    def _rewrite_reduction_filter(self, expr):
        # Find the table that this reduction references.

        # TODO: what about reductions that reference a join that isn't visible
        # at this level? Means we probably have the wrong design, but will have
        # to revisit when it becomes a problem.
        aggregation, _ = L.reduction_to_aggregation(expr, default_name='tmp')
        return aggregation.to_array()
    def _adapt_expr(expr):
        # Non-table expressions need to be adapted to some well-formed table
        # expression, along with a way to adapt the results to the desired
        # arity (whether array-like or scalar, for example)
        # Canonical case is scalar values or arrays produced by some reductions
        # (simple reductions, or distinct, say)

        if isinstance(expr, ir.Table):
            return expr, toolz.identity

        if isinstance(expr, ir.Scalar):
            if not expr.has_name():
                expr = expr.name('tmp')

            if L.is_scalar_reduction(expr):
                table_expr = L.reduction_to_aggregation(expr)
                return table_expr, _get_scalar(expr.get_name())
                return expr, _get_scalar(expr.get_name())

        elif isinstance(expr, ir.Analytic):
            return expr.to_aggregation(), toolz.identity

        elif isinstance(expr, ir.Column):
            op = expr.op()

            if isinstance(op, ops.TableColumn):
                table_expr = op.table[[op.name]]
                result_handler = _get_column(op.name)
                if not expr.has_name():
                    expr = expr.name('tmp')
                table_expr = expr.to_projection()
                result_handler = _get_column(expr.get_name())

            return table_expr, result_handler
            raise com.TranslationError(
                f'Do not know how to execute: {type(expr)}')
def _adapt_expr(expr):
    # Non-table expressions need to be adapted to some well-formed table
    # expression, along with a way to adapt the results to the desired
    # arity (whether array-like or scalar, for example)
    # Canonical case is scalar values or arrays produced by some reductions
    # (simple reductions, or distinct, say)
    def as_is(x):
        return x

    if isinstance(expr, ir.TableExpr):
        return expr, as_is

    def _get_scalar(field):
        def scalar_handler(results):
            return results[field][0]
        return scalar_handler

    if isinstance(expr, ir.ScalarExpr):

        if L.is_scalar_reduce(expr):
            table_expr, name = L.reduction_to_aggregation(
                expr, default_name='tmp')
            return table_expr, _get_scalar(name)
            base_table = ir.find_base_table(expr)
            if base_table is None:
                # expr with no table refs
                return expr.name('tmp'), _get_scalar('tmp')
                raise NotImplementedError(expr._repr())

    elif isinstance(expr, ir.AnalyticExpr):
        return expr.to_aggregation(), as_is

    elif isinstance(expr, ir.ExprList):
        exprs = expr.exprs()

        is_aggregation = True
        any_aggregation = False

        for x in exprs:
            if not L.is_scalar_reduce(x):
                is_aggregation = False
                any_aggregation = True

        if is_aggregation:
            table = ir.find_base_table(exprs[0])
            return table.aggregate(exprs), as_is
        elif not any_aggregation:
            return expr, as_is
            raise NotImplementedError(expr._repr())

    elif isinstance(expr, ir.ArrayExpr):
        op = expr.op()

        def _get_column(name):
            def column_handler(results):
                return results[name]
            return column_handler

        if isinstance(op, ops.TableColumn):
            table_expr = op.table[[op.name]]
            result_handler = _get_column(op.name)
            # Something more complicated.
            base_table = L.find_source_table(expr)

            if isinstance(op, ops.DistinctArray):
                expr = op.arg
                    name = op.arg.get_name()
                except Exception:
                    name = 'tmp'

                table_expr = (base_table.projection([expr.name(name)])
                result_handler = _get_column(name)
                table_expr = base_table.projection([expr.name('tmp')])
                result_handler = _get_column('tmp')

        return table_expr, result_handler
        raise com.TranslationError('Do not know how to execute: {0}'
    def _adapt_expr(expr):
        # Non-table expressions need to be adapted to some well-formed table
        # expression, along with a way to adapt the results to the desired
        # arity (whether array-like or scalar, for example)
        # Canonical case is scalar values or arrays produced by some reductions
        # (simple reductions, or distinct, say)

        if isinstance(expr, ir.TableExpr):
            return expr, toolz.identity

        def _get_scalar(field):
            def scalar_handler(results):
                return results[field][0]

            return scalar_handler

        if isinstance(expr, ir.ScalarExpr):

            if L.is_scalar_reduction(expr):
                table_expr, name = L.reduction_to_aggregation(
                    expr, default_name='tmp'
                return table_expr, _get_scalar(name)
                base_table = ir.find_base_table(expr)
                if base_table is None:
                    # exprs with no table refs
                    # TODO(phillipc): remove ScalarParameter hack
                    if isinstance(expr.op(), ops.ScalarParameter):
                        name = expr.get_name()
                        assert (
                            name is not None
                        ), f'scalar parameter {expr} has no name'
                        return expr, _get_scalar(name)
                    return expr.name('tmp'), _get_scalar('tmp')

                raise NotImplementedError(repr(expr))

        elif isinstance(expr, ir.AnalyticExpr):
            return expr.to_aggregation(), toolz.identity

        elif isinstance(expr, ir.ColumnExpr):
            op = expr.op()

            def _get_column(name):
                def column_handler(results):
                    return results[name]

                return column_handler

            if isinstance(op, ops.TableColumn):
                table_expr = op.table[[op.name]]
                result_handler = _get_column(op.name)
                # Something more complicated.
                base_table = L.find_source_table(expr)

                if isinstance(op, ops.DistinctColumn):
                    expr = op.arg
                        name = op.arg.get_name()
                    except Exception:
                        name = 'tmp'

                    table_expr = base_table.projection(
                    result_handler = _get_column(name)
                    table_expr = base_table.projection([expr.name('tmp')])
                    result_handler = _get_column('tmp')

            return table_expr, result_handler
            raise com.TranslationError(
                f'Do not know how to execute: {type(expr)}'