def __init__(self, config: ConfigManager, token): self.config = config read_timeout = self.config.get("telegram", "read_timeout") connect_timeout = self.config.get("telegram", "connect_timeout") tgb_kwargs = dict() if read_timeout: tgb_kwargs["read_timeout"] = read_timeout if connect_timeout: tgb_kwargs["connect_timeout"] = connect_timeout try: self.updater = Updater(token, request_kwargs=tgb_kwargs) except InvalidToken as e: logging.error(e) exit("ERROR: Bot token not valid") self.job_queue = self.updater.job_queue self.dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher host = self.config.get("idena", "host") port = self.config.get("idena", "port") timeout = self.config.get("idena", "timeout") api_key = self.config.get("idena", "api_key") self.api = IdenaAPI(host, port, timeout, api_key) try: node_version = self.api.node_version() if "error" in node_version: msg = f"{emo.ERROR} Couldn't connect to IDENA node on host {host} and port {port}" raise Exception(f"{msg} - Result: {node_version}") else: msg = f"{emo.CHECK} Successfully connected to IDENA node version {node_version['result']}" except Exception as e: logging.error(e) raise SystemExit # Load classes in folder 'plugins' self._load_plugins() # Handler for file downloads (plugin updates) mh = MessageHandler(Filters.document, self._update_plugin) self.dispatcher.add_handler(mh) # Handle all Telegram related errors self.dispatcher.add_error_handler(self._handle_tg_errors) # Send message to admin for admin in config.get("admin", "ids"): try: admin, f"{emo.DONE} Bot is up and running!") except Exception as e: logging.warning( f"Couldn't send startup message to ID {admin}: {e}")
def __init__(self, config: ConfigManager, token): self.config = config read_timeout = self.config.get("telegram", "read_timeout") connect_timeout = self.config.get("telegram", "connect_timeout") tgb_kwargs = dict() if read_timeout: tgb_kwargs["read_timeout"] = read_timeout if connect_timeout: tgb_kwargs["connect_timeout"] = connect_timeout try: self.updater = Updater(token, request_kwargs=tgb_kwargs) except InvalidToken as e: logging.error(e) exit("ERROR: Bot token not valid") self.job_queue = self.updater.job_queue self.dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher # Load classes in folder 'plugins' self._load_plugins() # Handler for file downloads (plugin updates) mh = MessageHandler(Filters.document, self._update_plugin) self.dispatcher.add_handler(mh) # Handle all Telegram related errors self.dispatcher.add_error_handler(self._handle_tg_errors) # Send message to admin for admin in config.get("admin", "ids"): try: admin, f"{emo.DONE} Bot is up and running!") except Exception as e: logging.warning( f"Couldn't send startup message to ID {admin}: {e}")
class Idena: def __init__(self): # Parse command line arguments self.args = self._parse_args() # Set up logging self._init_logger() # Read global config file and create Telegram bot self.cfg = Cfg(os.path.join(con.DIR_CFG, con.FILE_CFG)) self.tgb = TelegramBot(self.cfg, self._get_bot_token()) def _parse_args(self): """ Parse command line arguments """ desc = "Telegram Tron Bot For Betting" parser = ArgumentParser(description=desc) # Save logfile parser.add_argument("--no-log", dest="savelog", action="store_false", help="don't save log-files", required=False, default=True) # Log level parser.add_argument( "-log", dest="loglevel", type=int, choices=[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50], help="disabled, debug, info, warning, error, critical", default=30, required=False) # Module log level parser.add_argument("-mlog", dest="mloglevel", help="set log level for a module", default=None, required=False) # Bot token parser.add_argument("-tkn", dest="token", help="set Telegram bot token", required=False, default=None) # Bot token via input parser.add_argument("--input-tkn", dest="input_token", action="store_true", help="set Telegram bot token", required=False, default=False) return parser.parse_args() # Configure logging def _init_logger(self): """ Initialize the console logger and file logger """ logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(self.args.loglevel) log_file = os.path.join(con.DIR_LOG, con.FILE_LOG) log_format = "[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(funcName)s()] %(message)s" # Log to console console_log = logging.StreamHandler() console_log.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(log_format)) console_log.setLevel(self.args.loglevel) logger.addHandler(console_log) # Save logs if enabled if self.args.savelog: # Create 'log' directory if not present log_path = os.path.dirname(log_file) if not os.path.exists(log_path): os.makedirs(log_path) file_log = TimedRotatingFileHandler(log_file, when="H", encoding="utf-8") file_log.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(log_format)) file_log.setLevel(self.args.loglevel) logger.addHandler(file_log) # Set log level for specified modules if self.args.mloglevel: for modlvl in self.args.mloglevel.split(","): module, loglvl = modlvl.split("=") logr = logging.getLogger(module) logr.setLevel(int(loglvl)) # Read bot token from file def _get_bot_token(self): """ Read Telegram bot token from config file or command line or input """ if self.args.input_token: return input("Enter Telegram Bot Token: ") if self.args.token: return self.args.token token_path = os.path.join(con.DIR_CFG, con.FILE_TKN) try: if os.path.isfile(token_path): with open(token_path, "r", encoding="utf8") as file: return json.load(file)["telegram"] else: exit( f"ERROR: No token file '{con.FILE_TKN}' found at '{token_path}'" ) except KeyError as e: cls_name = f"Class: {type(self).__name__}" logging.error(f"{repr(e)} - {cls_name}") exit("ERROR: Can't read bot token") def start(self): if self.cfg.get("webhook", "use_webhook"): self.tgb.bot_start_webhook() else: self.tgb.bot_start_polling() self.tgb.bot_idle()
