文件: plots.py 项目: jjgomera/iapws
        plt.plot(x, y, **isov_kw)

# Plot region limits
if regionBoundary:
    # Boundary 1-3
    Po = _PSat_T(623.15)
    P = np.linspace(Po, 100, points)
    pts = [fluid(P=p, T=623.15) for p in P]
    x = [p.__getattribute__(xAxis) for p in pts]
    y = [p.__getattribute__(yAxis) for p in pts]
    plt.plot(x, y, **isosat_kw)

    # Boundary 2-3
    T = np.linspace(623.15, 863.15)
    P = [_P23_T(t) for t in T]
    P[-1] = 100  # Avoid round problem with value out of range > 100 MPa
    pts = [fluid(P=p, T=t) for p, t in zip(P, T)]
    x = [p.__getattribute__(xAxis) for p in pts]
    y = [p.__getattribute__(yAxis) for p in pts]
    plt.plot(x, y, **isosat_kw)

# Show annotate in plot
xmin, xmax = plt.xlim()
ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
for q in isoq:
    x = Q["%s" % q]["x"]
    y = Q["%s" % q]["y"]

    txt = "x=%s" % q
文件: plots.py 项目: yfq000/iapws
        plt.plot(x, y, **isov_kw)

# Plot region limits
if regionBoundary:
    # Boundary 1-3
    Po = _PSat_T(623.15)
    P = np.linspace(Po, 100, points)
    pts = [fluid(P=p, T=623.15) for p in P]
    x = [p.__getattribute__(xAxis) for p in pts]
    y = [p.__getattribute__(yAxis) for p in pts]
    plt.plot(x, y, **isosat_kw)

    # Boundary 2-3
    T = np.linspace(623.15, 863.15)
    P = [_P23_T(t) for t in T]
    P[-1] = 100  # Avoid round problem with value out of range > 100 MPa
    pts = [fluid(P=p, T=t) for p, t in zip(P, T)]
    x = [p.__getattribute__(xAxis) for p in pts]
    y = [p.__getattribute__(yAxis) for p in pts]
    plt.plot(x, y, **isosat_kw)

# Show annotate in plot
xmin, xmax = plt.xlim()
ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
for q in isoq:
    x = Q["%s" % q]["x"]
    y = Q["%s" % q]["y"]

    txt = "x=%s" % q
    i = 0
def plot(**kwargv):
    # Configuration section
    show = True

    # Define standard to use in plot, IAPWS95 very slow!
    fluid = iapws.IAPWS97
    # fluid = iapws.IAPWS95

    # Define kind of plot
    xAxis = "s"
    yAxis = "P"

    if "x" in kwargv:
        xAxis = kwargv["x"]
    if "y" in kwargv:
        yAxis = kwargv["y"]
    if "show" in kwargv:
        show = kwargv["show"]

    print("Calculating %s-%s Diagram..." % (yAxis, xAxis))

    # Point count for line, high value get more definition but slow calculate time
    points = 50

    # Saturation line format
    isosat_kw = {"ls": "-", "color": "black", "lw": 1}

    # Isoquality lines to plot
    isoq = np.arange(0.1, 1, 0.1)
    isoq_kw = {"ls": "--", "color": "black", "lw": 0.5}
    labelq_kw = {"size": "xx-small", "ha": "right", "va": "center"}

    # Isotherm lines to plot, values in ºC
    isoT = [0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000]
    isoT_kw = {"ls": "-", "color": "red", "lw": 0.5}
    labelT_kw = {"size": "xx-small", "ha": "right", "va": "bottom"}

    # Isobar lines to plot
    isoP = [Pt, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 20, 50, 100]
    isoP_kw = {"ls": "-", "color": "blue", "lw": 0.5}
    labelP_kw = {"size": "xx-small", "ha": "center", "va": "center"}

    # Isoenthalpic lines to plot
    isoh = np.arange(200, 4400, 200)
    isoh_kw = {"ls": "-", "color": "green", "lw": 0.5}
    labelh_kw = {"size": "xx-small", "ha": "center", "va": "center"}

