 def setUp(self):
     topology = self.nrr_topology()
     model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
     self.view = NetworkView(model)
     self.controller = NetworkController(model)
     self.collector = DummyCollector(self.view)
 def setUp(self):
     topology = self.my_topology()
     model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'LRU'})
     self.view = NetworkView(model)
     self.controller = NetworkController(model)
     self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)
 def setUp(self):
     topology = off_path_topology()
     model = NetworkModel(topology)
     self.view = NetworkView(model)
     self.controller = NetworkController(model)
     self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)
 def setup_method(self):
     topology = self.nrr_topology()
     model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={"name": "FIFO"})
     self.view = NetworkView(model)
     self.controller = NetworkController(model)
     self.collector = DummyCollector(self.view)
文件: engine.py 项目: Sraq-Zit/icarus
def exec_experiment(topology, workload, netconf, strategy, cache_policy,
    """Execute the simulation of a specific scenario.

    topology : Topology
        The FNSS Topology object modelling the network topology on which
        experiments are run.
    workload : iterable
        An iterable object whose elements are (time, event) tuples, where time
        is a float type indicating the timestamp of the event to be executed
        and event is a dictionary storing all the attributes of the event to
    netconf : dict
        Dictionary of attributes to inizialize the network model
    strategy : tree
        Strategy definition. It is tree describing the name of the strategy
        to use and a list of initialization attributes
    cache_policy : tree
        Cache policy definition. It is tree describing the name of the cache
        policy to use and a list of initialization attributes
    collectors: dict
        The collectors to be used. It is a dictionary in which keys are the
        names of collectors to use and values are dictionaries of attributes
        for the collector they refer to.

    results : Tree
        A tree with the aggregated simulation results from all collectors
    netconf['n_contents'] = workload.n_contents
    model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy, **netconf)
    view = NetworkView(model)
    controller = NetworkController(model)

    collectors_inst = [
        DATA_COLLECTOR[name](view, **params)
        for name, params in collectors.items()
    collector = CollectorProxy(view, collectors_inst)

    strategy_name = strategy['name']
    strategy_args = {k: v for k, v in strategy.items() if k != 'name'}
    strategy_inst = STRATEGY[strategy_name](view, controller, **strategy_args)
    i = 0
    for time, event in workload:
        strategy_inst.process_event(time, **event)
        # i+=1
        # if not i%30:
        #     results = collector.results()
        #     logger.info('Mean hit ratio: %f | Mean latency: %f | Reward: %f.'%(results['CACHE_HIT_RATIO']['MEAN'], results['LATENCY']['MEAN'], controller.get_avg_reward()))

    # workload.reward = controller.get_avg_reward()

    return collector.results()
def exec_experiment(topology, workload, netconf, strategy, cache_policy, collectors, desc):
    """Execute the simulation of a specific scenario.
    topology : Topology
        The FNSS Topology object modelling the network topology on which
        experiments are run.
    workload : iterable
        An iterable object whose elements are (time, event) tuples, where time
        is a float type indicating the timestamp of the event to be executed
        and event is a dictionary storing all the attributes of the event to
    netconf : dict
        Dictionary of attributes to inizialize the network model
    strategy : tree
        Strategy definition. It is tree describing the name of the strategy
        to use and a list of initialization attributes
    cache_policy : tree
        Cache policy definition. It is tree describing the name of the cache
        policy to use and a list of initialization attributes
    collectors: dict
        The collectors to be used. It is a dictionary in which keys are the
        names of collectors to use and values are dictionaries of attributes
        for the collector they refer to.
    results : Tree
        A tree with the aggregated simulation results from all collectors
    model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy, **netconf)
    view = NetworkView(model)
    controller = NetworkController(model)
    collectors_inst = [DATA_COLLECTOR[name](view, **params)
                       for name, params in list(collectors.items())]
    collector = CollectorProxy(view, collectors_inst)
    strategy_name = strategy['name']
    strategy_args = {k: v for k, v in list(strategy.items()) if k != 'name'}
    strategy_inst = STRATEGY[strategy_name](view, controller, **strategy_args)

