def mass_flux_plot(*args,**kwargs): fltm =[0]) injm =[1]) f1 = plt.figure() ax1 = f1.add_subplot(211) plt.plot(injm.nt_sc,injm.nmf_rscale,'r') plt.plot(injm.nt_sc,injm.nmf_zscale,'b') plt.plot(injm.nt_sc,injm.nmf_z0scale,'k') plt.plot(injm.nt_sc,(injm.nmf_rscale+injm.nmf_zscale),'g') plt.axis([0.0,160.0,0.0,3.5e-5]) plt.minorticks_on() locs,labels = plt.yticks() plt.yticks(locs, map(lambda x: "%.1f" % x, locs*1e5)) plt.text(0.0, 1.03, r'$10^{-5}$', transform = plt.gca().transAxes) plt.xlabel(r'Time [yr]',labelpad=6) plt.ylabel(r'$\dot{\rm M}_{\rm out} [ \rm{M}_{\odot} \rm{yr}^{-1} ]$',labelpad=15) ax2 = f1.add_subplot(212) plt.plot(fltm.nt_sc,fltm.nmf_rscale,'r') plt.plot(fltm.nt_sc,fltm.nmf_zscale,'b') plt.plot(fltm.nt_sc,fltm.nmf_z0scale,'k') plt.plot(fltm.nt_sc,(fltm.nmf_rscale+fltm.nmf_zscale),'g') plt.axis([0.0,160.0,0.0,4.0e-5]) plt.minorticks_on() locs,labels = plt.yticks() plt.yticks(locs, map(lambda x: "%.1f" % x, locs*1e5)) plt.text(0.0, 1.03, r'$10^{-5}$', transform = plt.gca().transAxes) plt.xlabel(r'Time [yr]',labelpad=6) plt.ylabel(r'$\dot{\rm M}_{\rm out} [ \rm {M}_{\odot} \rm{yr}^{-1} ]$',labelpad=15)
def photoz(s1100,e1100=0.,s14=0.,e14=0.,ntry=50000): ''' Determine the photometric redshift of a galaxy given the measured 1.4 cm and 1100 micron flux and uncertainty ''' z = np.arange(0,10,.05) ngal = 44 if s14 == 0: ratioin = -1 ratiosig = -1 else: ratioin = s1100/s14 ratiosig = (e1100/s1100**2+e14/s14**2)**.5 a ='fluxratio1100.sav') dat = a.get('data') zs = a.get('redshift') averatio = np.zeros(200) sigma = np.zeros(200) array = np.random.randn(ntry) array1 = np.random.randn(ntry) if s14 <= 0.: ydarts = (s1100+array*e1100)/(np.abs(array1*e14)) else: ydarts = array*ratiosig+ratioin xdarts = np.zeros(ntry) for i in range(ntry): jrangal = np.floor(ngal*np.random.rand(1))[0] testtrack = dat[:,jrangal] yval = ydarts[i] xdarts[i] = np.interp(yval,testtrack,z) return xdarts,ydarts
def __init__(self,infile): mypath=os.getcwd() if mypath.find('Users') > -1: print "Running on Rose's mac pro or laptop" elif mypath.find('home') > -1: print "Running on coma" self.nulnu_iras25=cefile['nulnu_iras25'] self.nulnu_iras100=cefile['nulnu_iras100'] self.nulnu_iras12=cefile['nulnu_iras12'] self.nulnu_iras60=cefile['nulnu_iras60'] self.nulnuinlsun=cefile['nulnuinlsun'] self.lir_sanders=cefile['lir_sanders'] self.lir=cefile['lir'] self.nulnu_lw3=cefile['nulnu_lw3'] self.nulnu_lw2=cefile['nulnu_lw2'] self.lamb=cefile['lambda'] # # convert all to double-precision arrays # self.lamb=array(self.lamb,'d') self.nulnu_iras25=array(self.nulnu_iras25,'d') self.nulnu_iras100=array(self.nulnu_iras100,'d') self.nulnu_iras12=array(self.nulnu_iras12,'d') self.nulnu_iras60=array(self.nulnu_iras60,'d') self.nulnuinlsun=array(self.nulnuinlsun,'d') self.lir_sanders=array(self.lir_sanders,'d') self.lir=array(self.lir,'d') self.nulnu_lw3=array(self.nulnu_lw3,'d') self.nulnu_lw2=array(self.nulnu_lw3,'d')
def test_arrays(self): s =, 'struct_pointer_arrays.sav'), verbose=False) assert_array_identical(s.arrays.g[0], np.repeat(np.float32(4.), 2).astype(np.object_)) assert_array_identical(s.arrays.h[0], np.repeat(np.float32(4.), 3).astype(np.object_)) assert_true(np.all(vect_id(s.arrays.g[0]) == id(s.arrays.g[0][0]))) assert_true(np.all(vect_id(s.arrays.h[0]) == id(s.arrays.h[0][0]))) assert_true(id(s.arrays.g[0][0]) == id(s.arrays.h[0][0]))
def test_scalars(self): s =, 'struct_scalars.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.scalars.a, np.array(np.int16(1))) assert_identical(s.scalars.b, np.array(np.int32(2))) assert_identical(s.scalars.c, np.array(np.float32(3.))) assert_identical(s.scalars.d, np.array(np.float64(4.))) assert_identical(s.scalars.e, np.array(asbytes_nested(["spam"]), dtype=np.object)) assert_identical(s.scalars.f, np.array(np.complex64(-1.+3j)))
def test_scalars_replicated_3d(self): s =, 'struct_scalars_replicated_3d.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.a, np.repeat(np.int16(1), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2)) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.b, np.repeat(np.int32(2), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2)) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.c, np.repeat(np.float32(3.), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2)) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.d, np.repeat(np.float64(4.), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2)) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.e, np.repeat(asbytes("spam"), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2).astype(np.object)) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.f, np.repeat(np.complex64(-1.+3j), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2))
def test_idict(self): custom_dict = {'a': np.int16(999)} original_id = id(custom_dict) s =, 'scalar_byte.sav'), idict=custom_dict, verbose=False) assert_equal(original_id, id(s)) assert_true('a' in s) assert_identical(s['a'], np.int16(999)) assert_identical(s['i8u'], np.uint8(234))
def test_compressed(self): s =, 'various_compressed.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.i8u, np.uint8(234)) assert_identical(s.f32, np.float32(-3.1234567e+37)) assert_identical(s.c64, np.complex128(1.1987253647623157e+112-5.1987258887729157e+307j)) assert_equal(s.array5d.shape, (4, 3, 4, 6, 5)) assert_identical(s.arrays.a[0], np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int16)) assert_identical(s.arrays.b[0], np.array([4., 5., 6., 7.], dtype=np.float32)) assert_identical(s.arrays.c[0], np.array([np.complex64(1+2j), np.complex64(7+8j)])) assert_identical(s.arrays.d[0], np.array(asbytes_nested(["cheese", "bacon", "spam"]), dtype=np.object))
def read_alfalfa_file(filename): """ Read the contents of a whole ALFALFA source file """ savfile = source_dict = dict([(name,read_alfalfa_source(savfile,ii)) for ii,name in enumerate(savfile.src.SRCNAME)]) return source_dict
def load_data(obsname): """ load data file given an obs date/number Example ------- >>> data = load_data('gal_010.47+00.03/130820_ob3') """ filename = obsname+"_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav" data = { % k, verbose=False) for k in xrange(4)} return data
def _read_raw(self): """ Reads the raw data from the retrieval virtual or real file """ f = self.retrieval.read_data(self.unique_id) # Load wav files k =, verbose=False)['k'] self.flux = k.f[0] self.timestamps = k.t[0] self.length = len(self.flux) return flux