class IdenaPlugin: def __init__(self, tg_bot): self._tgb = tg_bot # Create access to global config self.global_config = self._tgb.config # Create access to plugin config cfg_path = os.path.join(self.get_cfg_path(), f"{self.get_name()}.json") self.config = ConfigManager(cfg_path) def __enter__(self): """ This method gets executed before the plugin gets loaded. Make sure to return 'self' if you override it """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ This method gets executed after the plugin gets loaded """ pass def execute(self, bot, update, args): """ Override this to be executed after command gets triggered """ method = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name msg = f"Method '{method}' not implemented for plugin '{self.get_name()}'" logging.warning(msg) def get_usage(self): """ Return how to use the command """ usage = self.get_resource(f"{self.get_name()}.md") if usage: usage = usage.replace("{{handle}}", self.get_handle()) return usage return None def get_handle(self): """ Return the command string that triggers the plugin """ return self.config.get("handle") def get_category(self): """ Return the category of the plugin for the 'help' command """ return self.config.get("category") def get_description(self): """ Return the description of the plugin """ return self.config.get("description") def get_plugins(self): """ Return a list of all active plugins """ return self._tgb.plugins def get_jobs(self): """ Return a tuple with all currently active jobs """ return def get_job(self, name=None): """ Return the periodic job with the given name or None if 'interval' is not set in plugin config """ name = self.get_name() if not name else name jobs = self._tgb.job_queue.get_jobs_by_name(name) if not jobs or len(jobs) < 1: return None return jobs[0] # TODO: Don't set default for name as plugin name. What if we have more than one? def repeat_job(self, callback, interval, first=0, context=None): """ Logic that gets executed periodically """ self._tgb.job_queue.run_repeating(callback, interval, first=first, name=self.get_name(), context=context) def add_handler(self, handler, group=0): self._tgb.dispatcher.add_handler(handler, group=group) def add_plugin(self, module_name): """ Enable a plugin """ return self._tgb.add_plugin(module_name) def remove_plugin(self, module_name): """ Disable a plugin """ return self._tgb.remove_plugin(module_name) def api(self) -> IdenaAPI: return self._tgb.api def get_global_resource(self, filename): """ Return the content of the given file from the global 'resource' directory """ path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), c.DIR_RES, filename) try: with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: return except Exception as e: logging.error(e) self.notify(e) return None # TODO: Maybe give the option to only check filename without extension def get_resource(self, filename, plugin=""): """ Return the content of the given file from the 'resource' directory of the plugin """ path = os.path.join(self.get_res_path(plugin), filename) try: with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: return except Exception as e: logging.error(e) self.notify(e) return None def execute_global_sql(self, sql, *args): """ Execute raw SQL statement on the global database and return the result if there is one """ res = {"success": None, "data": None} # Check if database usage is enabled if not self.global_config.get("database", "use_db"): res["data"] = "Database disabled" res["success"] = False return res db_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), c.DIR_DAT, c.FILE_DAT) try: # Create directory if it doesn't exist directory = os.path.dirname(db_path) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: res["data"] = str(e) res["success"] = False logging.error(e) self.notify(e) con = None try: con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(sql, args) con.commit() res["data"] = cur.fetchall() res["success"] = True except Exception as e: res["data"] = str(e) res["success"] = False logging.error(e) self.notify(e) finally: if con: con.close() return res # TODO: Describe how arguments can be used def execute_sql(self, sql, *args, plugin="", db_name=""): """ Execute raw SQL statement on database for given plugin and return the result if there is one """ res = {"success": None, "data": None} # Check if database usage is enabled if not self.global_config.get("database", "use_db"): res["data"] = "Database disabled" res["success"] = False return res if db_name: if not db_name.lower().endswith(".db"): db_name += ".db" else: if plugin: db_name = plugin + ".db" else: db_name = self.get_name() + ".db" if plugin: plugin = plugin.lower() data_path = self.get_dat_path(plugin=plugin) db_path = os.path.join(data_path, db_name) else: db_path = os.path.join(self.get_dat_path(), db_name) try: # Create directory if it doesn't exist directory = os.path.dirname(db_path) os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: res["data"] = str(e) res["success"] = False