    def init_ik(self, active_dofs, doflim_gain=0.5):
        Initialize the IK solver.

        active_dofs : list
            Specifies DOFs used by the IK.
        doflim_gain : scalar
            Gain between 0 and 1 used for DOF limits.
        self.ik = VelocitySolver(self, active_dofs, doflim_gain)
    def init_ik(self, gains=None, weights=None):
        Initialize the IK solver.


        - ``gains`` -- dictionary of default task gains
        - ``weights`` -- dictionary of default task weights
        self.ik = VelocitySolver(
            self, default_gains=gains, default_weights=weights)
    def init_ik(self, active_dofs, doflim_gain=0.5):
        Initialize the IK solver.


        - ``active_dofs`` -- list of DOFs used by the IK
        - ``doflim_gain`` -- gain between 0 and 1 used for DOF limits
        from ik import VelocitySolver

        class IKProcess(Process):
            def on_tick(_, sim):

        self.ik = VelocitySolver(self, active_dofs, doflim_gain)
        self.ik_process = IKProcess()
class Robot(object):

    Robot with a fixed base. This class wraps OpenRAVE's Robot type.

    __default_xml = """
        <robot file="%s" name="%s" />

    def __init__(self, path=None, xml=None, qd_lim=None):
        Create a new robot model.


        - ``path`` -- path to the COLLADA model of the robot
        - ``xml`` -- (optional) string in OpenRAVE XML format
        - ``qd_lim`` -- maximum angular joint velocity (in [rad] / [s])
        assert path is not None or xml is not None
        name = basename(splitext(path)[0])
        if xml is None:
            xml = Robot.__default_xml % (path, name)
        env = get_env()
        rave = env.GetRobot(name)
        nb_dofs = rave.GetDOF()
        set_default_background_color()  # [dirty] reset by LoadData
        q_min, q_max = rave.GetDOFLimits()
        rave.SetDOFVelocities([0] * nb_dofs)
        rave.SetDOFVelocityLimits([1000.] * nb_dofs)
        if qd_lim is None:
            qd_lim = 10.  # [rad] / [s]; this is already quite fast
        qd_max = +qd_lim * ones(nb_dofs)
        qd_min = -qd_lim * ones(nb_dofs)

        self.active_dofs = None
        self.has_free_flyer = False
        self.ik = None  # created by self.init_ik()
        self.ik_lock = None
        self.ik_thread = None
        self.is_visible = True
        self.mass = sum([link.GetMass() for link in rave.GetLinks()])
        self.nb_dofs = nb_dofs
        self.q_max = q_max
        self.q_max.flags.writeable = False
        self.q_max_active = None
        self.q_min = q_min
        self.q_min.flags.writeable = False
        self.q_min_active = None
        self.qd_max = qd_max
        self.qd_max_active = None
        self.qd_min = qd_min
        self.qd_min_active = None
        self.qdd_max = None  # set in child class
        self.rave = rave
        self.tau_max = None  # set by hand in child robot class
        self.transparency = 0.  # initially opaque


    def hide(self):

    def set_color(self, r, g, b):
        for link in self.rave.GetLinks():
            for geom in link.GetGeometries():
                geom.SetAmbientColor([r, g, b])
                geom.SetDiffuseColor([r, g, b])

    def set_transparency(self, transparency):
        self.transparency = transparency
        for link in self.rave.GetLinks():
            for geom in link.GetGeometries():

    def set_visible(self, visible):
        self.is_visible = visible

    def show(self):

    Degrees of freedom

    OpenRAVE calls "DOF values" what we will also call "joint angles". Same for
    "DOF velocities" and "joint velocities".

    def q(self):
        return self.rave.GetDOFValues()

    def qd(self):
        return self.rave.GetDOFVelocities()

    def get_dof_limits(self, dof_indices=None):
        Get the couple (q_min, q_max) of DOF limits.


