def ifs_calculate(self): if self.clear == True: self.clear = False self.initpos = [0, 0] # 不绘制迭代的初始100个点 x, y, c = ifs( self.tool.get_areas(), self.tool.get_eqs(), self.initpos, 100) self.initpos = [x[-1], y[-1]] self.draw = True if self.draw and len(["x"]) < ITER_COUNT * ITER_TIMES: x, y, c = ifs( self.tool.get_areas(), self.tool.get_eqs(), self.initpos, ITER_COUNT) ox, oy, oc =["x"],["y"],["c"] if np.max(np.abs(x)) < 1000000 and np.max(np.abs(y)) < 1000000: self.initpos = [x[-1], y[-1]] x, y, z = np.hstack((ox, x)), np.hstack((oy, y)), np.hstack((oc, c))["x"],["y"],["c"] = x, y, z # 调整绘图范围,保持X-Y轴的比例为1:1 xmin, xmax = np.min(x), np.max(x) ymin, ymax = np.min(y), np.max(y) xptp, yptp = xmax - xmin, ymax-ymin xcenter, ycenter =(xmax + xmin) / 2.0 , (ymax + ymin) / 2.0 w, h = float(self.plot.width), float(self.plot.height) scale = max(xptp/w , yptp/h) self.plot.index_range.low = xcenter - 0.5*scale*w self.plot.index_range.high = xcenter + 0.5*scale*w self.plot.value_range.low = ycenter - 0.5*scale*h self.plot.value_range.high = ycenter + 0.5*scale
def ifs_calculate(self): if self.clear == True: self.clear = False self.initpos = [0, 0] # 不绘制迭代的初始100个点 x, y, c = ifs( self.ifs_triangle.get_areas(), self.ifs_triangle.get_eqs(), self.initpos, 100) self.initpos = [x[-1], y[-1]] self.ax2.clear() x, y, c = ifs( self.ifs_triangle.get_areas(), self.ifs_triangle.get_eqs(), self.initpos, ITER_COUNT) if np.max(np.abs(x)) < 1000000 and np.max(np.abs(y)) < 1000000: self.initpos = [x[-1], y[-1]] self.draw_points(x, y, c)