def test_add_single_result():
    """Test adding results for a single target/process."""
    data = _get_discrete_gauss_data()
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res_network = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,

    # Test adding target results that already exists
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
    # Test adding target results with unequal settings
    settings_test = cp.deepcopy(res_network.settings)
    settings_test.add_conditionals = 'Test'
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
    # Test adding a target with additional settings, results.settings should be
    # updated
    settings_test = cp.deepcopy(res_network.settings)
    settings_test.new_setting = 'Test'
    assert 'new_setting' in res_network.settings.keys(), (
        'Settings dict was not updated.')
    assert res_network.settings.new_setting == 'Test', (
        'Settings dict was not updated correctly.')
def test_analytical_surrogates():
    # Test generation of analytical surrogates.
    # Generate data and discretise it such that we can use analytical
    # surrogates.
    expected_mi, source1, source2, target = _get_gauss_data(covariance=0.4)
    settings = {'discretise_method': 'equal', 'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings)
    source_dis, target_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source1, var2=target)
    data = Data(np.hstack((source_dis, target_dis)),
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'n_discrete_bins': 5,  # alphabet size of the variables analysed
        'n_perm_max_stat': 100,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_target': 5
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res = nw.analyse_single_target(settings, data, target=1)
    # Check if generation of analytical surrogates is documented in the
    # settings.
    assert res.settings.analytical_surrogates, (
        'Surrogates were not created analytically.')
def test_add_single_result():
    """Test adding results for a single target/process."""
    data = _generate_gauss_data()
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res_network = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Test adding target results that already exists
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
    # Test adding target results with unequal settings
    settings_test = cp.deepcopy(res_network.settings)
    settings_test.add_conditionals = 'Test'
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
    # Test adding a target with additional settings, results.settings should be
    # updated
    settings_test = cp.deepcopy(res_network.settings)
    settings_test.new_setting = 'Test'
    assert 'new_setting' in res_network.settings.keys(), (
        'Settings dict was not updated.')
    assert res_network.settings.new_setting == 'Test', (
        'Settings dict was not updated correctly.')
def test_discrete_input():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation from discrete data."""
    # Generate Gaussian test data
    covariance = 0.4
    data = _get_discrete_gauss_data(covariance=covariance,
    corr_expected = covariance / (
        1 * np.sqrt(covariance**2 + (1-covariance)**2))
    expected_mi = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'discretise_method': 'none',
        'n_discrete_bins': 5,  # alphabet size of the variables analysed
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 30,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 30,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_sources': 2,
        'max_lag_target': 1}
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    assert np.isclose(
        res._single_target[1].omnibus_te, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: '
            '{0}, Actual results: {1}.'.format(
                expected_mi, res._single_target[1].omnibus_te))
def test_analytical_surrogates():
    # Generate discrete test data.
    covariance = 0.4
    n = 10000
    delay = 1
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target = (covariance * source + (1 - covariance) *
              np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    source = source[delay:]
    target = target[:-delay]
    settings = {'discretise_method': 'equal',
                'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings)
    source_dis, target_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target)
    data = Data(np.vstack((source_dis, target_dis)),
                dim_order='ps', normalise=False)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'n_discrete_bins': 5,  # alphabet size of the variables analysed
        'n_perm_max_stat': 100,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_target': 5
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res = nw.analyse_single_target(settings, data, target=1)
    assert res.settings.analytical_surrogates, (
        'Surrogates were not created analytically.')
def test_export_networkx():
    """Test export to networkx DiGrap() object."""
    # Test export of graph with unconnected nodes.
    max_lag = 3
    data = Data(seed=SEED)
    data.generate_mute_data(500, 5)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'noise_level': 0,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': max_lag,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_target': max_lag
    target = 3
    sources = [0, 4]
    te = MultivariateTE()
    results = te.analyse_single_target(settings,
    weights = 'binary'
    adj_matrix = results.get_adjacency_matrix(weights=weights, fdr=False)
    digraph = io.export_networkx_graph(adjacency_matrix=adj_matrix,
                                  err_msg='Wrong nodes in exported DiGraph.')

    # raise AssertionError('Test not yet implemented.')
    # Test export of networx graph for network inference results.
    weights = 'binary'
    adj_matrix = res_0.get_adjacency_matrix(weights=weights, fdr=False)
    io.export_networkx_graph(adjacency_matrix=adj_matrix, weights=weights)

    # Test export of source graph
    for s in [True, False]:

    # Test export of networx graph for network comparison results.
    for weight in ['union', 'comparison', 'pvalue', 'diff_abs']:
        adj_matrix = res_within.get_adjacency_matrix(weights=weight)
        io.export_networkx_graph(adjacency_matrix=adj_matrix, weights=weight)
        for s in [True, False]:
def test_pickle_results():
    """Test pickling results objects."""
    data = _generate_gauss_data()
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res_single = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    res_network = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    outfile = TemporaryFile()
    pickle.dump(res_single, outfile)
    pickle.dump(res_network, outfile)
def test_plot_network():
    """Test results class for multivariate TE network inference."""
    covariance = 0.4
    n = 10000
    delay = 1
    normalisation = False
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target_1 = (covariance * source +
                (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    target_2 = (covariance * source +
                (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    source = source[delay:]
    target_1 = target_1[:-delay]
    target_2 = target_2[:-delay]

    # Discretise data for speed
    settings_dis = {'discretise_method': 'equal', 'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings_dis)
    source_dis, target_1_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_1)
    source_dis, target_2_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_2)

    data = Data(np.vstack((source_dis, target_1_dis, target_2_dis)),

    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'discretise_method': 'none',
        'n_discrete_bins': 5,  # alphabet size of the variables analysed
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 30,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 30,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_sources': 2,
        'max_lag_target': 1,
        'alpha_fdr': 0.5
    nw = MultivariateTE()

    # Analyse a single target and the whole network
    res_single = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,
    res_network = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)
    graph, fig = plot_network(res_single, 'max_te_lag', fdr=False)
    graph, fig = plot_network(res_network, 'max_te_lag', fdr=False)
    for sign_sources in [True, False]:
        graph, fig = plot_selected_vars(res_network,
def test_pickle_results():
    """Test pickling results objects."""
    data = _generate_gauss_data()
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res_single = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    res_network = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    outfile = TemporaryFile()
    pickle.dump(res_single, outfile)
    pickle.dump(res_network, outfile)
def test_multivariate_te_lagged_copies():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on a lagged copy of random data.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two sets of random data, where the
    second set is a lagged copy of the first. This test should find no
    significant conditionals at all (neither in the target's nor in the
    source's past).