    # Isoentropic lines to plot
    isos = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
    isos_kw = {"ls": "-", "color": "brown", "lw": 0.5}
    labels_kw = {"size": "xx-small", "ha": "center", "va": "center"}

    # # Isochor lines to plot
    # isov = [0.1, 1, 10, 100]
    # isov_kw = {"ls": "-", "color": "green", "lw": 0.5}

    # Show region limits
    regionBoundary = False
    if "regionBoundary" in kwargv:
        regionBoundary = kwargv["regionBoundary"]

    # Show region5
    region5 = False

    # Calculate

    # Set plot label
    title = {
        "T": "T, K",
        "P": "P, MPa",
        "v": "v, m³/kg",
        "h": "h, kJ/kg",
        "s": "s, kJ/kgK"

    # Check axis correct definition
    validAxis = ", ".join(title.keys())
    if xAxis not in title:
        raise ValueError("X axis variable don´t supported, valid only ",
    if yAxis not in title:
        raise ValueError("Y axis variable don´t supported, valid only ",
    if xAxis == yAxis:
        raise ValueError("X and Y axis can't show same variable")

    # Set plot legend
    plt.title("%s-%s Diagram" % (yAxis, xAxis))
    xtitle = title[xAxis]
    ytitle = title[yAxis]

    # Set logaritmic scale if apropiate
    if xAxis in ["P", "v"]:
    if yAxis in ["P", "v"]:

    # Calculate point of isolines
    Ps = list(
            np.logspace(np.log10(Pt), np.log10(0.1 * Pc), points),
            np.linspace(0.1 * Pc, 0.9 * Pc, points),
            np.linspace(0.9 * Pc, 0.99 * Pc, points),
            np.linspace(0.99 * Pc, Pc, points)
    Pl = list(
            np.logspace(np.log10(Pt), np.log10(0.1 * Pc), points),
            np.linspace(0.1 * Pc, 0.5 * Pc, points),
            np.linspace(0.5 * Pc, 0.9 * Pc, points),
            np.linspace(0.9 * Pc, 0.99 * Pc, points),
            np.linspace(0.99 * Pc, Pc, points),
            np.linspace(Pc, 1.01 * Pc, points),
            np.linspace(1.01 * Pc, 1.1 * Pc, points),
            np.linspace(1.1 * Pc, 50, points),
            np.linspace(50, 100, points)
    Tl = list(
            np.linspace(0, 25, points),
            np.linspace(25, 0.5 * Tc, points),
            np.linspace(0.5 * Tc, 0.9 * Tc, points),
            np.linspace(0.9 * Tc, Tc, points),
            np.linspace(Tc, 1.1 * Tc, points),
            np.linspace(1.1 * Tc, 1.1 * Tc, points),
            np.linspace(1.1 * Tc, 800, points),
            np.linspace(800, 2000, points)

    # Calculate saturation line
    print("Calculating saturation lines...")
    liq = [fluid(P=p, x=0) for p in Ps]
    xliq = [l.__getattribute__(xAxis) for l in liq]
    yliq = [l.__getattribute__(yAxis) for l in liq]
    plt.plot(xliq, yliq, **isosat_kw)
    vap = [fluid(P=p, x=1) for p in Ps]
    xvap = [v.__getattribute__(xAxis) for v in vap]
    yvap = [v.__getattribute__(yAxis) for v in vap]
    plt.plot(xvap, yvap, **isosat_kw)

    # Calculate isoquality lines
    print("Calculating isoquality lines...")
    Q = {}
    for q in isoq:
        Q["%s" % q] = {}
        txt = "x=%s" % q
        print("    %s" % txt)
        pts = [fluid(P=p, x=q) for p in Ps]
        x = [p.__getattribute__(xAxis) for p in pts]
        y = [p.__getattribute__(yAxis) for p in pts]
        Q["%s" % q]["x"] = x
        Q["%s" % q]["y"] = y
        plt.plot(x, y, **isoq_kw)