def __init__(self, infile): a = if infile.find('agctotal') > -1: a.agc = a.agctotal elif infile.find('agcnorthminus1') > -1: a.agc = a.agcnorthminus1 elif infile.find('agcnorth') > -1: a.agc = a.agcnorth self.outfile = infile.split('.sav')[0] + '.fits' self.agcnumber = a.agc.agcnumber[0] self.which = a.agc.which[0] self.rah = array(a.agc.rah[0], 'f') self.ram = array(a.agc.ram[0], 'f') self.ras10 = array(a.agc.ras10[0], 'f') self.radeg = zeros(len(self.ras10), 'd') self.radeg = 15. * (self.rah + self.ram / 60. + self.ras10 / 10. / 3600.) self.decd = array(a.agc.decd[0], 'f') self.decm = array(a.agc.decm[0], 'f') self.decs = array(a.agc.decs[0], 'f') self.decdeg = zeros(len(self.ras10), 'd') self.decdeg = self.decd + self.decm / 60. + self.decs / 3600. self.a100 = a.agc.a100[0] self.b100 = a.agc.b100[0] self.mag10 = a.agc.mag10[0] self.inccode = a.agc.inccode[0] self.posang = a.agc.posang[0] self.description = a.agc.description[0] self.bsteintype = a.agc.bsteintype[0] self.vopt = a.agc.vopt[0] self.verr = a.agc.verr[0] self.extrc3 = a.agc.extrc3[0] self.extdirbe = a.agc.extdirbe[0] self.vsource = a.agc.vsource[0] self.ngcic = a.agc.ngcic[0] self.flux100 = a.agc.flux100[0] self.rms100 = a.agc.rms100[0] self.v21 = a.agc.v21[0] self.width = a.agc.width[0] self.widtherr = a.agc.widtherr[0] self.telcode = a.agc.telcode[0] self.detcode = a.agc.detcode[0] self.hisource = a.agc.hisource[0] self.statuscode = a.agc.statuscode[0] self.snratio = a.agc.snratio[0] self.ibandqual = a.agc.ibandqual[0] self.ibandsrc = a.agc.ibandsrc[0] self.irasflag = a.agc.irasflag[0] self.icluster = a.agc.icluster[0] self.hidata = a.agc.hidata[0] self.iposition = a.agc.iposition[0] self.ipalomar = a.agc.ipalomar[0] self.rc3flag = a.agc.rc3flag[0]
def test_pointers_replicated_3d(self): s =, 'struct_pointers_replicated_3d.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical( s.pointers_rep.g, np.repeat(np.float32(4.), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2).astype(np.object_)) assert_identical( s.pointers_rep.h, np.repeat(np.float32(4.), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2).astype(np.object_)) assert_true( np.all(vect_id(s.pointers_rep.g) == vect_id(s.pointers_rep.h)))
def stellar_grid(): #read in stellar parameters star_pars ='fit_sed_grid_seds_av025_rv05.sav') #get logg, teff grid grav_vals = star_pars.grid_seds['logg'] temp_vals = star_pars.grid_seds['logt'] #find non-zero elements (i.e., have models) gtindxs = np.where(temp_vals > 0.) temp_vals = temp_vals[gtindxs] n_gravs = len(grav_vals) ggindx = np.where(grav_vals[1:n_gravs-1] > 0.) grav_vals = [grav_vals[0], (grav_vals[1:n_gravs-1])[ggindxs]]
def read_gbt_nh3(ret_idl=False): """ Read BGPS GBT NH3 observation and temperature fit catalog. Citation: Dunham et al. (2011), Rosolowsky et al. (in prep.). Parameters ---------- ret_idl : Boolean, default False Return list of record arrays from IDL save file Returns ------- gbt_nh3 : pandas.DataFrame Output catalog in a pandas DataFrame object idl_list : list IDL save file products """ if type(ret_idl) != bool: raise TypeError('ret_idl must be Boolean') import idlsave import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') nh3_1 = + d.gbt_nh3_1_filen, verbose=False) nh3_2 = + d.gbt_nh3_2_filen, verbose=False) nh3_3 = + d.gbt_nh3_3_filen, verbose=False) idl_list = [nh3_1, nh3_2, nh3_3] nh3_1 = _pd.DataFrame(nh3_1.s) nh3_2 = _pd.DataFrame(nh3_2.s) nh3_3 = _pd.DataFrame(nh3_3.s) df_list = [nh3_1, nh3_2, nh3_3] gbt_nh3 = _pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True) gbt_nh3['SNR11'] = gbt_nh3['PK11'] / gbt_nh3['NOISE11'] gbt_nh3['SNR22'] = gbt_nh3['PK22'] / gbt_nh3['NOISE22'] gbt_nh3['SNR33'] = gbt_nh3['PK33'] / gbt_nh3['NOISE33'] if ret_idl: return gbt_nh3, idl_list else: return gbt_nh3
def read_alfalfa_source(savfile, sourcenumber=0): """ Create an Observation Block class for a single source in an ALFALFA 'source' IDL save file """ if type(savfile) is str and ".src" in savfile: savfile = src = savfile.src[sourcenumber] header = pyfits.Header() splist = [] for spectra in src.spectra: for par in spectra.dtype.names: try: len(spectra[par]) except TypeError: header[par[:8]] = spectra[par] # assume ALFALFA spectra in Kelvin header['BUNIT'] = 'K' xarr = pyspeckit.spectrum.units.SpectroscopicAxis(spectra.velarr, refX=header['RESTFRQ'], refX_units='MHz', unit='km/s') data =, spectra.spec) sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(xarr=xarr, data=data, header=header) # the Source has a baseline presubtracted (I think) sp.baseline.baselinepars = spectra.baseline[::-1] sp.baseline.subtracted = True sp.baseline.order = len(spectra.baseline) sp.baseline.basespec = np.poly1d(sp.baseline.baselinepars)(np.arange(xarr.shape[0])) # There are multiple components in each Spectrum, but I think they are not indepedent sp.specfit.fittype = 'gaussian' sp.specfit.fitter = sp.specfit.Registry.multifitters['gaussian'] modelpars = zip(spectra['STON'],spectra['VCEN'],spectra['WIDTH']) modelerrs = zip(spectra['STON'],spectra['VCENERR_STAT'],spectra['WIDTHERR']) sp.specfit.modelpars = modelpars[0] # only use the first fit sp.specfit.fitter.mpp = modelpars[0] sp.specfit.modelerrs = modelerrs[0] sp.specfit.fitter.mpperr = modelerrs[0] sp.specfit._full_model() splist.append(sp) return pyspeckit.ObsBlock(splist)
def get_bls_data(self): try: bls =, verbose=False)['blsstr'] self.snr = [x.snr for x in bls] self.snr_periods = [x.period for x in bls][0] self.period = [x.pnew[0] for x in bls][0] self.duration = [x.pnew[2] for x in bls][0] self.t0 = [x.pnew[1] for x in bls][0] self.impact_parameter = [x.pnew[3] for x in bls][0] self.limb_darkening = [x.pnew[4] for x in bls][0] self.radius_ratio = [x.pnew[6] for x in bls][0] except Exception as e: logger.warn("Failed to read downloaded file :" + self.get_cached_search_filename()+ ' ' +str(e)) return [self.period, self.t0, self.impact_parameter, self.limb_darkening, None, self.radius_ratio]
def test_arrays(self): s =, 'struct_arrays.sav'), verbose=False) assert_array_identical(s.arrays.a[0], np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int16)) assert_array_identical(s.arrays.b[0], np.array([4., 5., 6., 7.], dtype=np.float32)) assert_array_identical( s.arrays.c[0], np.array([np.complex64(1 + 2j), np.complex64(7 + 8j)])) assert_array_identical( s.arrays.d[0], np.array(asbytes_nested(["cheese", "bacon", "spam"]), dtype=np.object))
def test5(): # When testing on the Python console use: # import idlsave # s ="Data/20160306rkn.sav") # try to read in an IDL .sav file cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # where we are s ="Data/20160306rkn.sav") vel =['v_e'] beam = s.prm['bmnum'] freq = s.prm['tfreq'] print(len(vel)) print(len(beam)) print(freq[1:5])
def load_data(obsname): """ load data file given an obs date/number Example ------- >>> data = load_data('gal_010.47+00.03/130820_ob3') """ if 'coadd' in obsname: obsdir, obsname = os.path.split(obsname) filename = obsname + "_clean_music_20130815.sav" filename = filename[:15] + "%i" + filename[16:] filename = os.path.join(obsdir, filename) else: filename = obsname + "_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav" data = {k: % k, verbose=False) for k in xrange(4)} return data