        This test takes several hours and may take one to two days on some
    lag = 3
    d_0 = np.random.rand(1, 1000, 20)
    d_1 = np.hstack((np.random.rand(1, lag, 20), d_0[:, lag:, :]))

    data = Data()
    data.set_data(np.vstack((d_0, d_1)), 'psr')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'discretise_method': 'max_ent',
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 500,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 500,
    random_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    # Assert that there are no significant conditionals in either direction
    # other than the mandatory single sample in the target's past (which
    # ensures that we calculate a proper TE at any time in the algorithm).
    for t in range(2):
        results = random_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, t)
        assert len(results.get_single_target(
            t, fdr=False).selected_vars_full) == 1, (
                'Conditional contains more/less than 1 variables.')
        assert not results.get_single_target(
            t, fdr=False).selected_vars_sources.size, (
                'Conditional sources is not empty.')
        assert len(
                t, fdr=False).selected_vars_target) == 1, (
                    'Conditional target contains more/less than 1 variable.')
        assert results.get_single_target(
            t, fdr=False).selected_sources_pval is None, (
                'Conditional p-value is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).omnibus_pval is None, (
            'Omnibus p-value is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).omnibus_sign is None, (
            'Omnibus significance is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(
            t, fdr=False).selected_sources_te is None, (
                'Conditional TE values is not None.')
def test_multivariate_te_random():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on two random data sets.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two sets of random data with no
    coupling. This test should find no significant conditionals at all (neither
    in the target's nor in the source's past).

        This test takes several hours and may take one to two days on some
    d = np.random.rand(2, 1000, 20)
    data = Data()
    data.set_data(d, 'psr')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 200,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 200,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 500,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 500,
    random_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    # Assert that there are no significant conditionals in either direction
    # other than the mandatory single sample in the target's past (which
    # ensures that we calculate a proper TE at any time in the algorithm).
    for t in range(2):
        results = random_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, t)
        assert len(results.get_single_target(
            t, fdr=False).selected_vars_full) == 1, (
                'Conditional contains more/less than 1 variables.')
        assert not results.get_single_target(
            t, fdr=False).selected_vars_sources, (
                'Conditional sources is not empty.')
        assert len(
                t, fdr=False).selected_vars_target) == 1, (
                    'Conditional target contains more/less than 1 variable.')
        assert results.get_single_target(
            t, fdr=False).selected_sources_pval is None, (
                'Conditional p-value is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).omnibus_pval is None, (
            'Omnibus p-value is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).omnibus_sign is None, (
            'Omnibus significance is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(
            t, fdr=False).selected_sources_te is None, (
                'Conditional TE values is not None.')
def test_plot_selected_vars():
    dat = Data()
    dat.generate_mute_data(100, 5)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator':  'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'min_lag_sources': 4,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 25,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 25,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 50,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 50,
    network_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    res = network_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, dat, target=2)
def test_multivariate_te_lorenz_2():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on bivariately couled Lorenz systems.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two Lorenz systems with a coupling
    from first to second system with delay u = 45 samples. Both directions are
    analyzed, the algorithm should not find a coupling from system two to one.

        This test takes several hours and may take one to two days on some
    # load simulated data from 2 coupled Lorenz systems 1->2, u = 45 ms
    d = np.load(
    data = Data()
    data.set_data(d, 'psr')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'max_lag_sources': 47,
        'min_lag_sources': 42,
        'max_lag_target': 20,
        'tau_target': 2,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,  # 200
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,  # 200
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,  # this should be equal to the min stats b/c we
        # reuse the surrogate table from the min stats
    lorenz_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    # FOR DEBUGGING: add the whole history for k = 20, tau = 2 to the
    # estimation, this makes things faster, b/c these don't have to be
    # tested again. Note conditionals are specified using lags.
    settings['add_conditionals'] = [(1, 19), (1, 17), (1, 15), (1, 13),
                                    (1, 11), (1, 9), (1, 7), (1, 5), (1, 3),
                                    (1, 1)]

    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 60
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 31
    settings['tau_sources'] = 2
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 1
    settings['tau_target'] = 1

    # Just analyse the direction of coupling
    results = lorenz_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, target=1)
    adj_matrix = results.get_adjacency_matrix(weights='binary', fdr=False)
def test_multivariate_te_lorenz_2():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on bivariately couled Lorenz systems.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two Lorenz systems with a coupling
    from first to second system with delay u = 45 samples. Both directions are
    analyzed, the algorithm should not find a coupling from system two to one.

        This test takes several hours and may take one to two days on some
    # load simulated data from 2 coupled Lorenz systems 1->2, u = 45 ms
    d = np.load(
    dat = Data()
    dat.set_data(d, 'psr')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'max_lag_sources': 47,
        'min_lag_sources': 42,
        'max_lag_target': 20,
        'tau_target': 2,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,  # 200
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,  # 200
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,  # this should be equal to the min stats b/c we
        # reuse the surrogate table from the min stats
    lorenz_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    # FOR DEBUGGING: add the whole history for k = 20, tau = 2 to the
    # estimation, this makes things faster, b/c these don't have to be
    # tested again.
    settings['add_conditionals'] = [(1, 44), (1, 42), (1, 40), (1, 38),
                                    (1, 36), (1, 34), (1, 32), (1, 30),
                                    (1, 28)]
    # res = lorenz_analysis.analyse_network(settings, dat)
    # res_0 = lorenz_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, dat, 0)  # no coupling
    # print(res_0)

    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 60
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 31
    settings['tau_sources'] = 2
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 0
    settings['tau_target'] = 1

    res_1 = lorenz_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, dat, 1)  # coupling
def test_gauss_data():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation from correlated Gaussians."""
    # Generate data and add a delay one one sample.
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data()
    source = source[1:]
    source_uncorr = source_uncorr[1:]
    target = target[:-1]
    data = Data(np.hstack((source, source_uncorr, target)),
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': 2,
        'min_lag_sources': 1
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    results = nw.analyse_single_target(settings,
                                       sources=[0, 1])
    te = results.get_single_target(2, fdr=False)['te'][0]
    sources = results.get_target_sources(2, fdr=False)

