import icebear
import icebear.utils as util
import os

# Set plotting step size
plotting_step = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
plotting_spacing = 5

# Gather all the level1 data file paths
filepath = '/beaver/backup/level1/'
files = util.get_all_data_files(filepath, '2017_12_06', '2020_11_16')
# Create plots
for file in files:
    config = util.Config(file)
    config.add_attr('number_ranges', 2000)
    config.add_attr('range_resolution', 1.5)
    config.add_attr('timestamp_correction', 30) # timestamp_corr
    config.add_attr('clutter_gates', 100)
    config.add_attr('code_length', 20000)
    config.plotting_source = '/'.join(file.split('/')[0:-1])+'/'
    config.plotting_destination = config.plotting_source + f'plots/{plotting_spacing}sec/'

    os.makedirs(config.plotting_source + f'plots/{plotting_spacing}sec', exist_ok=True)

    plotting_start, plotting_stop = util.get_data_file_times(file)
    print(config.plotting_destination, plotting_start, plotting_stop)
    time = util.Time(plotting_start, plotting_stop, plotting_step)
    icebear.plotting.plot.range_doppler_snr(config, time, plotting_spacing)

import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import icebear.utils as utils
import icebear

filepath = 'E:/icebear/level2b/'  # Enter file path to level 1 directory
files = utils.get_all_data_files(
    filepath, '2020_12_12', '2020_12_15')  # Enter first sub directory and last
#files = ['E:/icebear/level2/2019_12_19/ib3d_normal_swht_01deg_2019_12_19_05_prelate_bakker.h5']  # Alternate; make a list of files with file paths.
#files = ['E:/icebear/level2a/2019_12_19/ib3d_normal_swht_10deg_2019_12_19_05_prelate_bakker_old.h5']  # Alternate; make a list of files with file paths.
#files = ['E:/icebear/level2a/2019_12_19/ib3d_normal_swht_10deg_2019_12_19_05_prelate_bakker_new.h5']  # Alternate; make a list of files with file paths.
el = np.array([])
rng = np.array([])
dop = np.array([])
snr = np.array([])
az = np.array([])

for file in files:
    f = h5py.File(file, 'r')
    group = f['data']
    keys = group.keys()

    for key in keys:
        data = group[f'{key}']
        rf_distance = data['rf_distance'][()]
        snr_db = data['snr_db'][()]
        doppler_shift = data['doppler_shift'][()]
        azimuth = data['azimuth'][()]
        elevation = data['elevation'][()]
    f.create_dataset('dev/raw_elevation', data=raw_elevation)
    f.create_dataset('dev/azimuth_extent', data=azimuth_extent)
    f.create_dataset('dev/elevation_extent', data=elevation_extent)
    f.create_dataset('dev/area', data=area)
    # f.create_dataset('dev/doppler_spectra', data=doppler_spectra)


    return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Load the level 2 data file.
    filepath = '/beaver/backup/level2_download/'  # Enter file path to level 2 directory
    date_dir = '2021_03_31'
    files = utils.get_all_data_files(
        filepath, date_dir, date_dir)  # Enter first sub directory and last
    print(f'files: {files}')

    rf_distance = np.array([])
    snr_db = np.array([])
    doppler_shift = np.array([])
    azimuth = np.array([])
    elevation = np.array([])
    elevation_extent = np.array([])
    azimuth_extent = np.array([])
    area = np.array([])
    t = np.array([])
    for file in files:
        f = h5py.File(file, 'r')
        config = utils.Config(file)