def github_push(user, commit_message, repo_name, project): g = Github(user.github.token, client_id=settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET) repo = g.get_repo(repo_name) try: branch = repo.get_branch(project.github_branch or repo.master_branch) except GithubException: raise Exception("Unable to get branch.") commit = repo.get_git_commit(branch.commit.sha) tree = repo.get_git_tree(commit.tree.sha, recursive=True) paths = [x.path for x in tree.tree] next_tree = {x.path: InputGitTreeElement(path=x.path, mode=x.mode, type=x.type, sha=x.sha) for x in tree.tree} try: remote_version, root = find_project_root(paths) except: remote_version, root = project.sdk_version, '' src_root = root + 'src/' project_sources = project.source_files.all() has_changed = False for source in project_sources: repo_path = src_root + source.file_name if repo_path not in next_tree: has_changed = True next_tree[repo_path] = InputGitTreeElement(path=repo_path, mode='100644', type='blob', content=source.get_contents()) print "New file: %s" % repo_path else: sha = next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha our_content = source.get_contents() expected_sha = git_sha(our_content) if expected_sha != sha: print "Updated file: %s" % repo_path next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha = NotSet next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__content = our_content has_changed = True expected_source_files = [src_root + x.file_name for x in project_sources] for path in next_tree.keys(): if not path.startswith(src_root): continue if path not in expected_source_files: del next_tree[path] print "Deleted file: %s" % path has_changed = True # Now try handling resource files. resources = project.resources.all() old_resource_root = root + ("resources/src/" if remote_version == '1' else 'resources/') new_resource_root = root + ("resources/src/" if project.sdk_version == '1' else 'resources/') # Migrate all the resources so we can subsequently ignore the issue. if old_resource_root != new_resource_root: print "moving resources" new_next_tree = next_tree.copy() for path in next_tree: if path.startswith(old_resource_root) and not path.endswith('resource_map.json'): new_path = new_resource_root + path[len(old_resource_root):] print "moving %s to %s" % (path, new_path) next_tree[path]._InputGitTreeElement__path = new_path new_next_tree[new_path] = next_tree[path] del new_next_tree[path] next_tree = new_next_tree for res in resources: repo_path = new_resource_root + res.path if repo_path in next_tree: content = res.get_contents() if git_sha(content) != next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha: print "Changed resource: %s" % repo_path has_changed = True blob = repo.create_git_blob(base64.b64encode(content), 'base64') print "Created blob %s" % blob.sha next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha = blob.sha else: print "New resource: %s" % repo_path blob = repo.create_git_blob(base64.b64encode(res.get_contents()), 'base64') print "Created blob %s" % blob.sha next_tree[repo_path] = InputGitTreeElement(path=repo_path, mode='100644', type='blob', sha=blob.sha) # Both of these are used regardless of version remote_map_path = root + 'resources/src/resource_map.json' remote_manifest_path = root + 'appinfo.json' remote_wscript_path = root + 'wscript' if remote_version == '1': remote_map_sha = next_tree[remote_map_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha if remote_map_path in next_tree else None if remote_map_sha is not None: their_res_dict = json.loads(git_blob(repo, remote_map_sha)) else: their_res_dict = {'friendlyVersion': 'VERSION', 'versionDefName': '', 'media': []} their_manifest_dict = {} else: remote_manifest_sha = next_tree[remote_manifest_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha if remote_map_path in next_tree else None if remote_manifest_sha is not None: their_manifest_dict = json.loads(git_blob(repo, remote_manifest_sha)) their_res_dict = their_manifest_dict['resources'] else: their_manifest_dict = {} their_res_dict = {'media': []} if project.sdk_version == '1': our_res_dict = generate_resource_dict(project, resources) else: our_manifest_dict = generate_v2_manifest_dict(project, resources) our_res_dict = our_manifest_dict['resources'] if our_res_dict != their_res_dict: print "Resources mismatch." has_changed = True # Try removing things that we've deleted, if any to_remove = set(x['file'] for x in their_res_dict['media']) - set(x['file'] for x in our_res_dict['media']) for path in to_remove: repo_path = new_resource_root + path if repo_path in next_tree: print "Deleted resource: %s" % repo_path del next_tree[repo_path] # Update the stored resource map, if applicable. if project.sdk_version == '1': if remote_map_path in next_tree: next_tree[remote_map_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha = NotSet next_tree[remote_map_path]._InputGitTreeElement__content = dict_to_pretty_json(our_res_dict) else: next_tree[remote_map_path] = InputGitTreeElement(path=remote_map_path, mode='100644', type='blob', content=dict_to_pretty_json(our_res_dict)) # Delete the v2 manifest, if one exists if remote_manifest_path in next_tree: del next_tree[remote_manifest_path] # This one is separate because there's more than just the resource map changing. if project.sdk_version == '2' and their_manifest_dict != our_manifest_dict: if remote_manifest_path in next_tree: next_tree[remote_manifest_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha = NotSet next_tree[remote_manifest_path]._InputGitTreeElement__content = generate_v2_manifest(project, resources) else: next_tree[remote_manifest_path] = InputGitTreeElement(path=remote_manifest_path, mode='100644', type='blob', content=generate_v2_manifest(project, resources)) # Delete the v1 manifest, if one exists if remote_map_path in next_tree: del next_tree[remote_map_path] if project.sdk_version == '2': if remote_wscript_path not in next_tree: next_tree[remote_wscript_path] = InputGitTreeElement(path=remote_wscript_path, mode='100644', type='blob', content=generate_wscript_file(project, True)) has_changed = True else: del next_tree[remote_wscript_path] # Commit the new tree. if has_changed: print "Has changed; committing" # GitHub seems to choke if we pass the raw directory nodes off to it, # so we delete those. for x in next_tree.keys(): if next_tree[x]._InputGitTreeElement__mode == '040000': del next_tree[x] print "removing subtree node %s" % x print [x._InputGitTreeElement__mode for x in next_tree.values()]
def run_compile(build_result): build_result = BuildResult.objects.get(pk=build_result) project = build_result.project source_files = SourceFile.objects.filter(project=project) resources = ResourceFile.objects.filter(project=project) # Assemble the project somewhere base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.path.join(settings.CHROOT_ROOT, 'tmp') if settings.CHROOT_ROOT else None) try: # Resources resource_root = 'resources' os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, 'images')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, 'fonts')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, 'data')) if project.project_type == 'native': # Source code create_source_files(project, base_dir) manifest_dict = generate_v2_manifest_dict(project, resources) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'appinfo.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(manifest_dict)) for f in resources: target_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, ResourceFile.DIR_MAP[f.kind])) abs_target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_dir, f.file_name)) if not abs_target.startswith(target_dir): raise Exception("Suspicious filename: %s" % f.file_name) f.copy_to_path(abs_target) # Reconstitute the SDK open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'wscript'), 'w').write(generate_wscript_file(project)) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'pebble-jshintrc'), 'w').write(generate_jshint_file(project)) elif project.project_type == 'simplyjs': shutil.rmtree(base_dir) shutil.copytree(settings.SIMPLYJS_ROOT, base_dir) manifest_dict = generate_simplyjs_manifest_dict(project) js = '\n\n'.join(x.get_contents() for x in source_files if x.file_name.endswith('.js')) escaped_js = json.dumps(js) build_result.save_simplyjs(js) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'appinfo.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(manifest_dict)) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'src', 'js', 'zzz_userscript.js'), 'w').write(""" (function() { simply.mainScriptSource = %s; })(); """ % escaped_js) elif project.project_type == 'pebblejs': shutil.rmtree(base_dir) shutil.copytree(settings.PEBBLEJS_ROOT, base_dir) manifest_dict = generate_pebblejs_manifest_dict(project, resources) create_source_files(project, base_dir) for f in resources: if f.kind != 'png': continue target_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, ResourceFile.DIR_MAP[f.kind])) abs_target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_dir, f.file_name)) if not abs_target.startswith(target_dir): raise Exception("Suspicious filename: %s" % f.file_name) f.copy_to_path(abs_target) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'appinfo.