    def test_propagate_uncertainty_error(self):
        It tests a TypeError when the modle_uncertian of function propagate_uncertainty is neither python function nor Pyomo ConcreteModel
        from idaes.apps.uncertainty_propagation.examples.rooney_biegler import rooney_biegler_model
        variable_name = ['asymptote', 'rate_constant']
        data = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1, 8.3], [2, 10.3], [3, 19.0], [4, 16.0],
                                  [5, 15.6], [7, 19.8]],
                            columns=['hour', 'y'])

        def SSE(model, data):
            expr = sum((data.y[i] - model.response_function[data.hour[i]])**2
                       for i in data.index)
            return expr

        parmest_class = parmest.Estimator(rooney_biegler_model, data,
                                          variable_name, SSE)
        obj, theta, cov = parmest_class.theta_est(calc_cov=True)
        model_uncertain = ConcreteModel()
        model_uncertain.asymptote = Var(initialize=15)
        model_uncertain.rate_constant = Var(initialize=0.5)
        model_uncertain.obj = Objective(
            expr=model_uncertain.asymptote *
            (1 - exp(-model_uncertain.rate_constant * 10)),
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            propagate_results = propagate_uncertainty(1, theta, cov,
    def test_propagate_uncertainty(self):
        It tests the function propagate_uncertainty with rooney & biegler's model.
        from idaes.apps.uncertainty_propagation.examples.rooney_biegler import rooney_biegler_model
        variable_name = ['asymptote', 'rate_constant']
        data = pd.DataFrame(data=[[1, 8.3], [2, 10.3], [3, 19.0], [4, 16.0],
                                  [5, 15.6], [7, 19.8]],
                            columns=['hour', 'y'])

        def SSE(model, data):
            expr = sum((data.y[i] - model.response_function[data.hour[i]])**2
                       for i in data.index)
            return expr

        parmest_class = parmest.Estimator(rooney_biegler_model, data,
                                          variable_name, SSE)
        obj, theta, cov = parmest_class.theta_est(calc_cov=True)
        model_uncertain = ConcreteModel()
        model_uncertain.asymptote = Var(initialize=15)
        model_uncertain.rate_constant = Var(initialize=0.5)
        model_uncertain.obj = Objective(
            expr=model_uncertain.asymptote *
            (1 - exp(-model_uncertain.rate_constant * 10)),

        propagate_results = propagate_uncertainty(model_uncertain, theta, cov,

            [0.9950625870024135, 0.9451480001755206])
        assert list(propagate_results.gradient_c) == []
                                             [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]])
        assert list(propagate_results.propagation_c) == []
        assert propagate_results.propagation_f == pytest.approx(
# Covariance matrix
sigma_p = np.array([[2, 0], [0, 1]])

# Nominal values for uncertain parameters
theta = {'p1':m.p1(), 'p2':m.p2()}

# Names of uncertain parameters
theta_names = ['p1','p2']

# Important to unfix the parameters!
# Otherwise k_aug will complain about too few degrees of freedom

## Run sensitivity toolbox
results = propagate_uncertainty(m, theta, sigma_p, theta_names)

## Compute uncertainty propagation by hand
# We now compute the expected result with our 
# analytic solution.

# Take 1: use the formula in the documentation
tmp_f = (df_dp + df_dx @ dx_dp)
sigma_f = tmp_f @ sigma_p @ tmp_f.transpose()
print("\nsigma_f = ",sigma_f)

tmp_c = (dc_dp + dc_dx @ dx_dp)
sigma_c = tmp_c @ sigma_p @ tmp_c.transpose()
print("\nsigma_c = \n",sigma_c)

# Take 2: use an equivalent formula
    def test_propagate_uncertainty1(self):
        It tests the function propagate_uncertainty with
        min f:  p1*x1+ p2*(x2^2) + p1*p2
         s.t  c1: x1 + x2 = p1
              c2: x2 + x3 = p2
              0 <= x1, x2, x3 <= 10
              p1 = 10
              p2 = 5

        Variables = (x1, x2, x3)
        Parameters (fixed variables) = (p1, p2)
        ### Create optimization model
        m = ConcreteModel()
        m.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)

        m.x1 = Var()
        m.x2 = Var()
        m.x3 = Var()

        # Define parameters
        m.p1 = Var(initialize=10)
        m.p2 = Var(initialize=5)

        # Define constraints
        m.con1 = Constraint(expr=m.x1 + m.x2 - m.p1 == 0)
        m.con2 = Constraint(expr=m.x2 + m.x3 - m.p2 == 0)

        # Define objective
        m.obj = Objective(expr=m.p1 * m.x1 + m.p2 * (m.x2**2) + m.p1 * m.p2,

        ### Solve optimization model
        opt = SolverFactory('ipopt', tee=True)

        ### Analytic solution
        At the optimal solution, none of the bounds are active. As long as the active set
        does not change (i.e., none of the bounds become active), the
        first order optimality conditions reduce to a simple linear system.

