文件: codatify.py 项目: lopessec/ida
    def _fix_data_offsets(self):
        ea = 0
        count = 0

        print "Fixing unresolved offset xrefs...",

        while ea != idaapi.BADADDR:
            (ea, n) = idaapi.find_notype(ea, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
            if idaapi.decode_insn(ea):
                for i in range(0, len(idaapi.cmd.Operands)):
                    op = idaapi.cmd.Operands[i]
                    if op.type == idaapi.o_imm and idaapi.getseg(op.value):
                        idaapi.add_dref(ea, op.value, (idaapi.dr_O | idaapi.XREF_USER))
                        count += 1

        print "created %d new data xrefs" % count
    def _fix_data_offsets(self):
        ea = 0
        count = 0

        self.say("Fixing unresolved offset xrefs...", )

        while ea != idaapi.BADADDR:
            (ea, n) = idaapi.find_notype(ea, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
            if idaapi.decode_insn(ea):
                for i in range(0, len(idaapi.cmd.Operands)):
                    op = idaapi.cmd.Operands[i]
                    if op.type == idaapi.o_imm and idaapi.getseg(op.value):
                        idaapi.add_dref(ea, op.value,
                                        (idaapi.dr_O | idaapi.XREF_USER))
                        count += 1

        self.say("created %d new data xrefs" % count)
    def _fix_data_offsets(self):
        ea = 0
        count = 0

        print("Fixing unresolved offset xrefs...", end=' ')

        while ea != idaapi.BADADDR:
            (ea, n) = idaapi.find_notype(ea, idaapi.SEARCH_DOWN)
            if ida_shims.can_decode(ea):
                insn = ida_shims.decode_insn(ea)
                ops = ida_shims.get_operands(insn)
                for i in range(0, len(ops)):
                    op = ops[i]
                    if op.type == idaapi.o_imm and idaapi.getseg(op.value):
                        idaapi.add_dref(ea, op.value,
                                        (idaapi.dr_O | idaapi.XREF_USER))
                        count += 1

        print("created %d new data xrefs" % count)