        - ``dof_indices`` -- (optional) only compute limits for these indices

        .. NOTE::

            This OpenRAVE function is wrapped because it is too slow in
            practice. On my machine:

                In [1]: %timeit robot.get_dof_limits()
                1000000 loops, best of 3: 205 ns per loop

                In [2]: %timeit robot.rave.GetDOFLimits()
                100000 loops, best of 3: 2.59 µs per loop

            Recall that this function is called at every IK step.
        q_min, q_max = self.q_min, self.q_max
        if dof_indices is not None:
            q_max = q_max[dof_indices]
            q_min = q_min[dof_indices]
        return (q_min, q_max)

    def get_dof_values(self, dof_indices=None):
        if dof_indices is not None:
            return self.rave.GetDOFValues(dof_indices)
        return self.rave.GetDOFValues()

    def get_dof_velocities(self, dof_indices=None):
        if dof_indices is not None:
            return self.rave.GetDOFVelocities(dof_indices)
        return self.rave.GetDOFVelocities()

    def set_dof_limits(self, q_min, q_max, dof_indices=None):
        self.rave.SetDOFLimits(q_min, q_max, dof_indices)
        self.q_max.flags.writeable = True
        self.q_min.flags.writeable = True
        if dof_indices is not None:
            assert len(q_min) == len(q_max) == len(dof_indices)
            self.q_max[dof_indices] = q_max
            self.q_min[dof_indices] = q_min
            assert len(q_min) == len(q_max) == self.nb_dofs
            self.q_max = q_max
            self.q_min = q_min
        if self.active_dofs:
            self.q_max_active = self.q_max[self.active_dofs]
            self.q_min_active = self.q_min[self.active_dofs]
        self.q_max.flags.writeable = False
        self.q_min.flags.writeable = False

    def set_dof_values(self, q, dof_indices=None):
        if dof_indices is not None:
            return self.rave.SetDOFValues(q, dof_indices)
        return self.rave.SetDOFValues(q)

    def set_dof_velocities(self, qd, dof_indices=None):
        check_dof_limits = 0  # CLA_Nothing
        if dof_indices is not None:
            return self.rave.SetDOFVelocities(qd, check_dof_limits, dof_indices)
        return self.rave.SetDOFVelocities(qd)

    Active DOFs

    We simply wrap around OpenRAVE here. Active DOFs are used with the IK.

    def nb_active_dofs(self):
        return self.rave.GetActiveDOF()

    def q_active(self):
        return self.rave.GetActiveDOFValues()

    def get_active_dof_values(self):
        return self.rave.GetActiveDOFValues()

    def get_active_dof_velocities(self):
        return self.rave.GetActiveDOFVelocities()

    def set_active_dofs(self, active_dofs):
        self.active_dofs = active_dofs
        self.q_max_active = self.q_max[active_dofs]
        self.q_min_active = self.q_min[active_dofs]
        self.qd_max_active = self.qd_max[active_dofs]
        self.qd_min_active = self.qd_min[active_dofs]

    def set_active_dof_values(self, q_active):
        return self.rave.SetActiveDOFValues(q_active)

    def set_active_dof_velocities(self, qd_active):
        check_dof_limits = 0  # CLA_Nothing
        return self.rave.SetActiveDOFVelocities(qd_active, check_dof_limits)

    Jacobians and Hessians

    def compute_link_jacobian(self, link, p=None):
        Compute the jacobian J(q) of the reference frame of the link, i.e. the
        velocity of the link frame is given by:

            [v omega] = J(q) * qd

        where v and omega are the linear and angular velocities of the link
        frame, respectively.


        - ``link`` -- link index or pymanoid.Link object
        - ``p`` -- link frame origin (optional: if None, link.p is used)
        - ``q`` -- vector of joint angles (optional: if None, robot.q is used)
        link_index = link if type(link) is int else link.index
        p = p if type(link) is int else link.p
        J_lin = self.rave.ComputeJacobianTranslation(link_index, p)
        J_ang = self.rave.ComputeJacobianAxisAngle(link_index)
        J = vstack([J_lin, J_ang])
        return J

    def compute_link_pose_jacobian(self, link):
        J_trans = self.rave.CalculateJacobian(link.index, link.p)
        or_quat = link.rave.GetTransformPose()[:4]  # don't use link.pose
        J_quat = self.rave.CalculateRotationJacobian(link.index, or_quat)
        if or_quat[0] < 0:  # we enforce positive first coefficients
            J_quat *= -1.
        J = vstack([J_quat, J_trans])
        return J

    def compute_link_pos_jacobian(self, link, p=None):
        Compute the position Jacobian of a point p on a given robot link.