        # dual variables (multipliers)
        v2_ = 0
        v1_ = m.p1()

        # primal variables
        x2_ = (v1_ + v2_) / (2 * m.p2())
        x1_ = m.p1() - x2_
        x3_ = m.p2() - x2_

        ### Analytic sensitivity
        Using the analytic solution above, we can compute the sensitivies of x and v to
        perturbations in p1 and p2.
        The matrix dx_dp constains the sensitivities of x to perturbations in p

        # Initialize sensitivity matrix Nx x Np
        # Rows: variables x
        # Columns: parameters p
        dx_dp = np.zeros((3, 2))
        # dx2/dp1 = 1/(2 * p2)
        dx_dp[1, 0] = 1 / (2 * m.p2())
        # dx2/dp2 = -(v1 + v2)/(2 * p2**2)
        dx_dp[1, 1] = -(v1_ + v2_) / (2 * m.p2()**2)
        # dx1/dp1 = 1 - dx2/dp1
        dx_dp[0, 0] = 1 - dx_dp[1, 0]
        # dx1/dp2 = 0 - dx2/dp2
        dx_dp[0, 1] = 0 - dx_dp[1, 1]
        # dx3/dp1 = 1 - dx2/dp1
        dx_dp[2, 0] = 0 - dx_dp[1, 0]
        # dx3/dp2 = 0 - dx2/dp2
        dx_dp[2, 1] = 1 - dx_dp[1, 1]
        Similarly, we can compute the gradients df_dx, df_dp
        and Jacobians dc_dx, dc_dp

        # Initialize 1 x 3 array to store (\partial f)/(\partial x)
        # Elements: variables x
        df_dx = np.zeros(3)
        # df/dx1 = p1
        df_dx[0] = m.p1()
        # df/dx2 = p2
        df_dx[1] = 2 * m.p2() * x2_
        # df/dx3 = 0
        # Initialize 1 x 2 array to store (\partial f)/(\partial p)
        # Elements: parameters p
        df_dp = np.zeros(2)
        # df/dxp1 = x1 + p2
        df_dp[0] = x1_ + m.p2()
        # df/dp2 = x2**2 + p1
        df_dp[1] = x2_**2 + m.p1()

        # Initialize 2 x 3 array to store (\partial c)/(\partial x)
        # Rows: constraints c
        # Columns: variables x
        dc_dx = np.zeros((2, 3))
        # dc1/dx1 = 1
        dc_dx[0, 0] = 1
        # dc1/dx2 = 1
        dc_dx[0, 1] = 1
        # dc2/dx2 = 1
        dc_dx[1, 1] = 1
        # dc2/dx3 = 1
        dc_dx[1, 2] = 1

        # Remaining entries are 0
        # Initialize 2 x 2 array to store (\partial c)/(\partial x)
        # Rows: constraints c
        # Columns: variables x
        dc_dp = np.zeros((2, 2))
        # dc1/dp1 = -1
        dc_dp[0, 0] = -1
        # dc2/dp2 = -1
        dc_dp[1, 1] = -1

        ### Uncertainty propagation
        Now lets test the uncertainty propagation package. We will assume p has covariance
        sigma_p = [[2, 0], [0, 1]]

        ## Prepare inputs
        # Covariance matrix
        sigma_p = np.array([[2, 0], [0, 1]])

        # Nominal values for uncertain parameters
        theta = {'p1': m.p1(), 'p2': m.p2()}

        # Names of uncertain parameters
        theta_names = ['p1', 'p2']

        # Important to unfix the parameters!
        # Otherwise k_aug will complain about too few degrees of freedom

        ## Run package
        results = propagate_uncertainty(m, theta, sigma_p, theta_names)

        ## Check results

        tmp_f = (df_dp + df_dx @ dx_dp)
        sigma_f = tmp_f @ sigma_p @ tmp_f.transpose()

        tmp_c = (dc_dp + dc_dx @ dx_dp)
        sigma_c = tmp_c @ sigma_p @ tmp_c.transpose()

        # This currently just checks if the order of the outputs did not change
        # TODO: improve test robustness by using this information to set
        # var_idx and theta_idx. This way the test will still work
        # regardless of the order. In other words, the analytic solution needs to be
        # reordered to match the variable/constraint order from
        # this package. Alternately, the results could be converted into a Pandas dataframe
        assert results.col == ['x1', 'x2', 'p1', 'p2', 'x3']
        assert results.row == ['con1', 'con2', 'obj']
        var_idx = np.array([True, True, False, False, True])
        theta_idx = np.array([False, False, True, True, False])

        # Check the gradient of the objective w.r.t. x matches

        # Check the gradient of the objective w.r.t. p (parameters) matches

        # Check the Jacobian of the constraints w.r.t. x matches
            results.gradient_c.toarray()[:, var_idx], np.array(dc_dx))

        # Check the Jacobian of the constraints w.r.t. p (parameters) matches
            results.gradient_c.toarray()[:, theta_idx], np.array(dc_dp))

        # Check the NLP sensitivity results for the variables (x) matches
            results.dsdp.toarray()[var_idx, :], np.array(dx_dp))

        # Check the NLP sensitivity results for the parameters (p) matches
            results.dsdp.toarray()[theta_idx, :], np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]))

        # Check the uncertainty propagation results for the constrains matches

        # Check the uncertainty propagation results for the objective matches
        assert results.propagation_f == pytest.approx(sigma_f)