    def __init__(self, opt, urdf_file, urdf_file_real, measurements_files, regressor_file, validation_file):
        # type: (Dict, str, str, str, str, str) -> None
        self.opt = opt

        # some additional options (experiments)

        # in order ot get regressor and base equations, use basis projection matrix. Otherwise use
        # permutation from QR directly (Gautier/Sousa method)
        self.opt['useBasisProjection'] = 0

        # in case projection is used, orthogonalize the basis matrix (SDP estimation seem to work
        # more stable that way)
        self.opt['orthogonalizeBasis'] = 1

        # add regularization term to SDP identification that minimized CAD distance for non-identifiable params
        self.opt['useRegressorRegularization'] = 1
        self.opt['regularizationFactor'] = 1000.0   #proportion of distance term

        # if using fixed base dynamics, remove first link that is the fixed base which should completely
        # not be identifiable and not be part of equations (as it does not move)
        self.opt['deleteFixedBase'] = 1

        # end additional config flags

        # load model description and initialize
        self.model = Model(self.opt, urdf_file, regressor_file)

        # load measurements
        self.data = Data(self.opt)
        if measurements_files:

        self.paramHelpers = helpers.ParamHelpers(self.model, self.opt)
        self.urdfHelpers = helpers.URDFHelpers(self.paramHelpers, self.model, self.opt)
        self.sdp = sdp.SDP(self)
        if self.opt['constrainUsingNL']:
            from identification.nlopt import NLOPT
            self.nlopt = NLOPT(self)

        self.tauEstimated = None    # type: np._ArrayLike
        self.res_error = 100        # last residual error in percent

        self.urdf_file_real = urdf_file_real
        if self.urdf_file_real:
            dc = iDynTree.DynamicsRegressorGenerator()
            if not dc.loadRobotAndSensorsModelFromFile(urdf_file_real):
            tmp = iDynTree.VectorDynSize(self.model.num_model_params)
            #set regressor, otherwise getModelParameters segfaults
            self.xStdReal = tmp.toNumPy()
            #add some zeros for friction
            self.xStdReal = np.concatenate((self.xStdReal, np.zeros(self.model.num_all_params-self.model.num_model_params)))
            if self.opt['identifyFriction']:
                self.paramHelpers.addFrictionFromURDF(self.model, self.urdf_file_real, self.xStdReal)

        self.validation_file = validation_file

        progress_inst = helpers.Progress(opt)
        self.progress = progress_inst.progress
    with open(args.config, 'r') as stream:
            config = yaml.load(stream)
        except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
    config['useDeg'] = 0
    config['model'] = args.model

    if args.robot == 'centauro':
        out = readCentauroCSV(args.measurements, config, args.plot)
        sampleTime = np.mean(np.diff(out['times']))
    elif args.robot == 'walkman':
        sampleTime = 0.005  #200 Hz
        out = readWalkmanCSV(args.measurements, config, args.plot)
    out['frequency'] = 1.0 / sampleTime
    data = Data(config)

    #init empty arrays for preprocess
    out['torques_raw'] = np.zeros_like(out['torques'])

    #filter, diff, integrate
    if args.robot == 'walkman':
        out['IMUlinVel'] = np.zeros(
            (out['times'].shape[0], 3))  #IMU linear velocity
        out['IMUrotAcc'] = np.zeros(
            (out['times'].shape[0], 3))  #IMU rotational acceleration
def simulateTrajectory(config, trajectory, model=None, measurements=None):
    # type: (Dict, Trajectory, Model, np._ArrayLike) -> Tuple[Dict, Data]
    # generate data arrays for simulation and regressor building
    old_sim = config['simulateTorques']
    config['simulateTorques'] = True

    if config['floatingBase']: fb = 6
    else: fb = 0

    if not model:
        if 'urdf_real' in config and config['urdf_real']:
            print('Simulating using "real" model parameters.')
            urdf = config['urdf_real']
            urdf = config['urdf']

        model = Model(config, urdf)

    data = Data(config)
    trajectory_data = {}  # type: Dict[str, Union[List, np._ArrayLike]]
    trajectory_data['target_positions'] = []
    trajectory_data['target_velocities'] = []
    trajectory_data['target_accelerations'] = []
    trajectory_data['torques'] = []
    trajectory_data['times'] = []

    freq = config['excitationFrequency']
    #f= open("trajectory3.txt","a+")
    for t in range(0, int(trajectory.getPeriodLength() * freq)):
        trajectory.setTime(t / freq)
        q = np.array(
            [trajectory.getAngle(d) for d in range(config['num_dofs'])])
        if config['useDeg']:
            q = np.deg2rad(q)
        #f.write("%s\n" % q)

        qdot = np.array(
            [trajectory.getVelocity(d) for d in range(config['num_dofs'])])
        if config['useDeg']:
            qdot = np.deg2rad(qdot)

        qddot = np.array(
            [trajectory.getAcceleration(d) for d in range(config['num_dofs'])])
        if config['useDeg']:
            qddot = np.deg2rad(qddot)

        trajectory_data['times'].append(t / freq)
        trajectory_data['torques'].append(np.zeros(config['num_dofs'] + fb))
    #f.write("next iteration \n")
    num_samples = len(trajectory_data['times'])