    # Calculate isotherm lines
    if xAxis != "T" and yAxis != "T":
        print("Calculating isotherm lines...")
        T_ = {}
        for T in isoT:
            T_["%s" % T] = {}
            print("    T=%sºC" % T)
            # Calculate the saturation point if available
            if T + 273.15 < Tc:
                liqsat = fluid(T=T + 273.15, x=0)
                vapsat = fluid(T=T + 273.15, x=1)
                sat = True
                sat = False
            pts = []
            for p in Pl:
                    point = fluid(P=p, T=T + 273.15)
                    if fluid == iapws.IAPWS97 and not region5 and \
                            point.region == 5:
                    # Add saturation point if neccesary
                    if sat and T + 273.15 < Tc and point.s < vapsat.s:
                        sat = False
                except NotImplementedError:
            x = []
            y = []
            for p in pts:
                if p.status:
            plt.plot(x, y, **isoT_kw)
            T_["%s" % T]["x"] = x
            T_["%s" % T]["y"] = y

    # Calculate isobar lines
    if xAxis != "P" and yAxis != "P":
        print("Calculating isobar lines...")
        P_ = {}
        for P in isoP:
            print("    P=%sMPa" % P)
            P_["%s" % P] = {}
            # Calculate the saturation point if available
            if P < Pc:
                liqsat = fluid(P=P, x=0)
                vapsat = fluid(P=P, x=1)
                sat = True
                sat = False
            pts = []
            for t in Tl:
                    point = fluid(P=P, T=t + 273.15)
                    if fluid == iapws.IAPWS97 and not region5 and \
                            point.region == 5:
                    # Add saturation point if neccesary
                    if sat and P < Pc and point.status and point.s > vapsat.s:
                        sat = False
                except NotImplementedError:

            x = []
            y = []
            for p in pts:
                if p.status:
            plt.plot(x, y, **isoP_kw)
            P_["%s" % P]["x"] = x
            P_["%s" % P]["y"] = y

    # Calculate isoenthalpic lines
    if xAxis != "h" and yAxis != "h":
        print("Calculating isoenthalpic lines...")
        H_ = {}
        for h in isoh:
            print("    h=%skJ/kg" % h)
            H_["%s" % h] = {}
            pts = []
            for p in Pl:
                    point = fluid(P=p, h=h)
                    if fluid == iapws.IAPWS97 and not region5 and \
                            point.region == 5:
                except NotImplementedError:
            x = []
            y = []
            for p in pts:
                if p.status:
            plt.plot(x, y, **isoh_kw)
            H_["%s" % h]["x"] = x
            H_["%s" % h]["y"] = y

    # Calculate isoentropic lines
    if xAxis != "s" and yAxis != "s":
        print("Calculating isoentropic lines...")
        S_ = {}
        for s in isos:
            print("    s=%skJ/kgK" % s)
            S_["%s" % s] = {}
            pts = []
            for p in Pl:
                    point = fluid(P=p, s=s)
                    if fluid == iapws.IAPWS97 and not region5 and \
                            point.region == 5:
                except NotImplementedError:
            x = []
            y = []
            for p in pts:
                if p.status:
            plt.plot(x, y, **isos_kw)
            S_["%s" % s]["x"] = x
            S_["%s" % s]["y"] = y

    # # Calculate isochor lines
    # if xAxis != "v" and yAxis != "v":
    # print("Calculating isochor lines...")
    # for v in isov:
    # print("    v=%s" % v)
    # pts = [fluid(P=p, v=v) for p in Pl]
    # x = []
    # y = []
    # for p in pts:
    #     if p.status:
    #         x.append(p.__getattribute__(xAxis))
    #         y.append(p.__getattribute__(yAxis))
    # plt.plot(x, y, **isov_kw)

    # Plot region limits
    if regionBoundary:
        # Boundary 1-3
        Po = _PSat_T(623.15)
        P = np.linspace(Po, 100, points)
        pts = [fluid(P=p, T=623.15) for p in P]
        x = [p.__getattribute__(xAxis) for p in pts]
        y = [p.__getattribute__(yAxis) for p in pts]
        plt.plot(x, y, **isosat_kw)

        # Boundary 2-3
        T = np.linspace(623.15, 863.15)
        P = [_P23_T(t) for t in T]
        P[-1] = 100  # Avoid round problem with value out of range > 100 MPa
        pts = [fluid(P=p, T=t) for p, t in zip(P, T)]
        x = [p.__getattribute__(xAxis) for p in pts]
        y = [p.__getattribute__(yAxis) for p in pts]
        plt.plot(x, y, **isosat_kw)