    processed_events = 0

    for time, event in workload:
        strategy_inst.process_event(time, **event)
        processed_events += 1

        if processed_events % 1000000 == 0:
            logger.info('Progress: %s, %f' % (desc, float(processed_events) / float(workload.n_measured)))

    return collector.results()
def exec_experiment(topology, workload, netconf, strategy, cache_policy, collectors, desc):
    """Execute the simulation of a specific scenario.
    topology : Topology
        The FNSS Topology object modelling the network topology on which
        experiments are run.
    workload : iterable
        An iterable object whose elements are (time, event) tuples, where time
        is a float type indicating the timestamp of the event to be executed
        and event is a dictionary storing all the attributes of the event to
    netconf : dict
        Dictionary of attributes to inizialize the network model
    strategy : tree
        Strategy definition. It is tree describing the name of the strategy
        to use and a list of initialization attributes
    cache_policy : tree
        Cache policy definition. It is tree describing the name of the cache
        policy to use and a list of initialization attributes
    collectors: dict
        The collectors to be used. It is a dictionary in which keys are the
        names of collectors to use and values are dictionaries of attributes
        for the collector they refer to.
    results : Tree
        A tree with the aggregated simulation results from all collectors
    model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy, **netconf)
    view = NetworkView(model)
    controller = NetworkController(model)
    collectors_inst = [DATA_COLLECTOR[name](view, **params)
                       for name, params in collectors.items()]
    collector = CollectorProxy(view, collectors_inst)
    strategy_name = strategy['name']
    strategy_args = {k: v for k, v in strategy.items() if k != 'name'}
    strategy_inst = STRATEGY[strategy_name](view, controller, **strategy_args)

    processed_events = 0

    for time, event in workload:
        strategy_inst.process_event(time, **event)
        processed_events += 1

        if processed_events % 1000000 == 0:
            logger.info('Progress: %s, %f' % (desc, float(processed_events) / float(workload.n_measured)))

    return collector.results()
def exec_experiment(topology, workload, netconf, strategy, cache_policy,
    """Execute the simulation of a specific scenario.

    topology : Topology
        The FNSS Topology object modelling the network topology on which
        experiments are run.
    workload : iterable
        An iterable object whose elements are (time, event) tuples, where time
        is a float type indicating the timestamp of the event to be executed
        and event is a dictionary storing all the attributes of the event to
    netconf : dict
        Dictionary of attributes to inizialize the network model
    strategy : tree
        Strategy definition. It is tree describing the name of the strategy
        to use and a list of initialization attributes
    cache_policy : tree
        Cache policy definition. It is tree describing the name of the cache
        policy to use and a list of initialization attributes
    collectors: dict
        The collectors to be used. It is a dictionary in which keys are the
        names of collectors to use and values are dictionaries of attributes
        for the collector they refer to.

    results : Tree
        A tree with the aggregated simulation results from all collectors
    model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy, **netconf)
    view = NetworkView(model)
    controller = NetworkController(model)

    collectors_inst = [
        DATA_COLLECTOR[name](view, **params)
        for name, params in collectors.items()
    collector = CollectorProxy(view, collectors_inst)

    strategy_name = strategy['name']
    strategy_args = {k: v for k, v in strategy.items() if k != 'name'}
    strategy_inst = STRATEGY[strategy_name](view, controller, **strategy_args)