logging.error(e) self.notify(e) con = None try: con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(sql, args) con.commit() res["data"] = cur.fetchall() res["success"] = True except Exception as e: res["data"] = str(e) res["success"] = False logging.error(e) self.notify(e) finally: if con: con.close() return res def global_table_exists(self, table_name): """ Return TRUE if given table exists in global database, otherwise FALSE """ db_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), c.DIR_DAT, c.FILE_DAT) if not Path(db_path).is_file(): return False con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cur = con.cursor() exists = False statement = self.get_global_resource("table_exists.sql") try: if cur.execute(statement, [table_name]).fetchone(): exists = True except Exception as e: logging.error(e) self.notify(e) con.close() return exists def table_exists(self, table_name, plugin="", db_name=""): """ Return TRUE if given table exists, otherwise FALSE """ if db_name: if not db_name.lower().endswith(".db"): db_name += ".db" else: if plugin: db_name = plugin + ".db" else: db_name = self.get_name() + ".db" if plugin: db_path = os.path.join(self.get_dat_path(plugin=plugin), db_name) else: db_path = os.path.join(self.get_dat_path(), db_name) if not Path(db_path).is_file(): return False con = sqlite3.connect(db_path) cur = con.cursor() exists = False statement = self.get_global_resource("table_exists.sql") try: if cur.execute(statement, [table_name]).fetchone(): exists = True except Exception as e: logging.error(e) self.notify(e) con.close() return exists def get_name(self): """ Return the name of the current plugin """ return type(self).__name__.lower() def get_res_path(self, plugin=""): """ Return path of resource directory for this plugin """ if not plugin: plugin = self.get_name() return os.path.join(c.DIR_SRC, c.DIR_PLG, plugin, c.DIR_RES) def get_cfg_path(self, plugin=""): """ Return path of configuration directory for this plugin """ if not plugin: plugin = self.get_name() return os.path.join(c.DIR_SRC, c.DIR_PLG, plugin, c.DIR_CFG) def get_dat_path(self, plugin=""): """ Return path of data directory for this plugin """ if not plugin: plugin = self.get_name() return os.path.join(c.DIR_SRC, c.DIR_PLG, plugin, c.DIR_DAT) def get_plg_path(self, plugin=""): """ Return path of current plugin directory """ if not plugin: plugin = self.get_name() return os.path.join(c.DIR_SRC, c.DIR_PLG, plugin) def plugin_available(self, plugin_name): """ Return TRUE if the given plugin is enabled or FALSE otherwise """ for plugin in self.get_plugins(): if plugin.get_name() == plugin_name.lower(): return True return False def notify(self, some_input): """ All admins in global config will get a message with the given text. Primarily used for exceptions but can be used with other inputs too. """ if self.global_config.get("admin", "notify_on_error"): for admin in self.global_config.get("admin", "ids"): try: msg = f"{emo.ALERT} Admin Notification:\n{some_input}", msg) except Exception as e: error = f"Not possible to notify admin id '{admin}'" logging.error(f"{error}: {e}") return some_input @staticmethod def threaded(fn): """ Decorator for methods that have to run in their own thread """ def _threaded(*args, **kwargs): thread = threading.Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) thread.start() return thread return _threaded @classmethod def private(cls, func): """ Decorator for methods that need to be run in a private chat with the bot """ def _private(self, bot, update, **kwargs): if self.config.get("private"): if bot.get_chat(update.message.chat_id).type == Chat.PRIVATE: return func(self, bot, update, **kwargs) return _private @classmethod def send_typing(cls, func): """ Decorator for sending typing notification in the Telegram chat """ def _send_typing(self, bot, update, **kwargs): if update.message: user_id = update.message.chat_id elif update.callback_query: user_id = update.callback_query.message.chat_id else: return func(self, bot, update, **kwargs) try: bot.send_chat_action(chat_id=user_id, action=ChatAction.TYPING) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"{e} - {update}") return func(self, bot, update, **kwargs) return _send_typing @classmethod def owner(cls, func): """ Decorator that executes the method only if the user is an bot admin. The user ID that triggered the command has to be in the ["admin"]["ids"] list of the global config file 'config.json' or in the ["admins"] list of the currently used plugin config file. """ def _owner(self, bot, update, **kwargs): user_id = admins_global = self.global_config.get("admin", "ids") if admins_global and isinstance(admins_global, list): if user_id in admins_global: return func(self, bot, update, **kwargs) admins_plugin = self.config.get("admins") if admins_plugin and isinstance(admins_plugin, list): if user_id in admins_plugin: return func(self, bot, update, **kwargs) return _owner @classmethod def dependency(cls, func): """ Decorator that executes a method only if the mentioned plugins in the config file of the current plugin are enabled """ def _dependency(self, bot, update, **kwargs): dependencies = self.config.get("dependency") if dependencies and isinstance(dependencies, list): plugins = [p.get_name() for p in self.get_plugins()] for dependency in dependencies: if dependency.lower() not in plugins: return return func(self, bot, update, **kwargs) return _dependency