    # Assert that only the correlated source was detected.
    assert len(sources) == 1, 'Wrong no. inferred sources: {0}.'.format(
    assert sources[0] == 0, 'Wrong inferred source: {0}.'.format(sources[0])
    # Compare BivarateMI() estimate to JIDT estimate. Mimick realisations used
    # internally by the algorithm.
    est = JidtKraskovTE({
        'history_target': 1,
        'history_source': 1,
        'source_target_delay': 1,
        'normalise': False
    jidt_cmi = est.estimate(source=source, target=target)
    print('Estimated MI: {0:0.6f}, estimated MI using JIDT core estimator: '
          '{1:0.6f} (expected: {2:0.6f}).'.format(te, jidt_cmi, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(te, jidt_cmi, atol=0.005), (
        'Estimated MI {0:0.6f} differs from JIDT estimate {1:0.6f} (expected: '
        'MI {2:0.6f}).'.format(te, jidt_cmi, expected_mi))
    assert np.isclose(te, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
        'Estimated TE {0:0.6f} differs from expected TE {1:0.6f}.'.format(
            te, expected_mi))
def test_multivariate_te_lagged_copies():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on a lagged copy of random data.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two sets of random data, where the
    second set is a lagged copy of the first. This test should find no
    significant conditionals at all (neither in the target's nor in the
    source's past).

        This test takes several hours and may take one to two days on some
    lag = 3
    d_0 = np.random.rand(1, 1000, 20)
    d_1 = np.hstack((np.random.rand(1, lag, 20), d_0[:, lag:, :]))

    dat = Data()
    dat.set_data(np.vstack((d_0, d_1)), 'psr')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 500,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 500,
    random_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    # Assert that there are no significant conditionals in either direction
    # other than the mandatory single sample in the target's past (which
    # ensures that we calculate a proper TE at any time in the algorithm).
    for target in range(2):
        res = random_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, dat, target)
        assert (len(res['conditional_full']) == 1), ('Conditional contains '
                                                     'more/less than 1 '
        assert (not res['conditional_sources']), ('Conditional sources is not '
        assert (len(res['conditional_target']) == 1), ('Conditional target '
                                                       'contains more/less '
                                                       'than 1 variable.')
        assert (res['cond_sources_pval'] is None), ('Conditional p-value is '
                                                    'not None.')
        assert (res['omnibus_pval'] is None), ('Omnibus p-value is not None.')
        assert (res['omnibus_sign'] is None), ('Omnibus significance is not '
        assert (res['conditional_sources_te'] is None), ('Conditional TE '
                                                         'values is not None.')
def test_multivariate_te_lagged_copies():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on a lagged copy of random data.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two sets of random data, where the
    second set is a lagged copy of the first. This test should find no
    significant conditionals at all (neither in the target's nor in the
    source's past).

        This test takes several hours and may take one to two days on some
    lag = 3
    d_0 = np.random.rand(1, 1000, 20)
    d_1 = np.hstack((np.random.rand(1, lag, 20), d_0[:, lag:, :]))

    data = Data()
    data.set_data(np.vstack((d_0, d_1)), 'psr')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator':  'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 500,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 500,
    random_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    # Assert that there are no significant conditionals in either direction
    # other than the mandatory single sample in the target's past (which
    # ensures that we calculate a proper TE at any time in the algorithm).
    for t in range(2):
        results = random_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, t)
        assert len(results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).selected_vars_full) == 1, (
                    'Conditional contains more/less than 1 variables.')
        assert not results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).selected_vars_sources.size, (
                    'Conditional sources is not empty.')
        assert len(results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).selected_vars_target) == 1, (
            'Conditional target contains more/less than 1 variable.')
        assert results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).selected_sources_pval is None, (
            'Conditional p-value is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).omnibus_pval is None, (
            'Omnibus p-value is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).omnibus_sign is None, (
            'Omnibus significance is not None.')
        assert results.get_single_target(t, fdr=False).selected_sources_te is None, (
            'Conditional TE values is not None.')
def test_multivariate_te_lorenz_2():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on bivariately couled Lorenz systems.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two Lorenz systems with a coupling
    from first to second system with delay u = 45 samples. Both directions are
    analyzed, the algorithm should not find a coupling from system two to one.

        This test takes several hours and may take one to two days on some
    # load simulated data from 2 coupled Lorenz systems 1->2, u = 45 ms
    d = np.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    data = Data()
    data.set_data(d, 'psr')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator':  'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'max_lag_sources': 47,
        'min_lag_sources': 42,
        'max_lag_target': 20,
        'tau_target': 2,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,  # 200
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,  # 200
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,  # this should be equal to the min stats b/c we
                               # reuse the surrogate table from the min stats
    lorenz_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    # FOR DEBUGGING: add the whole history for k = 20, tau = 2 to the
    # estimation, this makes things faster, b/c these don't have to be
    # tested again. Note conditionals are specified using lags.
    settings['add_conditionals'] = [(1, 19), (1, 17), (1, 15), (1, 13),
                                    (1, 11), (1, 9), (1, 7), (1, 5), (1, 3),
                                    (1, 1)]

    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 60
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 31
    settings['tau_sources'] = 2
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 1
    settings['tau_target'] = 1

    # Just analyse the direction of coupling
    results = lorenz_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, target=1)
def test_multivariate_te_random():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on two random data sets.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two sets of random data with no
    coupling. This test should find no significant conditionals at all (neither
    in the target's nor in the source's past).