    for time, event in workload:  # e.g. time: 1520036461364, event: {'receiver': 'battery3/receiver', 'content': '/agent4/battery3/charging/v0', 'log': True}
        # print('calling process_event with time:', time, '  event', event)
        # write_to_file(time)
        strategy_inst.process_event(time, **event)
    return collector.results()
 def setUp(self):
     topology = off_path_topology()
     model = NetworkModel(topology)
     self.view = NetworkView(model)
     self.controller = NetworkController(model)
     self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)
 def setUp(self):
     topology = nrr_topology()
     model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
     self.view = NetworkView(model)
     self.controller = NetworkController(model)
     self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)
def exec_experiment(topology, events, strategy, collectors):
    Execute the simulation of a specific scenario
    topology : Topology
        An FNSS topology object with the network topology used for the
    events : iterable
        An iterable object whose elements are (time, event) tuples, where time
        is a float type indicating the timestamp of the event to be executed
        and event is a dictionary storing all the attributes of the event to
    strategy : 2-tuple
        Strategy definition. It is a 2-tuple where the first element is the
        name of the strategy and the second element is a dictionary of
        strategy attributes
    collectors: list of tuples
        The collectors to be used. It is a list of 2-tuples. Each tuple has as
        first element the name of the collector and as second element a
        dictionary of collector parameters
    results : dict
        A dictionary with the aggregated simulation results from all collectors.
    model = NetworkModel(topology)
    view = NetworkView(model)
    controller = NetworkController(model)
    collectors_inst = [data_collector_register[name](view, **params)
                  for name, params in collectors]
    collector = CollectorProxy(view, collectors_inst)
    str_name, str_params = strategy
    strategy_inst = strategy_register[str_name](view, controller, **str_params)
    for time, event in events:
        strategy_inst.process_event(time, **event)
    return collector.results()
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def my_topology(cls):
        """Return my topology for testing caching strategies
        # Topology sketch
        #            0
        #         /     \
        #        /       \
        #       /         \
        #      1           2
        #    /   \       /  \
        #   3     4     5    6
        #  / \   / \   / \  / \
        # 7   8 9  10 11 1213 14
        k = 2
        h = 3
        delay = 5
        topology = IcnTopology(fnss.k_ary_tree_topology(k, h))
        receivers = [
            v for v in topology.nodes_iter() if topology.node[v]['depth'] == h
        sources = [
            v for v in topology.nodes_iter() if topology.node[v]['depth'] == 0
        routers = [
            v for v in topology.nodes_iter()
            if topology.node[v]['depth'] > 0 and topology.node[v]['depth'] < h
        topology.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(routers)
        for v in receivers:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver')
        for v in routers:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {'cache_size': 2})

        contents = (1, 2, 3)
        fnss.add_stack(topology, source, 'source', {'contents': contents})

        # set weights and delays on all links
        fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1.0)
        fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, delay, 'ms')
        fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 20, 'ms', [(0, 1), (0, 2)])
        # label links as internal
        for u, v in topology.edges_iter():
            topology.edge[u][v]['type'] = 'internal'
        return IcnTopology(topology)

    def setUp(self):
        topology = self.my_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'LRU'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)

    def tearDown(self):

    # ²âÊÔÓÃÀý
    def test_case1(self):
        hr = strategy.CRAN_CountBloomFilter1(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 7 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 1, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(0, loc)

        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        #exp_req_hops = [(7, 3), (3, 1), (1, 0)]
        #exp_cont_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 3), (3, 7)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))

        hr.process_event(1, 13, 2, True)

        for i in range(2, 8):
            print "loop", i
            hr.process_event(1, 16, i, True)

        num = self.view.cache_dump(4)
        print "cache of node 4:", num
        num2 = self.view.cache_dump(5)
        print "cache of node 5:", num2
        num1 = self.view.cache_dump(1)
        print "cache of node 1:", num1