        - ``link`` -- link index or pymanoid.Link object
        - ``p`` -- point coordinates in world frame (optional, default is the
                   origin of the link reference frame)
        link_index = link if type(link) is int else link.index
        p = link.p if p is None else p
        J = self.rave.ComputeJacobianTranslation(link_index, p)
        return J

    def compute_link_hessian(self, link, p=None):
        Compute the hessian H(q) of the reference frame of the link, i.e. the
        acceleration of the link frame is given by:

            [a omegad] = J(q) * qdd + qd.T * H(q) * qd

        where a and omegad are the linear and angular accelerations of the
        frame, and J(q) is the frame jacobian.


        - ``link`` -- link index or pymanoid.Link object
        - ``p`` -- link frame origin (optional: if None, link.p is used)
        link_index = link if type(link) is int else link.index
        p = p if type(link) is int else link.p
        H_lin = self.rave.ComputeHessianTranslation(link_index, p)
        H_ang = self.rave.ComputeHessianAxisAngle(link_index)
        H = concatenate([H_lin, H_ang], axis=1)
        return H

    def compute_link_pos_hessian(self, link, p=None):
        Compute the hessian H(q) of a point p on ``link``.


        - ``link`` -- link index or pymanoid.Link object
        - ``p`` -- point coordinates in world frame (optional, default is the
                   origin of the link reference frame)
        link_index = link if type(link) is int else link.index
        p = p if type(link) is int else link.p
        H = self.rave.ComputeHessianTranslation(link_index, p)
        return H

    Inverse Kinematics

    def init_ik(self, gains=None, weights=None):
        Initialize the IK solver.


        - ``gains`` -- dictionary of default task gains
        - ``weights`` -- dictionary of default task weights
        self.ik = VelocitySolver(
            self, default_gains=gains, default_weights=weights)

    def step_ik(self, dt):
        qd_active = self.ik.compute_velocity(dt)
        q_active = minimum(
                self.q_active + qd_active * dt),

    def solve_ik(self, max_it=1000, conv_tol=1e-5, dt=1e-2, debug=False):
        Compute joint-angles q satisfying all kinematic constraints at best.


        - ``max_it`` -- maximum number of solver iterations
        - ``conv_tol`` -- stop when cost improvement is less than this threshold
        - ``dt`` -- time step for the differential IK
        - ``debug`` -- print extra debug info

        .. NOTE::

            Good values of dt depend on the weights of the IK tasks. Small
            values make convergence slower, while big values may jeopardize it.
        if debug:
            print "solve_ik(max_it=%d, conv_tol=%e)" % (max_it, conv_tol)
        cost = 100000.
        for itnum in xrange(max_it):
            prev_cost = cost
            cost = self.ik.compute_cost(dt)
            cost_relvar = abs(cost - prev_cost) / prev_cost
            if debug:
                print "%2d: %.3f (%+.2e)" % (itnum, cost, cost_relvar)
            if cost_relvar < conv_tol:
                if abs(cost) > 0.1:
                    warn("IK did not converge to solution. "
                         "Is the problem feasible? "
                         "If so, try restarting from a random guess.")
        return itnum, cost

    def start_ik_thread(self, dt, sleep_fun=None):
        Start a new thread stepping the IK every dt, then calling sleep_fun(dt).


        - ``dt`` -- stepping period in seconds
        - ``sleep_fun`` -- sleeping function (default: time.sleep)
        if sleep_fun is None:
            sleep_fun = rt_sleep
        self.ik_lock = Lock()
        self.ik_thread = Thread(target=self.run_ik_thread, args=(dt, sleep_fun))
        self.ik_thread.daemon = True

    def run_ik_thread(self, dt, sleep_fun):
        while self.ik_lock:
            with self.ik_lock:

    def pause_ik_thread(self):

    def resume_ik_thread(self):

    def stop_ik_thread(self):
        self.ik_lock = None

    Inverse Dynamics

    def compute_inertia_matrix(self, external_torque=None):
        Compute the inertia matrix of the robot.