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(manifest_dict)) # Build the thing cwd = os.getcwd() success = False output = 'Failed to get output' build_start_time = now() try: os.chdir(base_dir) output = subprocess.check_output([settings.PEBBLE_TOOL, "build"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, preexec_fn=_set_resource_limits) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: output = e.output print output success = False else: success = True temp_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'build', '%s.pbw' % os.path.basename(base_dir)) if not os.path.exists(temp_file): success = False print "Success was a lie." finally: build_end_time = now() os.chdir(cwd) if success: # Try reading file sizes out of it first. try: s = os.stat(temp_file) build_result.total_size = s.st_size # Now peek into the zip to see the component parts with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_file, 'r') as z: build_result.binary_size = z.getinfo('pebble-app.bin').file_size build_result.resource_size = z.getinfo('app_resources.pbpack').file_size try: build_result.worker_size = z.getinfo('pebble-worker.bin').file_size except KeyError: pass except Exception as e: print "Couldn't extract filesizes: %s" % e # Try pulling out debug information. app_elf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'build', 'pebble-app.elf') if os.path.exists(app_elf_file): try: debug_info = apptools.addr2lines.create_coalesced_group(app_elf_file) except: print traceback.format_exc() else: build_result.save_debug_info(debug_info) worker_elf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'build', 'pebble-worker.elf') if os.path.exists(worker_elf_file): try: debug_info = apptools.addr2lines.create_coalesced_group(worker_elf_file) except: print traceback.format_exc() else: build_result.save_worker_debug_info(debug_info) build_result.save_pbw(temp_file) build_result.save_build_log(output) build_result.state = BuildResult.STATE_SUCCEEDED if success else BuildResult.STATE_FAILED build_result.finished = now() data = { 'data': { 'cloudpebble': { 'build_id':, 'job_run_time': (build_result.finished - build_result.started).total_seconds(), }, 'build_time': (build_end_time - build_start_time).total_seconds(), } } event_name = 'app_build_succeeded' if success else 'app_build_failed' send_keen_event(['cloudpebble', 'sdk'], event_name, data, project=project) except Exception as e: print "Build failed due to internal error: %s" % e traceback.print_exc() build_result.state = BuildResult.STATE_FAILED build_result.finished = now() try: build_result.save_build_log("Something broke:\n%s" % e) except: pass finally: shutil.rmtree(base_dir)
def run_compile(build_result): build_result = BuildResult.objects.get(pk=build_result) project = build_result.project source_files = SourceFile.objects.filter(project=project) resources = ResourceFile.objects.filter(project=project) # Assemble the project somewhere base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.path.join(settings.CHROOT_ROOT, 'tmp') if settings.CHROOT_ROOT else None) try: # Resources resource_root = 'resources' os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, 'images')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, 'fonts')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, 'data')) if project.project_type == 'native': # Source code src_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'src') os.mkdir(src_dir) create_source_files(source_files, src_dir) manifest_dict = generate_v2_manifest_dict(project, resources) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'appinfo.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(manifest_dict)) for f in resources: target_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, ResourceFile.DIR_MAP[f.kind])) abs_target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_dir, f.file_name)) if not abs_target.startswith(target_dir): raise Exception("Suspicious filename: %s" % f.file_name) f.copy_to_path(abs_target) # Reconstitute the SDK open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'wscript'), 'w').write(generate_wscript_file(project)) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'pebble-jshintrc'), 'w').write(generate_jshint_file(project)) elif project.project_type == 'simplyjs': shutil.rmtree(base_dir) shutil.copytree(settings.SIMPLYJS_ROOT, base_dir) manifest_dict = generate_simplyjs_manifest_dict(project) js = '\n\n'.join(x.get_contents() for x in source_files if x.file_name.endswith('.js')) escaped_js = json.dumps(js) build_result.save_simplyjs(js) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'appinfo.