def __init__(self,starsfile,var='stars'): junk = self.stars = junk[var] = self.stars[0] self.fields = np.array(self.stars.dtype.names) #make fields lowercase for i in range(len(self.fields)): self.fields[i] = self.fields[i].lower() #assign attributes to class for field in self.fields: if type([field]) is np.ndarray: unpackedfield = savunpack.savunpack(self.stars[field]) exec('self.'+field+' = unpackedfield') else: exec('self.'+field+' = self.stars["'+field+'"]')
def load_data(obsname): """ load data file given an obs date/number Example ------- >>> data = load_data('gal_010.47+00.03/130820_ob3') """ if 'coadd' in obsname: obsdir,obsname = os.path.split(obsname) filename = obsname+"_clean_music_20130815.sav" filename = filename[:15]+"%i"+filename[16:] filename = os.path.join(obsdir,filename) else: filename = obsname+"_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav" data = { % k, verbose=False) for k in xrange(4)} return data
def test_scalars_replicated_3d(self): s =, 'struct_scalars_replicated_3d.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.a, np.repeat(np.int16(1), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2)) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.b, np.repeat(np.int32(2), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2)) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.c, np.repeat(np.float32(3.), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2)) assert_identical(s.scalars_rep.d, np.repeat(np.float64(4.), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2)) assert_identical( s.scalars_rep.e, np.repeat(asbytes("spam"), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2).astype(np.object)) assert_identical( s.scalars_rep.f, np.repeat(np.complex64(-1. + 3j), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2))
def test_arrays_replicated(self): s =, 'struct_pointer_arrays_replicated.sav'), verbose=False) # Check column types assert_true(s.arrays_rep.g.dtype.type is np.object_) assert_true(s.arrays_rep.h.dtype.type is np.object_) # Check column shapes assert_equal(s.arrays_rep.g.shape, (5, )) assert_equal(s.arrays_rep.h.shape, (5, )) # Check values for i in range(5): assert_array_identical(s.arrays_rep.g[i], np.repeat(np.float32(4.), 2).astype(np.object_)) assert_array_identical(s.arrays_rep.h[i], np.repeat(np.float32(4.), 3).astype(np.object_)) assert_true(np.all(vect_id(s.arrays_rep.g[i]) == id(s.arrays_rep.g[0][0]))) assert_true(np.all(vect_id(s.arrays_rep.h[i]) == id(s.arrays_rep.h[0][0])))
def read_grid( model_filepath=None ): z = model_filepath )['mmd'] mus = np.array( z['mu'] ) wavs_A_in = z['lam'] intensities_in = z['flx'] nang = len( mus ) nwav = len( wavs_A_in[0] ) wavs_nm = wavs_A_in[0]/10. intensities = np.zeros( [nwav,nang] ) for i in range( nang ): intensities[:,i] = intensities_in[i] # Discard the mu=0 point: mus = mus[1:] intensities = intensities[:,1:] # Reverse order so that mu decreases from 1: mus = mus[::-1] intensities = intensities[:,::-1] # TODO = Understand units of these output intensities/fluxes. return mus, wavs_nm, intensities
def test_compressed(self): s =, 'various_compressed.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.i8u, np.uint8(234)) assert_identical(s.f32, np.float32(-3.1234567e+37)) assert_identical( s.c64, np.complex128(1.1987253647623157e+112 - 5.1987258887729157e+307j)) assert_equal(s.array5d.shape, (4, 3, 4, 6, 5)) assert_identical(s.arrays.a[0], np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int16)) assert_identical(s.arrays.b[0], np.array([4., 5., 6., 7.], dtype=np.float32)) assert_identical( s.arrays.c[0], np.array([np.complex64(1 + 2j), np.complex64(7 + 8j)])) assert_identical( s.arrays.d[0], np.array(asbytes_nested(["cheese", "bacon", "spam"]), dtype=np.object))
def getDistributionStarsGas(): ''' Distrubtion in stars and gas ''' harveyDataDir = \ '/Users/DavidHarvey/Documents/Work/SIDM_science/clusters/' clusters = glob.glob(harveyDataDir+'/*') listOfMergerHalos = [] for iCluster in clusters: print iCluster if os.path.isfile( iCluster+'/bulletsFLUX.sav'): halos ='/bulletsFLUX.sav')['halos'] for iHalo in halos: clusterName = iCluster.split('/')[-1] iMerger = mergerHalo(clusterName, iHalo) iMerger.calculateBulletVectors() iMerger.ouputDistSG('Harvey15distances.dat') listOfMergerHalos.append(iMerger) sys.exit() simName = 'CDM' #simulatedClusters = ClusterSample(simName) #simulatedClusters.extractMergerHalos() #simulatedClusters.CalculateOffsetVectors(nClusters=5) bins = np.linspace(0,1000,100) totalSGdistribution = [ i.dist_sg[0] for i in listOfMergerHalos] proposedClusterRadius = getProposedClusterRadii() y,x,p = plt.hist( totalSGdistribution, bins=bins, density=True) plt.hist( proposedClusterRadius, bins=bins,density=True) plt.plot( [np.median(proposedClusterRadius),np.median(proposedClusterRadius)],[0.,np.max(y)],'-')
def test_arrays_replicated(self): s =, 'struct_arrays_replicated.sav'), verbose=False) # Check column types assert_true(s.arrays_rep.a.dtype.type is np.object_) assert_true(s.arrays_rep.b.dtype.type is np.object_) assert_true(s.arrays_rep.c.dtype.type is np.object_) assert_true(s.arrays_rep.d.dtype.type is np.object_) # Check column shapes assert_equal(s.arrays_rep.a.shape, (5, )) assert_equal(s.arrays_rep.b.shape, (5, )) assert_equal(s.arrays_rep.c.shape, (5, )) assert_equal(s.arrays_rep.d.shape, (5, )) # Check values for i in range(5): assert_array_identical(s.arrays_rep.a[i], np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int16)) assert_array_identical(s.arrays_rep.b[i], np.array([4., 5., 6., 7.], dtype=np.float32)) assert_array_identical(s.arrays_rep.c[i], np.array([np.complex64(1+2j), np.complex64(7+8j)])) assert_array_identical(s.arrays_rep.d[i], np.array(asbytes_nested(["cheese", "bacon", "spam"]), dtype=np.object))
def test_pointers_replicated_3d(self): s =, 'struct_pointers_replicated_3d.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.pointers_rep.g, np.repeat(np.float32(4.), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2).astype(np.object_)) assert_identical(s.pointers_rep.h, np.repeat(np.float32(4.), 24).reshape(4, 3, 2).astype(np.object_)) assert_true(np.all(vect_id(s.pointers_rep.g) == vect_id(s.pointers_rep.h)))
from pylab import * import numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pyfits import idlsave import itertools import scipy.ndimage from astropy.nddata.convolution import make_kernel, convolve data_w49_1 = { k:'w49/130819_ob5_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) } data_w49_2 = { k:'w49/130819_ob6_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) } data_w51_1 = { k: 'w51_bgps/130819_ob1_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) } data_w51_2 = { k: 'w51_bgps/130819_ob2_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) } data_sgrb2_1 = { k:'sgr_b2/130819_ob3_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) } data_sgrb2_2 = {