        This test takes several hours and may take one to two days on some
    d = np.random.rand(2, 1000, 20)
    dat = Data()
    dat.set_data(d, 'psr')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'discretise_method': 'max_ent',
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 200,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 200,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 500,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 500,
    random_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    # Assert that there are no significant conditionals in either direction
    # other than the mandatory single sample in the target's past (which
    # ensures that we calculate a proper TE at any time in the algorithm).
    for target in range(2):
        res = random_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, dat, target)
        assert (len(res['conditional_full']) == 1), ('Conditional contains '
                                                     'more/less than 1 '
        assert (not res['conditional_sources']), ('Conditional sources is not '
        assert (len(res['conditional_target']) == 1), ('Conditional target '
                                                       'contains more/less '
                                                       'than 1 variable.')
        assert (res['cond_sources_pval'] is None), ('Conditional p-value is '
                                                    'not None.')
        assert (res['omnibus_pval'] is None), ('Omnibus p-value is not None.')
        assert (res['omnibus_sign'] is None), ('Omnibus significance is not '
        assert (res['conditional_sources_te'] is None), ('Conditional TE '
                                                         'values is not None.')
def test_discrete_input():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation from discrete data."""
    # Generate Gaussian test data
    covariance = 0.4
    n = 10000
    delay = 1
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target = (covariance * source +
              (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    corr_expected = covariance / (1 * np.sqrt(covariance**2 +
                                              (1 - covariance)**2))
    expected_mi = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    source = source[delay:]
    target = target[:-delay]

    # Discretise data
    settings = {'discretise_method': 'equal', 'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings)
    source_dis, target_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target)
    data = Data(np.vstack((source_dis, target_dis)),
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'discretise_method': 'none',
        'n_discrete_bins': 5,  # alphabet size of the variables analysed
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 30,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 30,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_sources': 2,
        'max_lag_target': 1
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    assert np.isclose(
        res._single_target[1].omnibus_te, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: '
            '{0}, Actual results: {1}.'.format(
                expected_mi, res._single_target[1].omnibus_te))
def test_compare_bivariate_and_multivariate_te():
    """Compare bivariate to multivariate TE estimation."""
    expected_mi, source, source_uncorr, target = _get_gauss_data(seed=SEED)
    source = source[1:]
    source_uncorr = source_uncorr[1:]
    target = target[:-1]
    data = Data(np.hstack((source, source_uncorr, target)),
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': 1,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_target': 1
    nw_bivar = BivariateTE()
    results = nw_bivar.analyse_single_target(settings,
                                             sources=[0, 1])
    te_bivar = results.get_single_target(2, fdr=False)['te'][0]

    nw_multivar = MultivariateTE()
    results = nw_multivar.analyse_single_target(settings,
                                                sources=[0, 1])
    te_multivar = results.get_single_target(2, fdr=False)['te'][0]

    print('Estimated TE: {0:0.6f}, estimated TE using multivariate algorithm: '
          '{1:0.6f} (expected: ~ {2:0.6f}).'.format(te_bivar, te_multivar,
    assert np.isclose(te_bivar, te_multivar, atol=0.005), (
        'Estimated TE {0:0.6f} differs from multivariate estimate {1:0.6f} '
        '(expected: TE {2:0.6f}).'.format(te_bivar, te_multivar, expected_mi))
def test_discrete_input():
    """Test multivariate TE estimation from discrete data."""
    # Generate Gaussian test data
    covariance = 0.4
    n = 10000
    delay = 1
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target = (covariance * source + (1 - covariance) *
              np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    corr_expected = covariance / (1 * np.sqrt(covariance**2 + (1-covariance)**2))
    expected_mi = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    source = source[delay:]
    target = target[:-delay]

    # Discretise data
    settings = {'discretise_method': 'equal',
                'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings)
    source_dis, target_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target)
    data = Data(np.vstack((source_dis, target_dis)),
                dim_order='ps', normalise=False)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'discretise_method': 'none',
        'n_discrete_bins': 5,  # alphabet size of the variables analysed
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 30,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 30,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_sources': 2,
        'max_lag_target': 1}
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    res = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    assert np.isclose(
        res._single_target[1].omnibus_te, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: '
            '{0}, Actual results: {1}.'.format(
                expected_mi, res._single_target[1].omnibus_te))
def test_multivariate_te_corr_gaussian(estimator=None):
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on correlated Gaussians.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two sets of random Gaussian data with
    a given covariance. The second data set is shifted by one sample creating
    a source-target delay of one sample. This example is modeled after the
    JIDT demo 4 for transfer entropy. The resulting TE can be compared to the
    analytical result (but expect some error in the estimate).

    The simulated delay is 1 sample, i.e., the algorithm should find
    significant TE from sample (0, 1), a sample in process 0 with lag/delay 1.
    The final target sample should always be (1, 1), the mandatory sample at
    lat 1, because there is no memory in the process.

        This test runs considerably faster than other system tests.
        This produces strange small values for non-coupled sources.  TODO
    if estimator is None:
        estimator = 'JidtKraskovCMI'

    n = 1000
    cov = 0.4
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]
    target = [sum(pair) for pair in zip(
        [cov * y for y in source],
        [(1 - cov) * y for y in [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]])]
    # Cast everything to numpy so the idtxl estimator understands it.
    source = np.expand_dims(np.array(source), axis=1)
    target = np.expand_dims(np.array(target), axis=1)

    data = Data(normalise=True)
    data.set_data(np.vstack((source[1:].T, target[:-1].T)), 'ps')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': estimator,
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_target': 5,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
    random_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    results = random_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, 1)

    # Assert that there are significant conditionals from the source for target
    # 1. For 500 repetitions I got mean errors of 0.02097686 and 0.01454073 for
    # examples 1 and 2 respectively. The maximum errors were 0.093841 and
    # 0.05833172 repectively. This inspired the following error boundaries.
    corr_expected = cov / (1 * np.sqrt(cov**2 + (1-cov)**2))
    expected_res = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    estimated_res = results.get_single_target(1, fdr=False).omnibus_te
    diff = np.abs(estimated_res - expected_res)
    print('Expected source sample: (0, 1)\nExpected target sample: (1, 1)')
    print(('Estimated TE: {0:5.4f}, analytical result: {1:5.4f}, error:'
           '{2:2.2f} % ').format(
               estimated_res, expected_res, diff / expected_res))
    assert (diff < 0.1), ('Multivariate TE calculation for correlated '
                          'Gaussians failed (error larger 0.1: {0}, expected: '
                          '{1}, actual: {2}).'.format(
                              diff, expected_res, estimated_res))
from idtxl.multivariate_te import MultivariateTE
from idtxl.data import Data