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(manifest_dict)) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'src', 'js', 'zzz_userscript.js'), 'w').write(""" (function() { simply.mainScriptSource = %s; })(); """ % escaped_js) elif project.project_type == 'pebblejs': shutil.rmtree(base_dir) shutil.copytree(settings.PEBBLEJS_ROOT, base_dir) manifest_dict = generate_pebblejs_manifest_dict(project, resources) create_source_files(source_files, os.path.join(base_dir, 'src', 'js')) for f in resources: if f.kind != 'png': continue target_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, resource_root, ResourceFile.DIR_MAP[f.kind])) abs_target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(target_dir, f.file_name)) if not abs_target.startswith(target_dir): raise Exception("Suspicious filename: %s" % f.file_name) f.copy_to_path(abs_target) open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'appinfo.json'), 'w').write(json.dumps(manifest_dict)) # Build the thing cwd = os.getcwd() success = False output = 'Failed to get output' build_start_time = now() try: os.chdir(base_dir) output = subprocess.check_output([settings.PEBBLE_TOOL, "build"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, preexec_fn=_set_resource_limits) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: output = e.output print output success = False else: success = True temp_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'build', '%s.pbw' % os.path.basename(base_dir)) if not os.path.exists(temp_file): success = False print "Success was a lie." finally: build_end_time = now() os.chdir(cwd) if success: # Try reading file sizes out of it first. try: s = os.stat(temp_file) build_result.total_size = s.st_size # Now peek into the zip to see the component parts with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_file, 'r') as z: build_result.binary_size = z.getinfo('pebble-app.bin').file_size build_result.resource_size = z.getinfo('app_resources.pbpack').file_size except Exception as e: print "Couldn't extract filesizes: %s" % e # Try pulling out debug information. elf_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'build', 'pebble-app.elf') if os.path.exists(elf_file): try: debug_info = apptools.addr2lines.create_coalesced_group(elf_file) except: print traceback.format_exc() else: build_result.save_debug_info(debug_info) build_result.save_pbw(temp_file) build_result.save_build_log(output) build_result.state = BuildResult.STATE_SUCCEEDED if success else BuildResult.STATE_FAILED build_result.finished = now() data = { 'data': { 'cloudpebble': { 'build_id':, 'job_run_time': (build_result.finished - build_result.started).total_seconds(), }, 'build_time': (build_end_time - build_start_time).total_seconds(), } } event_name = 'app_build_succeeded' if success else 'app_build_failed' send_keen_event(['cloudpebble', 'sdk'], event_name, data, project=project) except Exception as e: print "Build failed due to internal error: %s" % e traceback.print_exc() build_result.state = BuildResult.STATE_FAILED build_result.finished = now() try: build_result.save_build_log("Something broke:\n%s" % e) except: pass finally: shutil.rmtree(base_dir)
def github_push(user, commit_message, repo_name, project): g = Github(user.github.token, client_id=settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=settings.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET) repo = g.get_repo(repo_name) try: branch = repo.get_branch(project.github_branch or repo.master_branch) except GithubException: raise Exception("Unable to get branch.") commit = repo.get_git_commit(branch.commit.sha) tree = repo.get_git_tree(commit.tree.sha, recursive=True) paths = [x.path for x in tree.tree] next_tree = { x.path: InputGitTreeElement(path=x.path, mode=x.mode, type=x.type, sha=x.sha) for x in tree.tree } try: remote_version, root = find_project_root(paths) except: remote_version, root = project.sdk_version, '' src_root = root + 'src/' project_sources = project.source_files.all() has_changed = False for source in project_sources: repo_path = src_root + source.file_name if repo_path not in next_tree: has_changed = True next_tree[repo_path] = InputGitTreeElement( path=repo_path, mode='100644', type='blob', content=source.get_contents()) print "New file: %s" % repo_path else: sha = next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha our_content = source.get_contents() expected_sha = git_sha(our_content) if expected_sha != sha: print "Updated file: %s" % repo_path next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha = NotSet next_tree[ repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__content = our_content has_changed = True expected_source_files = [src_root + x.file_name for x in project_sources] for path in next_tree.keys(): if not path.startswith(src_root): continue if path not in expected_source_files: del next_tree[path] print "Deleted file: %s" % path has_changed = True # Now try handling resource files. resources = project.resources.all() old_resource_root = root + ("resources/src/" if remote_version == '1' else 'resources/') new_resource_root = root + ("resources/src/" if project.sdk_version == '1' else 'resources/') # Migrate all the resources so we can subsequently ignore the issue. if old_resource_root != new_resource_root: print "moving resources" new_next_tree = next_tree.copy() for path in next_tree: if path.startswith(old_resource_root ) and not path.endswith('resource_map.json'): new_path = new_resource_root + path[len(old_resource_root):] print "moving %s to %s" % (path, new_path) next_tree[path]._InputGitTreeElement__path = new_path new_next_tree[new_path] = next_tree[path] del new_next_tree[path] next_tree = new_next_tree for res in resources: repo_path = new_resource_root + res.path if repo_path in next_tree: content = res.get_contents() if git_sha( content) != next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha: print "Changed resource: %s" % repo_path has_changed = True blob = repo.create_git_blob(base64.b64encode(content), 'base64') print "Created blob %s" % blob.sha next_tree[repo_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha = blob.sha else: print "New resource: %s" % repo_path blob = repo.create_git_blob(base64.b64encode(res.get_contents()), 'base64') print "Created blob %s" % blob.sha next_tree[repo_path] = InputGitTreeElement(path=repo_path, mode='100644', type='blob', sha=blob.sha) # Both of these are used regardless of version remote_map_path = root + 'resources/src/resource_map.json' remote_manifest_path = root + 'appinfo.json' remote_wscript_path = root + 'wscript' if remote_version == '1': remote_map_sha = next_tree[ remote_map_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha if remote_map_path in next_tree else None if remote_map_sha is not None: their_res_dict = json.loads(git_blob(repo, remote_map_sha)) else: their_res_dict = { 'friendlyVersion': 'VERSION', 'versionDefName': '', 'media': [] } their_manifest_dict = {} else: remote_manifest_sha = next_tree[ remote_manifest_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha if remote_map_path in next_tree else None if remote_manifest_sha is not None: their_manifest_dict = json.loads( git_blob(repo, remote_manifest_sha)) their_res_dict = their_manifest_dict['resources'] else: their_manifest_dict = {} their_res_dict = {'media': []} if project.sdk_version == '1': our_res_dict = generate_resource_dict(project, resources) else: our_manifest_dict = generate_v2_manifest_dict(project, resources) our_res_dict = our_manifest_dict['resources'] if our_res_dict != their_res_dict: print "Resources mismatch." has_changed = True # Try removing things that we've deleted, if any to_remove = set(x['file'] for x in their_res_dict['media']) - set( x['file'] for x in our_res_dict['media']) for path in to_remove: repo_path = new_resource_root + path if repo_path in next_tree: print "Deleted resource: %s" % repo_path del next_tree[repo_path] # Update the stored resource map, if applicable. if project.sdk_version == '1': if remote_map_path in next_tree: next_tree[remote_map_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha = NotSet next_tree[ remote_map_path]._InputGitTreeElement__content = dict_to_pretty_json( our_res_dict) else: next_tree[remote_map_path] = InputGitTreeElement( path=remote_map_path, mode='100644', type='blob', content=dict_to_pretty_json(our_res_dict)) # Delete the v2 manifest, if one exists if remote_manifest_path in next_tree: del next_tree[remote_manifest_path] # This one is separate because there's more than just the resource map changing. if project.sdk_version == '2' and their_manifest_dict != our_manifest_dict: if remote_manifest_path in next_tree: next_tree[remote_manifest_path]._InputGitTreeElement__sha = NotSet next_tree[ remote_manifest_path]._InputGitTreeElement__content = generate_v2_manifest( project, resources) else: next_tree[remote_manifest_path] = InputGitTreeElement( path=remote_manifest_path, mode='100644', type='blob', content=generate_v2_manifest(project, resources)) # Delete the v1 manifest, if one exists if remote_map_path in next_tree: del next_tree[remote_map_path] if project.sdk_version == '2': if remote_wscript_path not in next_tree: next_tree[remote_wscript_path] = InputGitTreeElement( path=remote_wscript_path, mode='100644', type='blob', content=generate_wscript_file(project, True)) has_changed = True else: del next_tree[remote_wscript_path] # Commit the new tree. if has_changed: print "Has changed; committing" # GitHub seems to choke if we pass the raw directory nodes off to it, # so we delete those. for x in next_tree.keys(): if next_tree[x]._InputGitTreeElement__mode == '040000': del next_tree[x] print "removing subtree node %s" % x print[x._InputGitTreeElement__mode for x in next_tree.values()] git_tree = repo.create_git_tree(next_tree.values()) print "Created tree %s" % git_tree.sha git_commit = repo.create_git_commit(commit_message, git_tree, [commit]) print "Created commit %s" % git_commit.sha git_ref = repo.get_git_ref( 'heads/%s' % (project.github_branch or repo.master_branch)) git_ref.edit(git_commit.sha) print "Updated ref %s" % git_ref.ref project.github_last_commit = git_commit.sha project.github_last_sync = now() return True send_keen_event('cloudpebble', 'cloudpebble_github_push', user=user, data={'data': { 'repo': project.github_repo }}) return False