    def test_add_aid_type_item(self):
        Test adding an AidType code list item

        # category should already be in the db
        aidTypeCategory = iati_factory.AidTypeCategoryFactory.create(code='A')

        element = Element('aidType')
        code = Element('code')
        code.text = 'A01'

        name = Element('name')
        name.text = 'General budget support'

        language = Element('language')
        language.text = 'en'

        category = Element('category')
        category.text = 'A'

        description = Element('description')
        description.text = 'test description'

        element.extend([code, name, language, category, description])

        importer = CodeListImporter()

        self.assertEqual(1, AidType.objects.count(),
                         "New AidType should be added into database")

                         "New AidType should be added into database")
    def test_add_aid_type_item(self):
        Test adding an AidType code list item

        # category should already be in the db
        aidTypeCategory = AidTypeCategoryFactory.create(code='A')

        element = Element('aidType')
        code = Element('code')
        code.text = 'A01'

        name = Element('name')
        name.text = 'General budget support'

        language = Element('language')
        language.text = 'en'

        category = Element('category')
        category.text = 'A'

        description = Element('description')
        description.text = 'test description'

        element.extend([code, name, language, category, description])

        importer = CodeListImporter()

        self.assertEqual(1, AidType.objects.count(),
                         "New AidType should be added into database")

        self.assertEqual(aidTypeCategory, AidType.objects.all()[0].category,
                         "New AidType should be added into database")
    def test_add_aid_type_category_item(self):
        Test adding an AidTypeCategory code list item

        code_text = 'A'
        name_text = 'Budget support'
        description_text = 'For contributions under this category...'

        # use factory to create AidTypeCategory, check if set on model
        aidTypeCategory = iati_factory.AidTypeCategoryFactory.create(
            code=code_text, name=name_text, description=description_text)

        element = Element('AidType-category')
        code = Element('code')
        code.text = code_text

        name = Element('name')
        name.text = name_text

        description = Element('description')
        description.text = description_text

        element.extend([code, name, description])

        importer = CodeListImporter()

        self.assertEqual(1, AidTypeCategory.objects.count(),
                         "New AidTypeCategory should be added into database")

                         "New AidTypeCategory should match input")
    def test_add_aid_type_category_item(self):
        Test adding an AidTypeCategory code list item

        code_text = 'A'
        name_text = 'Budget support'
        description_text = 'For contributions under this category...'

        # use factory to create AidTypeCategory, check if set on model
        aidTypeCategory = AidTypeCategoryFactory.create(
            code=code_text, name=name_text, description=description_text)

        element = Element('AidType-category')
        code = Element('code')
        code.text = code_text

        name = Element('name')
        name.text = name_text

        description = Element('description')
        description.text = description_text

        element.extend([code, name, description])

        importer = CodeListImporter()

        self.assertEqual(1, AidTypeCategory.objects.count(),
                         "New AidTypeCategory should be added into database")

        self.assertEqual(aidTypeCategory, AidTypeCategory.objects.all()[0],
                         "New AidTypeCategory should match input")