        - ``external_torque`` -- vector of external torques (optional)

        .. NOTE::

            The inertia matrix is the matrix M(q) such that the equations of
            motion are:

                M(q) * qdd + qd.T * C(q) * qd + g(q) = F + external_torque


            q -- vector of joint angles (DOF values)
            qd -- vector of joint velocities
            qdd -- vector of joint accelerations
            C(q) -- Coriolis tensor (derivative of M(q) w.r.t. q)
            g(q) -- gravity vector
            F -- generalized forces (joint torques, contact wrenches, ...)
            external_torque -- additional torque vector (optional)

            This function applies the unit-vector method described by Walker &
            Orin <https://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.3139699>. It is inefficient, so
            if you are looking for performance, you should consider more recent
            libraries such as <https://github.com/stack-of-tasks/pinocchio>.
        M = zeros((self.nb_dofs, self.nb_dofs))
        for (i, e_i) in enumerate(eye(self.nb_dofs)):
            tm, _, _ = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(
                e_i, external_torque, returncomponents=True)
            M[:, i] = tm
        return M

    def compute_inverse_dynamics(self, qdd=None, external_torque=None):
        Wrapper around OpenRAVE's ComputeInverseDynamics function, which
        implements the Recursive Newton-Euler algorithm by Walker & Orin

        The function returns three terms tm, tc and tg such that

            tm = M(q) * qdd
            tc = qd.T * C(q) * qd
            tg = g(q)

        where the equations of motion are written:

            tm + tc + tg = F + external_torque


        ``qdd`` -- vector of joint accelerations (optional; if not present, the
                   return value for tm will be None)
        ``external_torque`` -- vector of external joint torques (optional)
        if qdd is None:
            _, tc, tg = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(
                zeros(self.nb_dofs), external_torque, returncomponents=True)
            return None, tc, tg
        tm, tc, tg = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(
            qdd, external_torque, returncomponents=True)
        return tm, tc, tg
class Robot(object):

    Robot with a fixed base. This class wraps OpenRAVE's Robot type.

    path : string
        Path to the COLLADA model of the robot.
    xml : string, optional
        Environment description in `OpenRAVE XML format

    __default_xml = """
        <robot file="%s" name="%s" />

    def __init__(self, path=None, xml=None):
        assert path is not None or xml is not None
        name = basename(splitext(path)[0])
        if xml is None:
            xml = Robot.__default_xml % (path, name)
        env = get_openrave_env()
        rave = env.GetRobot(name)
        nb_dofs = rave.GetDOF()
        q_min, q_max = rave.GetDOFLimits()
        rave.SetDOFVelocityLimits([1000.] * nb_dofs)

        self.has_free_flyer = False
        self.ik = None  # call init_ik() to instantiate
        self.ik_thread = None
        self.mass = sum([link.GetMass() for link in rave.GetLinks()])
        self.nb_dofs = nb_dofs
        self.q_max = q_max
        self.q_max.flags.writeable = False
        self.q_min = q_min
        self.q_min.flags.writeable = False
        self.rave = rave
        self.tau_max = None  # set by hand in child robot class
        self.transparency = 0.  # initially opaque


    def hide(self):
        """Make the robot invisible."""

    def set_color(self, r, g, b):
        Update the RGB properties of each link of the robot.

        r : scalar
            Red value between 0 and 1.
        g : scalar
            Green value between 0 and 1.
        b : scalar
            Blue value between 0 and 1.
        for link in self.rave.GetLinks():
            for geom in link.GetGeometries():
                geom.SetAmbientColor([r, g, b])
                geom.SetDiffuseColor([r, g, b])

    def set_transparency(self, transparency):
        Update robot transparency.

        transparency : scalar
            Transparency value from 0 (opaque) to 1 (invisible).
        self.transparency = transparency
        for link in self.rave.GetLinks():
            for geom in link.GetGeometries():

    def show(self):
        """Make the robot visible."""

