def main(): parser = getParser() scope.AddParser(parser) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() print( snum = options.mbsnum if len(snum.split('/')) > 1: print('Do not use "/" in the MB serial number. Exit.') sys.exit(0) date = index = 1 prepath = f'results/FastTest/{snum}/{date}/Run' path = f'{prepath}{index}' while os.path.isdir(path): index = index + 1 path = f'{prepath}{index}' print(f'=== File path is: {path}. ===') os.system(f'mkdir -p {path}') makereport(parser, snum, path) os.system(f'rm {path}/*.aux {path}/*.log')
print(f'Found valid firmware {firmwarefilename} in the flash memory.\n' + 'Try to configure... ') try: session.flashConfigureCycloneFPGA(firmwarefilename) except: print(f'Error during the loading firmware {firmwarefilename}. Exit.') session.close() sys.exit(0) else: time.sleep(0.1) FpgaVersion = session.fpgaVersion() SoftwareVersion = session.softwareVersion() SoftwareId = session.softwareId() FpgaId = session.fpgaChipID() FlashId = session.flashID() print( f'FPGA: {FpgaId} with Firmware ver.{hex(FpgaVersion)}, Flash ID: {FlashId}, ' + f'Software ver.{hex(SoftwareVersion)} with ID {SoftwareId}. ') session.close() return FpgaVersion, SoftwareVersion, flashLS, SoftwareId, FpgaId, FlashId if __name__ == "__main__": parser = getParser() AddParser(parser) main(parser)
def main(): plotSetting(plt) matplotlib.rcParams['axes.xmargin'] = 0 plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [6.0, 4.5] plt.rcParams['figure.subplot.right'] = 0.9 parser = getParser() scope.AddParser(parser) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() nevents = int(options.nevents) snum = options.mbsnum if len(snum.split('/')) > 1: print('Do not use "/" in the MB serial number. Exit.') sys.exit(0) date = index = 1 prepath = f'results/QHist/{snum}/{date}/Run' path = prepath + str(index) while os.path.isdir(path): index = index + 1 path = prepath + str(index) print(f'=== File path is: {path}. ===') os.system(f'mkdir -p {path}') baseline = [0, 0] if options.filename is None: print('Requires option: --filename.') print('Quit.') sys.exit(0) datapath = f'{path}/raw' os.system(f'mkdir -p {datapath}') hdfout_pre = f'{datapath}/{options.filename}' hdfout = f'{hdfout_pre}.hdf5' baselineset = 30450 baseline = [8176, 8185] if options.measure_baselines: baseline[0] = getThreshold(parser, 0, baselineset, 0, path) baseline[1] = getThreshold(parser, 1, baselineset, 0, path) if options.preset_baseline0 is not None: baseline[0] = options.preset_baseline0 if options.preset_baseline1 is not None: baseline[1] = options.preset_baseline1 print(f'Measured baseline: {int(baseline[0])}, {int(baseline[1])}') # constants threshold_above_baseline = [9, 9] #72.59/10 # 0.1 p.e. hv = [1650, 1750] if options.hv0 is not None: hv[0] = options.hv0 if options.hv1 is not None: hv[1] = options.hv1 # ROOT ofile = TFile(f'{hdfout_pre}.root', "RECREATE") h = [ROOTHistInit(0), ROOTHistInit(1)] for channel in range(2): session = startIcebootSession(parser) session.flashConfigureFPGA("degg_fw_v0x10e.rbf.gz") session.enableHV(channel) session.setDEggHV(channel, hv[channel]) time.sleep(2) HVobs = [ session.readSloADC_HVS_Voltage(0), session.readSloADC_HVS_Voltage(1) ] print( f'Observed HV Supply Voltages for channel {channel}: {HVobs[channel]} V.' ) session.setDAC('A', baselineset) time.sleep(1) session.setDAC('B', baselineset) time.sleep(1) session.setDEggConstReadout(0, 1, 128) session.setDEggConstReadout(1, 1, 128) #session.startDEggDualChannelTrigStream( # baseline[0]+threshold_above_baseline, # baseline[1]+threshold_above_baseline) starttime = time.time() session.startDEggThreshTrigStream( channel, baseline[channel] + threshold_above_baseline[channel]) block = session.DEggReadChargeBlock(10, 15, 14 * nevents, timeout=300) difftime = time.time() - starttime session.disableHV(channel) session.close() index = 0 divpar = 100000 charges = [] #charges = [(rec.charge *1e12) for rec in block[channel] if not rec.flags] for rec in tqdm(block[channel]): if rec.flags: continue if index % divpar == 0: hdfout = f'{hdfout_pre}_{int(index/divpar)}.hdf5' with tables.open_file(hdfout, 'a') as open_file: try: table = open_file.get_node('/data') except: class Qdata(tables.IsDescription): event_id = tables.Int32Col() timestamp = tables.Int64Col() chargestamp = tables.Int64Col() channel = tables.Int32Col() hv = tables.Int32Col() threshold = tables.Int32Col() table = open_file.create_table('/', 'data', Qdata) table = open_file.get_node('/data') event = table.row event['event_id'] = index event['timestamp'] = rec.timeStamp event['chargestamp'] = rec.charge * 1e12 event['hv'] = HVobs[channel] event['channel'] = channel event['threshold'] = baseline[ channel] + threshold_above_baseline[channel] index += 1 charges.append(rec.charge * 1e12) h[channel].Fill(rec.charge * 1e12) plt.figure().patch.set_facecolor('w') plt.hist(charges, bins=880, range=(-1, 10), label=f'Channel {channel}', histtype="step", color="blue") plt.xlabel('Charge [pC]', ha='right', x=1.0) plt.ylabel('Entries', ha='right', y=1.0) plt.xlim(-1, 5) plt.legend( title= f'HV: {HVobs[channel]:.2f} V \nThresh: {int(baseline[channel])}+{int(threshold_above_baseline[channel])} LSB \n#Events: {len(charges)} \nDuration: {difftime:.2f} sec' ) print(len(charges)) plt.savefig(f'{path}/figure{channel}.pdf') h[channel].Write()