start_time = time.time()
# load simulated data from 2 coupled Lorenz systems 1->2, u = 45 ms
d = np.load(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/lorenz_2_exampledata.npy'))
dat = Data()
dat.set_data(d[:, :, 0:100], 'psr')
settings = {
    'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
    'max_lag_sources': 50,
    'min_lag_sources': 40,
    'max_lag_target': 30,
    'tau_sources': 1,
    'tau_target': 3,
    'n_perm_max_stat': 200,
    'n_perm_min_stat': 200,
    'n_perm_omnibus': 500,
    'n_perm_max_seq': 500,
lorenz_analysis = MultivariateTE()
res_1 = lorenz_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, dat, 0)
res_2 = lorenz_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, dat, 1)
runtime = time.time() - start_time
print("---- {0} minutes".format(runtime / 60))

path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + 'output/'
np.savez(path + 'test_lorenz', res_1, res_2)
np.save(path + 'test_lorenz_time', runtime)
def test_multivariate_te_init():
    """Test instance creation for MultivariateTE class."""
    # Test error on missing estimator
    settings = {
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 30,
        'max_lag_sources': 7,
        'min_lag_sources': 2,
        'max_lag_target': 5}
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=Data(), target=1)

    # Test setting of min and max lags
    settings['cmi_estimator'] = 'JidtKraskovCMI'
    data = Data()
    data.generate_mute_data(n_samples=10, n_replications=5)

    # Valid: max lag sources bigger than max lag target
    nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Valid: max lag sources smaller than max lag target
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 3
    nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Invalid: min lag sources bigger than max lag
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 8
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 7
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Invalid: taus bigger than lags
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 2
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 4
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 5
    settings['tau_sources'] = 10
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['tau_sources'] = 1
    settings['tau_target'] = 10
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Invalid: negative lags or taus
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 1
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 5
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = -7
    settings['tau_target'] = 1
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 7
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = -4
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 4
    settings['max_lag_target'] = -1
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 5
    settings['tau_sources'] = -1
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['tau_sources'] = 1
    settings['tau_target'] = -1
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Invalid: lags or taus are no integers
    settings['tau_target'] = 1
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 1.5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 1
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 1.5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 7
    settings['tau_sources'] = 1.5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['tau_sources'] = 1
    settings['tau_target'] = 1.5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['tau_target'] = 1

    # Invalid: sources or target is no int
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # no int
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1.5)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # negative
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=-1)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # not in data
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=10)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # wrong type
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target={})
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # negative
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=0,
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):   # negative
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=0,
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # not in data
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=0,
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # not in data
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=0,
def test_results_network_inference():
    """Test results class for multivariate TE network inference."""
    covariance = 0.4
    n = 10000
    delay = 1
    normalisation = False
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target_1 = (covariance * source + (1 - covariance) *
                np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    target_2 = (covariance * source + (1 - covariance) *
                np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    corr_expected = covariance / (
        1 * np.sqrt(covariance**2 + (1-covariance)**2))
    expected_mi = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    source = source[delay:]
    target_1 = target_1[:-delay]
    target_2 = target_2[:-delay]

    # Discretise data for speed
    settings_dis = {'discretise_method': 'equal',
                    'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings_dis)
    source_dis, target_1_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_1)
    source_dis, target_2_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_2)
    data = Data(np.vstack((source_dis, target_1_dis, target_2_dis)),
                dim_order='ps', normalise=normalisation)

    nw = MultivariateTE()
    # TE - single target
    res_single_multi_te = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    # TE whole network
    res_network_multi_te = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    nw = BivariateTE()
    # TE - single target
    res_single_biv_te = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    # TE whole network
    res_network_biv_te = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    nw = MultivariateMI()
    # TE - single target
    res_single_multi_mi = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    # TE whole network
    res_network_multi_mi = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    nw = BivariateMI()
    # TE - single target
    res_single_biv_mi = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    # TE whole network
    res_network_biv_mi = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    res_te = [res_single_multi_te, res_network_multi_te, res_single_biv_te,
    res_mi = [res_single_multi_mi, res_network_multi_mi, res_single_biv_mi,
    res_all = res_te + res_mi

    # Check estimated values
    for res in res_te:
        est_te = res._single_target[1].omnibus_te
        assert np.isclose(est_te, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: '
            '{0}, Actual results: {1}.'.format(expected_mi, est_te))
    for res in res_mi:
        est_mi = res._single_target[1].omnibus_mi
        assert np.isclose(est_mi, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: '
            '{0}, Actual results: {1}.'.format(expected_mi, est_mi))

    est_te = res_network_multi_te._single_target[2].omnibus_te
    assert np.isclose(est_te, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
        'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: {0}, '
        'Actual results: {1}.'.format(expected_mi, est_te))
    est_mi = res_network_multi_mi._single_target[2].omnibus_mi
    assert np.isclose(est_mi, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
        'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: {0}, '
        'Actual results: {1}.'.format(expected_mi, est_mi))

    # Check data parameters in results objects
    n_nodes = 3
    n_realisations = n - delay - max(
        settings['max_lag_sources'], settings['max_lag_target'])
    for res in res_all:
        assert res.data_properties.n_nodes == n_nodes, 'Incorrect no. nodes.'
        assert res.data_properties.n_nodes == n_nodes, 'Incorrect no. nodes.'
        assert res.data_properties.n_realisations == n_realisations, (
            'Incorrect no. realisations.')
        assert res.data_properties.n_realisations == n_realisations, (
            'Incorrect no. realisations.')
        assert res.data_properties.normalised == normalisation, (
            'Incorrect value for data normalisation.')
        assert res.data_properties.normalised == normalisation, (
            'Incorrect value for data normalisation.')
        adj_matrix = res.get_adjacency_matrix('binary', fdr=False)
        assert adj_matrix.shape[0] == n_nodes, (
            'Incorrect number of rows in adjacency matrix.')
        assert adj_matrix.shape[1] == n_nodes, (
            'Incorrect number of columns in adjacency matrix.')
        assert adj_matrix.shape[0] == n_nodes, (
            'Incorrect number of rows in adjacency matrix.')
        assert adj_matrix.shape[1] == n_nodes, (
            'Incorrect number of columns in adjacency matrix.')
def test_delay_reconstruction():
    """Test the reconstruction of information transfer delays from results."""
    covariance = 0.4
    corr_expected = covariance / (1 * np.sqrt(covariance**2 +
                                              (1 - covariance)**2))
    expected_mi = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    n = 10000
    delay_1 = 1
    delay_2 = 3
    delay_3 = 5
    normalisation = False
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target_1 = (covariance * source +
                (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    target_2 = (covariance * source +
                (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    target_3 = (covariance * source +
                (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    source = source[delay_3:]
    target_1 = target_1[(delay_3 - delay_1):-delay_1]
    target_2 = target_2[(delay_3 - delay_2):-delay_2]
    target_3 = target_3[:-delay_3]