        hr.process_event(1, 13, 6, True)
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 6, True)
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 6, True)
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 7, True)
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 7, True)
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 5, True)
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 5, True)
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 1, True)
        hr.process_event(1, 13, 8, True)
        num = self.view.cache_dump(4)
        print "cache of node 4:", num
        num2 = self.view.cache_dump(5)
        print "cache of node 5:", num2
        num1 = self.view.cache_dump(1)
        print "cache of node 1:", num1
class TestNrr(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test suite for Nearest Replica Routing strategies"""
    def nrr_topology(cls):
        """Return topology for testing NRR caching strategies
        # Topology sketch
        # 0 ---- 2----- 4
        #        |       \
        #        |        s
        #        |       /
        # 1 ---- 3 ---- 5
        topology = IcnTopology(fnss.Topology())
        nx.add_path(topology, [0, 2, 4, "s", 5, 3, 1])
        topology.add_edge(2, 3)
        receivers = (0, 1)
        source = "s"
        caches = (2, 3, 4, 5)
        contents = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        fnss.add_stack(topology, source, 'source', {'contents': contents})
        for v in caches:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {'cache_size': 1})
        for v in receivers:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
        fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 1, 'ms')
        return topology

    def setUp(self):
        topology = self.nrr_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = DummyCollector(self.view)

    def test_lce(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view,
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, "s")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("s", 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual("s", summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(3, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view,
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(loc))
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, "s")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("s", 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual("s", summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(3, summary['serving_node'])
class TestPartition(unittest.TestCase):
    def partition_topology(cls):
        #      +-- s1 --+
        #     /     |    \
        #   c1-----[]----c2
        #         /  \
        #        r1  r2
        topo = fnss.Topology()
        icr_candidates = ["c1", "router", "c2"]
        nx.add_path(topo, icr_candidates)
        topo.add_edge("r1", "router")
        topo.add_edge("r2", "router")
        topo.add_edge("c1", "s1")
        topo.add_edge("c2", "s1")
        topo.graph['icr_candidates'] = set(icr_candidates)
        contents = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        for router in icr_candidates:
            if router in ("c1", "c2"):
                props = {'cache_size': 1}
            fnss.add_stack(topo, router, 'router', **props)
        for src in ['s1']:
            fnss.add_stack(topo, src, 'source', {'contents': contents})
        for rcv in ['r1', 'r2']:
            fnss.add_stack(topo, rcv, 'receiver')
        topo.graph['cache_assignment'] = {"r1": "c1", "r2": "c2"}
        return IcnTopology(topo)

    def setUp(self):
        topology = self.partition_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = DummyCollector(self.view)

    def test(self):
        hr = strategy.Partition(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, "r1", 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(loc))
        self.assertIn("s1", loc)
        self.assertIn("c1", loc)
        self.assertNotIn("c2", loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [("r1", "router"), ("router", "c1"), ("c1", "s1")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("s1", "c1"), ("c1", "router"), ("router", "r1")]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual("s1", summary['serving_node'])
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, "r1", 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(loc))
        self.assertIn("s1", loc)
        self.assertIn("c1", loc)
        self.assertNotIn("c2", loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [("r1", "router"), ("router", "c1")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("c1", "router"), ("router", "r1")]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual("c1", summary['serving_node'])
        # Now try with other partition
        hr.process_event(1, "r2", 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn("s1", loc)
        self.assertIn("c1", loc)
        self.assertIn("c2", loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [("r2", "router"), ("router", "c2"), ("c2", "s1")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("s1", "c2"), ("c2", "router"), ("router", "r2")]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual("s1", summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, "r2", 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn("s1", loc)
        self.assertIn("c1", loc)
        self.assertIn("c2", loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [("r2", "router"), ("router", "c2")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("c2", "router"), ("router", "r2")]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual("c2", summary['serving_node'])
class TestOnPath(unittest.TestCase):
    def on_path_topology(cls):
        """Return topology for testing on-path caching strategies
        # Topology sketch
        # 0 ---- 1 ---- 2 ---- 3 ---- 4
        #               |
        #               |
        #               5
        topology = IcnTopology(fnss.line_topology(5))
        topology.add_edge(2, 5)
        source = 4
        receivers = (0, 5)
        caches = (1, 2, 3)
        contents = caches
        fnss.add_stack(topology, source, 'source', {'contents': contents})
        for v in caches:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {'cache_size': 1})
        for v in receivers:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
        return topology

    def setUp(self):
        topology = self.on_path_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = DummyCollector(self.view)

