEVICES), settings=Settings(max_examples=5) ) def test_contains_mock(self, a_device): """ Test that ``udev_device_has_tag`` is called if available. """ funcname = 'udev_device_has_tag' spec = lambda d, t: None with mock.patch.object(a_device._libudev, funcname, autospec=spec) as func: func.return_value = 1 assert 'foo' in a_device.tags func.assert_called_once_with(a_device, b'foo')
def steps(self): strat = tuples(just(False), integers()) if self.elements: strat |= tuples(just(True), sampled_from(self.elements)) return strat