from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI dsapi = DSAPI() hproj = None hjob = None try: _, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format( DS_PROJECT, err)) DS_JOB_ID = 'tst_api_job_id_1' print("Setting the id {} for the job {}".format(DS_JOB_ID, DS_JOB_NAME)) res, err = dsapi.DSSetIdForJob(hproj, DS_JOB_NAME, DS_JOB_ID) if err: raise Exception("Can't set the id {} for the job {}: {}".format( DS_JOB_ID, DS_JOB_NAME, err)) print("Getting a job id by the job name {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME))
from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI dsapi = DSAPI() hproj = None hjob = None try: _, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format(DS_PROJECT, err)) print("The list of available project properties:") res, err = dsapi.DSListProjectProperties(hproj) if err: raise Exception("Can't get the list of the project properties".format(err)) print(res) print("Setting the project property DSA_OSHVISIBLEFLAG = 1") _, err = dsapi.DSSetProjectProperty(hproj, dsapi.DSA_OSHVISIBLEFLAG, '1') if err: raise Exception("Can't set the project property: {}".format(err))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.append('..') from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI, DSPARAM hproj = None hjob = None dsapi = DSAPI() try: res, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format(DS_PROJECT, err)) print("Loading the job {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME)) hjob, err = dsapi.DSOpenJob(hproj, DS_JOB_NAME) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the job {}: {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME, err))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.append('..') from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI hproj = None hjob = None dsapi = DSAPI() try: res, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("The list of available projects located on the server:") res, err = dsapi.DSGetProjectList() if err: raise Exception("Can't get the list of the projects: {}".format(err)) print(res) dsapi.DSUnloadLibrary()
from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI, DSPARAM, encode_string dsapi = DSAPI() hproj = None hjob = None try: _, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format( DS_PROJECT, err)) print("Loading the job {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME)) hjob, err = dsapi.DSOpenJob(hproj, DS_JOB_NAME) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the job {}: {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME, err)) print("Blocking the job {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME)) res, err = dsapi.DSLockJob(hjob) if err: raise Exception("Can't block the job: {}".format(err))
jobs_list = [] while True: short_job_name = decode_bytes(res.jobname).split("\\")[-1] jobs_list.append(short_job_name) if res.nextjob: res = res.nextjob.contents else: break for job in jobs_list: print_job_dependencies(job, level + 1) dsapi = DSAPI() hproj = None hjob = None try: _, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.append('..') from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI hproj = None hjob = None dsapi = DSAPI() try: res, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format(DS_PROJECT, err)) print("Loading the job {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME)) hjob, err = dsapi.DSOpenJob(hproj, DS_JOB_NAME) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the job {}: {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME, err))
from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI dsapi = DSAPI() hproj = None hjob = None try: _, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format( DS_PROJECT, err)) print("Searching jobs by the specified type, name and folder") res, err = dsapi.DSGetReposInfo(hproj, dsapi.DSS_JOBS, dsapi.DSS_JOB_ALL, '*tst*', 'Jobs') if err: raise Exception("Can't search jobs: {}".format(err)) if res is None: print("No data found") else:
from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI, decode_bytes dsapi = DSAPI() hproj = None hjob = None try: _, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format( DS_PROJECT, err)) print("Loading the job {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME)) hjob, err = dsapi.DSOpenJob(hproj, DS_JOB_NAME) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the job {}: {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME, err)) print("Getting an information about custom variable of the stage") DS_JOB_STAGE_NAME = 'TR_TST' DS_JOB_STAGE_CUSTINFO_VAR_NAME = 'SUMVALUEINSTANCE'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.append('..') from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI hproj = None hjob = None dsapi = DSAPI() try: res, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format( DS_PROJECT, err)) ENV_VAR_NAME = 'tst_env_var' print("Adding the environment variable in the project")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys sys.path.append('..') from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI hproj = None hjob = None dsapi = DSAPI() try: res, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format( DS_PROJECT, err)) print("Loading the job {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME)) hjob, err = dsapi.DSOpenJob(hproj, DS_JOB_NAME) if err:
from config import * from ibm_datastage_api import DSAPI, convert_char_p_to_list dsapi = DSAPI() hproj = None hjob = None try: _, err = dsapi.DSLoadLibrary(API_LIB_FILE) if err: raise Exception("Loading the library failed: {}".format(err)) print("Setting the parameters to connect to DataStage server") dsapi.DSSetServerParams(DS_DOMAIN_NAME, DS_USER_NAME, DS_PASSWORD, DS_SERVER) print("Loading the project {}".format(DS_PROJECT)) hproj, err = dsapi.DSOpenProject(DS_PROJECT) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the project {}: {}".format( DS_PROJECT, err)) print("Loading the job {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME)) hjob, err = dsapi.DSOpenJob(hproj, DS_JOB_NAME) if err: raise Exception("Can't open the job {}: {}".format(DS_JOB_NAME, err)) print("Getting an information about the link of the stage") DS_JOB_STAGE_NAME = 'TR_TST' DS_JOB_STAGE_LINK_NAME = 'LNK_TR'