    def test_lce_same_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2), ))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 5), ))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_lce_different_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from 5
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(5, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 5)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from , hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_edge(self):
        hr = strategy.Edge(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(1, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(5, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 5)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(5, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 5)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyDown(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 1
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss and eviction of 2 from 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))

    def test_cl4m(self):
        hr = strategy.CacheLessForMore(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))

    def test_random_choice(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomChoice(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_random_bernoulli(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_random_bernoulli_p_0(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller, p=0)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertNotIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertNotIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_random_bernoulli_p_1(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller, p=1)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(1, summary['serving_node'])
class TestHashrouting(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):
    def setUp(self):
        topology = off_path_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology)
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_hashrouting_symmetric(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingSymmetric(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 2 repeat request, expect cache hit
        hr.process_event(2, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # Now request from node 6, expect hit
        hr.process_event(3, 6, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((6, 2),))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 6),))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_hashrouting_asymmetric(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingAsymmetric(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # Now request from node 6, expect miss but cache insertion
        hr.process_event(2, 6, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((6, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 6)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # Now request from node 0 again, expect hit
        hr.process_event(3, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_hashrouting_multicast(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingMulticast(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 2 repeat request, expect cache hit
        hr.process_event(2, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # Now request from node 6, expect hit
        hr.process_event(3, 6, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((6, 2),))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 6),))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
    def test_hashrouting_hybrid_am(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingHybridAM(self.view, self.controller, max_stretch=0.3)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2, expect asymmetric
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 2, receiver 0 requests content 3, expect multicast
        hr.process_event(3, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0), (4, 3)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 3, receiver 0 requests content 5, expect symm = mcast = asymm
        hr.process_event(3, 0, 5, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(5)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(5, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 5), (5, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops)) 

    def test_hashrouting_hybrid_sm(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingHybridSM(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2, expect asymmetric
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0), (4, 3)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 2, receiver 0 requests content 5, expect symm = mcast = asymm
        hr.process_event(2, 0, 5, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(5)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(5, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 5), (5, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
    def test_hashrouting_hybrid_sm_multi_options(self):
        # NOTE: The following test case will fail because NetworkX returns as
        # shortest path from 4 to 1: 4-5-0-1. There is also another shortest
        # path: 4-3-2-1. The best delivery strategy overall would be multicast
        # but because of NetworkX selecting the least convenient shortest path
        # the computed solution is symmetric with path: 4-5-0-1-2-6.
class TestNrr(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test suite for Nearest Replica Routing strategies"""

    def nrr_topology(cls):
        """Return topology for testing NRR caching strategies
        # Topology sketch
        # 0 ---- 2----- 4
        #        |       \
        #        |        s
        #        |       /
        # 1 ---- 3 ---- 5
        topology = IcnTopology(fnss.Topology())
        nx.add_path(topology, [0, 2, 4, "s", 5, 3, 1])
        topology.add_edge(2, 3)
        receivers = (0, 1)
        source = "s"
        caches = (2, 3, 4, 5)
        contents = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        fnss.add_stack(topology, source, 'source', {'contents': contents})
        for v in caches:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'router', {'cache_size': 1})
        for v in receivers:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, 'receiver', {})
        fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 1, 'ms')
        return topology

    def setUp(self):
        topology = self.nrr_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = DummyCollector(self.view)

