def run(): """Runs evaluation in a loop, and logs summaries to TensorBoard.""" # Create the evaluation directory if it doesn't exist. eval_dir = FLAGS.eval_dir if not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(eval_dir):"Creating eval directory: %s", eval_dir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(eval_dir) g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): # Build the model for evaluation. model_config = configuration.ModelConfig() model_config.input_file_pattern = FLAGS.input_file_pattern model = show_and_tell_model.ShowAndTellModel(model_config, mode="eval") # Create the Saver to restore model Variables. saver = tf.train.Saver() # Create the summary operation and the summary writer. summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(eval_dir) g.finalize() # Run a new evaluation run every eval_interval_secs. while True: start = time.time() "Starting evaluation at " + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) run_once(model, saver, summary_writer, summary_op) time_to_next_eval = start + FLAGS.eval_interval_secs - time.time() if time_to_next_eval > 0: time.sleep(time_to_next_eval)
def run_caption(encoded_image): # Build the inference graph. g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): model = inference_wrapper.InferenceWrapper() restore_fn = model.build_graph_from_config(configuration.ModelConfig(), CHECKPOINT) g.finalize() # Create the vocabulary. vocab = vocabulary.Vocabulary(VOCAB_FILE) with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess: # Load the model from checkpoint. restore_fn(sess) # Prepare the caption generator. Here we are implicitly using the default # beam search parameters. See for a description of the # available beam search parameters. generator = caption_generator.CaptionGenerator(model, vocab) captions = generator.beam_search(sess, encoded_image) results = [] for caption in captions: # Ignore begin and end words. sentence = [vocab.id_to_word(w) for w in caption.sentence[1:-1]] sentence = " ".join(sentence) results += [(sentence, math.exp(caption.logprob))] return results
def main(_): # Build the inference graph. g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): model = inference_wrapper.InferenceWrapper() restore_fn = model.build_graph_from_config(configuration.ModelConfig(), FLAGS.checkpoint_path) g.finalize() # Create the vocabulary. vocab = vocabulary.Vocabulary(FLAGS.vocab_file) filenames = [] for file_pattern in FLAGS.input_files.split(","): filenames.extend(tf.gfile.Glob(file_pattern))"Running caption generation on %d files matching %s", len(filenames), FLAGS.input_files) with tf.Session(graph=g) as sess: # Load the model from checkpoint. restore_fn(sess) # Prepare the caption generator. Here we are implicitly using the default # beam search parameters. See for a description of the # available beam search parameters. generator = caption_generator.CaptionGenerator(model, vocab) for filename in filenames: with tf.gfile.GFile(filename, "rb") as f: image = captions = generator.beam_search(sess, image) print("Captions for image %s:" % os.path.basename(filename)) for i, caption in enumerate(captions): # Ignore begin and end words. sentence = [ vocab.id_to_word(w) for w in caption.sentence[1:-1] ] sentence = " ".join(sentence) print(" %d) %s (p=%f)" % (i, sentence, math.exp(caption.logprob)))
def setUp(self): super(ShowAndTellModelTest, self).setUp() self._model_config = configuration.ModelConfig()
def main(unused_argv): assert FLAGS.input_file_pattern, "--input_file_pattern is required" assert FLAGS.train_dir, "--train_dir is required" model_config = configuration.ModelConfig() model_config.input_file_pattern = FLAGS.input_file_pattern model_config.inception_checkpoint_file = FLAGS.inception_checkpoint_file training_config = configuration.TrainingConfig() # Create training directory. train_dir = FLAGS.train_dir if not tf.gfile.IsDirectory(train_dir):"Creating training directory: %s", train_dir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(train_dir) # Build the TensorFlow graph. g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): # Build the model. model = show_and_tell_model.ShowAndTellModel( model_config, mode="train", train_inception=FLAGS.train_inception) # Set up the learning rate. learning_rate_decay_fn = None if FLAGS.train_inception: learning_rate = tf.constant( training_config.train_inception_learning_rate) else: learning_rate = tf.constant(training_config.initial_learning_rate) if training_config.learning_rate_decay_factor > 0: num_batches_per_epoch = ( training_config.num_examples_per_epoch / model_config.batch_size) decay_steps = int(num_batches_per_epoch * training_config.num_epochs_per_decay) def _learning_rate_decay_fn(learning_rate, global_step): return tf.train.exponential_decay( learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps=decay_steps, decay_rate=training_config.learning_rate_decay_factor, staircase=True) learning_rate_decay_fn = _learning_rate_decay_fn # Set up the training ops. train_op = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss( loss=model.total_loss, global_step=model.global_step, learning_rate=learning_rate, optimizer=training_config.optimizer, clip_gradients=training_config.clip_gradients, learning_rate_decay_fn=learning_rate_decay_fn) # Set up the Saver for saving and restoring model checkpoints. saver = tf.train.Saver( max_to_keep=training_config.max_checkpoints_to_keep) # Run training. tf.contrib.slim.learning.train(train_op, train_dir, log_every_n_steps=FLAGS.log_every_n_steps, graph=g, global_step=model.global_step, number_of_steps=FLAGS.number_of_steps, init_fn=model.init_fn, saver=saver)