    #convert lists to numpy arrays
    trajectory_data['target_positions'] = np.array(
    trajectory_data['positions'] = trajectory_data['target_positions']
    trajectory_data['target_velocities'] = np.array(
    trajectory_data['velocities'] = trajectory_data['target_velocities']
    trajectory_data['target_accelerations'] = np.array(
    trajectory_data['accelerations'] = trajectory_data['target_accelerations']
    trajectory_data['torques'] = np.array(trajectory_data['torques'])
    trajectory_data['times'] = np.array(trajectory_data['times'])
    trajectory_data['measured_frequency'] = freq
    trajectory_data['base_velocity'] = np.zeros((num_samples, 6))
    trajectory_data['base_acceleration'] = np.zeros((num_samples, 6))

    trajectory_data['base_rpy'] = np.zeros((num_samples, 3))

    # add static contact force
    contacts = 1
    if config['floatingBase'] and contacts:
        contactFrame = 'contact_ft'
        # get base acceleration that results from acceleration at contact frame
        #contact_wrench =  np.zeros(6)
        #contact_wrench[2] = 9.81 * 3.0 # -g * mass
        contact_wrench = np.random.rand(6) * 10

        trajectory_data['base_rpy'] = np.random.rand(
            (3 * num_samples)).reshape((num_samples, 3)) * 0.5
        contact_wrench[2] = 9.81 # * 139.122814
        len_contact = la.norm(contact_wrench[0:3])

        # get vector from contact frame to robot center of mass
        model_com = iDynTree.Position()
        model_com = model.dynComp.getWorldTransform(contactFrame).inverse()*model.dynComp.getCenterOfMass()
        model_com = model_com.toNumPy()

        # rotate contact wrench to be in line with COM (so that base link is not rotationally accelerated)
        contact_wrench[0:3] = (-model_com) / la.norm(model_com) * len_contact

        # rotate base accordingly (ore rather the whole robot) so gravity is parallel to contact force
        a_xz = np.array([0,9.81])      #xz of non-rotated contact force
        b_xz = contact_wrench[[0,2]]     #rotated contact force vec projected to xz
        pitch = np.arccos( (a_xz.dot(b_xz))/(la.norm(a_xz)*la.norm(b_xz)) )   #angle in xz layer
        a_yz = np.array([0,9.81])        #yz of non-rotated contact force
        b_yz = contact_wrench[[1,2]]     #rotated contact force vec projected to yz
        roll = np.arccos( (a_yz.dot(b_yz))/(la.norm(a_yz)*la.norm(b_yz)) )   #angle in yz layer
        yaw = 0

        trajectory_data['base_rpy'][:] += np.array([roll, pitch, yaw])
        trajectory_data['contacts'] = np.array(
            {contactFrame: np.tile(contact_wrench, (num_samples, 1))})
        #TODO: add proper simulated contacts (from e.g. gazebo) for floating-base
        trajectory_data['contacts'] = np.array({})

    if measurements:
        trajectory_data['positions'] = measurements['Q']
        trajectory_data['velocities'] = measurements['V']
        trajectory_data['accelerations'] = measurements['Vdot']
        trajectory_data['measured_frequency'] = measurements[

    old_skip = config['skipSamples']
    config['skipSamples'] = 0
    old_offset = config['startOffset']
    config['startOffset'] = 0
    trajectory_data['torques'][:, :] = data.samples['torques'][:, :]
    if config['floatingBase']:
        # add force of contact to keep robot fixed in space (always accelerate exactly against gravity)
        # floating base orientation has to be rotated so that accelerations resulting from hanging
        # are zero, i.e. the vector COM - contact point is parallel to gravity.
        if contacts:
            # get jacobian of contact frame at current posture
            dim = model.num_dofs+fb
            jacobian = iDynTree.MatrixDynSize(6, dim)
            model.dynComp.getFrameJacobian(contactFrame, jacobian)
            jacobian = jacobian.toNumPy()

            # get base link vel and acc and torques that result from contact force / acceleration
            contacts_torq = np.zeros(dim)
            contacts_torq = jacobian.T.dot(contact_wrench)
            trajectory_data['base_acceleration'] += contacts_torq[0:6]  # / 139.122
            data.samples['base_acceleration'][:,:] = trajectory_data['base_acceleration'][:,:]
            # simulate again with proper base acceleration
            model.computeRegressors(data, only_simulate=True)
            trajectory_data['torques'][:,:] = data.samples['torques'][:,:]

    config['skipSamples'] = old_skip
    config['startOffset'] = old_offset
    config['simulateTorques'] = old_sim

    return trajectory_data, data