    def test_lce(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view, self.controller, metacaching='LCE')
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, "s")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("s", 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual("s", summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(3, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view, self.controller, metacaching='LCD')
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(loc))
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, "s")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("s", 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual("s", summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn("s", loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(3, summary['serving_node'])
class TestHashrouting(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def setUp(self):
        topology = off_path_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_hashrouting_symmetric(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingSymmetric(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 2 repeat request, expect cache hit
        hr.process_event(2, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # Now request from node 6, expect hit
        hr.process_event(3, 6, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((6, 2), ))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 6), ))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_hashrouting_asymmetric(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingAsymmetric(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # Now request from node 6, expect miss but cache insertion
        hr.process_event(2, 6, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((6, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 6)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # Now request from node 0 again, expect hit
        hr.process_event(3, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_hashrouting_multicast(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingMulticast(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 2 repeat request, expect cache hit
        hr.process_event(2, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # Now request from node 6, expect hit
        hr.process_event(3, 6, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((6, 2), ))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 6), ))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_hashrouting_hybrid_am(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingHybridAM(self.view,
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2, expect asymmetric
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 2, receiver 0 requests content 3, expect multicast
        hr.process_event(3, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0), (4, 3)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 3, receiver 0 requests content 5, expect symm = mcast = asymm
        hr.process_event(3, 0, 5, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(5)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(5, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 5), (5, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_hashrouting_hybrid_sm(self):
        hr = strategy.HashroutingHybridSM(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.authoritative_cache = lambda x: x
        # At time 1, receiver 0 requests content 2, expect asymmetric
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0), (4, 3)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # At time 2, receiver 0 requests content 5, expect symm = mcast = asymm
        hr.process_event(2, 0, 5, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(5)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(5, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 5), (5, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 5), (5, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_hashrouting_hybrid_sm_multi_options(self):
        # NOTE: The following test case will fail because NetworkX returns as
        # shortest path from 4 to 1: 4-5-0-1. There is also another shortest
        # path: 4-3-2-1. The best delivery strategy overall would be multicast
        # but because of NetworkX selecting the least convenient shortest path
        # the computed solution is symmetric with path: 4-5-0-1-2-6.
class TestOnPath(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def setUp(self):
        topology = on_path_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology)
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_lce_same_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2), ))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 5), ))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_lce_different_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from 5
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 5)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from , hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyDown(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set((
            (0, 1),
            (1, 2),
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 1
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), ))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((1, 0), ))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss and eviction of 2 from 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_cl4m(self):
        hr = strategy.CacheLessForMore(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
class TestNrr(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):
    def setUp(self):
        topology = nrr_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)
    def tearDown(self):
    def test_lce(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view, self.controller, metacaching='LCE')
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, 6)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(6, 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(6, summary['serving_node'])
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(3, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view, self.controller, metacaching='LCD')
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(2, len(loc))
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, 6)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(6, 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(6, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(3, summary['serving_node'])
class TestOnPath(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):
    def setUp(self):
        topology = on_path_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)
    def tearDown(self):
    def test_lce_same_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2),))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 5),))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
    def test_lce_different_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from 5
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 5)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from , hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_edge(self):
        hr = strategy.Edge(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(1, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(5, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 5)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(5, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 5)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyDown(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2),))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 1
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1),))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((1, 0),))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss and eviction of 2 from 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
    def test_cl4m(self):
        hr = strategy.CacheLessForMore(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
    def test_random_choice(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomChoice(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
    def test_random_bernoulli(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
    def test_random_bernoulli_p_0(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller, p=0)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertNotIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertNotIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
    def test_random_bernoulli_p_1(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller, p=1)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(1, summary['serving_node'])
class TestNrr:
    """Test suite for Nearest Replica Routing strategies"""
    def nrr_topology(cls):
        """Return topology for testing NRR caching strategies"""
        # Topology sketch
        # 0 ---- 2----- 4
        #        |       \
        #        |        s
        #        |       /
        # 1 ---- 3 ---- 5
        topology = IcnTopology(fnss.Topology())
        nx.add_path(topology, [0, 2, 4, "s", 5, 3, 1])
        topology.add_edge(2, 3)
        receivers = (0, 1)
        source = "s"
        caches = (2, 3, 4, 5)
        contents = (1, 2, 3, 4)
        fnss.add_stack(topology, source, "source", {"contents": contents})
        for v in caches:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, "router", {"cache_size": 1})
        for v in receivers:
            fnss.add_stack(topology, v, "receiver", {})
        fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, 1, "ms")
        return topology