    # Show annotate in plot
    xmin, xmax = plt.xlim()
    ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
    for q in isoq:
        x = Q["%s" % q]["x"]
        y = Q["%s" % q]["y"]

        txt = "x=%s" % q
        i = 0
        j = i + 1

        if xAxis in ["P", "v"]:
            fx = (log(x[i]) - log(x[j])) / (log(xmax) - log(xmin))
            fx = (x[i] - x[j]) / (xmax - xmin)
        if yAxis in ["P", "v"]:
            fy = (log(y[i]) - log(y[j])) / (log(ymax) - log(ymin))
            fy = (y[i] - y[j]) / (ymax - ymin)
        rot = atan(fy / fx) * 360 / 2 / pi
        plt.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]), rotation=rot, **labelq_kw)

    if xAxis != "T" and yAxis != "T":
        for T in isoT:
            x = T_["%s" % T]["x"]
            y = T_["%s" % T]["y"]

            if not x:

            txt = "%sºC" % T
            i = 0
            j = i + 2

            if xAxis in ["P", "v"]:
                fx = (log(x[i]) - log(x[j])) / (log(xmax) - log(xmin))
                fx = (x[i] - x[j]) / (xmax - xmin)
            if yAxis in ["P", "v"]:
                fy = (log(y[i]) - log(y[j])) / (log(ymax) - log(ymin))
                fy = (y[i] - y[j]) / (ymax - ymin)
            rot = atan(fy / fx) * 360 / 2 / pi
            plt.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]), rotation=rot, **labelT_kw)

    if xAxis != "P" and yAxis != "P":
        for P in isoP:
            x = P_["%s" % P]["x"]
            y = P_["%s" % P]["y"]

            if not x:

            txt = "%sMPa" % P
            i = len(x) - 15
            j = i - 2

            if xAxis in ["P", "v"]:
                fx = (log(x[i]) - log(x[j])) / (log(xmax) - log(xmin))
                fx = (x[i] - x[j]) / (xmax - xmin)
            if yAxis in ["P", "v"]:
                fy = (log(y[i]) - log(y[j])) / (log(ymax) - log(ymin))
                fy = (y[i] - y[j]) / (ymax - ymin)
            rot = atan(fy / fx) * 360 / 2 / pi
            plt.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]), rotation=rot, **labelP_kw)

    if xAxis != "h" and yAxis != "h":
        for h in isoh:
            x = H_["%s" % h]["x"]
            y = H_["%s" % h]["y"]

            if not x:
            if h % 1000:

            txt = "%s J/g" % h
            i = points
            j = i + 2

            if xAxis in ["P", "v"]:
                fx = (log(x[i]) - log(x[j])) / (log(xmax) - log(xmin))
                fx = (x[i] - x[j]) / (xmax - xmin)
            if yAxis in ["P", "v"]:
                fy = (log(y[i]) - log(y[j])) / (log(ymax) - log(ymin))
                fy = (y[i] - y[j]) / (ymax - ymin)
            rot = atan(fy / fx) * 360 / 2 / pi
            plt.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]), rotation=rot, **labelh_kw)

    if xAxis != "s" and yAxis != "s":
        for s in isos:
            x = S_["%s" % s]["x"]
            y = S_["%s" % s]["y"]

            txt = "%s J/gK" % s
            i = len(x) // 2
            if s > 10:
                j = i + 1
                j = i + 5

            if xAxis in ["P", "v"]:
                fx = (log(x[i]) - log(x[j])) / (log(xmax) - log(xmin))
                fx = (x[i] - x[j]) / (xmax - xmin)
            if yAxis in ["P", "v"]:
                fy = (log(y[i]) - log(y[j])) / (log(ymax) - log(ymin))
                fy = (y[i] - y[j]) / (ymax - ymin)
            rot = atan(fy / fx) * 360 / 2 / pi
            plt.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i]), rotation=rot, **labels_kw)
    if show: