def main():
    imp = IJ.getFilePath("Select DCIMG file")
    if not imp:
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(imp)
    if ext.lower() != '.dcimg':
        cFrame = PlugInFrame('ERR DLG')
        MessageDialog(cFrame, 'ERROR', 'Expected extension .dcimg')

    #Lets start
    fID = open(imp, 'rb')

    hdr_bytes = read_header_bytes(fID)
    hdr = parse_header_bytes(fID, hdr_bytes)

    metadataStr = beginMetadata()
    for key, value in hdr.iteritems():
        metadataStr += addMetadataEntry(key, str(value))

    metadataStr += endMetadata()
    metadataDlg = HTMLDialog("DCIMG metadata", metadataStr, 0)
    size = metadataDlg.getSize()
    if size.width < 300:
        size.width = 300
    if size.height < 500:
        size.height = 500

    finfo = FileInfo()
    finfo.fileName = imp
    #finfo.width = hdr['xsize_req']
    finfo.width = hdr['xsize']
    finfo.height = hdr['ysize']
    finfo.nImages = hdr['nframes']
    finfo.offset = 232
    finfo.fileType = hdr['bitdepth'] / 8 - 1  #Ugh
    finfo.intelByteOrder = 1
    #finfo.gapBetweenImages = int(hdr['bytes_per_img']*(1-float(hdr['xsize_req'])/float(hdr['xsize'])))
    finfo.gapBetweenImages = 0
    finfo.fileFormat = 1
    finfo.samplesPerPixel = 1
    finfo.displayRanges = None
    finfo.lutSize = 0
    finfo.whiteIsZero = 0
    vs = VirtualStack()
    finfo.virtualStack = vs
    bfvs = BFVirtualStack(filepath, cs, False, False, False)
    stack = ImageStack(width, height)
    for index in xrange(slice_index, slice_index + num_slices):
    title = os.path.split(filepath)[1] + " from slice %i" % slice_index
    imp = ImagePlus(title, stack)

# Approach 3: using low-level ImageJ libraries
from import FileInfo, FileOpener

fi = FileInfo()
fi.width = width
fi.height = height
fi.offset = headerSize + slice_offset
# ASSUMES images aren't ARGB, which would also have 32 as bit depth
# (There are other types: see FileInfo javadoc)
fi.fileType = {
    8: FileInfo.GRAY8,
    16: FileInfo.GRAY16_UNSIGNED,
    24: FileInfo.RGB,
    32: FileInfo.GRAY32_UNSIGNED
fi.samplesPerPixel = 1
fi.nImages = num_slices
directory, filename = os.path.split(filepath) = directory
fi.fileName = filename
def open_Octopus_file():

	# set up a file info structure
	fi = FileInfo()
	fi.fileFormat = fi.RAW
	fi.intelByteOrder = True
	fi.nImages = 1

	op = OpenDialog("Choose Octopus .dth file...", "")
	if not op.getDirectory(): return False

	# get the file extension
	file_extension ='(\.[a-z][a-z][a-z])', op.getFileName()).group(1)
	if file_extension != ".dth":
		dlg = GenericDialog("Warning")
		dlg.addMessage("Please select an octopus .dth file")
		return False

	# now strip the filename into a stem and index
	file_parse = re.match('([a-zA-z0-9_]*_)([0-9]+)\.dth', op.getFileName())
	file_stem =
	file_index = int( )

	# ok now we need to parse the header info
	header = get_Octopus_header(op.getDirectory(), file_stem, file_index)
	fi.nImages  = len(header['N'])

	# check to see whether we have a bit depth, if not, assume 16-bit
	if 'Bit_Depth' in header:
		print header['Bit_Depth']
		bit_depth = int(header['Bit_Depth'][0])
		if bit_depth == 8: fi.fileType = FileInfo.GRAY8
		bit_depth = 16

	# will assume that all files have the same size
	fi.width = int( header['W'][0] )
	fi.height = int( header['H'][0] )
	file_timestamp = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime(float(header['Time'][0])) )

	# make a new imagestack to store the data
	stack = ImageStack(fi.width, fi.height)

	# finally, we need to make a list of files to import as sometimes we have
	# non contiguous file numbers
		files = os.listdir(op.getDirectory())
	except IOError:
		raise IOError( "No files exist in directory: " + op.getDirectory())

	filenums = []
	for f in files:
		# strip off the stem, and get the number
		targetfile = re.match(file_stem+'([0-9]+)\.dth', f)
		# only take thosefiles which match the formatting requirements
		if targetfile:
			filenums.append( int( )

	# sort the file numbers
	sorted_filenums = sorted(filenums)

	# make a file stats string
	file_stats_str = file_stem + '\n' + str(fi.width) +'x' + str(fi.height) + 'x' + \
		str(len(sorted_filenums)) +' ('+str(bit_depth)+'-bit)\n' + file_timestamp

	# now open a dialog to let the user set options
	dlg = GenericDialog("Load Octopus Stream (v"+__version__+")")
	dlg.addStringField("Title: ", file_stem)
	dlg.addNumericField("Start: ", 1, 0);
	dlg.addNumericField("End: ", len(sorted_filenums), 0)
	dlg.addCheckbox("Open headers", True)
	dlg.addCheckbox("Contiguous stream?", False)
	dlg.addCheckbox("8-bit unsigned", bit_depth==8)

	# if we cancel the dialog, exit here
	if dlg.wasCanceled():

	# set some params
	file_title = dlg.getNextString()
	file_start = dlg.getNextNumber()
	file_end = dlg.getNextNumber()
	DISPLAY_HEADER = bool( dlg.getNextBoolean() )

	# check the ranges
	if file_start > file_end: 
		file_start, file_end = file_end, file_start
	if file_start < 1: 
		file_start = 1
	if file_end > len(sorted_filenums): 
		file_end = len(sorted_filenums) 

	# now set these to the actual file numbers in the stream
	file_start = sorted_filenums[int(file_start)-1]
	file_end = sorted_filenums[int(file_end)-1]

	files_to_open = [n for n in sorted_filenums if n>=file_start and n<=file_end]

	# if we've got too many, truncate the list
	if (len(files_to_open) * fi.nImages * fi.width * fi.height) > (MAX_FRAMES_TO_IMPORT*512*512):
		dlg = GenericDialog("Warning")
		dlg.addMessage("This may use a lot of memory. Continue?")
		if dlg.wasCanceled(): return False

	IJ.log( "Opening file: " + op.getDirectory() + op.getFileName() )
	IJ.log( file_stats_str + "\nFile range: " + str(files_to_open[0]) + \
		"-" + str(files_to_open[-1]) +"\n" )

	# make a results table for the metadata
	# NOTE: horrible looping at the moment, but works
		rt = ResultsTable()

	# ok now we can put the files together into the stack
	for i in files_to_open:

		# open the original .dat file and get the stack
		fi.fileName = get_Octopus_filename( op.getDirectory(), file_stem, i)
		if os.path.isfile( fi.fileName ):
			fo = FileOpener(fi)
			imp = 
			# put the slices into the stack
			for im_slice in xrange( imp.getSize() ):
				ip = imp.getProcessor( im_slice+1 )
				if bit_depth == 8:
					bi = ip.getBufferedImage()
					bi = ip.get16BitBufferedImage() 
				stack.addSlice( file_title,  ip )

				header = get_Octopus_header(op.getDirectory(), file_stem, i)
				for n in xrange(len(header['N'])):
					for k in header.keys():
						rt.addValue(k, parse_header( header[k][n] ) )


	# done!
	output = ImagePlus('Octopus ('+file_stem+')', stack)

	if DISPLAY_HEADER:"Octopus header metadata")

	return True
metadataStr += addMetadataEntry('fileType', str(fileType))
metadataStr += addMetadataEntry('gapBetweenImages', str(gap+64))
if(metadataInconsistency > 0):
  metadataStr += addMetadataEntry('Inconsistent METADATA', str(metadataInconsistency))
metadataStr += endMetadata()
metadataDlg = HTMLDialog("HIS parameters", metadataStr, 0)
size = metadataDlg.getSize()
if size.width < 300:
  size.width = 300
if size.height < 300:
  size.height = 300

finfo = FileInfo()
finfo.fileName = imp
finfo.width = width
finfo.height = height
finfo.nImages = frames
finfo.offset = offset+64
finfo.fileType = fileType-1
finfo.intelByteOrder = 1
finfo.gapBetweenImages = gap+64
finfo.fileFormat = 1
finfo.samplesPerPixel = 1
finfo.displayRanges = None
finfo.lutSize = 0
finfo.whiteIsZero = 0
vs = VirtualStack()
finfo.virtualStack = vs
from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgs
from net.imglib2 import KDTree, RealPoint, Cursor, RandomAccessible
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer import UnsignedByteType
from net.imglib2.neighborsearch import NearestNeighborSearchOnKDTree
from net.imglib2.util import Intervals
from fiji.scripting import Weaver
from java.util import ArrayList
from net.imglib2.img import Img

# Load 128x128x128 binary mask
# with zero for background and 1 for the mask

fi = FileInfo()
fi.offset = 1024  # header size in bytes
fi.width = 128
fi.height = 128
fi.nImages = 128

baseDir = "/home/albert/lab/scripts/data/"

bird = IL.wrap( + "/birdsIm/", fi))
airplane = IL.wrap( + "/airplanesIm/", fi))

# Rotate bird
# Starts with posterior view
# Rotate 180 degrees around Y axis
# Set to dorsal up: 180 degrees
birdY90 = Views.rotate(bird, 2, 0)  # 90
birdY180 = Views.rotate(birdY90, 2, 0)  # 90 again: 180

c1 = Views.iterable(birdY180).cursor()