    # Discretise data for speed
    settings_dis = {'discretise_method': 'equal', 'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings_dis)
    source_dis, target_1_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_1)
    source_dis, target_2_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_2)
    source_dis, target_3_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_3)
    data = Data(np.vstack(
        (source_dis, target_1_dis, target_2_dis, target_3_dis)),

    nw = MultivariateTE()
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'discretise_method': 'none',
        'n_discrete_bins': 5,  # alphabet size of the variables analysed
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 30,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 30,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_sources': delay_3 + 1,
        'max_lag_target': 1

    res_network = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=2))
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=3))
    adj_mat = res_network.get_adjacency_matrix('max_te_lag', fdr=False)
    assert adj_mat._weight_matrix[0, 1] == delay_1, (
        'Estimate for delay 1 is not correct.')
    assert adj_mat._weight_matrix[0, 2] == delay_2, (
        'Estimate for delay 2 is not correct.')
    assert adj_mat._weight_matrix[0, 3] == delay_3, (
        'Estimate for delay 3 is not correct.')

    for target in range(1, 4):
        est_mi = res_network._single_target[target].omnibus_te
        assert np.isclose(est_mi, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for target {0} is not correct. Expected: {1}, '
            'Actual results: {2}.'.format(target, expected_mi, est_mi))
def test_multivariate_te_init():
    """Test instance creation for MultivariateTE class."""
    # Test error on missing estimator
    settings = {
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 30,
        'max_lag_sources': 7,
        'min_lag_sources': 2,
        'max_lag_target': 5
    nw = MultivariateTE()
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=Data(), target=1)

    # Test setting of min and max lags
    settings['cmi_estimator'] = 'JidtKraskovCMI'
    data = Data()
    data.generate_mute_data(n_samples=10, n_replications=5)

    # Valid: max lag sources bigger than max lag target
    nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Valid: max lag sources smaller than max lag target
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 3
    nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Invalid: min lag sources bigger than max lag
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 8
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 7
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Invalid: taus bigger than lags
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 2
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 4
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 5
    settings['tau_sources'] = 10
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['tau_sources'] = 1
    settings['tau_target'] = 10
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Invalid: negative lags or taus
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 1
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 5
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = -7
    settings['tau_target'] = 1
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 7
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = -4
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 4
    settings['max_lag_target'] = -1
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['max_lag_target'] = 5
    settings['tau_sources'] = -1
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['tau_sources'] = 1
    settings['tau_target'] = -1
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)

    # Invalid: lags or taus are no integers
    settings['tau_target'] = 1
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 1.5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['min_lag_sources'] = 1
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 1.5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['max_lag_sources'] = 7
    settings['tau_sources'] = 1.5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['tau_sources'] = 1
    settings['tau_target'] = 1.5
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
    settings['tau_target'] = 1

    # Invalid: sources or target is no int
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # no int
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=1.5)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # negative
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=-1)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # not in data
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=10)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # wrong type
        nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target={})
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # negative
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # negative
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # not in data
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):  # not in data
    region_ix = [range(1350, 1600), range(2350, 2600)]

data = stack_data(region_ix)

# b) Initialise analysis object and define settings
network_analysis = MultivariateTE()
settings = {
    'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
    'history_target': 1,
    'n_perm_max_stat': 100,
    'alpha_max_stat': 0.05,
    'permute_in_time': True,
    'max_lag_sources': 5,
    'min_lag_sources': 1,
    'add_conditionals': [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2)]

# c) Run analysis
sources = list(range(2, 20))
res = network_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,

# Save results dictionary using pickle
path = 'target_results/{}_res.{}.pkl'.format(region, str(target_id))
pickle.dump(res, open(path, 'wb'))
"""Plot graph output from multivariate TE estimation.

author: patricia
from idtxl.data import Data
from idtxl.multivariate_te import MultivariateTE
from idtxl import visualise_graph

# Generate some example output
data = Data()
data.generate_mute_data(n_replications=2, n_samples=500)
print('Demo data with {0} procs, {1} samples, {2} reps.'.format(
    data.n_processes, data.n_samples, data.n_replications))
settings = {
    'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
    'max_lag_sources': 3,
    'max_lag_target': 3,
    'min_lag_sources': 1
mte = MultivariateTE()
res_single = mte.analyse_single_target(settings=settings, data=data, target=3)
res_full = mte.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

# generate graph plots
g_single = visualise_graph.plot_selected_vars(res_single, mte)
g_full = visualise_graph.plot_network(res_full)
def test_results_network_inference():
    """Test results class for multivariate TE network inference."""
    covariance = 0.4
    n = 10000
    delay = 1
    normalisation = False
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target_1 = (covariance * source +
                (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    target_2 = (covariance * source +
                (1 - covariance) * np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    corr_expected = covariance / (1 * np.sqrt(covariance**2 +
                                              (1 - covariance)**2))
    expected_mi = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    source = source[delay:]
    target_1 = target_1[:-delay]
    target_2 = target_2[:-delay]

    # Discretise data for speed
    settings_dis = {'discretise_method': 'equal', 'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings_dis)
    source_dis, target_1_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_1)
    source_dis, target_2_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_2)
    data = Data(np.vstack((source_dis, target_1_dis, target_2_dis)),

    nw = MultivariateTE()
    # TE - single target
    res_single_multi_te = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,
    # TE whole network
    res_network_multi_te = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    nw = BivariateTE()
    # TE - single target
    res_single_biv_te = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,
    # TE whole network
    res_network_biv_te = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    nw = MultivariateMI()
    # TE - single target
    res_single_multi_mi = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,
    # TE whole network
    res_network_multi_mi = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    nw = BivariateMI()
    # TE - single target
    res_single_biv_mi = nw.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,
    # TE whole network
    res_network_biv_mi = nw.analyse_network(settings=settings, data=data)

    res_te = [
        res_single_multi_te, res_network_multi_te, res_single_biv_te,
    res_mi = [
        res_single_multi_mi, res_network_multi_mi, res_single_biv_mi,
    res_all = res_te + res_mi