def test_scalars(self): s =, 'struct_pointers.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.pointers.g, np.array(np.float32(4.), dtype=np.object_)) assert_identical(s.pointers.h, np.array(np.float32(4.), dtype=np.object_)) assert_true(id(s.pointers.g[0]) == id(s.pointers.h[0]))
def get_that_data(cube): from import fits import idlsave import numpy as np data ='{cube}') print('Data headers: ', data.keys()) header = input("Which header? ") head = data[f'{header}'] # a recarray tabledata = head.table_data # a ndarray print('Components: ', tabledata[0].pkey) # the different headers are organized differently: if header == 'emlwav' or header == 'emlwaverr' or header == 'emlsig' or header == 'emlsigerr': comp1 = tabledata[0][2][1][0][8] comp2 = tabledata[0][1][1][0][8] print('Emission lines: ', comp1.pkey) eline = input("Which line? ") comps = {'c2': comp2, 'c1': comp1} elif header == 'emlflx' or header == 'emlflxerr': ftot = tabledata[0][0][1][0][8] comp2 = tabledata[0][1][1][0][8] comp2pk = tabledata[0][4][1][0][8] comp1 = tabledata[0][5][1][0][8] comp1pk = tabledata[0][6][1][0][8] print('Emission lines: ', ftot.pkey) eline = input("Which line? ") comps = { 'ftot': ftot, 'c2': comp2, 'c2pk': comp2pk, 'c1': comp1, 'c1pk': comp1pk } elif header == 'emlcvdf': fluxerr = tabledata[0][0][1][0][8] vel = tabledata[0][1] cumfluxnorm = tabledata[0][2][1][0][8] cumfluxnormerr = tabledata[0][3][1][0][8] flux = tabledata[0][5][1][0][8] print('Emission lines: ', flux.pkey) eline = input("Which line? ") comps = { 'fluxerr': fluxerr, 'flux': flux, 'vel': vel, 'cfn': cumfluxnorm, 'cfnerr': cumfluxnormerr } else: print('Header does not exist') # loop through each component in the header: for c in comps: for key in range(len(comps[c].pkey)): line = comps[c].pkey[key] if line != None: line = line.decode('utf-8') if line == eline: print('Line: ', line) data = comps[c].pvalue[key] data[data > 1e90] = np.nan # call all bad data nan fits.writeto(f'{header}_{c}_{line}.fits', data) elif eline == 'all': print('Line: ', line) data = comps[c].pvalue[key] data[data > 1e90] = np.nan # call all bad data nan fits.writeto(f'{header}_{c}_{line}.fits', data)
def read_file(filename): s = data = s.sme return, data.mass, data.vmag, data.ra, data.dec, \ data.radius_iso, data.teff
#Otherwise, create a cors directory for this RSR file in the save path (check # to see if one is there already). save_path = save_path_lvl0 + cors_file + '/' if size(glob.glob(save_path)) == 0: os.system('mkdir ' + save_path) #Now read in the index flag info. Since single rsr files can have both ingress # and egress, this file may contain either 1 or 2 lines to include ingress (0) # only, egress (1) only, or both (0 and 1). index_start, index_stop, geom = loadtxt(rsr_files[j]+\ '/full_output/flag_indices.txt',skiprows=1,usecols=[0,1,2],unpack=True) #Convert these index arrays to integers (as they are read in as floats). index_start, index_end, geom = index_start.astype(int),index_stop.astype(int),\ geom.astype(int) #Now read in the IDL data idl_data =[j] + '/full_output/output.sav', verbose=False) #Open the file in which to save the output data save_filename = '_'.join(rsr_file.split('.')) + '_freq_v01.csv' save_filename = save_filename.upper() save_file = open(save_path + save_filename, 'w') #Generate a string that comprises this line in the save file for k in range(size(idl_data.sfduyearout)): s = '' s += '%10.i' % idl_data.sfduyearout[k] + ',' s += '%10.i' % idl_data.sfdudoyout[k] + ',' s += '%20.3f' % idl_data.sfdusecout[k] + ',' s += '%10.i' % idl_data.rftoifmhzout[k] + ',' s += '%10.i' % idl_data.ddclomhzout[k] + ',' s += '%20.12e' % idl_data.ncofreqout[k] + ','
def test_complex64(self): s =, 'scalar_complex64.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.c64, np.complex128(1.1987253647623157e+112-5.1987258887729157e+307j))
def test_int16(self): s =, 'scalar_int16.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.i16s, np.int16(-23456))
def test_float32(self): s =, 'scalar_float32.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.f32, np.float32(-3.1234567e+37))
ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.set_title('Individual EDP',fontsize='x-large') #For each, load in all of the EDP, parse the profile files, and plot all_IDs = [] topsides = zeros(size(obs_list)) avg_topside, std_topside, rms_topside = zeros(size(obs_list)), zeros(size(obs_list)), \ zeros(size(obs_list)) print('') print('Mean STD RMS Max(alt)') for i in range(size(obs_list)): all_IDs += [obs_list[i].split('\\')[-1]] idl_data =[i]+'\\'+flyby+'_'+all_IDs[i]+'_edp_pat.sav',verbose=0) alt = idl_data.occptradiusarraysav lat = idl_data.occptlatarraysav ed = idl_data.edpsav if representation == 'ellipsoidal': #Calculate saturn_R, the ellipsoidal represntation of Saturn's surface, as a function of latitude saturn_R = a*b/(np.sqrt((b*np.cos(lat*np.pi/180.))**2.+(a*np.sin(lat*np.pi/180.))**2.)) #Calculate occptradius - R r_minus_R = alt - saturn_R #Calculate the "representative" poinnt, which is closest to height of 2000 km (representative of # ionospheric peak) rep_point_loc = np.where(abs(r_minus_R-2000) == np.min(abs(r_minus_R-2000)))[0] #Subtract off the height of representative point alt -= saturn_R[rep_point_loc]
def __init__( self, shotnumber, params = "refQVW11383.sav", withgpu = False): self.shot = shotnumber self.timestamp = [] if ( not _is_pycuda): self.withgpu = False else: self.withgpu = withgpu self._ref_bands = "" qvwref = read( join(expanduser('.'), "params", params), verbose=False) self._refname = params if "pq" in qvwref and "freq" in qvwref: ph0q = qvwref["pq"].p[0][:self.Nqv] freq = qvwref["freq"][:self.Nqv] self._ref_bands = self._ref_bands + "q" else: ph0q = array([]) freq = array([]) if "pv" in qvwref and "frev" in qvwref and "isv" in qvwref and ("ioff" in qvwref or "offset" in qvwref): ph0v = qvwref["pv"].p[0] [:self.Nqv] frev = qvwref["frev"][:self.Nqv] isv = qvwref['isv'] ioff = qvwref['ioff'] if "ioff" in qvwref else qvwref["offset"] self._ref_bands = self._ref_bands + "v" else: ph0v = array([]) frev = array([]) isv = -1 ioff = -1 if "pw" in qvwref and "frew" in qvwref: ph0w = qvwref["pw"].p[0] frew = qvwref["frew"] isw = qvwref['isw'] ioffw = qvwref['ioff'] self._ref_bands = self._ref_bands + "w" else: ph0w = array([]) frew = array([]) isw = -1 ioffw = -1 nHead = 24 fSample = 100.0 #MHz period = 5000 if frew.size > 3000: self.nHead = {'q':nHead, 'v':nHead, 'w':nHead*2} self.fSample = {'q':fSample, 'v':fSample, 'w':fSample*2} self.period = {'q':period, 'v':period, 'w':period*2} isw = isw*2 if isw >= 0 else -1 ioffw = ioffw*2 if ioffw >= 0 else -1 ph0w = ph0w[:self.Nw] frew = frew[:self.Nw] else: self.nHead = {'q':nHead, 'v':nHead, 'w':nHead} self.fSample = {'q':fSample, 'v':fSample, 'w':fSample} self.period = {'q':period, 'v':period, 'w':period} ph0w = ph0w[:self.Nqv] frew = frew[:self.Nqv] #ieq = qvwref['ieq'] if "v" in self._ref_bands: l_tmp = nonzero( freq >= frev[isv])[0] ieq = l_tmp[0] if l_tmp != [] else freq.size-1 else: ieq = freq.size-1 if "w" in self._ref_bands: l_tmp = nonzero( frev >= frew[isw])[0] iev = l_tmp[0] if l_tmp != [] else frev.size-1 else: iev = frev.size-1 self.istart = {'q':0, 'v':isv, 'w':isw} self.iend = {'q':ieq, 'v':iev, 'w':frew.size-1} self.ioff = {'q':0, 'v':ioff, 'w':ioffw} self.ph0ref = {'q':ph0q, 'v':ph0v, 'w':ph0w} self.faxis = {'q':freq, 'v':frev, 'w':frew} self.nscale = { 'q':50, 'v':50, 'w':50 } self.window = { 'q':array([[]]), 'v':array([[]]), 'w':array([[]])} self._sigready = False
import sys import idlsave from datetime import date, timedelta file_path = 'gev_nar.sav' sav_file = gv = sav_file.gv # Flares nar = sav_file.nar # ARs times = [int(entry[0]) for entry in gv] print('Maximum time since beginning of day (in hundredths):', max(times)) print('Last GEV record:') print(gv[-1]) print('Last NAR record:') print(nar[-1]) day_val = -1 # Number of days of particular gev entry since December 31, 1978 print('C2.2 class flare with AR #2672:') for entry in gv: # Two digit numbers are ASCII values of chars (that's just the way they are stored in the sav file) if int(entry[4][0]) == 67 and int(entry[4][1]) == 50 and int( entry[4][3]) == 50 and int(entry[7]) == 2672: print(entry) day_val = int(entry[1]) break
def MakeTxtFile(in_file=None): """ Purpose: To read in an IDL.sav file, filter for only the data of interest, and put the important info into a text file, The text file can then be read quickly by other analysis programs. Pre-conditions: :param: in_file: the IDL .sav file that you would like to create a text file from If no in_file is given, then Sept 5, 2016 is selected by default. The given IDL file must be in the Data folder of this project Post-conditions: A text file is created in the same location as the IDL .sav file was read in from. The created file has the same name except with the time it was filtered for attached Currnet form of output text file is: Gate Ut decimal time frequency velocity xxx xxx xx xx xxx xxx xx xx Return: none """ START_UT = 1.50 END_UT = 8.00 PWR_MIN = 3 # minimum power in dB N_DECIMAL_PLACES = 5 # number of decimal points to keep when printing to txt file if not in_file: in_file = "20160905rkn" # Read in data from IDL .sav FILE print("Reading in IDL.sav file...") s ="Data/" + in_file + ".sav") # fit data is read in multidimensional arrays of size # of measurements by gates # i.e. vel[measurement_idx][gate_idx] # prm data is all different # Pick out everything that is important from prm print("Getting prm data...") time = makeTimeArray(s.prm['time']) freq = s.prm['tfreq']/1000. gate = np.arange(0, 75, 1) # duplicate the prm things so they will line up with the flattened things from fit NumOfMeasurements = len(['v']) print("# of measurements: " + str(NumOfMeasurements)) time = np.repeat(time, len(gate)) freq = np.repeat(freq, len(gate)) gate = np.tile(gate, NumOfMeasurements) # Pick out the important things from fit and flatten them in row-major (C-style) order print("Getting and flattening fit data...") qflg = flattenFitArrays(['qflg']) gflg = flattenFitArrays(['gflg']) vel = flattenFitArrays(['v']) pwr = flattenFitArrays(['pwr0']) # filter for low quality points or those flagged as ground scatter valid = (time >= START_UT) & (time <= END_UT) & (qflg == 1) & (gflg == 0) & (pwr >= PWR_MIN) # Write to text file print("Writing data to file...") OUT_FILE = in_file + "_" + str(START_UT) + "-" + str(END_UT) + "UT" full_file_name = "Data/" + OUT_FILE + ".txt" with open(full_file_name, "w+") as f: writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='\t') writer.writerows(zip(gate[valid], np.round(time[valid], N_DECIMAL_PLACES), freq[valid], np.round(vel[valid], N_DECIMAL_PLACES))) # remove blank lines from file print("Cleaning up file...") with open(full_file_name) as filehandle: lines = filehandle.readlines() with open(full_file_name, 'w') as filehandle: lines = filter(lambda x: x.strip(), lines) filehandle.writelines(lines) print("Program Complete")
import numpy as np import idlsave data ="./") # band passes for each experiment band = data.get('band') #array(['MIPS24', 'PACS70', 'PACS100', 'PACS160', 'SPIRE250', 'SPIRE350', # 'Planck857GHz', 'SPIRE500', 'Planck545GHz', 'SCUBA850', # 'Planck353GHz', 'AzTEC', 'Planck217GHz', 'Planck143GHz', # 'Planck100GHz', 'Radio'], dtype=object) # corresponding central frequency Nu = data.get('lambda') * 1.e-6 # wavelength, converted from microns to meters Nu = 3.e8 / Nu # frequency in Hz # counts per unit flux and redshift shell, for each frequency band z = data.get('z') Snu = data.get('snu') # in Jy dNdSnudz = data.get( 'dndsnudz' ) # counts of all sources (in gal/Jy/sr, Nband * Nredshift * Nflux array) # remove nans dNdSnudz = np.nan_to_num(dNdSnudz) # save to separate files np.savetxt("./converted/z.txt", z) np.savetxt("./converted/Snu.txt", Snu) np.savetxt("./converted/dNdSnudz_Planck100GHz.txt", dNdSnudz[14, :, :]) np.savetxt("./converted/dNdSnudz_Planck143GHz.txt", dNdSnudz[13, :, :])
SHOWFIG = True # We set a large possible set of periodicities PeriodMinMax = [5, 20] makedirs(saveFolder, exist_ok=True) # IN SITU DATA df_is = pd.read_csv(f"{dataFolder}small_ch_in_situ.csv") df_is.index = pd.to_datetime(df_is["Time"]) del df_is["Time"] insituParams = ["Vr", "Mf", "Np", "T", "Br"] df_is = df_is[insituParams] # REMOTE DATA rs_171 ='{dataFolder}small_ch_171_lc_in.sav', verbose=False) rs_193 ='{dataFolder}small_ch_193_lc_in.sav', verbose=False) ch_flux ='{dataFolder}chflux.sav', verbose=False) # 171 and 193 observations time_array = rs_171.date_obs_171.copy() time_array = [t.decode() for t in list(time_array)] df_171 = pd.DataFrame( { 'plume': rs_171.lc_171_plume_in, 'cbpoint': rs_171.lc_171_bp_in, 'chplume': rs_171.lc_171_ch_plume_in, 'chole': rs_171.lc_171_ch_in, 'qsun': rs_171.lc_171_qs_in, },
def test_complex32(self): s =, 'scalar_complex32.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.c32, np.complex64(3.124442e13-2.312442e31j))