    Degrees of freedom

    OpenRAVE calls "DOF values" what we will also call "joint angles". Same for
    "DOF velocities" and "joint velocities".

    def q(self):
        """Vector of DOF values."""
        return self.rave.GetDOFValues()

    def qd(self):
        """Vector of DOF velocities."""
        return self.rave.GetDOFVelocities()

    def get_dof_limits(self, dof_indices=None):
        Get the couple :math:`(q_\\mathrm{min}, q_\\mathrm{max})` of DOF limits.

        dof_indices : list of DOF indexes, optional
            Only compute limits for these indices.

        q_min : array
            Vector of minimal DOF values.
        q_max : array
            Vector of maximal DOF values.

        This OpenRAVE function is wrapped because it is too slow in practice. On
        my machine:

            In [1]: %timeit robot.get_dof_limits()
            1000000 loops, best of 3: 237 ns per loop

            In [2]: %timeit robot.rave.GetDOFLimits()
            100000 loops, best of 3: 9.24 µs per loop
        q_min, q_max = self.q_min, self.q_max
        if dof_indices is not None:
            q_max = q_max[dof_indices]
            q_min = q_min[dof_indices]
        return (q_min, q_max)

    def get_dof_values(self, dof_indices=None):
        if dof_indices is not None:
            return self.rave.GetDOFValues(dof_indices)
        return self.rave.GetDOFValues()

    def get_dof_velocities(self, dof_indices=None):
        if dof_indices is not None:
            return self.rave.GetDOFVelocities(dof_indices)
        return self.rave.GetDOFVelocities()

    def set_dof_limits(self, q_min, q_max, dof_indices=None):
        if self.ik is not None:
            warn("DOF limit updates will not be forwarded to ongoing IK")
        self.rave.SetDOFLimits(q_min, q_max, dof_indices)
        self.q_max.flags.writeable = True
        self.q_min.flags.writeable = True
        if dof_indices is not None:
            assert len(q_min) == len(q_max) == len(dof_indices)
            self.q_max[dof_indices] = q_max
            self.q_min[dof_indices] = q_min
            assert len(q_min) == len(q_max) == self.nb_dofs
            self.q_max = q_max
            self.q_min = q_min
        self.q_max.flags.writeable = False
        self.q_min.flags.writeable = False

    def set_dof_values(self, q, dof_indices=None, clamp=False):
        Set the joint values of the robot.

        q : list or array
           Joint angle values, ordered by DOF indices.
        dof_indices : list, optional
            List of DOF indices to update.
        clamp : bool
            Correct joint angles when exceeding joint limits.
        if clamp:
            q = minimum(maximum(self.q_min, q), self.q_max)
        if dof_indices is not None:
            return self.rave.SetDOFValues(q, dof_indices)
        return self.rave.SetDOFValues(q)

    def set_dof_velocities(self, qd, dof_indices=None):
        Set the joint velocities of the robot.

        qd : list or array
           Joint angle velocities, ordered by DOF indices.
        dof_indices : list, optional
            List of DOF indices to update.
        check_dof_limits = 0  # CLA_Nothing
        if dof_indices is not None:
            return self.rave.SetDOFVelocities(qd, check_dof_limits, dof_indices)
        return self.rave.SetDOFVelocities(qd)

    Jacobians and Hessians

    def compute_link_jacobian(self, link, p=None):
        Compute the Jacobian `J(q)` of a frame attached to a given link, the
        velocity of this frame being given by:

        .. math::

            \\left[\\begin{array}{c} v_p \\\\ \\varomega} \\end{array}\\right]
            = J(q) \\dot{q}

        where :math:`v_p` is the linear velocity of the link at point `p`
        (default is the origin of the link frame) and :math:`\\varomega` is the
        angular velocity of the link.

        link : integer or pymanoid.Link
            Link identifier: either a link index, or the Link object directly.
        p : array
            Point coordinates in the world frame.
        link_index = link if type(link) is int else link.index
        p = p if type(link) is int else link.p
        J_lin = self.rave.ComputeJacobianTranslation(link_index, p)
        J_ang = self.rave.ComputeJacobianAxisAngle(link_index)
        J = vstack([J_lin, J_ang])
        return J

    def compute_link_pose_jacobian(self, link):
        Compute the pose Jacobian of a given link, i.e. the matrix `J(q)` such