    # Check estimated values
    for res in res_te:
        est_te = res._single_target[1].omnibus_te
        assert np.isclose(est_te, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: '
            '{0}, Actual results: {1}.'.format(expected_mi, est_te))
    for res in res_mi:
        est_mi = res._single_target[1].omnibus_mi
        assert np.isclose(est_mi, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: '
            '{0}, Actual results: {1}.'.format(expected_mi, est_mi))

    est_te = res_network_multi_te._single_target[2].omnibus_te
    assert np.isclose(est_te, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
        'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: {0}, '
        'Actual results: {1}.'.format(expected_mi, est_te))
    est_mi = res_network_multi_mi._single_target[2].omnibus_mi
    assert np.isclose(est_mi, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
        'Estimated TE for discrete variables is not correct. Expected: {0}, '
        'Actual results: {1}.'.format(expected_mi, est_mi))

    # Check data parameters in results objects
    n_nodes = 3
    n_realisations = n - delay - max(settings['max_lag_sources'],
    for res in res_all:
        assert res.data_properties.n_nodes == n_nodes, 'Incorrect no. nodes.'
        assert res.data_properties.n_nodes == n_nodes, 'Incorrect no. nodes.'
        assert res.data_properties.n_realisations == n_realisations, (
            'Incorrect no. realisations.')
        assert res.data_properties.n_realisations == n_realisations, (
            'Incorrect no. realisations.')
        assert res.data_properties.normalised == normalisation, (
            'Incorrect value for data normalisation.')
        assert res.data_properties.normalised == normalisation, (
            'Incorrect value for data normalisation.')
        adj_matrix = res.get_adjacency_matrix('binary', fdr=False)
        assert adj_matrix._edge_matrix.shape[0] == n_nodes, (
            'Incorrect number of rows in adjacency matrix.')
        assert adj_matrix._edge_matrix.shape[1] == n_nodes, (
            'Incorrect number of columns in adjacency matrix.')
        assert adj_matrix._edge_matrix.shape[0] == n_nodes, (
            'Incorrect number of rows in adjacency matrix.')
        assert adj_matrix._edge_matrix.shape[1] == n_nodes, (
            'Incorrect number of columns in adjacency matrix.')
def test_return_local_values():
    """Test estimation of local values."""
    max_lag = 5
    data = Data()
    data.generate_mute_data(500, 5)
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtKraskovCMI',
        'noise_level': 0,
        'local_values': True,  # request calculation of local values
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'max_lag_sources': max_lag,
        'min_lag_sources': 4,
        'max_lag_target': max_lag
    target = 3
    sources = [0, 4]
    te = MultivariateTE()
    results = te.analyse_single_target(settings,
    settings['local_values'] = False
    results_avg = te.analyse_single_target(settings,

    # Test if any sources were inferred. If not, return (this may happen
    # sometimes due to too few samples, however, a higher no. samples is not
    # feasible for a unit test).
    if results.get_single_target(target, fdr=False)['te'] is None:
    if results_avg.get_single_target(target, fdr=False)['te'] is None:

    lte = results.get_single_target(target, fdr=False)['te']
    n_sources = len(results.get_target_sources(target, fdr=False))
    assert type(lte) is np.ndarray, (
        'LTE estimation did not return an array of values: {0}'.format(lte))
    assert lte.shape[0] == n_sources, (
        'Wrong dim (no. sources) in LTE estimate: {0}'.format(lte.shape))
    assert lte.shape[1] == data.n_realisations_samples(
        (0, max_lag)), ('Wrong dim (no. samples) in LTE estimate: {0}'.format(
    assert lte.shape[2] == data.n_replications, (
        'Wrong dim (no. replications) in LTE estimate: {0}'.format(lte.shape))

    # Check if average and mean local values are the same. Test each source
    # separately. Inferred sources and variables may differ between the two
    # calls to analyse_single_target() due to low number of surrogates used in
    # unit testing.
    te_single_link = results_avg.get_single_target(target, fdr=False)['te']
    sources_local = results.get_target_sources(target, fdr=False)
    sources_avg = results_avg.get_target_sources(target, fdr=False)
    for s in list(set(sources_avg).intersection(sources_local)):
        i1 = np.where(sources_avg == s)[0][0]
        i2 = np.where(sources_local == s)[0][0]
        # Skip comparison if inferred variables differ between links.
        vars_local = [
            v for v in results_avg.get_single_target(
                target, fdr=False).selected_vars_sources if v[0] == s
        vars_avg = [
            v for v in results.get_single_target(
                target, fdr=False).selected_vars_sources if v[0] == s
        if vars_local != vars_avg:
        print('Compare average ({0:.4f}) and local values ({1:.4f}).'.format(
            te_single_link[i1], np.mean(lte[i2, :, :])))
        assert np.isclose(
            te_single_link[i1], np.mean(lte[i2, :, :]), rtol=0.00005), (
                'Single link average MI ({0:.6f}) and mean LMI ({1:.6f}) '
                ' deviate.'.format(te_single_link[i1], np.mean(lte[i2, :, :])))
def test_delay_reconstruction():
    """Test the reconstruction of information transfer delays from results."""
    covariance = 0.4
    corr_expected = covariance / (
        1 * np.sqrt(covariance**2 + (1-covariance)**2))
    expected_mi = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    n = 10000
    delay_1 = 1
    delay_2 = 3
    delay_3 = 5
    normalisation = False
    source = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n)
    target_1 = (covariance * source + (1 - covariance) *
                np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    target_2 = (covariance * source + (1 - covariance) *
                np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    target_3 = (covariance * source + (1 - covariance) *
                np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n))
    source = source[delay_3:]
    target_1 = target_1[(delay_3-delay_1):-delay_1]
    target_2 = target_2[(delay_3-delay_2):-delay_2]
    target_3 = target_3[:-delay_3]