    def setup_method(self):
        topology = self.nrr_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={"name": "FIFO"})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = DummyCollector(self.view)

    def test_lce(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view,
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        assert 3 == len(loc)
        assert 2 in loc
        assert 4 in loc
        assert "s" in loc
        assert 3 not in loc
        assert 5 not in loc
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, "s")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("s", 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        assert set(exp_req_hops) == set(summary["request_hops"])
        assert set(exp_cont_hops) == set(summary["content_hops"])
        assert "s" == summary["serving_node"]
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        assert 4 == len(loc)
        assert 2 in loc
        assert 4 in loc
        assert "s" in loc
        assert 3 in loc
        assert 5 not in loc
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        assert set(exp_req_hops) == set(summary["request_hops"])
        assert set(exp_cont_hops) == set(summary["content_hops"])
        assert 2 == summary["serving_node"]
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        assert 4 == len(loc)
        assert 2 in loc
        assert 4 in loc
        assert "s" in loc
        assert 3 in loc
        assert 5 not in loc
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        assert set(exp_req_hops) == set(summary["request_hops"])
        assert set(exp_cont_hops) == set(summary["content_hops"])
        assert 3 == summary["serving_node"]

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view,
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        assert 2 == len(loc)
        assert 2 not in loc
        assert 4 in loc
        assert "s" in loc
        assert 3 not in loc
        assert 5 not in loc
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, "s")]
        exp_cont_hops = [("s", 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        assert set(exp_req_hops) == set(summary["request_hops"])
        assert set(exp_cont_hops) == set(summary["content_hops"])
        assert "s" == summary["serving_node"]
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        assert 3 == len(loc)
        assert 2 in loc
        assert 4 in loc
        assert "s" in loc
        assert 3 not in loc
        assert 5 not in loc
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 2), (2, 0)]
        assert set(exp_req_hops) == set(summary["request_hops"])
        assert set(exp_cont_hops) == set(summary["content_hops"])
        assert 4 == summary["serving_node"]
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        assert 4 == len(loc)
        assert 2 in loc
        assert 4 in loc
        assert "s" in loc
        assert 3 in loc
        assert 5 not in loc
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        assert set(exp_req_hops) == set(summary["request_hops"])
        assert set(exp_cont_hops) == set(summary["content_hops"])
        assert 2 == summary["serving_node"]
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        assert 4 == len(loc)
        assert 2 in loc
        assert 4 in loc
        assert "s" in loc
        assert 3 in loc
        assert 5 not in loc
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        assert set(exp_req_hops) == set(summary["request_hops"])
        assert set(exp_cont_hops) == set(summary["content_hops"])
        assert 3 == summary["serving_node"]
class TestOnPath(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def setUp(self):
        topology = on_path_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_lce_same_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2), ))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 5), ))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_lce_different_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from 5
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 5)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from , hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_edge(self):
        hr = strategy.Edge(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 1)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(1, 0)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(1, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(5, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 5)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(5, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 5)]
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(cont_hops))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyDown(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set((
            (0, 1),
            (1, 2),
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 1
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), ))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((1, 0), ))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss and eviction of 2 from 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_cl4m(self):
        hr = strategy.CacheLessForMore(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_random_choice(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomChoice(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_random_bernoulli(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_random_bernoulli_p_0(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller, p=0)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertNotIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertNotIn(1, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_random_bernoulli_p_1(self):
        hr = strategy.RandomBernoulli(self.view, self.controller, p=1)
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        self.assertEqual(1, summary['serving_node'])
class TestOnPath(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):
    def setUp(self):
        topology = on_path_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology)
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)
    def tearDown(self):
    def test_lce_same_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2),))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 5),))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))