        .. math::

            \\left[\\begin{array}{c} \\dot{\\xi} \\\\ v_L} \\end{array}\\right]
            = J(q) \\dot{q},

        with :math:`\\xi` a quaternion for the link orientation and :math:`v_L =
        \\dot{p}_L` the velocity of the origin `L` of the link frame, so that
        the link pose is :math:`[\\xi p_L]` and the left-hand side of the
        equation above is its time-derivative.

        link : integer or pymanoid.Link
            Link identifier: either a link index, or the Link object directly.
        J_trans = self.rave.CalculateJacobian(link.index, link.p)
        or_quat = link.rave.GetTransformPose()[:4]  # don't use link.pose
        J_quat = self.rave.CalculateRotationJacobian(link.index, or_quat)
        if or_quat[0] < 0:  # we enforce positive first coefficients
            J_quat *= -1.
        J = vstack([J_quat, J_trans])
        return J

    def compute_link_pos_jacobian(self, link, p=None):
        Compute the position Jacobian of a point `p` on a given robot link.

        link : integer or pymanoid.Link
            Link identifier: either a link index, or the Link object directly.
        p : array
            Point coordinates in the world frame.
        link_index = link if type(link) is int else link.index
        p = link.p if p is None else p
        J = self.rave.ComputeJacobianTranslation(link_index, p)
        return J

    def compute_link_hessian(self, link, p=None):
        Compute the Hessian `H(q)` of a frame attached to a robot link, the
        acceleration of which is given by:

        .. math::

            \\left[\\begin{array}{c} a_p \\\\ \\dot{\\varomega}
            \\end{array}\\right] = J(q) \\ddot{q} + \\dot{q}^T H(q) \\dot{q}

        where :math:`a_p` is the linear acceleration of the point `p` (default
        is the origin of the link frame) and :math:`\\dot{\\varomega}` is the
        angular accelerations of the frame.

        link : integer or pymanoid.Link
            Link identifier: either a link index, or the Link object directly.
        p : array
            Point coordinates in the world frame.
        link_index = link if type(link) is int else link.index
        p = p if type(link) is int else link.p
        H_lin = self.rave.ComputeHessianTranslation(link_index, p)
        H_ang = self.rave.ComputeHessianAxisAngle(link_index)
        H = concatenate([H_lin, H_ang], axis=1)
        return H

    def compute_link_pos_hessian(self, link, p=None):
        Compute the translation Hessian H(q) of a point `p` on ``link``, i.e.
        the matrix such that the acceleration of `p` is given by:

        .. math::

            a_p = J(q) \\ddot{q} + \\dot{q}^T H(q) \\dot{q}.

        link : integer or pymanoid.Link
            Link identifier: either a link index, or the Link object directly.
        p : array
            Point coordinates in the world frame.
        link_index = link if type(link) is int else link.index
        p = p if type(link) is int else link.p
        H = self.rave.ComputeHessianTranslation(link_index, p)
        return H

    Inverse Kinematics

    def init_ik(self, active_dofs, doflim_gain=0.5):
        Initialize the IK solver.

        active_dofs : list
            Specifies DOFs used by the IK.
        doflim_gain : scalar
            Gain between 0 and 1 used for DOF limits.
        self.ik = VelocitySolver(self, active_dofs, doflim_gain)

    def step_ik(self, dt, method='safe', verbose=False):
        Apply velocities computed by inverse kinematics.

        dt : scalar
            Time step in [s].
        method : string, optional
            Choice between 'fast' and 'safe' (default).
        qd = self.ik.compute_velocity(dt, method)
        if verbose:
            print "\n                TASK      COST",
            print "\n------------------------------"
            for task in self.ik.tasks.itervalues():
                J = task.jacobian()
                r = task.residual(dt)
                print "%20s  %.2e" % (task.name, norm(dot(J, qd) - r))
            print ""
        self.set_dof_values(self.q + qd * dt, clamp=True)

    def solve_ik(self, max_it=1000, conv_tol=1e-5, dt=5e-3, debug=True,
        Compute joint-angles q satisfying all kinematic constraints at best.

        max_it : integer, optional
            Maximum number of solver iterations.
        conv_tol : scalar, optional
            Stop when cost improvement is less than this threshold.
        dt : scalar, optional
            Time step in [s].
        debug : bool, optional
            Print extra debug info.
        method : string, optional
            Either 'fast', or 'safe' for more joint-limit avoidance

        (itnum, cost) : (integer, scalar)
            Number of iterations taken, followed by final IK cost.