    # Discretise data for speed
    settings_dis = {'discretise_method': 'equal',
                    'n_discrete_bins': 5}
    est = JidtDiscreteCMI(settings_dis)
    source_dis, target_1_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_1)
    source_dis, target_2_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_2)
    source_dis, target_3_dis = est._discretise_vars(var1=source, var2=target_3)
    data = Data(
        np.vstack((source_dis, target_1_dis, target_2_dis, target_3_dis)),
        dim_order='ps', normalise=normalisation)

    nw = MultivariateTE()
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': 'JidtDiscreteCMI',
        'discretise_method': 'none',
        'n_discrete_bins': 5,  # alphabet size of the variables analysed
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 30,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 30,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_sources': delay_3 + 1,
        'max_lag_target': 1}

    res_network = nw.analyse_single_target(
        settings=settings, data=data, target=1)
        settings=settings, data=data, target=2))
        settings=settings, data=data, target=3))
    adj_mat = res_network.get_adjacency_matrix('max_te_lag', fdr=False)
    assert adj_mat[0, 1] == delay_1, ('Estimate for delay 1 is not correct.')
    assert adj_mat[0, 2] == delay_2, ('Estimate for delay 2 is not correct.')
    assert adj_mat[0, 3] == delay_3, ('Estimate for delay 3 is not correct.')

    for target in range(1, 4):
        est_mi = res_network._single_target[target].omnibus_te
        assert np.isclose(est_mi, expected_mi, atol=0.05), (
            'Estimated TE for target {0} is not correct. Expected: {1}, '
            'Actual results: {2}.'.format(target, expected_mi, est_mi))
from idtxl.multivariate_te import MultivariateTE
from idtxl.data import Data

start_time = time.time()
# load simulated data from 2 coupled Lorenz systems 1->2, u = 45 ms
d = np.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
data = Data()
data.set_data(d[:, :, 0:100], 'psr')
settings = {
        'cmi_estimator':  'OpenCLKraskovCMI',
        'max_lag_sources': 50,
        'min_lag_sources': 40,
        'max_lag_target': 30,
        'tau_sources': 1,
        'tau_target': 3,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 200,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 200,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 500,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 500,
lorenz_analysis = MultivariateTE()
res_0 = lorenz_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, 0)
res_1 = lorenz_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, 1)
runtime = time.time() - start_time
print("---- {0} minutes".format(runtime / 60))

path = '{0}data/'.format(os.path.dirname(__file__))
pickle.dump(res_0, open('{0}test_lorenz_opencl_res_{1}'.format(path, 0), 'wb'))
pickle.dump(res_1, open('{0}test_lorenz_opencl_res_{1}'.format(path, 1), 'wb'))
def test_multivariate_te_corr_gaussian(estimator=None):
    """Test multivariate TE estimation on correlated Gaussians.

    Run the multivariate TE algorithm on two sets of random Gaussian data with
    a given covariance. The second data set is shifted by one sample creating
    a source-target delay of one sample. This example is modeled after the
    JIDT demo 4 for transfer entropy. The resulting TE can be compared to the
    analytical result (but expect some error in the estimate).

    The simulated delay is 1 sample, i.e., the algorithm should find
    significant TE from sample (0, 1), a sample in process 0 with lag/delay 1.
    The final target sample should always be (1, 1), the mandatory sample at
    lat 1, because there is no memory in the process.

        This test runs considerably faster than other system tests.
        This produces strange small values for non-coupled sources.  TODO
    if estimator is None:
        estimator = 'JidtKraskovCMI'

    n = 1000
    cov = 0.4
    source = [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]
    target = [
        for pair in zip([cov * y for y in source],
                        [(1 - cov) * y
                         for y in [rn.normalvariate(0, 1) for r in range(n)]])
    # Cast everything to numpy so the idtxl estimator understands it.
    source = np.expand_dims(np.array(source), axis=1)
    target = np.expand_dims(np.array(target), axis=1)

    data = Data(normalise=True)
    data.set_data(np.vstack((source[1:].T, target[:-1].T)), 'ps')
    settings = {
        'cmi_estimator': estimator,
        'max_lag_sources': 5,
        'min_lag_sources': 1,
        'max_lag_target': 5,
        'n_perm_max_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_min_stat': 21,
        'n_perm_omnibus': 21,
        'n_perm_max_seq': 21,
    random_analysis = MultivariateTE()
    results = random_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings, data, 1)

    # Assert that there are significant conditionals from the source for target
    # 1. For 500 repetitions I got mean errors of 0.02097686 and 0.01454073 for
    # examples 1 and 2 respectively. The maximum errors were 0.093841 and
    # 0.05833172 repectively. This inspired the following error boundaries.
    corr_expected = cov / (1 * np.sqrt(cov**2 + (1 - cov)**2))
    expected_res = calculate_mi(corr_expected)
    estimated_res = results.get_single_target(1, fdr=False).omnibus_te
    diff = np.abs(estimated_res - expected_res)
    print('Expected source sample: (0, 1)\nExpected target sample: (1, 1)')
    print(('Estimated TE: {0:5.4f}, analytical result: {1:5.4f}, error:'
           '{2:2.2f} % ').format(estimated_res, expected_res,
                                 diff / expected_res))
    assert (diff < 0.1), ('Multivariate TE calculation for correlated '
                          'Gaussians failed (error larger 0.1: {0}, expected: '
                          '{1}, actual: {2}).'.format(diff, expected_res,

# In[6]:

# b) Initialise analysis object and define settings
network_analysis = MultivariateTE()
settings = {
    'cmi_estimator': 'JidtGaussianCMI',
    'max_lag_sources': 16,
    'min_lag_sources': 1

# c) Run analysis
results = network_analysis.analyse_single_target(settings=settings,
                                                 sources=[1, 3])

# In[7]:

results.print_edge_list(weights='max_te_lag', fdr=False)
plot_network(results=results, weights='max_te_lag', fdr=False)

# ###  Bivariate TE / Granger causality

# In[8]:

# %load ./IDTxl/demos/demo_bivariate_te.py
# Import classes
from idtxl.bivariate_te import BivariateTE