groupvmin = groupvel - 1000 groupvmax = groupvel + 1000 groupvmin = groupvel - 3. * groupsigma groupvmax = groupvel + 3. * groupsigma #calculate vcenter, vmin and vmax for each group according to the filter we will observe it through for i in range(len(groupfiltcenter)): groupfiltcenter[i] = filtercenter[groupfilter[i]] groupfiltvcenter[i] = (groupfiltcenter[i] / 6563. - 1) * 3.e5 groupfiltvmin[i] = ( (groupfiltcenter[i] - 0.5 * filterwidth) / 6563. - 1) * 3.e5 groupfiltvmax[i] = ( (groupfiltcenter[i] + 0.5 * filterwidth) / 6563. - 1) * 3.e5 #change this to where your agc file is located s ='/Users/rfinn/idl/programs/idl_alfa/agcnorth.sav') # Dtype=[(('agcnumber', 'AGCNUMBER'), '|O8'), (('which', 'WHICH'), '|O8'), (('rah', 'RAH'), '|O8'), (('ram', 'RAM'), '|O8'), (('ras10', 'RAS10'), '|O8'), (('sign', 'SIGN'), '|O8'), (('decd', 'DECD'), '|O8'), (('decm', 'DECM'), '|O8'), (('decs', 'DECS'), '|O8'), (('a100', 'A100'), '|O8'), (('b100', 'B100'), '|O8'), (('mag10', 'MAG10'), '|O8'), (('inccode', 'INCCODE'), '|O8'), (('posang', 'POSANG'), '|O8'), (('description', 'DESCRIPTION'), '|O8'), (('bsteintype', 'BSTEINTYPE'), '|O8'), (('vopt', 'VOPT'), '|O8'), (('verr', 'VERR'), '|O8'), (('extrc3', 'EXTRC3'), '|O8'), (('extdirbe', 'EXTDIRBE'), '|O8'), (('vsource', 'VSOURCE'), '|O8'), (('ngcic', 'NGCIC'), '|O8'), (('flux100', 'FLUX100'), '|O8'), (('rms100', 'RMS100'), '|O8'), (('v21', 'V21'), '|O8'), (('width', 'WIDTH'), '|O8'), (('widtherr', 'WIDTHERR'), '|O8'), (('widthcode', 'WIDTHCODE'), '|O8'), (('telcode', 'TELCODE'), '|O8'), (('detcode', 'DETCODE'), '|O8'), (('hisource', 'HISOURCE'), '|O8'), (('statuscode', 'STATUSCODE'), '|O8'), (('snratio', 'SNRATIO'), '|O8'), (('ibandqual', 'IBANDQUAL'), '|O8'), (('ibandsrc', 'IBANDSRC'), '|O8'), (('irasflag', 'IRASFLAG'), '|O8'), (('icluster', 'ICLUSTER'), '|O8'), (('hidata', 'HIDATA'), '|O8'), (('iposition', 'IPOSITION'), '|O8'), (('ipalomar', 'IPALOMAR'), '|O8'), (('rc3flag', 'RC3FLAG'), '|O8'), (('irotcat', 'IROTCAT'), '|O8'), (('newstuff', 'NEWSTUFF'), '|O8')]) ra = 15. * (s.agcnorth.rah[0] + s.agcnorth.ram[0] / 60. + s.agcnorth.ras10[0] / 10. / 3600.) #Convert to degrees dec = s.agcnorth.decd[0] + s.agcnorth.decm[0] / 60. + s.agcnorth.decs[0] / 3600. agcvopt = s.agcnorth.vopt[0] agcflux100 = s.agcnorth.flux100[0] agcmag10 = s.agcnorth.mag10[0] dr = 5. #radial search in degrees #offset of the field center in degrees, if desired deltadec = array([0., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'f') deltara = array([.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'f')
import pdb import os import idlsave import numpy as np cors = ['0106', '0107', '0108'] cors_path = 'C:\\Users\\tambu\\Documents\\BU\\Science Projects\\SaturnEDP\\PD_MBP_files\\Output\\Saturn\\' for k in range(len(cors)): path = cors_path + 'cors_' + cors[k] + '\\' sub_dirs = [x for x in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(path + x)] for j in range(len(sub_dirs)): rsr_data_path = path + sub_dirs[j] + '\\full_output\\output.sav' idl_data =, verbose=0) sss = sub_dirs[j][0:3] tt = sub_dirs[j][3:5] aa = sub_dirs[j][5:7] yyyy = str(idl_data['sfduyearout'][0]) ddd = str(idl_data['sfdudoyout'][0]) if len(ddd) == 1: ddd = '00' + ddd elif len(ddd) == 2: ddd = '0' + ddd h = int(idl_data['sfdusecout'][0] / 3600) if h < 10: hh = '0' + str(h) else: hh = str(h) m = int(np.floor((idl_data['sfdusecout'][0] - (h * 3600)) / 60)) if m < 10: mm = '0' + str(m) else:
def test_byte(self): s =, 'scalar_byte.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.i8u, np.uint8(234))
groupfiltcenter[i] = filtercenter[groupfilter[i]] groupfiltvcenter[i] = (groupfiltcenter[i] / 6563. - 1) * 3.e5 groupfiltvmin[i] = ( (groupfiltcenter[i] - 0.5 * filterwidth) / 6563. - 1) * 3.e5 groupfiltvmax[i] = ( (groupfiltcenter[i] + 0.5 * filterwidth) / 6563. - 1) * 3.e5 #Get current path so program can tell if this is being run on Becky or Rose's computer mypath = os.getcwd() if mypath.find('rfinn') > -1: print "Running on Rose's computer" agcfile = '/Users/rfinn/idl/programs/idl_alfa/agctotal.sav' elif mypath.find('koopmanr') > -1: print "Running on Becky's computer" agcfile = '/Users/koopmanr/idl_alfa/agctotal.sav' s = #change this to where your agc file is located'/Users/koopmanr/idl_alfa/agctotal.sav') # Dtype=[(('agcnumber', 'AGCNUMBER'), '|O8'), (('which', 'WHICH'), '|O8'), (('rah', 'RAH'), '|O8'), (('ram', 'RAM'), '|O8'), (('ras10', 'RAS10'), '|O8'), (('sign', 'SIGN'), '|O8'), (('decd', 'DECD'), '|O8'), (('decm', 'DECM'), '|O8'), (('decs', 'DECS'), '|O8'), (('a100', 'A100'), '|O8'), (('b100', 'B100'), '|O8'), (('mag10', 'MAG10'), '|O8'), (('inccode', 'INCCODE'), '|O8'), (('posang', 'POSANG'), '|O8'), (('description', 'DESCRIPTION'), '|O8'), (('bsteintype', 'BSTEINTYPE'), '|O8'), (('vopt', 'VOPT'), '|O8'), (('verr', 'VERR'), '|O8'), (('extrc3', 'EXTRC3'), '|O8'), (('extdirbe', 'EXTDIRBE'), '|O8'), (('vsource', 'VSOURCE'), '|O8'), (('ngcic', 'NGCIC'), '|O8'), (('flux100', 'FLUX100'), '|O8'), (('rms100', 'RMS100'), '|O8'), (('v21', 'V21'), '|O8'), (('width', 'WIDTH'), '|O8'), (('widtherr', 'WIDTHERR'), '|O8'), (('widthcode', 'WIDTHCODE'), '|O8'), (('telcode', 'TELCODE'), '|O8'), (('detcode', 'DETCODE'), '|O8'), (('hisource', 'HISOURCE'), '|O8'), (('statuscode', 'STATUSCODE'), '|O8'), (('snratio', 'SNRATIO'), '|O8'), (('ibandqual', 'IBANDQUAL'), '|O8'), (('ibandsrc', 'IBANDSRC'), '|O8'), (('irasflag', 'IRASFLAG'), '|O8'), (('icluster', 'ICLUSTER'), '|O8'), (('hidata', 'HIDATA'), '|O8'), (('iposition', 'IPOSITION'), '|O8'), (('ipalomar', 'IPALOMAR'), '|O8'), (('rc3flag', 'RC3FLAG'), '|O8'), (('irotcat', 'IROTCAT'), '|O8'), (('newstuff', 'NEWSTUFF'), '|O8')]) ra = 15. * (s.agctotal.rah[0] + s.agctotal.ram[0] / 60. + s.agctotal.ras10[0] / 10. / 3600.) #Convert to degrees dec = s.agctotal.decd[0] + s.agctotal.decm[0] / 60. + s.agctotal.decs[0] / 3600. agcvopt = s.agctotal.vopt[0] agcflux100 = s.agctotal.flux100[0] agcmag10 = s.agctotal.mag10[0] dr = 4. #radial search in degrees
def test_int32(self): s =, 'scalar_int32.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.i32s, np.int32(-1234567890))
import datetime as D def fromJulian(j): ''' Converts Julian Date to human readable format :return: human readable date and time ''' days = j - 2440587.5 sec = days * 86400.0 return time.gmtime(sec) if __name__ == '__main__': data ='nes_all.dat') exclude_first = True legend = True c = 1 #ran = [4,5,6,7] ran = [4, 5, 6, 9] for i in ran: if exclude_first: start = 1 print '\nAll below fits exclude the first point shown in the plots as it was measured under different conditions' else: start = 0
def test_float64(self): s =, 'scalar_float64.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.f64, np.float64(-1.1976931348623157e+307))
def rerun_mocplot_amiy(username): #rerun_mocplot_amiy, 'bill' am.cd_amiy('/Users/' + username + '/mocassin-rw_changes/output') s ='mocplot_variables.sav') #mocplot_Clumpy(infile,paramfile) print('done plotting again!!!')