        Good values of dt depend on the weights of the IK tasks. Small values
        make convergence slower, while big values make the optimization unstable
        (in which case there may be no convergence at all).
        if debug:
            print "solve_ik(max_it=%d, conv_tol=%e)" % (max_it, conv_tol)
        cost = 100000.
        self.ik.qd_max *= 1000
        self.ik.qd_min *= 1000
        for itnum in xrange(max_it):
            prev_cost = cost
            cost = self.ik.compute_cost(dt)
            cost_relvar = abs(cost - prev_cost) / prev_cost
            if debug:
                print "%2d: %.3f (%+.2e)" % (itnum, cost, cost_relvar)
            if cost_relvar < conv_tol:
            self.step_ik(dt, method)
        self.ik.qd_max /= 1000
        self.ik.qd_min /= 1000
        return itnum, cost

    Inverse Dynamics

    def compute_inertia_matrix(self, external_torque=None):
        Compute the inertia matrix of the robot.

        external_torque : array, optional
            Vector of external torques.

        The inertia matrix is the matrix :math:`M(q)` such that the equations of
        motion are written as:

        .. math::

            M(q) \\ddot{q} + \\dot{q}^T C(q) \\dot{q} + g(q) = F +


        - :math:`q` -- vector of joint angles (DOF values)
        - :math:`\\dot{q}` -- vector of joint velocities
        - :math:`\\ddot{q}` -- vector of joint accelerations
        - :math:`C(q)` -- Coriolis tensor (derivative of M(q) w.r.t. q)
        - :math:`g(q)` -- gravity vector
        - :math:`F` -- generalized forces (joint torques, contact wrenches, ...)
        - :math:`\\tau_\\mathrm{ext}` -- additional torque vector

        This function applies the unit-vector method described by Walker & Orin
        in [WO82]_. It is not efficient, so if you are looking for performance,
        you should consider more recent libraries such as `pinocchio

        .. [WO82] M. Walker and D. Orin. “Efficient dynamic computer simulation
           of robotic mechanisms.” ASME Trans. J. dynamics Systems, Measurement
           and Control 104 (1982): 205-211.
        M = zeros((self.nb_dofs, self.nb_dofs))
        for (i, e_i) in enumerate(eye(self.nb_dofs)):
            tm, _, _ = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(
                e_i, external_torque, returncomponents=True)
            M[:, i] = tm
        return M

    def compute_inverse_dynamics(self, qdd=None, external_torque=None):
        Wrapper around OpenRAVE's ComputeInverseDynamics function, which
        implements the Recursive Newton-Euler algorithm by Walker & Orin

        The function returns three terms tm, tc and tg such that

            tm = M(q) * qdd
            tc = qd.T * C(q) * qd
            tg = g(q)

        where the equations of motion are written:

            tm + tc + tg = F + external_torque

        qdd : array, optional
            Vector of joint accelerations.
        external_torque : array, optional
            Vector of external joint torques.

        When ``qdd`` is not provided, the value returned for ``tm`` is ``None``.
        if qdd is None:
            _, tc, tg = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(
                zeros(self.nb_dofs), external_torque, returncomponents=True)
            return None, tc, tg
        tm, tc, tg = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(
            qdd, external_torque, returncomponents=True)
        return tm, tc, tg

    def compute_static_torques(self, external_torque=None):
        Compute static-equilibrium torques for the manipulator.

        external_torque : array
            Vector of external joint torques.

        tg : array
            Vector of static joint torques compensating gravity, and
            ``external_torque`` if applicable.
        qd = self.qd
        qz = zeros(self.nb_dofs)
        tg = self.rave.ComputeInverseDynamics(qz, external_torque)
        return tg