    def test_lce_different_content(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyEverywhere(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from 5
        hr.process_event(1, 5, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((5, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 5)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # request content 3 from , hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 1)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.LeaveCopyDown(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 2
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2),))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit in 1
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 4)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1),))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((1, 0),))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss and eviction of 2 from 3
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
    def test_cl4m(self):
        hr = strategy.CacheLessForMore(self.view, self.controller)
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 3)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
        # receiver 0 requests 3, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 3, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(1, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(3)
        self.assertEquals(len(loc), 2)
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = set(((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)))
        exp_cont_hops = set(((4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0)))
        req_hops = summary['request_hops']
        cont_hops = summary['content_hops']
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_req_hops, set(req_hops))
        self.assertSetEqual(exp_cont_hops, set(cont_hops))
def exec_experiment(topology,
                    sched_policy={'name': 'EDF'}):
    """Execute the simulation of a specific scenario.

    topology : Topology
        The FNSS Topology object modelling the network topology on which
        experiments are run.
    workload : iterable
        An iterable object whose elements are (time, event) tuples, where time
        is a float type indicating the timestamp of the event to be executed
        and event is a dictionary storing all the attributes of the event to
    netconf : dict
        Dictionary of attributes to inizialize the network model
    strategy : tree
        Strategy definition. It is tree describing the name of the strategy
        to use and a list of initialization attributes
    cache_policy : tree
        Cache policy definition. It is tree describing the name of the cache
        policy to use and a list of initialization attributes
    collectors: dict
        The collectors to be used. It is a dictionary in which keys are the
        names of collectors to use and values are dictionaries of attributes
        for the collector they refer to.

    results : Tree
        A tree with the aggregated simulation results from all collectors
    model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy, repo_policy,
                         sched_policy['name'], workload.n_services,
                         workload.rate, **netconf)
    workload.model = model
    view = NetworkView(model)
    controller = NetworkController(model)

    collectors_inst = [
        DATA_COLLECTOR[name](view, **params)
        for name, params in collectors.items()
    collector = CollectorProxy(view, collectors_inst)

    strategy_name = strategy['name']
    warmup_strategy_name = warmup_strategy['name']
    strategy_args = {k: v for k, v in strategy.items() if k != 'name'}
    warmup_strategy_args = {
        k: v
        for k, v in warmup_strategy.iteritems() if k != 'name'
    strategy_inst = STRATEGY[strategy_name](view, controller, **strategy_args)
    warmup_strategy_inst = STRATEGY[warmup_strategy_name](
        view, controller, **warmup_strategy_args)

    n = 0
    for time, event in workload:
        strategy_inst.process_event(time, **event)
        if n % 500 == 0 and n:
        if event['status'] == 1:
            n += 1

    return collector.results()
class TestNrr(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):

    def setUp(self):
        topology = nrr_topology()
        model = NetworkModel(topology, cache_policy={'name': 'FIFO'})
        self.view = NetworkView(model)
        self.controller = NetworkController(model)
        self.collector = TestCollector(self.view)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_lce(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view,
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, 6)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(6, 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(6, summary['serving_node'])
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(3, summary['serving_node'])

    def test_lcd(self):
        hr = strategy.NearestReplicaRouting(self.view,
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect miss
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(loc))
        self.assertNotIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4), (4, 6)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(6, 4), (4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(6, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 0, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(0, 2), (2, 4)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(4, 2), (2, 0)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(4, summary['serving_node'])
        # receiver 0 requests 2, expect hit
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3), (3, 2)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(2, 3), (3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(2, summary['serving_node'])
        hr.process_event(1, 1, 2, True)
        loc = self.view.content_locations(2)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(loc))
        self.assertIn(2, loc)
        self.assertIn(4, loc)
        self.assertIn(6, loc)
        self.assertIn(3, loc)
        self.assertNotIn(5, loc)
        summary = self.collector.session_summary()
        exp_req_hops = [(1, 3)]
        exp_cont_hops = [(3, 1)]
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_req_hops), set(summary['request_hops']))
        self.assertSetEqual(set(exp_cont_hops), set(summary['content_hops']))
        self.assertEqual(3, summary['serving_node'])