def test_bytes(self): s =, 'scalar_string.sav'), verbose=False) assert_identical(s.s, np.bytes_("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy python"))
from import fits import idlsave import itertools import scipy.ndimage from astropy.nddata.convolution import make_kernel, convolve import numpy as np import sys import os sys.path.append(os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0]) from convolve_match_makefits import convolve_and_match data_g010_1 = { k: 'gal_010.47+00.03/130820_ob3_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) } data_g010_2 = { k: 'gal_010.47+00.03/130820_ob4_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) } data_g000_1 = { k: 'gal_0.253+0.016/130820_ob1_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) } data_g000_2 = { k: 'gal_0.253+0.016/130820_ob2_band%ii_clean_music_20130815_map.sav' % k) for k in xrange(4) }
ax1.hist(x, bins=50, histtype="step", color="k", range=(0, 13.807108309208775)) ax3 = P.subplot(224) ax3.tick_params(axis="x", labelbottom="off") ax3.tick_params(axis="y", labelleft="off") ax3.hist(y, bins=50, orientation="horizontal", histtype="step", color="k", range=(0, 3)) P.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05) P.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.522, 0.51, 0.02, 0.39]) cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) cb.solids.set_edgecolor("face") cb.set_label(r"predicted SFR $[M_{\odot} yr^{-1}]$", labelpad=20) return fig # Load the filters in order to calculate fluxes in each bandpass filters ="/Users/becky/Projects/Green-Valley-Project/Kevin_IDL/ugriz.sav") fuvwave = filters.ugriz.fuvwave[0] fuvtrans = filters.ugriz.fuvtrans[0] nuvwave = filters.ugriz.nuvwave[0] nuvtrans = filters.ugriz.nuvtrans[0] uwave = filters.ugriz.uwave[0] utrans = filters.ugriz.utrans[0] gwave = filters.ugriz.gwave[0] gtrans = filters.ugriz.gtrans[0] rwave = filters.ugriz.rwave[0] rtrans = filters.ugriz.rtrans[0] iwave = filters.ugriz.iwave[0] itrans = filters.ugriz.itrans[0] zwave = filters.ugriz.zwave[0] ztrans = filters.ugriz.ztrans[0] vwave = filters.ugriz.vwave[0]
flyby = 'S07' obs_type = 'N' obs = flyby+obs_type sss = 's10' #Set paths root_path = 'C:\\Users\\tambu\\Documents\\BU\\Science Projects\\SaturnEDP\\PD_MBP_files\\' edp_path = root_path+'EDP\\' #Get all the applicable directories obs_list = [edp_path+body+'\\'+flyby+'\\'+x for x in os.listdir(edp_path+body+'\\'+flyby+'\\') if (os.path.isdir(edp_path+body+'\\'+flyby+'\\'+x)) and (obs[-1] in x)] #Output indn and aven files as csv. for i in range(len(obs_list)): idl_data =[i]+'\\'+flyby+'_'+obs_list[i].split('\\')[-1]+'_edp.sav',verbose=0) if obs_type == 'N': aa = 'oi' elif obs_type == 'X': aa = 'oe' yyyy = str(idl_data['sfduyearoutxr'][0]) ddd = str(idl_data['sfdudoyoutxr'][0]) if len(ddd) == 1: ddd = '00'+ddd elif len(ddd) == 2: ddd = '0'+ddd hhmm = str(idl_data['utcrxarraysav'][0]).split(':')[0][-2:] + str(idl_data['utcrxarraysav'][0]).split(':')[1] t = obs_list[i].split('\\')[-1].split('_')[0][-1].lower() bb = obs_list[i].split('\\')[-1].split('_')[1].lower() nn = obs_list[i].split('\\')[-1].split('_')[2]
def __init__(self, observations, output, border_x1=0, border_x2=0, border_y1=0, border_y2=0, same_as_training=0, network_path='network'): """ --------- Keywords: --------- observations: Input array of shape (nx, ny, n_times*n_inputs) where nx & ny: Image dimensions n_times: Number of consecutive timesteps n_inputs: Number of types of inputs output: Output array of dimensions (nx, ny, n_depths*n_comp) where nx & ny: Image dimensions n_depths: Number of optical/geometrical depths to infer n_comp: Number of components of the velocity vector to infer border: Number of pixels to crop from the image in each direction border_x1: Number of pixels to remove from the left of the image border_x2: Number of pixels to remove from the right of the image border_y1: Number of pixels to remove from the bottom of the image border_y2: Number of pixels to remove from the top of the image same_as_training: Set to 1 if using data from the same simulation as the one used for training. -> The inputs will be normalized using the same values as the inputs in the training set because the values are known. network: Provide path to the network weights and normalization values """ # Only allocate needed memory with Tensorflow config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True session = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) # ktf.set_session(session) # ----------------- # Input properties: # ----------------- # Read self.observations = observations n_timesteps, nx, ny = observations.shape # Number of types of inputs self.n_inputs = 1 # Number of consecutive frames of a given input self.n_times = 2 # Number of images to generate self.n_frames = n_timesteps - 1 # Image dimensions self.border_x1 = border_x1 self.border_x2 = border_x2 self.border_y1 = border_y1 self.border_y2 = border_y2 self.nx = nx - self.border_x1 - self.border_x2 self.ny = ny - self.border_y1 - self.border_y2 # ------------------ # Output properties: # ------------------ # Filename self.output = output # Number of inferred depths self.n_depths = 1 # Number of inferred velocity components self.n_comp = 2 self.n_outputs = self.n_depths*self.n_comp # ----------------- # Network properties: # ----------------- # Load training weights self.network_path = network_path self.weights_filename = self.network_path+'/deepvel_weights.hdf5' self.n_filters = 64 self.kernel_size = 3 self.batch_size = 1 # ------------------------ # Training set properties: # ------------------------ # Load simulation min/max/mean/median/stddev filename_idl = self.network_path+"/MURaM_AR_Properties.sav" s_idl = self.ic1_min = s_idl.data_minmax.ic1_min[0] self.ic1_max = s_idl.data_minmax.ic1_max[0] self.ic1_mean = s_idl.data_minmax.ic1_mean[0] self.ic1_median = s_idl.data_minmax.ic1_median[0] self.ic1_stddev = s_idl.data_minmax.ic1_stddev[0] self.vx1_min = s_idl.data_minmax.vx1_min[0] self.vx1_max = s_idl.data_minmax.vx1_max[0] self.vx1_mean = s_idl.data_minmax.vx1_mean[0] self.vx1_median = s_idl.data_minmax.vx1_median[0] self.vx1_stddev = s_idl.data_minmax.vx1_stddev[0] self.vy1_min = s_idl.data_minmax.vy1_min[0] self.vy1_max = s_idl.data_minmax.vy1_max[0] self.vy1_mean = s_idl.data_minmax.vy1_mean[0] self.vy1_median = s_idl.data_minmax.vy1_median[0] self.vy1_stddev = s_idl.data_minmax.vy1_stddev[0] self.bz1_min = s_idl.data_minmax.bz1_min[0] self.bz1_max = s_idl.data_minmax.bz1_max[0] self.bz1_mean = s_idl.data_minmax.bz1_mean[0] self.bz1_median = s_idl.data_minmax.bz1_median[0] self.bz1_stddev = s_idl.data_minmax.bz1_stddev[0] # -------------------- # Test set properties: # -------------------- # Use same normalization values as for the training and validation sets self.same_as_training = same_as_training
import powerlaw import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.pylab import plot import numpy as np import idlsave import statistics as stats # In[9]: z = np.zeros((19,10000)) for p in range(0,19): file = 'zk'+str(10*p+10)+'mil.sav' s = b = s['zk'+str(10*p+10)+'mil'] for i in range(len(b)-1): a=np.array(b[i]) for j in range(len(a[0])): for k in range(len(a[1])): if 0.20<abs(a[j,k])<0.25: z[p][i]=z[p][i]+1 ''' np.concatenate((a, b), axis=None) zff = z[0]/4096 plt.plot(zff[36449:39357]) mean(zff)
def main(plotSeparately=True, forceCreateCases=False, multiCPU=4): # Set the unsafe, target safe, and dataFolder unsafe_dir = "/home/diegodp/Documents/PhD/Paper_3/SolO_SDO_EUI/unsafe/" saveFolder = f"{unsafe_dir}ISSI/New_Method/" dataFolder = f"/home/diegodp/Documents/PhD/Paper_3/SolO_SDO_EUI/Scripts/ISSI/data/" # Parameters for showing FIG SHOWFIG = False # We set a large possible set of periodicities PeriodMinMax = [5, 30] makedirs(saveFolder, exist_ok=True) # IN SITU DATA df_is = pd.read_csv(f"{dataFolder}small_ch_in_situ.csv") df_is.index = pd.to_datetime(df_is["Time"]) del df_is["Time"] insituParams = ["Vr", "Mf", "Np", "T", "Br"] df_is = df_is[insituParams] # Set up the dataframes with proper cadence, etc. # Attempt to read in dataframes try: df_171 = pd.read_csv(f"{dataFolder}small_ch_171_lc_in.csv", index_col="Time") df_193 = pd.read_csv(f"{dataFolder}small_ch_193_lc_in.csv", index_col="Time") df_flux = pd.read_csv(f"{dataFolder}ch_flux.csv", index_col="Time") print("Loaded csv successfully") for _df in (df_171, df_193, df_flux): _df.index = pd.to_datetime(_df.index) # If unable to load CSVs, generate them from base data except FileNotFoundError: # TODO: Make into function (make ISSI csv) # REMOTE DATA rs_171 ="{dataFolder}small_ch_171_lc_in.sav", verbose=False) rs_193 ="{dataFolder}small_ch_193_lc_in.sav", verbose=False) ch_flux ="{dataFolder}chflux.sav", verbose=False) # 171 and 193 observations time_array = rs_171.date_obs_171.copy() time_array = [t.decode() for t in list(time_array)] df_171 = pd.DataFrame( { "plume": rs_171.lc_171_plume_in, "cbpoint": rs_171.lc_171_bp_in, "chplume": rs_171.lc_171_ch_plume_in, "chole": rs_171.lc_171_ch_in, "qsun": rs_171.lc_171_qs_in, }, index=pd.to_datetime(time_array), ) df_193 = pd.DataFrame( { "plume": rs_193.lc_193_plume_in, "cbpoint": rs_193.lc_193_bp_in, "chplume": rs_193.lc_193_ch_plume_in, "chole": rs_193.lc_193_ch_in, "qsun": rs_193.lc_193_qs_in, }, index=pd.to_datetime(time_array), ) # Open and Bright point flux flux_time = ch_flux.hmitimes.copy() flux_time = [t.decode() for t in list(flux_time)] df_flux = pd.DataFrame( { "ch_open_flux": ch_flux.chofluxes, "ch_bpoint_flux": ch_flux.chbpfluxes, }, index=pd.to_datetime(flux_time, format="%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S_TAI"), ) df_171.to_csv(f"{dataFolder}small_ch_171_lc_in.csv", index_label="Time") df_193.to_csv(f"{dataFolder}small_ch_193_lc_in.csv", index_label="Time") df_flux.to_csv(f"{dataFolder}ch_flux.csv", index_label="Time") # # Create test cases """ Generate the cases for all possible SolO - SHORT times (every hour) """ AIACases = { "shortTimes": (datetime(2018, 10, 29, 16), datetime(2018, 10, 30, 23, 50)), "longTimes": (datetime(2018, 10, 31, 8), datetime(2018, 11, 2, 8)), "shortDuration": 3, "caseName": "SDO_AIA", "shortDisplacement": 3, "MarginHours": 24, "savePicklePath": "/home/diegodp/Documents/PhD/Paper_3/SolO_SDO_EUI/Scripts/ISSI/cases/AIAcases.pickle", "forceCreate": forceCreateCases, } # Get the cases and put them together with respective AIA observations in Dic cases = caseCreation(**AIACases) AIACase = namedtuple("AIACase", ["name", "df", "regions", "cases"]) LongCase = namedtuple("LongCase", ["name", "df"]) shortDFDic = [ AIACase(171, df_171.copy(), df_171.columns, cases), AIACase(193, df_193.copy(), df_193.columns, cases), ] longDF = LongCase("PSP", df_is.copy()) if plotSeparately: emdAndCompareCases( shortDFDic, longDF, saveFolder=saveFolder, PeriodMinMax=PeriodMinMax, showFig=SHOWFIG, detrendBoxWidth=200, corrThrPlotList=np.arange(0.65, 1, 0.05), multiCPU=multiCPU, ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Still unable to plot all together")
height = 0.6 * width * rat fig = plt.figure(figsize=(cm2inch(width), cm2inch(height))) count = 0 title = [ r'$D_{353}$', r'$D_{353}^{\mathrm {b}}$', r'$\lambda_{-}$', r'$\lambda_{+}$', r'filaments $\lambda_{-}$', r'filaments $\lambda_{+}$' ] fits1 ='fits/Planck_dustmodel_353GHz_15arcmin_ns512.fits') model = fits1[0].data fil_model = hp.read_map('fits/input_dustmap_n2_nscale5.fits', 0) m1 ='savesets/lambda_minus_plus.sav') s = 'savesets/filaments_data_n2_nside_512_rotangle_15_cutpixel_20_datatype_filter.sav' ) map1 = m1.lambda_minus map2 = s.filament_map mm7 = s.length_map map2[np.where(mm7 < 2.1)] = 0.0 s2 = 'savesets/plus_filaments_data_n2_nside_512_rotangle_15_cutpixel_20_datatype_filter.sav' ) map3 = m1.lambda_plus map4 = s2.filament_map_plus